YSSSEE52 (Revisi 2)

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Remote Control Car as Physics Teaching Aids

by Utilizing Recycled Wastes

Oki Dermawan, Sovia MasAyu, Junaidah, Meisuri,Defriyanto, Rosa Indriyani
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) RadenIntan Lampung

Abstract. This study aims to determine the feasibility of a simple remote

control car by utilizing recycled waste and to know the responses of students
regarding the developed remote control car. This study uses a research and
development (R&D) method proposed by Borg & Gall adapted from
Sugiyono’s development model. The data of this study were obtained from
the teacher's questionnaire and students’ responses, material expert validation,
and media expert validation. The type of data generated is qualitative data
that was analyzed based on the assessment criteria to determine the product’s
quality. The score obtained from the material expert is 80.59%, the score
obtained from the media expert is 92.92%, the score from the teachers of
three schools is 88.33%, and the score from the students in all schools is
82.50%. Based on the assessment of the material experts, the media experts,
and the teachers, it can be concluded that the remote control car as physics
teaching aids using recycled wastes suitable to be used as teaching aids.

Education is a process to influence students to adjust themselves as best as they can into their
environment,[1]then it can affect changes in individuals who function in social life.[2]Physics Commented [A1]: Please use mendelay with syle IEEE
is abstract learning and it requires an approach that can facilitate the students to understand Commented [A2]: It also
what is taught. Physics deals with how to study natural science through concepts
systematically and facts obtained through discovery. Physics also plays an important role in
producing new technology and it can even be said that technology would not exist without
In the Islamic context, education and science are highly valued as Allah the Almighty
states “And We did not send before you any (Messenger) but men to whom We sent
revelation. So ask the owners of the Remembrance (Dhikr, those who repeat the Name of
Allah continuously) if you do not know. "(QS An-Nahl: 43)

The above verse explains that in teaching activities, a teacher must be able to apply all forms
of ability so that in the learning process, the students could easily absorb the material. Qur'an
itself is a source of knowledge and a source of inspiration for various scientific disciplines and

Physics is a scientific discipline that has an important role in human life. Physics
studies nature systematically, so physics is not only a collection of knowledge in the form of
facts or concepts but also a process of discovery. Physics education is directed to help
students to gain an understanding of the natural surroundings. The physics learners need to
have a strong curiosity/criticality, attention and interest in learning physics, as well as tenacity
and self-confidence in solving problems. If there are a strong curiosity and high reasoning
power in the students themselves, it will certainly help the physics teacher during the learning
On the other hand, technological developments are now experiencing very rapid
progress. This development in several aspects has changed the pattern of people's lives. A
concrete example of the results of technological development is the emergence of remote
control cars. Most of these products use sophisticated systems and tools. The remote control is
an electronic device that is used to operate an electronic item remotely. Generally, the remote
control is used to control certain items by giving commands from a distance. The use of
remote control has been increasingly rapid. A simple alternative if you want to make a remote
control car is to use simple tools or even wastes that are certainly easy to find in everyday life.
Remote control car toys are still in great demand by the student. Usually, the life span
of these toys is not long due to physics damage and the electronic system damage. In this
study, the researcher designed a simple remote control car from used goods that can be found
easily. It is not only fun, but it can also educate the student to recognize the control system
and its assembly to enhance student's creativity in designing the tools to be installed. This tool
can later be used by almost all circles ranging from student to adult as a media that can be
developed to support learning in the classroom.
Based on the results of research observations in SMP (Junior High School) PGRI 6,
MTsN (State Islamic Junior High School) 2 Bandar Lampung, and SMPN (State Junior High
School) 21 Bandar Lampung and interviews with the physics teachers who teach at the
school, it is known that students' problems in learning physics in class is the lack of
understanding of important things from the material, mainly related to electricity material.
Therefore, we need a learning system to facilitate students to learn quickly and interestingly.
One way to convey physics material that can help to bridge the abstract concepts and the real
conditions is learning media.
A concept illustrates the link between several related facts, to obtain facts, and to
manipulate ideas to obtain more than just a memory, therefore, it takes a variety of media to
be used as an intermediary in learning physics. For example physics animation, physics
teaching aids, and so on.
The problem found at the time of observation was the lack of educational teaching
aids that could help in teaching physics. The lack of teaching aids, in general, is more due to
schools’ budget constraints. Teachers as motivators in the learning process are required to be
more creative in developing educational teaching aids that are as effective and as cheap as
possible. Therefore we need teaching aids that are easy to get but still relevant to studied
material. One of them is by utilizing recycled waste as a source of innovative educational
teaching aids.
The implementation of active and creative physics learning can be realized by the
development of physics teaching aids by the use of recycled wastes so that students are
trained to think and do in learning physics. Therefore, the researchers need to research the
developing remote control car as physics teaching aids using recycled waste. It is expected
that the developed physics teaching aids can help teachers in explaining physics concepts,
especially the electrical material so that the students learning outcome could achieve the
determined minimum criteria of > 70.

A. Problem Identification
Based on the description, the researchers identify the problems as follows:
1. The teaching aids to support the learning process are limited.
2. Students need teaching aids that are interesting and easy to understand to overcome
problems in learning.
3. There is still a lack of teaching aids that utilize recycled wastes in electrical learning.

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the limitations of the problem, it can be formulated, namely:
1. How to develop a simple remote control car?
2. How is the feasibility of the simple remote control car developed from recycled wastes?
3. What is the response toward the simple remote control car developed from recycled


A. Teaching aids
Teaching aids are defined as a tool to educate or to teach the concepts so that they can
be easily understood by the students and become a tool in the learning process.[3]The use of
teaching aids aims to provide the real form of the discussed material in the learning. The
teaching aids used in the teaching and learning process, in general, have the advantage of
enriching the students’ learning activities, saving learning time, giving reasonable reasons for
learning because they arouse the attention and activities of the students.
Teaching aids play an important role in learning activities. Teaching aids can provide
a visual experience to students directly, among others, to encourage learning motivation,
clarify and facilitate abstract concepts, and enhance the absorption of learning.[4] Commented [A3]: REFERENCE PLEASE USE MENDELAY
Effective learning should use teaching aids. However, most schools do not have appropriate
facilities and infrastructure. Teaching aids are still quite difficult to obtain, even if it is
available, it does not necessarily suitable for the learning material. A very rational and
realistic solution is to make teaching aids yourself, although they might be very simple. By
making simple teaching aids, teachers can be more precise and effective in using them. The
teaching aids made by the teacher have several advantages, namely:
a. The teacher can use the teaching aids as they wish so that the use of teaching aids is more
appropriate because the one who uses them is the maker.
b. Schools will never be short of teaching aids because teachers can make their own by
utilizing the surrounding environment.
c. The cost is very cheap.[5] Commented [A4]: IMPROVE USE OF MENDELEY USING

B. Remote control Cars

Remote control cars are still very attractive for students, usually, the life span of these
toys is not long due to physical damage or the electronic system damage. A large amount of
money could be spent on damaged toys or other technical difficulties that we could not
fix.[6]In this study, the researchers developed a remote control car as physics teaching aids Commented [A5]: IT ALSO FOR ALL CITATION
using recycled waste to facilitate students to assemble their remote control cars. The remote
control cars developed in this study can explain the phenomenon of static electricity.
The remote control is an electronic device that is used to operate electronic items
remotely. Generally, the remote control is used to control certain items by giving commands
from a distance. The use of remote control has been increasingly rapid.[7]
1. How to Make a Simple Remote Control Car
A simple remote control car can be made by utilizing inorganic materials, namely:
a. Tools
Ice cream sticks, used bottles (2 pieces), bottle caps (4 pieces), small size cable, 9 volt battery
(4 pieces), 9 volt battery holder, DC motor (2 pieces), solder, cardboard, cutter, scissors, small
rubber (2 pieces), glue gun, pens, and skewers.

How to make
1) Stack the ice cream sticks to be parallel in size of 18 cm in length (because it is adjusted
to the length of the bottle).
2) Attach the ice cream sticks at the end to strengthen the arrangement of the ice cream
sticks (top and bottom).
3) Make a hole of 3.5 cm long (see picture) to store the gear system.
4) Make the gears using cardboard that is cut in a circle, use 2 coins of different sizes, so it
can be coated with layers.
5) Make a hole in the middle of the gear wheel.
6) Prepare a used pen with holes, to store the axle, cut it according to the picture.
7) Place the skewers in the bottle cap as the wheels (see picture) glue the edges to make it
8) Glue the DC motor on the frame near the gears and connect it with rubber.
9) Prepare one more DC motor; this is used for controlling the direction of the car.
10) Make a hole in the front of the car. The size is adjusted to the rotor of the DC motor.
11) Prepare the front wheel system the same as the back, using a used pen, skewers, and
bottle caps.
12) Glue the DC motor with the mouth of the motor to the bottom and glue it to the front
13) Create a car body like the picture
14) Create a car roof with ice cream sticks.
15) Continue to make the cable system, prepare 4 wires and solder each DC motor
16) Make a hole in the back of the wheel in the size of the skewer. It is used to support the
cable (see picture).
17) Prepare a pair of batteries and attach it in the second bottle (this bottle as a remote
18) Make a hole in the bottom of the bottle and place the lid on one the bottle, then glue
them together.
19) Make 2 holes on the bottle caps.
20) Make a cable arrangement (see picture). The middle part is the negative pole section and
the other two side edges connect to the positive part of the battery (see picture).

C. Recycled Wastes as Learning Resources

The word pemanfaatan(utilization) is derived from the word manfaat (benefit) which
means to use. The meaning of utilization according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary is the
process, method, and utilize. So, utilization is a process or way of getting benefits from
Utilization of the environment in physics subjects can direct students to actual events
or circumstances so that learning resources are more real, actual, and relevant to facts.
Utilization of the environment in learning activities is also very influential on physics
development, social skills, culture, learning motivation, and emotional and intellectual
development of students. The description is in accordance with Iskandar's theory which states
the rise of students' intrinsic learning motivation is highly influenced by extrinsic motivation,
namely behavior (environment). Used materials can be used as sources and media in learning
such as bottle caps, used bottles, rocks, shells, old tin cans, and leftover wood.

D. Electricity Materials
Dynamic electricity is electricity that changes or can move and is often referred to as
an electric current. This electric current comes from the flow of electrons which flows
continuously from the negative pole to the positive pole, from high potential to low potential
from different sources.[9]Objects with more positive electric charges have a higher potential,
whereas objects with more negative carges have lower potential. Two places that have
different potential can cause an electric current if it is connected with a catalyst. Potential
difference is usually referred to as voltage. This electric current comes from the flow of
electrons which takes place continuously from the negative pole to the positive pole, from the
high potential to the lower potential of the voltage source (potential difference). The electric
current itself is divided into two types, namely alternating current (AC) and direct current
(DC). Meanwhile, the amount of electric current flowing in a certain time is called the electric
current (I)[10]
Electricity is also mentioned in the word of Allah in the surah An-Nur verse 35:
“Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. A likeness of His Light is as a niche (a source
that gives off light) in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass, the glass is as it were a brightly
shining star, lit from the oil of a blessed tree that is neither in the east nor in the west. The oil
whereof gives light on its own, even if no fire touches it. (It is) light upon light. Allah delivers
to His Light whom He wills and Allah sets forth parables for mankind. And Allah is All-
Knowing of everything. "(QS An-Nur: 35).[11]

Based on the verse, science and technology have existed long ago but humans do not
know it yet, and the existing knowledge is likened to other things. It is not only humans who
can give importance to electricity, but the Qur'an first explains before electricity exists. Surah
An-Nur verse 35 explains that the lamp is glowing, the light is in a lamp or glass, and the light
bulb is already there and this is one of the facts. So the Qur'an not only deals with matters of
worship, law, etc. but the Qur'an also explains about technology and everything that exists on
this earth, one of which is electricity.
Even though the electric current is a flow of moving charge, not all moving charges contain
electric current. If there is an electric current through a surface, there will be a flow of charge
through that surface. 1 Commented [A6]: Are you serious? Please improve your

1. Electrical Circuits Commented [A7]: title writing cannot be separate

Electric circuits are the arrangement of electronic components that are coupled with a
voltage source into a single unit that has certain functions and uses.[12]The electric current in Commented [A8]: IT ALSO, PLEASE IMPROVE WIHT
an electric circuit can only flow if the electric circuitis open. There are two kinds of electrical
circuits, i.e.open electrical circuit and closed electrical circuit. Open electrical circuitsare an
electrical circuit that has the end circuitswhile a closed electrical circuit is an electrical circuit
that does nothave the end circuits. In this closed electrical circuit,electric current can flow

following the type of a circuit. Terms ofa closed circuit are as follows:
a. Electric current can only flow in a closed circuit from high potential to low potential or
from (+) pole to (-) pole.
The electric current in the conductor is in the direction of the charge (+) and the opposite of
the charge (-).[13]
2. Energy
Energy comes from the Greek word Energia which means activities. The word
consists of en (in) and ergon (work). Energy is the ability to do work (EkaPurjiyanta, 2006).
According to SaefulKarim (2008), energy is the ability to do something. The energy unit in
the International System (SI) is Joule (J). Energy units in other systems are calories,
ergonomics, and kWh (Kilo Watt Hours). The equivalence of joules with heat are as follows:
1 calorie = 4.2 Joules or 1 Joule = 0.24 calories.[14]

3. Energy Transformation
Energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed, but it can only be changed from one form to
another. This form of energy can be obtained because the energy changes into another form.
In general, the benefits of energy will be seen after changing it into other forms of energy. For
example, electrical energy will be useful when changing into light or heat energy. The energy
transformation can be illustrated as follow:

Chemical Electric Light Heat

Energy Energy Energy Energy

Figure 2.4. The Examples of Energy Transformation

E. Relevant Research Results

In this study, the researchers take references from Research and Development (RnD) research
conducted by:
1. Muhammad FaqihDzulqarnain, the design applications for remote control monitoring
cars based on Android on Arduino Microcontrollers. It can control the movement of a
remote control car through Bluetooth connection.
2. Cikanawati, development of teaching aids from waste paper for static electricity learning.
According to the expert judgment and questionnaire analysis, it obtained a learning
criteria category of 80% which is included in good criteria.
3. David Setiawan, Designing simple control car robot using Arduino based on Android
System. Students become creative in seeing the connected series and have high curiosity
by dismantling and assembling so that it indirectly provides early learning about control
and communication systems.
4. SumiratDyahWulandari, UndangRosidin, Abdurrahman, development of physics
teaching aids on viscosity materials as learning media. It can help students to better
understand concepts. Commented [A9]: Please check the article template. Is it true???
Relevant research results, please discussed in the introduction and
discussion in detail.
F. The Framework
The development is based on identified needs, namely producing teaching aids by
utilizing inorganic materials obtained in the surrounding environment for the electrical and
magnetic material. Then, the teaching aids are verified through testing directly. The test was
carried out directly by material experts and media experts through direct experiments so that
the compatibility is obtained with existing theories. Thus, the teaching aids can be operational
and the students can conclude from experiments. Also, a questionnaire was used to know the
attractiveness and ease of teaching aids.

Product Specifications
A simple remote control car is a tool that can be used to support learning activities
regarding static electricity. This tool works with the triboelectric system (materials that can
produce electricity, for example, batteries). It is designed by utilizing materials that are easily
found around our environment. Some important parts of this tool are dynamos battery, cables,
and dynamos that function to distribute the current. In this case, a used dynamo was obtained
from used CDs and the cables were obtained from used telephone cables. This tool can be run
by a battery connected to the dynamo via a cable.

RESEARCH METHODS Commented [A10]: please correct the title writing, look again at
how to write the title in the template YSSSEE

Place and Time of Research

The preliminary study phase of this research and development was conducted at SMP (Junior
High School) PGRI 6, MTsN (State Islamic Junior High School) 2 Bandar Lampung, and
SMPN (State Junior High School) 21 Bandar Lampung.

1. The Time of Research

This research was carried out from the preparation stage until the implementation of the
developed product starting in the second semester of the 2018/2019 academic year.

A. Research Methods
This research uses research and development methods. Research and development is a
research method used to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these
products.[15]The purpose of this development research is to produce certain products and
testing the effectiveness of the products so that it functions in the wider community, then the
research is needed to test the effectiveness of the product.[16]This research must produce new
products or improve existing products that can be accounted for.
In this research, the researcher uses the Research and Development method by
utilizing inorganic materials. The R&D model used is one proposed by Borg and Gall and
Commented [A11]: Please elaborate clearly the research step
Sugiyono. design!!! Vadidation process and trial???
B. Validators and Research Subjects
The validation teams (validators) of instruments are physics lecturers. The experts were 3
material experts and 4 media experts, and 2 teachers. The subjects to find out the product's
appropriateness were the ninth-grade junior high school students.

C. Research and Development

Thedevelopment procedure is based on Sugiyono's instructional materials design. The
resulting product is a teaching aid in physics learning that can be utilized by students in
improving the quality of physics learning that can affect the achievement of learning goals to
improve learning achievement.
According to Sugiono, the research and development steps include potential and problems,
data collection, product design, design validation, product revision, product testing, product
revision, field implementation testing, final product revision, dimension, and
implementation.2 Commented [A12]: It also, please improve your citation

D. The Development Steps

1. Preliminary Study
The initial activity before developing the teaching aids is preliminary research.

The potential in this research and development is in SMP PGRI 6 Bandar Lampung, MTs N 2
Bandar Lampung, and SMP N 21 Bandar Lampung which has some facilities in the form of
science laboratories, there are also many inorganic wastes that have not been used properly,
and there are no teaching aids in the form of simple remote control cars on static electricity

After finding a complete and clear potential problem, the next step is to collect the resources.
The materials were chosen because they are more difficult than the previous material. Also, to
make it easier for students to understand each subject, the teaching aids were made of wastes
which are cheaper, effective and do not require a large cost to make them so that they can
assist students in understanding the subject.

Activities before developing teaching aids or teaching materials are needs analysis. The needs
analysis was in the form of preliminary observations in learning activities. Teacher
observations and interviews were carried out during the learning process. Then the researchers
analyzed the problems in the field. The processes were as follows:
1) Lack of use of teaching aids that utilize the surrounding environment.
2) Analyze physics teaching aids to see the suitability of the media with competency
standards and basic competencies.
3) Less interactive learning media to improve the quality of learning.

After gathering information, the researchers then make an initial product teaching aids that are
interesting, so that it is beneficial for teachers and students in improving the quality of
learning. In the design of teaching aids, several sources of books were used and the web as a
material guide. The visual design consists of ice cream sticks, used bottles (2 pieces), bottle

[22]h.271 [23]
caps (4 pieces), small size cable, 9 volt battery (4 pieces), 9 volt battery holder, DC motor (2
pieces) , solder, cardboard, cutter, scissors, small rubber (2 pieces), gun glue, pens, and
skewers. These tools and materials are arranged in such a way to be a simple remote control
car for explaining the concept of static electricity. When the dynamo is connected to a battery
through a wire, it will rotate the rubber which is rotated by a gear made of used material. The
rubber friction continuously generates static electricity.

a. Design Validation
Design validation is a process of activities to assess whether the product design will be
more attractive than other learning media. This validation is said to be rational validation
because this validation is still an evaluation based on rational thought, not field facts.
From the results of product trials, if the responses of teachers and students say that this
product is interesting and if it is more effective and beneficial for the learning process, then it
can be said that this teaching aid has been developed to produce the final product. However, if
the product is not yet perfect, the results of this trial will be used as material for the revision
and improvement of the teaching aids so that it can produce the final product that is ready to
be used at school.

E. Data Collection Instruments

1. Validation Sheet
a. Validation Sheet of the Teaching Aids
The validation sheet contained aspects that have been formulated including the design of
interactive learning aid and procedures. Each aspect was developed into several statements.
This validation sheet was filled out by physics lecturers who are experts in the field of
instructional media and junior high school teachers who teach physics.

b. Validation sheets of Interviews with Students

This validation sheets aimed to find out whether the guidelines for interviews with students
were valid or not.

2. Questionnaire
The questionnaire was used to determine the teacher's response toward the teaching aids by
utilizing wastes (inorganic materials). The questionnaire was given after the learning process
took place.

3. Interview Guidelines
An interview was used to find out the use of teaching aids in the classroom. To interview the
students, the interview guidelines were made. The interview guideline contained questions
about the instructions, contents, and time of use.

F. Data Collection and Analysis

1. Data Collecting Technique
The data collecting technique in this study was a questionnaire. A questionnaire is a data
collecting technique by giving or distributing a list of questions to respondents in the hope of
responding to the list of questions.[17]The questionnaire method was used to measure
indicators relating to the content of instructional materials, appearance, and quality. The
timetable used a five-point response format from a rating scale which is a subjective measure
made on a scale. The data was given a number symbol: excellent 5, high 4, moderate 3, low 2,
and poor 1.[18]
2. Data analysis techniques
The data analyses in this study are descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative analysis
techniques. The quantitative data was obtained in the form of input from the validators at the
validation stage, also input from media experts, material experts, and physics teachers. The
quantitative data described the results of product development. Data obtained through
assessment instruments at the time of the trial were analyzed using statistical analysis. This
method is expected to be used to understand further data. The results of data analysis will be
used as a basis for revising the product. The data consisted of opinions or responses toward
the product collected through a questionnaire with statistical analysis.
To determine the overall score of the product by calculating the average score of all
assessment criteria then converted it into a qualitative value based on the assessment criteria.
The score shows the quality of the product. The obtained data were also calculated using the
following formula:[19]
P = x 100%

Description :
P = Ideal number
S = The number of research components
N = Maximum score
Based on the data, the product development process will end when the assessment
score meets the feasibility requirement which covers the level of appropriateness, the
appropriateness of the teaching aid, and the technical quality of the teaching aid. It will be
categorized as very interesting or interesting.

Research Result and Discussion

Results of Media Development

1. Needs Analysis
The study was conducted in three schools namely SMP PGRI, MTsN 2, and SMPN 21
located in Bandar Lampung. The teachers and tenth-grade students were the respondents in
this study. Researchers used a research and development model by adapting the Borg and Gall
R&D method which has been modified by Sugiyono from stage 1 to stage 7. The needs
identified as the results of the analysis are as follows:
a. Results of Identification of Problems and Data Collection Stages
Problems and data collection from the literature review and pre-research conducted
during the needs analysis is generated at the identification stage.
1) The Results of Theoretical Basis
Some theories were found that support the feasibility and usefulness of physics
learning aid in the form of a remote control car a physics teaching aids on static electrical
material. The use of the developed product as a teaching aid can clarify learning activities.
Then, from the results of a trial of these learning activities, the use of visual aids can also
support concept understanding activities with real data.
2) Pre-Research Results (Field Observation)
To find out the needs of teachers and students regarding the teaching aids, pre-
research or field observation was done. The questionnaire was given to the teachers and
students. The questionnaire was focused on the teachers’ ability in developing the remote
control car and the students' response in using the remote control car.
The utilization of teaching aids in learning physics in the classroom is not optimal is
the result of field observations. Besides, there are still many students who do not yet have a
handbook in the form of manuals. For that, to help students learn independently, it is
necessary to develop a teaching aid in the form of a remote control car as a simple physics
teaching aids.
b. The Results of Product Design
The developed product is a simple physics teaching aids that will help teachers and
students in the learning process and students learn independently based on field observation
data. The teaching aids in the form of a remote control car in development planning are as
The process of making a teaching aid in the form of the remote control car uses a
series of components arranged from several components such as ice cream sticks, 12v battery,
DC motor, cable, plugs, on-off buttons, glue gun, wheels, and used bottles.
The following are some of the display designs of the teaching aids.

Figure 4.1 Materials Used to Make the

Remote Control Car

Figure 4.1 displays the steps are taken to prepare tools and materials and cut ice cream
sticks according to the size needed for the car and remote frame
Figure 4.2 Pieces of Material That Have Been Cut
and Arranged into the Car’s a Frame

A. The Feasibility of the Media (Media Validation)

The next step is to test the feasibility of the media through product validation after the product
is successfully developed. The initial product had been finished before carrying out the design
or product validation. Validation was done by 2 expert validations, namely the validation of
material experts and media experts. First, the instrument of the research was validated by the
experts before it was used to validate the design or product. The validation instrument was
given to material experts and media experts as validators.
1. Material Expert Validation
a) Material Expert Validation Phase I and Phase II
The material expert filled out an assessment questionnaire sheet on each aspect of the
assessment which consisted of 4 aspects and each aspect has several statements. The 12
statements filled out by 2 validators can be seen in Graph 4.8.

B. The Results Media Revision

Some suggestions were obtained from the material and media experts. Then, based on the
suggestion as to the input, the initial product design was revised.
The observation at Junior High Schools (SMP) in Bandar Lampung is the initial stage
carried out when planning the initial product. The teachers always use printed media or
printed books when carrying out the learning process that requires quite a lot of time, so the
teachers find it difficult to use the time to provide material that has an impact on students’
learning outcomes.
The development process of the learning media including determining ideas, analyzing
the material to be shown and determining the material to be used were the initial steps. The
teachers wanted the product to be implemented in the learning activities and students can
easily understand the concept of learning.
The developed products before being tested in the field were validated by expert validators; 2
material experts and 3 media experts who are experts in their fields.


A. Conclusions
The conclusions of this development research are:
1. The remote control car as simple teaching aids on dynamic electricity material and the
energy transformation for junior high school students is categorized as highly feasible based
on the assessment of material expert with a percentage of 80.59% and it is also categorized as
highly feasible based on the assessment of the media expert with a percentage of 92.92%.
2. The product gets a very interesting response from the students based on the small-
group trial with a percentage of 82.70%. This shows that the learning media developed can be
accepted as media that can be used in learning. Commented [A13]: PLEASE CORRECT CREATE
B. Suggestions NUMBERS
Some suggestion is proposed based on the results of the study, discussions, and conclusions.
1. For the schools, learning media in the form of a remote control car as a teaching aid
can be used to improve the quality and creativity of students.
2. For teachers, the learning media can be developed continuously with different
3. For further researchers, the remote control car as a teaching aid needs to be developed
further in certain parts, such as in series and others.
Trials should be done with different subjects so that it can produce learning media that can be
widely used.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Commented [A14]: please use mendelay , no manual for all


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