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PIWIS Tester: Operating Instructions

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PIWIS Tester

Operating instructions
Versionsdatum: 15.03.2006
Indice: Page
1. Important information 3
1.1 Agreement 3
1.2 User group 3
1.3 Employer’s obligation 3
2. Safety instructions 4
3. General information 6
3.1 Important information
concerning deployment of the PIWIS Tester 6
3.2 Use 6
3.3 Transport 6
3.4 Connection to the vehicle 6
4. Delivery scope 7
5. Technical description 7
5.1 PIWIS Tester 8
5.2 Keyboard 8
5.3 Mouse 8
5.4 External monitor 8
6. Commissioning the PIWIS Tester 9
6.1 Before switching on the first time 9
6.2 Recharging the battery 9
6.3 Installing the operating system and diagnostics software 9
6.4 Power supply 9
6.5 Switching the PIWIS Tester on/off 10
7. Operation PIWIS Tester 11
7.1 Touch screen with tracer pin 11
7.2 Virtual screen keyboard with tracer pin 11
8. PIWIS user interface 11
8.1 PIWIS user interface start bar 11
9. Measuring module 12
10. Test PAG-diagnostic Plug 13
11. What to do if 13
12. Touchscreen calibration 14
13. Fuse change F1 14
13.1 Fuse change on PCB 15
13.2 Fuse change in battery compartment 15
14. Changing the battery 16
15. Software Update 16
15.1 Working with the external DVD drive 16
15.2 Connecting the DVD drive 17
16. Firmware Update 17
17. Service parts and parts subject to wear 17
18. Maintenance 17
19. Disposal 17
19.1 LCD display disposal 17
19.2 Disposal of rechargeable battery 17
20. Technical data 18
20.1 PIWIS Tester 18
20.2 Power pack 18
20.3 Weights and dimensions 18
20.4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) 18

1. Important information

Before connecting, starting up and operating 1.3 Employer’s obligation

test units, always read the Operating Instruc-
tions of the tester thoroughly in order to rule The employer is obliged to ensure that all measures geared
out any uncertainty and associated risks with towards the prevention of accidents, industrial diseases, labor-
regard to safety when working with testers. related health risks are taken and measures towards making the
All operations and workings as well as the workplace fit for people to work in are carried out. Electrical
connecting of testers close to the engine and to the ignition engineering in Germany is subject to the accident prevention
system must be executed only when the engine does not turn regulations of the trade association "Electrical Plant and Equip-
and the ignition circuit is switched off. ment as under BGV A2" (previously VBG 4). In all other countries
the applicable national regulations or acts or decrees are to be
adhered to.

1.1 Agreement Basic rules

The employer is bound to ensure that all electrical equipment and
Your use of the product means that you accept the following operating material is set up, modified and maintained by skilled
conditions: electricians only or under the guidance and supervision of a
skilled electrician in accordance with electrical engineering prin-
Copyright ciples. Furthermore, the employer must ensure that all electrical
Software and data are the property of Porsche AG or its suppliers equipment and operating material is operated in keeping with
and are protected against unauthorized reproduction under copy- electrical engineering principles.
right laws, international contracts and other national legal provi-
sions. The reproduction or sale of data and software or any part If a piece of electrical equipment or operating material is found to
thereof is prohibited and punishable by law; in the event of be defective, i. e. it does not or no longer complies with electrical
violations, Porsche AG reserves the right to prosecute and to engineering principles, the employer must ensure that the fault is
assert claims for damages. rectified immediately and, in the event that imminent danger exists,
also ensure that the electrical equipment or the electrical operating
material is notiused.
1.2 User group
Tests (taking Germany as an example)
This product may only be used in the automotive sector by • The employer must ensure that all electrical equipment and
skilled personnel who are trained and instructed in it, such as operating material is tested to see if it is in proper working
motor-vehicle mechanics, electricians, foremen, technicians order:
and engineers.
1. Before starting up for the first time and, after any
modification or repair work, before the restart by a
skilled electrician or under the guidance and supervision of
a skilled electrician. A test prior to initial start up is not
necessary, if the employer has received confirmation from
the manufacturer or constructor stating that the electrical
equipment and operating material has been produced in
accordance with relevant accident prevention regulations.

2. At specific time intervals. The periods are to be mea-

sured such that faults that occur, ones which must be
expected to occur, are determined in good time.

• The test is to take the electrical engineering principles relating

hereto into account.

• Upon request of the trade association a test manual is to be

maintained into which specific entries are made.

2. Safety instructions

Mains voltages
Danger of acid burning
High voltage

Hazardous voltages occur in both the lighting system and the When exhaust gas measurements are taken, the sam-
electrical system of a motor vehicle. If contact is made with live pling hoses which are used release a highly caustic gas
parts (e.g. with the ignition coil), there is a risk of electric shock (hydrogen fluoride) that can cause acid burning in the respiratory
from flashover voltages caused by damaged insulation (e.g. system when heated to temperatures in excess of 250 °C
ignition cables which have been attacked by martens). This (482 °F) or in the event of fire.
applies to both the primary side and the secondary side of the
ignition system, to the cable harness and the plug connections, Rules of conduct:
to the lighting systems (Litronic) and to the tester connections. - Consult a doctor immediately after inhaling!

Safety precautions: - Always wear gloves made of neoprene or PVC

- All testers must be connected to properly grounded, shock- when removing residues left after a fire.
proof sockets (in accordance with VDE 0100 or the correspon-
ding country-specific regulations).
- Testers must always be connected using the power cables
supplied with them.
- All extension cables must be fitted with shock-proof contacts. - Neutralize any residues left after a fire with a calcium hydroxide
- Any cables with damaged insulation must be replaced (e.g. solution. This produces non-toxic calcium fluoride, which can
power or ignition cables). be washed away.
- Connect testers to the lighting system and switch them on
before connecting them to the vehicle.
- Connect testers to the engine ground or to the battery (B-) Acids and alkalis can cause severe burning on unprotected
before switching on the ignition. skin. Hydrogen fluoride in combination with moisture (water)
- Always switch off the ignition before performing any work on forms hydrofluoric acid.
the electrical system of the vehicle. The term „work“ includes The condensate which accumulates in the sampling hose and
connecting testers, replacing parts of the ignition system, in the condensate container likewise contains acid.
removing assemblies (e.g. generators), connecting assem- When replacing the O2 measuring sensor, bear in mind that it
blies to a test bench, etc. contains alkali.
- Wherever possible, tests and settings should always be car- When replacing the NO measuring sensor, bear in mind that
ried out with the ignition switched off and the engine stationary. it contains acid.
- If tests or settings are carried out with the ignition switched on or
the engine running, care must be taken not to touch any live parts. Rules of conduct:
This applies to all the connecting cables of the testers - Rinse any affected parts of the skin immediately in water, then
as well as to the connections of any assemblies at the test bench. consult a doctor!
- Test connections must always be made using suitable connec- - NO and O2 measuring sensors are hazardous waste and must
tors. be disposed of separately.
- Make sure that all test connections are properly plugged in and
- Switch off the ignition before disconnecting the tester from the If liquid crystal escapes from a damaged liquid crystal display,
engine ground or the battery (B-). it is imperative to avoid direct skin contact, inhalation and
- Never open the casing of the screen. swallowing.
- Never open the housing of the tester.
Rules of conduct:
- Wash the skin and clothing thoroughly with soap and water if it
has come into contact with liquid crystal.
Danger of Implosion - If you have inhaled or swallowed liquid crystal, consult a doctor

There is a danger of the screen tube imploding if the screen is If fluid (electrolyte) escapes from batteries and rechargeable
improperly handled (e.g. the tube is subjected to some form of batteries, avoid getting it on your skin or in your eyes.
impact, sudden temperature change, the glass is damaged).
Rules of conduct:
Safety precautions: - If contact with skin or eyes happens nevertheless, wash the
- Make sure that the screen is well vented so that heat can affected parts immediately with clean water and then consult
properly dissipate. a doctor.
- Never cover the vents (e.g. with a towel) while the screen in
switched on.
- Never allow a fluid to penetrate the screen.
- Place the screen away from direct sunlight.

Safety instructions

Danger of injury
Danger of burning
Danger of crushing

If the vehicle is not prevented from rolling away, there is a danger When working on a hot engine, there is a risk of injury from
of people being crushed against a workbench, for example. Both burning if such components as the exhaust gas manifold, the
running and stationary engines have rotating and moving parts turbocharger, the Lambda sensor, etc. are touched or if parts of
(e.g. belt drives) which may cause injuries to fingers and arms. A the body come too close to them. These components may be
special hazard is presented by electrically driven fans, in that they heated to temperatures of several hundred degrees Celsius.
may be switched on without warning while the engine is stationary Depending on the duration of the exhaust gas measurements, the
and the ignition is switched off. sampling probe of the exhaust gas measuring instrument may
also become extremely hot.
Safety precautions:
- Take steps to prevent the vehicle from rolling away while it is Safety precautions:
being tested. - Always wear protective clothing, e.g. gloves.
Select the park position if the vehicle has an automatic trans- - Allow the engine to cool down first (this also applies to auxiliary
mission and apply the handbrake or lock the wheels with heating systems).
chocks (wedges). - Keep the tester connecting cables well away from all hot parts.
- Operating staff must wear work clothes without loose bands - Do not leave the engine running any longer than necessary for
and loops. the test or setting.
- Keep well away from rotating/moving parts while the engine is
- When working on or in the vicinity of electrically driven fans, Danger of fire
allow the engine to cool down first, then disconnect the plug of
the fan motor. Danger of explosion
- Keep the tester connecting cables well away from all rotating
- Lay the connecting cables in such a way that no-one can trip There is a risk of fire and explosion from fuels and fuel vapors
over them. when work is performed on the fuel system or on the mixture
- Lock the brakes on the test system trolley so that it cannot roll control system.
- Do not place heavy objects on or lean on the sensor holder. Safety precautions:
- Switch off the ignition.
- Allow the engine to cool down first.
- Avoid naked flames and potential sources of sparks.
Danger of asphyxiation - Do not smoke.
- Collect any leaked fuel.
- Always ensure effective ventilation and suction when working
in closed areas.
Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide (CO) - a colorless,
odorless gas. If inhaled, carbon monoxide causes an oxygen
deficiency in the body. Extreme caution is therefore essential
when working in a pit, as some of the components of the exhaust
gas are heavier than air and settle at the bottom of the pit. Noise
Caution is also necessary when working on LPG-driven vehicles.

Safety precautions:
- Always ensure effective ventilation and suction (especially Noise levels in excess of 70 dB(A) can occur when measure-
when working in a pit). ments are carried out on a vehicle, especially at high engine
- Always switch on and connect the suction plant in a closed area. speeds. Damage to hearing may result if human beings are
exposed to noise at such levels over an extended period of time.

Safety precautions:
- If necessary, noise protection facilities must be provided by the
owner at all workplaces in the vicinity of the testing area.
- If necessary, suitable personal noise protection facilities must
be used by the operator.

3. General information 3.4 Connection to the vehicle

3.1 Important information concerning deployment of the The PIWIS Tester is designed to operate at a supply voltage of 12 V
PIWIS Tester (passenger vehicle) and 24 V (commercial vehicle).

Danger! Caution!
Risk of injury to persons during test and trial Danger of damage to property if improperly
operations with the PIWIS Tester! handled!

– The PIWIS Tester must be operated by a second person Make sure that the diagnostic cable on the PIWIS Tester is
when the vehicle is being driven. Never by the driver! plugged in correctly. If incorrectly plugged in, the pins on the
– Never suspend the PIWIS Tester from the steering wheel. male connector may be broken off.
– As a general rule, place the PIWIS Tester and other tools
outside all airbag and rollover protection bar deployment
– Test or system assessments may impair the drivability of the
vehicle; for this reason, these should not be conducted on 9
public roads. 11 3
12 4 1 684 465 504

13 5
14 6
15 7
i The current operating instructions for the PIWIS Tester are 16 8

always available in the software start screen under the ”Help“

menu item. The further development of the PIWIS Tester
means we reserve the right to make alterations.

3.2 Use

The PIWIS Tester is a tester for mobile test technology in vehicle

workshops. It enables a control unit diagnosis to be performed on
electronic control units in a motor vehicle: oben/top

– the fault log to be read out

– actual values to be displayed
– actuators to be activated,
– the graphic display of actual values during a period (time
curves) to be provided,
– the utilization of other control-module specific features
such as interval reset to be displayed.

The PIWIS Tester is a precision instrument and should not be

exposed to heat (e.g., direct sunlight), impacts or vibrations, 459764/43P

magnetic fields, and excessive dirt.

Figure 1: Connection diagram PIWIS Tester

3.3 Transport

The connecting lines on the rear of the unit must be disconnected

before transporting. Also, the PIWIS Tester should only be
transported and stored in the included case.

4. Delivery scope 5. Technical description
– PIWIS Tester The PIWIS Tester is a modular, portable diagnostic, information,
– Power pack 90/264 VAC and measuring system.
– Power cord for power pack The unit contains a computer, hard disk with installed software,
– OBD Porsche Diagnostics cable LCD display, and a Lithium-ion battery.
– USB mouse
– Red test cable A virtual keyboard and a USB mouse is available for operation in
– Blue test cable addition to the tracer pin for the LCD touch screen.
– Yellow test cable A country-specific PS/2 keyboard (special accessories) can also
– Black ground cable be connected.
– 2 red probe tips
– Black terminal Data and measured values can be printed using the USB-
– Y connecting cable for supply interface with an external printer, e.g., PDR 370 (special acces-
– 2 tracer pins sories).
– 3 fuses (5 AF)
– Case The LCD display is used as the display. An external monitor can
– External DVD drive (USB) also be connected.
– Diagnostics adapter cable (26-pin to 8-pin)
– Test connector for OBD Porsche diagnosis lines The PIWIS Tester and the accessories are housed in a protective
– Adapter socket for OBD-Porschediagnostics cable connection case.
– Operating instructions





/62 3

Figure 2: Case layout PIWIS Tester and accessories

1 PIWIS Tester
2 Case
3 OBD Porsche Diagnostics cable
4 Tracer pin
5 Y-connection piece to connect the PIWIS Tester and the DVD drive
to the power pack.
6 Ground cable with terminal
7 Cables for the multimeter (for future expansion)
8 Power pack with German power cord

5.1 PIWIS Tester 5.1.2 Terminal strip

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Danger of damage to property if improperly

max. 60 V
There is the risk of short-circuit for the vehicle battery because
of the metallic housing base, when setting the PIWIS Tester in
the engine compartment. If the KTS 650 is hooked onto the
steering wheel, there is a risk of injury if the airbag is deployed.
5.1.1 Operating and display unit Figure 4: PIWIS Tester connector strip

1 Connection jack for oscilloscope and U/I measurements

8 (CH2; for future expansions)
6 7
5 2 Ground jack
4 3 Connection jack for oscilloscope and U/R/I measurements
(CH1; for future expansions)
4 Connection jack with Adapter socket for diagnostics cable con-
E 5 PCMCIA channel
2 Teste
6 Connection jack (RJ45) for network (LAN)
7 USB ports for mouse, printer or DVD drive
8 Connection jack for microphone
1 9 Connection jack for headphones
10 Connection jack for external monitor (video output)
11 Connection jack for power pack
45976 12 Connection jack for country-specific keyboard, (no connection
jack for a PS/2 mouse)

Figure 3: PIWIS Tester operating and display unit i On the rear of the PIWIS Tester is a legend for the terminal
1 Handle
2 LCD display with touch screen
3 On/Off button 5.2 Keyboard
4 Virtual keyboard
5 LED for Unit on The PIWIS Tester can also be operated using an external PS/2
6 LED for external supply keyboard. The PS/2 keyboard (Connection, see Fig. 4,
7 LED for battery charging state
Pos. 12) is available as a special accessory in various country-
8 LED for access to hard disk specific designs.

5.3 Mouse

Only a USB mouse (scope of delivery) can be connected (Con-

nection, see Fig. 4, Pos. 7) to the PIWIS Tester.

5.4 External monitor

When connecting an external monitor (Connection, see Fig. 4,

Pos. 10) , the same user interface appears as can be seen on the
LCD display of the PIWIS Tester. Both displays are active. Do not
switch the PIWIS Tester on until the monitor has been connected
to the tester and switched on.

6. Commissioning the PIWIS Tester 6.4 Power supply

6.1 Before switching on the first time The PIWIS Tester can be operated with the following power
Before putting the unit into operation, make sure that the electrical ● Power pack (only use the power pack included in the scope
power system voltage and the voltage specified on the power of delivery!).
pack are the same (use the accompanying power cord). ● Vehicle battery (supply is via the OBD Porsche cable con-
nected to the diagnostic socket in the vehicle. The voltage of
i The German power cord is included in the scope of delivery. the vehicle battery (UBatt) should be at least 12 V).
Other country-specific power cords are not included in the
scope of delivery. iThe power consumed by the PIWIS Tester can discharge
the vehicle battery when in operation for a long time. In
this case power the PIWIS Tester additionally with the
6.2 Recharging the battery power pack.

The battery of the PIWIS Tester is always being charged auto- ● Internal battery (see Chapter 6.4.2).
matically if connected to an external power supply. If a battery is
nearly empty, it takes approximately 3 hours to be ready for i Do not operate the PIWIS Tester without the battery.
operation and capable of powering the PIWIS Tester. The LED for
the display of the battery charging state flashes when the charge i If the PIWIS Tester is only operated with the battery, the
is < 80%. If the battery is charged < 20% , a warning is (beep) charging state LED of the tester lights up (Figure 3; item 7).
signaled. The battery should immediately be charged again.

6.4.1 Battery operation of the PIWIS Tester

6.3 Installing the operating system and diagnostics soft-
ware The fully charged battery integrated in the PIWIS Tester is
designed as a buffer battery to ensure approx. 1 hour of indepen-
The operating system Windows XP and the current PIWIS dent operation. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that a conti-
software is pre-installed in English on the PIWIS Tester. nuous external voltage supply (power pack) is available during
this time period when the PIWIS Tester is being used.

6.4.2 Charging the battery

The charging of the battery in the PIWIS Tester is controlled

automatically. Whenever the PIWIS Tester is connected to the
power pack or to the vehicle battery (via the diagnostic cable/
adapter lead connected to the diagnostic socket in the vehicle),
the battery is being charged. As long as the battery capacity is
less then 80%, the charging state LED flashes when the PIWIS
Tester is switched off while the battery is being charged
(Figure 3, item 7), and when the PIWIS Tester is switched on, the
LED for the external supply flashes (Figure 3, item 8). The
charging process ends on reaching the maximum capacity.

6.5 Switching the PIWIS Tester on/off The PIWIS Tester is now set to the respective dealer address/
number. The PIWIS tester is shown in the start screen „PIWIS
6.5.1 Putting the unit into operation user interface“ after the device has been switched on.

Switch on the PIWIS Tester using the  button (Figure 3,

item 3). After Windows XP starts up, the PIWIS software is
started. Now you have to select the Porsche operating number
and enter the operating data which release the PIWIS Tester.
These settings are stored permanently.

6.5.2 "Switching on the first time" diagnostics

Start screen "PIWIS user interface"

6.5.3 Switching off the PIWIS Tester

There are two ways to switch off the PIWIS Tester:

Selecting the dealer ●  Press the On/Off button.

i Select your dealer address. If the dealer address is not ● In the start screen of the PIWIS user interface, click on
present, use a similar address as a template and make chan- “Close“ and then „Turn off“.
ges to it.
i If the PIWIS Tester can no longer be operated due to a
Enter a new address or change the existing address and confirm computer error, simultaneously pressing the  (on/off)
with "OK". button (Figure 3, item 3) and the # (virtual keyboard)
button button (Figure 3, item 4) for at least
3 seconds will switch off the PIWIS Tester.

Saving data

The user must expressly confirm the specifications displayed. If

"OK" the dealer address is saved permanently. If "Cancel" the
previous screen is displayed.

7. Operation PIWIS Tester 8. PIWIS user interface
The unit is operated via: In the start screen of the PIWIS user interface, you can select the
● the touch screen with tracer pin, or language for all PIWIS modules and their content.
● the virtual screen keyboard with tracer pin, or
● the USB mouse, or i The language configured in the PIWIS user interface is not
● a PS/2 keyboard. accepted in the control unit diagnostics for all vehicles. In
these cases, you must also change the language ion the
control unit diagnostics with „F7 / Configuration Setting /
7.1 Touch screen with tracer pin Language“.

The touch screen of the PIWIS Tester is operated using the tracer
pin. The tracer pin has essentially the same functions as the

Danger of damage to property if improperly

– Only operate the touchscreen with the tracer pin.

– Do not use sharp objects such as screwdrivers which
could damage the touchscreen.

● Clicking once with the left mouse button corresponds to the

touching the tracer pin once on an icon, for example, or
positioning the cursor in an entry field.

● Double clicking with the left mouse button corresponds to

PIWIS user interface start screen
touching the tracer pin to the touch screen twice. This can be
used to start an application, for example.
8.1 PIWIS user interface start bar
● Clicking with the right mouse button corresponds to pressing
the tracer pin on the touch screen for more then 2 seconds and
The start bar contains 8 menus with the following functions:
opens any existing help menus.
Selection of a vehicle model and start of control unit diagnostics
7.2 Virtual screen keyboard with tracer pin
with selected model. In addition to this general model special
functions can also be called up.
The PIWIS Tester provides you with a virtual keyboard. When you
press the # key (see figure 3; item 4) the virtual keyboard is
Wiring Diagrams:
Wiring diagrams can be called up here. You can view these on
screen and print them out.

Fault finding:
Guided fault finding can be called up. You are supported here by
the PIWIS tester when fault finding.

Current information over PIWIS.
Virtual screen keyboard

In this menu you can set the following system settings:
Tap the button you want transferred to the entry field with the
tracer pin.
● Diagnostics update CD/DVD
Clicking on the shft button will change the keyboard to upper case
Start update of PIWIS module.
● Touchscreen calibration
Carry out touch screen adjustment (see Ch. 12).

● Screen brightness:
Changes contrast of LCD display.

i Different screen brightness values have been saved for

rechargeable battery mode and for external power supply

● Printer: 9. Measuring module
Change the printer settings, select a new standard printer,
control network printers and install a new Microsoft certified The PIWIS Tester provides a 2-channel multimeter and a 2-
printer. channel oscilloscope.

● Network: Caution!
Change the network configuration and install new PCMCIA
Danger of damage to property if improperly
network cards.
● Version information: Only use the accompanying measuring cables
Display of installed programs and their versions. with touch protection. Always connect the measu-
ring cables first to the PIWIS Tester and then to the
● Date / Time: vehicle.
Change date and time.
Use the PIWIS Tester only on the vehicle and not
● System self test: for measuring AC / DC voltages > 60 V.
– Self diagnosis of the system with Windows diagnosis, If no diagnostic line is connected, the PIWIS
network plant self diagnosis and hard drive diagnosis. Tester must be connected to the vehicle ground
using the earth cable supplied before any U, R or
– Hard drive repair (hard drive test is carried out). I measurements are taken. Measuring without a
ground cable may result in voltages which are
i As the hard drive test can take up to one hour, the power dangerous to life due to static charge. Connect the
supply must be connected. ground cable as close as possible to the object of
– Test PAG-Diagnostic plug
Check the OBD-Porsche diagnosis line (Ch. 10).

– Show result
After the self-diagnosis or the hard drive repair has been
carried out, the result can be displayed.

● Remote access:
Start the remote access for the support.

● Transfer:
Data from the PIWIS tester is transferred to a network drive.

● Antivirus:
Search for and remove viruses in the system.

● Firmwareupdate:
Updating of firmware for installed SD module. This is only
necessary if requested by the PIWIS tester.

i If the Update window is only briefly displayed, then the

current firmware is already installed.

What’s new:
New and modified content and data of each PIWIS version is

Online Help start for your PIWIS tester. Here you will find
application examples on operation of the control unit diagnostics‘

Click on „Turn off“ in the log-off window to switch off the PIWIS

10. Test PAG-diagnostic Plug 11. What to do if
Carry out the test based on the following procedure: ● the device cannot be switched on and the display stays
1. Connect the 15 V connection of the power pack with the plug dark or a beep tone can only be heard briefly.
socket of the test connector.
2. Connect the15 V connection of the test connector with the plug The capacity of the internal batteries is insufficient to start the
socket of the power pack on the PIWIS tester (Fig. 4; Pos. 11). unit. Connect the external power pack or the diagnosis lead to
3. Insert the OBD-Porsche diagnosis line (1 684 465 504) in the the vehicle (ignition "on") to make it ready for operation and to
PIWIS tester (Fig. 4; Pos. 4). charge the battery.
4. Connect the test connector with the OBD-Porsche diagnosis
line. ● the unit does not react to any button command.
5. Switch on the PIWIS tester.
6. In the start screen of the PIWIS user interface, start „Settings The unit must be put in a defined stated. To do this, press
/ Check diagnosis cable“. the  and # for approx. 3 seconds.

i Only do this if the unit will not respond to pressing any

button. Switching it off in this manner can cause data loss
on the hard disk if it is done during regular operation. Data
created within this diagnostic application could require
entering again.

● Problems are displayed in the information line (Info line)

during operation.

Follow the instructions on the LCD display.

7. Click on „Start“.

The test routine for testing the OBD-Porsche diagnosis line is

started. The result of the test is then shown in the Info window. If
the test has been completed successfully, the „No Errors“
message appears.
If an error is shown, check all connections again and repeat the
test. To carry out a further test, you must first confirm the“reset“
button and start the test again.
If an error is still shown, repeat the test with a different OBD-
Porsche diagnosis line (if available).
After the test has been carried out, contact PIWIS Support with
details of the error and agree on further procedure.

12. Touchscreen calibration 13. Fuse change F1
If the mouse pointer is not displayed at the same position after i Fuse F1 can be changed only on PIWIS Testers manufactu-
clicking with the tracer pin on the touch screen, you have to make red after 9/2005 or converted by central maintenance.
a touch screen adjustment.
Call up the "Touchscreen calibration" menu under "Settings" in Fuse F1 is located either on the PCB (see Ch. 13.1) or in the
the Start bar. battery compartment below the battery holder (see Ch. 13.2). If
Fuse F1 is not at either of these locations, it cannot be changed.

i Fuse F1 is available through the vehicle spare parts trade

(manufacturer, e.g. Littlefuse; Order designation: Mini Fuse 5 A
flink, 32 V).

The following symptoms/effects indicate a faulty fuse:

– Despite the diagnostic cable being correctly attached to the
vehicle, a connection cannot be made to any of the vehicle’s
control units,
and / or
– the LED for the external supply (Fig. 3, Pos. 6) does not
illuminate, despite the diagnostic cable being correctly at-
tached to the vehicle.
In this case, the internal fuse F1 must be replaced by a new one.

Click on the ‚Calibration‘ tab card with the test pin. Click on the
center of the calibration graphic with the test pin and carry out the 1. Switch off PIWIS Tester.
adjustment. Do not change the other parameters of the program 2. Remove ventilator plate (loosen two screws).
under any circumstances.

i To avoid parallax errors, your eyes must be directly vertical

above the calibration points. Click on the calibration points as
precisely as possible.

The touch screen adjustment menu offers a total of 20 calibration

points that you must click on, one after the other. This makes the
adjustment very precise.
When the adjustment is finished, you can check the calibration.
Using the tracer pin, click on various positions on the LCD display
and compare them with the mouse pointer.

13.1 Fuse change on PCB 13.2 Fuse change in battery compartment

3. Pull out fuse F1 (see Fig.). 3. Remove battery holder (loosen two screws).
4. Insert new fuse (included in delivery).


4. Pull out fuse F1.

459800_6Ko 2

Position of fuse F1 (produced from 9/2005)

5. Replace ventilator plate and screw into place.

5. Insert new fuse (included in delivery).

6. Replace fuse holder behind battery.


7. Insert battery holder and screw into place.

8. Insert ventilator plate and screw into place.

14. Changing the battery 15. Software Update

Caution! In the start screen of the PIWIS user interface you can start the
update of the PIWIS Module via „Settings / Diagnosis Update
Danger of damage to property if improperly
15.1 Working with the external DVD drive
Use only original rechargeable pack for PIWIS Tester!
i The external CD/DVD drive is equipped with its a powersaving
The installation location for the rechargeable battery is on the rear function. This means that the CD-DVD drive tray can only be
side. Proceed as follows: opened and closed when the CD/DVD drive is connected to
the PIWIS tester and the PIWIS tester is switched on.
1. Switch off the PIWIS Tester
2. Open the cover panel (3) after loosening the screws (1)
3. If necessary, disconnect the fan plug connection (2) 15.1.1 Front view
4. Remove the battery cover panel (5) after loosening the screws (4)
5. Disconnect the battery plug connection (6)
6. Replace the rechargeable battery pack (7) DVD
1 2


1 2 3 4
4 Figure 6: DVD drive
1 DVD compartment
6 2 Access display (lights when data is being read by the DVD/ROM)
3 DVD eject
4 Emergency eject

Danger of damage to property if improperly

Never use force to press the compartment back into the DVD


15.1.2 Terminal strip

Figure 5: Changing the battery in the PIWIS Tester

Danger of ignition, bursting and burns!

– Do not heat or burn the rechargeable battery pack 459652/11-1Rf

– Do not short circuit the rechargeable battery pack
– Do not mechanically damage the rechargeable battery pack 3 2 1
nor charge it at excessive current or connect the wrong way
round! Figure 7: DVD terminal strip

Suitable solvent:water,CO2,sand. 1 DC input, power pack connection

2 USB Connection jack for cable to PIWIS Tester
3 Audio jacks
Consumed battery packs are to be disposed off in
accordance with valid guidelines.

15.2 Connecting the DVD drive 17. Service parts and parts subject to wear
i Do not use the DVD drive in dusty environments. The DVD Designation Porsche Order no.
drive does not have an on/off switch. The power supply is – Power pack 000 721 971 83
provided by the Y-cable to the plugged in power pack. – Y connector (<) 000 721 971 86
– OBD Porsche Diagnostics cable (<) 000 721 971 82
1. Connect the power pack via the included Y connector to the – Rechargeable battery pack (<) 000 721 971 84
PIWIS Tester and the DVD drive. – DVD drive 000 721 971 85
The connection jack is located on the terminal strip of the – Diagnostics adapter cable for
PIWIS Tester (Fig. 4, item 11). diagnostics lines with round plug socket 000 721 971 81
The connection jack is located on the rear of the unit on the – Adapter socket for connection
DVD drive (Fig. 4, item 1). of diagnostic cable 000 721 971 87
2. Connect the PIWIS Tester to the DVD drive with the USB – Test connector for
connecting cable. OBD Porsche diagnosis lines 000 043 400 07
3. Connect the power pack to the power supply.
(<) Parts subject to wear
18. Maintenance
PORSCHE PIWIS Tester The housing and the display of the PIWIS Tester must only be
3 cleaned with a soft cloth and neutral cleaning agents. Do not use
any abrasive cleaning detergent nor rough workshop cloths.


6 2 1 19. Disposal
Figure 8: Connecting the DVD drive to the PIWIS Tester Please dispose of electronic scraps using the provided return
1 PIWIS Tester
2 DVD drive 1 687 022 919 19.1 LCD display disposal
3 Power pack
4 Y connector Dispose of the LCD display in accordance with the local regula-
5 USB connecting cable tions concerning disposing of special-category waste.
6 Country-specific power cord

19.2 Disposal of rechargeable battery

16. Firmware Update Dispose of the rechargeable battery pack in accordance with the
local regulations concerning disposing of special-category waste.
When starting the diagnostics software you will be notified by a
displayed message if a firmware has to be performed for the SD
module. The firmware can be started in the PIWIS user interface
via „Settings / Firmware update“. Additional information hereto is
available in Chapter 8.

20. Technical data 20.2 Power pack

20.1 PIWIS Tester Input voltage: 90 - 264 VAC

Input frequency: 47 - 63 Hz
● PC Board
● 512 MB RAM (main memory) Output voltage: 15 V
● 20 GB hard disk Operating temperature: 0 °C to 40 °C
● TFT 12" color display, 800 x 600 pixels
● Lithium-ion rechargeable battery; 7.2 V; 6 Ah
20.3 Weights and dimensions

Operating voltage: 11 V ... 30 V DC Dimensions (L x W x H) 300 x 400 x 125 mm

(via vehicle battery or power pack) Weight (without connecting lines) 4,2 kg
Fuse 5 AF

Power consumption: approx. 70 W 20.4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

Operating temperature: 5 °C to 35 °C
This product is a Class A product in accordance with
Control unit diagnosis via the interface protocols EN 55 022.
ISO 9141-2,
SAE J1850VPW and SAE J1850PWM and i This product can cause radio interference in the home; in this
CAN ISO 11898 ISO 15765-4 (OBD), case the operator may be asked to implement appropriate
OBD diagnosis in accordance with ISO 15031. measures.


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