2003 Index

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of Australia
1 January to 31 December 2003
Published by the Commonwealth of Australia



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2 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

AAPBS Settlements Ltd, 490

Abbott, Hon. Anthony John, S374
ABC, see Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC)
Chief Executive Officer, 1964, 2069
delegation of powers, S85, 117, 353
determinations, S15
functions, 333
regional councillors’ pecuniary interests, 1078–85
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission regional council elections
boundaries, S95, 455
polling days, S59, 82, 275
polling places, 1275
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission zone elections, S16
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services, S183
Chief Executive Officer, 1964–73; S386
privacy, 2962
Aboriginal Australians, see Indigenous Australians
ABS, 1913
ABS Building Society Ltd, 490
ABSTUDY Student Supplement Scheme Loan
indexation factor, 1653–4
ACCC, see trade practices
Achmad, Said, 3342
ACIS, S98, 218
ACN 088 889 230 Pty Ltd, 2579
ACT, see Australian Capital Territory
actinolite asbestos, 1795–6
administrative arrangements, 3111–15; S492
assented to, 7–9, 796–7, 1032, 1210, 1381, 1490–1, 1572, 1751, 1845, 1992–3, 2098–100, 2274, 2545, 2656,
2795, 2951–2, 3195–6, 3297, 3509, 3677, 3763–4
commencement, 470, 1324, 1823–4, 2276, 3520–1, 3554, 3568, 3679: S34, 138, 174–5, 228–31, 310, 485, 502
see also Statutory Rules
Adams, JC, 1119, 1347
Adams, SL, 1119, 1347
Adams, SN, 1119, 1347
Adams, TJ, 1119, 1347
Adelaide Inspection Services Pty Ltd, 3491
ADF, see Australian Defence Force
ADFA Insurance Pty Ltd, 1366
ADI Ltd, P7
administrative arrangements, 3111–15; S492
Administrator of Commonwealth, S151–3, 179, 203, 388, 400
see also Governor-General
Advance Credit Union Ltd, 1903, 3336
on commercial radio, 966
therapeutic goods, 2079–80, 3561
tobacco, S279, 297, 323
Aegis Development Fund Pty Ltd, 2829
AFG Insurances Ltd, 187–9
AFMA, see Australian Fisheries Management Authority
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 3

AFT Catering Pty Ltd, S439

aged care
adjusted subsidy reduction, 2147
Allocation Principles, 838–41
basic subsidy, 2140
charge exempt resident supplement, 2158–9
Committee Principles, 2136–9
community care supplement, 2152
concessional resident supplement, 2141
enteral feeding supplement, 2144
flexible care subsidy, 2153–7, 2160–5
Information Principles, 3562–3
oxygen supplement, 2143
pensioner supplement, 2148
places available for allocation, 1180, 2247; S267
Quality of Care Principles, 3564–6
residential care services subsidy, S180
Residential Care Subsidy Principles, S332
respite supplement, 2142
transitional supplement, 2145–6
User Rights Principles, 1882–3; S332
viability supplement, 2149–51
Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency, chief executive officer, 31–2
AGR Matthey, 3553
export controls, 1645–6, 1760–2
Farm Help Advice Scheme, S445
Farm Help Re-establishment Grant Scheme, S22, 226, 445
government assistance, S22, 226, 228, 445
gross value of production, 1754–9; S211
industry services bodies, S11
levies, S49
see also dairy industry; genetically modified organisms; grains; horticultural industries; meat and livestock
industry; tobacco and tobacco products
Ahmed, Samina, 2780–1
Ahmed, Waseem, 2780–1
AHS Centaur, 226, 2585
AIDS/HIV, 2115, 3596
air passenger ticket levy, S206
air quality, 1618; S190
in occupational environment, 1792–4, 3313, 3595
air transport, see civil aviation
Airnet Commercial Australia Ltd, 2415
Airnorth, 3145
leased area, 1714–15
sale, 639–40; S511
see also Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport
Airservices Australia, 2482, 3152
prices, 2261
Al-Bassam, Kareem Mahdi, 783
Al Deleymi, Jamal, 3658
Al Misnad, Jassim Abdulla, 442–3
Al Misnad, Khalid Bin Nasser Bin Abdulla, 442–3
Al Muhanna, Maher Yousif Sachet, S501
Albury Murray Credit Union Ltd, 2577
Albury–Wodonga Development Corporation, 34, 565, 1344, 1387, 1616, 1950, 2015, 2072, 2073–4, 3321
Alcan Gove Pty Ltd, 1876
4 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

customs duties on, 413–17, 2278–83; S246, 292, 307
excise, 1020–4: rates, S28, 295
licensed premises, 3290
Aldoga Aluminium Smelter Pty Ltd, 980, 1059
Alexander, Dr Max, 2995
Alice Springs Regional Council, 1080–1
Allens Arthur Robinson, 1811, 1813
Almana, Saud, 442–3
Alpha Rhodesian (Australia) Pty Ltd, 3127
Alston, Hon. Richard, S374
AM Life Ltd, 2933
ambient air quality, 1618; S190
Ambulance Service Medal, S6, 170
Amersham Health Pty Ltd, 1809
AMP Bank Ltd, 1563–4, 2039
AMP General Insurance Ltd, 1904
AMP Personal Investment Services Ltd, 439
AMSA, 2586
see also shipping
Analogic Construct Pty Ltd, 2072, 2074–5
Ancient Order of Foresters (West Australian District) Friendly Society Ltd, 778–9
Ancon Australia Pty Ltd, 1797, 1798
Andrews, Hon. Kevin James, S374
Andric Pty Ltd, 2929
Anglican Church of Australia, 346, 1100
Angola, 931–3
Anmatjere Council, 2799
ANSTO, 1808, 1810, 2336
Antarctica (Australian Antarctic Territory), 1540–2, 2734, 3084, 3315–17, 3700; S45
controlled actions, 421
historical monuments, 626–36
specially protected areas, 40–141
see also Heard Island and McDonald Islands
anthophyllite asbestos, 1795–6
ANZ Grindlays Bank Ltd, 3346
Aon Corporation, 261
Aoraki, S199
Apis Bank S.A., 2783
APRA, see Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
APS, see Australian Protective Service; Australian Public Service
Archer, Professor Mike, 1797, 1799
architects, data-matching involving, S145
ARL Laboratory Services, 3491
Armadale, City of, 1656, 2429
Armaguard, 2725
Armidale Building Society Ltd, 490
Armytage Family Records, 1565
Arnison, Major General Peter Maurice, S205
Arnold, Dr Peter, 2896
ARPANSA, see Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency
Arrow Electronics ANZ Holdings Pty Ltd, 886
Arrow Electronics Holdings Pty Ltd, 885–6
asbestos, 1795–6, 2426
Ascot Haulage (NT) Pty Ltd, 1812
Asgard Independence Plan Division Two, 926
Ashmore and Cartier Islands, 1619–20; S45
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 5

Ashmore and Cartier Islands, petroleum exploration and development adjacent to, 2524, 3857
exploration permits, 994–7, 1188–91, 1407–10: cancelled, 993; surrendered, 1192, 2924
release of information, 1555, 3567
ASIC, S357
ASIO, see Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
ASIS, see Australian Secret Intelligence Service
asset sales, 979
airports, 639–40; S511
national transmission network, 364–8
AssetInsure Holdings Pty Ltd, 2608–11
Association of Taxation and Management Accountants, S452
Association of the Orders of the Knights Templar, 1318
ATSIC, see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission
ATSIS, see Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services
Attrapreyangkul, Weeraput, 2779
AUSTRAC, see financial transaction reports
Austrade, see Export Market Development Grants
Austral Credit Union Ltd, 3336, 3337
Australand Holdings Ltd, 2225
Australasian Medical Insurance Ltd, 3573–6
Australia, Order of, see Order of Australia
Australia Day honours, S5–7
Australia Post, see Australian Postal Corporation
Australian Academy of Science, 3351–66
Australian Active Service Medal, S132
Australian air Express Pty Ltd, P7
Australian Animal Health Council (Livestock Industries) Funding Amendment Act 2002, 1324
Australian Antarctic Division, 421
Australian Antarctic Territory, see Antarctica
Australian Bravery Decorations, S44, 293, 377, 515
Australian Broadcasting Authority, see broadcasting
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 421
digital conversion, 899, 2112
Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1913
Australian Capital Territory
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
Canberra International Airport Ltd, 2484, 2894
electoral division enrolments, 154, 483, 832, 1179, 1447, 1706, 2020, 2369, 2675, 2987, 3389, 3714
industrial awards, 283, 353–4, 453, 500, 610, 1109, 1433, 1604, 1644, 1689, 1752, 1846, 1919, 1994, 2050–1,
2101, 2202, 2275, 2412, 2466, 2546, 2574–5, 2657, 2716, 2796, 2843, 2953, 3141, 3197, 3373, 3412,
3590, 3765
National Capital Plan, 590, 776, 1716, 3396: S66, 328, 425
national land, 747, 1547–8, 2671, 3709; S127, 216: dealt with under City Area Leases Ordinance 1936 s. 17AA,
1546, 1584
polling places: hospitals, 576
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
prisoners, international transfer of, 671–95
Australian Capital Territory Department of Urban Services, 2892, 3599
Australian Catholic University, S274
Australian Communication Exchange Ltd, S26, 112, 265, 373
Australian Communications Authority, costs, S233
see also radiocommunications; telecommunications
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, see trade practices
Australian Customs Service
Coastwatch, 2334
nuclear materials permit, 1808
radiation facility licences, 244, 992
6 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

sea dumping permits, 2427

see also customs; dumping of imports
Australian Defence Force
defence practice areas, 3147–9
lands acquisition for, 641–2, 984, 2236–45, 2492–510, 2988–90, 3154–5: S70, 434
repetitive public works, 983, 2230
superannuation, 975, 2078, 3718–19, 3742
terms and conditions of employment, 469, 1115, 2113, 3215, 3831; S225
see also Department of Defence; veterans’ entitlements
Australian Defence Force, medals, decorations etc., S132, 194, 377, 421, 423, 515
Australian Day honours, S5, 7
Queen’s Birthday honours, S169, 171
Australian Drug Evaluation Committee, recommendations, 169–71, 765–8, 1069, 1404–6, 1588, 1961–3, 2081,
2597–9, 3252–4
Australian Education Union, 2583–4
Australian Egg Corporation, S11
Australian Electoral Commission, Chairperson, S390
see also electoral administration
Australian Film Commission, 1998–2013, 2876–7
Chief Executive Officer, 2883
Australian Fire Service Medal, S6
Australian Fisheries Management Authority, S122
see also fisheries management
Australian Guarantee Corporation Pty Ltd, 2260
Australian Industrial Relations Commission, see workplace relations
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, Principal, 1949
Australian Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Workers Union, 3427–33
Australian Maritime Safety Authority, 2586
see also shipping
Australian Meat Industry Council, 1697–9
Australian Mint, see Royal Australian Mint
Australian Municipal, Administrative, Clerical and Services Union, 3518–19
Australian National Credit Union Ltd, 490, 1595
Australian National University, 1809; S465
statutes, 1386
Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, 1808, 1810, 2336
Australian Pacific Professional Indemnity Insurance Company Ltd, 1008, 1010, 2035–6, 3003–5
Australian Plantation Group Pty Ltd, 39
Australian Police Medal, S6, 170
Australian Postal Corporation, 2071, 2116
occupational health and safety, P7
prices, 1376
Australian Postgraduate Award Scheme, S440
Australian Protective Service, 1523
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), S230
charges, 1309, 1594, 2183; S193
costs, 1746
see also banks and depository institutions; insurance; financial sector; superannuation industry
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Amendment Act 2003, S230
Australian Public Service
administrative arrangements, 3111–15; S492
executive agencies, S183
principal executive offices, 31–2, 1948–9, 2883
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 7

Public Service Medal, S6, 170, 376, 377

Secretaries, remuneration of, S163
see also Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme; financial management and accountability; occupational health
and safety; Parliamentary Service; Public Sector Superannuation (PSS) Scheme; Public Service
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA), 1809
facility licence applications, 244, 992, 2690
Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods, see therapeutic goods
Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation, S368
Australian Secret Intelligence Service, remuneration of Director-General, 319–21, 578–81, 833–4, 1957–8
Australian Securities and Investments Commission, S357
Australian Security Intelligence Organisation, migration officers, S487
Australian Service Medal, S421
Australian Settlements Ltd, 490
Australian Sports Commission, 900
Australian Statistician, 1913
Australian Strategic Policy Institute Ltd, 2975
Australian Taxation Office
data-matching programs, 1583, 2784, 3186–8, 3290, 3349, 3668–9; S145, 452
see also Commissioner of Taxation
Australian Trade Commission, see Export Market Development Grants
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre, see financial transaction reports
Australian Unity Funds Management Ltd, 285
Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation, see wine industry
Australian Writers’ Guild Association, 562–3
authorised deposit-taking institutions, see banks and depository institutions
authorised non-operating holding companies, 1746
authors, public lending right, S113
automotive industry, see motor vehicles
Auton, Roger Brian, 2775
avgas, 299–303
aviation, see airports; civil aviation
awards (honours), see honours and awards
awards (industrial), see workplace relations
AXA Corporate Solutions Asia Pacific Pty Ltd, 256
AXA Re Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, 256
Axseven Pty Ltd, 2894

Babtain, Omar Ali, 442–3

Badoche, Michel Francois Guy, 2706
Baldwin Sheltson Waters, 1811, 1813
Bali, S377
Ballina, 1264–9
Bangun, Sri Theresia, 1310
Banish the Budget Blues (song), 1649
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd, 2180–2, 2459, 2536, 2578
Bank of Western Australia Ltd, 2617–49
Bankcard Scheme, S288
bankruptcy, S138
forms, 1499–522, 1764–87, 1932–40, 3771–826; S139
Bankruptcy Legislation Amendment Act 2002, S138
Banks, Margaret, 2995
8 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

banks and depository institutions

assets and liabilities, consent for acquisition or disposal, 263, 927, 595, 925, 1563–4, 1595, 2039, 2536, 2163,
2701, 2704, 2783, 2833, 3335, 3398
authority to carry on business, 923, 2181, 2777, 2931, 3334, 3577: revoked, 182, 184–5, 266, 591, 928, 1672,
1675, 2700, 2703, 2774, 2834, 3399, 3497, 3572
ceasing to exist, 592, 1673
exemptions, 1630, 2186, 2260, 2449: revoked, 491, 1630
name changes, 176, 490, 594, 1009, 1902–3, 3336
offshore banking units, 1637, 2459, 2537, 3133, 3665–7
prudential standards, 2178, 2705
restricted words, consent to assume or use, 186, 2776, 2932; revoked, 593, 1674, 2182
schemes of arrangement, 2778
special credit care institutions, 2179
supervisory levy, 1746
see also financial sector; Reserve Bank of Australia
Bankstown Airport Ltd, S511
Bannister, Dr John, 2896
Barbour Tutukaka Trust, 2533
Barni Pty Ltd, 1803
Barrington Lime Pty Ltd, 1438, 1439–40
Barwon Region Water Authority, 1802, 3452
BasGas Joint Venture, 38
Bashir, Prof. Marie, S205, 342, 388
Basin Oil Pty Ltd, 723
Bass Strait Oil Company Ltd, 2895
Bassett, John, 3088
Bauer CropScience Pty Ltd, 1077
Bayford, John, 1472–3
Beaufort Shipping Agency Company, 2976
beds, 1015–16, 1912
beef exports
to European Union, 501–16
to United States, 3298–311, 3766–9
beer, see alcohol
Belgium, 3660–1
Bell Securities Ltd, 179–80
Benaris Energy NV, 2731–2
Bendigo Mining, 1256, 1343, 2016
Bethesda Hospital, Perth, 1662
Bezuidenhout, Willem Wouter, 1312
BHP Billiton Petroleum (Australia) Pty Ltd, 1056, 1117
BHP Steel, 3491
Big Sky Credit Union Ltd, 2832–3
biodiesel, S380
biodiversity conservation, see wildlife conservation
Biotechnology Innovation Fund, S344
Bishop, Hon. Julie Isabel, S374
Biyun Xian, 1089
Blacktown City Council, 1256
Blesing, Charlotte, S353
Blood and Organ Donation Taskforce, 646
Boadle, Dr David, 2995
BOC Ltd, 2213
Boehringer Ingelheim Pty Ltd, 231
Booderee National Park, 810–22
Boota Creek Resources Pty Ltd, 3452
Borla Construction Materials, 3320
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 9

Boswell, Hon. Ron, S374

Bosworth, Rohan, 1118
Boulder Wall Constructions Pty Ltd, 2893
Bounty Oil and Gas NL, 34, 36–7
Bowen Aquaculture Centre Pty Ltd, 723
Boxall, Brian Kenneth, 2397–8
Boyne Smelters Ltd, 2667
BP Australia Ltd, 1129–37
BP Employees Credit Co-operative Ltd, 2832–4
BP Refinery (Bulwer Island) Ltd, 1120–3, 2228
BP Refinery (Kwinana) Pty Ltd, 361, 2670
Bradford Exchange, 2788
Brambles Australia Ltd, 1659, 2977
Bravery Decorations, S44, 293, 377, 515
Bravery Medal, S377, 515
Breccia Pty Ltd, 3865
Bridge of Our Dreams Come True (song), 1649
Bright Telecommunications Pty Ltd, 1941, 2104
Brinks Australia Pty Ltd, 3829
Brisbane Airport Corporation Ltd, 2430, 3246
Brisbane City Council, 723, 2553, 2587, 2668
Broadcast Australia Pty Ltd, 364–8
broadcasting, 2059, 2331
category, ABA opinion on, 357–8, 800–1, 1943–4
radiofrequency spectrum bands, 289
see also radio broadcasting; radiocommunications; television
Brown, K, 1387
Brown, N, 2996
Brown, W P, 294–5
Bruinsma Grasstrees operation, 1700
Bryce, Quentin, S131
BT Funds Management Ltd, 20
buffalo industry, gross value of production, 1756; S211
Building and Construction Industry, Royal Commission relating to, 433
building societies, see banks and depository institutions
Bunbury Dive Wreck Association, 3150
Bunbury Port Authority, 2427
bunk beds, 1015–16
Burchett, Hon. James Charles Sholto, S390
Burnet Overseas Aid Fund, 3350
Burnett Water Pty Ltd, 2733
Burtenshaw, Brian, 1092
Burtenshaw, Maureen, 1092
Butler, Richard William, S341

Cable Sands (WA) Pty Ltd, 1539

Cain, Peter Michael, 1197
Calcifer Industrial Minerals Pty Ltd, 2552
Callinan Lawrie, 1811, 1813
Caloundra–Maroochy Water Supply Board, 229
Caltex Australia Petroleum Pty Ltd, 1144–57, 2218–24, 3217–34
Caltex Refineries (Qld) Ltd, 745, 2121, 3321
Camden Airport Ltd, S511
Cameron, Hon. Ross Alexander, S374
Campbell, Betty, 1081
Campbell, Senator the Hon. Ian Gordon, S374
10 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

Canada, double taxation agreement with, 190

Canberra, see Australian Capital Territory
Canberra International Airport Ltd, 2484, 2894
Canberra Investment Corporation Ltd, 596, 782, 1656, 1797, 3321
Canberra Residential Developments Pty Ltd, 3151
Canning, City of, 1657
canola, 1077, 3097
Capital Alliance Holdings (Australia) Pty Ltd, 3644; S371
Capital Credit Union Ltd, 490
Capiteq Ltd, 3145
Capral Credit Union Ltd, 490
Carmichael, Professor Allan, 2996
carnations, 915
cars, see motor vehicles
Cartier Island Marine Reserve, 1619–20
cash dealers, see financial transaction reports
Cashchange Pty Ltd, 2578
Catalfamo, Vincenzo, 2399–400
Catholic Education Office, Archdiocese of Sydney, 1039–53
cattle exports, S130
Cavalane Holdings Pty Ltd, 177–8
censorship, 950–65
Centaur, 226, 2585
Centennial Coal Company Ltd, 2336
Central Coast Internet Pty Ltd, 554
Central Oil Refineries Pty Ltd, 304–7
Centrelink (Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency)
data-matching programs, 1583
migration officers, S488
CFCs, 231–2
CGNU Australia Holdings Ltd, 777
CGU Insurance Australia Ltd, 271–4
CGU Insurance Ltd, 183
Chakera, Professor Turab, 2995
Challenger International Ltd, 177–80, 1909–11
Challenger Life Ltd, 1909–11
Challenger Life No. 2 Ltd, 181
Chand, Vivek, 3659
Chang Xiu Le, 3745
Change Kean Seng, Kenny, 1478
Charbon Colliery, 1655
Charles Sturt University, S337, 459
Charter of the United Nations Act 1945 list, S189, 202, 426
Charters, Dr Deryck, 2995
Cheetham Salt Ltd, 1535
Chevron Texaco Australia Pty Ltd, 3701, 3704, 3843
chicken meat industry, gross value of production, 1756; S211
Child Care Benefit, S30–1, 234–5
child protection, State central authorities, 2954
child support, 363, 3708
disability assessment, S311
toys, 1017–19, 1838–9, 2090, 3752–5; S157
vaccination, S313, 403–5
Chilvers, Babara, 2895
China, Republic of, 1418
Chinner, Dr Graham Alan, 2193
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 11

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 231–2

Christmas Island
Ordinances, S97
Regulations, S209
ports, S464
Christmas Island Administrator, 3284
Christmas Island Office, 2016
Christophers, Raymond, 1079, 1083, 1085
chrysotile asbestos, 1795–6, 2426
Chow, Inca Robert, 781
Chung, Jennifer Ni Mei, 400
Chung, Nicola Wing Yee, 400
Circular Head Council, 624, 722
City Choice Holdings, 3452
City Coast Credit Union Ltd, 1595, 1672–4
City West Water, 1055
Civil Air Operations Officers’ Association of Australia, 2661–2
civil aviation
air passenger ticket levy, S206
approvals, 1193, 1625, 2250, 2769, 2831, 2927
avgas, 299–303
directions, 335–6, 1411, 1626, 1830, 1895, 1974, 2028, 2088, 2560, 2697, 3394, 3632, 3741, 3860: S14, 35, 401
exemptions, 251, 434, 587, 774, 879, 1459, 1665, 1708, 2027, 2171, 2250, 2252, 2607, 2698, 3333, 3571, 3741:
instructions, 1459, 3741
manuals, S136
orders, 174, 249, 334, 337, 489, 586, 652–8, 772–3, 878, 998–1003, 1086, 1361–4, 1412, 1458, 1590–3, 1663–
4, 1825–9, 1973, 2082–7, 2170, 2249, 2251, 2394, 2442–3, 2525, 2559, 2606, 2691–6, 2768, 2830, 2926,
3000–2, 3117, 3166, 3286, 3327–32, 3393, 3395, 3495, 3569–70, 3627–31, 3859: S1, 19–20, 25, 41, 64–5,
67, 86, 91, 94, 118, 120, 124, 146, 149, 172, 182, 200, 247, 258, 268–71, 280, 287, 303–4, 308, 317, 319,
321, 324–6, 356, 361, 365, 383, 391–2, 401, 420, 449, 508
permissions, 250, 1895, 3860: S14, 35
wheelchair access, 3145
see also airports
Clarence City Council, 294, 295–6
Clark Enterprises Pty Ltd, 2587–8
classification of films and computer games, 950–65
Cleland, Bruce, 2532
Cloncurry Shire Council, 1808
clothing, 3875–8
Textile, Clothing and Footwear Strategic Investment Program Scheme, S285
Coastwatch, 2334
Cockayne, Dr Tamsin, 2996
Cockburn, City of, 1615, 3556
Cockram, Dr Alexander, 2995
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Ordinances, S209
ports, S464
Pulu Keeling National Park, 823–7, 2806
Regulations, S209
Cocos (Keeling) Islands Administrator, 3285
Cod Grounds Marine Reserve, 3705–7
coins, see currency
Colbert, Jennifer, 2995
Cole Royal Commission, 433
Collex Pty Ltd, 2485, 3552
Collison & Co, 1810, 1813
Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd, 1099
12 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

Colors Investment Management Pty Ltd, 1468–73, 1670–1

Colquitt, Alex, 1113
Columbus Line Australia Pty Ltd, 835
Comalco Smelter Development Pty Ltd, 2667
Combined Australia Petroleum Employees’ Credit Union Ltd, 2699, 2701
Combined Insurance Company of America, 261–2
Combined Life Insurance Company of Australia Ltd, 261–2
Combined Specialty Group, Inc., 262
Combined Specialty Insurance Company, 261–2
Comcare, see occupational health and safety (public sector)
Comgas Scheme, 299–303
Comindico Australia Pty Ltd, 3039
commercial broadcasting, see radio broadcasting; television
Commercial Television Conversion Scheme, 460, 2112, 2580, 3686
Commissioner of Taxation, rulings, 270, 345, 404, 445, 601–2, 662, 784, 891, 930, 1013–14, 1096, 1201–2, 1313–
14, 1427, 1482, 1561–2, 1596–7, 1634–6, 1681–3, 1737–8, 1836–7, 1907–8, 1983–4, 2038, 2188–9,
2266–8, 2404, 2457–8, 2534–5, 2567–8, 2616, 2710, 2782, 2836, 2937–42, 3007, 3128–30, 3184–5,
3287–9, 3344–5, 3400, 3499, 3580–1, 3663–4, 3747–8, 3867–73: S56, 164, 192
Commonwealth asset sales, see asset sales
Commonwealth authorities and companies
financial statements, 910–11
see also Reserve Bank of Australia
Commonwealth Electoral Roll, 424
Commonwealth Life Ltd, 1099
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, see CSIRO
Commonwealth Services Delivery Agency, see Centrelink
Commonwealth State Housing Agreement, S278
Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS)
eligible employees, S251
interest determinations, 3488–90, 3601–4, 3715–17, 3720–2
surcharge commutation amount, conversion factors, 3482–7
transfer of assets to PSS Fund, 1806–7
Communications, Electrical, Electronic, Energy, Information, Postal, Plumbing and Allied Services Union of
Australia, 1533–4
Communications Legislation Amendment Act (No. 3) 2003, 3679
community aged care, see aged care
Community and Public Sector Union, 622–3
community radio, see radio broadcasting
companies, see Commonwealth authorities and companies; corporations
Components Agent (Cayman) Ltd, 885
computer games, classification of, 950–65
computers (information technology)
workers under contract, 1553–4
see also data-matching programs
concession cards, S259–60
Concordia BV, 2191
condoms, 2813
Connect Credit Union of Tasmania Ltd, 2778
conservation, see environment protection; national parks; wildlife conservation; World Heritage List
Consolidated Property Group Pty Ltd, 3088
construction industry royal commission, 433
consumer products
information standards, 3875–8
safety standards, 1015–16, 1912, 2785–7, 3752–5, 3874; S100
unsafe, 1017–19, 1097–8, 1838–9, 2090; S157, 327: bans, 1483
Contante, Rustica Anicete, 1425
contraceptives, 2813
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 13

Coochin Aquaculture Australia Pty Ltd, 471

Cooloola Shire Council, 1058
Coomera Waters Joint Venture, 723
institutions assisting persons with print disability, 1110
song lyrics, 1649
unpublished manuscripts in libraries, 191, 715, 1101, 1565, 1985, 2193, 2788
Coral Sea fishery, S43
Coral Sea Islands Territory, S45
Coral Sea Pearls Pty Ltd, 2014
Core, G, 1056, 1057
clearing and settlement facility standards, S181
pooled development funds, 2829
see also Commonwealth authorities and companies; finance sector; privacy
Cosmo Oil Cartier Ltd, 1192
cots, 1912
genetically modified, 431, 2434, 2558, 2600, 2689, 2761: S50
gross value of production, 1756; S211
Country Landmark Pty Ltd, 2731
appointments, 452
sittings, S355
witness protection, 2413; S357
CPA Australia, S452
CPG Developments, 34
CPH Management Ltd, 1909–11
CPSU, 622–3
credit unions, see banks and depository institutions
Crest Projects Pty Ltd, 3088, 3844, 3845–6
Criminal Code Amendment (Terrorism) Act 2003, S175
CrimTrac Agency, Chief Executive Officer, 3022–7
Cross, Don, S85, 117
Cruz, Carlito Salvador, 1425
crystalline silica, 2551
CSIRO, 2731
genetically modified cotton, 2600, 2689; S50
nuclear material, 835, 1808, 1809
CSL Ltd, P7
CSR & Rinker Salaried Staff Association, 3044
CSR Ltd Officers’ Association, 291–3, 976–7, 3044
CSR Readymix, 624
CSS, see Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme
cultural heritage, see heritage
currency, 339–40, 881–4, 1315–17, 1369–75, 1475–7, 1980–2, 2451–4, 3122–6, 3179–81; S350, 505
foreign exchange, 931–3; S177
Curtin University of Technology, 1809; S337
John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library, 191
customs, S310, 485
by-laws, S385
firearms, deployment of, 18–19; S123
forms, 550–3, 942–7, 1929–31, 2285–324, 3719–24, 3592–4
information technology requirements for electronic communication, 2956–61
lands acquisitions for, 2236–45; S434
ports, S464
primary industries designated bodies, 2797
14 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

rates of exchange, 15–17, 219, 284, 411–12, 456, 549, 611, 711, 798, 898, 941, 1037, 1111, 1212, 1341, 1382,
1434, 1492, 1576, 1611, 1647, 1690, 1763, 1854, 1924, 1996, 2052, 2102, 2206, 2277, 2414, 2471, 2549,
2576, 2659, 2717, 2798, 2845, 2955, 3028, 3144, 3214, 3312, 3374, 3415, 3511, 3591, 3678, 3770
statements, approved, 419–20, 948–9, 1925–8
wharves, 1038, 1497–8, 2963–4; S407
see also Australian Customs Service; dumping of imports
Customs Amendment Act (No. 1) 2003, S310, 485
customs tariff, S509
substituted rates of duty, 413–18, 2278–84; S246, 292, 307

Dahmen-Wassenberg, Gisbert Michael, 1835

Dairy Australia Ltd, 1995
Dairy Exit Program Scheme, S226
dairy industry, S22, 226, 228
data-matching programs, 3349
gross value of production, 1756; S211
industry services body, 1995
Dairy Industry Service Reform Act 2003, S228
Dairy Structural Adjustment Program Scheme, 3349; S226
Dallah Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, 888
Dampier Port Authority, 1262, 2334, 2803, 3599
Dana Employees Credit Union, 1902, 2578
Dance, David Peter, 2456
Dance, Sophi, 2456
dangerous goods
in workplace, 1795–6, 2426, 2551–2: material safety data sheets, 2114
see also consumer products; hazardous waste exports and imports
Daniell, Marie, 660, 1633
dart guns, 1017–19
Darwin City Waterfront, 3555
data collection, by financial sector, 1198; S58, 77, 236
banking exemption, 1630
data-matching programs, 424, 1583, 2784, 3186–8, 3290, 3349, 3668–9; S145, 452
Davey, Richard Innes, 1985
Davidson Trahaire, S439
Davies Collison Cave, 1811, 1813
Dayaram, Bharti, 1095
Dayaram, Dalip Kumar Parshottam, 1095
De Grey, Slim, 1649
de Zwaan, Dr Sally, 2996
Deagon, Fiona, 3008
Deagon, Lindsay, 3009
Dectar Pty Ltd, 298, 2943
deer meat industry, gross value of production, 1756; S211
defence and strategic goods, exports of, P12
Defence Force, see Australian Defence Force
Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits (DFRDB) scheme, 2078
surcharge deduction amount conversion factors, 3718–19
Delaware North Australia Pty Ltd, S439
Department of Defence
controlled actions, 34, 227–8, 294, 296–7, 1056, 1876, 1879, 2587, 2666
environmental actions approved, 2554, 2594
environmental assessments, 1119
see also Australian Defence Force
Department of Education, Science and Training, radiation facility licences, 2690
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 15

Department of Finance and Administration (DOFA), controlled actions, 1438, 1536–7, 1579, 1656, 1797, 2896,
3599, 3844
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, migration officers, S486
Department of Health and Ageing, Comgas Scheme, 299–303
Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
Indigenous social, economic and cultural development functions, 333
Sex Discrimination Act, temporary exemption from, 3029–35
Department of Industry, Science and Resources, controlled actions, 1581
Department of the Environment and Heritage, see environment protection
Department of Transport and Regional Services
Christmas Island Office, 2016
controlled actions, 3088, 3090–1, 3701
see also shipping
Department of Veterans’ Affairs, see veterans’ entitlements
deposit-taking institutions, see banks and depository institutions
Derstepanian, Margaret, 1368
Derstepanian, Sarkis, 1367
design, Olympic insignia, 2827–8, 2998, 3624–5
diesel fuel, 270
quality standards, 304–16, 1120–57, 2214–24, 3217–19, 3235–7; S380
Diesel Fuel Rebate (Off-Road) Scheme, 270
Digital River Pty Ltd, 1524
digital television, 1577, 1945
Commercial Television Conversion Scheme, 460, 2112, 2580, 3686
National Television Conversion Scheme, 899, 2112
Ding Xia Fen, 2707
disability, institutions assisting persons with, 1110
disability discrimination, temporary exemptions, 3145
Dixson Library, 1985
doctors, training of, 241–3, 2994–6
Doherty Hotels Pty Ltd, 723
Dolasia, Devendra Prabhudas, 444, 600
Dolasia, Devina, 444
Dolasia, Om, 444
Dolasia, Rupa, 444, 600
Dolby, Leah, 1079, 1083, 1085
Dolezal, Boris Jaroslav, 2403
Dolezal, Daniela, 2403
Dominican Republic, 2432
double taxation agreements, 190, 1677–9, 3339
Douglas Shire Council, 1579, 1580
Dow AgroSciences Australia Pty Ltd, 2761
dried fruit, gross value of production, 1755
drugs of dependence, movement calendar, 3605
see also pharmaceutical benefits; therapeutic goods
Drury, David Roger, 343
Duff Investments Pty Ltd, 2829
Dukes Place Investment Holdings (Bermuda) Ltd, 258–9
dumping of imports
clear float glass, S105
copper tube, S166
dichlorophenoxy-acetic acid (2, 4-D), S90
galvanised steel pipe, 1493–4
hot rolled steel structural sections, 1495–6
iron and steel grinding mill liners, S351
polyethylene, S448, 457, 463, 477
polystyrene resin, S409
steel demountable tubeless truck wheel rims, 1648
16 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

washing machines, 2718

Dunlop, Barbara Joan, 1913

E-Shares Corporation Ltd, 2829

E-Tech Capital Ltd, 2829
East Timor, hazardous waste arrangement with, 638
Eastpoint Mackay Pty Ltd, 3701, 3703–4
Edith Cowan University, S128, 465
education and training
Catholic Education Office, Archdiocese of Sydney, 1039–53
Indigenous Australians, 613–21
migration agents, 371–98, 846–74: S46
see also higher education; overseas students; student assistance
Education Credit Union Co-operative Ltd, 263–4, 266, 2577
Edwards, Robert William, 1913
EFIC, see Export Finance and Insurance Corporation
Egan, Edward Joseph, 3116
egg industry
gross value of production, 1759
industry services body, S11
Eggleton, Christopher, 2799
Eldfisk, S412
electoral administration
appointments, S390
data-matching programs, 424
divisional enrolments, 151–4, 480–3, 829–32, 1176–9, 1444–7, 1703–6, 2017–20, 2366–9, 2672–5, 2984–7,
3386–9, 3711–14
forms, 2126–33, 3248–50
polling places, 3454–8, 3461–81: hospitals, 570–7, 3459–60
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
redistributions, S24, 74, 162, 195, 322, 339, 432, 476
see also Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission; political parties
Elliott, Sarah Jane, 598
embryos (human), research involving, 3326
Emergency Services Medal, S6, 170
Employers Mutual Ltd, 1979
occupations, for migration purposes, 875–7, 2816–26; S481
see also occupational health and safety
endangered species, see wildlife conservation
Endeavour Advantage Credit Union Ltd, 490
Endeavour Credit Union Ltd, 490
Energy Australia, 2429
energy grants scheme rulings, 3747
Energy Resources of Australia Ltd, 1808
Enertrade, 2430
entry into Australia, see migration
Environment and Heritage Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2003, 3554
environment protection, 3554
actions approved, 38, 39, 230, 724, 980, 1059, 1118, 1261, 1388, 1539, 1581, 1657, 2016, 2076, 2430, 2554,
2594, 2667–8, 2733, 2805, 2896, 2981, 3152, 3247, 3322
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 17

controlled actions, 34–7, 227–9, 294–7, 359–60, 421, 471–9, 564–6, 624–5, 722–3, 806–7, 900–1, 978–9, 1054–
7, 1117–18, 1256–60, 1343–6, 1387, 1437–42, 1535–9, 1578–80, 1615–16, 1655–6, 1797–1803, 1876–9,
1950–53, 2014–15, 2071–5, 2116, 2225–6, 2335, 2429, 2482–4, 2552–3, 2586–93, 2665–7, 2730–2,
2802–4, 2892–4, 2979–80, 3087–91, 3151–2, 3243, 3320–1, 3383, 3451–2, 3555, 3598–600, 3701–4,
National Environment Protection Measures, 1618; S190
ozone layer, 231–3, 2213
see also Antarctica; hazardous waste exports and imports; national parks; sea dumping; wildlife conservation;
wildlife trade
environmental impact assessments, 38, 298, 421–2, 724, 979, 1058, 1119, 1260, 1347, 1387–8, 1580–1, 1617,
1880, 1954, 2016, 2075, 2227, 2337, 2430, 2484, 2553, 2593–4, 2804, 2894–6, 2980–1, 3152, 3246, 3321,
3383–4, 3556, 3600
Environmental Research Institute of the Supervising Scientist, 1808
Ergon Energy Corporation Ltd, 35–6, 1876, 1877
Ergon Energy Telecommunications Pty Ltd, 3680
Essendon Airport, sale of, 640
Esso Australia Pty Ltd, 471, 2895, 3151, 3844
Estahbanatizadeh, Majid, 3006, 3657
Ethical Technology Fund Ltd, 2829
ETSA Utilities, 287, 555
European Union, meat exports to, 501–16, 3198–213
Eventide Homes (Stawell) Inc., 1113
Evian Enterprises Ltd, 1011
Ex-Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority Superannuation Fund, 926
exchange rates, see customs; migration
alcoholic goods, 1020–4
rice levy, S49
excise tariff, substituted rates of excise duty, S28, 295
executive agencies, S183
Executive Council, S315
Exide Australia Pty Ltd, 1545, 2486
Export Finance and Insurance Corporation (EFIC)
losses, approved causes of, 1448
national interest transactions, 643, 1399, 2370, 3157
Export Market Development Grants, 1552
payout factor for grant year 2001–02, S212
exports and export control
agricultural products, 1645–6, 1760–2
defence and strategic goods list, P12
drugs and medicine, 2432, 3852
see also hazardous waste exports and imports; meat and livestock exports; wildlife trade

Falls Creek Ski Lifts Pty Ltd, 1657

Family Assistance, S313, 403–5
family law
child support, 363, 3708
superannuation interests, S18, 224, 367, 433
Farm Help Advice Scheme, S445
Farm Help Re-establishment Grant Scheme, S22, 226, 445
farming, see agriculture
fashion spectacles and sunglasses, 2785–7
Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, 1195–6
Federal Executive Council, S315
Federal Privacy Commissioner, see privacy
Fehon, Matt, S117
18 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

film classification, 950–65

Film Commission, see Australian Film Commission
film tax offset, S36
financial management and accountability (private sector)
clearing and settlement facility standards, S181
prudential standards, 1558, 2178, 2705
reporting standards, 1198, 1857–71; S58, 77, 236
financial management and accountability (public sector)
financial statements, 910–13
Television Fund Account, 3419
financial sector
credit providers, S51
data collection, 1198, 2187; S58, 77, 236
shareholding approvals, 177–81, 183, 257–61, 271–8, 778–9, 785–6, 924, 929, 1087–8, 1418–24, 1720–32,
1739–45, 1909–11, 1977–8, 2032–3, 2040–1, 2180, 2190–1, 2445–8, 2562–3, 2608–12, 2617–49, 2699,
2702, 2832, 2929–30, 3118–21, 3131–2, 3337, 3346–8, 3397, 3644, 3749–50: revoked, 262, 1725–7
see also banks and depository institutions; insurance; superannuation industry
financial transaction reports
approved cash carriers, 2725, 3829
identifying cash dealers, 20, 285, 2103, 2577–8, 3036, 3827–8
Finlay, Anthony, 2071
Finlay, Judith, 2071
fire extinguishers, portable, S100
Fire Service Medal, S6
firearms, deployment to customs officers, 18–19; S123
1st Choice Entertainment, 1113
First Gas Employee’s Credit Union Ltd, 2699, 2701, 2774
First Salisbury Development Fund, 2829
Fisher, Paul, 806, 807
Fisher Adams Kelly, 1811, 1813
fisheries management, 1920
Australian boats, declaration of, 940; S125, 199, 412
Bass Strait scallop, 906
billfish, S282, 359, 387
Booderee National Park, 812–17
Cod Grounds Marine Reserve, 3705–7
Coral Sea, S43
Gulf of Carpentaria grey mackerel, 1921–3
Heard Island and McDonald Islands, S447, 490
industry gross value of production (GVP), 3019–21
northern prawn, 3413–14; S121, 158, 364, 372
scalefish, 2844; S370
shark, 2844; S370
small pelagic fishery, S397
Torres Strait, 197–203, 1036; S451
trawling, S63, 283
tuna, S282, 359, 387: southern bluefin, S17, 277, 380, 402
Flinders Ports Pty Ltd, 1056
Flinders University of South Australia, 3491; S128
Florigene Ltd, 915
FM Trustees 229 Ltd, 2533
food, imported, 3142–3
Ford Motor Company of Australia Ltd, 1163–7
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 19

foreign acquisitions and takeovers

business shareholdings, 401–3, 885–6, 1011, 2709, 3660–1: S53, 371
urban land, 267–9, 341–4, 400, 440–4, 492–3, 596–600, 659–61, 780–3, 887–90, 1012, 1089–95, 1200, 1310–
12, 1425–6, 1478–81, 1559–60, 1631–3, 1680, 1733–6, 1834–5, 1906, 2089, 2264–5, 2401–3, 2456,
2532–3, 2566, 2614–15, 2706–8, 2779–81, 2835, 2934–6, 3006, 3127, 3182–3, 3340–3, 3498, 3578–9,
3657–9, 3662, 3744–6, 3866: S8, 21, 84, 148, 154, 244, 348, 369, 491, 501, 512–14
see also financial sector
foreign aid funds, 3350
foreign exchange, 931–3; S177
foreign exchange rates, see customs; migration
foreign trade, S310
see also exports; imports
Forest Group Pty Ltd, 2071, 2072–3, 2979, 2980
Formation, PF, 1256, 1343, 2227
Forrester, Daniel, 1081
Forrester Kurts Properties, 1536
Forrester Residential Developments, 2073, 3153
Forresters Glen Pty Ltd, 1054–5, 2225
Fortis Australia Ltd, 183
Fortron Insurance Group Ltd, 399
Frassetto Design, 1438
free trade agreements, S310
Freecor International Pty Ltd, 1691
Freehills Carter Smith Beadle, 1810, 1813
Freeman, Jeffrey Jack, 2031
Fremantle Finance Pty Ltd, 3828
friendly societies, see health benefits
fringe benefits tax rulings, 1201–2, 1596, 1683, 3867
fruit, see horticultural industries
fuel quality standards, 1435–6, 2800–1; S380
approvals, 299–316, 725–44, 1120–73, 2214–24, 2338–62, 3217–42, 3522–50, 3687–99
autogas, S503
ethanol-petrol blends, S504

G and H Pedel, 564, 3246

Gabalu Pty Ltd, 471, 474–5
Gales, Nick, 2895
game meat industry, gross value of production, 1756; S211
Gani, Vita Jufilia, 1200
Gastech Systems, 1876
GE Capital Consumer Card Co, 2260
GE Capital Finance Australia, 2260, 2578
Geelong Grammar School Superannuation Fund, 926
gene technology (genetically modified organisms), S203
canola, 1077, 3097
carnations, 915
cotton, 431, 2434, 2558, 2600, 2689, 2761: S50
grapevines, 1457
papaya, 1303
pineapple, 1303
Recognition of Designated Areas Principle, S340
general insurance, see insurance
George, Kevin, 1079, 1083, 1085
Geoscience Australia, 1174
Geraldton Port Authority, 2427, 2664, 2895, 3150
Gerling, Dr Rolf, 2032–3
20 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

Gerling Global Group of Australia Pty Ltd, 401, 2562–3

Gerling Global Life Reinsurance Company of Australia Pty Ltd, 2562–3
Gerling Global Reinsurance Company of Australia Pty Ltd, 2562–3, 2608–11
German Creek East Joint Venture, 1535, 1579, 2337, 3247
Get Real Media Pty Ltd, 1943–4
GFB Developments Pty Ltd, 3598
Gibbons, Wayne Julian, 1964–73: S386
Gibbs, Ian, 2447–8
Gill, Peter, 2896
Gladstone Port Authority, 1262
GlaxoSmithKline Australia Ltd, 231
goat exports, to Middle East, S394, 395
goat fibre industry, gross value of production, 1756; S211
goatmeat exports, to European Union, 3198–213
Goh Tze Yee, Felicia, 659
Gold Coast City Council, 807
Goldcivil Pty Ltd, 341
goods and services tax (GST)
business vehicle use fractions, 2262–3
data-matching programs, 3186–7, 3668–9
exempt taxes, fees and charges, 1905; S478
rulings, 601, 662, 784, 891, 1013, 1014, 1202, 1427, 1562, 1836, 2568, 3007, 3128, 3129–30, 3288, 3400, 3747,
3869, 3870, 3871: S56
Gosford City Council, 1437, 2430
Gould, John, 2788
government asset sales, see asset sales
government pensions and benefits, 238–40
Child Care Benefit, S30–1, 234–5
child disability assessment, S311
child support assessment and, 363
concession cards, S259–60
data-matching programs, 1583
Family Assistance, S313, 403–5
farm household assistance, S22, 226, 228, 445
hearing services, 1888–9
qualifying residence exemption visa classes, S173
see also student assistance; veterans’ entitlements
Governor-General, S178, 207, 309
Administrator in absence of, S151–3, 179, 203, 388, 400
deputies, S315, 342
Letters Patent, S151
retirement benefits, 2999
grains, 1760–2
contribution to Plant Health Australia, 2547–8
customs designated bodies, 2797
gross value of production, 1756; S211
Grains Council of Australia, 2547–8, 2797
grapevines, 1457
Grasby, William, 2193
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, 2042–4, 2091, 2194–5, 3879
anchorage areas, 567–8
commercial operations, 347
permissions granted, refused etc., P2–3, 6, 8–9, 11, 15
zoning plans, S9, 187
Great Ocean Green Pty Ltd, 294
Green, Guy Stephen Montague, S152–3, 179
Green, Marie, S513
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 21

Grenlund, Leif Arne, 1834

Grenlund, Sissel Strik, 1834
Greyling, Gabrielle Andrea, 1311–12
Griffith Hack, 1810, 1813
Grills, Peter, S353
Grindlays Greece, 2783
Grist, Anne Stephanie, 599
Grist, Trevor James, 599
Group 4 Falck Correction Services Pty Ltd, S439
GSL (Australia) Pty Ltd, S439
GST, see goods and services tax
Guinness Peat Group Plc, 1977–8, 2445–6, 3131–2, 3347–8
guns, see firearms
Gunson Resources Ltd, 3243
Gui Jun Jiang, S491
GWH Building, 2015

Hack, Griffith, 1810, 1813

halon, 233
Hamersley Iron Pty Ltd, 2427
Hammal, Roque Charles, S27
Hanich, Carl, 437
Harcourt, Dr Rob, 38, 2895
Harridan Pty Ltd, 35
Harvey, Barry James, 1479
Harvey, Denise, 1479
Hawkins, MM, 1257, 1259–60
hazardous substances, see dangerous goods
hazardous waste, 2690; S266
hazardous waste exports and imports, 236, 1060, 1172, 1274, 1544, 1701–2, 2077, 2121, 2486–7, 2670, 2978,
3379, 3551–3
applications received, 150, 361, 423, 745–6, 903–4, 1389, 1545, 1659, 2119–20, 2228, 2363–4, 2485, 2488,
2669, 2976–7, 3085
arrangement with East Timor, 638
Hazelwood Power, 359
HBOS, 2617–49
He Ping, 2707
He Si Jia, 2707
medical indemnity, 1676, 2450; S214, 312
see also Medicare; National Health and Medical Research Council; occupational health and safety;
pharmaceutical benefits; therapeutic goods
health benefits (health insurance), 323–4
cancellation of registration, 3158, 3558
conditions of registration, 1815–16, 2762–6, 2901
reinsurance records, 322
standards, 1881
Health Care Card, S259–60
Health Insurance Amendment (Diagnostic Imaging, Radiation Oncology and Other Measures) Act 2003, S231
Health Insurance Commission, functions, 1071–6
see also Medicare
Health Professionals Insurance Australia Pty Ltd, 1719–24
Health Services Australia Limited, Managing Director, 1949
Heard Island and McDonald Islands, 2117–18, 3314, 3434, 3838; S45
fisheries management, S447, 490
Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve, S79
22 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

hearing loss, occupational, 3216

hearing services, 1888–9
Heathgate Resources Pty Ltd, 1810
HECS, see Higher Education Contribution Scheme
hepatitis, 2115, 3596
Herald Austral Credit Union Ltd, 1903
Indigenous, 1264–73, 2886–91
Register of the National Estate, P5, 13
Heydon, John Dyson, 452
HEZ Pty Ltd, 724
Hick, Lee Bion, 403
High Court of Australia
appointments, 452
sittings, S355
higher education
funding determinations, S10, 12, 29, 33, 55, 73, 165, 274, 299, 337, 366, 450, 459, 465, 471, 475
funding guidelines, S143, 418, 440
funding notifications, S78, 102, 128, 196
Medical Training Review Panel, 241–3, 2994–6
see also Australian National University; overseas students; student assistance
Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS), S78, 165
factor to index accumulated debt, 1466
HIH Insurance Group Royal Commission, 432
Historic Houses Trust NSW, 2981
historic shipwrecks, 226, 2585
historical monuments, Antarctica, 626–36
HIV/AIDS, 2115, 3596
HMR Australia Pty Ltd, 2488
Ho, Derek, 2934
Ho, Lai Ping, 2934
Ho, Ronnie, 2934
Hochrainer, Anton, 493
Hochrainer, Ilse, 493
Holden, Colin, 660, 1633
Holden Ltd, 1158–62
Hollard Insurance Company Ltd, 1556–7
Hollingworth, Rt Rev. Dr Peter John, 2999; S153, 178
Hon Van To, 1093
honey industry, gross value of production, 1756; S211
Honeyman, Ross James, 438
honours and awards
Australia Day, S5–7
Australian Active Service Medal, S132
Australian Bravery Decorations, S44, 293, 377, 515
Australian Service Medal, S421
Bali, S377
Bravery Medal, S377, 515
Iraq, S423, 515
National Medal, S119
Queen’s Birthday, S169–71
Star of Courage, S377
see also Australian Defence Force; Order of Australia
Hoosan, Eileen, 1081
horse racing, 3186–7
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 23

horticultural industries
genetically modified organisms, 1303, 1457
gross value of production, 1755
see also wine industry
Horvath, Professor John, 2996
HOST-PLUS Pty Ltd, 3742
housing assistance, S278
Hoxton Park Airport, 1714–15; S511
HSB Engineering Insurance Ltd, 1675
HSBC Asia Pacific Holdings (UK) Ltd, 3749–50
HSBC Bank Australia Ltd, 3749–50
HSBC Building Society (Australia) Ltd, 182
Hughes, Alistair, 564, 565–6
human embryos, research involving, 3326
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, see disability discrimination; sex discrimination
Hunter Catchment Management Trust, 3599–600
Hunter Coast Credit Union Ltd, 490, 594
Hussein, Mohamed Imran, 889
Hutchison 3G Australia Pty Ltd, 1341
Hydro Tasmania, 1797, 1799–801
Hydromet Corporation Ltd, 903, 1701, 2120, 2487

I-Jou Wu, 2265

I.Q. Networks Pty Ltd, 3681
Iandolo, Belinda, 2936
IBJ Australia Bank Ltd, 185–6, 2577
Illawarra Credit Union Ltd, 3743
Iluka Resources, 2483
I’m going back to Yarrawonga (song), 1649
IMA Cairns Pty Ltd, 625
immigration, see migration
immunisation/vaccination, S313, 403–5
imports and import controls
fishing vessels, 940; S125, 199
food, 3142–3
ozone depleting substance, 231–3, 2213
see also dumping of imports; hazardous waste exports and imports; wildlife trade
income tax
eligible overseas aid funds for deductions, 3350
film tax offset, S36
lodgment of returns and company statements, S240
offshore banking units, 1637, 2459, 2537, 3133, 3665–7
rulings, 270, 345, 404, 445, 601–2, 662, 784, 891, 930, 1013, 1014, 1096, 1201, 1202, 1313–14, 1482, 1561–2,
1596–7, 1634–6, 1681–3, 1737–8, 1836–7, 1907–8, 1983–4, 2038, 2188–9, 2266–8, 2404, 2457–8, 2534–
5, 2567–8, 2616, 2710, 2782, 2836, 2937–8, 2941–2, 3007, 3128–30, 3184–5, 3287–9, 3344–5, 3400,
3499, 3580–1, 3663–4, 3747, 3748, 3867–73: S56, 164, 192
see also data-matching programs; Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding
Independent Order of Odd Fellows Ltd, 778–9
Indigenous Australians
ABSTUDY Student Supplement Scheme Loan, indexation factor, 1653–4
Comgas Scheme, 299–303
education and training, 613–21
heritage, protection of, 1264–73, 2886–91
native title, 1891–4
see also Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission; Torres Strait Regional Authority
Indigenous Land Corporation, chief executive officer, 31–2
24 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

industrial relations, see workplace relations

Industry Fund Services, 1087–8
industry research and development
Biotechnology Innovation Fund, S344
Pharmaceuticals Partnerships Program, S345
Pre-Seed Fund Program, S343
Industry Research and Development Board, S343
Pharmaceuticals Committee, S346
Information Gateways Pty Ltd, 1880
information technology, see computers
ING Direct Holding GmbH, 1739–45
ING Direct NV, 1739–45
Innovation & Technology Pooled Development Fund, 2829
Insolvency and Trustee Service, Australia, see bankruptcy
Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, 663–4; S452
acquisitions and takeovers, 2933
application of old Act, 1008, 2034, 2037, 3005
authority to carry on business, 921–2, 1717–19, 2029–30, 2035–6, 2176–7: conditions imposed on, 187–9, 399,
1010, 1556–7, 1832–3, 1979, 2184–5, 3003–4, 3338, 3573–6; revoked, 1366, 1904, 2564
HIH Insurance Group Royal Commission, 432
medical indemnity, 1676, 2450; S214, 312
name changes, 256, 1199, 2565
non-operating holding companies: revoked, 777
supervisory levy, 1746
against terrorism, S368
see also Export Finance and Insurance Corporation; financial sector; health benefits; life insurance;
Insurance Australia Ltd, 2565
intellectual property, Olympic insignia, 2827–8, 2998, 3624–5
Intellectual Property Management Pty Ltd, 1811, 1814
international agreements
double taxation, 190, 1677–9, 2455, 3339
free trade, S310
hazardous waste, 638
international aid funds, 3350
International Commercial Bank of China Co Ltd, 1418
international education, see overseas students
International Health and Medical Services Pty Ltd, S439
International Postgraduate Research Scholarship Scheme, S440
International SOS, S439
international trade, S310
see also exports; imports
international transfer of prisoners, 204–18, 517–48, 671–710, 1325–39
interstate road transport, 3639–43
Commonwealth–State arrangements, 3862–4
heavy vehicle registration charges, S150
Intico (Qld), 3491
Intico (SA), 3491
Investec Bank (UK) Ltd, 1419
Investec Holdings Australia Ltd, 1419
IOOF Life Ltd, 2933
IOR Energy Pty Ltd, 312–16
IQ Networks Pty Ltd, 3681
Iraq, S177, 423, 515
Iridium South Pacific Pty Ltd, 3038
Iroka Pty Ltd, 181, 1909–11
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 25

Irvine, David Taylor, 578–81, 833–4

ITSA, see bankruptcy
iWireless Pty Ltd, 2053

J A I C Pty Ltd, 1578

J.P. Morgan Australia Group Pty Ltd, 2040–1
J R Courtenay Investments Ltd, 441
Jack Holdings Ltd, 269
Jackson-Nelson, Marjorie, S205
Jacobs Well Holdings Corporation, 625
Jaeneung Education Company Ltd, 3866
JAF Mate Plantations Pty Ltd, 3498
James Cook University, 1809; S274, 366
Janzen, Bernard Anto, 1680
Jardine, Dr Brian, 2996
JBS Health Physics Pty Ltd, 3491
Jeffery, Major General Philip Michael, S309
Jenner, Curt, 2895
Jequier, Sarah Frances, 1090
Jervis Bay, Booderee National Park, 810–22
Jiang, Guo Jun, S491
Jin Xin Investment Pty Ltd, 342
JK & HG Zucker, 1812
John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library, 191
John Swire & Sons Pty Ltd, 835
Johnson Matthey (Aust) Ltd, 1544, 2669, 3551
Jolly, Michael, 1802
Jordan, K, 3321
Jozef, Jerzy, S512
J.P. Morgan Australia Group Pty Ltd, 2040–1
JR Courtenay Investments Ltd, 441
JRH Biosciences Pty Ltd, P7
Jung, Nicole, 3182

Kaizen Capital Ltd, 2829

Kakadu National Park, 981–2, 1390–1, 2807–10, 3441–50
kangaroo meat industry, gross value of production, 1756; S211
Kann, Dr Achim, 2562–3
Kanzler, Andreas, 1906, 2935
Kardu Namida Incorporated, S305
Kearney, Professor Brendon, 2995
Kebaro Pty Ltd, 1803
Keith Altmann and Associates, 1950, 1951
Kelly, Hon. De-Anne Margaret, S374
Kelly, Fisher Adams, 1811, 1813
Kemerton Silica Sand Pty Ltd, 978
Kencevski, Alec, 2799
Kennedy, James, 1101
Keppel, Dr Peter, 2996
Kerr-McGee NW Shelf Australia Energy Pty Ltd, 2802, 2803–4
Khorsid, Dr Omar, 2996
Kierath, Peter, 2896
Kildea, Paul Francis, 1811, 1813
Kingfisher Bay Resort Pty Ltd, 1387
26 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

Kingsford Smith Airport, see Sydney Airport

Kinsmen Developments Pty Ltd, 1343
KL Britain’s Transport Services, 1812
Kluge, Warren Arthur, 1812
Knox, Marlene, 1094
Knox, Michael Frederick, 1094
Kotzen, Howard Paul, 268
Kotzen, Sarah, 268
Kowatsch, Wolfgang Hubert, S154
Kullarri Regional Council, 1078–9, 1082–5
Ku-ring-gai Council, 3383
Kwok Yip Mui, S244

La Trobe University, 1810

ethanol-petrol blends, S504
radiocommunications devices, 3683; S62
telecommunications equipment and cabling, 3516
LAGO Achte GmbH, 401
Land Development Authority - Gungahlin, 3844
Landcom, 1656
lands acquisition, 641–2, 984, 1174, 2236–45, 2492–510, 2988–90, 3154–5, 3453: S70, 266, 434
delegation of Minister’s powers and functions, 2735–56
Landy, John Michael, S205, 342, 400
Lane, Stephen, 3451
Lasseters Holdings Ltd, 1011
Lasseters International Ltd, 1011
Latif, Haidar Imad, S21
Lawrie, Callinan, 1811, 1813
Lazarev, Alexandre, 2401–2
Lazarev, Svetlana, 2401–2
LC Mackin & Sons, 1812
Lees, Dr Sam, 2996
legislation, see Acts; Statutory Rules
Lennox, Dr Denis, 2995
LG Chem Ltd, 359, 979
public lending right, S113
unpublished manuscripts in, 191, 715, 1101, 1565, 1985, 2193, 2788
see also National Library of Australia
licensed premises, 3290
life insurance
prudential standards, 1558
supervisory levy, 1746
transfers of business, 1099
voluntary deregistrations, 439
Linacre, Susan Joan, 1913
Lindley, R, 2015
liner cargo shipping services, 1195–6
Linfox Armaguard Pty Ltd, 2725
Link Innovations Pty Ltd, 3037
Linknet Communications NSW Pty Ltd, 2660
liqueurs, see alcohol
Liquor, Hospitality and Miscellaneous Union, 3433
Llanthro Pastoral Co Pty Ltd, 1876, 1878–9
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 27

Lloyd, Ross, 191

local government bodies, S305
Localstar Holdings Pty Ltd, 1112, 2054, 2108
Lonsdale Golf Club Inc, 1054, 2484
Lorentz, Caroline, 1388
Lotus Dee Pty Ltd, 3452
low power open narrowcasting (LPON) transmitter licences, 1113, 2799
Lumsdaine, Jack, 1649
Lumley General Insurance Ltd, 3020–1
Lumley Insurance Group Ltd, 3118–21
Lumley Life Ltd, 3118–19, 3644; S371
Luxemburg, 3660–1
luxury car tax, 1907
Lynn, Stacy Scott, 1631, 2566

McBeath, Neil, 1649

McDonald Islands, see Heard Island and McDonald Islands
McDougall, David, 3502
McDougall, Suzette, 3401
machinery of government, 3111–15; S492
Mackay Permanent Building Society Ltd, 1725–32, 3865
McNarn, Brigadier Maurice Raymond, S194
Macquarie Credit Union Ltd, 3397–8
Macquarie Investment Management Ltd, 2578
Macquarie Securitisation Ltd, 3036
Madderns, 1811, 1814
Magellan Petroleum (NT) Pty Ltd, 3321
Magellan Petroleum (WA) Pty Ltd, 34, 229
Maitland City Council Employees’ Credit Union Ltd, 2612–13, 2700
Maitland Mutual Building Society Ltd, 2612–13
Malaysia, double taxation agreement with, 3339
Manly Vale Credit Union Ltd, 923–5
Manly Warringah Credit Union Ltd, 924–5
Mareeba Shire Council, 1655, 2594
Marine Farms Ltd, 228
marine parks, see national parks
maritime industry, see shipping
Maroondah Credit Union Ltd, 927, 929
Marriage Amendment Act 2002, 2276
MasterCard network card system, S288
Matsuno, Mieko, 1480
Matthy, AGR, 2364
meat and livestock exports, 1847–50; S130
to European Union, 501–16, 3198–213
to Middle East, S130, 394–5
to United States, 3298–311, 3766–9
meat and livestock industry, 1324, 1697–9
gross value of production, 1754, 1756; S211
see also dairy industry; wool industry
Media and Communications Investment Ltd, 2829
Medical Defence Association of Victoria Ltd, 1722
Medical Defence Union Pty Ltd, 1721
medical indemnity, 1676, 2450; S214, 312
Medical Indemnity Company of WA Pty Ltd, 2029–30
Medical Indemnity Protection Society Ltd, 1724
Medical Indemnity Subsidy Scheme, S214
28 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

Medical Insurance Australia Pty Ltd, 2176–7

Medical Training Review Panel, 241–3, 2994–6
Medicare, 2166–7, 3098–110; S141, 231, 253–4, 358
billing agents, S106
botulinum toxin, 1357–60
day only treatment, S133, 253–4, 396
eligible persons, 1890, 2997
Nursing Home Type Patient, S83, 114, 254, 358
outreach services, 1661–2, 2917; S254, 255, 398
overnight benefits/accommodation, S396
pathology and pathologists, 2814–15; S160
patient classification, S133
prostheses, human tissue and other medical devices, S52, 104, 329, 381
quality assurance activities, 1186–7, 2556–7
medicines, see pharmaceutical benefits; therapeutic goods
Mediterranean Shipping Company (Aust) Pty Ltd, 835
Mega Financial Holding Company Ltd, 1418
Meikle, Roger, 1474
Melbourne University Credit Union Ltd, 176
Melbourne Water Corporation, 38, 228, 2429
Members and Education Credit Union Ltd, 265
Members Australia Credit Union Ltd, 264–5
Members Equity Pty Ltd, 1087–8
Mercer, Lorraine, 660, 1633
Meridian Energy Ltd, 2335
merinos, export of, 1847–50
Methanol and Synfuels Pty Ltd, 230
methyl bromide, 2213
Metropolitan Credit Union Ltd, 2577
Middle East, meat and livestock exports to, S130, 395–6
migration, 1823–4, 3017
addresses for applications, 647–8, 2168–9, 2393, 2601, 3165: S38, 222–3, 238–9, 470
APEC economies, 172–3
Chinese citizens, 2392; S333: travel agents to be used by, 2022–5
English-language proficiency tests, 245–8; S442
foreign currencies, S220–1, 429, 453, 472–3
funds from acceptable sources; S442
gazetted agencies, 2435–8, 2602–5
occupations, 875–7, 2816–26; S481
officers, 1553–4; S439, 486–8
organisations; S443
passports, 2918–23; S32, 441, 469
regional and low population growth metropolitan areas, S237
reporting systems, 2439–41; S494–500
securities for designated investment, 770–1
see also Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs; overseas students; visas
migration agents, continuing professional development, 371–98: S46
Migration Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 6), 3017
Migration Legislation Amendment (Contributory Parents Migration Scheme) Act 2003, 1823–4
migratory species, S37
Pulu Keeling National Park, 827
Military Superannuation and Benefits Fund No. 1, 3742
Miller, Frances Lilian, 3579
Miller, Russell Myles, 3579
MIM Holdings Ltd, 806, 900, 1059, 1388, 1617
Mineral Deposits (Operations) Pty Ltd, 564, 979
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 29

Ministers, S374
see also administrative arrangements
Mirimbiak Nations Aboriginal Corporation, 1891–4
Mirvac Homes, 2665
Mirvac Projects Pty Ltd, 1537
Mistry, Ilaben Jaysehkumar, 1560
Mistry, Jayeshkumar Vasantlal, 1560
Mistry, Kiran Narattamdas, 1559
Mistry, Varshaben Dahyabhai, 1559
Mitsubishi Fuso Truck and Bus Corporation, S53
Mitsubishi Motors Australia Ltd, 2835; S348
Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd, 785–6, 2578
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., 785–6
Mlikota, Jane, 1468–9
Moama Refinery Pty Ltd, 308–11
Mobbs, Jonathan David, 3022–7
Mobil Oil Australia Pty Ltd, 1138–43, 2214–17
Monash University, 1809; S459, 475
money, see currency
Money Wise Credit Union Ltd, 2702–4
Monk, Varney, 1649
Monkey Mia Dolphin Resorts Pty Ltd, 3151
Monsanto Australia Ltd, 431, 2434, 3097
monuments (historical), Antarctica, 626–36
Moreton Bay Boys College, 807, 901
Morgan Stanley Services Ltd, 2537
Moriah War Memorial College, 2805
Morris, Len, 1649
Mortimer, Dr Robin, 2995
Mortlock Library, 2193
motor vehicles and motor vehicle industry
ACIS, S98, 218
GST business vehicle use fractions, 2262–3
headlight covers, 1097–8, 1483
jacks, 3874
liner cargo shipping services, 1195–6
luxury car tax, 1907
standards, 2529–31; S88–9, 111, 159, 482
see also fuel quality standards; interstate road transport
Mt Baw Baw Resort Management Board, 229
Mt Buller Resort Management, 3701, 3702–3
Mount Isa Mines Ltd, 423, 1702
Mourilyan, 1589
Mulani, Jacky Chattaram, 1735
Murdoch University, S128
Murphy, Frederick, 1083
Murray Irrigation Ltd, 360
Murt, John Woolcock, S148
Murt, Mary Elizabeth, S148
Muslim Community Credit Union Ltd, 184
Mutual Community General Insurance Pty Ltd, 275–8

N M Rothschild & Sons (Australia) Ltd, 2191

Nacson, Dianne, 2799
Nakchudtree, Sipoom, S8
30 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

narrowcasting, 357–8, 800–1, 1943–4, 2110, 3830

low power open narrowcasting (LPON) transmitter licences, 1113, 2799
National Archives of Australia, 1811
Director-General, S219
National Blood Authority, General Manager, 1948
national capital, see Australian Capital Territory
National Code of Practice for Noise Management and Protection of Hearing at Work, 3316
National Code of Practice for the Control of Work-related Exposure to Hepatitis and HIV (Blood-borne) Viruses,
National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee, 158–68, 1276–95, 1348–53, 2376–90, 2513–22, 3606–21
National Environment Protection Measures, 1618; S190
National Estate, P5, 13
National Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the Occupational Environment, 1792–4, 3313, 3595
national health, see health benefits; Medicare; pharmaceutical benefits
National Health and Medical Research Council, 436–7, 842–5, 1302, 2915, 3095–6, 3740, 3855–6
committees, 1182–5
grants timetable, 329–32, 990, 2021, 2523, 3735–9
publications rescinded, 991
requests for tender, S23
National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme, Director of, 33
National Institute of Accountants, S452
National Institute of Clinical Studies, chief executive officer, 31–2
National Library of Australia
song lyrics used in exhibition, 1649
unpublished manuscripts held, 191, 715, 2788
National Meat Association of Australia, 1697–9
National Medal, approved voluntary organisations, S119
national parks
Booderee, 810–22
Cartier Island Marine Reserve, 1619–20
Cod Grounds Marine Reserve, 3705–7
Heard Island and McDonald Islands, S79
Kakadu, 981–2, 1390–1, 2807–10, 3441–50
Ningaloo (Commonwealth Waters), 908–9
Pulu Keeling, 823–7, 2806
Purnululu, 3376
Uluru Kata Tjuta, 3318, 3435–40
see also Great Barrier Reef Marine Park; World Heritage Lists
National Power, 2071, 2073
National Radioactive Waste Repository, 2690; S266
National Relay Service, costs of providing, S26, 112, 265, 373
National Tax & Accountants Association, S452
National Television Conversion Scheme, 899, 2112
national transmission network sale, 364–8
National Transport Commission Act 2003, 3568
National Union for the Total Independence of Angola, 931–3
National Union of Workers, 25–30
native title, representative Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander bodies, 1891–4
navigation, see shipping
Nederlandsche Credietverzekering Maatschappij NV, 2564
Network Design & Construction Ltd, 360, 1539; P7
New Guinea Pacific Line, 835
New MetroRail, 3088, 3091–2
New Skies Networks Pty Ltd, 2326–7
New South Wales
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
Catholic Education Office, Archdiocese of Sydney, 1039–53
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 31

electoral division enrolments, 151, 480, 829, 1176, 1444, 1703, 2017, 2366, 2672, 2984, 3386, 3711
fishing industry gross value of production (GVP), 3020
genetically modified cotton, 431, 2434, 2558, 2600, 2689, 2761
Hoxton Park Airport, 1714–15; S511
Indigenous cultural heritage, protection of, 1264–9
lands acquisition, 984, 2492–510, 2988–90, 3453: S70
polling places, 3464–74: hospitals, 570–1
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
prisoners, international transfer of, 517–33
Sydney Harbour lands, 1530–2, 2663
wetlands, 1955–6
wharves, S407
see also Sydney Airport
New South Wales Land and Housing Corporation, 2981
New South Wales Roads and Traffic Authority, 2892
New Tax System, see goods and services tax
Newbold Family Trust, 2482
Newcastle Bus Credit Union Ltd, 490, 594
Newcastle Port Corporation, 624, 1058
Newfield Australia (Ashmore Cartier) Pty Ltd, 806, 1192, 2593, 2667
Newmont NFM Ltd, 978, 1056
Nexen Petroleum Australia Pty Ltd, 1536, 2894
NHMRC, see National Health and Medical Research Council
Nicol Group, 978
Ningaloo Marine Park (Commonwealth Waters), 908–9
Nirrumbuk Aboriginal Corporation, 1079, 1085
NM Rothschild & Sons (Australia) Ltd, 2191
Noad, Dr Mike, 2895
Nobel Developments Pty Ltd, 1736
noise, occupational, 3216
Norfolk Island, Administrator of, 2767
Norlink Communications Ltd, 21
Northern Technology Holdings Pty Ltd, 3056
Northern Territory
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
genetically modified cotton, 2434
electoral division enrolments, 154, 483, 832, 1179, 1447, 1706, 2020, 2369, 2675, 2987, 3389, 3714
fishing industry gross value of production (GVP), 3020
industrial awards, 355–6, 454–5, 670, 1033–5, 1211, 1753, 2203–4, 2658, 3018, 3510
polling places, 3456–8: hospitals, 577
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
ports, S464
prisoners, international transfer of, 204–18
Roads to Recovery grants, 880
witness protection, 2413
Northern Territory Administrator, 3116
Norwich Union Holdings Australia Ltd, 257
Norwich Winterthur Holdings Ltd, 260
Norwood Street Project Pty Ltd, 625
Nowires Pty Ltd, 2109
NQX Freight System, 1812
NRMA Insurance Ltd, 271–8, 2565
NRMA Investments Pty Ltd, 2191
NRS, costs of providing, S26
NTL Australia Pty Ltd, 364–8
nuclear materials, 835, 1808–11, 3491
National Radioactive Waste Repository, 2690; S266
Nulife Insurance Ltd, 257
32 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

NW Reinsurance Corporation Ltd, 258–60

Nye, Andrea Beryl, 1733
Nye, Philip, 1733

occupational health and safety

atmospheric contaminants, 1792–4, 3313, 3595
blood-borne viruses, 2115, 3596
hearing, 3216
workplace substances, 1795–6, 2426, 2551–2: material safety data sheets, 2114
occupational health and safety (public sector)
bodies corporate, application to, 2975
interest rates payable, 1874–5, 2212
licences, 2070; P7
motor vehicle rate per kilometre payable, 2884–5
persons taken to be employed by Commonwealth, 221–4
rehabilitation program providers, 3045–83
occupations, for migration purposes, 875–7, 2816–26; S481
Ocean Alliance, 2895, 3152
Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, 299–303
Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner, see privacy
Office of the Gene Technology Regulator, see gene technology
offshore banking units, 1637, 2459, 2537, 3133, 3665–7
O’Hagan, Jack, 1649
oil, see petroleum and petroleum products
Oil Company of Australia, 2803
Oldfield, Keith Arthur, 440
Olsen, Mike, 2225
Olympic Dam Transport, 1812
Olympic insignia, 2827–8, 2998, 3624–5
Omninet Wireless Pty Ltd, 2417
OMV Australia, 1055, 1058, 1656
OMV Timor Sea Pty Ltd, 34, 1192
On Site Technology Pty Ltd, 3491
One.Tel GSM 1800 Pty Ltd, 3038
Ong Siew Ting Geraldine, 403
open narrowcasting, see narrowcasting
Optus Mobile Pty Ltd, 3057–8
Optus Networks Pty Ltd, 3055, 2325, 2965
Orange City Council, 724
Order of Australia, S27, 131, 194, 264, 341, 375, 424
amendments to Constitution of Order, S197
Australia Day honours, S5
Bali honours, S377
Queen’s Birthday honours, S169
resignations, S378
Order of St John, S430
Origin Energy Resources Ltd, 1803
overseas aid funds, 3350
overseas students
courses; S444
delegation of powers, 3163–4; S382
passports, 3256–83; S456
visas, 1304
overseas trade, S310
see also exports; imports
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 33

Owen Royal Commission, 432

ozone protection, 231–3, 2213

P&O Ports Ltd, 1810

Pacific Coal Pty Ltd, 2802
Pacific Hydro Ltd, 723, 1256, 1537–9, 1616, 1617, 2336
Pacific National (ACT) Ltd, P7
Pacific Reef Fisheries (Australia) Pty Ltd, 2554, 2594
Pacific Wireless Australia Pty Ltd, 1855–6
Palmela Holdings, 2665
PanCanadian Energy Corporation, 1192
Pang, Dr James, 2996
papaya, 1303
Parafield Airport Ltd, 2553
Paramount Group Australia, 471, 475–6
Pardede, Johny, 1310
Parliamentary Entitlements Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 1), 2544
Parliamentary Service, S347
Clerk of the House of Representatives, 3409–11
Parravergara, Guido, 2895
Pask Group, 294–5
passports, see migration
Patent Attorney Services, 1813
pathology, see Medicare
Paton, Dr David, 2896
Patrick Stevedores Operations Pty Ltd, 1809
Patterson, Hon. Kay Christine Lesley, S374
Patton, George Edward, 2089, 2264
Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding, 2192, 3582, 3751; S68, 249–50, 318, 479
payments systems, S288
PDFs, 2829
Peats Soils and Garden Supplies, 471
Pedel, G, 564, 3246
Pedel, H, 564, 3246
Pensioner Concession Card, S260
pensions, see government pensions and benefits; superannuation
Pepkine, Alexandre, S8
Percival-Evison, Richard Ian, 3746
Perilya Ltd, 471
Perkins Shipping Pty Ltd, 1812
Personal Broadband Australia Pty Ltd, 2416
Perth Mint, 1315–17; S350, 505
Petanaude, Natalie, 2895
Peter Schupp and Krutzen, 2895
petroleum and petroleum products
product stewardship (oil), 808, 3521; S437
see also Ashmore and Cartier Islands; fuel quality standards
PF Formation, 1256, 1343, 2227
pharmaceutical benefits, 583–5, 769, 989, 1181, 1821–2, 1884–7, 3494, 3854; P1, 4, 10, 14; S256, 406, 427
Pharmaceuticals Partnerships Program, S345
Philden Group Pty Ltd, 295
Phillips, Professor Garry, 2995
Phosphate Resources Ltd, 3243
pig industry, gross value of production, 1758
pineapples, 1303
Pinnacle Credit Union Ltd, 490
34 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

Pioneer Construction Materials Pty Ltd, 722, 3452

Pioneer Development Fund Pty Ltd, 2829
Pioneer Permanent Building Society Ltd, 1420–4
Pitt Water Oyster Growers Association, 3844
Pittwater Council, 34
Plant Health Australia, 2547–8
Plantation Timberbank Australia Pty Ltd, 2829
P&O Ports Ltd, 1810
Police Medal, S6
political parties, 317–18, 828, 1175, 1549–51, 1585, 2231–5, 2365, 2737, 2897–900, 2982–3, 3156, 3251, 3385,
3557, 3710, 3847–8; S422
pooled development funds, 2829
population, S45
pork industry, gross value of production, 1758
Porky’s Pickups, 1812
Port Kembla Steelworks, 3491
Port of Brisbane Corporation, 1692
Port Stephens Pearls, 2893
portable fire extinguishers, S100
Porter, James, 1985
Porter, Lindsay, 2894
Portman Iron Ore Ltd, 2733
ports, see customs; shipping
Post-Tel Credit Union Ltd, 3397–9
postal services, 1376
Potrawiak, Krzysztof Robert, S513
Potrawiak, Wanda, S512
Powell, David, 3500
Powell, Denise, 3501
Powell, John Burton, 402
Powell, Yajun Wang, 402
Powerlink Queensland, 2483–4, 2893, 3320
Pre-Seed Fund Program, S343
Prescription Shopping Project, 1071–6
Preuss, Jurgen (John) Werner, 175
prices surveillance
airport services, 2261
postal services, 1376
primary industries, see agriculture; fisheries management
Primary Industry Bank of Australia Ltd, 1009
Principal Global Investors Australia Ltd, 3133
prisoners, international transfer of, 204–18, 517–48, 671–710, 1325–39
privacy, credit providers, 2962; S51
private health insurance, see health benefits
product safety, see consumer products
product stewardship (oil), 808, 3521; S437
Product Stewardship (Oil) Legislation Amendment Act (No. 1) 2003, 3521
Professional Indemnity Insurance Company Australia Pty Ltd, 1717–18
Professional Management Australia Pty Ltd, 1723
Professional Support Services Pty Ltd, S439
prohibited exports, 2432
Promina Group Ltd, 1199
Promoseven Pty Ltd, S84
Proust & Gardner, 228
Provent Property Group Pty Ltd, 1437, 2337
Public Lending Rights Scheme, S113
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 35

Public Sector Superannuation (PSS) Scheme, 1398; S245, 446

transfer of CSS assets to, 1806–7
Public Service, see Australian Public Service
Public Service Commissioner
directions, S80, 349, 507
remuneration, S204
Public Service Medal, S6, 170, 376, 377
public works, repetitive, 983, 2230
see also lands acquisition
Pulu Keeling National Park, 823–7, 2806
Punchbowl Credit Union Ltd, 490
Purnululu National Park, 3376
PWT Australasia Pty Ltd, 1389
Pyne, Hon. Christopher Maurice, S374

Qantas Airways Ltd, 1812

Qenos Pty Ltd, 150, 2077
Qian Xu, S514
QNI Pty Ltd, 1261
Quak Bee Guat, 403
quarantine, S110, 203, 493
fees, 1851–3
Queen’s birthday, 1108
honours, S169–71
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
electoral division enrolments, 153, 482, 831, 1178, 1446, 1705, 2019, 2368, 2674, 2986, 3388, 3713
electoral redistributions, S74, 162, 322, 432
fisheries management arrangements, 1921–3
fishing industry gross value of production (GVP), 3020
genetically modified cotton, 431, 2434, 2558, 2600
lands acquisition, 641–2, 2236–45, 3154–5
polling places, 3461–3: ATSIC regional council elections, 1275: hospitals, 574–5
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
ports, S464
prisoners, international transfer of, 696–710
shipping registration, 1589
wharves, 1497–8, 2962
see also Torres Strait
Queensland Department of Main Roads, 38, 228, 471, 472–4, 1803, 2482, 2730
Queensland Department of Public Works, 2116
Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service, 1117, 1118
Queensland Teachers’ Union Health Fund Ltd, 1815–16, 2901
Queensland Transport, 1578
Queensland University of Technology, 1809

RAAF weapons ranges, 2501–10

Rabo Australia Ltd, 2103
Rabobank Australia Ltd, 1009
radiation, 244, 992, 2690
see also nuclear materials
36 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

radio broadcasting licences, 290, 459, 1384–5, 1652, 2420, 2966, 3685
area plans, 458, 802, 1114, 1223, 1342, 1614, 1997, 2330, 2550, 3375, 3517
conditions on, 461–8, 967–74, 2581, 3041
frequency band plans, S289
program formats, 1383
radio broadcasting standards, 966
Radio 2UE Sydney Pty Ltd, 461–8, 967–74
Radioactive Waste Repository, 2690; S266
amateur licences, 3417; S484
apparatus licences, S62
broadcasting licences, 2847
certificates, 2846
charges, 799, 3682; S460
class licences, 1215–22, 1612–13, 2328–9, 3416, 3512–14
compliance labelling, 3683; S62
electromagnetic radiation, S62
frequency band plans, 2111, 2727
marketing plans, 457
MF NAS transmitter licences, S336
prohibited devices: consideration of, 2418–19
receiver licence tax, 714; S188, 438
spectrum marketing plan, 3515
standards, 3684
temporary community broadcasting licences, S62
transmitter licence tax, 713; S188, 438
Wireless Institute of Australia, 1525–6
see also narrowcasting
radiofrequency spectrum, broadcasting services bands, 289
Raine, Gillian May, 2615
Raine, Stuart, 2615
Ramsar sites, 1955–6
RAN, lands acquisition for, 2988–90
Rantzen, Henry John, 1811, 1814
Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations Pty Ltd, 3322
RAW FM, 1943–4
Ray Group Pty Ltd, 1056
Rebel FM Stereo Pty Ltd, 2581, 3041
red meat industries, gross value of production, 1754
Regional Rail Link, 2586, 2588–92, 2666–7
Register of Political Parties, see political parties
Register of Protected Names, 2205
Register of the National Estate, P5, 13
Register of Therapeutic Goods, see therapeutic goods
regulations see Statutory Rules
Reinsurance Australia Corporation Ltd, 3131–2, 3347–8
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Services Chief Executive Officer, 1965–73; S386
Australian Secret Intelligence Service Director-General, 319–21, 578–81, 833–4, 1957–8
CrimTrac Agency Chief Executive Officer, 3022–7
House of Representatives, Clerk of, 3409–11
principal executive officers, 31–3, 1948–9, 2883
Public Service Commissioner, S204
Secretaries of departments, S163
Ren, Suqin, 344
Renewable Power Ventures, 1387
Repatriation Medical Authority, see veterans’ entitlements
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 37

Republic of China, 1418

Reschke Transport, 1812
research and development, involving human embryos, 3326
see also industry research and development; National Health and Medical Research Council
Reserve Bank of Australia
clearing and settlement facility standards, S181
foreign exchange, 931–3; S177
occupational health and safety, P7
payments systems, S288
Reserve Bank of India, 2930
residential aged care, see aged care
retirement savings account providers, 1746
see also superannuation
Retirement Savings Accounts Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 2), 2794
returned service members, see veterans’ entitlements
rice industry
gross value of production, 1756; S211
levy, S49
Rich River Cut Flower Suppliers of Torrumbarry, 1804
Riley, Denise, 1950
Riviera Properties Ltd, 1581, 2981
RMI Pty Ltd, 1578, 1615, 1954
road transport, see motor vehicles
Roads to Recovery grants, 589, 880
Robinson, Jeya Rajah, 1481
Robinson, Malcolm William, 1481
Roc Oil (WA) Pty Ltd, 723, 2894, 3246
Roeser, Dr Willhelm (Peter), 2996
Roju Pty Ltd, 3865
Roman Catholic Trust Corporation for the Diocese of Cairns, 2578
Rong Zhang, S491
Rothschild Group of Companies, 2190
Roudson Pty Ltd, 2979
Rouse Hill Infrastructure Consortium Pty Ltd, 1950, 1953, 3555
Rowe-Roberts, Elizabeth Ann, 780
Rowe-Roberts, William Edward, 780
Royal & Sun Alliance Holdings Ltd, 1199
Royal & Sun Alliance Lenders Mortgage Insurance Ltd, 2184–5
Royal Australian Air Force, weapons ranges, 2501–10
Royal Australian Mint, 339–40, 881–4, 1369–75, 1475–7, 1980–2, 2451–4, 3122–6, 3179–81
Royal Australian Navy, lands acquisition for, 2988–90
Royal Bank of Scotland Plc, 2776–7
royal charters, 3351–66
Royal Commission into the Building and Construction Industry, 433
Royal Commission into the HIH Insurance Group, 432
Royal Homes W.A. Pty Ltd, 1632
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, 1810; S10
rubber condoms, 2813
Ruddock, Hon. Phillip Maxwell, S374
Rugby League Professionals Association, 1790–1
Runnegar, Brenda, 1649
rural industries, see agriculture; fisheries management
Rural Traders Company Ltd, 491
Rural Transaction Centres Reserve, 2026
38 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

SA TAB, 1113
SADEH, 2979
Sadri, Roostam, 1950, 1951–2
Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988, see occupational health and safety (public sector)
SAFT NIFE Power Systems Australia Pty Ltd, 3085
Sahanna, Rosetta, 1079, 1083, 1085
St Andrews Insurance Ltd, 2617–49
St John, Order of, S430
St John of God, Perth, 1661–2
Salisbury, City of, 979
Samudra, Soesilo Tjitro, S514
Sanderson, Lieutenant General John Murray, S205, 207
Sanjoto, Alexander, 1200
Sanjoto, Frankie Sukiatno, 1200
Santos Ltd, 35, 37, 1615, 1616, 1802, 3152, 3244–6
SARS, S110
Saudi Arabia, livestock exports to, S394
Sayed, Amina Begum Omar, 889–90
SBS, digital conversion, 899, 2112
Scallop Credit Union Co-operative Ltd, 3335, 3337, 3572
Scheiner, Dorothea, 597
Scheiner, Harry E., 597
Schupp, Peter, 2895
Scott, Professor David, 2995
Scottish Western Australia Holdings Pty Ltd, 2617–49
Scott’s Transport Industries Pty Ltd, 1812
ScreenSound Australia, 1998–2013, 2876–7
sea dumping, 225, 902, 1262–3, 2334, 2427, 2664, 2943, 3150
sea installations, Great Barrier Reef, 3879
sea transport, see shipping
Selwyn Mines Ltd, 360
Selzer, Anita, 1565
SEQWater, 2483
Seton, Caroline Jill, 1426
Seton, Roger Malcolm, 1426
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), S110
sex discrimination
application for exemption, rejection of, 1039–53
temporary exemptions, 3029–35
SGC (The Service) Credit Union Ltd, 490
SGE Credit Union Ltd, 2702, 2704
Sgroi, Dr Joseph, 2996
Shanahan, Michael, S117
Shaw, Geoff, 1081
sheep exports
merinos, 1847–50
to Middle East, S394, 395
see also wool industry
sheepmeat exports, to European Union, 3198–213
Shell Company of Australia Ltd, 1124–8, 3235–42
Shepherd, Ian Raymond, 421
Shields, Ella, 1649
Shilkin, Professor Keith, 2995
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 39

fishing vessels, 940; S125, 199
liner cargo, 1195–6
marine orders, 488, 2924, 3626, 3858; S458
permits to unlicensed ships, 252–5, 338, 435–6, 588, 775, 916–20, 1004–7, 1194, 1305–8, 1365, 1413–17,
1460–5, 1627–9, 1666–9, 1709–13, 1831, 1896–1901, 1975–6, 2172–5, 2253–9, 2395–6, 2444, 2526–8,
2561, 2770–3, 2928, 3167–78, 3496, 3633–8, 3861: S2–4, 107, 161, 210, 278, 298, 334, 413–16, 462,
shipping registration, 405, 603, 787–9, 892, 1025, 1203, 1428, 2405, 3880
home ports, 1589
shipwrecks, historic, 226, 2585
Sibosado, Martin, 1079, 1083, 1085
Sibosado, Trevor, 1083
Silex Systems Ltd, 3491
silica, 2551–2
Silverton Ltd, 1256, 1257–8, 1344–5
Simon Builders Pty Ltd, 2552, 2586
Sims Aluminium Pty Ltd, 903, 1274, 2977, 3379
Simsmetal Ltd, 236, 2119
free trade agreement, S310
mutual recognition on conformity assessment, 3255
Singer, Dr Andrew, 2995
Singtel Optus (Australia) Pty Ltd, 2071, 2116, 2803, 2892
Skevington, Sally, 2995
SMID Pty Ltd, 2665
Smith, Peter John, 887
Snake Gully Swagger (song), 1649
Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Authority Superannuation Fund, 926
social security, see government pensions and benefits
Social Security Appeals Tribunal, 238–40
Societe Generale, 3334, 3665
Soesilo, Astrid Novena, S514
Solomon Islands, S421
Somerville, Peter, 2996
South Australia
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
electoral division enrolments, 154, 483, 832, 1179, 1447, 1706, 2020, 2369, 2675, 2987, 3389, 3714
electoral redistributions, S74, 195, 339, 476
fishing industry gross value of production (GVP), 3020
human embryos, research involving, 3326
lands acquisition, S266
polling places, 3454–5
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
wine industry, 10–14, 1605–7
South Australian Department of Water, Land and Biodiversity Conservation, 3555
South Australian Environment Protection Authority, 1809
South Australian Seahorse Marine Services, 1443
South Australian TAB, 1113
South Australian Water Corporation, 1437, 1579
Southern Cross Resources Australia Pty Ltd, 1810
Southern Cross University, S128
Southern Hydro, 3599
Southern Phone Company Ltd, 612
Special Broadcasting Services Corporation, digital conversion, 899, 2112
Specialist Medical Review Council, see veterans’ entitlements
spectacles and sunglasses, 2785–7
Spencer, Maria Angelus, 492
40 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

Spicer Employees Credit Union Ltd, 1902

Spink, Eric, S501
Spink, Yvonne, S501
spirits, see alcohol
sports events
broadcasting, 2726
tobacco advertising, S279, 297, 323
Sprague, Dr Paul, 2996
Spruson & Ferguson Unit Trust, 1811, 1814
Standard Chartered Bank Australia Ltd, 3346
Standard Chartered Grindlays Bank Ltd, 2783, 3497
Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons, see National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee
Star of Courage, S377
Starline Australia Holdings, 3087
State Bank of India, 2578, 2930–2
State Library of South Australia, 1101
State Library of Victoria, 1565
Statutory Rules/regulations/statutory instruments, S40, 47, 48, 54, 71–2, 75, 92, 96, 99, 108–9, 115–16, 126, 134–5,
137, 142, 144, 147, 156, 167, 176, 184–5, 191, 201, 208, 213, 217, 227, 248, 252, 257, 273, 281, 284, 286,
294, 300, 306, 316, 320, 330, 335, 352, 354, 362–3, 379, 384, 389, 393, 399, 408, 410, 411, 417, 428,
435–6, 454, 461, 489, 506, 510
disallowance, 2544, 2794, 3017, 3589
Stewart Title Ltd, 921–2
Stockland Development Pty Ltd, 1656, 2730, 3321
StreetNation Pty Ltd, 357–8
student assistance
ABSTUDY Student Supplement Scheme Loan, indexation factor, 1653–4
data-matching programs, 1583
Student Financial Supplement, indexation factor, 1467
see also Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS)
Styles, Jacqueline Annie, 1734
Styles, Reginald Leslie, 1734
submerged lands, see Ashmore and Cartier Islands, petroleum exploration and development adjacent to
sugar industry, S22
gross value of production, 1756; S211
Sun Risings Export Company Pty Ltd, 3341
sunglasses and fashion spectacles, 2785–7
Sunlover Cruises, 298, 2943
Sunstate Lenders Mortgage Insurance Pty Ltd, 1832–3
superannuation (retirement benefits)
family law and, S18, 224, 367, 433
Governor-General, 2999
military, 975, 2078, 3718–19, 3742
see also Commonwealth Superannuation Scheme (CSS); Public Sector Superannuation (PSS) Scheme
superannuation contributions tax, S192
superannuation guarantee rulings, 2938–41, 3581; S192
superannuation industry, 2794
disqualification, 175, 437–8, 1197, 1367–8, 1468–74, 1670–1, 2031, 2397–400, 2775, 3008–9, 3401, 3500–2
exemptions from compliance, 926, 3742
lodgment of taxation returns and statements, S240
supervisory levy, 1746
Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Amendment Regulations 2003 (No. 4), 2794
Supplementary Dairy Assistance (SDA) Scheme, S22, 226
Surf Live Saving Australia Ltd, S119
Susquehanna Ireland Ltd, 1637
Swanbank Paper Pty Ltd, 472, 479
Swinburne University of Technology, S29, 33
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 41

Sydney (Kingsford Smith) Airport, 2248; S140

sale of, 639
Sydney Harbour Federation Trust, 221–4
land vested in, 1530–2, 2663
Sydney Water, 2482, 2553

Taiwan (Republic of China), 1418

Tambling, Grant Ernest John, 2767
Tangentyere Council Inc., 1081
Tanzania, 2432
Tarong Energy Corporation Ltd, 3087
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
electoral division enrolments, 154, 483, 832, 1179, 1447, 1706, 2020, 2369, 2675, 2987, 3389, 3714
fishing industry gross value of production (GVP), 3020
polling places, 3475–8: hospitals, 3459–60
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
prisoners, international transfer of, 534–48
Tasmanian Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources, 3701
Tasmanian Department of Tourism, Parks, Heritage and the Arts, 2336
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, 422, 1388, 2895
Tasmanian Rivers and Water Supply Commission, 2896
air passenger ticket levy, S206
fringe benefits, 1201–2, 1596, 1683, 3867
international agreements, 190, 1677–9, 2455, 3339
lodgment of returns and statements, S240
superannuation contributions tax, S192
see also Commissioner of Taxation; customs; income tax; goods and services tax; radiocommunications
Taxation Institute of Australia, S452
Taylor, Allan Robert, 319–21
agreement information, standard form of, S331
annual charges, 1213
carrier licence charges, 803–5, 1524, 1691–2, 1941, 2053, 3056, 2109: S61, 155, 168, 233
carrier licences, 21, 286–7, 554, 612, 1112, 2416–17, 2660, 3037, 3146, 3680–1
competition monitoring, 1527–9, 3645–56; S215
costs attributable to functions and powers, S233
customer equipment and cabling, 3040, 3516; S76, 419
customer service guarantee, 2421–5
emergency call service, 1214
National Relay Service, S26, 112, 265, 373
nominated carriers, 555–6, 1341, 1855–6, 2054–5, 3057–8, 2104–8, 2325–7, 2415, 2579, 2965, 3038–9
numbering charges, 557: S42
numbering plan, 558, 712, 1942, 3418
pre-selection exemptions, 22–3
section of industry, 1650–1
service providers, S81
universal service assessment, 2848–75
universal service obligation (USO), 1788
see also Telstra Corporations Ltd
sports events, 2726
see also digital television
Television Fund Account, 3419
42 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

television licences, 1384

area plans, 288, 2582
areas, 288, 2582
conditions, 1224–49
frequency allotment plans, 288, 2582
Telfer, Colin, 3384
Telstra Corporation Ltd
carrier licence conditions, 2207–11, 2967–74
controlled actions, 35, 360, 472, 979, 1344, 3844
occupational health and safety, 2070; P7
pre-selection exemptions, 22–3
record keeping, S215
Rural Transaction Centres Reserve, 2026
Television Fund Account (Reserve), 3419
Tempo Facility Services Pty Ltd, S439
Teraform Fund #1 Ltd, 2829
terrorists and terrorist entities, S175
Charter of the United Nations Act 1945 list, S189, 202, 426
foreign exchange transactions, S177
insurance against, S368
tertiary education, see higher education
Textile, Clothing and Footwear Strategic Investment Program Scheme, S285
textiles, 3875–8
TGFA Industrial Association, 2728–9
TGI Australia Ltd, 3338
Theodore Coal (Assets) Pty Ltd, 1437
therapeutic goods, 1296, 2433, 3323, 3851
advertising code, 2079–80, 3561
British Pharmacopoeia, definition of, 914
cancellation of listings, 155, 1297–9, 1451, 1453–6, 2679–88, 2906–14, 2991, 3093–4, 3390, 3849–50
compliance exemptions, 157, 325, 369–70, 425–8, 485, 644–5, 836–7, 985–7, 1062–8, 1300–1, 1354–6, 1402–
3, 1452, 1586–7, 1622–4, 1660, 1707, 1818–20, 1959, 2134–5, 2246, 2373–5, 2512, 2595, 2677–8, 2812,
2902–5, 3159, 3161, 3493, 3560, 3723–33: emergencies, S13
condoms, 2813
conformity assessment standards, 757–65
exports, 2432, 3852
manufacturing licences: revoked, 156, 326–7, 484, 582, 748, 1400, 1621, 1960, 2372, 2511, 2758, 3160, 3559;
suspended, 1401, 1450, 2371, 2676, 2759–60, 3492, 3853
medical device standards, 749–56
mutual recognition, Singapore, 3255
orphan drugs, 328, 429–30, 988, 1070, 1449, 2391, 2596, 2916, 2992–3, 3162, 3324–5, 3734
Prescription Shopping Project, 1071–6
prohibited/restricted representations approved for use, 1817, 2555, 3092
recovery of wrongly supplied, 3622–3
see also Australian Drug Evaluation Committee; National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee
Thiele, Dr Deborah, 2896
threatened species, see wildlife conservation
3M Pharmaceuticals Pty Ltd, 231–2
Thuringowa City Council, 3088
Tidal Energy Australia, 1260, 1347
Tiing, Irene Hii Ik, 1012
Tilmouth, William, 1081
tobacco and tobacco products
advertising, S279, 297, 323
customs duties, 417–18, 2283–4
excise duties, S28, 295
gross value of production, 1756; S211
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 43

Toh Chwee Lian, Adeline, 3343

Tomago Aluminium Company Pty Ltd, 1060
Tomcat Holdings Pte Ltd, 2709
Topic, Mark, 3383
Torres Strait
fisheries, 197–203, 1036; S451
lands acquisition, 2236–45; S434
Torres Strait Islanders, see Indigenous Australians
Torres Strait Regional Authority, 3391–2; S60
elections, S467–8
Tower Australia Ltd, 2929
Tower Life Ltd, 2929
Tower Ltd, 2447–8
Townsville Port Authority, 225
toys, 1017–19, 1838–9, 2090, 3752–5; S157
trade, S310
see also exports; imports
trade practices
liner cargo shipping, 1195–6
telecommunications industry, 1527–9, 3645–56; S215
see also consumer products
Tradition Australia Pty Ltd, 3666–7
TransAct Carrier Pty Ltd, 3038
TransGrid, 34, 36
Transit Video Enterprises Pty Ltd, 800–1
transport, 3568; S229
nuclear materials, 1812
see also civil aviation; motor vehicles; shipping
Transport Industries Credit Union Ltd, 591–3, 595, 2577
treaties, see international agreements
Tregarthen, Steve, S117
Tregellas Pty Ltd, 1797
tremolite asbestos, 1795–6
Trollplast Pty Ltd, 3662
Tropical Mariculture Pty Ltd, 2336
Trustees of Church Property for the Diocese of Newcastle, 2449
Tuckey, Hon. Charles Wilson, S374
Tullipan, Ray, 1649
Tumanic, Jaimie, 1113
Tumby Bay District Council, 1054
Twentyfirst Capital Ltd, 2829
Tyson, Esme Catherine, S378

UBS AG, 3577

Uluru Kata Tjuta National Park, 3435–40
Board of Management, 3318
Umicore Australia Ltd, 2363
Unicom Credit Union Ltd, 3743
UNITA, 931–3
United Christian Broadcasters Australia Ltd, 1113, 2799
United Firefighters’ Union, 1872–3
United Nations Security Council resolution 1373 (2001), S189, 202, 426
United States
beef exports to, 3298–311, 3766–9
double taxation agreement with, 2455
universities, see higher education
44 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

University of Canberra, S366

University of Melbourne, 1810
University of New England, S128
University of Queensland, 1809
University of Tasmania, 1809; S366
University of Technology, Sydney, 1203
University of the Sunshine Coast, S459, 475
University of Western Australia, 1809
University of Western Sydney, S337
unsafe goods, see dangerous goods
Urban and Regional Land Corporation, 360

vaccination and immunisation, S313, 403–5

Van Den Oudenhoven, Yvonne Margaretha, 1680
Van Homrigh, David, S117
Van Rooyen, Angelika Gunhild, 267
Vanstone, Hon. Amanda Eloise, S374
vehicles, see motor vehicles
veterans’ entitlements
chronic lymphoid leukaemia, 2878–82
determinations made, 1789
instruments made, 220, 1250–1, 1693–4, 2060, 2472–3, 3042, 3420, 3833
investigations, 2474–5: notice of, 716–21, 1252–5, 1695–6, 1946, 2061–8, 2476–81, 3043, 3421–6, 3834–7
myeloma, 560–1
reviews, intention to carry out, 24, 1116, 1947, 2332, 3832: revoked, 559
small intestine, malignant neoplasm of, S57
VicRoads, 228, 295, 2071, 2666, 2803, 3088, 3091, 3151, 3452, 3701
Victoria, 1581
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
airports, 640
electoral division enrolments, 152, 481, 830, 1177, 1445, 1704, 2018, 2367, 2673, 2985, 3387, 3712
electoral redistributions, S24
fishing industry gross value of production (GVP), 3020
native title, representative Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander body, 1891–4
polling places: hospitals, 572–3
population and number of House of Representatives members, S45
prisoners, international transfer of, 1325–39
Roads to Recovery grants, 589
wine industry, 1573–5, 1608–10, 2467–70
world heritage properties, 3377
Victoria Island Pty Ltd, 34
Victorian Department of Natural Resources and Environment, 1395–7
Victorian Medical Insurance Agency Ltd, 1720
Victorian University of Technology, S274
Victorian Work Cover Authority, 3186–7
videos, classification of, 950–65
Vietnam, double taxation agreement with, 1677–9
Virgin Blue Airlines Pty Ltd, 233
VISA network card system, S288
Business Skills – Established Business (Residence) (Class BH), 649–51
Business Skills (Migrant) (Class AD), 649–51
Business Skills (Provisional) (Class UR), 649–51
Business Skills (Residence) (Class BH), 649–51
Business Skills (Residence) (Class DF), 649–51
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 45

concession card entitlement, S259–60

Entertainment (Subclass 420), S38–9
Humanitarian Concern (Temporary) (Subclass 786), S296
Humanitarian Stay (Temporary) (Subclass 449), S93
Medicare eligibility, 1890
social security, qualifying residence exemption, S173
Tourist (Short Stay) (Subclass 676), S232
see also overseas students; passports
Visionstream Pty Ltd, 471–2, 476–9, 1257, 1258, 1344, 1346, 1438, 1440–1
occupational health and safety, P7
viticulture, see wine industry
Vodafone Australia Ltd, 286, 556, 2105–7
vulnerable species, see wildlife conservation

W&S Ahmed Family Trust, 2781

Wagner, Juri, 2614, 3578
Wagner, Olga, 2614
Wagstaff, Roger Keith, 1101
Waiting for Something to Happen (song), 1649
Walker, Professor Alan, 2995
Walker, Brian, 2979
Walker, Helen, 2979
Walker Group Constructions Pty Ltd, 3452
Wallace, Andrew Laurence, 3865
Wallace, Erin Rebecca Hunter, 3865
Walsh, Martin, S85, 117
Wambo Coal Pty Ltd, 2665, 3600
Wambo Power Ventures Pty Ltd, 3088, 3152
Wandoo Petroleum Pty Ltd, 1192
Warner, JS and RJ, 2014
waste disposal, see hazardous waste exports and imports; sea dumping
Wastemaster, 1659, 2977
Water Corporation of Western Australia, 1536, 1579
Waterhaven Developments Pty Ltd, 2892, 2893–4
Waterways Authority, 2014, 2804
Watts, Ian, 2995
Waverley Credit Union Co-operative Ltd, 927–9
weapons, see firearms
Weiss, Gary Hilton, 2447–8
Wesfarmers Curragh Pty Ltd, 2015, 2981
Wesfarmers Landmark Ltd, 2186–7
Wesfarmers Landmark (Qld) Ltd, 2186–7
Wesfarmers Ltd, 2186–7, 3118–21
West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, 1797
West Oil NL, 993
Westcott Developments Pty Ltd, 3183
Western Australia
aged care places available, 1180, 2247; S267
defence practice areas, 3147–9
electoral division enrolments, 153, 482, 831, 1178, 1446, 2019, 2368, 2674, 2986, 3388, 3713
fishing industry gross value of production (GVP), 3020
genetically modified cotton, 2434, 2558; S50
Indigenous cultural heritage, protection of, 1270–3, 2886–91
interstate road transport arrangements, 3862–4
lands acquisition, 1174
polling places, 3479–81: ATSIC regional council elections, 1275
46 Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 Commonwealth of Australia Gazette

population and number of House of Representatives members, S45

ports, S464
wharves, 1038
world heritage properties, 3376
Western Australian Department for Planning and Infrastructure, 902, 1262, 1263
Western Australian Main Roads, 978, 1055, 1580, 1617
Western Lenders Mortgage Insurance Company Pty Ltd, 2617–49
Western Power Corporation, 3244
Weston Aluminium Pty Ltd, 746, 1172
Westonia Mines Ltd, 2225
Westralia Airports Corporation, 2227
Westralian Farmers Co-operative Ltd, 2186–7, 3827
wetlands, 1955–6
WH Projects, 3243
wheat, 2797
White, Margaret Isobel (Daisy), 715
Whitelaw, Dr Sarah, 2996
WIA Networks Pty Ltd, 3146
wildlife conservation, 2333
exempt native specimens, 569, 1061, 1173, 1392–4, 1582, 1805, 2122–5, 2229, 3319, 3382; S101, 338
migratory species, S37: Pulu Keeling National Park, 827
recovery plans, 3380–1; S291: drafts for public comment, 907, 3086; S466
threatened ecological communities, S87
threatened species, S129, 186, 198, 263, 301–2, 314, 431
threatening processes, 2431; S103
wetlands, 1955–6
see also fisheries management; national parks
wildlife trade
management plans, 148–9, 234–5, 906; S261
operations, 143–7, 237, 362, 905, 1395–7, 1443, 1658, 1700, 1804, 2489–91, 3839–42; S122, 262, 272, 290,
specimens suitable for live import, 142, 637, 809, 1543, 3378, 3597; S474
Williams, Hon. Daryl Robert, S374
Williams, Evan, 3284–5
Wind Energy Developments Pty Ltd, 2979
Wind Power Pty Ltd, 421
Wind Prospect Pty Ltd, 1257, 1260, 1438, 1441–2, 2587, 2593
window coverings, S327
wine grape industry, gross value of production, 1756; S211
wine industry, 10–14, 1573–5, 1605–10, 2467–70
grapevines, genetically modified, 1457
gross value of production, 1756; S211
Register of Protected Names, 2205
Winnel AusNative Flora, 1658
Wireless Institute of Australia, 1525–6
withholding tax, see Pay As You Go (PAYG) withholding
witness protection, 2413; S357
WMC (Olympic Dam Operations) Pty Ltd, 1808
Wong, Laurence, 3744
Woodside Energy Ltd, 225, 422, 472, 565, 566, 723, 1388, 2076, 2225, 2226, 2895, 3087, 3246
wool industry
gross value of production, 1757
merino exports, 1847–50
workplace relations, 470, 3520: S34, 174, 502
common rules, 283, 353–6, 453–5, 500, 610, 670, 1033–5, 1109, 1211, 1433, 1604, 1644, 1689, 1752–3, 1846,
1919, 1994, 2050–1, 2101, 2202–4, 2275, 2412, 2466, 2546, 2574–5, 2657–8, 2716, 2796, 2843, 2953,
3018, 3141, 3197, 3373, 3412, 3510, 3590, 3765
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette Index: 1 January to 31 December 2003 47

eligibility rules, 25–30, 291–3, 622–3, 976–7, 1533–4, 1697–9, 1872–3, 2583–4, 2661–2, 2728–9, 3427–32,
employees associations, 1790–1
employers associations, 562–3
organisational names, 3044, 3433
reporting guidelines for organisations, 1857–71
Workplace Relations Amendment (Fair Termination) Act 2003, 3520
Workplace Relations Amendment (Genuine Bargaining) Act 2002, S34
Workplace Relations Amendment (Improved Protection for Victorian Workers) Act 2003, S502
Workplace Relations Legislation Amendment Act 2002, 470; S174
World Heritage List, 3376–7
Wray & Associates, 1811, 1813
W&S Ahmed Family Trust, 2781
Wu, I-Jou, 2265
Wunan Regional Council, 333
Wyndham City Council, 979
Wynford, Oscar Nolan Brian, S369

Xriso Pty Ltd, 3088

Yan, Hualin, 3340

Yan, Meilan, 3340
Yarra Valley Golf Pty Ltd, 625, 1581, 2805
Yasui Co Ltd, 1091
Yee, Felicia Goh Tze, 659
Yo Yo water balls, 1838–9, 2090; S157
Yong, Dr Choong-Siew, 2996
Yong San Yoon, 2708
Young Cha Pack, 2708
Young Hook Nang Robert, 3343
Yuan Jiamin, 661
Yuk Har Mui Yeung, S244

Zhang, Rong, S491

Zilzie Pty Ltd, 2552
Zucker, JK & HG, 1812
Zuppicich, Juliette, 1670–1
Zuppicich, Norman, 1470–1

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