A Study On Stock Market
A Study On Stock Market
A Study On Stock Market
1) TO get a basic understanding of the products, principle, investment,
players and functioning of stock market.
2) To understand the terms and jargons used in financial newspaper.
3) To know the regulatory framework for Indian stock market.
4) TO understand the concept of stocks and stock market.
5) To also get important lessons about the economy and financial
6) To learn about trading of stocks in the stock exchanges.
7) To get in depth study of Indian and other global stock markets.
8) To organize stocks in a fair, transparent and competitive way.
9) To safeguard the interest of investing public.
10) To establish and promote honourable and just practices in securities.
11) To promote, develop and maintain a well regulated market for
dealing in securities.
12) To enable Flow of capital into most efficient industries. The market
price and relative yield of a security are the guiding factors.
13) To encourages people to save and invest in corporate securities
thereby accelerating capital formation.
14) Raising long term capital: the existence of a stock exchange enable
companies to raise permanent capital.
15) To ensure equal access for investors all over the country with the help
of appropriate communication network.
16) To set up a nationwide trading facility for all types of securities.
17) To enable book entry settlement and short settlement cycles.
18) To meet international benchmarks and standards.
19) To provide fair, efficient and transparent trading of securities through
electronic system.
1) What do you understand by Securities Market? What are the
different types of securities market?
10) Which of the following risk factors disturb the stock market
11) What Is The Difference Between Bombay Stock Exchange And National
Stock Exchange?
12) What Are The Different Types Of Equity Market?
13) What do you understand by Money Market? Give an example
14) On What Basis Securities Should Be Selected?
15) What Are The Important Macroeconomic Indicators That Influence Stock
16) What Is Efficient Market Hypothesis?
17) What are the techniques used to gain more profit in share markets?
18) What are the limitations that should be known before trading?
19) How to handle stop loss while trading in stock markets?
20) What are the strategies used to implement stop loss?
21) What are the things that have to be kept in mind while entering into stock
22) Why does stock exchange give negative returns?
23) What are the rules and regulations of stock market?
24) How to define the investors’ position in the market?
25) What are the different types of tools provided to the investors to keep track
of the activities going on in the stock market?
26) What is the difference between primary and secondary market?
27) What is the difference between book value per share and market value per
share for common stock?
28) What are the different investment options available in share market?
29) What are the things that have to be kept in mind while entering into stock
30) What do you understand by capital market line?