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From ancient period, agriculture is considered as the main and the foremost culture
practiced in India. Ancient people cultivate the crops in their own land and so they have been
accommodated to their needs. Therefore, the natural crops are cultivated and have been used by
many creatures such as human beings, animals and birds. The greenish goods produced in the land
which have been taken by the creature leads to a healthy and welfare life. Since the invention of
new innovative technologies and techniques the agriculture field is slowly degrading. Due to these,
abundant invention people are been concentrated on cultivating artificial products that is hybrid
products where there leads to an unhealthy life. Nowadays, modern people don’t have awareness
about the cultivation of the crops in a right time and at a right place. Because of these cultivating
techniques the seasonal climatic conditions are also being changed against the fundamental assets
like soil, water and air which lead to insecurity of food.
By analyzing all these issues and problems like weather, temperature and several factors,
there is no proper solution and technologies to overcome the situation faced by us. In India there
are several ways to increase the economical growth in the field of agriculture. There are multiple
ways to increase and improve the crop yield and the quality of the crops. Data mining also useful
for predicting the crop yield production.
Data analytic (DA) is the process of examining data sets in order to draw conclusions about
the information they contain, increasingly with the aid of specialized systems and software. Earlier
yield prediction was performed by considering the farmer's experience on a particular field and
crop. However, as the conditions change day by day very rapidly, farmers are forced to cultivate
more and more crops. Being this as the current situation, many of them don’t have enough
knowledge about the new crops and are not completely aware of the benefits they get while farming
them. Also, the farm productivity can be increased by understanding and forecasting crop
performance in a variety of environmental conditions. Thus, the proposed system takes the location
of the user as an input. From the location, the nutrients of the soil such as Nitrogen, Phosphorous,
Potassium is obtained. The processing part also take into consideration two more datasets i.e. one
obtained from weather department, forecasting the

weather expected in current year and the other data being static data. This static data is the crop
production and data related to demands of various crops obtained from various government
The proposed system applies machine learning and prediction algorithm like Multiple
Linear Regression to identify the pattern among data and then process it as per input conditions.
This in turn will propose the best feasible crops according to given environmental conditions.
Thus, this system will only require the location of the user and it will suggest number of profitable
crops providing a choice directly to the farmer about which crop to cultivate. As past year
production is also taken into account, the prediction will be more accurate.
Data mining software is an analytical tool that allows users to analyze data from many
different dimensions or angles, categorize, and summarize the relationships identified.
Technically, data mining is the process of finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields
in large relational databases. The patterns, associations, or relationships among all this data can
provide information. Information can be converted into knowledge about historical patterns and
future trends. For example, summary information about crop production can help the farmers
identify the crop losses and prevent it in future. Crop yield prediction is an important agricultural
problem. Each and Every farmer is always tries to know, how much yield will get from his
expectation. In the past, yield prediction was calculated by analyzing farmer's previous experience
on a particular crop. The Agricultural yield is primarily depends on weather conditions, pests and
planning of harvest operation. Accurate information about history of crop yield is an important
thing for making decisions related to agricultural risk management. Therefore, this document
proposes an idea to predict the yield of the crop .The farmer will check the yield of the crop as per
the acre, before cultivating onto the field.
To maximize the crop yield, selection of the appropriate crop that will be sown plays a vital
role. It depends on various factors like the type of soil and its composition, climate, geography of
the region, crop yield, market prices etc. Techniques like Artificial neural networks, K-nearest
neighbors and Decision Trees have carved a niche for themselves in the context of crop selection
which is based on various factors. Crop selection based on the effect of natural calamities like
famines has been done based on machine learning (Washington Okori, 2011). The use of artificial
neural networks to choose the crops based on soil and climate has

been shown by researchers (Obua,2011). A plant nutrient management system has been proposed
based on machine learning methods to meet the needs of soil, maintain its fertility levels, and hence
improve the crop yield (Shivnath Ghosh, 2014). A crop selection method called CSM has been
proposed which helps in crop selection based on its yield prediction and other factors (Kumar,
Indian agriculture mainly relies on seasonal rains for irrigation. Therefore, an accurate
forecast of weather can reduce the enormous toil faced by farmers in India including crop selection,
watering and harvesting. As the farmers have poor access to the Internet as a result of digital-
divide, they have to rely on the little information available regarding weather reports. Up-to-date
as well as accurate weather information is still not available as the weather changes dynamically
over time. Researchers have been working on improving the accuracy of weather predictions by
using a variety of algorithms. Artificial Neural networks have been adopted extensively for this
purpose. Likewise, weather prediction based on machine learning technique called Support Vector
Machines had been proposed (M.Shashi, 2009). These algorithms have shown better results over
the conventional algorithms.
Farming sector consumes a huge portion of water in India. The levels of ground water are
dropping down day-by-day and global warming has resulted in climate changes. To combat the
scarcity of water, many companies have come up with sensor based technology for smart farming
which uses sensors to monitor the water level, nutrient content, weather forecast reports and soil
temperature. EDYN Garden sensor is another example (Gupta, 2016). These smart devices are
being designed on the principles of machine learning. The nutrient content of soil can also be
recorded using the sensors and hence used for supplying fertilizers to the soil using smart irrigation
systems. It also reduce the labor cost in the fields, which is a huge crisis being faced by the Indian
farmers these day.

2.1 TITLE: Geo-Object-Based Soil Organic Matter Mapping Using Machine Learning
Algorithms With Multi-Source Geo-Spatial Data
AUTHOR: TianjunWu , JianchengLuo, Wen Dong, Yingwei Sun , Liegang Xia , and
Xuejian Zhang
Soil is a complicated historical natural continuum that presents gradual changes in its
properties and geographic area. Conventional soil survey and cartography methods on a
macroscopic scale based on grids with a coarse resolution are inadequate for the rapid development
of precision agriculture. The demand for soil mapping content and accuracy has increased as more
convenient methods of acquiring multi-source geo-spatial data have been developed, and such data
are commonly employed to extract basic mapping units and environmental variables in related
algorithms. I employ geo-objects as basic units of soil property mapping, which are extracted from
high-resolution remote sensing images using a convolutional neural network based learning
algorithm. Multi-source geo-spatial data are transferred into each geo object as environmental
variables, and the relationships between soil properties and environmental variables are mined
using powerful tree-based machine learning algorithms, including regressions with random forests
and XGBoost. A data set that includes soil sample points and multi-source geo-spatial data is used
to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that
the method allows for better soil organic
2.2 TITLE: IoT based Smart Soil Monitoring System for Agricultural Production
AUTHOR: Divya J. Divya M. Janani V.
Agriculture plays major role in economics and survival of people in India. The purpose of
this project is to provide embedded based system for soil monitoring and irrigation to reduce the
manual monitoring of the field and get the information via mobile application. The system is
proposed to help the farmers to increase the agricultural production. The soil is tested using various
sensors such as pH sensor, temperature sensor, and humidity sensor. Based on the result, the
farmers can cultivate the appropriate crop that suits the soil. The obtained sensor values are

sent to the field manager through the Wi-Fi router and the crop suggestion is made through the
mobile application. Automatic irrigation system is carried out when the soil temperature is high.
Crop image is captured and it is sent to the field manager to suggest pesticides.
2.3 TITLE: An Intelligent System for Predicting ThripsTabaciLinde Pest Population
Dynamics Allied To Cotton Crop
AUTHOR: JyothipatilDrA.GovardhanDrV.D.Mytri
The agricultural sector in India is up against a series of problems when it comes to
increasing crop productivity. A number of successful researches have been carried out to discover
productive agricultural practices to improve crop cultivation but despite their efforts, productivity
achieved by most of the farmers has not been in upper-bound level. The prime reason stated
globally for crop loss is Insect pests. An efficient pest management technique can be devised if we
could predict in advance the occurrences of peak activities of a given pest. Researchers are
undertaken to understand the pest population dynamics by employing analytical and other
techniques on pest surveillance data sets. In this document, We present an intelligent system for
pest prediction in cotton crop with the aid of the data obtained from College of Agriculture,
Raichur, India. We make an effort to understand population dynamics of ThripstabaciLinde
(Thrips) pest on cotton (GossypiumArboreum) crop using neural networks by analyzing pest
surveillance data. The Multi-layer perceptron neural network with back-propagation training
algorithm is utilized in the design of the presented intelligent system. The results show that neural
network system can be able to give results with a very high degree of accuracy and is best suited
to build a prediction system. With the aid of this pest prediction system, the farming communities
get more beneficiaries in crop productivity.
2.4 TITLE: Improving Crop Productivity Through A Crop Recommendation System Using
Ensembling Technique
AUTHOR:Nidhi H Kulkarni Dr. G N Srinivasan Dr. B M SagarDr.N K Cauvery
Agriculture plays a predominant role in the economic growth and development of the
country. The major and serious setback in the crop productivity is that the farmers do not choose
the right crop for cultivation. In order to improve the crop productivity, a crop recommendation
system is to be developed that uses the ensembling technique of machine learning. The

ensembling technique is used to build a model that combines the predictions of multiple machine
learning models together to recommend the right crop based on the soil specific type and
characteristics with high accuracy. The independent base learners used in the ensemble model are
Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and Linear SVM. Each classifier provides its own set of class labels
with an acceptable accuracy. The class labels of individual base learners are combined using the
majority voting technique. The crop recommendation system classifies the input soil dataset into
the recommendable crop type, Kharif and Rabi. The dataset comprises of the soil specific physical
and chemical characteristics in addition to the climatic conditions such as average rainfall and the
surface temperature samples. The average classification accuracy obtained by combining the
independent base learners is 99.91%.
2.5 TITLE: An Effective Method of Controlling the Greenhouse and Crop Monitoring
Using GSM
AUTHOR: P. S. AsolkarProf.Dr. U. S. Bhadade
The advent of green house technology has become most important and most widely used
part in daily life because green house environment protects plants from undesirable environmental
conditions and provides well desired conditions for growing under controlled atmosphere. The
main aim of this document is to propose effective method for crop monitoring in agricultural which
shows the path to rural farming community to replace traditional crop cultivation techniques. The
green houses are precisely used for improvement in productivity, quality, quantity and profitability
of vegetable, flower and fruit crops. In this document, green house approach has been presented
supporting GSM wireless technology. The proposed green house system provides impact on
varieties of crop species mostly flowers, vegetable crops and fruit crops. The presented system
effectively monitors and controls the green house parameters of crucial importance like
temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and light intensity and Co2 gas. The system had been tested
in green house environment and observations had been recorded for crop analysis purpose. The
crop analysis helps farmers for monthly future prediction to know the expenditure for growing
crop. This makes effective solution for farmers to grow highly efficient and disease free crop
species for commercial production.

2.6 TITLE: Agricultural Production Output Prediction Using Supervised Machine
Learning Techniques
AUTHOR: Md.TahmidShakoor, Karishma Rahman, SumaiyaNasrinRayta, Amitabha
Farmers usually plan the cultivation process based on their previous experiences. Due to
the lack of precise knowledge about cultivation, they end up cultivating undesirable crops. To help
the farmers take decisions that can make their farming more efficient and profitable, the research
tries to establish an intelligent information prediction analysis on farming in Bangladesh.
However, this way of farming here is still at the initial stage. The research suggests area based
beneficial crop rank before the cultivation process. It indicates the crops that are cost effective for
cultivation for a particular area of land. To achieve these results, we are considering six major
crops which are Aus rice, Aman rice, Boro rice, Potato, Jute and Wheat. The prediction is based
on analyzing a static set of data using Supervised Machine Learning techniques. This static dataset
contains previous years’ data taken from the Yearbook of Agricultural Statistics and Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Council of those crops according to the area. The research has an intent to
use Decision Tree Learning- ID3 algorithm.
2.7 TITLE: Investigating the capability of multi-temporal Landsat images for crop
identification in high farmland fragmentation regions
AUTHOR: Zhang Miao1, 2, Li Qiangzi1 , Wu
Crop identification is a critical component for grain production prediction. Identifying crop
type using remote sensing techniques has been investigated for many decades. A number of
different supervised methods have been developed to discriminate different crops. However, most
of these methods were applied to areas with relatively large cultivated fields. In China, the
cultivation policy leads to extreme complexity in the agricultural landscape, especially in summer
and autumn seasons. The objective of this study was to investigate the capability of multi-temporal
Landsat images for crop identification in a region with high farmland fragmentation. The study
area is located in Taigu, Shanxi province, where the crop planting structure is very complicated.
A total of 7 Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) images were acquired from 14
October 2003 to 26 June 2004 for classification. Two most

favorable classifiers, support vector machine (SVM) and maximum likelihood classifier (MLC)
were selected for classification with training samples using different combinations of multi-
temporal Landsat images. The overall classification accuracy and Kappa statistics estimated from
the confusion matrix using validation samples were selected for evaluating all classification
results. Accuracy assessment results indicated that multi-temporal ETM+ data achieved
satisfactory classification accuracy (best overall accuracy 89.61%) in the study area. SVM
classifier performed better than MLC when three or less Landsat images were used. The addition
of the temporal dimension further increased the overall classification accuracy for both SVM and
MLC, but the accuracy increased slightly for SVM classifier. The time of data acquisitions are of
great importance for crop classification. Results in this document indicated that multitemporal
Landsat ETM+ data are capable for crop discrimination in regions with high farmland
fragmentation. In the future, the use of China Environment Satellite HJ1A/B data for this
application should be investigated in the future for the higher temporal resolution and greater
spatial coverage.
2.8 TITLE: Comparison of Statistical Methods for Predicting Wheat Yield Trends in
AUTHOR: D.TurgayAltılar Anıl SuatTerliksiz
Population of the world is constantly increasing and it is necessary to have sufficient crop
production. Monitoring crop growth and yield prediction are very important for the economic
development of a nation. The prediction of crop yield have direct impact on national and
international economies and play important role in the food management and food security. Crop
growth and yield are affected by various factors such as genetic potential of crop cultivar, soil,
weather, cultivation practices (date of sowing, amount of irrigation and fertilizer, etc.) and biotic
stress. Thus crop yield modeling is a complex and difficult task. Several methods of crop yield
estimation have been developed such as statistical, agro-meteorological, empirical, biophysical,
mechanistic, etc. Most of the studies on yield trend prediction is based on statistical methods. Yield
time series obtained from national agencies are used in order to predict future yield trends. There
are different types of statistical methods used for predicting yield trends such as simple linear
regression, quadratic regression, cubic regression, exponential regression, single exponential
smoothing, etc. Most of the studies are only dealing with past years and yield at

these years. Factors such as crop type, soil properties, weather conditions, and irrigation and
cultivation practices affect crop growth and yield. Consequently crop yield modelling needs too
many parameters that make it a complex and difficult task. Unfortunately, only a small portion of
these factors is known with certainty. For example weather is a very large determinant of yields
but remains very unpredictable. Some of these factors (average temperature in a year, etc.) can
also be included in some measure to these methods, which means having more than one
independent variable in trend prediction equations. The purpose of this study is to evaluate
performance of these statistical methods and to determine which of these methods performs better
for predicting wheat yield trends in Turkey. Once methods which perform better than others are
determined, other influencing factors and adding these factors to the prediction equations can be
studied as a future work.
2.9 TITLE: Agricultural Activity Recognition with Smart-shirt and Crop
Protocol AUTHOR: SanatSarangi, Somya Sharma, BhushanJagyasi
Accurate recognition of agricultural activity has a direct bearing on improving farm
productivity in terms of achieving crop yield improvements, imparting precision training to
farmers wherever needed, and measuring their efforts. Moreover, farm activities are not
independent of each other. Cultivation of any crop is associated with a defined pattern of farmer
activities called the crop protocol. With an indigenously developed garment for the farmer called
smart-shirt, we propose a model for activity classification which has a mean activity prediction
accuracy of over 88% for seven classes. The performance of numerous classifiers–SVM, Naive
Byes, K-NN, LDA and QDA–is rigorously evaluated and compared for activity prediction. We
also propose a model to use the a priori information associated with the crop protocol to recognize
the major activity when presented with an unclear evidence of reported activities.
2.10 TITLE: Weather Analysis to Predict Rice Cultivation Time Using Multiple Linear
Regression to Escalate Farmer’s Exchange Rate
AUTHOR: LumintoHarlili, M.S
Agriculture is one of primary sectors of the national economy and is receiving more
attention from government annually in order to increase productions and boost national economy.
Agriculture, especially rice cultivation, has been challenged with various issues for the

past decades such as extreme weather (global warming) which could result in crop failure. From
the weather aspect, this document aims to build weather analysis program to predict rice cultivation
time in hope to escalate Farmer’s Exchange Rate (FER) . Farmer’s Exchange Rate is an proxy
indicator to determine how prosperous farmers from certain regions are. Weather analysis is
conducted by retrieving weather data from National Weather Forecast and Farmer’s Exchange
Rate data from National Statistics Authority for the past 1 year and using the obtained data to build
a regression model using Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) to determine the correlation between
weather and FER. The variables are ―Average Temperature‖, ―Average Humidity‖, ―Rainfall‖,
and ―Solar Radiation‖. The resulted model is then projected using line chart. Based on evaluation
the proposed analysis from 2 different regions tested gives overall Root Mean Square Error
(RMSE) between 0.39 – 1.34.
2.11TITLE: High Granularity Remote Sensing and Crop Production over Space and Time:
NDVI over the Growing Season and Prediction of Cotton Yields at the Farm Field Level in
AUTHOR: Bert Little Michael Schucking Kenton Ross
Remote sensing has been applied to agriculture at very coarse levels of granularity (i.e.,
national levels) but few investigations have focused on yield prediction at the farm unit level.
Specific aims of the present investigation are to analyze the ability of Moderate Resolution
Imaging Spectro radiometer (MODIS) data to predict cotton yields in two highly homogeneous
counties in west Texas. In one study county > 90% of cotton grown is irrigated, while the other
study county 40 miles south has > 85% non-irrigated cotton. Regression analysis by day from
April to November at the county and farm levels reveals a highly significant ability for MODIS to
predict cotton yields. R2 values ranged from 0.90 to 0.98 for irrigated cotton and 0.80 to .90 for
non-irrigated cotton practices. The objective in future studies is to algorithmically extend these
analyses to the ~ 300 million acres of arable land under cultivation in the United States.

Soil is a complicated historical natural continuum that presents gradual changes in its
properties and geographic area. Conventional soil survey and cartography methods on a
macroscopic scale based on grids with a coarse resolution are inadequate for the rapid development
of precision agriculture. The demand for soil mapping content and accuracy has increased as more
convenient methods of acquiring multi-source geo-spatial data have been developed, and such data
are commonly employed to extract basic mapping units and environmental variables in related
algorithms. We employ geo-objects as basic units of soil property mapping, which are extracted
from high-resolution remote sensing images using a convolution neural network based learning
algorithm. Multi-source geo-spatial data are transferred into each geo object as environmental
variables, and the relationships between soil properties and environmental variables are mined
using powerful tree-based machine learning algorithms, including regressions with random forests
and XGBoost. A data set that includes soil sample points and multi-source geo-spatial data is used
to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that
the method allows for better soil organic matter mapping than state-of-the-art interpolation-based
and linear-regression-based methods. The proposed procedure has potential to be a general method
for mapping other soil properties. Its advantages are embodied in the modeling of relatively
miscellaneous data with implicitly associated non-linear relationships between soil properties and
environmental variables. The spatial scale and accuracy of the finer maps capture more detailed
characteristics of the soil properties and are applicable to the micro-domain fields required for
refined soil mapping with small variations.
In the framework of our methodology, geo-objects with geographic meaning of edges are
the smallest spatial unit of mapping. In this document, it is referred as the smallest geographical
entity (image-object) that can be perceived with exact shape boundary and determined by clear
land cover type under the constraint of certain spatial scale (image resolution). Clear edge and
homogeneous internal characteristics are two fundamental characteristics of these meaningful geo-
objects with geographic edges. That is, geo-objects, the basic mapping units in our study, are

controlled by the image edges, which are always extracted by segmentation methods on high-
resolution remote sensing images and are in line with visual format of image-objects reflecting the
exact geographic entries. Although unsupervised edge- or region-based segmentation methods had
been commonly used to extract image-objects from satellite images, the segmented objects often
have problems of over-segmentation or under-segmentation. They are not consistent with the real
environment and cannot meet the requirements from the perspectives of visual interpretation.
Recently, supervised segmentation methods using object-edge samples had been shown effective
to extract image-objects’ edges. Prior knowledge in the edge samples from artificial visual
interpretation will be learned in these supervised methods, which makes their segmentation results
more consistent with visual interpretation and the phenomenon of over-segmentation or under
segmentation will be avoided to some extent. This supervised strategy has been successfully
applied in many fields such as natural image semantics segmentation. Here, I introduce it into the
similar processing task for satellite image segmentation.

Fig.3.1 Existing System Architecture

• Result prediction is made from sample images thus the result may vary
• Need large amount of Geo- spatial data SAR images
• Sample point data quality and quantity is not known since the prediction is made from


The system aims to help farmers to cultivate proper crop for better yield production. To be
precise and accurate in predicting crops, the project analyze the nutrients present in the soil and
the crop productivity based on embedded sensors with the microcontrollers added in it. It can be
achieved using supervised learning algorithm random forest method and linear regression
algorithm. It compares the accuracy obtained by different network learning techniques and the
most accurate result will be delivered to the end user. Along with this, the end user is provided
with proper recommendations about fertilizers suitable for every particular crop. After the soil
nutrient prediction the type of crop cultivation, vegetative index, pest, soil matters, pest and the
disease attack can be predicted easily using the techniques. The proposed system will check soil
quality and predict the cop yield accordingly along with it provide fertilizer recommendation if
needed depending upon the quality of soil. Thus the system will help reduce the difficulties faced
by the farmers and stop them from attempting suicides. It will act as a medium to provide the
farmers efficient information required to get high yield and thus maximize profits which in turn
will reduce the suicide rates and lessen his difficulties.


Fig.3.2 Proposed System Architecture

 The soil nutrients and the minerals can be predicted using linear regression.

 The crop cultivation according to the soil is suggested by machine learning.

 The accuracy of prediction is high .

 Reduce the stress of farmers and consumers.

• Processor : Dual core processor 2.6.0 GHz
• RAM : 1GB
• Hard disk : 160 GB
• Compact Disk : 650 MB
• Keyboard : Standard keyboard
• Monitor : 15 inch color monitor


• Front End : PYTHON
• IDE : pycharm
• Platform : Windows 7

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program is to add a few print statements to the source: the fast edit-test-debug cycle makes this
simple approach very effective.


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Machine Learning is the hottest trend in modern times. According to Forbes, Machine
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Soil is a vital component in any ecosystem, in fact, our very existence depend on the 6-12
inches underneath our feet. The properties of soil are mainly classified into three groups physical,
chemical and electrical. The soil fertility is tested using the three factors temperature, humidity
and moisture contents of the soil the farming field is analyzed by three different parameters. First,
the water content of the soil is measured. This serves as a key value in operating the motor.
Measuring the water quantity is done using soil moisture sensor. Crop forecasting relies on
computer programs that describe the plant-environment interactions in quantitative terms. The soil
testing program starts with the collection of a soil sample from a field. The first basic principle of
soil testing is that a field can be sampled in such a way that chemical analysis of the soil sample
will accurately reflect the field’s true nutrient status. The purpose of soil testing in high-yield
farming is to determine the relative ability of a soil to supply crop nutrients during a particular
growing season, to determine the needs, and for diagnosing problems such as excessive salinity.
A soil test is the analysis of a soil sample to determine nutrient content, composition and other
characteristics. Tests are usually performed to measure fertility and indicate deficiencies that need
to be remedied. Soil fertility is a crucial attribute which is considered for land evaluation, also
achieving and maintaining necessary levels of fertility is important for nurturing crop production,
hence this document includes steps for building an efficient and accurate predictive model of soil
fertility with the help of data mining techniques. The overall goal of the data mining process is to
extract information from a data set and transform it into an understandable structure for further
Dataset Collection the dataset is part of surveys which are collected from the agriculture
university, Coimbatore district. Primary data for the soil survey are acquired by field sampling.
These samples are then sent for chemical and physical analysis at the soil testing laboratories;
hence this dataset was collected from the agriculture university.

Temperature Humidity
Moisture sensor
sensor sensor

Power supply

Micro controller

LCD display

Fig 5.1 Block diagram of soil testing embedded device

The data in the sensor residing in Arduino will be transmitted through a dedicated channel
to next phase. The sensors read the gathered data from the field continuously and send it to Arduino
which has a separate port for reading sensor analog data ensuring the correctness of data. The
collected data from Arduino is sent for processing through thRF24L01 transceiver. In this phase,
the transceiver will act as a transmitter, capable of sending and receiving data over 1km. The field
is analyzed continually and data is transmitted with a time period of 1 second. All the data read by
Arduino is sent and stored in data set.
Data mining techniques are mainly divided in two groups, classification and clustering
techniques. Classification techniques are designed for classifying unknown samples using
information provided by a set of classified samples. This set is usually referred to as a training set
as it is used to train the classification technique how to perform its classification. This work
presents a system, which uses data mining techniques in order to predict the category of the
analyzed soil datasets. The category, thus predicted will indicate the yielding of crops.

Data preprocessing is a data mining technique that involves transforming raw data into an
understandable format. Real-world data is often incomplete, inconsistent, and/or lacking in certain
behaviors or trends, and is likely to contain many errors. Data preprocessing is a proven method
of resolving such issues. In Real world data are generally incomplete: lacking attribute values,
lacking certain attributes of interest, or containing only aggregate data. Noisy: containing errors or
outliers. Inconsistent: containing discrepancies in codes or names.
5.3.1 Steps in Data Preprocessing
Step 1: Import the libraries
Step 2: Import the data-set
Step 3: Check out the missing values
Step 4: See the Categorical Values
Step 5: Splitting the data-set into Training and Test Set
Step 6: Feature Scaling
In general, learning algorithms benefit from standardization of the data set. If some
outliers are present in the set, robust scalars or transformers are more appropriate. The
behaviors of the different scalers, transformers, and normalizers on a dataset containing
marginal outliers are highlighted in Compare the effect of different scalars on data with
outliers. Pre-processing refers to the transformations applied to our data before feeding it to
the algorithm. Data Preprocessing is a technique that is used to convert the raw data into a
clean data set. In other words, whenever the data is gathered from different sources it is
collected in raw format which is not feasible for the analysis.

Fig 5.3 Raw data analysis and exploration
steps 5.3.2 Need of Data Preprocessing
 For achieving better results from the applied model in Machine Learning projects the
format of the data has to be in a proper manner. Some specified Machine Learning model
needs information in a specified format, for example, Linear regression does not support
null values; therefore to execute Linear regression algorithm null values have to be
managed from the original raw data set.

 Another aspect is that data set should be formatted in such a way that more than one
Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms are executed in one data set, and best out
of them is chosen.


Linear Regression is a machine learning algorithm based on supervised learning. Linear
regression performs the task to predict a dependent variable value (y) based on a given independent
variable (x). So, this regression technique finds out a linear relationship between x (input) and
While training the model we are given :
x: input training data (univariateone input variable(parameter))
y: labels to data (supervised learning)
When training the model – it fits the best line to predict the value of y for a given value of x.
The model gets the best regression fit line by finding the best θ1 and θ2 values.

θ1: intercept
θ2: coefficient of x
Once we find the best θ1 and θ2 values, we get the best fit line. So when we are finally using our
model for prediction, it will predict the value of y for the input value of x.
Cost Function(J):
By achieving the best-fit regression line, the model aims to predict y value such that the
difference between predicted value and true value is minimum. So, it is very important to update
the θ1 and θ2 values, to reach the best value that minimize the error between predicted y value
(pred) and true y value (y).
= ∑(𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑑𝑖
− 𝑦𝑖 )2 (1)

Cost function(J) of Linear Regression is the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) between
predicted y value (pred) and true y value (y).
Gradient Descent:
To update θ1 and θ2 values in order to reduce Cost function (minimizing RMSE value) and
achieving the best fit line the model uses Gradient Descent. The idea is to start with random
θ1 and θ2 values and then iteratively updating the values, reaching minimum cost.

Regression analysis is primarily used for two conceptually distinct purposes. First,
regression analysis is widely used for prediction and forecasting, where its use has substantial
overlap with the field of machine learning. Second, in some situations regression analysis can be
used to infer causal relationships between the independent and dependent variables. Importantly,
regressions by themselves only reveal relationships between a dependent variable and a collection
of independent variables in a fixed dataset. To use regressions for prediction or to infer causal
relationships, respectively, a researcher must carefully justify why existing relationships have
predictive power for a new context or why a relationship between two variables has a causal
interpretation. The latter is especially important when a researcher hopes to estimate causal
relationships using observational data. he relationship between dependent variable is given by
straight line and it has only one independent variable.
Y=α+ΒX Eq… > (2)
Model 'Y', is a linear function of 'X'. The value of 'Y' increases or decreases in linear manner
according to which the value of 'X' also changes.
A prediction model is trained with a set of training sequences. Once trained, the model is
used to perform sequence predictions. A prediction consists in predicting the next items of a
sequence. Learning of sequential data continues to be a fundamental task and a challenge in pattern
recognition and machine learning. Sequence prediction is different from other types of supervised
learning problems. The sequence imposes an order on the observations that must be preserved
when training models and making predictions. Generally, prediction problems that involve
sequence data are referred to as sequence prediction problems; although there are a suite of
problems that differ based on the input and output sequences. Pattern recognition is the process of
recognizing patterns by using a Machine Learning algorithm. Pattern recognition can be defined
as the classification of data based on knowledge already gained or on statistical information
extracted from patterns and/or their representation. Pattern recognition is the ability to detect
arrangements of characteristics or data that yield information about a given system or data set.
Predictive analytics in data science work can make use of pattern recognition algorithms to isolate
statistically probable movements of time series data into the future. In a technological context, a
pattern might be recurring sequences of data over time that can be used to predict trends, particular
configurations of features in images that identify objects, frequent combinations of words and
phrases for natural language processing (NLP), or particular clusters of behaviour on a network
that could indicate an attack — among almost endless other possibilities. In IT, pattern recognition
is a branch of Machine Learning that emphasizes the recognition of data patterns or data
regularities in a given scenario. Pattern recognition involves classification and cluster of patterns.

5.5.1 Training and Learning Models in Pattern Recognition

Training and Learning is the building block model of Pattern Recognition. Learning is a
phenomena through which a system gets trained and becomes adaptable to give result in an
accurate manner. Learning is the most important phase as how well the system performs on the
data provided to the system depends on which algorithms used on the data.

The model need to undergo from two phases and dataset is divided into two categories, one which
is used in training the model and called as Training set and the other is used in testing the model
after training called as Testing set.

Fig 5.5 Data Training and testing with the pattern based recognition Training set

Training set is used to build a model. It consists of the set of images which are used to train
the system. Training rules and algorithms used give relevant information on how to associate input
data with output decision. The system is trained by applying these algorithms on the dataset, all
the relevant information is extracted from the data and results are obtained. Generally, 80-85% of
the data of the dataset is taken for training data. Testing set

Testing data is used to test the system. It is the set of data which is used to verify whether
the system is producing the correct output after being trained or not. Generally, 20% of the data of
the dataset is used for testing. Testing data is used to measure the accuracy of the system. Thus the
prediction of the soil yield can be identified using the implemented pattern recognition

Systems implementation is the process of: defining how the information system should be
built (i.e., physical system design), ensuring that the information system is operational and used,
ensuring that the information system meets quality standard (i.e., quality assurance). Systems
implementation is the process of:
 Defining how the information system should be built (i.e., physical system

 Ensuring that the information system is operational and used,

 Ensuring that the information system meets quality standard (i.e., quality
Conceptual design – what the system should do
Logical design – what the system should look to the
user Physical design – how the system should be built
A product software implementation method is a systematically structured approach to
effectively integrate a software based service or component into the workflow of an organizational
structure or an individual end-user.
Implementation is the carrying out, execution, or practice of a plan, a method, or any
design, idea, model, specification, standard or policy for doing something. As
such, implementation is the action that must follow any preliminary thinking in order for
something to actually happen.
Activities of the Process
The following major activities and tasks are performed during this process:
Define the implementation strategy - Implementation process activities begin with
detailed design and include developing an implementation strategy that defines fabrication and
coding procedures, tools and equipment to be used, implementation tolerances, and the means and
criteria for auditing configuration of resulting elements to the detailed design documentation. In
the case of repeated system element implementations (such as for mass manufacturing or
replacement elements), the implementation strategy is defined and refined to achieve consistent

and repeatable element production; it is retained in the project decision database for future use.
The implementation strategy contains the arrangements for packing, storing, and supplying the
implemented element.
Realize the system element - Realize or adapt and produce the concerned system element
using the implementation strategy items as defined above. Realization or adaptation is conducted
with regard to standards that govern applicable safety, security, privacy, and environmental
guidelines or legislation and the practices of the relevant implementation technology. This requires
the fabrication of hardware elements, development of software elements, definition of training
capabilities, drafting of training documentation, and the training of initial operators and
Provide evidence of compliance - Record evidence that the system element meets its
requirements and the associated verification and validation criteria as well as the legislation policy.
This requires the conduction of peer reviews and unit testing, as well as inspection of operation
and maintenance manuals. Acquire measured properties that characterize the implemented element
(weight, capacities, effectiveness, level of performance, reliability, availability, etc.) Package,
store, and supply the implemented element – It is defined in the implementation strategy.


Testing is a series of different tests that whose primary purpose is to fully exercise the
computer based system. Although each test has a different purpose, all work should verify that all
system element have been properly integrated and performed allocated function. Testing is the
process of checking whether the developed system works according to the actual requirement and
objectives of the system. The philosophy behind testing is to find the errors. A good test is one that
has a high probability of finding an undiscovered error. A successful test is one that uncovers the
undiscovered error. Test cases are devised with this purpose in mind. A test case is a set of data
that the system will process as an input.

The first test in the development process is the unit test. The source code is normally
divided into modules, which in turn are divided into smaller units called units. These units have
specific behavior. The test done on these units of code is called unit test. Unit test depends upon
the language on which the project is developed. Unit tests ensure that each unique path of the
project performs accurately to the documented specifications and contains clearly defined inputs
and expected results. Functional and reliability testing in an Engineering environment. Producing
tests for the behavior of components (nodes and vertices) of a product to ensure their correct
behavior prior to system integration.
Integration tests are designed to test integrated software components to determine if they
actually run as one program. Testing is event driven and is more concerned with the basic outcome
of screens or fields. The combination of components is correct and consistent. Integration testing
is specifically aimed at exposing the problems that arise from the combination of components. In
this testing the each and every module are linked together by using the data to be transfer from one
module field to another.
White Box Testing is a testing in which in which the software tester has knowledge of the
inner coding, structure and language of the software.
System testing ensures that the entire integrated software system meets requirements. It
tests a configuration to ensure known and predictable results. An example of system testing is the
configuration oriented system integration test. System testing is based on process descriptions and
flows, emphasizing pre-driven process links and integration points. In this testing it is based on
the coding to assignor performs the function by using the methods and data for the program to be

Black Box Testing is testing the software without any knowledge of the inner workings,
structure or language of the module being tested. Black box tests, as most other kinds of tests, must
be written from a definitive source document, such as specification or requirements document,
such as specification or requirements document. It is a testing in which the software under test is
treated, as a black box you cannot see into it. The test provides inputs and responds to outputs
without considering how the software works.
User Acceptance Testing is a critical phase of any project and requires significant
participation by the end user. It also ensures that the system meets the functional requirements.
In this testing performed that the customer satisfaction are fulfilled and also in this testing
various access, the various functions can be done by adding some fields needed, modifying the
fields etc., any changes are done by using the testing.
Functional tests provide systematic demonstrations that functions tested are available as
specified by the business and technical requirements, system documentation, and user manuals. In
this testing find out valid data are to given to the fields are required, other views if the data fields
are enter wrongly it given some error message to the user and it makes to run the project clear.


Software maintenance is the last phase in the software Engineering process that eliminates
errors in the working system during its work span and to tune the system to any variations in its
working environment. The system requires maintenance as there may be changes and requirements
in the organizational needs, government policies, hardware and software environment etc. often
small system deficiencies are found as a system is brought into operation and changes are made to
remove them. System requirements may be revised as a result of system usage or changing
operational needs. Perhaps oversight that occurred during the development process needs to be

Often the maintenance need arises to capture additional data for storage in a database or in
transaction files or perhaps it may be necessary to add error detection features to prevent system
users from in adversely taking an unwanted action.
Maintenance of the system after it is installed is hardware basis the system and there is a brief
warranty period during which time the vendor is responsible for maintenance. This is the period
of how many days the system and the project applications are performed from the days from
purchases. The purchaser has the option of acquiring maintenance from various sources.
Maintenance source excepting vendor is also available from companies specializing in providing
the service, called third party maintenance companies.



This thesis focuses on analyzing the agricultural soil data using data mining for crop yield
prediction. In this document, we've got suggested an analysis of the soil information using
completely different algorithms and prediction technique. In this document we have demonstrated
comparative study of varied regression algorithms. The system does not allow any abnormal
circumstances to affect the production rate. It efficiently manages the energy and human resources.
Distant control mechanism used in the system improves the efficiency by reducing the effort
required by the farmer to monitor and act according to the changes in the field. Wireless monitoring
along with low power consumption makes it a useful system for the farmer to incorporate and use
it in the agricultural farm. The goals that have been achieved by the developed system are:
• Simplified and reduced the manual work.
• Large volumes of data can be stored.
• It provides Smooth workflow.
In case we wish to yield particular crop, then we can improve the soil by adding the necessary
nutrients in the soil as per required by that crop.


In future, we can plan to build Fertilizer Recommendation System which can be utilized
effectively by the Soil Testing Laboratories. This System will recommend appropriate fertilizer
for the given soil sample and cropping pattern. Future modules can be added if any queries are
there, the staff can directly interact with the administrator very easily. We can also determine the
efficient algorithm based on their accuracy metrics that will helps to choose an efficient algorithm
for crop yield prediction.

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