Tdi Hazid Template

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TDI HAZID Template Hazard

After Additional



Project planning mtgs,
Poor safety control, job quality, Project HSE Plan, PEP,
1 Project Planning Inadequate planning 3 D 3 D
and efficiency ERP, Bridging Document,
SIMOPS Plan in place
Start up meeting, Training
Matrix on CM for crew & staff
Training/Familiarit Lack of familiarity with work unsafe acts, loss of quality,
2 positions, SSE program, 3 D 3 D
y scope errors
Safety Mgmt System, HSE
Lack of suitable Exposure to unsafe conditions
transportation means, and extortive locals. Missed
Journey inadequate or inaccurate connections and project delay. Driving policy in HSE
3 3 D 3 D
Management planning and Car crash, collision with System.
communications, travelling wildlife. Kidnapping/physical
when dark. harm.

SIMOPS/On-site Assets

Conflict caused by lack of SIMOPS Plan as needed,

Loss, vessel or deployed gear
or insufficient SIMOPS including cross-informing by
4 SIMOPS damage, platform damage. 4 D 4 D
coordination & cooperation Party Chiefs & maintaining
Poor quality & efficiency
between vessels communication in work area

Potential for more serious or

inability to MEDEVAC after
exacerbated injuries/illness, ERP, emergency drills,
Emergency loss/damage of Project HSE Plan including
5 inadequate environmental 3 D 3 D
Response vessel/equipment, the performance of desk-top
response/mitigation to
environmental release drill in transit

General Control Methods

USCG Safe Manning Letter
in place, Crewing
Improperly licensed crew,
qualifications on CM. Review
untrained/inexperienced Unsafe operations, collision,
6 Manning of CV and crew list, review of 2 D 2 D
crew, insufficient crew loss, injury
manning requirements for
causing incident/accident
job, experienced helmsmen.
Training matrix in place.
Process Checklists, JSAs,
Inadequate work controls Off-Process PTWs, Toolbox
Loss, injury, mistakes, unsafe
causing Meetings, Stop-work policy,
7 Permits to Work acts, lost time, financial loss, 2 D 2 D
incident/accident/equipmen mgmt team meetings,
damage/loss of equipment
t damage/loss. continual mgmt team
evaluation of weather
Loss of GPS signal, loss of Backup bridge GPS system.
nav equipment function, Running aground, collisions, Charts, Pubs, and Voyage
8 Transit Navigation 2 E 2 E
inadequate charts causing entering restricted areas Plans in place. NTMs
incident/accident incorporated weekly.

Imprecise coordinates,
wrong geodetics, Striking seabed infrastructure Pre-start validation of Client's
obsolete/wrong/no causing damage or leakage. geodetic settings in nav
9 Site Navigation calibrations, imprecise tool sample/measure at wrong system, vessel offsets, 2 E 2 E
offsets, loss of GPS signal, location, loss of calibrations, coordinates.
loss of nav equipment quality/efficiency Backup GPS system.
function causing

Vessel unable to maintain Stop Work authority in place.

position within Equipment damage, injury, Matrix of Permitted
Station Holding
10 specifications, sea state reputation, financial loss, poor Operations (MOPO) in place. 4 C 4 C
building, causing quality Experienced helmsmen,
incident/accident/loss navigator, Party Chief.
All lifting equipment SWL
inspected and certified,
Unsafe operations in sea process checklists, field-
conditions, swinging gear, tested processes, personnel
runaway gear, untrained qualified & certified for
Injury, loss, equipment
11 Lifting Gear Use staff, failure of winch, a- position, properly designed 2 D 2 D
damage, project delay
frame, crane, other gear, systems, weather stand-
during lift, causing down threshold/decision,
incident/accident/damage. procedure in place for
disposal of gear taken out of
On-board hospital, PPE per
matrix, ERP, experienced
Unsafe walking and
crew & staff, non-slip
working surfaces due to
surfaces, awareness training,
Slips, Trips, & sea conditions. Poor
12 Injury visual warnings, safety 3 C 3 C
Falls housekeeping, rushing,
signage, fall-protection gear,
fatigue, heat/body stress,
observation cards, Safety
causing injury
HSE Awareness topic, cross-
dept audits
Heat Stress training program
Sun and high temperature in place. Proper clothing,
Exposure to heat stroke, sunburn, heat
13 exposure causing illness, water, sun screen, covered 4 C 4 C
Elements exhaustion, dehydration
injury work area, reinforcement in
Daily Safety mtg.
Unapproved visitor gaining Gangway watch/sign-in with
access to vessel causing ID check. Vessel security
Visitor injury, safety violations,
incident. plan. Escort policy,
Vessel Visitor security compromised.
14 Orientation/safety briefing & 3 D 3 D
Mgmt Expected visitor not Theft/loss. Introduction of
pamphlet, restricted zones
oriented/escorted causing computer viruses.
posted, visitor PPE issued.
incident. Secure dock.
Pre-employment tests, clear
policy statement. Policy
Worker having impaired
injury, safety violations, reviewed at kickoff meeting.
ability/judgement on the
15 Drugs & Alcohol equipment damage, project For-cause and post-incident 3 D 3 D
job, causing
delay testing. Private call at kickoff
mtg for personal meds by
HSE officer.
equipment damage, injury,
Third-Party Third party interferes with interruption, detainment, ISPS plan in place. ERP in
16 4 E 4 E
Interference vessel or deployed gear. project delay, reputation, place, NGO policy in place.
project goals not met
Virus protection on all project
computers on-board.
Policies in place: (1) Client
file transfer by wireless
No virus protection, network only. (2) No games
untested equipment Loss of information, inefficient on any project computer. (3)
Computer renders job-essential or inaccurate site-navigation, No exe files allowed to be
17 4 D 4 D
Malware computer inoperable or loss of email comms with installed on any project
inefficient. Hard drive shore. computers. (4) Restricted
erasure. access to Internet. Regularly
updated VirusDefs and
scans. Backup hard drives
and other redundancy in
MOC process in place. Post
MOC communication plan to
crew/staff in place. Re-
Not properly using MOC
Imprudent action introduces enforcement at kickoff
process. Inadequate
greater operational safety risk, meeting and daily safety
Management of training/focus on MOC
18 decreased quality/accuracy of meetings. On-board Mgmt 2 D 2 D
Change process, causes imprudent
result, and/or reduced team reviews change
or ill-considered process
efficiency of operation. process regularly. Mature,
well defined processes and
gear design reduces need for
process change.

Marine Procedures
Training, emergency drills,
Injury, damage, loss, procedures in place, certified
19 Abandon Ship Uncontrolled fire, sinking reputation, financial loss, loss personnel and equipment, 2 E 2 E
of life, environmental damage life rafts, inspections, safety
Training, emergency drills,
procedures in place, certified
personnel and equipment,
fixed fire fighting systems,
Injury, damage, loss,
Improper response to fire SCBAs, inspections, safety
20 Fire reputation, financial loss, loss 2 E 2 E
exacerbating problem meetings, EEBDs in place,
of life
smoke hoods in every
stateroom, smoke alarms in
every room, emergency
flashlights in every stateroom
Planned Maintenance
Complete blackout
System (PMS), trained
(propulsion) lack of
Main Engine Loss, collision, reputation, personnel and equipment.
21 engineer competence poor 4 C 4 C
Failure project delays, Training, 2 engines/screws,
maintenance exacerbating
anchor for shallow water,
2 engines & bow thruster
Loss, collision, grounding,
Uncontrolled vessel used for steering. Drop
22 Loss of Steering project delay, inability to 2 D 2 D
movement anchor. Loss of Steering
respond to other hazards
drills. PMS in place.
2 generators plus emergency
generator tied to emergency
Loss of electrical by Loss, collision, grounding, fire pump. Emergency
23 Loss of Electrical flooding, fire, malfunction project delay, inability to generator drills/test. PMS in 2 E 2 E
exacerbating problem respond to other hazards place. starting instructions &
flashlight posted at
emergency generator
Retrieval training, drills,
retrieval procedures,
Sea state, traffic, visibility,
inspections, update manifest
not following procedures, Injury, loss of life, reputation,
24 Man Overboard daily, life saving appliances, 2 E 2 E
PPE/equipment failure, project delay
SAS training, FRC on board,
causing MOB
PPE per matrix, Working at
Heights training
boat-to-boat procedure in
MOB, sea-state related Injury, loss of life, collision,
25 At-Sea Transfers place, PPE per matrix, SAS 2 D . 4 E
injury hazards. damage, project delay
Planning, Procedures,
certified personnel, weather
Imprudent judgement to Personnel injury, equipment
updates, hatch management
26 Severe Weather continue work causes damage/loss, unsafe acts, 3 D 3 D
protocols, MOPO in
incident/accident/loss. possible MOB
place.(pitch/roll/deck wash
Training, drills, field-tested
gear & procedures, spill
catchments, audits, certified
personnel and equipment,
Planned Maintenance
Release of hydrocarbons
Environmental damage, fire, System, NTVRP, SOPEP
to the environment,
27 Hydrocarbon Spill reputation, injury, fines, clean up kit w/PPE, 3 D 3 D
causing environmental
cleanup expense. bunkering procedures.
Vessel General Permit
weekly inspection process.
Spill containment for drums
& coring hydraulic hoses.
Spare hydraulic line kits.

treatment/handling Environmental damage,
Sewage Disposal/ procedures in place. Use of
28 capacity of sewage prior to reputation, fines, cleanup 3 D 3 D
Treatment holding tanks & discharge
disposal causing MARPOL expense

Inadequate considerations
Injury/fatality to marine life,
for marine life during
Disturbance of especially mammals. Avoid deploying equipment
29 operations, by vessel or 4 E 4 E
Marine Life Environmental damage, in protected communities.
deployed gear, disrupting
reputation, fines
marine life

Over-the-Side Tool Preparation

Load tests, JSA reviews,
injury, damage, loss, poor oversight, pre-lift tool box
Improper mobilization of
30 efficiency, poor quality, unsafe meetings, well 2 D 2 D
gear causing incident
conditions documented/practiced
Tool Mobilization processes
good deck communications,
Lifting gear accidents, poor injury, damage, loss, poor
pre-inspection of gear, pre-lift
31 communications, close efficiency, poor quality, unsafe 2 D 2 D
meetings, inventory
quarters conditions, runaway gear
checklists, PPE per matrix
pre-tested gear, hydraulics
injury, damage, loss, poor
contained, Planned
Hydraulic leak causing efficiency, poor quality, unsafe
32 Maintenance System, 2 D 2 D
incident conditions, runaway gear,
SOPEP clean up kit ready,
environmental incident
SOPEP drills
JSA reviews, changeout
injury, damage, loss, poor
Improper changeout of procedure, well
33 efficiency, poor quality, unsafe 2 D 2 D
gear causing incident documented/practiced
procedures, PMS in place.
good deck communications
Lifting at sea, swinging (radio), daily inspection of
injury, damage, loss, poor
gear, poor gear, daily safety meeting,
34 Tool Changout efficiency, poor quality, unsafe 2 D 2 D
communications, wet deck MOPO in place, stop work
conditions, runaway gear
inherent, causing incident authority for all, tool box
injury, damage, loss, poor pre-tested gear, hydraulics
Hydraulic leak causing efficiency, poor quality, unsafe contained, PMS in place,
35 2 D 2 D
incident conditions, runaway gear, SOPEP clean up kit ready,
environmental incident SOPEP drills
injury, damage, loss, poor
Improper demobilization of JSA reviews, oversight, pre-
36 efficiency, poor quality, unsafe 2 D 2 D
gear causing incident lift tool box meetings
Lifting gear accidents, poor injury, damage, loss, poor good deck communications,
37 Tool communications, close efficiency, poor quality, unsafe pre-inspection of gear, pre-lift 2 D 2 D
Demobilization quarters conditions, runaway gear meetings, PPE per matrix
pre-tested gear, hydraulics
injury, damage, loss, poor
contained, Planned
Hydraulic leak causing efficiency, poor quality, unsafe
38 Maintenance System, 2 D 2 D
incident conditions, runaway gear,
SOPEP clean up kit ready,
environmental incident
SOPEP drills

Over-the-Side Tool Operations

Load tests in place, load test
new terminations, JSA
review, rigging checklist,
injury, damage, loss, poor daily safety meetings, mature
39 Rigging Improper rigging of gear efficiency, poor quality, unsafe & proven process, lifting 2 D 2 D
conditions register, tool box meetings,
position-training, PPE per
matrix, rigging certification,
Load tests, JSA reviews,
injury, damage, loss, poor
Improper deployment of deployment checklist, trained
40 efficiency, poor quality, unsafe 2 D 2 D
gear deckmen/winchmen, well-
defined work process.
Deployment Deployment/retrieval
Staff standing in on injury, damage, loss, poor platform configured to protect
41 deployment/retrieval efficiency, poor quality, unsafe “platform” men and keep 2 D 2 D
platform conditions from falling overboard, fall
protection, PPE per matrix
good deck communications
Lifting at sea, swinging (wireless), daily inspection of
injury, damage, loss, poor
gear, poor gear, daily safety meeting,
42 efficiency, poor quality, unsafe 2 D 2 D
communications, wet deck MOPO conditions (stop work
conditions, runaway gear
inherent authority for all), tool box
pre-tested gear, hydraulics
injury, damage, loss, poor
contained, Planned
efficiency, poor quality, unsafe
43 Hydraulic leak Maintenance System, 2 D 2 D
conditions, runaway gear,
SOPEP clean up kit ready,
environmental incident
SOPEP drills
Single watch/day,
injury, damage, loss, poor contingency plan for
efficiency, poor quality & errors, unplanned event,
44 Fatigue 2 D 2 D
unsafe conditions, runaway bridge/mgmt team approval
gear for deployment, training, PPE
per matrix
injury, damage, loss, poor Load tests, JSA reviews,
45 Improper retrieval of gear efficiency, poor quality, unsafe deployment checklist, trained 2 D 2 D
conditions deckmen/winchmen
Staff standing in on injury, damage, loss, poor platform configured to protect
46 deployment/retrieval efficiency, poor quality, unsafe “platform” men and keep 2 D 2 D
platform conditions from falling overboard, fall
protection, PPE per matrix
good deck communications
Lifting at sea, swinging (radio), daily inspection of
injury, damage, loss, poor
gear, poor gear, daily safety meeting,
47 efficiency, poor quality, unsafe 2 D 2 D
Retrieval communications, wet deck MOPO conditions (stop work
conditions, runaway gear
inherent authority for all), tool box
pre-tested gear, hydraulics
injury, damage, loss, poor
contained, Planned
efficiency, poor quality, unsafe
48 Hydraulic leak Maintenance System, 2 D 2 D
conditions, runaway gear,
SOPEP clean up kit ready,
environmental incident
SOPEP drills
injury, damage, loss, poor
Single watch, contingency
efficiency, poor quality & errors,
49 Fatigue plan for unplanned event, 2 D 2 D
unsafe conditions, runaway
training, PPE per matrix
JSA reviews, procedures in
injury, damage, loss, poor
Improper processing of place, trained techs,
50 efficiency, poor quality, unsafe 4 D 4 D
samples calibrated equipment, proper
PPE per matrix
good deck communications,
daily inspection of gear, daily
injury, damage, loss, poor
Manual lifting at sea, poor safety meeting, MOPO
efficiency, poor quality, unsafe
51 communications, wet deck conditions (stop work 4 D 4 D
conditions, PPE per matrix
inherent authority for all), tool box
Sample meetings, proper PPE per
Processing matrix
Vigilant core inspection for
gas expansion pockets and
Illness, respiratory irritation, smell of H2S gases, outdoor
52 H2S (Deck/Outdoors) 4 E 4 D
unconsciousness processing, proper sealing of
cores, training & substantial
Proper sealing of core
Illness, respiratory irritation,
53 H2S (Lab/Indoors) sections. Sufficient air 4 D 4 D
circulation, training
Single watch/day,
injury, damage, loss, poor
contingency plan for
54 Fatigue efficiency, poor quality & errors, 4 D 4 D
unplanned event, training,
unsafe conditions
PPE per matrix

Ensure Permit-To-Work
System is in place & being
used correctly, Suitable
Breathing Apparatus: Air
Oxygen deficiency, tank certification, Properly
55 Inadequate ventilation 2 D 2 D
asphyxiation maintained equipment,
Ensure certified and
controlled gas meters are in
place for testing of any
Ensure Pre-Planning &
Confined Space Adequate ventilation for
Entry confined space early, Only
trained crewmembers to
Entering Confined Spaces enter confined spaces, JSA's
Personal injury , Long term
56 for Repairs & Maintenance in place where applicable, 2 D 2 D
illness, medivac situation
Purposes Availability and correct use of
PPE, Adequate
communications with person
on the inside. no confined
space entry for this project
Ensure Lock-out / Tag-out
Proximity of ignition
57 Toxic/flammable environment System is in place & being 2 D 2 D
used correctly
Specified electrical
standards, Lock-out / Tag-
out Procedures in place &
Faulty Electrical Wiring /
58 Fire, Electrocution trained personnel, Use only 3 D 3 D
circuit breakers that trip
automatically. Do not work
on live equipment.
Adequate electrical
distribution designed,
59 Overloading Fire, Electrocution 3 D 3 D
Residual / ground/earth
leakage breakers
Approved electrical wiring &
Burns/bodily injury, equipment fittings, Adequate
60 Loss of Electrical Power 3 D 3 D
Electrical Systems damage/loss contingency plan, Restricted
areas defined and marked
Only qualified personnel to
Poor distribution of electrical work on electrical system,
61 Inadequate Capacity 3 D 3 D
power Permanent experienced
Properly maintained circuit
diagram, Add 220V/60Hz
topic to vessel Induction
Damage of high voltage Tour, Use only
62 Equipment damage 3 D 3 D
cables on back deck water/weatherproof fittings,
Inspections and maintenance
of high voltage cable and
Hand & Power Proper training on use of
63 Improper usage of tools Injury 3 C 3 C
Tools tools in place
Lock-out / Tag-out for faulty
tools and equipment,
Procedures, Work
Defective tools (electrical Equipment damage, electrical
64 Instructions, JSA's as 3 C 3 C
or mechanical defects) shock from power tool
procedure in place
Adequate supply of tools to
perform tasks - right tool for
65 Using wrong tool for job Equipment damage, injury the job, well 3 C 3 C
defined/developed work
Failure to wear appropriate Appropriate PPE per matrix,
66 Injury 3 C 3 C
PPE Cross-audits
Failure to follow safety
67 Injury Regular tool inspections 3 C 3 C
guidelines for tool usage
Debris in eye from grinder, Eyewash stations, proper
68 Injury, exacerbated injury 3 C 3 C
chipper PPE per matrix
galley equipment maintained
69 Fire Injury/Illness, financial impact 3 D 3 D
in good repair
good pest control, good food
storage, food handlers have
Improperly stored food certs & medical evaluations,
70 Delay to schedule, illness 3 D 3 D
causes illness galley kept clean, good
hygiene of food handlers,
freezer/reefer temp monitors
food handlers have certs &
medical evaluations, galley
Galley/Mess kept clean, good hygiene of
food handlers, Galley
Improperly prepared food
71 Delay to schedule, illness personnel to wear correct 3 D 3 D
causes illness
attire – including hair
restraints, color-coded
chopping blocks, galley
standing orders
Cut-proof gloves while
preparing food, Long sleeves
72 Cuts, lacerations, burns Personal Injury 3 D 3 D
/ oven mitts when working
over hot surfaces
· All chemicals to be
· Explosion · Air / sea pollution properly identified,
inventoried, and stored.
· Crew to be trained in
· Contamination of vessel or
· Fire HAZCOM, MSDS, and
lab/chemical safety.
· Loss or damage to vessel · Work management for
· Toxic fume release
or crew by fire or explosion chemical handling.
Hazardous · Spill response kit(s) are
73 Materials / · Injury or illness to workers 2 D 2 D
· Chemicals are: available and regular safety /
Chemicals exposed
spill drills are conducted.
· Adequate and suitable
- spilled
waste disposal program.
· Applicable MSDS are
- absorbed
· Survey vessel only
- inhaled carries standard chemical
products in limited volumes.
· Chemical spills will be
- ingested reported per regulatory and
internal requirements.
· Vessel will hold an
International Oil Pollution
· Overflow while Prevention Certificate (IOPP)
· Shipboard only spill
transferring lube oils and has an Oil Pollution
Emergency Plan as
· Bunkering procedures for
· Broken lines / hoses /
· Over-side spill in port at port as required by
74 Fuel / Oil Spills · Planned maintenance for 2 C 2 C
· Bilge overflow · Over-side spill at sea
associated equipment.
· Adequate and suitable
· Fuel / oil fire
waste disposal program.
· Fuel / oil spills will be
reported per regulatory and
internal requirements.
· Secondary containment
around hydraulic hoses and
equipment, as applicable.
Take guidance from BSEE /
A: Results in disruption of
feeding activities
G02 MMO requirements.
When in transit, turn the
survey vessel away if marine
Survey Activity B: Results in disruption of mammals or protected
· Individuals are exposed mating activities species are observed in a
(Including Sound
to survey activity that critical activity within 500 m
Sources) Impacts
75 potentially causes a of the survey vessel. 4 D 4 D
Marine Mammals
behavioral response that is · Geophysical source
or Protected
biologically significant C: Results in disruption of energy is not expected to
migrating activities cause a response that is
biologically significant.
· Geophysical equipment
D: Undesirable publicity and will only be used for its
regulatory action planned / intended purpose
during this survey.
·Take guidance from BSEE /
· Activity results in one or
more incidents
G02 MMO requirements.
· When in transit, turn the
survey vessel away if marine
mammals or protected
Sound from · Individuals are exposed · Project delays or deferral
species are observed in a
Survey Activity to marine sound sources at critical activity within 500 m
76 Injures Marine sufficient energy levels to of the survey vessel. 4 D 4 D
Mammals or potentially cause injury · Geophysical source
Protected Species (stranding) energy is not expected to
· Undesirable publicity
cause a response that is
biologically significant.
· Geophysical equipment
· Regulatory Action by local will only be used for its
government or NGOs planned / intended purpose
during this survey.

· Survey vessel strikes · Take guidance from

77 Vessel Strike · Injury to animal 3 E 3 E
marine mammal or BSEE / BOEM NTL 2012-
protected species causing JOINT-G02 MMO
injury requirements.

· When in transit, turn

survey vessel away if marine
mammals or protected
· Project delays or deferral
species are observed in a
critical activity within 500 m
of survey vessel.
· Follow vessel strike
avoidance guidelines as
· Undesirable publicity
outlined in BSEE / BOEM
NTL 2012-JOINT-G01
· Potential civil and criminal
action by local government or

· Injured animal · Take guidance from

· Marine mammal or
78 Entanglement protected species becomes 3 E
· Adverse publicity JOINT-G02 MMO
entangled in equip.
· Affiliate PA group will be
· Community or activists informed of survey activities
interference, confronting · Project delays or deferral in advance and prepare as
79 Community Action contractor / vessel in an appropriate given scope, 2 C 2 C
attempt to stop field location, and duration.
program · Undesirable publicity · Short duration project.

· Comply with USCG NVIC

· Adverse impact on marine 07-04 (Change 1) for
ecology antifouling and in-water hull
cleaning and maintenance.
Introduction of · Foreign species are
· Potential regulatory action · Where applicable, vessel
80 Foreign / Invasive introduced to the survey 2 C 2 C
to have a Ballast Water
Species area
Management Plan compliant
with local regulations, flag
state regulations, and
international conventions.

· Review of known assets

· Loss of equipment
(e.g., pipeline maps).
Impact with · Equipment may strike · Contingency plan as per
81 Subsea pipelines or other subsea · Project delays or deferral Emergency Response Plan 2 C 2 C
Equipment infrastructure in place and tested.
· Undesirable publicity
· Regulator or NGO action
· Where applicable, vessel
· Contractor improperly
will comply with MARPOL
releases waste at sea
· Contractor inadvertently · Disposal of waste per
· Waste onboard survey
spills waste at sea Waste Management Plan.
82 Waste Disposal vessel is released in an 2 C 2 C
inappropriate manner · Additional guidance from
· Regulatory action regs (e.g. NTL 2012-BSEE-
G01 in regards to waste
management at sea)
· Confirm contractor has
performed regular
· Survey operations result in maintenance on the vessel
air pollution engines, generators, etc. in
accordance with the
manufacturers’ requirements.
· Survey vessel · Vessel crew will report
83 Air Emissions produces an excessive any observed air emission 2 C 2 C
amount of air emissions upsets and will take any
necessary corrective actions
· Where applicable, vessel
will have an International Air
Pollution Prevention (IAPP)
· Disruption of
commercial / recreational · Activity not in shipping
· Loss of income / jobs
fishing and other marine lanes.
support activities
· Impacts on cultural · Obstruction to right of way · Trained and qualified
Socioeconomic resources or safe passage vessel Captain and crew.
84 2 C 2 C
mapped locations of potential
· Regulator or NGO action archaeological debris;
geotechnical survey has
been planned to avoid those

· Regulator or NGO action Historical/current surveys of

Sensitive/Rare · Survey activities may the study area; mapped
Communities (e.g. impact potential sensitive locations of these potential
85 2 C 2 C
Chemosynthetic communities on the sensitive communities; plan
Communities) seafloor survey to avoid those


Flag State approved Vessel

Financial loss attributable to Security Plan and Anti Piracy
ransom demands and annex. Defensive,
temporary loss of income from surveillance, and
· Transit to and survey
captive resources alerting/reporting procedures
work may be within pirate
and hardware.
prone area of the world.
Extensive and intensive
Damage and loss of equipment
training and drills; physical
thru acts of violence against
defenses (hardening) of the
the ship.
86 Piracy vessel 2 B 3 E
Loss of productivity due to
suspension of work for extra
Real time, ongoing security
drills, response to attacks,
threat assessments available
resources spent on
to the vessel in the field.
lookouts/surveillance and
Serious personal injury or loss
of life from armed attack or
capture by pirates

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