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of English Language and Literature Volume 7 No 1

E-Journal of English Language & Literature
ISSN 2302-3546
Published by English Language & Literature Study Program of
FBS Universitas Negeri Padang
available at


Sri Septela Rahmi1, Refnaldi2, Delvi Wahyuni3

English Department
Faculty of Languages and Arts
Universitas Negeri Padang


This study focuses on cooperative principle violation done by the interviewee in

answering the question in Rosi Talkshow at Kompas TV using Grice’s theory. The
objectives of study are to discover the type of conversational maxim violation and
the reason the interviewee violate the maxims in talk show. The data is utterances
between the interviewer and the interviewee taken from internet. This research
was conducted by using descriptive method. The results of the study show that
there are four maxims of the cooperative principle violated by the interviewee in
answering the question at Rosi Talkshow. These maxims are: (1) maxim of quality
(2) maxim of quantity, (3) maxim of relation, and (4) maxim of manner. The
dominant maxim that is violated is maxim of quantity which occurred 18 times,
whereas the other maxim such as maxim of relation occurred 14 times, maxim of
quality 9 times and maxim of manner only occurred 6 times. The most dominant
type of maxim violation is quantity because the speakers give information as
much as possible to make it clear and to create good image with good words to get
sympathy from audiences.
Keywords: cooperative principle, violation maxim, talkshow
Cooperative principle conceived by the Philosopher, Paul Grice. Cooperative
principle: make your conversational contribution what is required; at the stage at
which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in
which you are engaged (Yule, 1996:37). The discussions of cooperative principle
according Grice related into four maxims they are quantity, quality, relation and
manner. In fulfilling maxim of quantity, the speaker should be as informative as it
is required. Maxim of quality refers to the truth contribution which given by the
speaker in the conversation. Maxim of relevance states that each participant’s
contribution should be expressed as relevant to the subject of the conversation.

English ELLSP of English Department of FBS Universitas Negeri Padang graduated on March
Lecturer of English Department of FBS Universitas Negeri Padang
Lecturer of English Department of FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

© FBS Universitas Negeri Padang

JELL Vol 7 No 1 March 2018

The last is maxim of manner. This maxim refers to the contribution which given
by the speaker which is reasonably clear. This theory hopes that every speaker
will be success in communication and his purpose will be reached.
Paltridge (2006:45)) also states that by following the cooperative principle, it
will avoid some missunderstnading of the communication, it is because,
cooperative principle consists of some conversational maxims which are used to
cooperate and share understanding of the participant in the conversation. When
someone is speaking, the listener will try to have an assumption to what the
speaker is aying as his/her understanding. Both speaker and listener should follow
certain rules in order to communicate effectively. Those rule calles cooperative
princinple. Each particiant’s contribution is governed by certain principles, for
example they do not allowed to provide more or less information than is required,
speak the truth, be relevant and be clear. So, those principles will achieved better
if it is combined with the participant’s knowledge which is appropriate to the
Cooperative principles contain sub principles to be followed by the speaker to
make an assumption to exchange the communication, so that the purpose of what
is being talked about will be achieved effectively. In addition, speakers try to
contribute meaningful, productive utterances to further the conversation after that
listener will assume that conversational partners doing the same by giving the
appropriate and do not violate conversational maxims. A conversational maxim is
a part of cooperative principle. In observing cooperative principle, according to
Cutting (2002:34), the speaker normally tries to fulfill the term of conversational
maxim which consist of four maxims. These maxims are expessed as through the
speaker so that they make the contribution in conversation
People do not always obey Grice maxims in their conversation. The speakers
do not follow of Grice maxims are known as violations which is the condition
where the speakers do not purposefully fulfill certain maxims (Tupan & Natalia,
2008). The speaker and listener violated the maxim of quantity where they are not
informative as required, violate the maxim of quality where they are not truthful,
violated maxim of relevance where they are become irrelevance, and violated
maxim of manner where they are become ambiguous. Violations of conversational
maxims contain implicature. It means that the speaker implicates something in
their conversation.
Violations of conversational maxims not only happen in the daily
conversation. But, this phenomenon also happens in political conversation in
electronic media, such as radio and television. Sometimes, the participants of
conversation do not obey the rules in using the maxims. They tend to violate the
maxim, in other word they do not pay much attention in using maxim. When this
happens, the listener must be assume that the speaker’s words implicate
something or have imply meaning rather than their literal meaning of utterances.
As Beard (2000:98) the politician who respond to questioning are often accused of
not answering the question directly. These phenomena make the researcher

ISSN: 2302-3546
The Violation of Conversational Maxims – Sri Septela R1 , Refnaldi2, Delvi Wahyuni3

interested to conduct the research about the use of cooperative principle in the
political conversation in television talkshow.
In political conversation of ROSI talkshow, sometimes the participants give
an answer or statement that is not relevant with the topic which discussed.
Besides, they also give reaction and answer too much information which not true
or ambiguous. In other word, they violate the conversational maxim. The violating
maxims can cause getting specific purposes done by speaker deliberately. There
are many talk shows broadcasted by various TV stations, one of them is ROSI
Talk Show. The ROSI Talk Show is one of the best talk show programs of
KOMPAS TV hosted by a senior journalist, Rosiana Silalahi. This talk show is
broadcasted every Thursday at 19:30 until 21:00 pm which discusses political
issues in a week.
The purposes of this research are to identify maxims are violated and the
reason speakers violate the conversational maxim in political conversation at
ROSI talkshow.

This research was descriptive since the data were in the form of utterances.
This research was done based on descriptive research design. In this research, the
researcher observed about the violation of conversational maxims found in
political conversation at ROSI talkshow.
The data of this research are conversations in ROSI Talkshow on
KOMPAS TV in 3 episodes, they are: KPK Tak (Lagi) Kompak, Pansus vs KPK,
Aksi 299: Menolak Perppu Ormas. Source of data is ROSI Talkshow. The
researcher chooses the ROSI talkshow on the television as the source of the data
because it contains of violated maxim utterances that made by the interviewee in
that talkshow.
In doing this research, there were some steps used by a researcher in
collecting data, first, transcribing the spoken data into written data. The writer
transcribed the spoken data of conversation into written data. Second, identifying
the data, which the writer identified the words or utterances which related to the
type violation the conversational maxims
Meanwhile for analyzing data, there were some steps that have been
involved. Firstly, classifying the data, the writer classified the utterances. Second
is tabulating the data. The writer listed the data into table based on types of
violation conversational maxims in Rosi talkshow. Third, describing and
analyzing the data. The last step is interpreting for the conclusion.


1. Research Finding
A. Type of Conversational Maxims
In general the guests of Rosi Talkshow violate all maxims of cooperative
principle in the conversation. There are 47 utterances which belong to the
violation conversational maxim which were taken from the conversation between

JELL Vol 7 No 1 March 2018

the host and the guest of Rosi Talkshow. From 47 utterances there are 9 utterances
can be identified as violation of maxim quality, 18 utterances belong to the
violation of maxim quantity. Then 14 utterances can be identified as violation of
maxim relation. The last one, the utterances which can be observed as violation of
maxim manner is 6 utterances.
Table 1. Types of Violation Conversational Maxims

No Maxim Episode Total of Percentage

KPK tak Pansus Menolak
lagi vs KPK perppu
Kompak ormas
1 Quality 2 2 5 9 19,14%

2 Quantity 7 6 6 18 38,29%

3 Relation 5 3 6 14 29,78%

4 Manner 3 1 2 6 12,76%

Total 47 100%

From the table above, it can be seen that the most frequent violation
occurrence in three episodes of Rosi Talkshow is found in the maxim of quantity.
The occurrences of the maxim of quantity are 18 times (38,29%), followed by
violation of maxim relation 14 utterances with the percentage (29,78%). Violation
of maxim quality is 9 utterances (19,14%). The last one is violation maxim of
manner 6 utterances (12,76%). Based on data analysis above, in political
conversation of Rosi Talkshow, the guests tend to violate the conversational
maxim in giving information.
B. Reason of Violation the Conversational Maxim
From data analysis there are some reason the guest violate the
conversational maxims. According to Khosravizadeh and Sadehvandi (2011) there
are some reasons the speakers violating the maxims, they are: saving face,
misleading the hearer, protracting the answer, avoiding the discussion, pleasing
the interlucors, communicating self-interest.

NO Reason Number of Percentage

1. Saving Face 8 17,02%
2. Misleading the 10 21,27%

ISSN: 2302-3546
The Violation of Conversational Maxims – Sri Septela R1 , Refnaldi2, Delvi Wahyuni3

3. Protracting the 15 31,91%

4. Avoiding the 12 25,53%
5. Pleasing the 2 4,25%
6. Communicating self - -
Total 47 100%

From 6 reasons of speakers violate the maxims, only 5 reason that was
found in this research. The most frequent reason the speakers violate the maxims
is protracting the answer with the total 15 (31,91%). The speakers tend to give
more information. Next, avoiding discussion occurs with total 12 (25,53%). This
reason indicates when the speakers may encounter an unpleasant situation or
topic. This means that when the speakers do not want to talk about an unpleasant
topic, they tend to violate the maxim of relevance by responding to that topic
irrelevantly. Misleading the hearer with 10 (21,27%). Saving face 8 (17,02%).
Pleasing the interlocutor 2 (4,25%). It is threatened the interviewee is succumbing
to the power of the listener.
2. Discussion

From the findings, it can be seen that the guest in Rosi talkshow tend to
violate the conversational maxim which is proposed by Grice. Speakers tend to
violate the maxim of quantity. The guest violate maxim of quantity by giving too
much information. As Cutting (2002:36) say, the quantity maxim also violated
when people give too much information, less informative response. This is can be
seen in datum 16, when the host asks Mr. Nasir the question “299 is not your
priority sir? Then Mr. Nasir answered “is not like that, that event has been
scheduled so my advocate team just observe it, if there is any victim of the law we
can give them help”. The utterance given by Mr. Nasir is considered as violation
maxim of quantity. The interviewee gives too much information than it required.
When the host asks about his priority, he answers that question and also give
additional reason why it is become not priority. Actually the answer that given by
Nasir is not needed.
In addition, the reasons why the guests violate the conversational maxims
are to make a deep explanation about the topic which is discussed. It indicates that
the politicians are the talkative people because they give more additional
information to respond to the host’s question. They want to create good image in
public speaking with talk, too much and say the good words. They did it to get
sympathy that they are understood about the topic which is discussed. The guests
violate the conversational maxims because; they said something that they not

JELL Vol 7 No 1 March 2018

believe to be true. They tend to use word “maybe”, “I think” to explain something
lack of evidence. They are not sure about their statement in order to answer the
question given by the host. In addition, the next reason the guest violate the
conversational maxim is to show that they are understand about the topic which is
being discussed. They want to create a good image to the audiences by giving too
much explanation.
Previous studies which also were conducted in purpose to describe In this
part, the researcher discuss conversational maxim by some previous studies done
by others as same as the researcher is more concerned on the finding of analysis
and result of the previous studies. Adriani (2013), has done a research about the
Comparison of the Maxim Violation Found in Action and Drama Movies. This
study focuses on discourse analysis about the application of cooperative principle,
especially kind violation of maxims (maxim of quantity, quality, manner, and
relation) from the action and drama genre movie script. They are drama movie
script The Pacifier and the action movie script Charlie’s Angels. Based on her
research, she found from the both of genre had violation of maxims but the more
dominant violation of maxims are “Charlie Angels” script found 35,85% violate
maxim quality from 53 utterances and 37,5% violate maxim quantity found in
“The Pacifier” script from 48 utterances. Based on Adriani research in both of
script she found that the three main character violate all the conversational
This research is similar with the previous studies in term of analyzing the
conversational maxims. The previous studies analyzed the sample which is taken
from movie and drama script. However, this research was conducted in analyzing
the violation conversational maxim in Talkshow. In addition, Wibowo (2007)
defines talkshow as he discussion between the host with the three or more about
certain topic and they have same chance to deliver their opinion during the show.
Therefore, the characteristic of conversation in talkshow is different with movie.
Talkshow has a topic that will be discussed.


Based on the analysis of the utterances in ROSI talk show in the previous
chapter, it can be concluded that: There are four types of maxims which are
violated by the interviewee in ROSI talk show in three selected episodes. It is
maxim of quality, quantity, relation and manner. It caused by some factors such as
the speakers say the utterances which have lack evidences, give more or less
information than is required, make unrelated respond with the topic and say an
obscurity expression.
The reason that they dominantly violate maxim of quantity is to make
clearly information to be understood with clarify and present the strongest
information in the talk show. It indicates that the politicians are the talkative
people because they give more additional information to respond to the host’s
question. They want to create good image in public speaking with talk too much
and say the good words. Also, they did it to get sympathy from audiences.

ISSN: 2302-3546
The Violation of Conversational Maxims – Sri Septela R1 , Refnaldi2, Delvi Wahyuni3

By considering the research findings and the conclusion there are some
suggestions which are presented as follow: The students who learn Pragmatics
need to comprehend cooperative principle so that they know the rule of
communication to make ideal and successful communication. The readers
especially the student of English Department can choose the violation of maxims
as the object of research, because many interesting aspects can be analyzed
especially in the television program.

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Tupan, Anneke H and Helen Natalia. 2008. The Multiple Violation of
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Wardaugh, R. 2006. An Introduction to Sociolinguistics. Oxford: Blackwell
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