Demand Side Management For Household Equipment's: Nikhil D. Rahate Nandkishore Kinhekar
Demand Side Management For Household Equipment's: Nikhil D. Rahate Nandkishore Kinhekar
Demand Side Management For Household Equipment's: Nikhil D. Rahate Nandkishore Kinhekar
Abstract—This paper aims to minimize the peak load at utility load curve, (ii) reducing electricity bill. The first objective can
as well as reduce the electricity bill of residential consumers. A be achieved by encouraging the residential consumers and
Swarm Intelligent based Particle Swarm Optimization inform consumers about their consumption pattern by designing
methodology is used to minimize the peak load at the utility, for the more efficient DSM program. The second objective can be
that an effective load shifting Demand Side Management achieved by shifting the shift-able devices from peak hours to
technique is used. In this article, the residential consumer co- off-peak hours.
operates with the utility to manage their energy demand by
scheduling the shift-able home appliances based on consumer’s In this paper, the household appliances are categorized into
priority. The proposed article considers 14 types of shift-able two categories, (i) base load type equipment’s, (ii) shift-able
appliances which reschedule for the next day to manage the load type equipment’s. The base load type equipment’s cannot
demand. Simulation work shows that reduction in consumed be shift due to consumer’s convenience, and shift-able load type
power during peak load period and electricity bill minimization of equipment’s can only be shift depending on consumer’s
the consumer. priority. The energy management is done by scheduling the
shift-able appliances. A metaheuristics optimization technique
Keywords—Demand Side Management (DSM); Particle Swarm namely Particle Swarm Optimization is used for optimal load
Optimization (PSO); Load Scheduling.
scheduling of appliances which minimizes the different
between objective load curve and the forecasted load curve so
I. INTRODUCTION that the optimal load curve obtain, which can minimize the peak
DSM is an activity in which utilities frames the time demand of utility [3]. 14 types of shift-able devices are
schedule of domestic electric appliances to minimize the peak considered in this paper for scheduling, by considering the
on utilities and electricity bill reduction of the consumer by consumer's priority level. Each residential consumer has
performing the activities. In which consumers has to use their specific load curve, the peak of residential consumer leads to
household appliances according to time schedule given by the peak on utility. On peak period utility has to manage the
utilities. Demand Side Management help to reduces peak demand of the residential load, which can be done by either load
demand, thereby no need to operate high-cost, high-emission shedding in some areas or purchasing the power at high cost to
generating units. Demand side management (DSM) or Load fulfill the load demand. To avoid these two major problems this
Side Management optimizes energy uses and price by paper focuses on minimizing the peak demand by load
scheduling loads away from peak periods to off-peak periods, scheduling the shift-able household appliances.
in such a way that energy can be utilized efficiently, reduce load The rest of the article is organized as follows. Section II
shedding, and improves the reliability of the system. describes the system model, Section III proposed the problem
In DSM, it is important to maintain the energy balance formulation for DSM, Section IV suggest the proposed
between the utility company and the customers. It is observed methodology, Section V presents the details about simulation
that in the existing distribution system the consumers are not and Section VI concludes the paper.
aware of their daily electricity consumption. Therefore, load
factor of the residential consumer is low, to increase the load II. SYSTEM MODEL
factor the consumers should reduce their peak demand by The system model is shown in Figure 1 includes three main
avoiding the uses of many devices at the same time. parts Residential House, Distribution Transformer and Utility.
According to the demand side management program, Utility feeds the electricity to residential houses. The utility
consumers can get significant saving in electric bill and also knows the total load on each residential consumer and also
helps to the utility to reduce the new generation capacity, knows the load consumption pattern of each residential house.
reducing air pollution [1]. Household equipment scheduling
program targets the two most important objectives (i) flatten
Half hourly
consumption in Shifting
Shift-able kW Range
Type No of
Equipment’s in half
1st 2nd Devices
interval interval
1 Coffee Maker 1 -- 1 58
2 Toaster 0.9 -- 1 57
3 Electric Kettle 1.6 -- 1 59
4 Vacuum Cleaner 0.5 -- 3 65
5 Washing Machine 1.1 1.1 4 96
6 Clothes Dryer 1.7 -- 4 84
7 Hair Dryer 1.8 -- 2 68
8 Water Heater 1.5 -- 2 55
9 Iron 1.15 -- 4 65
In this paper, a utility is providing electricity to 200
10 Dishwasher 1.3 -- 3 67
residential consumers through a four-distribution transformer.
Each distribution transformer is feeding a load of 50 consumers. 11 Microwave 1.2 -- 1 70
The utility collects the half hourly load data from all residential 12 Rice Cooker 0.8 -- 2 68
houses and schedules the next day load curve by managing the
13 Frying Pan 1.4 -- 2 61
shift-able load from peak hour to off-peak hour. 14 types of
shift-able devices are considered with shifting priority decided 14 Mixer 0.7 -- 2 75
by the consumer, and their power rating is given in Table 1 [1]. TOTAL 954
1st half interval shows the power rating of the shift-able device
and second half interval shows the continuation of the device. TABLE I. DATA OF SHIFT-ABLE DEVICES WITH THEIR POWER RATINGS,
Suppose the washing machine has time period of 1 hour then it PRIORITY AND TOTAL NUMBER OF DEVICES.
takes two half intervals. The shifting range of the device allows
the utility to schedule consumers load according to consumer’s B. Objective Load Data
priority. The 200 consumers having the total number of devices The Objective load curve is taken as average load of total
which is shown in the last column. 200 consumers in this paper to flatten the next day load curve
by shifting the load from peak period to off-peak period. The
III. PROBLEM FORMULATION objective load curve is found by
The paper suggested DSM methodology schedules each ∑ ( )
shift-able load such that the difference between forecasted load ( )=
curve and objective load curve minimizes based on consumer’s
priority. To minimize the difference an efficient Particle Swarm Where,
Optimization algorithm is developed in MATLAB 2014. The ( ) is objective load at time interval t in kW.
forecasted load data and objective load data is available with T is maximum number of time interval i.e. 48.
the utility given in Table 3. Load scheduling technique is
mathematically formulated as follows. C. Minimization Model
The minimization model minimizes the difference between
A. Forecasted Load data two load curves which leads to flatten load curve by reducing
The forecasted load data is the next day load curve which peaks and valleys. The minimization model given as follows.
represents the peak period and off-peak period on the system.
This paper considers total power consumed by the 200
| ( )− ( )|
consumers at time interval t as the forecasted load, which is
given by
While shifting load from the peak period to off-peak
period the consumed energy should not change so the energy
( )=
balance constraint should be satisfied which is given by
( ) is the forecasted load at time t in kW. ( )= ( )
is the total number of consumer.
( ) = Total power before load shifting in kW.
( ) = Total power after shifting in kW. 10 9.30 am – 10.00 am 91.74 67.66 5.09
1 5.00 am – 5.30 am 34.8 67.66 3.36 32 8.30 pm – 9.00 pm 82.98 67.66 3.36
2 5.30 am – 6.00 am 38.4 67.66 3.36 33 9.00 pm – 9.30 pm 64.77 67.66 3.36
3 6.00 am – 6.30 am 51.71 67.66 3.36 34 9.30 pm – 10.00 pm 64.36 67.66 2.83
4 6.30 am – 7.00 am 61.95 67.66 5.09 35 10.00 pm – 10.30 pm 63.89 67.66 2.83
5 7.00 am – 7.30 am 78.78 67.66 5.09 36 10.30 pm – 11.00 pm 60.37 67.66 2.83
6 7.30 am – 8.00 am 101.72 67.66 5.09 37 11.00 pm – 11.30 pm 55.45 67.66 2.83
7 8.00 am – 8.30 am 98.18 67.66 5.09 38 11.30 pm – 12.00 pm 55.97 67.66 2.83
8 8.30 am – 9.00 am 105.38 67.66 5.09 39 12.00 am – 12.30 am 59.33 67.66 2.83
9 9.00 am – 9.30 am 85.18 67.66 5.09 40 12.30 am – 1.00 am 61.03 67.66 2.83
41 1.00 am – 1.30 am 55.1 67.66 2.83
STEP 3. Separate the shift-able load and the base load from
the total consumer's usage data.
42 1.30 am – 2.00 am 50.19 67.66 2.83 STEP 4. Initially, shift the ith load randomly based on
consumers priority store the result as .
43 2.00 am – 2.30 am 47.12 67.66 3.36
STEP 5. Update the position and velocity of the particle
44 2.30 pm – 3.00 pm 42.47 67.66 3.36 from equation 1 and 2.
45 3.00 pm – 3.30 pm 40.32 67.66 3.36 STEP 6. In the next iteration if the result is less than
save it as .
46 3.30 pm – 4.00 pm 38.57 67.66 3.36
STEP 7. If shifting is finished then produced the results else
47 4.00 pm – 4.30 pm 36 67.66 3.36 repeat from the step 4 the procedure.
+ × × − ( ) (1)