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VOL. 13. NO.



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Engine Compressor Washing

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Supportability Comes of Age

We at Lockheed-Georgia have long recognized thecentral impor-

A SERVICE PUBLICATION OF tance of high reliability and ease of maintenance in our products.
Over 30 years ago, when the C-130 Hercules aircraft program was
LOCKHEED-GEORGIA COMPANY just beginning, formal reliability and maintainability departments
A DIVISION OF were established for the purpose ofensuring that these character-
LOCKHEED CORPORATION istics received full consideration during every step of th e design

All airframe manufacturers are faced with the necessity of reconciling a wide variety of
factors in building a successful aircraft. In the quest to achieve an overall optimum design,
reliability and maintalnability have historically been subject to the same sorts oftrade-offs
asotherdesign characteristicssuch as weight, range, and speed . The final configuration has
Associate Editors always been biased towardthose performance characterlstics which our customers deemed
James A. Loftin tobeparamount. In other words, we have always tried to give each of our customers exactly
Robert J. R Rockwood what he needed.

We still bend every effort to give our customers what they need. and today this involves
a significantlygreateremphasison reliabilityand maintainability. This message has become
particularly clear in the case of the U.S. Air Force, which now ranks reliability and main-
tainability above initial cost, schedule, and performance in evaluating proposals for new

An important consequence of this change in customer requirements is that reliability and

Vol. 13, No. 4, October-December 1986 maintainability considerations at Lockheed-Georgia have now become coequal with more
traditional constraints in the design process.
Focal Point Such coequality is reflected in a recent reorganization within our Engineering Branch. In
H.M. Sohn. Manager early 1986, the position of Chief Engineer-Supportability was created. This position is at
Supportability the same organizational level as our Chief Engineer-Design,ChiefEngineer~Research and
Engineering Divsion Technology. and Chief Engineer-Electronics and Test, all of whom report directly t o our
Vice President-Engineering.
Engine Compressor Washing
Regular cleaning helps maintain com- Concurrent with this reorganization, we instituted:
pressor efficiency.
l A strengthened and more focused supportability research and development program,
Is There Water in Your Dorsal!
directed toward advancingthe state of the art in reliability and maintainability design.
lnstdling additional drains can prevent
water entrapment.
l A supportability computerization plan to establish a rapid, effective, computerized
Gaging Safety by the Thread interface among design, logistics, and management organizations.
Safe use of the ovcr~the-wing engine hoist
demands the right fasteners. l A pro-active role for reliability and maintainability in the overall design process. which
includes production drawing sign-off authority.
Using the Atmospheric Sump Dipstick
proper filling and measuring techniques The goal of our new reliability and maintalnability posture is ambitious but clear: to pro-
help prevent lip seal damage. vide our customers with aircraft which are twice as reliable, but require half the maintenance

Cover: Ski-equipped U.S. Navy C-130s form a vital

link in the supply lines supporting Antarctic scien-
tiiic research. This year, the U.S. Navy celebrates
the 75th anniversary of naval aviation.
H.M. Sohn, Manager
Engineering Division

Published by Lockheed-Georgia Company, a Division of

contaIned in this issue
L o c k h e e d Corporation. Information
is considered by Lockheed-Georgia Company to be accurate
and authoritative: it should nor be assumed. however. t h a t
this material has received approval from any governmental
agency or military service unless it is specifically noted. This
publication is for planning and information purposes only.
and it is not to be construed as authority for making changer
on aircraft or equipment, or as superseding any established
operational or maintenance procedures or policies. The
following marks are registered and owned by Lockheed
Corporation: ” “Hercules:’ and
“JetStar’ Written permission must be obtained from
Lockheed-Georgia Company before republishing any
material in this periodical. Address all communications to
Editor, Service N e w s , Department 6 4 - 3 1 zone 278,
Lockheed-Georgia Company. Marietta, Georgia. 30063.
Copyright 1986 Lockheed Corporation.

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OPERATING IN SALTY ENVIRONMENTS Routine liquid cleaning or water wash of the com-
pressor will normally remove these deposits and restore
After flying in the salty environments found near compressor efficiency. It should always be kept in mind,
oceans or seashores or in areas of heavy airborne however, that power losses cannot arbitrarily be attri-
industrial waste, operators may find that their T56/501 buted to a dirty compressor; all such cases must be fully
engines are losing power prematurely. This deteriora- investigated.
tion of performance, indicated by higher than normal
TIT for a given torque, may be caused by a build-up Field Cleaning
of foreign material on the compressor blades. With T.O. 2J-T56-101 and the applicable Allison main-
many hours of continued use under these conditions, tenance manual describe methods of field cleaning the
build-up can increase to the point where it will engine compressor stator vanes and rotor blaces by use
significantly disturb the flow of air across the com- of water or chemical solution liquid cleaning, or, for
pressor rotor blades and stator vanes, resulting in tough jobs, abrasive cleaning (using ground walnut hulls
reduced compressor output for a given rpm. or apricot pits, for example).

Lockheed SERVICE NEWS V13N4 3 Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page
The procedure recommended in cases where com- If an engine in a sea air environment has not been
pressor contamination is suspected or confirmed by operated for a period of three days or more, the com-
visual inspection, is first to liquid clean the compressor, pressor should be liquid cleaned before the engine is
then to do a performance check. If the performance returned to normal operation.
check reveals continued reduction in engine compressor
output, the abrasive cleaning procedure should be Note that T.O. 2J-T56-101 contains procedural
considered. instructions for compressor liquid cleaning for removal
of oil and other deposits which adhere to blade and vane
Frequency surfaces and reduce compressor efficiency. Aircraft not
equipped with the overboard drain for the propeller
Aircraft operated in a sea air environment require scupper will require more frequent cleaning due to pro-
more frequent applications to remove the corrosive peller oil leakage into the inlet duct.
deposits from the internal surfaces of the compressor
section. Note that the salt water mist or spray along a Corrosion Control
coastline decreases rapidly in the first half mile from
the shoreline and at altitudes over 500 feet. Of course Constant vigilance and strict adherence to proper
the rate of this reduction will vary according to climate, cleaning procedures must be maintained in order to pre-
wind direction, and velocity. For this reason, aircraft vent corrosion deposits from forming inside the com-
operated anywhere in the vicinity of a coastline should pressor section of the engine.
have corrosion preventive washes of the compressor
section as detailed below. When an aircraft is to be idle for a period of time,
all engine orifices (intake and exhaust openings, etc.)
Ingested Salt Water should be closed using the appropriate covers or plugs
according to established procedures.
An engine that has salt water introduced directly into
the compressor as a result of direct wave splash or An engine which has been inactive and has
operation near a seashore where there is wind pickup accumulated internal moisture as a result of rain leakage
of salt water mist or spray should have a compressor or condensation should be run as soon as possible until
water wash performed after the last flight of the day. it is dried out.


Engines on aircraft located near sea air environments It is important to utilize proper equipment and
but not directly exposed to sea air, in other words not materials when performing compressor liquid cleaning
within one-half mile of the coastline or less than 500 operations. Failure to do so may result in a further
feet above the water during flight or ground operations, reduction in compressor efficiency or damage to the
should undergo air compressor liquid cleaning at least compressor.
every 15 days unless inspection reveals the need for more
frequent applications. The specific type of equipment is not as important
as equipment capabilities. The equipment must deliver
Inactive Engines the water or chemical solution to the engine inlet with
a flow rate capability of 10 gallons per minute. In addi-
If an engine is to be inactive for more than a few days tion, there is a need for a dry air supply at a minimum
after operation in a salty environment, the compressor of 50 psig to hold the compressor bleed valves closed
should be liquid cleaned after the last flight prior to the during water wash application.
period of inactivity. After it is cleaned, the engine may
be considered relatively safe from the corrosive effects The following equipment is listed in SMP 515E:
of the salty environment for about two weeks. After
this time, it will be necessary to inspect the compressor Cleaning and Preservation Unit, PN LTCT
to determine if there is evidence of corrosive deposits. 23980-01, manufactured by AVCO-Lycoming.
If such deposits are found, the compressor should have
an additional liquid cleaning whether the engine is to Jet Aircraft Engine Corrosion Control Spraying
be returned to service immediately or only after con- Unit, PN 76E04000-30A, manufactured by Metric
tinued inactivity. Systems Corporation.

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Part No. 6796852
Compressor Salt Deposit Spray Cleaning Pressurized
Tank Noncorrosive, Nonflammable Cleaners

The following equipment is listed in the Allison The recommended chemicals and mixtures for liquid
manuals: cleaning of the engine compressor are as follows:

l Corrosion Control Water Wash Trailer, PN l B and B 3100, FSN 6X50-00-282-7597 for 55
6796852/ MIL-S-83189A (FSN 1730-00-403-3028), gallons/FSN 6850-00-181-7594 for 5 gallons, B and
available from Allison. Provides cleaning agent B Chemicals Company, Inc., P.O. Box 796, Miami,
under pressure. Florida 33166. Mix at a ratio of one part chemical
to four parts water.
l Model 299 Spray Mix Applicator, manufactured by
B and B Chemical Company. . Penetone 19, Penetone Corporation, 74 Hudson
Avenue, Tenafly, New Jersey 07670. Mix in a ratio
Many operators, however, have devised their own of from one part chemical to four parts water to full
version of the required equipment, customized to suit strength, depending on the degree of engine
their specific needs. contamination.

Lockheed SERVICE NEWS V13N4 5 Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page
l Turco 4217, 5884, and 5884-AG, Turco Products, airflow, or perhaps even cavitation (compressor stall)
24600 South Main Street, Carson, California 90749. --just like the salt deposits that are the reason for the
Mix in a ratio of one part chemical to four parts compressor wash in the first place.
There are two factors that determine the rate at which
Water Supply a particular engine will have scale build-up in its com-
pressor section: the amount of wash water containing
Water suitable for washing the engine compressor dissolved solids that is used in cleaning the compressor,
must be of drinkable quality. It must be of sufficient and how long the engine has operated.
pressure and volume to provide a flow rate of 10 gallons
per minute. The degree of scale build-up tends to be directly pro-
portional to the amount of water ingested by the engine
The chemical purity of the water is also important. during the cleaning process. For this reason it is impor-
Most bottled “mineral” water found in stores has tant to be aware of the quantity of water called for in
around 500 parts per million total dissolved solids. the compressor liquid cleaning instructions found in the
Water with greater than 472 parts per million total Allison maintenance manual or in T.O. IC-l30H-2-4,
dissolved solids can eventually degrade engine perfor- Section Il.
mance. Furthermore, water with a chloride content of
greater than 20 parts per million can cause corrosion The scale wears away or flakes off during engine
in the engine structure and should not be used. operation. The longer the engine is operated, the less
the scale build-up. The scale will accumulate only until
Scale Build-Up a dynamic balance is established between the build-up
incurred during water rinse and the wearing away during
Studies have shown that as the water passes through engine operation. To remove the scale from the com-
the compressor section during the liquid cleaning and pressor requires an abrasive cleaning procedure as
rinse procedure, the dissolved solids in the water are specified in the Allison manual or in T.O. IC-130-2-4,
separated from the water as it is vaporized. As minute Section 11-41.
airborne particles these solids are then deposited on the
compressor blades. Such deposit results in a build-up CLEANING PROCEDURES
or “scale” that is similar in appearance to the precipitate
found in the bottom of a tea kettle after hard water has The instructions in the applicable maintenance
been boiled in it. manual should be carefully followed when performing
compressor water wash operations.
This scale can change the aerodynamic characteristics
of the blades, resulting in increased drag, turbulent While motoring an engine by the starter during the
cleaning procedure, remember that the starter presents
the same safety hazard as an engine that is running. Be
sure to take appropriate safety precautions. Also, bc
aware of the starter duty cycle: the procedure in the
Allison maintenance manual recommends that the
engine be motored to maximum available starter rpm
for approximately 30 seconds. (Note that the procedure
in T.O. lC-130H-1 specifies a maximum cycle of 1
minute starter ON followed by 1 minute OFF.) The
starter should not be operated longer than 60 seconds
at a time.

Ensure that the condition lever for the engine is in

the GROUND STOP position so that the ignition
system will bc deactivated during engine motoring.

Part No. LTCT 23980-01 Always allow the engine to cool for at least 4.5
Cleaning and Preservation Unit minutes after shutdown before performing the water
Manufactured by AVCO-Lycoming wash or chemical cleaning procedure. Note that if the

6 Lockheed SERVICE NEWS V13N4

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Part No. 76E04000-30A
Jet Aircraft Engine Corrosion Control Spraying Unit
Manufactured by Metric Systems Corporation

chemical solution is injected into the engine while the If the engine performance remains at an unsatisfac-
engine is too hot, the solution may congeal on the tory level after the liquid cleaning process has been
blades, vanes, and valves, requiring a repetition of the accomplished, perform a thorough visual inspection for
cleaning and rinse cycle. Also note that the flash point compressor erosion through the compressor bleed valve
for some of the chemical cleaning agents may be as low ports. Should the inspection reveal an eroded com-
as 150 degrees F (66 degrees C) in concentrated form. pressor, do not perform abrasive cleaning: abrasive
cleaning of an eroded compressor may further reduce
Salts and other corrosive, water-soluble deposits the performance of the engine. If, however, the inspec-
should be removed from the engine inlet duct, air inlet tion reveals no compressor erosion, then perform the
housing struts, and bands of the inlet guide vanes by abrasive cleaning procedure as described in the Allison
flushing with a fine spray of fresh water. Approximately maintenance manual or in Section 11 of T.O. lC-130H-
10 gallons of the spray per engine should be a sufficient 2-4.
quantity of water for accomplishing this.
Be sure that the engine has been restored to its normal
About 50 psi of compressed air from an external dry configuration prior to drying out and additional per-
air source (air bottle or portable air compressor) is formance checks.
required to hold the 5th-and 10th~stage bleed air valves
closed during the cleaning procedure. Be sure to cap Periodic liquid cleaning of the engine compressor is
the outlet fitting of the speed-sensitive valve assembly an important consideration in every maintenance pro-
when the air hose is disconnected. Install an appropriate gram. Such maintenance will prevent unnecessary
uncontaminated union in the hose so that the com- deterioration of engine performance that can result
pressed air source may be plumbed in at that point. from compressor contamination.

Always rinse the compressor thoroughly with water

after a chemical cleaning has been done. While repeat-
ing the engine motoring sequence, rinse until the water
coming out the tailpipe is clean.

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Hercules dorsal fin has a new drainage provision to
prevent water entrapment. by Harold Singletary, Staff Engineer
Materials and Processes


Several reports of water entrapment inside the dorsal LAC 5058 and up
fin have prompted a production change at Hercules air-
craft Lockheed serial number LAC 5058 for drainage Drainage provisions in the dorsal fin on LAC 5058
provisions in the forward end of the dorsal. and up are authorized by Lockheed drawing 337651.
These provisions consist of two parallel joggles in the
How does water get into the dorsal and become dorsal flange approximately four inches behind the
trapped? One would think that the dorsal would stay forward end of the dorsal. The joggles, which look like
dry since the flanges on the dorsal and vertical stabilizer bumps in the flange, produce an opening between the
which mate to the upper surface of the fuselage and fuselage skin and flange of 0.12 inches in height and
horizontal stabilizer are fay surface sealed. 1.5 inches in length.

If, however, the airplane is parked in a nose-low Aircraft prior to LAC 5058
attitude on uneven ground such as a slope on the wash
rack, rain and washing solutions will flow forward from Operators with geographical and environmental con-
the rudder well over the horizontal stabilizer into the ditions which are conducive to water collection in the
dorsal. There the water will remain until the attitude dorsal should consider the value of adding drain outlets
of the nose is raised sufficiently to allow the fluid to near the forward end of the dorsal on their Hercules
flow aft and out by way of the route of entry. aircraft built prior to LAC 5058. They have a choice
of drain installations, since the following three pro-
When a Hercules aircraft remains on the ground in cedures have been authorized by Lockheed engineering
a nose-low attitude for several days in rainy weather, for in-service Hercules aircraft.
the accumulation of water in the dorsal can be con-
siderable. One incident of water entrapment resulted in Procedure 1
drainage of about 40 gallons of liquid from the dorsal
into the cargo compartment when a bolt that secures The first offers the most efficient dorsal fin drainage
the cargo door uplock was removed. provision. This is the hole-and-slot passage illustrated

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8 Lockheed SERVICE NEWS V13N4
3. Slot the flange of the dorsal in line with the hole
to the outboard end of the flange.

4. Fabricate two doublers as shown in Figure 1

from 0.040-inch 2024-T3 clad aluminum alloy

5. Hand-form the doublers with a 0.12-inch radius

to nest on top of the dorsal.

6. Finish the doublers with epoxy primer.

7. Install the doublers wet with MIL-S-81733

inhibitive sealant on the surfaces that mate with
the dorsal and pressure skins, using five
M7885/2-4-2 blind fasteners (three added holes
and two existing holes) wet with MIL-S-81733

8. Topcoat the doubler installations with two coats
of MIL-C-833286 polyurethane of the same color
as the surface adjacent to the doublers.
Figure I. Dorsal Fin Drain Provision: Procedure 1
Procedure 2
in Figure 1. Since the installed drainage points are close
to the forward end of the dorsal, and the drain slot. Procedure 2 promotes dorsal fin drainage, but not
extends to the fuselage presssure skin, the following as effectively as the hole-and-slot passage described
installation provides nearly complete drainage: above. Since the installed drain hole is about l/2 inch
above the low point, the collected water will not drain
I. Remove existing rivets No. 8 and No. 9 from completely. Simpler than the hole and slot procedure,
each side of the forward end of the dorsal. the following procedure calls for drilling two holes in
the dorsal fin:
2. Drill a 1/4-inch diameter drain hole centered
between rivets No. 8 and No. 9. I. Drill a I /Cinch diameter hole in each side of the




I I I 1


Figure 2. Dorsal Fin Drain Provision: Procedure 2

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Lockheed SERVICE NEWS V13N4 9
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h I
When Using the


Engine t o i s t

Over-the-wing engine hoist assemblies are familiar threads. Figure 1 shows the various bolt sizes and loca-
pieces of equipment (see Figure 1). Available in several tions to bc use d on specific Hercules aircraft model
different configurations, they have been in general use designations. Shown in Figure 2 are typical nut plate
by Hercules aircraft operators throughout the world for and barrel nut locations.
many years. The very familiarity of these convenient
hoists is a tribute to the practicality of the design. When installing the structural fasteners after using
Familiarity can be a mixed blessing, however, and the over-the-wing hoist, remember that the fasteners
nowhere is this more true than where matters of safety should be installed wet with Products Research and
are concerned. Chemical Company Low-Adhesive Sealant No.
PR1403G, which contains a rust inhibitor. If the
When using an over-the-wing engine hoist, it is PR1403G sealant is not available, use MIL-S-8784
extremely important that careful attention be paid to
all the details of the way the hoist is attached to the
wing. The use of bolts of the wrong type and grip
length, improper installation techniques, or the presence
of corroded or damaged threads on the bolts or in the
nuts of the attach points might result in the hoist being
inadequately secured. This could pose a significant
safety hazard, with potential for damage to equipment
or injury to personnel.

There are two specific areas involving the over-the-

wing hoist attachment point hardware that require strict
attention to proper maintenance practices.

The first has to do with the attach points themselves.

The fasteners that are installed in the hoist attach points
when the hoist is not in use are standard structural
fasteners and must be of the proper length to prevent
rust or corrosion of the barrel nut due to exposed

Lockheed SERVICE NEWS V13N4 11 Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page
This could be dangerous assumption, however, if the
installed bolt is not of the proper length. For this reason,
it is highly advisable to measure the individual bolt loca-
tions at each attach point to verify the minimum length

There are several methods by which this may be

accomplished, but the quickest and easiest is to use the
Figure 3. PN 3403141 Bolt and Gage Set tool specifically developed for this job. The PN 3403141
bolt and gage set (see Figure 3) accurately measures the
sealant. MIL-S-8784 does not contain a rust inhibitor, bolt hole on the wing and indicate the size and length
so apply LPS-3 to the threads prior to sealant of the bolts needed.
Manufactured by Lockheed-Georgia Company, the
The other hardware to be considered when using the PN 3403141 bolt and gage set consists of gages for the
over-the-wing engine hoist are the bolts used to attach various size and lengths of bolts and a gage pin to
the hoist to the wing. It is critical that these bolts be measure depth. The gages are dimensioned to provide
of the proper grip length, particularly those installed bolt tolerances. The pin has a sliding sleeve for taking
into the aft attach point barrel nuts. The bolts at this bolt hole depth measurements. The length can be deter-
location handle much of the tension load imposed by
mined on the gage. The set components are tied together
the weight supported by the hoist. Bolts of insufficient with retention cables and are stored in a pouch which
grip length at the aft bracket attach points may pull out can be attached to the over-the-wing hoist assembly.
of the wing under load.
Whatever measurement method you decide to use,
The instructions that apply to the hoists typically
specify that NAS 6604 or NAS 6605 bolts be used, do measure. And do use bolts of the correct type and
depending on mounting point location. As far as bolt of sufficient grip length to secure the hoist properly.
length is concerned, it might appear that the correct size Play it safe. Don’t let familiarity breed contempt for
bolt to use for attaching the hoist to the wing would safety for you or your organization.
be approximately l/2 inch longer than the thread-
protecting bolt that was removed from a particular loca-
tion. After all, the hoist attach bracket PN 341288 that
is used on all installations has a total thickness of 0.525
inch (bracket plus pad).

Figure 2. Over-the-Wing Hoist Attach Points


12 Previous Page Table of Contents

Lockheed Next V13N4
Using the


An atmospheric sump dipstick was incorporated in PRESSURIZED SUMP

the pump housing assembly of the 54H60 propeller
some years ago to make it possible to check or service There are two oil reservoirs in the propeller control
the propeller control assembly oil quantity more easily oil system, the pressurized sump and the atmospheric
and more accurately than with the original dipstick, sump. The pressurized sump is the reservoir for the
which measured the oil quantity in the pressurized main, standby, and auxiliary (feather) pumps. To pre-
sump. vent cavitation of the pumps at high altitude, this reser-
voir is pressurized at 15 to 20 psi.
Although the authorized maintenance manuals still
contain instructions for determining propeller oil The hydraulic pressure required for operating the pro-
quantity using either dipstick, most 54H60 propellers peller pitch changing mechanism is supplied by the
manufactured in recent years have omitted the pumps located in the pressurized sump. Most of the out-
pressurized sump dipstick entirely. For these units, there put from the pumps returns to this reservoir. However,
is of course no choice as to which dipstick to use. But return oil from the pitchlock regulator pressurizing and
even for other units which contain both dipsticks, the regulating valve ends up in the atmospheric sump by
atmospheric sump dipstick offers the best method of way of the propeller barrel and beta feedback gear. Oil
establishing a safe operating level for the prop oil. To that is used for lubrication or involved in internal
understand better why this is so, it is useful to review leakage also drains back into the atmospheric sump.
how the system works.

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ATMOSPHERIC SUMP most of the confusion that used to arise concerning the
interpretation of dipstick readings. However, improper
The atmospheric sump is the reservoir for the main checking and servicing of the atmospheric sump is still
and auxiliary scavenge pumps. These pumps keep the a cause of propeller problems from time to time. These
pressurized sump supplied with oil and maintain I5 t o problems are typically the result of overservicing rather
20 psi pressure in the sump. than underservicing. As far as propeller control oil level
is concerned, it is important to bear in mind that this
It is important that the oil level in the atmospheric is one area where more is definitely not better.
sump be kept at the correct level for the scavenge pumps
to perform properly. If the oil level in the atmospheric CHECKING PROPELLER CONTROL FLUID
sump is allowed to become too low, the scavenge pumps LEVEL
will cavitate, introducing air into the oil system. The
result can be inadequate oil in the pressurized sump. Using the atmospheric sump dipstick is the perferred
If the pressurized sump reaches a 2-quart low condi- method of determining the propeller control oil level.
tion, a propeller oil low indication will be given. This A brief review of the routine propeller servicing pro-
could mean having to shut down an engine and feather cedure using the atmospheric sump dipstick (oil level
a prop. indicator) is given below. As always, consult the appro-
priate maintenance publication before undertaking this
On the other hand, if the oil level in the atmospheric activity on the aircraft.



F U L L - I


sump is too high, other types of problems can develop. Before You Start. . .
The usual result of overservicing the propeller control
assembly is that oil is forced out of the propeller around There are several things that should be kept in mind
the lip seal. This leads to lip seal damage and continuing before you proceed with the oil level checking
propeller oil leakage. procedure.

READING THE DIPSTICK First, note that it requires two people to carry out
the procedure properly, one in the flight station and one
The original atmospheric sump dipstick or oil level at the propeller. Be sure a qualified assistant is available
indicator bore markings for a PRE FILL range and an before you begin.
OP LEVEL range. The current dipstick has only a
FULL level indication. Hamilton Standard Service Next, remember that when you check the propeller
Bulletin HS Code 54H60 No. 101, Revision 1, dated control oil level, the oil in the unit should be at its
October 15, 1981, provided instructions and authoriza- normal operating temperature. If the weather is very
tion for changing the earlier dipstick markings on com- cold outside, 0 degrees C (32 degrees F) or below, and
mercial aircraft to the current configuration. the propeller has been exposed to low temperatures for
awhile, it will also be necessary to warm the propeller
Similarly, T.O. lC-130B-2-11 and T.O. lC-130H-2- hub (using warm air or by running the engine) until the
11 contain instructions for modifying the original oil temperature is 60 to 80 degrees C. If this is not
dipsticks on military aircraft to remove all but the lowest accomplished, propeller blade seal damage and oil
of the OP LEVEL markings. The remaining mark leakage will result when the propeller is cycled during
serves the same purpose and measures the same oil level the servicing procedure.
as the FULL marking on newer atmospheric sump
dipsticks. Take care to see that engine oil is not used in the pro-
peller control system. Except for a few special applica-
Simplifying the dipstick markings has eliminated tions, hydraulic fluid specification MIL-H-83282 is used

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14 Lockheed SERVICE NEWS V13N4
in all aircraft maintained according to U.S. military sump. There are four propeller low oil warning lights
specifications. Most commercial Hercules aircraft use on the copilot’s side shelf, one for each propeller, to
hydraulic fluid specification MIL-H-5606 for propellers identify which of the propellers has low oil. If one of
and other applications where hydraulic fluid is specified. these lights illuminates while the auxiliary pump is being
operated during the servicing procedure, stop the motor
If any engine oil is accidentally introduced into the and add fluid to the propeller control atmospheric
propeller control and circulated thorugh the unit (in sump.
other words, the propeller has been operated since the
engine oil was added), it will be necessary to remove When oil is to be added to the propeller control,
the propeller and control for replacement of all per- remove the top left forward engine cowling, remove the
formed packaging. valve housing cover cap on the left side of the control
housing, and add the required amount. Be careful not
Be sure to take all necessary precautions to keep to overfill. One inch on the dipstick is equal to approx-
foreign substances such as rain, snow, sand, or blow- imately 14 fluid ounces. If it is necessary to remove oil
ing dust from entering the unit during servicing. from the propeller control because of overfilling, for
example, siphon it from the pressurized sump.
It is necessary to run the auxiliary pump during the
checking and servicing procedure in order to cycle the When adding fluid to the propeller control, exercise
propeller and pressurize the pressurized sump with fluid. care not to get fluid on the electrical brush assembly
Be sure to observe the duty cycle of the auxiliary pump or the deicer contact rings. Fluid spilled in these areas
motor when carrying out this operation. may cause electrical shorting of the brushes and deicer
rings, and scorching of the brush housing. If some pro-
The pump motor may be operated up to a maximum peller oil accidently comes in contact with the brush
of 60 seconds at a time, followed by a cooling-off period assembly, clean the area with Federal specification
equal to the time of operation. For example, on for 40 PD-680, Type II, solvent. Be sure the area is dry again
seconds followed by off for 40 seconds. The normal before running the engine.
maximum total running time during any half-hour ATMOSPHERIC SUMP OIL LEVEL C H E C K
period is two minutes, but the motor may be operated PROCEDURE
as long as the temperature of the motor body does not
exceed 150 degrees F, or 65.6 degrees C. An easy way 1. Connect an external source of AC power to
to monitor the motor temperature is to feel the motor the airplane.
body with your bare hand. If it is too hot to keep your
hand on for more than 5 seconds, it is time to let the 2. Remove the top right forward engine cowling
motor cool off for awhile. (or open the access door provided on later aircraft).

To operate the auxiliary pump and change blade pitch 3. If more than 30 minutes has elapsed since the
during servicing, select the desired blade pitch angle with last engine run, cycle the propeller from FEATHER to
the throttle lever while holding the appropriate con- REVERSE at least 3 times, stopping with the throttle
dition lever in the AIR START position to energize the at GROUND START for the commercial model and
pump motor. GROUND IDLE for the military model. Hold the con-
dition lever at the AIR START position for at least 20
Feathering of the propeller may be accomplished by seconds after the propeller reaches the GROUND
moving the condition lever to the FEATHER position. START (GROUND IDLE for military) position.
The prop may also be feathered by pulling out the fire
emergency handle. The operation of the auxiliary pump 4. With the auxiliary pump still operating,
motor and resulting blade pitch operation may be remove the atmospheric sump dipstick and wipe it with
stopped at any time by moving the condition lever to a clean, lint-free cloth. Insert and lock the dipstick in
the GROUND STOP position or pushing in the fire its tube. Then remove the dipstick and check the oil
emergency handle. level. The fluid level should be indicated on the dipstick,
but should not exceed the FULL (or lower OP LEVEL)
The master propeller low oil quantity light on the mark. Add or remove oil as necessary to achieve this
engine instrument panel has the function of illuminating indication.
to warn the flight crew when one or more propellers
are approximately 2 quarts low on oil in the pressurized 5. Restore the engine to normal configuration.

Lockheed SERVICE NEWS V13N4 15

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