POS Terminal Download Procedures
POS Terminal Download Procedures
POS Terminal Download Procedures
Verifone VX 520 Terminal
Keypad Display Reference
BACK key
* key
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Note: If you make a mistake at any time during this procedure, unplug the power cord,
plug it back in and restart at Step 1.
1. On initial screen (reboot screen) hold ENTER and 7 together until you get “TERMINAL MGR
ENTRY” Screen. You may have to try it more than one time.
2. On the screen above, when VERIX TERMINAL MGR appears, Enter the password:
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4. On the screen below, when Group ID: _1 appears: Press ENTER
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7. On the screen below, Select: 1) Full dnld
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10. Select 1 for Yes to confirm deletion
11. On the screen below asking if you want to clear the application, Select: 1) Yes
12. On the screen below, asking for deletion confirmation, Select: 1) Yes
13. On the screen below, following deletion confirmation, the Screen will display “DELETING FILES”
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14. Press the first purple button- from left to right- that says More.
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17. On the screen below, Press the second purple button –from left to right- that says Sign On-Off, to select
Ethernet and then press ENTER
19. On the screen below, Press the second purple button –from left to right- that says Sign On-Off, to select IP
address and then press ENTER
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20. On the screen below, Enter the IP address, using the ‘#’ Key to add periods:
• Use the ‘Reports’ key to edit the value
21. On the screen above, once the IP address has been correctly entered on the screen, Press ENTER
22. On the screen below, If the port displays (empty), press the fourth Purple
button from left to right that says Reports, this will allow you to Edit the port
number. (This step may be skipped if port 8013 is already present)
24. On the screen below, once you have typed in the Port Number, Press ENTER
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25. On the screen below, Press ENTER for Download
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28. On the screen below, If the Terminal ID displays (empty), press the fourth Purple button from left to right
that says Reports, this will allow you to Edit the Terminal ID
29. On the screen below,Type in the terminal ID that starts with one of the letters A, B, C, D, or E.
If your terminal supports both EBT and WIC transactions, m ake sure
this screen shows the WIC Terminal ID. See the details in the pictures
a t t h e e n d o f t h i s s t e p t o f i n d y o u r W I C T e r m i n a l I D. I f t h e t e r m i n a l I D
If you r t erminal sup ports only EB T or only WIC , the value dis played
f o r t h e T e r m i n a l I D w i l l b e c o r r e c t . I f t h e T e r m i n a l I D i s e m p t y, p r e s s
For example, to enter E154615001 for the Terminal ID, enter the following:
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You can find terminal Information located on your terminal, same number should be located on your receipt.
On your receipts, you would use the MERCHANT TERM ID
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31. On the screen below, Press ENTER for Download
32. On the screen below, Press ENTER when Settings Summary appears on the screen
33. On the screen below, Press ENTER when Settings Summary appears on the screen
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34. Press Enter on Settings Summary Screen
35. On the screen below, Press ENTER when Settings Summary appears on the screen
36. On the screen below, Download will appear when the terminal begins downloading
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37. The terminal will automatically restart after the download completes.
38. After Successful Download, select a menu choice (e.g., FIS EBT, FIS WIC). When the
next menu is displayed, a communications test can be performed to verify the terminal
is able to communicate successfully.
39. Steps for performing a communication test:
• Press the green ENTER key.
• The terminal displays FUNCTION?
• Press the ‘8’ key.
• The terminal displays Send Data, Receiving, and prints a COMM TEST
ACCEPTED receipt. If the terminal stays on Receiving for a long period of
time, please contact our Help Desk.
• Repeat the above steps if your terminal supports multiple FIS applications.
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