2003 Index
2003 Index
2003 Index
of Australia
1 January to 31 December 2003
Published by the Commonwealth of Australia
customs duties on, 413–17, 2278–83; S246, 292, 307
excise, 1020–4: rates, S28, 295
licensed premises, 3290
Aldoga Aluminium Smelter Pty Ltd, 980, 1059
Alexander, Dr Max, 2995
Alice Springs Regional Council, 1080–1
Allens Arthur Robinson, 1811, 1813
Almana, Saud, 442–3
Alpha Rhodesian (Australia) Pty Ltd, 3127
Alston, Hon. Richard, S374
AM Life Ltd, 2933
ambient air quality, 1618; S190
Ambulance Service Medal, S6, 170
Amersham Health Pty Ltd, 1809
AMP Bank Ltd, 1563–4, 2039
AMP General Insurance Ltd, 1904
AMP Personal Investment Services Ltd, 439
AMSA, 2586
see also shipping
Analogic Construct Pty Ltd, 2072, 2074–5
Ancient Order of Foresters (West Australian District) Friendly Society Ltd, 778–9
Ancon Australia Pty Ltd, 1797, 1798
Andrews, Hon. Kevin James, S374
Andric Pty Ltd, 2929
Anglican Church of Australia, 346, 1100
Angola, 931–3
Anmatjere Council, 2799
ANSTO, 1808, 1810, 2336
Antarctica (Australian Antarctic Territory), 1540–2, 2734, 3084, 3315–17, 3700; S45
controlled actions, 421
historical monuments, 626–36
specially protected areas, 40–141
see also Heard Island and McDonald Islands
anthophyllite asbestos, 1795–6
ANZ Grindlays Bank Ltd, 3346
Aon Corporation, 261
Aoraki, S199
Apis Bank S.A., 2783
APRA, see Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
APS, see Australian Protective Service; Australian Public Service
Archer, Professor Mike, 1797, 1799
architects, data-matching involving, S145
ARL Laboratory Services, 3491
Armadale, City of, 1656, 2429
Armaguard, 2725
Armidale Building Society Ltd, 490
Armytage Family Records, 1565
Arnison, Major General Peter Maurice, S205
Arnold, Dr Peter, 2896
ARPANSA, see Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
Arrow Electronics ANZ Holdings Pty Ltd, 886
Arrow Electronics Holdings Pty Ltd, 885–6
asbestos, 1795–6, 2426
Ascot Haulage (NT) Pty Ltd, 1812
Asgard Independence Plan Division Two, 926
Ashmore and Cartier Islands, 1619–20; S45
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 5
Ashmore and Cartier Islands, petroleum exploration and development adjacent to, 2524, 3857
exploration permits, 994–7, 1188–91, 1407–10: cancelled, 993; surrendered, 1192, 2924
release of information, 1555, 3567
ASIC, S357
ASIO, see Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
ASIS, see Australian Secret Intelligence Service
asset sales, 979
airports, 639–40; S511
national transmission network, 364–8
AssetInsure Holdings Pty Ltd, 2608–11
Association of Taxation and Management Accountants, S452
Association of the Orders of the Knights Templar, 1318
ATSIC, see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
ATSIS, see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services
Attrapreyangkul, Weeraput, 2779
AUSTRAC, see financial transaction reports
Austrade, see Export Market Development Grants
Austral Credit Union Ltd, 3336, 3337
Australand Holdings Ltd, 2225
Australasian Medical Insurance Ltd, 3573–6
Australia, Order of, see Order of Australia
Australia Day honours, S5–7
Australia Post, see Australian Postal Corporation
Australian Academy of Science, 3351–66
Australian Active Service Medal, S132
Australian air Express Pty Ltd, P7
Australian Animal Health Council (Livestock Industries) Funding Amendment Act 2002, 1324
Australian Antarctic Division, 421
Australian Antarctic Territory, see Antarctica
Australian Bravery Decorations, S44, 293, 377, 515
Australian Broadcasting Authority, see broadcasting
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 421
digital conversion, 899, 2112
Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1913
Australian Capital Territory
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
Canberra International Airport Ltd, 2484, 2894
electoral division enrolments, 154, 483, 832, 1179, 1447, 1706, 2020, 2369, 2675, 2987, 3389, 3714
industrial awards, 283, 353–4, 453, 500, 610, 1109, 1433, 1604, 1644, 1689, 1752, 1846, 1919, 1994, 2050–1,
2101, 2202, 2275, 2412, 2466, 2546, 2574–5, 2657, 2716, 2796, 2843, 2953, 3141, 3197, 3373, 3412,
3590, 3765
National Capital Plan, 590, 776, 1716, 3396: S66, 328, 425
national land, 747, 1547–8, 2671, 3709; S127, 216: dealt with under City Area Leases Ordinance 1936 s. 17AA,
1546, 1584
polling places: hospitals, 576
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
prisoners, international transfer of, 671–95
Australian Capital Territory Department of Urban Services, 2892, 3599
Australian Catholic University, S274
Australian Communication Exchange Ltd, S26, 112, 265, 373
Australian Communications Authority, costs, S233
see also radiocommunications; telecommunications
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, see trade practices
Australian Customs Service
Coastwatch, 2334
nuclear materials permit, 1808
radiation facility licences, 244, 992
6 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette
rates of exchange, 15–17, 219, 284, 411–12, 456, 549, 611, 711, 798, 898, 941, 1037, 1111, 1212, 1341, 1382,
1434, 1492, 1576, 1611, 1647, 1690, 1763, 1854, 1924, 1996, 2052, 2102, 2206, 2277, 2414, 2471, 2549,
2576, 2659, 2717, 2798, 2845, 2955, 3028, 3144, 3214, 3312, 3374, 3415, 3511, 3591, 3678, 3770
statements, approved, 419–20, 948–9, 1925–8
wharves, 1038, 1497–8, 2963–4; S407
see also Australian Customs Service; dumping of imports
Customs Amendment Act (No. 1) 2003, S310, 485
customs tariff, S509
substituted rates of duty, 413–18, 2278–84; S246, 292, 307
Department of Finance and Administration (DOFA), controlled actions, 1438, 1536–7, 1579, 1656, 1797, 2896,
3599, 3844
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, migration officers, S486
Department of Health and Ageing, Comgas Scheme, 299–303
Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
Indigenous social, economic and cultural development functions, 333
Sex Discrimination Act, temporary exemption from, 3029–35
Department of Industry, Science and Resources, controlled actions, 1581
Department of the Environment and Heritage, see environment protection
Department of Transport and Regional Services
Christmas Island Office, 2016
controlled actions, 3088, 3090–1, 3701
see also shipping
Department of Veterans’ Affairs, see veterans’ entitlements
deposit-taking institutions, see banks and depository institutions
Derstepanian, Margaret, 1368
Derstepanian, Sarkis, 1367
design, Olympic insignia, 2827–8, 2998, 3624–5
diesel fuel, 270
quality standards, 304–16, 1120–57, 2214–24, 3217–19, 3235–7; S380
Diesel Fuel Rebate (Off-Road) Scheme, 270
Digital River Pty Ltd, 1524
digital television, 1577, 1945
Commercial Television Conversion Scheme, 460, 2112, 2580, 3686
National Television Conversion Scheme, 899, 2112
Ding Xia Fen, 2707
disability, institutions assisting persons with, 1110
disability discrimination, temporary exemptions, 3145
Dixson Library, 1985
doctors, training of, 241–3, 2994–6
Doherty Hotels Pty Ltd, 723
Dolasia, Devendra Prabhudas, 444, 600
Dolasia, Devina, 444
Dolasia, Om, 444
Dolasia, Rupa, 444, 600
Dolby, Leah, 1079, 1083, 1085
Dolezal, Boris Jaroslav, 2403
Dolezal, Daniela, 2403
Dominican Republic, 2432
double taxation agreements, 190, 1677–9, 3339
Douglas Shire Council, 1579, 1580
Dow AgroSciences Australia Pty Ltd, 2761
dried fruit, gross value of production, 1755
drugs of dependence, movement calendar, 3605
see also pharmaceutical benefits; therapeutic goods
Drury, David Roger, 343
Duff Investments Pty Ltd, 2829
Dukes Place Investment Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd, 258–9
dumping of imports
clear float glass, S105
copper tube, S166
dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid (2, 4-D), S90
galvanised steel pipe, 1493–4
hot rolled steel structural sections, 1495–6
iron and steel grinding mill liners, S351
polyethylene, S448, 457, 463, 477
polystyrene resin, S409
steel demountable tubeless truck wheel rims, 1648
16 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette
controlled actions, 34–7, 227–9, 294–7, 359–60, 421, 471–9, 564–6, 624–5, 722–3, 806–7, 900–1, 978–9, 1054–
7, 1117–18, 1256–60, 1343–6, 1387, 1437–42, 1535–9, 1578–80, 1615–16, 1655–6, 1797–1803, 1876–9,
1950–53, 2014–15, 2071–5, 2116, 2225–6, 2335, 2429, 2482–4, 2552–3, 2586–93, 2665–7, 2730–2,
2802–4, 2892–4, 2979–80, 3087–91, 3151–2, 3243, 3320–1, 3383, 3451–2, 3555, 3598–600, 3701–4,
National Environment Protection Measures, 1618; S190
ozone layer, 231–3, 2213
see also Antarctica; hazardous waste exports and imports; national parks; sea dumping; wildlife conservation;
wildlife trade
environmental impact assessments, 38, 298, 421–2, 724, 979, 1058, 1119, 1260, 1347, 1387–8, 1580–1, 1617,
1880, 1954, 2016, 2075, 2227, 2337, 2430, 2484, 2553, 2593–4, 2804, 2894–6, 2980–1, 3152, 3246, 3321,
3383–4, 3556, 3600
Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist, 1808
Ergon Energy Corporation Ltd, 35–6, 1876, 1877
Ergon Energy Telecommunications Pty Ltd, 3680
Essendon Airport, sale of, 640
Esso Australia Pty Ltd, 471, 2895, 3151, 3844
Estahbanatizadeh, Majid, 3006, 3657
Ethical Technology Fund Ltd, 2829
ETSA Utilities, 287, 555
European Union, meat exports to, 501–16, 3198–213
Eventide Homes (Stawell) Inc., 1113
Evian Enterprises Ltd, 1011
Ex-Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority Superannuation Fund, 926
exchange rates, see customs; migration
alcoholic goods, 1020–4
rice levy, S49
excise tariff, substituted rates of excise duty, S28, 295
executive agencies, S183
Executive Council, S315
Exide Australia Pty Ltd, 1545, 2486
Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC)
losses, approved causes of, 1448
national interest transactions, 643, 1399, 2370, 3157
Export Market Development Grants, 1552
payout factor for grant year 2001–02, S212
exports and export control
agricultural products, 1645–6, 1760–2
defence and strategic goods list, P12
drugs and medicine, 2432, 3852
see also hazardous waste exports and imports; meat and livestock exports; wildlife trade
horticultural industries
genetically modified organisms, 1303, 1457
gross value of production, 1755
see also wine industry
Horvath, Professor John, 2996
HOST-PLUS Pty Ltd, 3742
housing assistance, S278
Hoxton Park Airport, 1714–15; S511
HSB Engineering Insurance Ltd, 1675
HSBC Asia Pacific Holdings (UK) Ltd, 3749–50
HSBC Bank Australia Ltd, 3749–50
HSBC Building Society (Australia) Ltd, 182
Hughes, Alistair, 564, 565–6
human embryos, research involving, 3326
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, see disability discrimination; sex discrimination
Hunter Catchment Management Trust, 3599–600
Hunter Coast Credit Union Ltd, 490, 594
Hussein, Mohamed Imran, 889
Hutchison 3G Australia Pty Ltd, 1341
Hydro Tasmania, 1797, 1799–801
Hydromet Corporation Ltd, 903, 1701, 2120, 2487
Ministers, S374
see also administrative arrangements
Mirimbiak Nations Aboriginal Corporation, 1891–4
Mirvac Homes, 2665
Mirvac Projects Pty Ltd, 1537
Mistry, Ilaben Jaysehkumar, 1560
Mistry, Jayeshkumar Vasantlal, 1560
Mistry, Kiran Narattamdas, 1559
Mistry, Varshaben Dahyabhai, 1559
Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation, S53
Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd, 2835; S348
Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd, 785–6, 2578
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., 785–6
Mlikota, Jane, 1468–9
Moama Refinery Pty Ltd, 308–11
Mobbs, Jonathan David, 3022–7
Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd, 1138–43, 2214–17
Monash University, 1809; S459, 475
money, see currency
Money Wise Credit Union Ltd, 2702–4
Monk, Varney, 1649
Monkey Mia Dolphin Resorts Pty Ltd, 3151
Monsanto Australia Ltd, 431, 2434, 3097
monuments (historical), Antarctica, 626–36
Moreton Bay Boys College, 807, 901
Morgan Stanley Services Ltd, 2537
Moriah War Memorial College, 2805
Morris, Len, 1649
Mortimer, Dr Robin, 2995
Mortlock Library, 2193
motor vehicles and motor vehicle industry
ACIS, S98, 218
GST business vehicle use fractions, 2262–3
headlight covers, 1097–8, 1483
jacks, 3874
liner cargo shipping services, 1195–6
luxury car tax, 1907
standards, 2529–31; S88–9, 111, 159, 482
see also fuel quality standards; interstate road transport
Mt Baw Baw Resort Management Board, 229
Mt Buller Resort Management, 3701, 3702–3
Mount Isa Mines Ltd, 423, 1702
Mourilyan, 1589
Mulani, Jacky Chattaram, 1735
Murdoch University, S128
Murphy, Frederick, 1083
Murray Irrigation Ltd, 360
Murt, John Woolcock, S148
Murt, Mary Elizabeth, S148
Muslim Community Credit Union Ltd, 184
Mutual Community General Insurance Pty Ltd, 275–8
electoral division enrolments, 151, 480, 829, 1176, 1444, 1703, 2017, 2366, 2672, 2984, 3386, 3711
fishing industry gross value of production (GVP), 3020
genetically modified cotton, 431, 2434, 2558, 2600, 2689, 2761
Hoxton Park Airport, 1714–15; S511
Indigenous cultural heritage, protection of, 1264–9
lands acquisition, 984, 2492–510, 2988–90, 3453: S70
polling places, 3464–74: hospitals, 570–1
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
prisoners, international transfer of, 517–33
Sydney Harbour lands, 1530–2, 2663
wetlands, 1955–6
wharves, S407
see also Sydney Airport
New South Wales Land and Housing Corporation, 2981
New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority, 2892
New Tax System, see goods and services tax
Newbold Family Trust, 2482
Newcastle Bus Credit Union Ltd, 490, 594
Newcastle Port Corporation, 624, 1058
Newfield Australia (Ashmore Cartier) Pty Ltd, 806, 1192, 2593, 2667
Newmont NFM Ltd, 978, 1056
Nexen Petroleum Australia Pty Ltd, 1536, 2894
NHMRC, see National Health and Medical Research Council
Nicol Group, 978
Ningaloo Marine Park (Commonwealth Waters), 908–9
Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation, 1079, 1085
NM Rothschild & Sons (Australia) Ltd, 2191
Noad, Dr Mike, 2895
Nobel Developments Pty Ltd, 1736
noise, occupational, 3216
Norfolk Island, Administrator of, 2767
Norlink Communications Ltd, 21
Northern Technology Holdings Pty Ltd, 3056
Northern Territory
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
genetically modified cotton, 2434
electoral division enrolments, 154, 483, 832, 1179, 1447, 1706, 2020, 2369, 2675, 2987, 3389, 3714
fishing industry gross value of production (GVP), 3020
industrial awards, 355–6, 454–5, 670, 1033–5, 1211, 1753, 2203–4, 2658, 3018, 3510
polling places, 3456–8: hospitals, 577
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
ports, S464
prisoners, international transfer of, 204–18
Roads to Recovery grants, 880
witness protection, 2413
Northern Territory Administrator, 3116
Norwich Union Holdings Australia Ltd, 257
Norwich Winterthur Holdings Ltd, 260
Norwood Street Project Pty Ltd, 625
Nowires Pty Ltd, 2109
NQX Freight System, 1812
NRMA Insurance Ltd, 271–8, 2565
NRMA Investments Pty Ltd, 2191
NRS, costs of providing, S26
NTL Australia Pty Ltd, 364–8
nuclear materials, 835, 1808–11, 3491
National Radioactive Waste Repository, 2690; S266
Nulife Insurance Ltd, 257
32 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette
radio broadcasting licences, 290, 459, 1384–5, 1652, 2420, 2966, 3685
area plans, 458, 802, 1114, 1223, 1342, 1614, 1997, 2330, 2550, 3375, 3517
conditions on, 461–8, 967–74, 2581, 3041
frequency band plans, S289
program formats, 1383
radio broadcasting standards, 966
Radio 2UE Sydney Pty Ltd, 461–8, 967–74
Radioactive Waste Repository, 2690; S266
amateur licences, 3417; S484
apparatus licences, S62
broadcasting licences, 2847
certificates, 2846
charges, 799, 3682; S460
class licences, 1215–22, 1612–13, 2328–9, 3416, 3512–14
compliance labelling, 3683; S62
electromagnetic radiation, S62
frequency band plans, 2111, 2727
marketing plans, 457
MF NAS transmitter licences, S336
prohibited devices: consideration of, 2418–19
receiver licence tax, 714; S188, 438
spectrum marketing plan, 3515
standards, 3684
temporary community broadcasting licences, S62
transmitter licence tax, 713; S188, 438
Wireless Institute of Australia, 1525–6
see also narrowcasting
radiofrequency spectrum, broadcasting services bands, 289
Raine, Gillian May, 2615
Raine, Stuart, 2615
Ramsar sites, 1955–6
RAN, lands acquisition for, 2988–90
Rantzen, Henry John, 1811, 1814
Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations Pty Ltd, 3322
RAW FM, 1943–4
Ray Group Pty Ltd, 1056
Rebel FM Stereo Pty Ltd, 2581, 3041
red meat industries, gross value of production, 1754
Regional Rail Link, 2586, 2588–92, 2666–7
Register of Political Parties, see political parties
Register of Protected Names, 2205
Register of the National Estate, P5, 13
Register of Therapeutic Goods, see therapeutic goods
regulations see Statutory Rules
Reinsurance Australia Corporation Ltd, 3131–2, 3347–8
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services Chief Executive Officer, 1965–73; S386
Australian Secret Intelligence Service Director-General, 319–21, 578–81, 833–4, 1957–8
CrimTrac Agency Chief Executive Officer, 3022–7
House of Representatives, Clerk of, 3409–11
principal executive officers, 31–3, 1948–9, 2883
Public Service Commissioner, S204
Secretaries of departments, S163
Ren, Suqin, 344
Renewable Power Ventures, 1387
Repatriation Medical Authority, see veterans’ entitlements
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 37
SA TAB, 1113
SADEH, 2979
Sadri, Roostam, 1950, 1951–2
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988, see occupational health and safety (public sector)
SAFT NIFE Power Systems Australia Pty Ltd, 3085
Sahanna, Rosetta, 1079, 1083, 1085
St Andrews Insurance Ltd, 2617–49
St John, Order of, S430
St John of God, Perth, 1661–2
Salisbury, City of, 979
Samudra, Soesilo Tjitro, S514
Sanderson, Lieutenant General John Murray, S205, 207
Sanjoto, Alexander, 1200
Sanjoto, Frankie Sukiatno, 1200
Santos Ltd, 35, 37, 1615, 1616, 1802, 3152, 3244–6
SARS, S110
Saudi Arabia, livestock exports to, S394
Sayed, Amina Begum Omar, 889–90
SBS, digital conversion, 899, 2112
Scallop Credit Union Co-operative Ltd, 3335, 3337, 3572
Scheiner, Dorothea, 597
Scheiner, Harry E., 597
Schupp, Peter, 2895
Scott, Professor David, 2995
Scottish Western Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, 2617–49
Scott’s Transport Industries Pty Ltd, 1812
ScreenSound Australia, 1998–2013, 2876–7
sea dumping, 225, 902, 1262–3, 2334, 2427, 2664, 2943, 3150
sea installations, Great Barrier Reef, 3879
sea transport, see shipping
Selwyn Mines Ltd, 360
Selzer, Anita, 1565
SEQWater, 2483
Seton, Caroline Jill, 1426
Seton, Roger Malcolm, 1426
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), S110
sex discrimination
application for exemption, rejection of, 1039–53
temporary exemptions, 3029–35
SGC (The Service) Credit Union Ltd, 490
SGE Credit Union Ltd, 2702, 2704
Sgroi, Dr Joseph, 2996
Shanahan, Michael, S117
Shaw, Geoff, 1081
sheep exports
merinos, 1847–50
to Middle East, S394, 395
see also wool industry
sheepmeat exports, to European Union, 3198–213
Shell Company of Australia Ltd, 1124–8, 3235–42
Shepherd, Ian Raymond, 421
Shields, Ella, 1649
Shilkin, Professor Keith, 2995
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 39
fishing vessels, 940; S125, 199
liner cargo, 1195–6
marine orders, 488, 2924, 3626, 3858; S458
permits to unlicensed ships, 252–5, 338, 435–6, 588, 775, 916–20, 1004–7, 1194, 1305–8, 1365, 1413–17,
1460–5, 1627–9, 1666–9, 1709–13, 1831, 1896–1901, 1975–6, 2172–5, 2253–9, 2395–6, 2444, 2526–8,
2561, 2770–3, 2928, 3167–78, 3496, 3633–8, 3861: S2–4, 107, 161, 210, 278, 298, 334, 413–16, 462,
shipping registration, 405, 603, 787–9, 892, 1025, 1203, 1428, 2405, 3880
home ports, 1589
shipwrecks, historic, 226, 2585
Sibosado, Martin, 1079, 1083, 1085
Sibosado, Trevor, 1083
Silex Systems Ltd, 3491
silica, 2551–2
Silverton Ltd, 1256, 1257–8, 1344–5
Simon Builders Pty Ltd, 2552, 2586
Sims Aluminium Pty Ltd, 903, 1274, 2977, 3379
Simsmetal Ltd, 236, 2119
free trade agreement, S310
mutual recognition on conformity assessment, 3255
Singer, Dr Andrew, 2995
Singtel Optus (Australia) Pty Ltd, 2071, 2116, 2803, 2892
Skevington, Sally, 2995
SMID Pty Ltd, 2665
Smith, Peter John, 887
Snake Gully Swagger (song), 1649
Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority Superannuation Fund, 926
social security, see government pensions and benefits
Social Security Appeals Tribunal, 238–40
Societe Generale, 3334, 3665
Soesilo, Astrid Novena, S514
Solomon Islands, S421
Somerville, Peter, 2996
South Australia
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
electoral division enrolments, 154, 483, 832, 1179, 1447, 1706, 2020, 2369, 2675, 2987, 3389, 3714
electoral redistributions, S74, 195, 339, 476
fishing industry gross value of production (GVP), 3020
human embryos, research involving, 3326
lands acquisition, S266
polling places, 3454–5
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
wine industry, 10–14, 1605–7
South Australian Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, 3555
South Australian Environment Protection Authority, 1809
South Australian Seahorse Marine Services, 1443
South Australian TAB, 1113
South Australian Water Corporation, 1437, 1579
Southern Cross Resources Australia Pty Ltd, 1810
Southern Cross University, S128
Southern Hydro, 3599
Southern Phone Company Ltd, 612
Special Broadcasting Services Corporation, digital conversion, 899, 2112
Specialist Medical Review Council, see veterans’ entitlements
spectacles and sunglasses, 2785–7
Spencer, Maria Angelus, 492
40 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette
eligibility rules, 25–30, 291–3, 622–3, 976–7, 1533–4, 1697–9, 1872–3, 2583–4, 2661–2, 2728–9, 3427–32,
employees associations, 1790–1
employers associations, 562–3
organisational names, 3044, 3433
reporting guidelines for organisations, 1857–71
Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Termination) Act 2003, 3520
Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining) Act 2002, S34
Workplace Relations Amendment (Improved Protection for Victorian Workers) Act 2003, S502
Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment Act 2002, 470; S174
World Heritage List, 3376–7
Wray & Associates, 1811, 1813
W&S Ahmed Family Trust, 2781
Wu, I-Jou, 2265
Wunan Regional Council, 333
Wyndham City Council, 979
Wynford, Oscar Nolan Brian, S369