Why Not Try That Other Marshall Gambit?: Openings
Why Not Try That Other Marshall Gambit?: Openings
Why Not Try That Other Marshall Gambit?: Openings
what’s hot and what’s not?
Why not try that other 9r+l+k+ntr0
Marshall Gambit? 9+-+-+-+-0
By IM Merijn van Delft & IM Robert Ris 9PzP-+LzPPzP0
Between Wijk aan Zee and events like the Topalov- Frequency
Kamsky match and Linares, we have time to look at
the level slightly below that. At the Moscow Open
many new interesting ideas were played.
what’s hot?
In our game of the week White did a good job with the Marshall Score
Gambit in the Semi-Slav. Since White lost quickly in the high-
profile game Van Wely-Gustafsson in Dortmund last summer,
many questions remained, but in Lysyj-Sjugirov some of them are
answered. In fact, in the diagram position all three ¥ moves have a
nice score for White. Below we take a closer look at 9.¥a5.
At the level slightly below the absolute world top, most openings seem to be playable again. Remarkable is the further suffering of the
Sveshnikov. In all grandmaster games this week, the positional 9.¤d5 ¥e7 10.¥xf6 ¥xf6 and now the trendy move 11.c4 was played,
with good results for White. Is it too much to weaken the d5 square after all? The game
Timofeev-Smirnov features a beautiful positional exchange sacrifice followed by strong
domination (see page 3).
what’s Not?
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ChessVibes OPENINGS what’s hot and what’s not? No. 6, February 11, 2009
opening expert
Who: Peter Svidler Expertise: Grünfeld-Indian
Born: June 17, 1976 Why: His enormous calculating
Nationality: Russia abilities suit very well with this
Rating: 2723 dynamic opening system.
For many years already Peter Svidler is the leading expert on the Grünfeld. In Gibraltar, his Grünfeld successes
(2.5 out of 3) helped him a lot in earning tournament victory. His games with Berczes and Beliavsky are true model
games of what Svidler is capable of and may give other Grünfeld-lovers new hopes how to play against the ever-
dangerous 7.¥c4 system.
ChessVibes Openings is a weekly PDF magazine that covers the latest news on chess openings. Which openings are hot in top level chess?
Which are not? Editors IM Merijn van Delft & IM Robert Ris keep you updated once a week! Singles issues cost € 1. You can subscribe too:
€ 18 for six months / € 25 a year (that’s less than € 0.50 per issue!). More info can be found at www.chessvibes.com/openings.
© 2009 ChessVibes. Copyright exists in all original material published by ChessVibes. Any copying or distribution (reproduction, via print, electronic format, or in any form whatsoever), as
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