Week of November 10, 2019

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Augustine Church, Barberton, OH – November 10, 2019

Readings for the Week of November 11
Monday Wis 1:1-7, Ps 139:1-3,4-6,7-8,9-10, Lk 17:1-6
Tuesday Wis 2:23-3:9, Ps 34:2-3,16-17,18-19, Lk 17:7-10
Wednesday Wis 6:1-11, Ps 82:3-4,6-7, Lk 17:11-19
Thursday Wis 7:22b -8:1, Ps 119:89,90,91,130,135,175, Lk 17:20-25
Friday Wis 13:1-9, Ps 19:2-3,4-5, Lk 17:26-37
Saturday Wis 18:14-16;19:6-9, Ps 105:2-3,36-37,42-43, Lk 18:1-8
Sunday Mal 3:19-20a, Ps 98:5-6,7-8,9, 2 Thes 3:7-12, Lk 21:5-19

360 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week. 1
Kings 3:9 talks about an understanding heart to judge people. “Young King
Solomon’s request from God, the gift of wisdom edified me. He wanted
wisdom to help others. His example could improve our modern-day conduct,
which is often narrow minded selfishness. We should pray each day for
wisdom, which is in the heart, and never does wrong. The more we have the better the
world would be. (Fr. James McKarns) Come spend an hour with the Eucharistic Lord,
asking for wisdom and thanking Him for all His gifts to us. Call today 330-745-6852.
The following are current vacant hours; please consider filling a spot and spend
time with our Lord. Monday midnight-1am and Wednesday 2-3am.

Time, Talent & Treasure

October 27 November 3

Sunday Offering $ 7,926 $ 8,753

Faith Direct Offering $ 1,644 $ 1,644
Total Offering $ 9,570 $ 10,397

Weekly Budget to meet Operating Cost $ 11,800 $ 11,800

(Shortfall) Overage $ $ (2,230) $ (1,403)

School Support $ 101 $ 1,011

Capital Support $ 121 $ 366
Endowment $ 20 $ 1,065
Propagation of Faith $ 300 $ 10
Annual School Fund $ 400 $ 1,379
St. Vincent de Paul $ 878 $ 386
Blanket Sunday $ 2 $ 673
Organ Campaign $ 21 $ 185

Organ Campaign – Goal $660,000 Total to date $ 629,423

A Barberton Area Community Ministry item for the month of November is Pasta, spaghetti,
rigatoni, elbow macaroni, etc. All donations can be placed in the bench in front of the giving
tree in the vestibule of the church. Donations are picked up on Monday mornings. Thank you
again for all your support in helping us serve our brother’s and sister’s in need.

November 11-17
Monday, November 11 – St. Martin of Tours, Bishop
12:05 Leonard Jerin
6:00 Confessions

Tuesday, November 12 – St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr

8:30 Students and Staff of St. Augustine School
5:15 Nick Pisanelli

Wednesday, November 13 – St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin

12:05 Special Intentions of Bernard Gnap

Thursday, November 14 – Weekday

12:05 Sgt. Paul Brouse

Friday, November 15 – Weekday

12:05 Tony Nuss

Saturday, November 16 – Weekday

8:30 Edward Keith Jones
3:00 Confessions
4:00 Betty Herold (Fr. Majikas)

Sunday, November 17 – Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 Charles Hete (Fr. Majikas)
10:30 Edward Balash (Fr. Majikas)
5:15 The People of St. Augustine Church (Fr. Misbrener)

Please pray for our Sick especially: Betty Bartel, Lisa Gnap, Judy Kriston, Anne
Trischan, Shanon Johnson, William Bedford, Carol Garman, Chad Trischan, Pat
Shemuga, Paula Collins, Alexandra Kepler, Gary Reed, Barb Shehan, Joe Patterson III,
Lowell Potts, Sandra Walters, Bruce Hartung, Barb Helms, Nicole Hahn, Tom Abbott,
Bob & Patty Moses, Kelly Ann Eby, Kaleigh Shriver, Pauline Nonno, Allen Weidman,
Conner Beish, Charlie Carroll, Katie Marino, Cheryl Jackson, Roy Smith, Tara
Ferguson, C.J., Bob Eckert, Paul Moon, James Chalfant, Lori Meese, Sharon Lohan,
Carole Ezell-Bell, Julian Gonzalez, Honey Ann Zagar, Paulette Holland, Carol
Newhouse, Carol Grimes, Nick Shirey, Mary Zinkovitch, Ed Brogan, Angela Rollins,
John Anzaldi, Gary Morgan, Pam Schlernitzauer, Tom Rasicci, Sarah Brown, Laurie
Shantz, Susan Cutshall, Margaret Genet, Phil & Alyce Sherman, Kathy Steinwand,
Virginia Dellapa, Leslie Coffey, Brian Gortney, Megan Anson, Alice Rhoades, Margo
Trenta, Andy Drobnak, Therese Fay, Stephen Trenta, Michael Yurich, Tod Copaci, Di
Vickers, Betty Gombaski, Kirk Shemuga, Tom McCourt, Carol Elliot, Steve Sanford,
Mike Yocky, Vicki Cornelius & Deb Messenger
If you are in or have entered the hospital and would like to be visited by one of our
priest’s, please call the rectory at 330-745-0011. If you have a surgery planned and
would like to be anointed, please call prior to hospitalization as to make sure you
receive the sacrament. If there is someone you know who has been returned to
health and can be removed from the sick list, please contact the rectory.

There are many items in the lost in found basket located by the book rack in the vestibule. Please
go through the items and see if any of them are yours. Thank you!

Please keep our servicemen and women in your prayers. May they experience the
protection of the Lord and rely on Him for their strength, peace and joy!

It’s time for the Knights of Columbus Council 1617 Reverse Raffle! Mark your calendars for
Saturday, December 7 beginning at 6:00pm in the KOC Hall, 70 N. Van Buren, Barberton.
Only 100 tickets will be sold, proceeds will benefit our local KOC. Tickets are $40.00 each,
which includes dinner, drinks and a chance to win $1,000 if all tickets are sold. To purchase a
ticket or two contact Joe Hrabusa at 330-825-7979, Richard Postek 330-825-5353 or the
rectory during regular business hours.

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Sadducees in today’s gospel did not believe in the resurrection. Death was the end of the
road. At family gatherings all the fun, caring, support, affection, and laughter gives us a
glimpse into eternal life. Family life can be a window into eternal life.

Pastor’s Pick of the Week: “All That Remains: The Story of Takashi Nagai”

This movie tells the inspiring story of Nagasaki atomic bomb survivor and
Catholic convert, Dr. Takashi Nagai. A rich, stylistic blend of live action, CGI, and
archive footage, All That Remains brings to life the amazing story of a forgotten hero in
the West-but deeply beloved in Japan-and a pivotal moment in history for a
generation, and takes the viewer on a visceral journey of discovery and revelations.
Nagai, a descendent of a Samurai family, a patriot and a pioneering scientist
embarks upon a quest for the “ultimate truth” – the meaning of life and death. It is a
journey that starts at his mother’s deathbed, and leads him to discover the “hidden
Christians” of Nagasaki and meet Midori, the woman who will finally transform a
skeptical man of intellect, into a man of the heart and faith. As Takashi struggles with
his new faith, storm clouds gather in Japan as militarists take control of the
government and drag Japan into a long, bloody war with China.
When Japan declares war on England and America, Takashi is convinced that
X-ray technology will be in high demand and absorbs himself in his work, risking his
health and neglecting his family. But everything changes in a blinding flash, as the
atomic bomb is detonated over Nagasaki. Midori is one of the 80,000 souls killed
instantly. Takashi, now battling leukemia, left alone to raise their two young children,
turns to God for help, and is inspired to rebuild Nagasaki from the rubble and ash.
Becoming increasingly bedridden, he begins to wright about his experiences. It is
through his profound words as a revered man of peace, that a country defeated and
demoralized by war rediscovers the healing power of love.

Christ’s Peace!

Fr. David Majikas

This week our parish will take a collection to benefit the Archdiocese for the Military Services,
USA, a triennial collection approved by the U.S.A. Conference of Catholic Bishops. Please
prayerfully consider a contribution to this special collection to support active-duty military men
and women, and their families – including those from our own parish.

Congratulations to our new Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Wane Goss,

Sally Knorr, Jamie Murawski and Dorathy Ulichney. May God bless you and may you
continue to grow in love of the Eucharist as you minister here at St. Augustine

Please note: Information for the December 1 bulletin must be received into
the rectory by Thursday, November 21.

The new crucifix in the Jesus Garden –

St. Augustine has purchased and installed the beautiful crucifix that you now
see in the Jesus Garden facing 6th Street. The previous wooden crucifix had rotted
Our marble crucifix had been in the courtyard of the Sisters of the Carmelite
Monastery in Cleveland Heights which went on the market in May 2019. We were able
to purchase it from Henninger’s at a salvage rate which was far less than the cost of
such a crucifix purchased brand new.

Our crucifix is made of Carrara marble. It was carved from a single block – the
city of Carrara is in the province of Mass and Carrara in Lunigiana, the northern most
tip of modern-day Tuscany. The Basilica of Massa is built entirely of Carrara marble
and the Ducal Palace of Massa was used as a showcase of the precious stone. Our
crucifix was carved from Carrara marble that is one grade below the highest grade of
Carrara marble. Some other notable uses of Carrara marble were: The Pantheon,
Trajan’s Column, Michelangelo’s David, the Marble Arch London, the sarcophagus of
St. Hedwig, queen of Poland and the Peace Monument in Washington D.C.
I am certain that this crucifix will bring much joy to those who stop to pray and reflect
for many, many years to come.

The Divorced, Separated and Widowed Catholics of Akron will be sponsoring a talk on Monday,
November 11th, at 7:30pm. The topic for the evening is Understanding Medicare for
yourself or your parents. Retired social worker, Marlene Maruna will address the group to
simplify the basics of Medicare Part A and B and explain Medigap Plans versus Medicare
Advantage Plans for Part B. Medicare part D (drug plans) will also be discussed. This event will
be held at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Convent Building, 1945 Portage Trail in Cuyahoga
Falls. This event is open at no cost to single people of all faiths. Refreshments will be at
7:15pm. Our speakers will start at 7:30. For information call Sue at 330-554-5626.

The November book club selection is The Red Address Book by Swedish writer Sofia Lundberg.
It shares the life memories of a 96-year-old woman who reflects on the names of people she
knew and shared a relationship with during her long and eventful life as well as the stories she
desired to pass on to the next generation about her experiences. Come share your opinions at
our session at 1pm on November 14 in the rectory. Our group will also begin discussing book
selections for 2020. If you would like to join the group and suggest a book for consideration, we
welcome you! Contact Anne Sweeney at 330-825-6302 for additional information. All adult
parishioners/friends may join to discuss one book or all.

Saints Peter & Paul Holy Name Society's 70th Fall Stag Fish Fry is Friday, November 15, at
the parish school (169 W Clinton St, Doylestown). Admission is $30 per person; the
event runs from 7:00pm till 12:30am. This event features delicious Lake Perch, beer,
refreshments, friendly game of chance and quality door prizes, 50/50 and grand prize
raffles. Pre-sale tickets are Included in an "Early Bird" $100 drawing. Presale tickets are
available, call Ted at 330 658-3057. Tickets will be available at the door.

Second Saturday of Every Month ~ Joyful Hearts Ministry has started a new tradition. The group is
meeting for mass at 8:30 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month; followed by a recitation of
the rosary and, finally, fellowship and refreshments for all in the school cafeteria. Need a familiar
smile, a good hug or just want to exchange a few cookie recipes? Join us, won’t you? There are no dues,
rules or agenda…just the desire for faith filled friendship
(Insert Graphic 1102-0003.tif) The Mass for the Anointing of the Sick will be Saturday, November 16 at
the 4:00 Mass, sponsored by the 5th grade school and PSR. If you know anyone in need of this special
sacrament, please invite them, they do not have to be parishioners to participate.

Local Programs on AM 1260 The Rock - Did you know that AM 1260 The Rock has local programming
featuring people and parishes in Northeast Ohio? Be sure to catch these upcoming local programs:
Where We Worship celebrating the 100th anniversary of St. Paul Parish in Akron, airs on Sunday
November 17th at 11AM (Rebroadcast 11/23 at 4:30PM); Table Talk with Bishop Milan Lach airs on
November 21st at 5PM (Rebroadcast 11/23 at noon and 11/24 at 1PM).

Loyola Retreat House presents ADVENT RETREATS FOR WOMEN. An Advent Day of Reflection on
December 9 and an Advent Evening of Reflection on December 17. Join us for a simple supper, spiritual
fellowship and sharing. To make more room for Jesus and Christmas joy, come spend time in quiet
prayer with scripture in the spirit of St. Ignatius, as the Creator deals with each of us. Call 330.896.2315
or visit www.loyolaretreathouse.com for more information and to register for these retreats.

Food, Fellowship and Faith for Adults -Join us on Monday, November 18 at 7:30pm, as we
welcome our Guest speaker Sr. Lourdes of the Holy Eucharist, of the Mercedarian Sister
of the Blessed Sacrament, who will present a talk entitled “A Call To Family” at The
Tangier Bistro Bar, located at 532 West Market Street, Akron. Doors open at 7:00 p.m. $10
admission fee includes appetizers – cash bar available. Sponsored by St. Sebastian Parish, Akron.

Please join the Women of Faith for the next meeting, November 19 at 6:30 in the school cafeteria. We
will be hosting Dorothy Somerville, the director of BACM. It will be a good opportunity to get informed
and get involved in this wonderful Barberton/ Norton outreach. Refreshments will be served. All are
welcome, so won't you please join us!

God bless you/Gesundheit! Cold & flu season is just around the corner, so please consider donating a
box or two of Kleenex to BACM. The Women of Faith will be collecting Kleenex to present to our speaker
from BACM at our November 19 meeting. There is container in the back of the church for your
donations. Let's spread the love, not the germs. With your help we hope to donate 100 boxes. THANK

St. A’s Soup Kitchen Crew ~ Our next service date is Tuesday, November 19 at the First
Presbyterian Church across from the library, in Barberton. Get ready to lick your lips because
our menu is going to make your mouth water! We will be preparing roasted turkeys and
stuffing and volunteers will be busy peeling potatoes to pair with a huge vat of “drippins’” reserved for
scrumptious gravy. Veggies and homemade desserts will round out the meal. Our friends from Grace
church will be gifting our guests with a Thanksgiving themed surprise.
Never been to a Soup Kitchen? Just show up between the hours of 2-4:00pm. There is always a
need for another pair of hands and beautiful smile. Prayers begin at 4:30 p.m. and doors close at six. (As
a side, this month we are in dire need of MEN’S WHITE SOCKS to distribute via our Soup Kitchen
FREE STORE. If you would like to donate, please leave in the vestibule with soup kitchen on the
outside of the bag or give to a soup kitchen volunteer. Thank you, in advance, for your unending
generosity!) For questions call or text Carolyn @ 330-234-7302.

Please note: St. Augustine Rectory will be closed November 28 & 29 for Thanksgiving. The Mass on
Thanksgiving Day (November 28) will be at 9:00am. Canned goods will be collected during the offertory
and placed in the Christmas food baskets to be distributed to those in need.

Gennesaret's 28th annual Home Run for the Homeless benefit race will be Thanksgiving Day,
Thursday, November 28, 2019, in west Akron. Beginning at 8:30am is the one-mile fun run/walk,
and at 9am is the four-mile race near and through historic Glendale Cemetery. Register via
www.gennesaret.net. The race registration fee until November 27 is $20 per person; two or more
family members are $10 each. The race registration fee on race day is $25 per person from 7:15-
8:45am at Gennesaret's Family Nutritional Center, 419 West Exchange St., Akron. The fun run/walk
registration is $2. For more info, call 330.858.6777. Proceeds benefit all-volunteer Gennesaret,
which serves poor families and individuals approx. 500 hot meals weekly and provides bags of
groceries in the area of Akron where there is the greatest need.

Christmas Walk 2019 ~ It’s that time of year again when LOTS of cookies are needed for the annual
downtown Barberton community event on Saturday, November 30. This year, we will once again prepare
three huge roasters of homemade chili; large beverage containers with piping hot chocolate and oodles of
cookie platters to distribute.

Therefore, we are in need of tons of cookies, specifically brightly colored and sugared cut
out and kid friendly cookies, as well as, those treasured ethnic specialties that only get made
for a “special occasion”. Drop off for cookies will be on Saturday afternoon at 1:00 p.m.
Elves will be making cookie trays in the school cafeteria. Carols will be playing and you are
sure to get a chuckle at their attire! (BTW…Elves desperately needed ~ no application
necessary. Just show up at one o’clock. We’ll train you!)
We are also requesting as many St. Augustine Ambassadors as the front lawn can hold to
serve our neighbors and friends from the Barberton area. There is no age requirement, just the ability to
shake hands, give hugs and pass out treats. For additional information contact Carolyn a text or
call: 330-234-7302.

Join us for the Euchre Christmas Party, Friday, December 13 beginning with dinner at
6:30pm in the cafeteria. Bring a covered dish to share. For questions, contact
Bernadette at 330-745-0011. Hope to see you there!
With the upcoming Holy Days and Holidays it is time to start looking for Minsters for the
Masses. A sign-up sheet has been placed in the sacristy for Lectors and a sheet in the
vestibule for Ushers. Please prayerfully consider being a part of our Masses this season.

Join Nativity of the Lord Catholic Church, 2425 Myersville Road, Akron for their 2nd
Annual Craft Show Saturday, November 16, 2019 from 9:00am - 3:00 pm.
Celebrate the season and get a jump on your holiday shopping! Over 35 vendors, a
wide variety of crafts, decor, and art. Hourly door prizes and a 50-50 drawing. The
kitchen will be open from 10 - 2:30pm serving a variety of food items. Admission is free.

Join Our Lady of Victory – Finnerty Hall, 73 North Avenue, Tallmadge for their Holiday
Craft Bazaar, November 9 from 10-3:00pm. Featuring Homemade & Holiday Crafts,
Beautiful Gift Baskets and Heritage Collection Dickens Christmas Series Pieces. Lunch
served from 11-2:00pm. Bake Sale – Door Prized – Raffle- $500 Cash + Other Prizes,
Chinese Auction Gifts and Gift Certificates. Tickets only $1 or 6/$5. Admission is Free.

Belles of Ireland Christmas Faire is Sunday, November 24, 2000 Brown Street,
Akron from 11am-4pm., presented by the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians,
Margaret Judge Division. This is a great opportunity to start your Christmas
shopping early with Irish and Christmas handcrafted and imported items from a
variety of vendors. Enjoy delicious food, baked goods, and beverages at Café Ireland. Please
contact Meg Griffin at 330-688-4009 with any questions.

Warrior Cards are available….Would you like to pray for our School and PSR students. All
you need to do is choose a set of cards with a child’s name on it, place your name (last
names only) on the cards. For those interested, please call/see any member of Joyful
Hearts, or contact Chris Christoff at 330-472-1557 or email mchristoff2007@yahoo.com
you can also stop in the rectory to pick up your prayer cards. Please consider joining this
ministry of prayer for our students, we would like each student to have their own warrior.

St. Augustine School News

If you shop at Acme, save your grocery receipts that say “Community Cashback” at the bottom
and send them to school. St. Augustine School receives 5% of the total “Community Cashback”
submitted to our school. Last year, that amount was over $1000, which we used to purchase
additional bulletin boards for our school hallways.

The Box Tops for Education program has changed. Participants no longer need to clip the Box
Tops from products, send them in, and have the school count and submit the totals. Now you
can help St. Augustine School from the comfort of your own home! Simply download the Box
Tops for Education app, choose St. Augustine School Barberton as your school, scan your
grocery receipts, and watch the earnings accumulate! We have currently earned $223.00 of our
$1000 goal. Of course, if you have clipped Box Tops to submit, we are happy to receive

St. Augustine School is in great need of substitute teachers to cover classrooms due to teacher
illnesses or jury duties. If you possess a bachelor's degree and love for children ages five to
fourteen, please contact Elaine Faessel, principal, for information about obtaining an Ohio
substitute teaching certificate.

Be sure to follow St. Augustine School-Barberton on Facebook. We post pictures of the

students learning, information on upcoming events, and other important news.

In times such as these, when both the Church and our beloved country seem to be warped in confusion,
the NEED FOR PRAYER is even greater. PLEASE, join St. Augustine Culture of Life on Wednesdays from
1:00-2:00pm for a Holy Hour for Religious Freedom, featuring a Patriotic Rosary, and Litany for the
Church. For more information contact Lynn Willig @ (330)658-2642, meetings are held in the rectory
the first Tuesday of the month.

This weekend the Cheerleaders of St. Augustine School and PSR will be selling
Krispy Kreme Donuts for $10 a dozen following the 8:00 and 10:30 Mass. Please
help support our cheerleaders so they can purchase uniform warm-ups to stay
warm this cold basketball season!

In the envelope packets, you will find an envelope for Christmas Flowers. A donation to
the Flower Fund helps to defray costs of flowers and decorations in our church during the
upcoming Christmas season. For those using Faith Direct, if you have made a
contribution, please drop the names of the intended into the offertory basket or contact
the rectory at 330-745-0011.

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