Actionplan For May Pera Sa Basura Project
Actionplan For May Pera Sa Basura Project
Actionplan For May Pera Sa Basura Project
The concepts behind the simplified “3R’s” approach reflect a much broader, more
complex hierarchy for managing waste. People grew up thinking that waste is just
being thrown. Having this idea in their minds make huge mistake and that is mixing all
types of garbage in just one trash bin. Obviously, wastes become worse not just a
waste policy. To empower pupils, the teachers utilized active learning strategies and
Allowing pupils participation in the planning and development of SWM may create
a great impact for the success of the project. Moreover, the implementation of the
project utilizes teaching and learning strategies that integrate meaningful community
service. It will enrich the learning experiences created and imposed by the school policies
that will lead to decreased residual wastes, and to integrate waste management with
funds therefor, and for other purposes. “In compliance to RA 9003 mandates the
include ecological solid waste management in the school systems at all levels, to actively
waste management content in the curricula. Create and conduct more projects other than
zero waste management to raise pupils’ awareness, educate and be ready with the
impacts of climate change since they are the most vulnerable to climate impacts.
protection in all science subjects as well as in classroom discussions. The learners will
take part in various waste management programs to effectively achieve the sustainable
the idea of better management, recycling of plastic wastes and advocate for
waste, understanding where waste ends up, and exploring how waste issues impact the
land, air, water, and other living things in the local environment. These will also help the
students to explore and think about their actions, make their own choices, and begin to
develop a sense of wonder about the world around them and will understand the
of the program, time frame of its implementation, the budget needed, the source of
budget, persons involved and the success indicator. School-based solid waste
from paper cardboard and other school related materials. Thus, institutions like
schools, private and state universities have to model responsible solid waste
management in terms of waste re-use, waste reduction, waste collection, waste recycling,
learn to value the concept “From Trash to Cash” or “May Pera sa Basura”, and
continuous set of meetings per project because the club found it difficult at times to
disseminate information regarding the project to be done. Also, there should also be
Different sources of funds are also needed. The main problem of the club in
executing its projects is the lack of resources, whether money or even the tree seedlings.
And so, soliciting is a must. There should also be coordination between the YES-O and
different Local Government Units which are in charge of distributing tree seedling. Asking
for donations from different people is also suggested to provide more funds for more
projects to be accomplished. Also, make sure that the committees per activity would fulfill
All members should also be more encouraged to participate in the club activities.
For the projects to be conducted more properly, the preparations should be done not a
week before the event but one or two months before the day of the project. All officers
should also be familiar with their responsibilities and tasks to provide the students good
leadership. Lastly, provide more opportunities for the students to increase their
awareness regarding environmental protection and preservation like making more eco-