1886 Bauschinger Civil Engineering ICE
1886 Bauschinger Civil Engineering ICE
1886 Bauschinger Civil Engineering ICE
This action asserts itself even beyond the load with which the biu limit. of ;v~ich is zero, a~d. the upper limit is near the ori g; i11111
was stretched. elast1c hm1t, several m1lhon changes of load will n oL Citll liO
.(2.) T~e breaking;-clown point is immediately raised to the load fracture.
w1th .whlCh a bar lf:l drawn out. Rostino· after unloadin()' the . (~3.) By often ~epe~ted loadings between zero and an upp01·
b rea.k mg;;l o;vr~. po .mt n.f:! . s abov:o tlw maximumb b'
load previously lnmt of stress, whlCh IS near or above the orio·inal elastic limit
a;pphocl. I h1 s m crcaf.ll', tiL tll s nr:nblo aft er some days, lasts perhaps this is raised so much the more the greater th~ number of repeti~
for mont hs. tions, but without passing a certain limit.
(3.) Th laf! l;ic limi t ifl, by dntwin n- out, lowered often to zero · (14.) Repeated strainings between zero and an upper limit,
so t hat if i llllllClli 1tt ly afLcr draw ing 7>ut ::mel unloading, the mea~ which raise the elastic limit up to the upper limit of stress,
suromm1Ls m·o agn,i11 t1 tkou, oi.t hcr thoro is no clastic limit or a do not cause fi:acture. But if the upper limit of stress is above
lowot (1 on . But rcs Li ng after th o clrn·w in <r out and unlo~clin()' that to which the elastic limit can be raised, a limited number of
t~o ol lts l;~c limi.t rises again , and roaches, aft~· some clays, the lo~ Tepetitions must cause fracture.
w1th wlnch tho bar was drawn out, ancl will, aft er a sufficiently (15.) 'l'he limits of stress, when a bar is subjected to alternate
long time, be raised above this limit. equal t ension and compression, ought not to exceed the natural
( 4.) Similarly to the elastic limit, the modulus of elasticity is elastic limit.
lowered by drawing out. But it rises during a rest afterwards. w.c.u.
After some years it is higher than its ori()'inal value.
(5.) By extension with loads above th~ elastic limit, but below
the breaking-clown point, the elastic limit is raised. If the load
approaches the breaking-clown point, the elastic limit reaches a Specifications joT the Strength of Iron Bridges.
maximum, and by overstepping the breaking-down point it is
lowered. · By J. 1\L WILSON, M. Am. Soc. C.E., M. Inst. C.E.
(6.) Powerful vibrations, in cold conditions of the bar lower the
elastic limit raised by drawing out, and a subsequent periocl of (Transactions of the American Society of Civil Eng ineers, 1886, p. 389.)
rest. The breaking-down point is also lqwerecl but not much. .
The Author describes the t erms of a g eneral specification which
(7.) For ingot-iron, heating and cooling at 350° C. if the coolin '" he h as now adopted as a standard for all bridges on the Penn-
is rapid, ~ncl. at. 450° 9· if t~e cooling is .slower, sensibly infiuenc~ sylvania railroad, ancl whose provisions may be classified under
the. elastlC hm1t and breakmg-clown pomt. For weld-iron, this
actwn occurs at 400° C. whether the cooling is mpicl or slow. the following heads :-
1st. The external fOTces to be provided for-includin()' prescribed
(8.) The a?tion of heating above those temperatures, and quick
or slow coolmg afterwards, always lowers the elastic limit and values of the rolling-load, wind-pressure, and centrifugal force
breaking-down points. ( on curved viaducts).
(9.) By loads in t ension or compression above the elastic limit 2nd. The basis on which the stresses resulting from these forces
the elastic limit in compression or tension respectively is lowered: should be calculated.
3rd. The allowed working unit-stress-this is not a constant,
and so much more, the more the elastic limit is exceeded. For a
comparatively small excess over the elastic limit by a stress of one but is to be computed by a certain modification of the Launhardt-
kind, t he elast ic limit for the opposite stress is lowered to zero. W eyrauch method, and to be further reduced in long struts by
If a so-lowered elastic limit is raised by stress of a similar kind
applying a formula akin to that of Professor Rankine.
and th en oxceeclocl, t h e cl~stic limit for opposite stresses is in turn 4th. 'l'he required quality of the material, as t ested for tensile
l owcrocl to zero, or almost t o zero. Time in these cases has litt:e strength, elastic limit, ultimate extension, and behaviour under
influence. colcl bending; and the required quality of workmanship as
(10.) By gradually increasing stresses varying from tension t o indicated by gen eral stipulations.
compression, t he clastic limits for opposite stresses are first lowered, 5th. C01·tain prescribed details of construction connected witu
when those stresses cxccctl t ho original elastic limit. the bridge-floor, cross-ties, wheel-guards, &c.; and some rules for
( 11.) If the elastic limit for t ension or compression is lowered
t he dimensions of secondary bracing, plate-webs, stiffenon;
by loads in compression or t ension, which exceed the orio·inal riveting, &c, '
In view of the increasing requirements of the traffic, the str SflC\1::1
elastic lin;tit, it can be ra~sed by gradually :;tPJ?lied loads changing
from tenswn to compressiOn , but only to a lnmt below the orio·inal clue to rolling-load are taken at the maximum value r esulti n p; from
elastic limit. o three supposed cases; each track is supposed to be travcrHod J,y tt
( 12.) If a bar is strained by repeated tensions, the lower train of cars weighing 3000 lbs. per foot lineal, the t rain H 111 ,vill g-