Electrical Distribution Systems DOC1
Electrical Distribution Systems DOC1
Electrical Distribution Systems DOC1
This course gives the complete knowledge of electrical distribution systems, the design of
feeders, substations. It also gives conceptual knowledge on how to determine the performance of
a distribution system through its important parameters i.e. voltage drops and power losses and
the very important thing that protection of the system by means of protective devices and their
co-ordination during the several fault conditions. it also specifies how to improve the voltage
profiles and power factors of the system to better value using various voltage control and
compensation techniques.
Introduction & General Concepts:
Classification of loads: Residential, commercial, Agricultural and industrial loads and their
Distribution Feeders & Substations:
Design consideration of Feeders: Radial and loop types of primary feeders, voltage levels,
feeder loading, basic design practice of the secondary distribution system.
Substations: Rating of distribution substation, service area within primary feeders. Benefits
derived through optimal location of substations.
Distribution System Analysis:
Voltage droop and power-loss calculations: Derivation for voltage droop and power loss in
lines, manual methods of solution for radial networks, three phase balanced primary lines.
Protective Devices & Co-Ordination:
Objectives of distribution system protection , types of common faults and procedure for fault
Protective Devices: Principle of operation of fuses, circuit re-closures and line sectionalizes and
circuit breakers.
Voltage Control & P.F Improvement: Equipment for voltage control effect of series
capacitors, line drop compensation effect of AVB/AVR. power factor control using different
types of power capacitors, shunt and series capacitors, effect of shunt capacitors (Fixed and
Switched), capacitor allocation - Economic justification - Procedure to determine the best
capacitor location.
2. Electrical distribution systems. Dr. S. Siva naga raju, Dr. K. Shankar, Danapathi Rai
2. Electrical power Generation, Transmission and Distribution SN. Singh, PHI Publishers.
After going through this course the student gets a thorough knowledge on general aspects of
electrical distribution systems, design and analysis of distribution feeders and substations,
distribution systems analysis through voltage drop and power loss calculations, operation of
protective devices used in distribution systems and their co-ordination, voltage control and
power factor improvement through capacitor compensation and distribution system faults
analysis with which he/she can able to apply the above conceptual things to real-world electrical
and electronics problems and applications.
The electric utility industry was born in 1882 when the first electric power station, Pearl Street
Electric Station in New York City, went into operation. The electric utility industry grew very
rapidly, and generation stations and transmission and distribution networks have spread across
the entire country. Considering the energy needs and available fuels that are forecasted for the
next century, energy is expected to be increasingly converted to electricity.
In general, the definition of an electric power system includes a generating, a transmission, and a
distribution system. In the past, the distribution system, on a national average, was estimated to
be roughly equal in capital investment to the generation facilities, and together they represented
over 80% of the total system investment.
System planning is essential to assure that the growing demand for electricity can be satisfied by
distribution system additions that are both technically adequate and reasonably economical. Even
though considerable work has been done in the past on the application of some types of
systematic approach to generation and transmission system planning, its application to
distribution system planning has unfortunately been somewhat neglected.
The objective of distribution system planning is to assure that the growing demand for
electricity, in terms of increasing growth rates and high load densities, can be satisfied in an
optimum way by additional distribution systems, from the secondary conductors through the
bulk power substations, which are both technically adequate and reasonably economical.
Distribution system planners must determine the load magnitude and its geographic location.
Then the distribution substations must be placed and sized in such a way as to serve the load at
maximum cost effectiveness by minimizing feeder losses and construction costs, while
considering the constraints of service reliability.
Load Forecasting
The load growth of the geographic area served by a utility company is the most important factor
influencing the expansion of the distribution system. Therefore, forecasting of load increases and
system reaction to these increases is essential to the planning process.
Figure 1.1 indicates some of the factors that influence the load forecast. As one would expect,
load growth is very much dependent on the community and its development. Economic
indicators, demographic data, and official land use plans all serve as raw input to the forecast
Substation Expansion
Figure 1.2 presents some of the factors affecting the substation expansion. The planner makes a
decision based on tangible or intangible information. For example, the forecasted load, load
density, and load growth may require a substation expansion or a new substation construction. In
the system expansion plan, the present system configuration, capacity, and the forecasted loads
can play major roles.
Figure 1.2 Factors affecting substation expansion.
Figure 1.3 shows the factors that affect substation site selection. The distance from the load
centers and from the existing sub transmission lines as well as other limitations, such as
availability of land, its cost, and land use regulations, is important. The substation siting process
can be described as a screening procedure through which all possible locations for a site are
passed, as indicated in Figure 1.4. The service region is the area under evaluation. It may be
defined as the service territory of the utility.
Other Factors
Once the load assignments to the substations are determined, then the remaining factors affecting
primary voltage selection, feeder route selection, number of feeders, conductor size selection,
and total cost, as shown in Figure 1.5, need to be considered.
Figure 1.5 Factors affecting total cost of the distribution system expansion.
The acceptability criteria, representing the company’s policies, obligations to the consumers, and
additional constraints, can include
1. Service continuity
2. The maximum allowable peak-load voltage drop to the most remote customer on the
3. The maximum allowable voltage dip occasioned by the starting of a motor of specified starting
current characteristics at the most remote point on the secondary
4. The maximum allowable peak load
5. Service reliability
6. Power losses
Distribution System Planning Models
In general, distribution system planning dictates a complex procedure due to a large number of
variables involved and the difficult task of the mathematical presentation of numerous
requirements and limitations specified by system configuration. Therefore, mathematical models
are developed to represent the system and can be employed by distribution system planners to
investigate and determine optimum expansion patterns or alternatives, for example, by selecting
1. Optimum substation locations
2. Optimum substation expansions
3. Optimum substation transformer sizes
4. Optimum load transfers between substations and demand centers
5. Optimum feeder routes and sizes to supply the given loads subject to numerous constraints to
minimize the present worth of the total costs involved.
Some of the operations research techniques used in performing this task include
1. The alternative-policy method, by which a few alternative policies are compared and the best
one is selected
2. The decomposition method, in which a large problem is subdivided into several small
problems and each one is solved separately
3. The linear-programming, integer-programming, and mixed-integer programming methods that
linearize constraint conditions
4. The quadratic programming method
5. The dynamic-programming method
6. Genetic algorithms method
Demand: “The demand of an installation or system is the load at the receiving terminals
averaged over a specified interval of time”. Here, the load may be given in kilowatts, kilovars,
kilovoltamperes, kiloamperes, or amperes.
Demand interval: It is the period over which the load is averaged. This selected Δt period may
be 15 min, 30 min, 1 h, or even longer. Of course, there may be situations where the 15 and 30
min demands are identical
Maximum demand: “The maximum demand of an installation or system is the greatest of all
demands which have occurred during the specified period of time”. The maximum demand
statement should also express the demand interval used to measure it. For example, the specific
demand might be the maximum of all demands such as daily, weekly, monthly, or annual.
Diversified demand (or coincident demand): It is the demand of the composite group, as a
whole, of somewhat unrelated loads over a specified period of time. Here, the maximum
diversified demand has an importance. It is the maximum sum of the contributions of the
individual demands to the diversified demand over a specific time interval.
Utilization factor: It is “the ratio of the maximum demand of a system to the rated capacity of
the system”. Therefore, the utilization factor (Fu ) is
Maximum demand
Fu ≜
Rated systemcapacity
Plant factor: It is the ratio of the total actual energy produced or served over a designated period
of time to the energy that would have been produced or served if the plant (or unit) had operated
continuously at maximum rating. It is also known as the capacity factor or the use factor.
Load factor: It is “the ratio of the average load over a designated period of time to the peak load
occurring on that period”. Therefore, the load factor FLD is o average load.
Average load
Peak load
Total annual energy
Annual load factor =
Annual peak load ∗ 8760
Diversity factor: It is “the ratio of the sum of the individual maximum demands of the various
subdivisions of a system to the maximum demand of the whole system”. Therefore, the diversity
factor (FD) is
Sumof individual maximum demands
FD ≜
Coincident maximum demand
∑ni=1 Di
FD =
Di is the maximum demand of load i, disregarding time of occurrence
Coincidence factor: It is “the ratio of the maximum coincident total demand of a group of
consumers to the sum of the maximum power demands of individual consumers comprising the
group both taken at the same point of supply for the same time”. Therefore, the coincidence
factor (Fc) is
Coincident maximum demand
Fc =
Sumof individual maximum demands
Fc = n
∑i=1 Di
Fc =
Load diversity: It is “the difference between the sum of the peaks of two or more individual
loads and the peak of the combined load”. Therefore, the load diversity (LD) is
LD ≜ (∑ Di ) − Dg
Contribution factor: Manning defines ci as “the contribution factor of the ith load to the group
maximum demand.” It is given in per unit of the individual maximum demand of the ith load.
Dg ≜ c1 ∗ D1 + c1 ∗ D2 + c3 ∗ D3 + ⋯ + cn ∗ Dn
if C = c1 = c2 … . = cn
Dg ≜ C (∑ Di )
Coincidence factor is
Fc =
∑ni=1 Di
Fc = C
Loss factor: It is “the ratio of the average power loss to the peak-load power loss during a
specified period of time”. Therefore, the loss factor (FLS) is
Note: is applicable for the copper losses of the system but not for the iron losses.
In general, the loss factor cannot be determined from the load factor. However, the limiting
values of the relationship can be found. Assume that the primary feeder shown in Figure 1.8 is
connected to a variable load. Figure 1.9 shows an arbitrary and idealized load curve. However, it
does not represent a daily load curve.
Assume that the off-peak loss is PLS,1at some off-peak load P1and that the peak loss isPLS,2 at the
peak load P2. The load factor is
Average load Pav
FLD ≜ =
Peak load P2
From Figure 2.9
P2 ∗ t + P1 ∗ (T − t)
Pav =
form that
t P1 (T − t)
FLD = +( ∗ )
T P2 T
The loss factor is
Average power loss PLS,av PLS,av
FLS ≜ = =
Power lossat peak load PLS,max PLS,2
The load factor can be related to loss factor for three different cases.
Therefore, the loss factor cannot be determined directly from the load factor. The reason is that
the loss factor is determined from losses as a function of time, which, in turn, are proportional to
the time function of the square load.
However, Buller and Woodrow developed an approximate formula to relate the loss factor to
the load factor as
FLS = 0.3FLD + 0.7FLD 2
Figure 1.10 gives three different curves of loss factor as a function of load factor. Relatively
recently, the formula given earlier has been modified for rural areas.
Figure 1.10 Loss factor curves as a function of load factor. (From Westinghouse Electric
Corporation, Electric Utility Engineering Reference Book-Distribution Systems, Vol. 3,
Westinghouse Electric Corporation, East Pittsburgh, PA, 1965.)
A device which taps electrical energy from the electric power system is called a load on the
system. The load may be resistive (e.g., electric lamp), inductive (e.g., induction motor),
capacitive or some combination of them. The various types of loads on the power system are
Residential Loads
Commercial Loads
Agricultural Loads
Industrial Loads
Residential Loads or Domestic load consists of lights, fans, refrigerators, heaters, television,
small motors for pumping water etc. Most of the residential load occurs only for some hours
during the day (i.e., 24 hours) e.g., lighting load occurs during night time and domestic appliance
load occurs for only a few hours. For this reason, the load factor is low (10% to 12%).
Commercial Loads
Commercial load consists of lighting for shops, fans and electric appliances used in restaurants
etc. This class of load occurs for more hours during the day as compared to the domestic load.
The commercial load has seasonal variations due to the extensive use of airconditioners and
space heaters.
Agricultural Loads/ Irrigation Loads
This type of load is the electric power needed for pumps driven by motors to supply water to
fields. Generally this type of load is supplied for 12 hours.
Industrial Loads
Industrial load consists of load demand by industries. The magnitude of industrial load depends
upon the type of industry. Thus small scale industry requires load upto 25 kW, medium scale
industry between 25kW and 100 kW and large-scale industry requires load above 500 kW.
Industrial loads are generally not weather dependent.
Municipal load: Municipal load consists of street lighting, power required for water supply and
drainage purposes. Street lighting load is practically constant throughout the hours of the night.
For water supply, water is pumped to overhead tanks by pumps driven by electric motors.
Pumping is carried out during the off-peak period, usually occurring during the night. This helps
to improve the load factor of the power system.
Traction load: This type of load includes tram cars, railways etc. This class of load has wide
variation. During the morning hour, it reaches peak value because people have to go to their
work place. After morning hours, the load starts decreasing and again rises during evening since
the people start coming to their homes.
The part of the electric utility system that is between the distribution substation and the
distribution transformers is called the primary system. It is made of circuits known as primary
feeders or primary distribution feeders. Figure 2.1 shows a one-line diagram of a typical primary
distribution feeder. A feeder includes a “main” or main feeder, which usually is a three-phase
four-wire circuit, and branches or laterals, which usually are single-phase or three-phase circuits
tapped off the main. Also sublaterals may be tapped off the laterals as necessary. In general,
laterals and sublaterals located in residential and rural areas are single phase and consist of one-
phase conductor and the neutral. The majority of the distribution transformers are single phase
and are connected between the phase and the neutral through fuse cutouts. There are various and
yet interrelated factors affecting the selection of a primary-feeder rating. Examples are
The voltage conditions on distribution systems can be improved by using shunt capacitors that
are connected as near the loads as possible to derive the greatest benefit.
Figure 2.1 One-line diagram of typical primary distribution feeders. (From Fink, D.G. and
Beaty, H.W., Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, 11th edn., McGraw-Hill, New York,
Radial-Type Primary Feeder
The simplest and the lowest cost and therefore the most common form of primary feeder is the
radial-type primary feeder as shown in Figure 2.2. The main primary feeder branches into
various primary laterals that in turn separates into several sublaterals to serve all the distribution
In general, the main feeder and subfeeders are three-phase three- or four-wire circuits and the
laterals are three phase or single phase. The current magnitude is the greatest in the circuit
conductors that leave the substation. The current magnitude continually lessens out toward the
end of the feeder as laterals and sublaterals are tapped off the feeder. Usually, as the current
lessens, the size of the feeder conductors is also reduced. However, the permissible voltage
regulation may restrict any feeder size reduction, which is based only on the thermal capability,
that is, current-carrying capacity, of the feeder.
The reliability of service continuity of the radial primary feeders is low. A fault occurrence at
any location on the radial primary feeder causes a power outage for every consumer on the
feeder unless the fault can be isolated from the source by a disconnecting device such as a fuse,
sectionalizer, disconnect switch, or recloser.
Figure 2.3 Radial-type primary feeder with tie and sectionalizing switches.
Figure 2.3 shows a modified radial-type primary feeder with tie and sectionalizing switches to
provide fast restoration of service to customers by switching unfaulted sections of the feeder to
an adjacent primary feeder or feeders. The fault can be isolated by opening the associated
disconnecting devices on each side of the faulted section.
Radial-type primary feeder with express feeder and backfeed
Figure 2.4 Radial-type primary feeder with express feeder and backfeed.
Figure 2.4 shows another type of radial primary feeder with express feeder and backfeed. The
section of the feeder between the substation low-voltage bus and the load center of the service
area is called an express feeder. No subfeeders or laterals are allowed to be tapped off the
express feeder. However, a subfeeder is allowed to provide a backfeed toward the substation
from the load center.
Radial-type phase-area feeder
Figure 2.5 shows a radial-type phase-area feeder arrangement in which each phase of the three
phase feeder serves its own service area.
In transmission and sub-transmission systems, usually parallel, ring or interconnected (mesh)
systems are used. This ensures that alternative supply can be made to customers in the event of
failure of a transmission line or element. The general rule is that where large loads or numbers
of customers are involved, then some form of standby, in the form of deliberate redundancy, is
built into the network design, through the use of parallel, meshed or ring type feeders.
A greater level of reliability at a higher cost is achieved with a parallel feeder. To improve the
reliability factor it may be possible to have the separate sets of cables follow different
routes. In this case the capital cost is double that of a radial feeder but there is a greater
reliability factor for the line. This may be justified if the load is higher, more customers are
being supplied, or there are loads such as hospitals which require high levels of reliability
Generally, the secondary distribution systems are designed in single phase for areas of residential
customers and in three phase for areas of industrial or commercial customers with high-load
The types of the secondary distribution systems include the following:
1. The separate-service system for each consumer with separate distribution transformer and
secondary connection
2. The radial system with a common secondary main, which is supplied by one distribution
transformer and feeding a group of consumers
3. The secondary-bank system with a common secondary main that is supplied by several
distribution transformers, which are all fed by the same primary feeder
4. The secondary-network system with a common grid-type main that is supplied by a large
number of the distribution transformers, which may be connected to various feeders for their
The separate-service system is seldom used and serves the industrial- or rural-type service areas.
Generally speaking, most of the secondary systems for serving residential, rural, and light-
commercial areas are radial designed. Figure 2.12 shows the one-line diagram of a radial
secondary system. It has a low cost and is simple to operate.