Curriculum Dev

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 From the Latin word curriculum (“course”), derived from currere “ run or”move quickly)
 A “course for tracing”
 It is a dynamic as the change that occurs in the society. Hence , curriculum encompasses
more than a simple definition.
 It is a key element in the educational process; it’s scope is extremely broad, and it touches
virtually everyone who is involved with teaching and learning.
 It refers to the total learning experience of individuals not only in school, but in society as
 In educational usage, the “course of the race” stands for “course of study”

1. The Traditional Points of View

 In early years of the 20th century, “Curriculum was a “body of subject or subject matter
prepared by the teacher for the student to learn.” It was synonymous to the “course of
study” and “syllabus”
 Robert M. Hutchins- curriculum for basic education should emphasize 3Rs, and college
education should be grounded on liberal education
 Joseph Schwab-“Discipline” is the sole source of curriculum. Thus, the education system
curriculum is divided into chunk of knowledge called subject areas in basic education, such
as math science, English etc…, and college, discipline may include humanities, sciences,
languages, etc.
2. Progressive Points of View of Curriculum
 To a progressivist, “a listing of school subjects, syllabi, course of study, and list of course
or specific discipline do not make a curriculum,”. This can only be called curriculum if
the written materials are actualized by the learner.
 John Dewey-Curriculum is based in Dewey’s definition of experience and education. He
believes that reflective thinking is a means that unifies curricular elements.
 Caswell and Campbell viewed curriculum as “all experiences children have under the
guidance of teachers”.
 Marsh and Willis view curriculum as “all the experiences in the classroom which are
planned and enacted by the teacher, and also learned by the students.”

Major Foundations of Curriculum

Philosophical Foundations of Curriculum

Philosophy provides educators, teachers and curriculum makers with a framework
for planning, implementing, and evaluating curricula in schools. It helps in answering what
schools are for, what subjects are important, how students should learn and what materials
and methods should be used. In decision-making, philosophy provides the starting point
and will be used for the succeeding decision –making process.
Four Educational Philosophies that Relates to Curriculum

 Aim of Education- to educate the rational person; to cultivate the intellect.
 Role of Education- Teachers help students think with reason based in the Socratic methods
of oral exposition or recitation and explicit or deliberate teaching of traditional values.
 Focus in the curriculum- Classical subjects, literary analysis. Curriculum is constant.
 Curriculum trends- use of great books and return to liberal arts.
 Aim of Education- To promote the intellectual growth of the individual and educate a
competent person
 Role of Education- The teacher is the sole authority in his/her subject area or field of
 Focus in the curriculum- Essential skills of the 3 Rs and essential subjects of English,
science, history, math and foreign language
 Curriculum Trends- Excellence in Education, back to basics, and cultural literacy
 Aim of Education- To promote democratic and social living
 Role of Education- Knowledge leads to growth and development of lifelong learners who
actively learn by doing.
 Focus in the curriculum-Subjects are interdisciplinary, integrative, and interactive.
Curriculum is focused on student’s interest, human problems and affairs.
 Curriculum Trends- School reforms, relevant and contextualized curriculum, and
humanistic education
 Aim of Education- To improve and reconstruct society, since education is for change
 Role of Education- Teachers act as agents of change and reform in various educational
projects, including research.
 Focus in the Curriculum- Present and Future trends and issues of national and international
 Curriculum Trends- Equality of educational opportunities in education, and access to
global education.

Historical Foundations of Curriculum

Philippine educations was greatly influence by the American educational system. The following
curriculum theories laid down their views on what curriculum is.

1. Franklin Bobbit (1876-1956_ presented curriculum as a science that emphasizes the student’s
needs. Curriculum prepares students for adult life. To Bobbit, objectives with corresponding
activities should be grouped and sequenced. This can only be done of instructional activities and
tasks are clarified.
2. Werett Characters (1875-1952)- Like Bobbit, to Charters, curriculum is a science, it gives emphasis
on students needs. The listing objectives and matching of these with corresponding activities ensure
that the content or subject matter is related to the objective. The subject matter and the objectives
are planned by the teacher.
3. William Kilpatrict (1871-1965)- Curricula are purposeful activities which are child-centered. The
purpose of the curriculum is child development. The project method was introduced by Kilpatrick,
whose model allowed the teacher and student to plan the activities. The curriculum develops social
relationships and small group instruction.
4. Harold Rugg (1886-1960)- Rugg, the curriculum should develop the whole child. It is child-
centered. With the statement of objectives and related learning activities, curriculum should
produce outcomes. Rugg emphasized social studies, and that teachers plan the curriculum in
5. Hollis Caswell (1901-1989)- He saw curriculum as organized around social functions or themes,
organized knowledge and learner’s interest. Caswell believes that curriculum is a set of experiences
6. Ralph Tyler (1902-1994)- as one of the authorities on curriculum, Tyler believes that curriculum is
a science and an extension of the school’s philosophy. It is based on student’s needs and interest.
To Tyler , curriculum is always related to instruction. Subject matter is organized in terms of
knowledge, skills and values. The Process emphasizes problem-solving. The curriculum aims to
educate generalists and not specialists

Historical development shows different changes in the purposes, principles and content of the curriculum.
The different changes are influenced by educational philosophy, psychology and pedagogical theories. This
implies that curriculum is ever-changing, putting in knowledge and content from many disciplines

Psychological foundations of Education

Psychology provides a basis for the teaching and learning process. It unifies elements of the learning process
and some of the questions which can be addressed by psychological foundations of education. How should
curriculum be organized to enhance learning? What is the optimum level of the students’ preparation in
learning various contents of the curriculum?

Three groups of learning theories like behaviorism or association theories; cognitive-information

processing theories are considered to address the4 above questions.


Behaviorism dominated 20th-century psychology. It includes, among others, the following:

 Connectionism-Edward Thorndike, which influence both Ralph Tyler and Hilda Taba who
considered to be two of the well-know curricularists.
 Classical conditioning-Ivan Pavlov
 Operant Conditioning-B.F. Skinner
 Modeling and Observation Theory- Albert Bandura
 Hierarchical Learning/sets of behavior and five learning outcomes- Robert Gagne
1. Intellectual skills or” knowing how” categorize and use symbols, forming concepts and problem-
2. Information or”knowing what” knowledge about facts dates and names
3. Cognitive strategies or learning skills
4. Motor skills: and
5. Attitudes, feelings and emotions learned through experiences

The listed learning outcomes overlap with the domains in the taxonomy of educational objectives, which
are cognitive, affective and psychomotor.

To the behaviorist, learning should be organized to students can experience success in the process of
mastering the subject matter. The method introduced in a step by step manner with proper sequencing of
tasks, which is viewed by other educational psychologist as simplistic and mechanical.

How do learns store information? How do they retrieve and generate conclusions? These are some
of the basic questions asked by cognitive psychologists.

Advocates of cognitive psychology:

 Cognitive Development Stages- jean Piaget
 Social Constructivism- Lev Vygostky
 Multiple intelligences- Howard Garner
 Learning Styles- Felder and Silverman
 Emotional Intelligence- Daniel Goleman

To the Cognitive theorist, learning constitutes a logical method for organizing and interpreting learning.
Learning is rooted in the tradition of subject matter and is similar to the cognitive development theory.
Teachers use a lot of problem-solving and thinking skills in teaching and learning, intuitive thinking,
discovery learning. These are exemplified by practices like reflective thinking, creative thinking, discovery
learning and many others.

Humanist psychologists are concerned with how learners can develop their human potentials.
Traditional psychologists do not recognize humanistic psychology as a school of psychology, .
however, observes view humanistic psychology as the third force learning theory after behaviorism
and cognitive development.
 Learning can be explained in terms of the wholeness of the problem and where the
environment is changing and the learner is continuously recognizing his or her perceptions-
Gestalt Theory.
 Theory of human needs for self- actualizing persons- Abraham Maslow
 Non-directive lives= Carl Rogers

Among the humanistic psychologists, curriculum is concerned with the process, not the products; personal
needs, not subject matter, psychological meanings and environmental situations.
In summary, psychology has a great influence on the curriculum. Learners not machines, and mind is not
a computer. Humans are biological beings affected by their biology and cultures. The psychological
foundations will curriculum makers in nurturing a more advanced, more comprehensive and complete
human learning.


Schools exist within social context. Societal culture affects and shapes schools and their curricula. The
way school buildings are structured and they way classrooms and students are organized reflect the
cultural views and values of the society. In considering the social foundations of the curriculum, we
must recognize that schools are only one of the many institutions that educate society. However, schools
are formal institutions that address more complex and interrelated societies and the world.

Society ever dynamic, is a source of very fast changes which are difficult to cope with and to adjust to.
Thus, schools are made to help understand these changes. However, some observations point out to the
fact that schools are conservative institutions that lag behind they are supposed to be agents of change.
Thus order for schools to be relevant, school curricula should address diversity, explosion of knowledge,
school reforms and education for all.

The relationship of curriculum and society is mutual and encompassing. Hence , to be relevant, the
curricula should reflect and preserve the culture of society and its aspirations. At the same time, society
should also imbibe the changes brought about by the formal institutions called schools.

What are the Characteristics of Good Curriculum

1. The curriculum is continuously evolving. It must be a product of a long and tedious process of
evaluation and change. It has evolved from one period to another to the present.
2. The curriculum is based on the needs of the people. A curricular program must begin with those
that concern the people themselves. It reflects the needs of the individuals and the society as a whole.
The curriculum is a proper shape in order to meet the challenges of times and education more
responsive to the clientele it serves.
3. The curriculum is democratically conceived. A good curriculum is developed through the efforts of
a group of individuals from different sectors in society who are knowledgeable about the interest,
needs and resources of the learner and the society as a whole. The Curriculum is a product of many
minds and energies.
4. The curriculum is the result of a long-term effort. It takes a long period of time to go through the
planning, management, evaluation and development of a good curriculum.
5. The curriculum is a complex of details. A good curriculum provides the proper instructional
equipment and meeting places that are often most conducive to learning. It includes the teacher
student-student relationship, guidance and counseling program, health services, schools and
community projects, library and laboratories, and other school related work experiences.
6. The curriculum provides for the logical sequence of subject matter. It is a fact that learning is
developmental. Thus, classes and activities should be planned to achieve an orderly development of
subject matter and step-by step progress of the learner. There is a smooth transition and continuing
achievement of learners from one subject matter, classroom, grade, or school to another. A good
curriculum provides continuity of experiences.
7. The curriculum complements and cooperates with other programs of the community. The curriculum
is responsive to the needs of the community. The school offers is assistance in the improvement and
realization of on-going programs of the community. There is cooperative effort between the school
and the community towards greater productivity.
8. The curriculum has educational quality. Quality education comes through the situation of the
individual’s intellectual and creative capacities for social welfare and development. The curriculum
helps the learner to be4come the best that can possibly be. The curriculum support system is secured
to augment existing sources for is efficient and effective implementation.
9. The curriculum has effective flexibility. A good curriculum must be ready to incorporate changes
whenever necessary. The curriculum is open to revision and development to meet the demands of
globalization and the digital age.
The relationship of curriculum and society is mutual and encompassing. Hence , to be relevant, the
curricula should reflect and preserve the culture of the society and its aspirations. At the same time,
society should also imbibe the changes brought about by the formal institution called schools.

Types of Curriculum Operating Schools

Allen Glatthorn , as cited by Bilbao describes seven (7) types of curriculum operating in the schools.
1. Recommended Curriculum- proposed by scholars and professional organizations
 The curriculum may come from a national agency like the Department of Education
(DepEd), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Department of Science and
Technology (DOST) or any professional organization who has stake in education for
example like the PAFTE.
2. Written Curriculum-appear in school, district, division, or country documents
 This includes documents, course of study or syllabi handed down to the schools,
districts, divisions, departments, or colleges for implementation. Most of the written
curricula are made by the curriculum experts with the participation of teachers. These
were pilot-tested or tried out in sample schools or population. An example is the Basic
Education Curriculum (BEC). Another example is the written lesson plan, made up of
objectives and planned activities of the teachers.\
3. Taught Curriculum- what teachers implement of deliver in the classrooms or schools
 The different planned activities which are put into action in the classroom compose the
taught curriculum. These are varied activities that are implemented in order to arrive at
the objectives or purposes of the written curriculum. These are used by the learners with
the guidance of teachers. Taught curriculum varies according to the learning styles of
students and the teaching styles of teachers
4. Supported Curriculum- resources like textbooks, computers, audio-visual materials which
support and help in the implementation of the curriculum.
 In order to have a successful teaching, other than the teacher, there must be materials
which should support or help in the implementation of a written curriculum. These refer
to the material resources, such as textbooks, computers, audio-visual materials.
Laboratory equipment, play ground, zoos, and other facilities. Support curriculum
should enable the learner to achieve real and lifelong learning
5. Assessed Curriculum- that which is tested and evaluated.
 This refers to a tested or evaluated curriculum. At the end of the teaching episodes,
series of evaluation is done by the teachers to determine the extent of learning or to tell
if the students are progressing. This refers to the assessed curriculum. Assessment tool
like pencil-and –paper tests; authentic instruments like portfolio are being utilized.
6. Learned Curriculum- what students actually learn and what is measured.
 Refers to the learning outcomes achieved by the students. Learning outcomes are
indicated by the results of the tests and changes in behavior, which can either be
cognitive, affective, or psychomotor.
7. Hidden Curriculum- the unintended curriculum
 This unintended curriculum which is not deliberately planned but may modify behavior
or influence learning outcomes. There are lost of hidden curricula that transpire in the
schools. Peer influence, school environment, physical condition, teacher-learner
interaction, mood of the teachers and many other factors to make up.

Elements /Components of the Curriculum

1. Aims, goals and objectives ( What is to be done?)

2. Subject matter/Content (What subject matter is to be included?)
3. Learning Experiences (What instructional strategies, resources and activities will be employed?)
4. Evaluation Approaches (What methods and instruments will be used to asses the results of the

Component 1- Curriculum Aims, Goals and Objectives

The Philippine Educational system is divided into three educational levels namely the primary, secondary,
and tertiary (with the trifocalization the educational system was divided into Basic Education (primary and
secondary); Technical-Vocational Education (Post-secondary education) and Higher Education ( tertiary

Based on the 1987 Philippine Constitution, all schools shall aim to:

1. Inculcate patriotism and nationalism

2. Foster love of humanity
3. Promote respect for human rights
4. Appreciate the role of national heroes in the historical development of the country.
5. Teach the rights and duties of citinzenship;
6. Strengthen ethical and spiritual values
7. Develop moral character and personal discipline
8. Encourage critical and creative thinking; and
9. Broaden scientific and technological knowledge and promote vocational efficiency

Aims of Elementary Education ( Education Act of 1982)

Through their curricula, elementary education should aim to:

1. Provide knowledge and develop skills, attitudes, values essential to personal development and
necessary for living in and contributing to a developing and changing society;
2. Provide learning experiences which increase the child’s awareness of and responsiveness to the
changes in the society;
3. Promote and intensify knowledge, identification with and love for the nation and the people to
which he belongs; and
4. Promote work experiences which develop orientation to the world of work and prepare the learner
to engage in honest and gainful work.

Aims of Secondary Education

1. Continue to promote the objectives of elementary education; and

2. Discover and enhance the different aptitudes and interests of students in order to equip them with
skills for productive endeavor and or to prepare them for tertiary schooling

Aims of Tertiary Education

1. Provide general education programs which will promote national identity, cultural consciousness,
moral integrity and spiritual vigor
2. Train the nation’s manpower in the skills required for national development
3. Develop the professions that will provide leadership for the nation; and
4. Advance knowledge through research and apply new knowledge for improving the quality of
human life and respond effectively to changing society.

Based on the mandate of the Constitution, each school therefore should be guided by its vision, mission
and goals and its curricula should also revolved around these.

The school’s vision is a clear concept of what the institution would like to become in the future. It provides
the focal point and unifying element according to which the school staff, faculty and students perform
individually or collectively. It is the guiding post around which all educational efforts, including curricula,
should be directed. The school’s vision can be very ambitious, but that is a characteristic of a vision

The school’s vision and mission are further translated into goals which are broad statements of intents to
be accomplished. Data for the source of a school goals may include the learners, the society and the fund
of knowledge.

In a curriculum, theses goals are made simple and specific for the attainment of each learner. These are
called educational objectives, Benjamin Bloom and Robert Mager defined educational objectives in two

1. Explicit formulation of the ways in which students are expected to be changed by the educational
process, and
2. Intent communicated by statement describing a proposed change in learners. In other words,
objectives direct the change in behavior, which is the ultimate aim of learning. They provide the
bases for the selection of learning content and learning experiences. They also set the criteria
against which learning outcomes will be evaluated.

Three big domains of objectives ( Benjamin Bloom)

(1) Cognitive; (2) affective; and (3) Psychomotor

1. Knowledge- recall, remembering of prior learned materials in terms of facts, concepts, theories and
principles. It is the lowest cognitive level.
2. Comprehension-ability to grasp the meaning of material. It indicates the lowest form of
3. application-the ability to use learned material in new and concrete situation.
4. Analysis-ability to break down material into component parts so that its organizational structure
may be understood.
5. Synthesis-ability to put parts together to form a new whole
6. Evaluation- Ability to pass judgment on something based on given criteria.

Affective Domain( Krathwohl,1964)- domain of valuing, attitude and appreciation

1. Receiving- students willingness to pay attention to particular event, stimuli or classroom activities
2. Responding- active participation on the part of the students
3. Valuing-concerned with the worth or value a student attaches to a particular phenomenon, object
or behavior
4. Organization-concerned with bringing together different values and building a value system
5. Characterization of value or value complex-developing a lifestyle based on a value system

Psychomotor Domain (Simpson, 1972)

1. Perception-use of sense organs to guide motor activities

2. Set-refers to the readiness to take a particular type of action
3. Guided Response- concerned with early stages in learning complex skills imitation and trial and
error are some of the ways of doing.
4. Mechanism-responses become habitual. Performance skills are executed with ease and confidence
5. Complex over responses-skillful performance and with complex movement patterns
6. Adaptation-well developed skills is now very easy to
7. Origination-refers to creating new movements and patterns to fit the situation, showing creativity.

Components 2- Curriculum Content or Subject matter

All curricula have content, regardless of their design or models. To the subject centered view, content or
subject matter is another term for knowledge. It is compendium of facts, concepts generalization, principles
and theories. To the learner-centered view, the content relates knowledge to the individuals personal and
social world and how he/she defines reality. According to Jerome Bruner,” knowledge is a model we
construct to give meaning and structure to regularities in experience”

Criteria in the selection of subject matter content or knowledge for the curriculum (Bilbao, 2009)
1. Self-sufficiency- According to Scheffler (1970), the prime guiding principle for content selection
is helping learners to attain maximum self-sufficiency in learning, but in the most economical
manner. Economy means less teaching effort and educational resources, less learner’s effort, but
more results and effective learning outcomes.
2. Significance- when content or subject matter will contribute to basic ideas, concepts principles, and
generalization to achieve the overall aim of the curriculum, the it is significant. It also significant
if it will develop learning abilities, skills, processes and attitude. Subject matter is significant if it
will develop the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills of the learners. It can also be
significant if the cultural aspect will be considered.
3. Validity- The authenticity of the subject matter selected is it validity . With information explosion,
oftentimes , knowledge selected for school content may becomes obsolete. Thus, subject matter
should be checked or verified at regular intervals, to determine if the content that was originally
valid continues to be so.
4. Interest- For a learner –centered curriculum, this is the key criterion. A learner will value the content
if it is meaningful to him or her. Students’ interests should be considered and adjusted taking into
consideration maturity, prior experiences, educational and social value of their interest among
5. Utility-Usefulness of the content or subject matter may be relative to the learner who is going to
use it. Usefulness may either be for the present or the future questions like “will I use it in my future
job?, :will it add meaning to my life or develop my human potential?” or” will the subject matter
be useful in solving my current problems?” are considered.
6. Learnability-Subject matter in the curriculum should be within the range of the experiences of the
learners. This is clearly suggested by the psychological foundations of a curriculum . There are
ways of presenting subject matter or content which can easily be learned. Optimal placement and
appropriate organization and sequencing of contests are the two ways by which these can be done.
7. Feasibility- can the subject matter or content be learned within the time allowed, resources
available, expertise of the teacher, and the nature of the learners? Content selection should be
considered within the context of the existing reality in schools, in society and government.

Component 3- Curriculum Experiences

The core or the heart of the curriculum includes the different instructional strategies and methods that realize
the goals and use the content in order to produce an outcome teaching strategies convert the written
curriculum into instruction. Both the teacher and learner take actions to facilitate learning.

Whatever methods the teacher utilizes to implement the curriculum, there will be some guide for the
selection and use, such as:

1. Teaching methods are means to achieve the end. They are used to translate the objectives into
2. There is no single best teaching method. Its effectiveness will depend on the learning objectives,
the learners , and skill of the teacher.
3. Teaching methods should stimulate the learners desire to develop in the cognitive, affective,
psychomotor, social and spiritual domains.
4. In the choice of the teaching methods, the learning styles of the students should be considered.
5. Every method should lead to the development of the three domains: cognitive, affective and
6. Flexibility should be a consideration in the use of the teaching methods

Components 4- Curriculum Evaluation

All curricula, to be effective, must have the element of evaluation ( Worthen & sanders, 1987), Curriculum
evaluation refers to the formal determination of the quality, effectiveness or value of the program process,
and product of the curriculum. Evaluation is meeting the goals and matching them with the intended

The CIPP Models by Stufflebeam

CIPP- Context-Input-Process- Product. The Process is continuous and very important to curriculum
managers, like principals, supervisors, department heads, deans and even teachers.

 Context- refers to the environment of the curriculum, the real situation where the
curriculum is operating. Context evaluation refers to situation analysis.
 Input-refers to the elements of the curriculum, which include the goals, instructional
strategies, the learners, the teachers, the contents and all the materials needed
 Process-refers to the ways and means of how the curriculum has been implemented.
This component of the CIPP looks into the entire operation of the curriculum.
 Product-indicates if the curriculum accomplishes its goals. It will determine to what
extent the curriculum objectives have been achieved.

Within the evaluation process, smaller and more specific activities are needed to determine the effectiveness
of the curriculum. It includes assessment and measurement of learning outcomes, the ultimate product of a
curriculum. Methods include diagnostic; placement; formulative or summative assessments or non-
reference or criterion referenced measurement.

The components of a curriculum are distinct but are interrelated to one another as shown in the following

Aims Objectives

Evaluation Content/Subject Matter

Figure 1. Interrelationship of the components of a curriculum


Points of View on Curriculum Development

Development connotes changes which are systematic. A change for the better means any alteration,
modification or improvement of existing condition. To produce positive changes, development should be
purposeful, planned and progressive. This is how curriculum evolves,

Some authors define curriculum as the total effort of the school to bring about desired outcomes in the
school and out-of-school situations. It is also defined as a sequence of potential experiences set up in school
for the purpose of disciplining children and youth in group ways of thinking and acting

Howel and Evans (1995) define curriculum as standard set of learning outcomes or task that educators
usually call goals and objectives, while other writers define curriculum as” the what of teaching”, or listing
of subjects to be taught in school.

Curriculum is a document which describes as structured series of learning objectives and outcomes for a
given subject matter/ area. It includes a specification of what should be learned, how it should be taught,
and the plan for implementing/ assessing the learning.

Curriculum Development , therefore, may be defines as the process of selecting, organizing, executing and
evaluating the learning experiences on the basis of the nature of the society or community. It is a continuous
process for the possibilities of improving the teaching-learning situation. Its goal is a positive change;
process and transformation in the lives of the learners based on the schools mission and goals.
Models of Curriculum Development

Ralph Tyler Model ( also known as Tyler’s Rationale)\he posited forum fundamental questions or principles
in examining any curriculum:

1. What educational purposes should schools seek to attain?

2. What educational experiences can be provided that is likely to attain these purposes?
3. How can these educational experiences can be effectively organized?
4. How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained or not?

Tyler’s Model shows that in the curriculum development the following considerations should be made”

1. Purpose of the school

2. Educational experiences related to the purpose
3. Organization of the experiences
4. Evaluation of the experiences/ outcomes

Hilda Taba Model- She improved on Tyler’s Rationale by making a linear model. She believes that
teachers who teach or implement the curriculum should participate in developing it. Her advocacy was
called the “grassroots approach”

Presented seven majors steps her model, where teachers could have a major input.

1. Diagnosis of learners needs and expectations of the larger society

2. Formulation of learning objectives
3. Selection of the learning content
4. Organization of the learning content
5. Selection of the learning experiences
6. Organization of learning activities
7. Determination of what to evaluate and the means of doing it.

Thus, looking at the curriculum models , the three interacting process in curriculum development are: (1)
planning; (2) implementing; and (3) evaluating.

The Francis Hunkin’s Decidion-Making Model

What sets this model a part is its recommended first stage of curricular decision-making. The first stage
requires that participants to engage in deliberation regarding the nature curriculum and also its educational
and social political value.

This approach addresses the concerns of reconceptualists, of putting stress on the understanding the nature
and power of curriculum

The Model has seven major stages:

1. Curriculum conceptualization and legitimization

2. Diagnosis
3. Content selection
4. Experience selection
5. Implementation
6. Evaluation
7. Maintenance

Curriculum Design Models

1. Subject-Centered Design model- focuses on the content of the curriculum. Corresponds mostly
to the textbook written for the specific subject. In this design, schools divided the school hours
across different subjects.
 Subject Design- this is the oldest and so far the most familiar for teachers, parents and
other layman. It is easy to deliver, has complementary books, written, and available
support instructional materials. The drawback is that learning is so compartmentalized.
It stresses the content so much that it forgets about student’s natural tendencies,
interests and experiences.
 Discipline Design. Related to the subject design, but focuses on academic discipline.
It is often used in college.
 Correlation Design- This comes from a core, correlated curriculum designs that links
separate subjects designs in order to reduce fragmentation. Subjects related to one
another, but each subject maintains identity.
 Broad Field design/interdisciplinary- it is variation of the subject-centered design. This
design was made to prevent the compartmentalization of subjects and integrate the
contents that are related to each other. It sometimes called a holistic curriculum because
it draws around themes and integration.
2. Learner-Centered Design- Among the progressive educational psychologists, the learner is the
center of the educative process. The emphasis is very strong in the elementary level. However,
more concern has been placed on the secondary and even the tertiary level. In high school, the
subject or content has become the focus and in the college level, the discipline is the center.
Both levels, however still recognize the importance of the learner in the curriculum.
 Child-centered Design- attributed to the influence of John Dewey, Rouseau, Pestallozi,
and Froebel. The curriculum is anchored on the needs and interest of the child. The is
not considered as a passive individual, but as on, who engages with his/her
environment. One learns by doing. Learners actively create and construct meaning and
understanding as viewed by the constructivists. Learners interact with the teachers and
environment. Thus, there is a collaborative effort on both sides of the plan lessons,
select content, and do activities together. Learning is the product of the child’s
interaction with the environment.
 Experienced-Centered Design- This is similar to child-centered design. Although the
child remains to be the focus, experience-centered design believes that the interests and
needs of the learners cannot be pre-planned. Instead, experiences of the learners
become the starting point of the curriculum. Thus, the school environment is left open
and free. Learners are made to choose from various activities that the teacher provides.
The learners are empowered to shape their own learning form different opportunities
given by the teacher. The emergence of multiple intelligence blends well with
experience-centered design curriculum.
 Humanistic Design- The key personalities in this curriculum design were Abraham
Maslow and Carl Rogers. Maslow’s theory of self-actualization explains that a person
who achieves this level is accepting of self, others and nature; is simple , spontaneous
and natural; is open to different experiences; possesses empathy and sympathy to wards
the less fortunate, among many others, Carl Rogers, on the other hand, believed that a
person can enhance self-directed learning by improving self-understanding and basic
attitudes to guide behavior. In the humanistic curriculum design, the development of
self is the ultimate obje4ctice of learning. It stresses the development of positive self-
concept and interpersonal skills.
3. Problem –Centered Design- Generally, this design draws on social problems, needs, interests,
and abilities of the learners. Various problems are given emphases. In this curriculum, content
cuts across subject boundaries and must be based on the needs, concerns and abilities of the
 Life-Situation Design- The contents are organized in ways that allow the students to
clarify view problem areas. It uses the past and the present experiences of learners as
a means to analyze the basic areas of living.
 Core Design- It centers on general education, and the problems are based on common
human activities. The central focus of the core design includes common needs,
problems, and concerns of the learners.

Principles in organizing or putting together learning content

Dimensions of Principles of Curriculum design

 SCOPE- Tyler and Omstein (2004) define scopes as all the content, topics, learning experiences
and organizing threads comprising the educational plan. It refers to the coverage of the curriculum.
It is the depth and breadth of the curriculum. It includes time, diversity and maturity of the learners.
 BALANCE- Curriculum content should be fairly distributed in depth and breadth of the particular
learning area of discipline. This will ensure that the level or are will not be overcrowded or less
 ARCTICULATION- When each subject matter is smoothly connected to the next, glaring gaps and
wasteful overlaps in the subject matter will be avoided. Teamwork among the teachers will enhance
articulation of contents in the curriculum.
 SEQUENCE- It is the logical arrangement of the subject matter. It refers to the deepening and
broadening of the contest as it is taken up in the higher levels.
 INTEGRATION- the horizontal connections are needed in subject areas that are similar, so that
learning will be related to one another. This will help the learner get a holistic or unified view of
reality outlook in life.
 CONTINUITY- The content repetition, review and reinforcement of learning is what is referred to
as continuity. Learning requires a continuing application of new knowledge, skills, and attitudes or
values, so that these will be used in daily living.

Curriculum Approaches

 Behavioral Approach- Anchored on the behaviorist principles, where approach to curriculum is

usually based on a blue print. In the blueprint, goals and objectives are specified, and contents and
activities are also arranged to match with the learning objectives. The learning outcomes are
evaluated in terms of goals and objectives set at the beginning. This approach begins with
educational plans that start with the setting of goals or objectives. These are the important
ingredients in curriculum implementation for evaluating the learning outcomes as a change of
behavior. The change of behavior indicates the measure of accomplishment.
 Managerial Approach- The principal is the curriculum leader and at the same time instructional
leader, who is supposed to be the general manager. The general manager sets the policies and
priorities and establishes the direction of change and innovation, and plans and organizes
curriculum and instruction. School administrators are less concerned about the content than about
organization and implementation. They are less concerned about subject matter, methods and
materials than improving the curriculum. Curriculum managers look at curriculum changes and
innovations as they administer the resources and restructure the schools
 System Approach- This was influenced by systems theory, where the parts of the total school
district or school are determined in terms of how they relate to each other. The organizational chart
of the school represents s systems approach. It shows the line-staff relationships of personal and
how decisions are made. The following are equal importance: (1) Administration, (2)counseling,
(3) curriculum, (4) instruction, (5) evaluation.
 Humanistic Approach- This approach is rooted in the progressive philosophy and child-centered
movement. It considers the formal or planned curriculum and the formal or hidden curriculum. It
considers the whole child and believes that in a curriculum, the total development of the individual
is the prime consideration. The learner is at the center of the curriculum.

Approaches to Curriculum Design

The Six (6) Features of a Curriculum

1. Who teachers- The Teacher

2. Who do Teachers Teach- The Learners
3. What do the Teachers Teach- Knowledge Skills and Values
4. How to the Teachers Teach- Strategies and Methods
5. How much of the Teaching was Learned- Performance
6. With whom do we Teach- Community Partners


Teaching- Learning Process and Curriculum Development

In Curriculum development, the teaching and learning are actions necessary to accomplish a goal in
education. What is the role of teaching in curriculum development?

So, what is learning in the curriculum development?

Teaching as process in Curriculum

The process of teaching replicates the process of curriculum development. The implementation phase of
curriculum development is the actual teaching and experiencing of curriculum, as shown in Figure 2

Feedback and Reflections

Figure 2: The teaching Process

 Planning Phase- includes decisions about: (a) the needs of the learners; (b) the achievable goals
and objectives to meet the needs; (c) the selection of the content to be taught; (d) the motivation to
carry out the goals; (e) the strategies most fit to carry out the goals; and (f) the evaluation process
to measure learning outcomes
 Implementation Phase- requires the teacher to implement what has been planned.
 Evaluation Phase- a match of the objectives with learning outcomes will be determined.
 Process of Feedback and Reflection- to give information as to whether the three phases were
appropriately done and elicited good results.

Roles of Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation

Stakeholders are individuals or institution that are interested in the school curriculum. Their interest varies
in degree and complexity. They get involved in many different ways in the implementation because the
curriculum affects them directly or indirectly.

 Learners at the Center of the Curriculum- These learners are the very reason why curriculum is
 Teachers as Curriculum Developers and Implementers- Planning and writing the curriculum are
the primary roles of the teacher. The teachers writes a curriculum regularly through a lesson plan,
a unit plan or a yearly plan. He prepares the activities for the students to do . the teacher addresses
the goals, needs, and interest of the learners by creating experiences from where the students can
learn. He/She designs, enriches, and modifies the curriculum to suit the learners’ characteristics.”
No technology can ever replace a teacher, it will only support the multifaceted role of the teacher.”
 Curriculum Managers and Administrators- They are people who are responsible in the formulation
of the school’s vision, philosophy, mission and objectives. They provide necessary leadership in
evaluating teaching personnel and school programs. The principle of command responsibility and
institutional leadership rests on the shoulders of the school administrators.
 Parents as Supporters to the curriculum- Parents are the best supporters of the school, especially
because they are the ones paying for their child’s education. Hence, they want to get the best of
his/her investment in education. This has an implication to what kind if curriculum is being offered
in the school.
 Community Members as Curriculum Resources- Community members and materials in the existing
local community can very well substitute for what are needed to implement the curriculum.
Respected community members may be included in school boards; some can become resource
speakers, etc.
 Other Stakeholders in Curriculum Implementation-Professional organizations like those of
teachers, lawyers, medical doctors, engineers and many others are asked by curriculum specialists
to contribute in curriculum review because they have a voice in licensure examinations, curriculum
enhancement and many more. Often, they have a better view of the industry where the graduates
of the curriculum go.

The role of Technology in Implementing the Curriculum

Technological changes in education make it’s impact on the delivery of more effective, efficient
and humanizing teaching-and-learning. Increase in the use of information and communication
technology or ICT is an explosive trend that made it influence education, Educational technology
has the following roles in delivering the school curriculum’s instructional program.
 Upgrading the quality of teaching-and-learning in schools
 Increasing the capability if the teacher to effectively inculcate learning, and for students to
gain mastery of lessons and courses.
 Broadening the delivery of education outside schools through non-traditional approaches to
formal and informal learning such as open universities and lifelong learning to adult
 Revolutionizing the use of technology to boost educational paradigm shifts that give
importance to student- centered and holistic learning.

Pilot Testing, Monitoring and Evaluating the Implementation of the Curriculum

 Pilot testing- this is a process where empirical data are gathered to support whether the material or
the curriculum is useful, relevant, reliable and valid
 Monitoring- is a periodic assessment and adjustment during the try out period. It determines how
the curriculum is working so that the monitoring report becomes the basis of decision on what
aspects have to be retained, improved or modified.
 Curriculum Evaluation- as part of total educational evaluation refers to a systematic process of
judging the value, effectiveness and adequacy of a curriculum. It is a process, product and setting
which will lead to informed decisions.

There are two ways of curriculum evaluation

(1) School-Based Evaluation (SBE)- an approach to curriculum evaluation which places the content,
design, operation, and maintenance of evaluation procedure in the hands of school personnel.
(2) Accreditation-this is a voluntary process of submitting a curricular program to an external
accrediting body foe review in any level of education: basic, tertiary or graduate school, to ensure
that standards are met. Accreditation studies the statement of the educational intentions of school
and affirms the standard of excellence.


Curriculum assessment is the process of collecting information for use in evaluation

Curriculum assessment may achieve the following purposes:

1. Highlight curriculum expectations;

2. Gather information about what students know and can do,
3. Motivate and encourage teachers to meet the identifies needs of students
4. Provide evidence to tell how well the students have learned ; and
5. Obtain feedback that helps teachers, students and parents make good decisions to guide instruction

Intended Curriculum- refers to a set of objectives identified set at the beginning of any curricular plan. It
establishes the goal, the specific purposes, and the immediate objectives to be accomplished. The intended
curriculum specifies what the curriculum maker wants to do.

Implemented Curriculum- refers to the various learning activities or experiences of the students in order to
achieve the intended curricular outcomes.

Achieved curriculum- refers to the curriculum outcomes based on the first two types of curriculum, the
intended and implemented. The achieved curriculum is considered the product. It can be the learning
outcomes, or a material product itself, like a book, modules or instructional material.

What is evaluation?

Evaluation is the process of determining the value of something or the extent to which goals are being
achieved. It is a process of making decisions or reaching a conclusion. It involves decision making about
student performance based on information obtained from assessment process. Assessment id the process of
collecting information by reviewing the products of student works, interviewing, observing or testing.

Evaluation is the process if using information that is collected through assessment. The ultimate purpose of
any evaluation process that takes place in schools is to improve student learning.
It entails a reasoning process that is based on inference. Inference, which the process of arriving at a logical
conclusion from a body of evidence. Inference usually refers to the process of developing a conclusion on
the basis of some phenomenon that is not experienced or observed directly by the person drawing inference.

Evaluation is thoughtful process, used to understand things. Evaluation has been defined is a variety of
ways, all of which have at their core the idea of comparison. When we evaluate, we make comparison
between things, not the differences, summarize our findings and draw conclusion about results.

Evaluation is the judgment made about the assessments of students learning based on established criteria.
It involves a process of integrating information from various sources and using this information to make
inferences and judgments about how well the students have achieved curriculum expectations. Evaluation
involves placing a value on and determining the worth of students assessment. Evaluation is usually made
so that progress can be communicated to students and parents.

Evaluation provides information

 Directly to the learner for guidance

 Directly to the teacher for orientation of the next instruction activities; and
 Directly to external agencies for their assessment of schools functioning in the light of national

What is Curriculum Evaluation

Curriculum Evaluation is the process of obtaining information for judging the worth of an educational
program, product, procedure, educational objectives or the potential utility of alternative approaches
designed to attain specified objectives,

Curriculum evaluation focuses on determining whether the curriculum as recorded in the master plan has
been carried out in the classroom. In evaluating a curriculum, the following key questions are usually asked:

1. Are the objectives being addressed?

2. Are the contents presented in the recommended sequence?
3. Are the students being involved in the suggested instructional experiences?
4. Are the students reaching to the contents?

Suggested Plan of Action for Curriculum Evaluation

1. Focus in one particular component of the curriculum. Will it be the subject area, the grade level,
the course or the degree program? Specify the objectives of evaluation.
2. Collect or gather the information is made up of data needed regarding the object of evaluation
3. Organize the information. This step will require coding, organizing, strong and retrieving data for
4. Analyze information. An appropriate way of analyzing will be utilized
5. Report information. The result of evaluation should be reported to specific audiences
6. Reporting can be done formally in conferences with stakeholders, or informal through roundtable
discussion and conversation.
7. Recycle the information for continuous feedback, modification and adjustments to be made.

Innovations are inevitable as man continues to seek for development. With the demand brought about by
the fast-changing society. It is most likely that innovations will occur. In curriculum, changes and
modifications are being introduced to keep pace with the changing world. With emerging theories of
learning, instructional delivery and management, learning and teaching styles, modes of living and other
societal changes in science and technology led educator to introduce innovations.

Local and National Curricular Innovations

1. The 2002 Basic Education Curriculum

The Vision, Mission, and Rationale of the Curriculum

The Department of Education envisions every learner to be functionally literate equipped with life
skills, appreciative of arts and sports and imbued with the desirable values of a person who is
makabayan, makatao, makakalikasan at maka- Diyos.

This vision is in line with DepEds’ mission to provide quality basic education that is equitably
accessible to all and lays the foundation for lifelong learning and service for the common good.
The BEC was developed through a dynamic process. It started with the review of the existing basic
education curriculum in 1997, which look into consideration world wide trends and Philippine

Integrative Teaching as Mode of Instructional Deliver

Integrative teaching works best in the BEC because the curriculum is treated in a holistic manner.
The process is interactive, collaborative and innovative.
 Thematic Teaching- requires organization of themes around ideas. The theme provide focus
and helps learners to see the meaningful connections across subject areas. It links ideas to
actions and learning to life.
 Content- Based Instruction (CBI)- it is the integration of content learning with language
teaching. The language curriculum centered on the academic needs and interests of the
learners. Thus, it crosses the barriers between language and subject matter content. This
approach aims at developing the learner’s language skills.
 Focusing inquiry-it is an interdisciplinary approach that uses questions to organize learning.
Learners become creators rather than recipients of knowledge. Contents and concepts are
given less importance than the process of conducting an investigation and communicating
what was learned to others. Instructional process is built around inquiry, where teachers
guide the students to discover answers to questions. Using what learners already know as
a starting point, they generate questions about things they do not know yet. The design a
method of investigation and gather information on their own.
 Generic Competency Model- the learners are enrolled in three to four linked or related
courses or subject areas. In Makabayan, for instance, competencies subject and can be
clustered into personal development, social competencies and work and special skills, the
subject specialist teaches his/her subject and activities will draw on processes and skills
important to each discipline.
2. Third Elementary Education Program
Begun in 1996 and concluded in 2005 it was funded by the WB and JBIC, in response to the Social
Reform Agenda of the government. It is focused only on the elementary level with the goal to
improve learning achievement; improve completion rates and access to quality elementary

In- service Training for Teachers (INSET); school improvement and innovation Facility;(SIIF)
Student Assessment;(SA), Educational Management Information System (E-MS); Procurement
and Monitoring Evaluation ; Principal Empowerment

3. Secondary Education Development and Improvement Program (SEDIP)

It is a curriculum innovation that dovetailed the TEEP. It started in 2000 and ended in 2006. Its
purpose is to improve equitable access to secondary education in poverty affected areas.

Curriculum Reforms revolved around;

(a)Improving Teaching and Learning; (b) Improving Access to Secondary Education; (c)
Facilitating Decentralized Secondary Education Management.

4. The New Teacher Education Curriculum for BEED and BSED

Implemented by CMO 30,s 2004

 There are two streams in Basic Education; BEED- structured to meet the need of professional
teachers for elementary and special education program; and the BSED-need of professional
teachers in the high school in the Philippines
 The Curriculum is aligned to the National Competency-Based Teachers Standards (NCBTS)
 It is made up of three components- (1) General Education (2) Professional Education (3)
Specialization or content courses.

5.The Ladderized Curriculum for Bachelor of Technical Teacher Education (BTTE)

 The BTTE prepares teachers in technical-vocational education and training (TVET) and higher
education institutions that are equipped not only with strong theoretical understanding of
teaching and technology but also with exposure to industry
 The course is composed of four components;
1. General education- consistent with CMO 59
2. Professional Studies component
3. Specialization component, and
4. Instructional Technology component

6.Understanding the Design (ubD)-Based Curriculum

 UbD is a framework for improving student achievement and was designed by internally recognized
educators Grant Wiggins and Jay Mctighe, published bu ASCD
 The emphasis on” Backward Design”.
 It is a tool utilized for educational planning focused on teaching for understaning
 It works within the” standard-driven curriculum” to help teachers clarify learning goals, device
revealing assessment of students understanding and craft effective and engaging learning activities.

Understanding by Design (UbD)-Based Curriculum

Begun as early as 2007 and was formally implemented in the Philippines thru the 2010 Secondary
Education Curriculum.

3 Stages of ‘Backward Design”

Stage 1- indentifying Results/Desired Outcomes ( Content/Performance Standards, Essential

Understanding, Objectives- KSA, Essential Questions)

Stage 2- Defining Acceptable Evidence/Assessment ( Product/ Performance, Assessment Criteria/Tools)

Six Facets of Understanding ( Explain, Interpret. Apply Perspective, Empathy, Self-knowledge

Stage 3- Learning Plan/Instruction (WHERTO

W-where us the unit going? What is expected? Where are the students coming from?

H- Hooks all students and holds their interest

E- Equipped students, help them experience the key idea an explore the issue

R- Rethink

E- Evaluate

T- Tailors

O- Organize

7.K-12 Basic Education Curriculum

Republic Act 1053 (may 15, 2013)

The Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013’

 The overall Goal of the K to 12 Curriculum

Kindergarten +(6) six years primary education +(4) four years of junior highschool +(2) two years
senior high school

Salient Features of the K-12 Curriculum

 Strengthening Early Childhood Education ( Universal Kindegarten)
 Making the Curriculum Relevant to the Learners ( Contextualization and Enhancement)
 Ensuring integrated and Seamless Learning ( spiral Progression)
 Building Proficiency Through Language ( Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education)
 Gearing Up for the Future ( Senior High School)
 Nurturing the Historically Developed ( College and Livelihood Readiness, 21st Century Skils)

The 21st Century Trends in Philippine Education

Relevance and Responsiveness

Benefit from Industry-University Collaboration

 For Students- ensure workplace orientation and opportunity to apply their skills, knowledge and
proper work attitudes; opportunities for enhance employability
 For Industry- prospective workers are developed according to the companies specifications
 For the University- reduced need for sophisticated equipment and facilities; responsiveness to
industry needs and better employment for graduates.

Efficiency and Effectiveness

Pres. Aquino’s 10 Ways to Fix Philippine Education

1. 12-Year Basic Education Cycle- expand the basic education cycle from a short of 10 year cycle to
a globally comparable 12 years before 2016.
2. Universal Pre-Schooling for All- All public school children ( and all public schools) will have pre-
schooling as their introduction to formal schooling by 2016.
3. Madaris Education as a Sub-system within the Education System- Madaris education with subjects
in Arabic Language and Islamic Values education will be integrated in the public school curriculum
as additional subject with the view to keeping the Muslim Filipino children in school.
4. Technical Vocational Education as an Alternative Stream in Senior High School-Provide education
alternative to better prepare students for the world of work. Re –introducing technical vocational
education in the public high schools to better link and match schooling ti local industry needs and
5. “every Child a Reader” by Grade 1- by the end of SY 2015-2016, every child passing pre-school
must be a reader by Grade 1.Library infrastructures with appropriate reading materials will be built
in schools, and elementary teachers shall be trained how to teach reading.
6. Science and Math Proficiency- Rebuild the science and math infrastructure in schools to produce
more scientists, engineers, technicians, technologist and teachers in the universities so that this
country can be more globally competitive in industry and manufacturing.
7. Assistance to private schools as essential Partners in Basic Education- Expand the Government
Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education to a target of 1 million HS students
through education service contra ting and do away with wasteful education voucher system
8. Medium of Instruction Rationalized- Support UNESCO’s tried and tested formula on mother
tongue instruction. Use mother tongue as medium of instruction from pre- school to Grade III
9. Quality Textbooks-Produce books according to these criteria; quality, better quality and more
10. Covenant with Local Government to build more schools- the support of the LGU’s is necessary to
build more classrooms with smaller population, so that teachers and students, and parents can form
a real learning community.

Access and Equity in Education

Legal Bases on the Access Equity of Education in the Philippines

 The 1987 Philippine Constittuition ( Section 1, Article IV). The state protect and promote the right
of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such
education accessible to all’.
 RA 9155 9Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001)- Remaining DECS to DepEd and
reiterating the constitutional mandate. Establish free compulsory public education at the
elementary and high school level of education
 RA 6655 ( The Free Secondary Education Act)- providing free four years of secondary schooling
for those ages 12 to 15 in the public schools

Alternative Modes of Learning/Acquiring Qualification

 Ladderized Education Program (LEP)

 Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program ( ETEEAP)
 Ladderized Model Curricula
 Distance Education Learning
 Distance Education Learning

Accreditation : Enhancing the Quality of Education

Accreditation – is a concept of self-regulation which focuses on self-study and evaluation and on the
continuing improvement of educational quality. It is both a process ( form of peer review) and a result ( a
form of certification granted by recognized and authorized accrediting agency)

 Program accreditation- accreditation of academic course

 Institutional accreditation- accreditation of the school, college, university or institution as a whole

The 21st Century Teaching Skills

 Learning and Innovation Skills- recognized as the skills that separate students who are prepared for
increasingly complex life and work environments in the 21st century have; focus on creativity,
critical thinking, communication and collaboration
 Creativity and Innovation- Think creativity, Work Creatively with others, implement
 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving-reason Effectively, Use Systems, Thinking, Make
Judgment and Decisions, Solve Problems
 Communication and Collaboration- Communicate Clearly, Collaborate with others.
A. Information, Media and Technology Skills- 1) access to an abundance of information; 2) rapid
changes in technology tools; and 3) the ability to collaborate and make individual contributions on
an unprecendented scale. To be effective in the 21st century, citizens and workers must be able to
exhibit a range of functional and critical thinking skills related to information, media and
 Information Literacy-Access and Evaluate information, use and Manage information\
 Media Literacy- analyze Media, Create media Products,
 ICT Literacy- Apply Technology Effectively
B. Life and Career Skills- Today’s life and work environments require far more than thinking skills
and content knowledge. The ability to navigate the complex life and work environments in the
globally competitive information age requires students to pay rigorous attention to developing
adequate life and career skills.
 Flexibility and Adaptability-Adapt to Change , Be Flexible
 Initiative and Self- Direction- Manage Goals and Time, Work Independently, Be self
directed Learners.
 Social and Cross Cultural Skills- Interact Effectively with others, Work Effectively in
Diverse Teams
 Productivity and Accountability- Manage Projects, Products Results
 Leadership and Responsibility- Guide and Lead Others, Be Responsible to Others

Brain- Based Learning (BBL)

 It is an approach to teaching based on research in neuroscience

 It suggests that the brain learns naturally
 This techniques allows teachers to connect learning to students real life experiences
 This kind of learning encompasses education concepts like
 Mastery learning
 Problem-based learning
 Cooperative education
 Multiple intelligence
 Learning styles
 Experimental learning

Emerging Interactive Teaching Elements from BBL

 Orchestrated Immersion- Learning environment are created to provide authentic learning

experiences. Ex. In the elementary level, teachers can use the school’s miniforest to identify trees,
animals and other plants and find out how they live together.
 Relaxed Alertness- in BBL, efforts are made to eliminate fear while maintaining a highly
challenging environment. Ex. Teachers may play classical music when appropriate to set a relaxed
tone in the classroom. Bright lights are dimmed. Scented candles are lit to calm the senses. All
learners are accepted regardless of their various learning styles, capabilities and liabilities. This will
provide a relaxed and accepting environment. Children are motivated to bring the best of them and
bring out their potential

Outcome-Based Education (OBE)

OBE is an approach to education in which decisions about the curriculum are driven by the exit learning
outcomes that the students should display at the end of the course.

In OBE, Product defines Process. It can be summed up as”results-oriented thinking”

Learning Outcome-Oriented Teaching and Learning?

The Bologna Process

 Quality assurance in the higher education

 A unifies educational system (mobility, transparency, and mutual recognition of qualifications)
 Revise curricula; integrate student-centeredness and learning outcomes orientation
 Pedagogical issue became central, along with the alignment of teaching and assessment methods
in accordance with learning outcomes

Experiential Learning Courses (ELC)

 This is anchored on the NCBTS in CMO, 30, 2004

 This feature of the new teacher education curriculum provides students with rich practical learning
experiences which are drawn out from the actual environment.
 Field study courses enable the students to observe, verify and reflect on various events which relate
to the concepts, methods and strategies previously learned
 These courses provide opportunities to capture other experiences which can be further verified,
confirmed and reflected on in relation to their becoming a teacher

Field Study Course Experiential Learning

 (FS1) Learner’s Development an Environment

 (FS 2) Experiencing the Teaching-Learning Process
 (FS3) Technology in the Learning Environment
 (FS4) Understanding Curriculum Development
 (FS5) Learning Assessment Strategies
 (FS6) On Becoming a Teacher

Practice Teaching (Student Teaching)- this is the apex of all the ELCs. It is the total immersion of the
prospective teacher in the real-life of becoming a teacher

 It is an integrated theoretical framework that defines the different dimensions of effective teaching.
NCBTS define good teaching through the following:

 Domains-distinctive spheres of the learning process, and also a well defined arena for
demonstrating positive teacher practices
 Strands- specific dimensions of positive teacher practices under the broad conceptual domain
 Indicators- concrete, observable, and measurable teacher behaviors, actions, habits, routines, and
practices know to create, facilitate and support enhanced student learning.

The & domains of the NCBTS Framework

 Social Regard for Learning

 The Learning Environment
 Diversity of Learners
 Curriculum
 Planning , Assessing and Reporting
 Personal Growth & Professional Development

This Framework will allow teachers to self-assess their own performance against the Competency Standards
in order to identify area of strength, as well as areas that need to be developed further in order for them
more effectively as facilitators of learning.

Domain 1. Social Regard for Learning (SRFL)

This domain focuses on the ideal that teachers serve as positive and powerful role models of the value in
the pursuit of different types of social interactions with students exemplify this ideal.

Domain 2. Learning Environment (LE)

This domain focuses on importance of providing a social, psychological and physical environment within
which all students, regardless of their individual differences in learning, can engage in the different learning
activities and work towards attaining high standards of learning.

Domain 3. Diversity of Learners (DOL)

The DOL domain emphasizes the ideal that teachers can facilitate the learning process even with diverse
learners, by recognizing and respecting individual differences and by using knowledge about their
differences to design diverse sets of learning activities, to ensure that all learners can attain the desired
learning goals

Domain 4. Curriculum (Curr)

The curriculum domain refers to all elements of the teaching-learning process that work in the convergence
to help students achieve their curricular goals and objectives, and to attain high standards of learning defines
in the curriculum. These elements include teacher’s knowledge of the subject matter and the learning
Domain 5. Planning, Assessing & Reporting (PAR)

This domain refers to the alignment of assessment and planning activities. In particular, the PAR focuses
on the (1) use of assessment data to plan and revise teaching-learning plans; (2) integration of assessment
procedures in the plan and implementation of teaching-learning activities; and (3) reporting of the learners
actual achievement and behavior

Domain 6. Community Linkages (CL)

The CL domain refers to the ideal that classroom activities are meaningfully linked to the experiences and
aspirations of the learners in their homes and communities. This, this domain focuses on teachers’ efforts
directed at strengthening the links between schools and communities to help in the attainment of the
curricular goals.

Domain 7 Personal Growth & Professional Development (PGD)

The PGD domain emphasizes that ideal that teachers value having a high personal regards for the teaching
profession, concern for professional development, and continuous improvement as teachers.

DepEd order No. 40 s. 2012

(DepEd Child Protection Policy)

 “Policy Guidelines on Protecting Children in School from Abuse, Violence, Exploitation,

Discrimination, Bullying and other Forms of Abuse”
 Purpose of the Policy- DepEd shall promulgate a zero-tolerance policy for any act of child abuse,
exploitation, violence, discrimination, bullying and other forms of abuse”

Some Legal Bases of the CPP

Philippine Constitution: Article XV Sec. 3(b)-…the state shall defend the right of children to assistance,
including proper care and nutrition, and special protection all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty exploitation
and other conditions prejudicial to their development

PD No. 63 Art 59 (1974)- Child and Youth Welfare Code- Prohibiting any mental and physical violence
against children

RA7610- Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination

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