Safe Zones
Safe Zones
Safe Zones
Safe Zones
To cite this article: Kerry John Poynter MA & Nancy Jean Tubbs (2008) Safe Zones, Journal of
LGBT Youth, 5:1, 121-132
Safe Zones:
Creating LGBT Safe Space Ally Programs
Kerry John Poynter
Nancy Jean Tubbs
ABSTRACT. This article discusses model LGBT Safe Space Ally pro-
grams. These programs, often called “Safe Zones,” include self selected
students, faculty, and employees who publicly show support by dis-
playing stickers, signs, and other identifiable items. Issues covered in
the article include history, development, training, membership, assess-
ment, and political considerations. doi:10.1300/J524v05n01_10 [Article cop-
ies available for a fee from The Haworth Document Delivery Service:
1-800-HAWORTH. E-mail address: <> Website:
<http://www.> © 2007 by The Haworth Press. All rights re-
Training Model
spond to video scenarios. These help prepare future allies for verbal and
nonverbal communication with LGBT and heterosexual people.
Sign Contract/Values Statement/Provide Sign, Sticker. The contract
is an agreement to provide a “safe zone” for anyone dealing with sexual
orientation or gender identity issues. It emphasizes that an ally is meant
for support & referral and is not a professional counselor (UC Riverside
Allies Contract, n.d.). Signing the contract is required before anyone
can hang or use the sign or identifiable resources of the program. It
helps staff, faculty, and students consider whether they can meet the re-
sponsibilities of being a member. One challenge some people of faith
must consider is whether they can be affirming when they hold religious
beliefs contrary to being supportive of LGBT people. In these cases, po-
tential allies can be asked if they would be able to refrain from challeng-
ing someone based on their religious beliefs, and if they could refer
visitors to another ally or to a campus resource that will be supportive in
spiritual matters. Many potential allies recognize a duty to be supportive
of others, especially if they are staff or faculty seeking to create a safe
learning environment, regardless of their religious beliefs. However,
even those who cannot make this commitment have gained knowledge
and resources; sometimes they choose to join at a later time when they
can sign the contract and make the commitment with sincerity.
Most LGBT Safe Space Ally programs only require that members at-
tend an initial training, display a sticker or sign, and provide a “safe” en-
vironment. While a mandatory training provides a strong foundation,
ongoing educational opportunities are required to better understand and
provide appropriate resources for a complex and diverse LGBT com-
munity. Some programs provide additional components or ongoing vol-
untary activities, including social events, focused educational
workshops, brown-bag lunch discussions, train the trainer workshops,
e-mail listserv, newspaper ads, and invitations to LGBT events. Some
workshops, discussions or panels may also be open to the wider
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be due to fear, discrimination, or harassment. Therefore, heterosexual and gender-nor-
mative allies hold much power to affect change that contributes to a more accepting
campus climate.
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