Batch Determination of Components in The Production Order in S/4 1709

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Batch Determination of components in

the Production Order in S/4 1709

August 6, 2018 webadmin
What is mean by Batch Determination in the
Production Orders?
Batch Determination is the Process, by which system is able to assign/propose
the suitable Batches for the Batch managed components in the Production Order,
which meets desired Selection Criteria/business requirement

Business scenario
In the Production of the Finished Material (Ex: FG-BATCH), using one of the
Batch managed component (Ex: RM2-BTACH), System should pick up only
those Batches, for which Country of Origin is maintained as US (USA), & also if
there are more than one Batch, those selected Batches should be sorted by the
Ascending Order of their Self Life Expiration Date, during the Batch
Determination Process manually.

Configuration data for Batch Determination

Create the Condition Table(T Code : OPLD)
SPRO>> Logistic General >> Batch Management >> Batch Determination &
Check>>Condition tables>> Define Production Order Condition Tables

Define Access Sequence

Create the Search Strategy

In the Search Strategy, assign the Access Sequence defined above & if required,
the Selection Class & Sort sequence
Create the Search Procedure (T Code: OPLG)
Search Procedure in linked with the Strategy Type(s), defined in the above step

Assign Search Procedure in Order Type Dependent

parameters ( T Code: OPL8)
Create PP Master Data
Create all the necessary PP Master Data. Ref. the below Master data used in this
Finished Material: FG2-BATCH
Component Material: RM2-BATCH
BOM: 00000287
Work Center: MACHINE1
Routing: 50000055
Production Version: V001
With the Organizational Data >>> Plant: 1010 & Storage Locations: 101A & 101B
Create the material Master for the Header Material as well as for all the
components required to produce the Header Material using the Transaction
Code: MM01
Note: For all the Batch managed component Materials, you need to make sure

1. Classification view is maintained with the Class Type: 023

2. Class is assigned
3. Characteristics are maintained &
4. Batch Management is activated (For Header Material, its Optional)

Material Master of the Header Material # FG2-BATCH

Material Master of the Component Material # RM2-BATCH
Create the BOM, for the Header Material # FG2-BATCH, using the T Code:
With one Component # RM2-BATCH, which is Batch managed material (As
the Work Center using the T Code: CR01
Create the Routing for the Header Material using the T Code: CA01
Create the Production Version for the Header Material(Ex: FG2-BATCH) T Code:
Create Batch Determination Master Data
Create the Batch Search Strategy using the T Code: COB1
Search Strategy contains the Selection Criteria & Sort Rule to be followed
Selection Class can be created using the T Code: BMC1/CL02
Please keep it in mind, at least one of the Characteristics of this Selection Class
should be the same with the Classification of Characteristics in the Material
Master & also maintain the Value for at least one or more characteristics in the
Selection Class (As shown below)
Sort Rule can be created using the T Code: CU70

Transaction data
Create the Production Order using the T Code: CO01
Production Order: 1003102, Created >>> As of now, no batch number is
assigned for the Header Material & also for the component
Once, the Order is Release, System will assign the Batch Number for the Header
Material (As per Production Order Scheduling Profile settings maintained)
Release the Production Order using the T Code: CO02
Batch Determination of the Components using T Code: CO02
Select the Line Item, for which Batch Determination to be done & & Click on
Batch Determination Icon
Then in the Next Screen, System will pull up all the Batches which meets the
Selection Criteria.
Also, selected batches are sorted as per the Sort Rule maintained
Confirmation of Prod. Order using the T Code: CO15/CO11N
Goods Receipt of Production Order using the T Code: MIGO
Stock updated in the respective Storage location

Automatics Batch Determination

For this functionality of automatic Batch Determination of the Component
Materials in the Production Order, need to maintain for the Batch Managed
Component(s), in the Material Master, in MRP 2 View, with the Batch Entry
Option =3. Rest of the above settings remains the same.
With this setting, System assigns the Batch Number automatically, for the
Component Material, during the Release of the Production Order
ERP, SAP PP MAN Production Planning (PP), Manufacturing. permalink.

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