NCNS Policy
NCNS Policy
NCNS Policy
I. Scope
No Call No Show Policy (“this Policy”) is effective January, 01, 2017 and supersedes
any previous policy and/or practice of managing process and procedures of
employees absconding from the organization. This Policy applies to all employees of
Ujaas Energy Pvt. Ltd. and affiliates (collectively referred to as the “Company”).
II. Purpose
This Policy outlines the process to be followed when an employee absconds from
regular scheduled working days without prior consent or notification for an extended
1. Does not report on duty without prior intimation for three consecutive days; OR
2. Remains absent from duty beyond the approved leave; OR
3. Does not provide medical documentation, the documentation is insufficient or not
submitted within the stipulated time frame as per the NCNS process
Note: The attempt to contact the employee will continue through Day 2.
Day 10 Absconding:
The Manager will issue the employee a “Termination Letter” in the specified
template through e-mail and through mail to the address as per company records
keeping HR in CC
The HR Team will record the exit of the employee with the “Last Working Day”
recorded as the “Termination Letter (Day 10 absconding) date”
The HR Team will notify the employee to complete clearance formalities in order to
process the full and final settlement
If an employee resumes work at any point in time during the NCNS process
(between Day 1 and Day 10), the following actions would need to be completed: