Week of March 4, 2018

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Augustine Church, Barberton OH – March 4, 2018

March 5 – 11
Monday, March 5 – Lenten Weekday
12:05 Deceased of the Schneck family
6:00 Confessions

Tuesday, March 5 – Lenten Weekday

8:30 School Mass – Don J. Snyder
5:15 Louis & Mary Brienza
7:00 Parish Lenten Mission

Wednesday, March 7 – Lenten Weekday

12:05 Mike Macko
7:00 Parish Lenten Mission

Thursday, March 8 – Lenten Weekday

12:05 Constantine Nonno

Friday, March 9 – Lenten Weekday

12:05 Richard Bracken – Anniversary
7:00 Stations of the Cross

Saturday, March 10 – Lenten Weekday

8:30 Rudy & Louise Pramik
3:00 Confessions
4:00 The People of St. Augustine Church (Fr. Majikas)

Sunday, March 11 – Fourth Sunday of Lent

8:00 Herman Gardner (Fr. Majikas)
10:30 Barbara Herold (Fr. Browne)
5:15 Irene Lyle (Fr. Browne)

Readings for the Week of March 5

Monday 2 Kgs 5:1-15b, Ps 42:2,3; 43:3,4, Lk 4:24-30

Tuesday Dn 3:25,34-43, Ps 25:4-5,6,7,8-9, Mt 18:21-35
Wednesday Dt 4:1,5-9, Ps 147:12-13,15-16,19-20, Mt 5:17-19
Thursday Jer 7:23-28, Ps 95:1-2,6-7,7-9, Lk 11:14-23
Friday Hos 14:2-10, Ps 81:6-8,8-9,10-11,14,17, Mk 12:28-34
Saturday Hos 6:1-6, Ps 51:3-4,18-19,20-21, Lk 18: 9-14
Sunday 2 Chr 36:14-16,19-23, Ps 137:1-2,3,4-5,6, Eph 2:4-10, Jn 3:14-21
Third Sunday of Lent

When Jesus drove the merchants out of the temple, he was not angry, he was
PASSIONATE! Jesus clearly believed in what He was doing! The gospel tells us that
because of this, “many believed in His Name because they saw the signs that He was
showing them.” If we expect our children to learn our values and beliefs, then they
must witness our passion for these values. Just like the people in today’s gospel, our
children need to see the signs of what we’re doing if they are to believe. Children need
us to be passionate leaders.

365 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week. We have
three vacant hours: Wednesday 11pm-midnight, and Saturday 5-6pm and 8-9pm.
Are you working your way to heaven? Per Fr. Clines “There is nothing more pleasing
to our Lord Jesus Christ than to see you, every week, same time, same place: a visit
from you!” Call Beth White at 330-690-3726 for Saturdays or Fred Maurer at 330-697-2316 for
Wednesdays, or Gene Ryan at 330-690-9661 for any commitment. “May Adoration never

Please pray for our Sick especially: John Baylock, Betty Bartel, Jack Weigand, Lisa
Gnap, Judy Kriston, Anne Trischan, Shanon Johnson, Stephen Deibel, Joanne
Ramsay, William Bedford, Carol Garman, Chad Trischan, Pat Shemuga, Helene Van
Oss, Paula Collins, Alexandra Kepler, Gary Reed, Kristine Hornacek, Camilla Pieffer,
Barb Shehan, Joe Patterson III, Lowell Potts, Sandra Walters, Bruce Hartung, Barb
Helms, Nicole Hahn, Tom Abbott, Bob & Patty Moses, Therese Weigand, Brenda
Griffin, Kelly Ann Eby, Norma Geary Catlin, Kaleigh Shriver, Dick Buehrle, Charles
Wagner, Carol Soberano, Pauline Nonno, Allen Weidman, Conner Beish, Margaret
Vargo, Charlie Carroll, Katie Marino, Cheryl Jackson, Roy Smith, Angie Jursik, Steve &
Margo Trenta, Dennis Braman, Vickey Todd, Jean Stemmer, Tara Ferguson, C.J., Bob
Eckert, Paul Moon, James Chalfant, Lori Meese, Mary Jane Somerick, Sharon Lohan,
Linda Makowski, Carole Ezell-Bell, Lisa Von Gunten, Julian Gonzalez, Honey Ann
Zagar, Rose Marie Zeffer, Margaret McArdle, Paulette Holland, Carol Newhouse

Rest in Peace

Elizabeth Potter
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord!

The priests of St. Augustine are on the emergency call list to Barberton Hospital, they
are only called in cases of emergency. If you are in or have entered the hospital and
would like to be visited by one of our priest’s, please call the rectory at 330-745-0011.
If you have a surgery planned and would like to be anointed, please call prior to
hospitalization as to make sure you receive the sacrament. If there is someone you
know who has been returned to health and can be removed from the sick list, please
contact the rectory.
Time, Talent & Treasure

February 18 February 25
Sunday Offering $ 7,228 $ 5,950
Faith Direct Offering $ 1,870 $ 1,870
Total Offering $ 9,098 $ 7,820

Weekly Budget to meet Operating Cost $ 11,800 $ 11,800

(Shortfall) Overage $ $ (2,702) $ (3,980)

School Support $ 175 $ ---

Capital Support $ 131 $ 160
Endowment Fund $ --- $ ---
Black & Indian $ 330 $ ---
Church in Central & Eastern Europe $ 774 $ 10
Almsgiving 2018 (BACM) $ --- $ 605
Easter Flowers $ --- $ 1,066
St. Vincent de Paul $ 132 $ 10
Organ Campaign $ 30 $ 178

Organ Campaign Goal $660,000 Year-to-Date $ 610,643

This year’s Lenten almsgiving project is Barberton Area Community Ministries Food Pantry
(BACM). In 2017 BACM served 1,306 households which included 4,723 people. Please
consider making a donation to BACM and watch our grocery bag on the back wall fill up
(100% of your donation goes directly to BACM). With your help we will be able to reach our
goal of $7,500. Envelopes have been provided at the ends of the pews, please make check payable to St.
Augustine with BACM on the memo line. Together we will make a difference to those in our area less
fortunate. For more information visit www.bacm.org. Our current total collected is $605.

Next week, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC). Funds from this
collection help provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and bring Christ’s love and
mercy to all people here at home and abroad. Next week, please give generously to the CRSC, and help
Jesus in disguise. Learn more at www.usccb.org/catholic-relief.

Barberton Area Community Ministries item for the Month of March is Canned Fruit. All
donations can be placed in the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule of the
church. Donations are picked up on Monday mornings. Thank you again for all your
support in helping us serve our brother’s and sister’s in need.
Join us for the Lenten Parish Mission “Experiencing God: Splendor in the ordinary –
Transformation to extraordinary,” Tuesday, March 6 and Wednesday, March 7 at 7:00-8:30pm,
directed by Deacon Robin Adair with sacred music, scripture, prayer, reflection, and Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament. All are encouraged to attend. Mission will be held in the church.
Coming straight from work or school to attend Missions on Tuesday and Wednesday March 6 & 7? No
worries! JOYFUL HEARTS MINISTRY will be providing a light supper before Deacon Adair’s presentation
beginning at 5:30pm and available until 6:30pm each evening in the school cafeteria. Please join us for a
little made-from-scratch goodness and fellowship beforehand, won’t you? Need more information, call
or text Carolyn King @ 330-234-7302.

The parish book club will meet on Thursday, March 8 at 1:00pm in the rectory to discuss
“Perfectly Yourself” by long-time Catholic writer Matthew Kelly. Join us as we discuss
how best to use our unique selves to better serve God, our families and our
community. All are welcome. For further information, please call Anne Sweeney at

This year St. Augustine Pre-School will be participating in a Malley’s Chocolates fundraiser in
the hopes that we will be able to raise money to offset the cost of painting the preschool.
Order forms are available on the table in the vestibule of the church, or can also be placed
on-line at www.malleys.com/fundraising/campaign/st-augustine-preschool, orders must be
placed by March 9 to be in for Easter. Thank you for helping us make our school a brighter place!

St. Augustine Men’s Fellowship will meet in the school cafeteria from 7-8:25am on Saturday, March 10.
We will continue our study of the book “Real Men Pray the Rosary” and we will pray a rosary for
Marriage, the Family and World Peace. All men are invited to join us. For questions call Gib Adolph at
330-848-1043 or e-mail adolphbiz@email.com.

The Christ Child Society of Akron is honored to provide financial help to parents who need
assistance in purchasing clothing for First Holy Communion. Please call 330-703-2997 or e-
mail Patsy Biddinger at pbiddinger001@gmail.com. This year again we have new and gently
used dresses, veils, suits and ties available to purchase at the American Cancer Society
Discovery Shop from March 9 – April 14.

For couples preparing for marriage, the Pre-Cana Days at Loyola Retreat House for
this year are March 11, April 22, May 20, June 10 and September 9. Sessions are
from 11:00am to 7:15pm (Mass at 11:45am) The cost is $75.00 per couple which
includes lunch & dinner. To download a registration form and/or register, visit our
website at www.loyolaretreathouse.com or call the Retreat House at 330-896-2315.

Please consider joining us for a 6 week study on the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans. Bibles and study
materials (written by Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch) are available at the rectory. The sessions will take
place on Monday nights in the rectory at 7:00 pm starting March 12th. All who are interested should
contact the church office.

LENT is a time of preparation in order to celebrate a better Easter. A key way Jesus gives us
to prepare is through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Join us Monday, March 12, at 7:00
pm, for a LENT COMMUNAL RECONCILIATION SERVICE being held in the Church.
Numerous priests will be available for confessions. Please take advantage of this powerful opportunity
to experience new life. Plan ahead…..

Theology on Tap Akron is back again on Wednesday, March 14 at 7:00 pm at Ray's Place of
Fairlawn! Theology on Tap welcomes all young adults to come listen to Beth Davis,
Directory of Campus Ministry at Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin High School, speak on
"Unbound, Redeemed: He’s not done with you yet." Admission is $5 and includes
appetizers. The bar will be open for those who would like to purchase beverages. Come
experience faith, fellowship, and food with other young adults in their 20's and 30's at Theology on Tap
Akron! Ray's Place of Fairlawn is located at 25 Ghent Road, Fairlawn, OH 44333.

For those preparing to have a child baptized in the near future, one requirement is
that the parents attend a Pre-Baptism Class. The next class will be held on April 17
beginning at 7:00pm, Immaculate Conception Church in Kenmore. Please contact the
rectory at 330-753-8429 to make reservations if you plan to attend this session.

FOR ALL WOMEN: All women are invited to a Potluck Dinner and Speaker on the Feast of St.
Joseph, Monday, March 19. Doors to Saints Peter & Paul School Hall open at 5:30pm for a 6:00pm
dinner. Fr. Bill Browne from St. Augustine Parish will give his testimony at 7:00pm. Please RSVP
to Jane at 330-322-6865.

Food, Fellowship and Faith for Adults – Join us Monday, March 19

at D’Agnese’s at 556 White Pond Drive, Akron. Our speaker will be
Lannie Davis-Frecker, President-CED of Julie Billiart Schools, the
discussion will be on God’s Providence Alive at Julie Billiart Schools. We will be begin
at 7:00 pm with Appetizers, 7:30 pm Speaker. Admission is $10.00 which includes
appetizers – Cash bar. Evening is sponsored by St. Sebastian Parish, Akron.

Join St. Augustine Preschool for their annual Spring Open House and Family Night,
Wednesday, March 21 from 6-7:00pm. Currently enrolling for Toddler, Preschool,
School Age and Summer Programs. Meet the amazing teachers and experience the
wonderful opportunities they have to offer. Come and grow with us! Fabulous
activities and delicious refreshments provided. St. Augustine Preschool is located at 633
W. Paige Avenue, Barberton. For more information please contact Kathy Bogdan at 330-745-

Please note: Information for the Easter Sunday Bulletin (April 1) must be received into
the rectory by Wednesday, March 21. Anything received after that date will not make the

Holy Hour for Women ~ Please join the Women of Faith, Joyful Hearts Ministry, Holy Hour Adorers and
others for an evening of prayer and fellowship on Friday, March 23 beginning at 7:00pm. with Stations
of the Cross in our beautiful church. Benediction, Silent Prayer, and a Rosary Recitation with the
opportunity for private intentions and Communal Song will follow. Light refreshments and fellowship
will follow in the school cafeteria at approximately 8:30pm. Please join us for this very special Lenten
opportunity to pray together as one church.

St. Augustine Church is in dire need of Funeral Altar Servers. Men of the parish, if
you can serve even just one day of the week, please volunteer. Call the rectory at 330-
745-0011 if you are interested.

Join us for the next round of Euchre, Friday, April 6, 2018. Drinks will be provided, bring a light
snack if you wish. Cards begin at 6:30pm in the cafeteria

In the February/March envelope packets there is an envelope for Easter Flowers.

Donations to the Flower Fund help to defray costs of flowers and decorations in our church
during the Easter Season. For those using Faith Direct, if you choose to make a donation, please
drop an envelope in the offertory basket with the name of your intention. Donations must be
received by Monday, March 19 in order to make the flower list.

Dear Readers/Watchers: There are several titles missing from the Brescilli Media Center,
please check to see if you have any books or DVD’s that you have had for some time, if you
are done reading/watching, please return the videos to the rectory and the books to the
bookracks so others can enjoy them. Thank you in advance……

Funeral Luncheon containers are stacking up at St. Augustine. There is a glass bowl with
leaves on the brim, two rectangular baking dishes and a square pyrex dish that has been
here for quite a while. Please stop into the rectory during regular business hours to pick
up your items.

St. Augustine's Culture of Life would like to THANK all those who participated in this year's
Spiritual Adoption. The testament of Jesus Himself composing the Our Father, Our Blessed
Mother, and many saints attest to the very real power of prayer. The Spiritual Adoption
Program will resume on Father’s Day, mark your calendars and be a part of this inspirational
movement. The Culture of Life meets the first Tuesday of every month following the 5:15 Mass
and Benediction, for more information contact Lynn Willig @330-472-9452.

Our love and thanks goes out to the Culture of Life Group and all of the parishioners
of St. Augustine for supporting the clients of Community Pregnancy Center/Embrace
Clinic & Care Center and your generous donations to support their decision to choose
life! Thank you for your faithful support!

Do you have a child ready for kindergarten, or do you have a school-aged child looking for a
change? St. Augustine School is accepting enrollment for the 2018-19 school year. St.
Augustine School offers a small-school environment with a rigorous academic curriculum
rooted in Catholic teaching that will prepare your child for success in high school and beyond.
For more information contact Elaine Faessel the school at 330-753-6435.

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