250 Tips

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by the editors of Bicycling Magazine

Revised © 2007 by Rodale Inc.
Bike Care........................ 4
Equipment...................... 10
q Clothing.......................... 14
Riding Position................ 17
Go on-line for all the Safety and Etiquette....... 20
bicycling information you
need! Find the best
Health............................. 23
products, tips, and Nutrition......................... 28
motivation to keep you
riding by visiting Skills.............................. 32
Motivation....................... 38
Training.......................... 40
Touring........................... 45
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q When you hear the disconcerting scrunch of “chain sucking” and it

feels as if a stick has been jammed through your chainrings, stop pedal-
ing immediately. Either get off and turn the crank backward to free the
chain, or learn to do it with your feet while on the fly. Otherwise, you
risk damage to the chain, chainring, and chainstay.

q Extreme chain angles, such as combining the largest rear cog

with the large chainring (or smallest cog with the small chain-
ring), may never run quietly or smoothly, which is one reason they
shouldn’t be used.

q If possible, lube your chain 24 hours before riding. This

will allow the lube’s liquid carrier to evaporate and keep your
drivetrain cleaner.

q Hose your bike after riding in the rain to remove most of

h a pt the grit. Then dry it with a towel, and spray lubrication into

1 derailleur and brake pivot points and where cables enter or


exit their housings.

Bike Care
q The most important rule of mountain bike maintenance is
frequent cleaning. Dirt acts as a grinding compound when it gets
between moving parts. In muddy or sandy conditions, hose down
the bike after every ride.

The Easiest Maintenance Wheels and Tires

q The two surest (and simplest) ways to help your bike work well are q Carry a patch kit and a spare tube, so you’re not hopelessly
to maintain proper tire pressure (it’s marked on the tire) and frequently stranded if you have two flats on a ride. Also, al­ways carry a spare
lubricate your chain (at least every other ride). tube in the rain. Flats occur more fre­quently, and it’s difficult to
apply patches when it’s wet.
Chains and Derailleurs
q To tell if a chain has become worn and stretched enough to require q You’ll know that a quick-release is tight enough in the frame if
replacement, measure it with a foot-long ruler. Put the first mark on pushing the lever leaves an imprint on your palm.
the center of any rivet, then look at the 12-inch mark. On a new chain
it will also be on the center of a rivet. On a worn one, it will fall an q Beware of using a gas station’s air pump. It quickly delivers a
eighth of an inch or more short of a rivet. large volume of air, which can blow a bike tire off the rim.

q The patches in most tire repair kits have foil on one side and
q A simple fix for a skipping drivetrain: Turn the barrel adjuster on the plastic on the other. The surface under the foil goes against the
rear derailleur cable 1⁄2 to a full turn. tube (after glue has been applied) and then the plastic is peeled off.
q Bike Anatomy
saddle stem saddle stem
seatpost drop handlebar seatpost handlebar
top tube brake hood top tube grips
seatpost headset seatpost collar brake levers
binder bolt
brake/shift levers binder bolt shifters
head tube brake cable headset
brake cable
brake cable rear suspension head tube
rear brake
front brake knobby tires fork crown
seat tube
seat tube brake cable
rear disc brake fork stanchion
cog set

fork rear dropout valve

slick road tires rear derailleur fork arch
rim rear disc suspension fork
hub brake rotor rim
quick release chainstay hub
down tube front derailleur front disc
cogset chainrings brake rotor
front derailleur
rear dropout crankarm quick release
crankarm skewer
rear derailleur down tube
pedal threads
chainstay pedal threads

A typical road bicycle A typical mountain bike

q When a clincher tire is properly installed, its bead (the thin line q If a spoke breaks, stop right away and remove it or twist it
molded into the rubber just above the rim) should not bob when around its neighbors. A flapping rear-wheel spoke can snag the
the wheel spins. However, if the line between the tire’s sidewall derailleur and cause lots more damage.
and black tread wobbles, don’t worry—most tires have some irreg-
ularity and it won’t affect performance. q Presta valves may stick closed, preventing your pump from
working. The solution is simple. Before inflating a tire, unscrew
q At least once a month, inspect each tire’s tread for embedded the valve and fully depress it twice, releasing a small amount of air.
glass or other debris. Potential puncture producers can often be This frees the valve and allows easy inflation.
removed before they work through the tire casing to the tube.
q Refine your tire pressure to meet special riding needs. For
q When fixing a flat, carefully feel around the inside of the tire. instance, cornering force and shock absorption are improved
Whatever caused the puncture may still be lodged through the by slightly decreasing pressure—about10–15 psi. Lower tire
tread, ready to strike again.
pressure is also good for touring or when riding in the rain. A
slightly higher pressure—about 10–20 psi—decreases rolling resis-
q Severe cold won’t affect a bike, but if you love it at all, avoid
tance. This is best for a race or time trial where comfort is less
subjecting it to extreme changes in temperature or humidity. For
important than speed.
example, if you move your bike from a cold garage to a heated
q Put your tire patch kit and other tools in an old sock before house, the temperature change will cause condensation inside the
storing them in your saddlebag. This keeps everything organized tubes. This will eventually lead to rust on steel frames.
and prevents rattling. Then, when you need to make a repair, slip
the sock over your hand to avoid getting greasy while making Back to Contents

q If your bike is plagued by mysterious clicking sounds that you

can’t solve, put a drop of oil on each spoke crossing. Sometimes
the noise comes from two spokes rubbing together.

New Bikes
q Always take a new bike back for the free 30-day checkup that
most shops offer. (Mark the date on your calendar.) The mechanics
can spot and correct slight problems that you may not even notice.
After this, your bike shouldn’t need service for six months to a year,
other than chain and cable lubrication.

q Silence an­noying clicks and creaks in clipless ped­als by apply-
ing a few drops of oil to the cleat where it contacts the pedal and
to the pedal-gripping hard­ware.

Handlebars and Headsets

q Wrap handlebar tape from the end of the bar to the middle to
prevent it from unraveling while riding. Se­cure the ends near the
stem with colored elec­tri­cal tape.

q To check for a loose headset, stand beside the bike, squeeze the
front brake lever, and rock the bike forward and back. You’ll hear
a clunking sound if the headset is loose. Tighten it. Then, check
to see if it is too tight by slightly elevating the front wheel and let-
ting the handlebar turn from one extreme to the other. If it sticks
in either direction, the headset is tight and should be adjusted or
repacked, with new lube.
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Wheels and Tires

q Installing lighter tubes is one of the most economical ways to
improve performance. When you reduce the weight of a wheel,
you make the bike lighter and easier to pedal. Premium tubes
weigh about 2 ounces less than standard ones. Yet they cost only
about $2 more.

Eyes and Ears
q To prevent your glasses from fogging, smear both sides of the
lenses with a little gel toothpaste and rinse with cold water. Then
gently towel dry.

q Don’t ride on the road with earphones. While the tunes sound
good, you can’t hear traffic. Besides being just plain dumb, cycling

pt with earphones is illegal in lots of states.

2 A New Bike—Yay!

q Buying a new bike? Here are eight quick things to check for

when you go to the shop to pick it up:

1. Make sure it’s the exact model, color, and size you want, and
that it has the same components and accessories you ordered.

2. Wear your riding clothes and shoes to the shop to accurately

adjust the seat and handlebar.
q Put some reflective tape on your crankarms. The up-and-down 3. Spin the wheels to make sure they’re true and the brakes
motion is very effective at catching motorists’ attention. don’t rub.

4. Verify that the tires are inflated to recommended pressure on

q Have a clip-on light/reflector handy for when you get caught the tire.
out at dusk. If you ride at night, install a battery-powered red or
amber rear light, and use a bright, white headlight. 5. If you’re uncertain, find out how the quick-releases work,
then remove and reinstall a wheel several times to become
familiar with the procedure.
q In choosing a saddle, the key factor is the distance between your 6. Learn how to remove slack from the gear and brake cables
“sit bones.” These should be your contact points with the saddle using the barrel adjusters.
top. Because many women have a wider distance than men between
7. Before heading for home, go for a short test ride to make
these bones, wider saddles are designed for their anatomy.
sure the brakes and derailleurs work.
8. Don’t forget the owner’s manual, then read it thoroughly prior q To extend your pump’s life, disassemble it twice a year and dab a
to your first real ride. little grease on the plunger. This will keep the rubber soft and the
seal strong.
Bike Bags Car Racks
q To carry stuff on your bike, install a rear rack and pan­nier. The rear
bag can carry a tire repair kit, cable lock, and a bag full of groceries.
q Grease the quick-release and mounting bolt threads on your
automobile rack to prevent freezing or breakage because of rust.
Rainy Weather
q Wear bright yellow or orange to be visible to motorists. Back to Contents

q Put a visor or cap under your helmet to keep rain out of your

q Install lightweight plastic or aluminum fenders to keep dirty

road water off you and your bike.

q Keep your frame waxed and your drivetrain well lubricated.

q Use wide, slightly underinflated tires to increase contact with
the road.

q When you end your rainy day ride, immediately wipe your
bike down with a towel, then lubricate the chain and use a water-
dispersing spray, such as WD-40, on all cables, housings, and the
pivot points of the brake and gear systems.

q U-locks are easy to carry and hard to bust. Lock the frame and
both wheels to a fixed object and make sure the bike can’t simply
be lifted over it.

q A helmet-mounted rearview mirror allows you to see what’s
behind without turning your head and shoulders. Sure it’s geeky,
but you’ll be a lot safer.

q Buy two pumps: a floor model for home use and a frame-
mounted one for emergencies. A frame pump won’t last long if
used every day, so save it for times when you have no other option.
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Shorts and Tops

q Always wear padded cycling shorts. The smooth leather chamois
or synthetic liner will reduce chafing and increase comfort. Leave
the tightie-whities in the drawer. No underwear should be worn
with bike shorts because the seams will score you like ropes.

q About 70 percent of the drag in cycling is caused by the wind

resistance of the body. The best way to reduce this is to wear cloth-
ing made of a tight stretch fabric such as Lycra.

Night Riding
q When out at night, wear white. Also, use clothing that has
reflective stripes or panels. Look for reflective material on the
heels of cycling shoes the next time you’re shopping for a pair.

pt Weather
q Long-distance tourists should buy a rainsuit designed for cycling,

which is more comfortable and protects against hypothermia even

in the nastiest weather. Commuters can get by with just a poncho.

If you don’t have either and rain is possible, wear garments made of
wool, polypropylene, or other materials that insulate when wet.

q In hot weather, wear light-colored clothing. A white jersey will

deflect a large portion of the sun’s rays, and one made of a wick-
Shoes ing material such as polypropylene will transport perspiration and
q Don’t dry soaked shoes near a heat source—it may cause them to enhance cooling by evaporation. Mesh panels can increase comfort
shrink or become brittle. Instead, remove the insoles and stuff the by allowing more air to reach the skin.
shoes with crumpled newspaper, changing it after a couple of hours.
q Your hands and feet will be the first to complain about the cold.
q Put thin, resilient insoles in your shoes to improve comfort and Protect your mitts by wearing gloves that contain an insulating
insulate your feet. material covered by a windblocker such as Gore-Tex. Neoprene
booties and wool socks will stave off toe numbness.
q Helmets shouldn’t be tipped back, causing them to catch wind Gloves
and expose the fore­head. Adjust the four reten­tion straps to have q Other than a helmet, cycling gloves may be the most important
equal ten­sion when the hel­met is level. safety item you can wear. They provide a nonslip grip, enable you
to brush debris from spinning tires, allow you to wipe stinging
q In winter, wear a balaclava under your helmet. Hats are bulky sweat from your eyes, cushion your hands against road shock, and
and may require changing helmet pads. protect your palms when you reach out during a fall—and some
gloves have soft, terry-cloth backings to wipe your nose with.
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q When purchasing riding glasses, try on lots of models and simu-
late different riding positions while wearing your helmet to check
for an unobstructed, undistorted view. Wraparound lenses are best
because they provide the most wind protection and don’t interfere
with peripheral vision.

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Riding Position
Bike Size
q To tell if a bike is the correct size, stand over it while wearing
your riding shoes. For a road bike there should be 1–2 inches of
clearance between your crotch and the top tube. For a mountain
bike the distance should be 2–3 inches to provide an extra margin
when dismounting quickly in rough terrain.

Saddle Position
q Your saddle should be level. It’s usually not a good idea to
mount your saddle with the nose pointing down. Doing so can
cause arm fatigue as you try to keep from sliding forward.

q Saddle height (distance from the top of the saddle to the pedal
axle when the crankarm is pointed down and in line with the seat
tube) is not an exact science. Use the following two methods to get q For mountain bikes, position the brake levers so that your wrists
into the proper range, then take your body’s advice during rides aren’t bent. Instead, your hands should drape over the bar and rest
and make slight refinements. on the levers with straight wrists.
1. With your bare feet 6 inches apart, hold a tape measure
firmly into your crotch and measure to the floor. (Have a
Test Rides
friend help so you’re exact.) Multiply this number by 1.09,
q After making the necessary adjustments to your position, minor
aches and pains may develop before your body adapts to its new
then use the result to set the saddle height.
riding posture. Resist the temptation to keep fiddling for four or
five rides.
2. Pedal backward, using your heels. Place the saddle just
below the point where you must rock your hips to keep your Back to Contents
feet in contact.

q To set the saddle’s fore/aft location, follow these steps:

1. Locate your right leg’s tibial tuberosity—the bony bump
below the kneecap. This conveniently lies on a vertical line
that passes through the center of the knee joint when the
crankarm is directly forward. This line should also bisect the
pedal axle.

2. With the bike mounted on a resistance trainer or against

a wall so the top tube is level with the floor, turn the right
crankarm to 3 o’clock and drop a plumb line (a nut on a
string will do) from the front of your tibial tuberosity.

3. Angle your knee slightly outward, and see where the string
passes the pedal axle. Slide on the saddle until the string and
axle line up, then dismount and move the saddle accordingly.

q Alter your saddle height occasionally if you are still growing or

you ride year-round. Lower your saddle in winter in proportion to
the thickness of extra layers of tights and shorts, or if cold weather
tightens your leg muscles.

Handlebar Position
q For road bikes, put the top of the handlebar about 1 inch lower
than the top of the saddle. Never position a quill stem above its
minimum-insertion mark; 2 inches must remain in the steerer tube
or it could be deformed (and weakened) by the expander plug.
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q Don’t gain ground at red lights by passing a line of cars on the

right. It’s illegal, and you can get “doored” from either side. It also
irritates motorists, because they have to pass you again after the
light changes.

q Always ride in as straight a line as possible so drivers can sense

how far left they have to go to get past you safely. Never weave in

and out between cars.

Signals and Warning Devices

q Earn drivers’ respect for yourself and all cyclists by using hand
signals for turns, swerves, and braking. Use your left arm (finger
pointed) to signal left turns, your right arm for right turns. Don’t
signal right turns with the left arm. It originated because drivers
can’t reach across to the right window.
ha q Horns, bells, and whistles work as warning devices but some-

times they take too long to use and most aren’t loud enough to be

effective. A scream is instant and requires no hands.

Safety and
q Use your ears as an early warning system. Tip-offs to dan-
ger include engines revving or slowing, squealing tires, and gear


Assertive Riding
q Ride defensively, but this doesn’t mean timidly. Be predictable
and ride with a self-assurance that shows. This will help motorists
feel comfortable with you.
q The first rule for safe cycling on roads with heavy traffic is to be q If you have the right of way at an intersection, don’t coast
seen. Wear bright colors such as red, yellow, and orange, and use through or drivers may assume they can cut in front of you. Keep
lights and reflectors when light is low. pedaling, but be prepared to brake.

Road Position q When you see a car stopped at a cross street, watch its front
wheels, where it’s possible to spot even slight forward movement.
q Ride far enough into the traffic lane to avoid being struck by If you see any, get ready to brake, swerve, or shout.
opening doors on cars that are parallel parked. You might get some
honks from drivers who don’t understand why you won’t pull to Common Driver Errors—
the right to let them pass immediately, but, hey, at least you’ll know
they see you. And How to Avoid ’Em
q Turning left in front of an oncoming cyclist who’s going straight
Back to Contents

through an intersection. Make eye contact with the driver and nod
that you’re continuing forward.

q Failing to obey a stop sign and pulling in front of a rider. Stand

on your pedals at stop signs to improve your visibility.

q Passing a cyclist and immediately turning right into his or her

path. Keep your hand on the brake when a driver passes and look
for a turn signal.

Trail Etiquette
q Always obey the International Mountain Bicycling Association’s
“Rules of the Trail”:

1. Ride on open trails only.

2. Leave no trace.
3. Control your bicycle.

4. Always yield trail.

5. Never spook animals.

6. Plan ahead.

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q To help prevent muscle soreness after a strenuous ride, pedal
eas­ily during the final 10 minutes and avoid hills.

q If your triceps muscles become sore it may mean your stem is

too long. Conversely, if it’s too short, your shoulder muscles will
bother you.

q Need a mirror for any reason, such as relocating a wayward con-
tact lens or finding a gnat in your eye? There’s one on the driver-
side door of almost every parked car. You’ll also find one in most
gas stations or convenience stores.

q Wear sunglasses to feel fresher on long rides. Squinting into the

sun and wind fatigues the optical and facial muscles.
q If you get something in your eye and your natural reflexes q Change your hand position every 3-5 minutes. On a road
(blinking and tears) don’t dispel it, stop and wash it out with clean bike, go from the tops to the lever hoods, to the hooks, to the
water from your bottle. If no water is available, pull your upper drops, and all points between. Each change alters the angle of your
eyelid over the lower one, then roll your eye. This often deposits back, neck, and arms, bringing some muscles more into play as
the object onto the lower lid. others are stressed less. This is a key to comfort on long rides. On
a mountain bike, move your hands to different parts of the grips
Back or install bar ends.
q If you have back pain when you ride in the drops for more than
a few minutes, raise the stem until its top is just an inch or two Mouth
below the top of the saddle. q After you finish a ride, brush your teeth before drinking and
eating. This will cleanse your mouth of mucus, plus the dust, grit,
q If you suffer from lower backaches caused by riding, you may and other airborne stuff that you’ve been breathing.
have a strength imbalance between your stomach muscles and
those that lift your legs. The best cure is a daily dose of crunches. Saddle Sores
Simply bend your knees 90 degrees and roll your shoulders off the q Saddle soreness results from slight bruising and is something
floor, stopping before the small of your back leaves the ground. all new or infrequent cyclists experience, but it’ll pass as riding
becomes more regular. Saddle sores, however, can happen to any
Neck rider who neglects to use the right equipment and hygiene, so
q To prevent neck discomfort while riding, don’t keep your follow these tips:
head in the same position for more than 5 minutes at a time.
Periodically tilt it to stretch and relax the muscles. Every so often Dress right. Wear shorts with a natural or synthetic chamois liner,
on a straight, clear stretch of road, let your head drop to your and don’t wear underwear while riding.
chest—rotating it in one direction, then the other. Keep clean. Wash your private parts and the shorts before every
ride. Have two pairs of shorts so one is always clean and ready.
q Relieve your feet by occasionally not pushing down for several Dry your shorts inside out in the sun. Ultraviolet radiation kills
strokes. By only pulling up, you reduce pressure on your soles and bacteria.
enhance blood circulation.
Avoid wearing tight pants when not riding. Loose clothing
q At the first sign of foot discomfort on a long ride, slightly loos- permits air circulation and helps keep you dry, thus inhibiting
en your shoelaces or straps. Feet tend to swell as the miles go by, the growth of bacteria. Sleeping without underwear may also be
and it’s the resulting tightness and restricted blood flow that causes helpful.
pain and the sensation of heat. Inspect your bike. If your saddle is too low or high, angled up
or down, or too far from the handlebar, this can cause excess
Hands movement and the chafing that leads to sores.
q To prevent numbness in the hands caused by the compression and
hyperextension of the nerves passing through the wrist into the palm, Ride smart. On the road, stand up when cycling over railroad
cushion the pressure points. Padded gloves and handlebar covers go a tracks and rough patches, and make it a habit to pedal out of the
long way toward solving the problem. saddle for 30 seconds at least once every half hour.
Use a good-quality saddle. Your saddle should be firm enough to
keep your body stable, yet flexible enough to absorb your weight.
q To improve your performance, especially on hills, lose weight.
It should be wide enough in back for good support, but narrow in
The ideal amount of body fat for an elite male rider is 6–9 percent
front where your legs need room. Overly wide, cushy seats can
and for a woman, 11–14 percent. In contrast, the average sedentary
cause rocking and chafing.
adult male has 20 percent fat while his female counterpart has
q If you get a saddle sore, wash the area a couple of times a day 25 percent. Have your percentage calculated by a professional
with an antibacterial soap such as Hibiclens or Betadine Surgical using one of three common methods: underwater weighing, skin-
Scrub. Keep your crotch as dry as possible between cleanings. fold measurement, or electrical impedence.
Don’t cover the sore with salves or ointments because these may
actually keep bacteria alive. Don’t apply alcohol, which can dry the Water Bottle Hygiene
skin too much and cause additional irritation. q Fill the bottle with hot water and put in 4 drops of bleach. Let
it stand overnight, then rinse with alternating hot and cold water
Knees to wash out any remaining bleach. This kills bacteria and leaves no
q If you suffer from chondromalacia (a degeneration of the carti- taste.
lage under the knee cap), cycling should help, not hurt, as long as
q If the idea of bleach doesn’t appeal to you, let the bottle stand
you adjust the saddle so your knee remains only slightly bent at the
overnight with a teaspoon of lemon or lime juice in the water.
bottom of the pedal stroke, and avoid big gears and long, steady
climbs. The key is to spin at an easy cadence of about 70–80 rpm q Rinse the bottle with warm water containing a teaspoon of baking
in moderate gears. soda. Then put it upside down in your bottle cage to dry.
q If your cleats and saddle are properly adjusted, knee noises q Wash the bottle in a dishwasher every time you use it.
aren’t anything to worry about unless they’re accompanied by pain.
q Don’t drink from another person’s water bottle. This can spread
Extreme Weather all kinds of nasty infections.
q When the forecasted high temperature (in Fahrenheit) and
q On long rides, you must replace electrolytes. These are minerals
humidity total 160 or more, start cycling earlier, rest during the
(sodium, chloride, potassium) that carry an electrical charge that’s
hottest part of the day, and complete the long rides in the evening.
necessary for muscle contraction and the maintenance of fluid levels.
q Layering is the secret for taking the danger out of temperatures If you don’t use a sports drink (or don’t eat) on a long ride, you can
as low as 10 degrees below zero. Start with long underwear made suffer dangerous electrolyte imbalances such as a low blood sodium
from a material that wicks perspiration away from the skin, such as condition called hyponatremia. This results in lethargy, confusion,
polypropylene. Then add insulating layers of wool or synthetic and and muscle weakness. And will end your ride. Ugh.
cover it all with a breathable windbreaker. Don’t overdress. As a
rule, you should feel slightly chilly during the initial miles.
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q Inhaling frigid air during winter rides will not damage your
throat and lungs. Exercise markedly increases body temperature, and
the extra heat you generate instantly warms each breath you take.
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q Drink before you’re thirsty. In hot weather you should be down-

ing about two water bottles per hour. Why so much? Dehydration
is one of the primary—but most easily avoided—contributors to

q When mixing sports drinks, put a less-concentrated solution

into the bot­tles you’ll drink last. Drinks al­ways taste sweeter the

longer you ride, and what seems pleas­ant ini­tially can taste syrupy
3 hours later.

Eating While Riding

q When riding one-handed because you are reaching for food
or water, grip the handlebar top next to the stem. This helps you
sit up, and your movements won’t be as likely to make the bike
ha q Practice eating while on training rides. Clear your nasal pas-

sages just before eating because you have to breathe through your

nose while chewing.

q Eat something every 30 minutes on long rides to keep energy
levels high. Preserve your glycogen (muscle fuel) by always accel-
erating smoothly, avoiding hard efforts on hills, and resisting all
other activities that make your body switch to anaerobic metabo-
lism to meet extra energy demands. Hard riding uses glycogen
Burning Calories much less efficiently than evenly paced, aerobic metabolism.
q If you’re interested in losing a few pounds, schedule your rides
for midday. Not only will you burn calories, but the exercise will When to Eat
also suppress your appe­tite, letting you be satisfied with an apple or q Nibble solid food almost continuously during long rides. Don’t
a cup of low-fat yogurt for lunch. wait until you start feeling hungry, because by then it’s too late
for food to digest in time to replenish energy.
q To estimate the number of calories burned while cycling, use this
formula: A 150-pound adult riding at 15 mph burns 12 calories per q Never experiment with food or eating patterns on an
minute. For each 15 pounds above 150, add 1.2 calories per minute. important ride. Do it during training to find out what works
For each 15 pounds under 150, subtract 1.2 calories per minute. and what doesn’t.

q Don’t attempt to build a reserve of energy-rich carbohydrate by

Drinks eating large quantities at the pre-event meal or during the event.
q Freeze a bottle of water for hot rides. It’ll slowly melt, supply­ing It takes 12 to 24 hours to digest and store carbohydrate in the
you with cool, refreshing liq­uid. Con­versely, fill your bottle with muscles and liver in the form of glycogen. In other words, your
hot water for cold rides.
fuel tank is filled by the spaghetti, rice, potatoes, or bread that you q If you ride 1 hour a day, 60 percent of your daily calories should
eat during the 2 or 3 days leading up to the event. come from carbohydrate. If you ride 2 or more hours per day, up it
to 70 percent.
q Don’t eat solid food within 30 minutes prior to a substan-
tial climb. It won’t digest fast enough to give you energy, and q To prevent “bonking” (hypoglycemia, which is marked by tired-
your stomach may become upset when the going gets strenuous. ness, irritability, dizziness, nausea, confusion, and sometimes faint-
Welcome to yuk city. ing), don’t allow your blood glucose to become depleted. Constant
snacking during long rides and drinking sports drinks prevent bon-
q For short workouts don’t eat beforehand. Otherwise, some of king. This is the substance that fuels the central nervous system.
your blood will be used for digestion rather than supplying oxygen To keep your stores supplied, eat the same carbohydrate-rich foods
and nutrients to your working muscles. Your legs don’t need to be used to produce glycogen, the fuel your muscles use.
fed—they have enough stored glycogen for an hour-long ride.
q To remedy the bonk, stick something in your pie hole, espe-
q If possible, eat five small meals each day rather than two or cially something rich in carbohydrates.
three large ones. Small meals spread calories throughout the day,
providing a continuous source of energy. Processing a large meal
can sap energy. Also, when you overload your digestive system, Back to Contents
your body can handle only some of the calories. The rest are
diverted into fat stores, which are less effective for fueling exercise
and make your pants size increase.

q Following a long ride that depletes your glycogen stores, eat a

high-carbohydrate meal within 30 minutes. This prompt refueling
will enable you to ride well again the next day.

What to Eat
q For a pre-ride breakfast, try these racer favorites: rice pudding
(212 calories per serving), yogurt (114 per cup), muffins
(103 each), whole wheat toast (59 per slice), oatmeal (145 per
cup), and whole-grain cereal (111 per serving).

q For endurance cycling use this rule: You can ride 21⁄2 hours
without eating. But if you do eat, you can ride all day. Ideal on-
bike foods include energy bars, fruit, and cookies.

q Eat pasta before a big event and you’ll be in the company of

83 percent of world-class cyclists, according to one poll. Their
pasta of choice is spaghetti, and 60 percent of them eat it at least
three times a week.
Back to Contents

making traction treacherous. But as rain continues and washes this

slippery stuff away, traction may become almost as secure as on a
dry road. Painted lines and steel surfaces (manhole covers, grates,
railroad tracks, bridge decks) are always slick when wet.

q To get safely through a sandy or gravel-strewn corner, straight-

en up the bike and lean your body until you’re past the loose stuff,

then resume turning.

q When you’re braking in the rain or anytime your rims are wet,
remember that the first few wheel revolutions will only dry the
rim and pads, so allow yourself at least 25 percent more stopping
distance. Once squeegeed dry, the brakes may suddenly take hold.
Be ready to loosen your grip on the levers as soon as you feel the
grab, or you could skid.
ha q The key to making it safely through unexpected patches of sand

or gravel is to stay relaxed. Resist the temptation to jam on the


brakes, and give the bike enough freedom to drift in the direction

it wants.

q If forced from the road onto a soft shoulder, react instantly by

sliding back on the saddle, reducing your cadence, and maintain-
ing a firm yet sensitive grip on the handlebar. Continue on the
shoulder until you find a safe and convenient “on-ramp” back to
Road Hazards the pavement.
q Cross railroad tracks near the side of the road. It’s less worn there
than in the center. Always cross with your wheels perpendicular to Technique Tips
the rails, and be extremely careful if they’re wet. q Take a cue from fighters who shadow box to re­fine tech­nique.
Early or late in the day, watch your shadow as you ride, checking
q Perhaps the simplest way to stop an attacking dog when you for flaws in position, form, and pedaling style.
can’t outsprint it is to yell, “No!” or “Go home!” Repeated several
times in a strong voice, these commands mimic the dog’s owner q For easier breathing that contributes to maintaining a low riding
and may put an abrupt end to the chase. position and a flat back, try this: Instead of actively drawing air into
the lungs and then passively letting it out as in normal breathing,
q Don’t ride through a puddle if you can avoid it. It’s not uncom- do the opposite—actively push air out and then passively let it in.
mon to find a gaping hole under the water.
q Use the whole saddle during rides. Sit in the center for normal
q Be especially cautious when rain begins, particularly if it’s been pedaling, scoot forward to increase your spin, and slide back to
dry for a few days. Oil and dust will float to the road surface, power up a hill.
q Stretching on the bike helps minimize fatigue. Coast, put your q To stop front-end shimmy when descending, accelerate or
left foot down, then lean far to the right to stretch the back and decelerate from the point where it occurs. It also helps to lean for-
left leg. Then do the right leg. ward, putting more weight on the front wheel, and to clamp the
top tube between your knees.
q To smooth a jerky pedal stroke, practice spinning down a long,
gradual hill in a low gear (42 x 17) ­without bounc­ing in the saddle. Climbs
q To keep a straight line on the road: q If climbing isn’t your forte, start hills at the front of the group
and gradually drift back. This way, you’ll still be with everyone at
—Focus your eyes 20 feet ahead when riding at 10 to 15 mph, the top.
and 1 foot farther for every additional mph. Looking closer
doesn’t provide enough time to make smooth corrections q For long climbs, use a gear you can turn at about 80 rpm. This
when you see things in your way. will be a relatively low gear that helps conserve energy for the
entire hill, or you can upshift one cog as you near the top.
—Keep your hands, wrists, and elbows relaxed. Drum your
fingers and whistle to relax. It works. Really. q Whether you should sit or stand on climbs is a matter of per-
sonal preference. But generally, stay in the saddle on long, steady
—Practice on an empty parking lot or deserted country road hills to conserve energy. On short ones, stand to maintain speed.
by riding with your wheels on the painted lines. After you can
ride without wobbling, try it when you turn your head to look q Even though it’s best to sit on a long climb, it’s wise to stand
to the side and behind. occasionally for a few dozen pedal strokes. This increases comfort
by changing body position and altering which muscles are bearing
—When on trafficked roads, ride an imaginary rail 6 inches to
the strain.
the left of the white road-edge line.
q Don’t grasp the handlebar drops when climbing because it com-
Descents presses the diaphragm and inhibits breath­ing. Instead, use the bar top.
q Reduce your need to brake on descents by sitting up to let your
body catch the wind. This can take 10 mph off your speed. Mountain Biking
q Shift your weight to maintain traction. If the rear tire starts to
q During long descents on wet roads, maintain slight brake pad slip on a hill, remain seated and slide back on the saddle. If the
contact with the rims to keep them free of excess water and allow slope is so steep that the front wheel lifts off the ground, lean for-
quicker stopping. ward and slide toward the nose of the saddle.
q When descending, your bike will be more stable if you are ped- q Pick a line. Look at least 10 yards up the trail and choose a
aling, not just coasting. Always descend in high gear to retain the course that snakes around potential momentum stoppers such as
ability to accelerate if the situation calls for it. rocks, ruts, and logs.
q Don’t ride the brakes on a long descent. Doing so will q Anticipate downshifts. It’s difficult to shift to a lower gear in
heat the rims and could cause a tire to blow off. Instead, apply the the middle of a steep climb and not lose momentum. It’s especially
brakes briefly and firmly to slow your speed, then coast until you important to be in the correct chainring, as it’s more difficult to
want to slow again. This way the rims and brake pads will cool shift to a smaller ring than a larger cog under pedaling pressure.
between applications.
q Find your optimum saddle height. The saddle should be positioned
so that your knee is slightly bent when your foot is at the bottom of
Group Rides
the pedal stroke. Too low or too high steals power and control. q Joining a bike club is the best and quickest way for a new rider
to learn about the sport.
q Don’t squeeze the grips. This will minimize hand and arm fatigue.
q To become confident when riding in a paceline, start by staying
q Spin a bigger gear at a lower cadence. This will assure a smooth 1 bike length from the rider in front, then gradually close the gap as
power delivery and permit you to easily lift your weight off the your experience and ability increase. Once you can ride comfortably
saddle to float over obstacles. within a wheel’s length, you’ll be enjoying the effects of drafting.

q Spend most of your time in the saddle. This position affords q When taking the lead position in a paceline, don’t accelerate.
optimum weight distribution and traction. Maintain the same speed as when drafting so you don’t cause gaps
to open between the other riders.
q When applying the brakes, use them both, but apply the front
more firmly. If the rear wheel skids, lighten your grip on that lever. q Communication is key to safe group rides. Make sure everyone
A skidding wheel won’t stop you as well as one that’s turning, but knows of approaching turns, stops, and hazards by calling them out.
the rear can easily lock up because so much weight is shifted for-
ward, especially on descents. This is why skidding the front wheel q Ride with people who are a little stronger, faster, and more
is almost impossible. experienced. You’ll learn a lot, and soon you’ll be stronger and
faster, too. Improvement is slow when you always ride alone or
q The least damaging route when you come to a mudhole is with people not as skilled.
straight through the middle. If each person skirts the edge, the
mudhole will grow until it’s wider than it is long. Back to Contents
q To loft the front wheel over a bump or object, simultaneously
lower your torso, apply a hard pedal stroke, and lift with your arms.
You’ll stay in balance and, by shifting your weight forward a bit, the
rear wheel will be free to bounce over lightly.

q The rougher the trail, the more important it is to relax your

body and let your bike move underneath you. Use your arms
and legs as a suspension system that enables you to float over the

q Because wind usually increases during the day, plan a morning
ride so your route takes you into a gentle breeze that becomes a
brisk tailwind on the return.
Back to Contents

q On days when your enthusiasm­ for cycling is lacking, re­move
the pres­sure to do a specific work­out. Ex­plore a new route and
enjoy the scenery. At the end of the ride you may be surprised to
find that your average speed was al­most training pace.

q For most riders to maintain the proper attitude and motivation

for training, it’s important to ride alone and with a group. The
competition pushes you to become better and the solitude allows
you to relax or work on weaknesses.

q When you’re stuck for solutions at work or home, take a ride.
Exercise enhances creativity. Endorphins and adrenaline released
during exercise stimulate the right side of the brain, which is
believed to be the source for imagination and inventive capabili-

9 ties. It worked for Einstein. He said he thought of the Theory of


Relativity while riding a bike.

Motivation Back to Contents

q The next time you’re struggling on a tough climb, smile. You’ll
be amazed at its beneficial effect. Also, think “light.” Imagine that
you weigh half of what you do—that you’re a feather on the pedals.

q To maintain your motivation, keep a training diary and use a
cycle computer. Log your daily mileage (and other data) and tally
the miles each week.

q Tell others about your riding objectives so it’s harder to back

out. You’ll find it’s easier to stay motivated when you’re working
toward a specific goal that your friends also know about.
Back to Contents

1. Moderate days. To lose weight, forget about the stopwatch and

ride medium distances at a comfortable pace. This will burn fat,
as opposed to the carbohydrate that fuels short, intense efforts.

2. Endurance days. To improve your stamina, go on one long ride

every week. Don’t worry about time, just complete the distance.

3. Speed days. One day a week of speedwork and one of intervals

(never back to back) are crucial to cardiovascular improvement
and muscle tone.

q If you train late in the day when the temperature dips, carry a
2 x 2-foot piece of plastic folded in a pocket. When you begin to
chill, stuff the sheet up the front of your jersey to insulate your chest.
This also works for long descents in moun­tain­s.
q At the start of a long training ride, go into the wind. This way,

you can ride faster coming back even if you’re tired, and you won’t

be chilled by a stiff breeze.

Training q In bad spring weather, ride a moun­tain bike on the road. You’ll
save your road bike from rust and build power pushing the heav­ier
bike and fat tires.

Easy Basics q If you’re bored with a training route, ride it in the opposite
q If you’re out of shape and just getting started in cycling, begin direction­. You’ll be amazed how different it seems.
slowly. Initial rides, whether outside or on an indoor trainer,
should be limited to 20–30 minutes, 3 days a week. Pedal briskly, q On long rides for endurance, throw in a couple of 15-second
but don’t get out of breath. As fitness increases, begin riding sprints every 45 minutes or so. You’ll relieve saddle pres­sure, add
5 days a week for at least 30 minutes, and progress from there. variety, and develop speed.

q Indoor trainers are a good way to main­tain a degree of cycling fitness When to Ride
in winter, but you’ll do better to ride outdoors as much as possible. q Commute by bike. This is the best way to include cycling—and
a few more valuable training miles—in your everyday activity.
q Even a new rider who has no racing ambitions can benefit from
a weekly program that includes both speed and distance. To firm q Don’t take the day off before an event. If you need rest, do it 2 days
your legs, lose weight and be healthier, use a program with these before. Instead, take a short ride on the eve of the event, and include a
three elements: couple sprints to make sure your bike and body are operating well.
q If you have limited time to train, make every second count. Prepare q Even if you just ride for fitness but would like to come closer
your bike and lay out your riding clothes the evening before. Or to your potential, intervals can help. They’ll improve your ability
ride during your lunch hour and snack later back at the desk. If you to match the pace on club rides while helping you surmount those
emphasize quality by keeping your heart rate high, you’ll be amazed at little rolling hills that seem to be everywhere. If you want to race,
how much improvement you can pack into an hour. though, intervals are essential.

q The biggest problem that many cyclists face is finding enough Recovery
time for training. Here are 10 ways to do it: q The best way to recover from a hard effort is to ride easily the
1. Train before work. next day rather than take the day off. Spin at a high rpm—about
90 in an easy gear. Use the opportunity to cycle with family and
2. Ride at lunch. friends who are normally “too slow.”
3. Commute by bike. q Don’t train hard more than twice a week. Whether you are
4. Train at night. doing formal interval training, speed play (“fartlek”), club races,
or tackling big hills, this will wear you down. If you separate such
5. Schedule your ride like any other daily appointment. efforts with at least 2 days of low-gear, high-rpm pedaling that
assists recovery, the result should be exactly what you want—
6. Train intensely to maximize limited time.
greater speed and strength.
7. Scale down your goals to reflect limited time.
q Don’t ride 1 day each week. A day off refreshes your body and
8. Get your family’s support so you can ride without guilt. mind. Use your normal riding time that day for bike maintenance.
Your bike will love you for the TLC.
9. Combine your cycling with family activities.
q Be aware of the warning signals of overtraining, a condition
10. Ride indoors when bad weather or interruptions occur.
of chronic fatigue that can devastate any rider, not just racers.
Among the tip-offs are an elevated resting heart rate, weight
Gaining Speed loss, poor sleep patterns, irritable disposition, an I-don’t-care
q Take your time warming up for a workout. For example, it may attitude, a lingering cold, aching legs, and way too much TV
take 20–30 minutes of easy spinning before you feel ready to go
hard. Stretching before riding may help reduce this time.

q To develop the ability to quickly accelerate to high speed, do Goals

“speedwork” once a week. This is a training session based on a q Beginning with your next workout, start a training diary. It
thorough warmup, then several all-out bursts to top speed inter- doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate; all you need is space to
spersed by easy riding for full recovery. record daily data. This will allow you to objectively analyze and
learn from your experiences.
q To improve your ability to sustain fast riding, do “intervals” once
a week. Following a warmup, accelerate to a speed that’s as hard as q One of the best ways to improve is to have a purpose on every
you can go for the specified time (usually 15 to 90 seconds). Then ride. If you’re cycling with a group, practice your drafting skills
ride easier for 30 to 60 seconds to partially recover. Repeat several by slipping in a paceline. On another day, do low-gear sprints to
times, then ride easily to cool down. develop your spin, or try hill repeats to improve your climbing.
Back to Contents

On easy days, work on cornering, no-hands riding, or other skills

that won’t tax your cardiovascular system.

q Few things in life are guaranteed, but here’s one: If you routine-
ly train in the zone between 65 and 85 percent of your maximum
heart rate, you will become fitter. To estimate your maximum,
subtract your age from 220.

Back to Contents


q To receive free maps for a tour, as well as excel­lent bro­chures
on accommoda­tions, attractions, cli­mate, and history, con­tact the
tourism office of the state you’ll be visiting and the cham­bers of
commerce in the towns you’ll be riding through.

q American Youth Hostels (AYH) is a national nonprofit orga-

nization that provides its members with inexpensive accommoda-
tions (often $20 or less per night). For information, contact: AYH
National Office, 733 15th St. NW Suite 840, Washington, DC
20005; 202/783-6161; www.hiayh.org.

q For road maps customized for cycling, contact: Adventure

Cycling Association, Box 8308, Missoula, MT 59807;
800/755-2453; www.adventurecycling.org.
What to Pack q Pacing is also riding style. Maintain good form and choose
gears that permit a cadence of 75–90 revolutions per minute no
q Always carry a chain tool for repairing­ the chain. It’s al­most
matter what the terrain. Spinning a lower gear conserves energy
im­possible to impro­vise when you don’t have one, and it’s small,
and prevents muscle and joint injury when riding day after day.
light, and inexpen­sive.

q You don’t need a complete wardrobe, even on an extended tour. Training

Make the most of what you’re wearing when you start, and carry q Weekly training for touring should consist of two or three long
a change of underwear, socks, and a shirt. Choose clothes that you rides (typical distance and pace) for endurance, and one or two
can wash and dry quickly. short, high-intensity workouts to improve strength and riding skill.
These might include hard charges up hills, sprints, or time trials.
q Double-check your list, then cross off anything that’s unnecessary. One weekend day should be reserved for an extra-long ride to get
You want to be comfortable, and a large part of that comfort will be you used to extended periods in the saddle.
determined by the amount of weight you carry.
q Ride a fully loaded bike on one long training ride each week.
q A 1-to-1 low gear ratio (e.g., 28-tooth chainring and 28-tooth This will build strength and familiarize you with handling the
rear cog) is necessary if your route has lots of hills. Lower gear- weight.
ing—a larger rear cog and/or smaller inner chainring—is wise for
mountainous terrain. Back to Contents
How to Pack
q For optimum bike handling with loads of 20 pounds or more,
put about 60 percent of the cargo in the rear panniers, 35 percent
in the front panniers, and 5 percent in a handlebar bag. Put heavy
items in the bottom of panniers, and balance the load from side to
side to ensure a stable ride at all speeds.

q Never start a tour with full bags. If you’ve squeezed all your
gear into the panniers and strained the zippers shut, what happens
the first time you stop to buy local artifacts or a bag of cookies?
No cookies for you.

q Although some panniers are made of waterproof material, don’t

take chances. Put everything you pack into sturdy plastic bags with
tight closures.

q Pacing may be the most important key to successful touring.
Depending on mileage and terrain, divide the overall trip and each
particular day into segments. Balance the long rides with the short,
the hills with the flats.
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