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Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sistemática e Evolução, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do
Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil.
Laboratório de Botânica Sistemática, Departamento de Botânica e Zoologia, Universidade
Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN, Brazil.
Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG,
Corresponding author: Leonardo Versieux (
The anthers appeared close to the petal apex a few hours after anthesis, starting to
release pollen after 9:00 am, and continuing throughout the day until the early hours of
the following morning. The stigma was receptive from the end of the first day (around
4:00 pm) (Fig. 1e) until the morning of the second day. Flower senescence starts on
the morning of the second day. Senescence in V. minarum flowers is characterized by
the loss of the yellow color of the sepals and darkening of the petals (Fig. 1f ).
Nectar accumulated at the base of the corolla, and its production started around
8:00 am on the first day (mean = 0.023 ml ± 0.02 SD). There was a general trend of
decrease (Fig. 2), with the end of the production around 2:00 pm on the second day.
Similarly, the mean sugar concentration in the nectar was higher on the first day (mean
= 13% ± 9.5 SD). On the second day the average sugar concentration was 9%. As with
production, there was a general trend of decreasing sugar concentration throughout the
day (Fig. 2). When nectar was removed, the flower restored the same average amount
of nectar throughout the day and its output coincides with thecal dehiscence and the
release of pollen. Flowers have no perceivable odor after being kept in sealed vials.
Unfortunately, no floral visitors or pollinators were observed, although many dif-
ferent species of visitors (hummingbirds, butterflies, bees and beetles) were noticed
90 J. Bromeliad Soc. 66(2). 2017.
SCIENCE Floral biology of Vriesea minarum
Figure 2. Nectar production (ml) and nectar sugar concentration (%) along a period
of 2 days in Vriesea minarum flowers. Figure by Pâmela Lavor.
around other plant species that were flowering in the same area. In one of the observed
V. minarum plants, an unidentified ant circulated along the axis of the inflorescence,
and got into the flowers sporadically without touching stamen or stigma or causing
damage to the floral parts. The flowers of V. minarum have a trimerous perianth (three
sepals and three petals) (Fig. 3a), with two basal petal appendages per petal (Fig. 3c).
The ovary is nearly superior (Figs. 3a and 3g), and is 3-locular (Figs. 3b and 3d), with
a fraction of each locule base going below the point of petal attachment. Nectaries are
infralocular, with septal nectaries well developed (Fig. 3a). The anthers are dorsifixed
and have longitudinal dehiscence (Figs. 3e and 3f ). The stigma type (Fig. 3h) is classi-
fied as convolute blade in the Brown and Gilmartin (1984, 1989) system.
Reproductive biology – All treatments produced fruits and seeds, indicating that
the species can produce seed under either self- or cross-pollination (see Table 1). The
number of fruit was proportionally higher in the control, untouched and unbagged, in
which 18 out 19 (94.7%) flowers treated set fruit, followed by manual self-pollination
(75%), spontaneous self-pollination (68.8%), and by the manual cross-pollination
(41.7%). The proportion of seeds per fruit (seed set divided by the fruit set), however,
was higher in manual cross-pollination (263.6), followed by manual self-pollination
(199.6), spontaneous self-pollination (93.2) and by the control (14.4). In all the treat-
ments, we observed aborted seeds that were not counted.
FRUIT SET 9 5 11 18
% Fruit set
per 75.0 41.7 68.8 94.7
of a single flower a day per inflorescence in V. minarum, could be less attractive if com-
pared to several options of flowers in other shrubs and herbs nearby. Moreover, as the
observations were made only during the day and there are indications that its flowers
remain open during the night, perhaps the floral visitors were more active in this time.
A similar fact is reported by Van Sluys & Stotz (1995) with other species of Vriesea that,
by presenting a limited offer of flowers per inflorescence during the flowering season,
received fewer floral visitors, while groups of flowering plants with a larger number of
open flowers received more visits by hummingbirds.
The basic characteristics of the flowers of V. minarum suggest a mixed pol-
lination syndrome. Mixed pollination systems are found in several Mesoamerican
Bromeliaceae species, with some species of Tillandsia presenting flowers that last for
almost 48 hours, a strategy to allow access of pollinators that are active during the night
(Benzing 2000b). The flower of V. minarum has typical ornithophily features, such as
exposed flowers and inflorescence, tubular and odorless flowers, diurnal anthesis, con-
spicuous or contrasting colors among floral parts, lower concentration of nectar sugar,
stigma and anthers away from the nectaries and positioned to optimize the contact
with birds, and absence of a landing platform (Machado & Semir 2006). Marques &
Lemos-Filho (2008) observed birds visiting V. minarum (at that time identified as V.
citrina) in Serra da Piedade, 41 km northeast of RMSP. These authors also noted that
above 1,500 m.a.s.l. in the area of Serra da Piedade ornithophily was most common
among the Vriesea species. Other morphologically similar species were also indicated
as ornithophilous, as is the case of V. marceloi Versieux & Machado, from Serra do
Figure 4. (a) Mature seed of V. minarum. (b-e) Post seminal development of Vriesea minarum. ;
(b) onset of germination with the emergence of the radicle (primary root); (c) the first leaf (eo-
phyll) appearance; (d) formation of the second leaf; (e) appearance of the third leaf. Bars = 2 mm
(Legends: Co = Coma; Cs = Cotyledonary sheath; Eo = Eophyll; Pr = Primary root; Se = Seed). Line
drawings by Rhudson Cruz.
Caraça (Versieux & Machado 2012). Versieux (2011) also made personal observations
of hummingbird visits to V. minarum.
On the other hand, flowers of V. minarum have a duration of two days, do not
close during the night, and the stigma becomes receptive in the late afternoon, sug-
gesting visits by nocturnal pollinators, maybe bats. Currently, 36 species of bats have
been inventoried in the caves in the ironstone outcrops, four nectarivorous species and
12 frugivorous (Gomes et al. 2015). Bats are the main pollinators in several bromeliad
genera, including Vriesea Section Xiphion (e.g. Vogel 1969, Sazima et al. 1989, 1995,
Martinelli 1997, Kessler & Kromer 2000, Benzing 2000c), although most bat-pollinated
Vriesea species have wide-mouthed flowers and stamens positioned on one side of the
flower (Sazima et al. 1995). Bats can be opportunistic and sometimes visit flowers that
do not conform to the classic ‘bat pollination syndrome’; the color of bat flowers ranges
from white, brown and green to pink, fuchsia and yellow. Bat flowers/inflorescences
can be roughly divided into three categories based on their shape: (1) ‘shaving-brush’ or
‘stamen ball’ with many projecting stamens; (2) ‘bell-shaped’ with the corolla forming
a tube; and (3) ‘cupshaped’ with an open corolla (Fleming et al. 2009). Recent works
indicate interesting results for bromeliads that have flowers remaining open during
day and night, and this strategy may be similar in V. minarum (Marques et al. 2015,
Aguilar-Rodrıguez et al. 2014, 2015, Queiroz et al. 2016).
Pollination by bats may explain recent results of population genetics for the species.
Lavor et al. (2014) found a low genetic population structure attributed either to efficient
seed or pollen dispersal among separated mountains. Bats can travel great distances to
feeding sites (up to 38 km), whereas many species of hummingbirds are territorial, thus
restricting cross-pollination distances (Proctor et al. 1996). Nevertheless, the low levels
of gene flow obtained with the similarly rupicolous and closely related genus Alcantarea
lead Barbará et al. (2007) to suggest that bats do not contribute so much to cross-
pollination between inselberg (isolated granitic rock outcrops) bromeliad populations.
Considering the floral morphology, our dissections indicate that the ovary in this
species has a positioning similar to what is seen in Alcantarea (Versieux & Wanderley
2015). The basal 1/8 of locules is below the point of attachment of the petals (Fig. 3a).
This would classify the ovary as cryptically half-inferior or nearly superior (as described
by Mez 1934, Smith & Till 1998). In contrast, some descriptions of Vriesea, suggest
that a fully superior ovary is the only type found in the entire genus.
Reproductive biology - There are many characteristics that may influence the
proportions of selfing and outcrossing breeding systems in Bromeliaceae. Protandry is
the main means of promoting outcrossing in self-compatible species (Benzing 2000b)
and this is an attribute observed in V. minarum. This strategy was recorded by Martinelli
(1994) in 17 Vriesea species pollinated by hummingbirds and bats in southeastern
Brazil Atlantic rainforest. The mean number of seeds produced by both manual and
spontaneous self-pollination (Table 1) indicates that the species is self-compatible and
capable of reproducing in case of pollinator shortage, despite the higher value of seed
set seen for manual cross-pollination. For V. minarum the reproductive pattern is like
those observed in the bromeliad species studied by Martinelli (1994) and Matallana et
al. (2010) that presented characteristics of an outcrossing breeding system (an advan-
tage when pollinator availability is high). However, inferences about the reproductive
system of this species can not be fully understood now, and are still speculative in the
present work and will demand additional experiments, including overnight observa-
tions (to make sure bats are visiting the inflorescences) and seed viability tests. Because
the flowering season was atypical that year and only 8 rosettes were blooming for this
experiment, only a limited number of inflorescences and flowers were available for
treatments. This limited the number of flowers in each treatment category. We hope
to expand the study in the future with a larger numbers of flowers and to avoid any
loss of seed viability due to delays in transportating and counting. Germination rates
could then be used to determine which of the treatments would, in fact, guarantee
more efficient reproduction.
Morphology of seeds and post-seminal development - The seeds of V. minarum
are morphologically similar to those from other Tillandsioideae species. This subfamily
is characterized mainly by the coma, the flight apparatus allowing anemochory. The
appendages increase the surface/volume ratio, reducing speed of the fall during disper-
sal by air streams or winds in the dry season (Paula & Silva 2004). Seed germination
time is considered intermediate according to the Pereira et al. (2008) classification and
similar to what have been described for other Tillandsioideae, as well as their post-
seminal characteristics, such as the presence of the undeveloped hypocotyl, and straight
cotyledonary sheath and reduced primary root (Tillich 2007).
Conservation - In terms of ecological importance, the family Bromeliaceae is
remarkable, but the amount of scientific literature available about the floral biology,
phenology and reproductive systems is still limited compared to the richness and domi-
nance of Bromeliaceae taxa in many habitats, although an increase in the last decade
is noticed (e.g. Martinelli 1997, Siqueira-Filho & Machado 2001, Nara & Webber
2002, Machado & Semir 2006, Pereira & Quirino 2008, Rios et al. 2010, Marques et
al. 2015, Aguilar-Rodríguez et al. 2014, 2015, Queiroz et al. 2016). This knowledge
is fundamental, since the bromeliads are biodiversity promoters and help in the estab-
lishment and maintenance of other organisms, such as other plants, invertebrates, and
vertebrates (Benzing 2000b).
Although no floral visitors were seen in the present study, data presented here on
nectar production in V. minarum show the plant may be considered an important
source of nectar for diurnal and nocturnal fauna in the ferruginous fields. As proposed
by Lavor et al. (2014) we suggest that more conservation units be created within the
entire IQ to protect micro-endemic taxa such as V. minarum, and that more studies
investigating the potential to preserve germplasm of this taxon (including techniques
to prolong seed viability) should be conducted.
We thank CAPES for the first author’s M.Sc. CMJ and LMV thank the Brazil-
ian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) for
their Research Productivity Scholarships and research grants (304778/2013-3 and
455510/2014-8). The Rola-Moça State Park and the State Forest Institute (IEF-MG)
are gratefully acknowledged for providing personnel to assist with collection and ob-
servation of specimens in the field. We also thank Profs. Fabio de Almeida Vieira and
Vânia Cristina Rennó Azevedo for their constructive suggestions to an earlier version of
this manuscript, as well as the anonymous reviewers and editors. Interns A.S. Medeiros
and E.C. Tomaz are acknowledged for their patience and help while counting seeds.
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[Editor’s notes: In a floral biology study, the aim is to determine in detail the way a
plant is able to produce seeds. Do the flowers need cross-pollination, or can they
self-fertilize? If pollinated, how do they interact with pollinators? We are interested
in these characteristics for endangered species because the details may provide clues
to the forces limiting the population growth of the species. For instance, pollinators
having a long history with the species - and presumably quite efficient in carrying out
pollination - may suddenly become unavailable due to changes in rainfall patterns,
temperature or the arrival of new competitors and/or predators. If pollination is now
carried out by a less efficient pollinator, the potential seed set could well be limited.
Of course, such details may be intriguing for non-endangered as well as endan-
gered species. The plants in your own collection provide you with an opportunity
to make similar observations. You can start by determining when the flowers open
and when they close. Most of the cultivated bromeliads have seasonal blooming
cycles. In southern Florida, there are plants, such as Billbergia species and the mem-
bers of several different species groups in Aechmea that bloom during the Northern
Hemisphere Fall and Winter. Larger Neoregelia species tend to flower primarily in
Spring. A large variety of species bloom preferentially during the Summer.
It is also possible, and interesting, to keep track of when the flowers open and
close during the day. Most bromeliad flowers last only a single day or part of a day,
but - as indicated in this article - there are exceptions. Usually, a fully open flower
can be recognized by outward bending of the petal tips. In Neoregelia, and several
other genera, these tips are easily seen due to their large size and the way they bend
sharply away from the tube formed by the lower portion of the petals, often ending
up at right angles to the tube. In the case of Billbergia, it is common for the petal
tips to arch away from each other gradually with the two lower petals ultimately
recurving. In contrast, many species of Vriesea have only a small proportion of the
petal (less than 1/8 of an inch or 2-3 mm) bending out. Also, there are some species
where the petals expand, but the tips remain curved inward, and the only opening
is a hole where the tips of the petals pull slightly away from each other.
In either case, once you can recognize an open flower, you start observing your
blooming plant at progressively earlier times. With some plants, you may have to be
out watching the flowers before the sun comes up. With a night-blooming plant, you
might have to start your observations in the evening to catch the hour of opening.
It is also of interest to know how long the flower stays open, so you want to
record what hour the flower closes. Flower ‘closing’ is usually marked by a change in
the appearance of the petals. Sometimes the petals will darken, sometimes they will
start to turn a light brown. Often, this color change will be visible before the petals
show any sign of changing physically, but Neoregelia provides a major exception. In
Neoregelia species, the spreading lobes of the petals typically retain color while the
lobes unbend over a rather long period of time until they are erect and touching
each other. It is probable the biological closure of the flower occurs sometime within
this period of petal straightening, but we can define the hour of flower closure as
the time the petal lobes touch again. Another note regarding Neoregelia: the time
of flower closing is strongly influenced by the cultural conditions of the plant. In
general, the flower opens (the petal lobes spread outward) early in the morning.
For plants grown under high light conditions, the petal lobes can start to unbend
before noon. When plants are grown in more shade - or are observed on a cloudy
day - the fully spread petals persist for a longer time.]