1886 Bauschinger Civil Engineering ICE

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laboratory of the Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees. Thi s O:Llllfli Hlll
th~ crushing t est the decisive one. It was found that when the cement was accordingly used in the arches of three railway l>riil 12;nH
bnqu~ttes wer e .exposed t o tho air for fourteen days, after having over the River Oust, opened in 1881, and in the abutmontH ol'
been rmmerscd m wat r for :t like period, the streno·th increased a railway bridge at Nantes, built in 1882-83. Fissures, h owever,
50 per cent. ns con:lJlfiT cl w i Lh hTiqu ttoe~ which re~ained under appeared in these works about a year after their completion, which
water tho whole of Lh c twe11ty- ight days. Th o t ests made with could be clearly traced to the swelling of the cement in the joints
neat ce:non t Hl WWl'<l tl1 at tl10 figures obtained did not allow a under the influence of moisture. In a roadway bridge, half of tho
comp~nson .to 1> <1rn;wn hot we n cliff rent cement s. small brick arches between the two girders were laid in Boulogne
A dlt:l 'UHHlOil t<!ok pl ace r egarding the mOl'its of various ma chines cement, and half in Camp bon cement; and whilst in the former
for t ho ] l ~ '< 1 fl il l'ltt10n of. tho briquettes. 'Two machines of different . half the arches remained intact, in the latter half the arches were
C01.1 H t:·ll C LI01~ l1 ~Ve hitherto been used; Dr. Bohme's, on the dislocated, rose, and disturbed the footpath. Th~ overth;.ow also
J.lr~ 11 0 1p~ o ~ >I IL t~lt-hammer, and Koomp's, which resembles a pile- of boundary walls, pointed on one face with Campbon cement, and
~ ltl vo r 111 lt Hnot wn. It :vas remarked that Kremp's machine o-ave disruptions of masonry laid with this cement in various buildings,
u.'.·op;1il,aT r esults accordmg to the lubrication of the guide~rod. have resulted from the swelling of the cement. Analysis showed
11ohmo l:l apparatus was adopted as the one to be used for standard that Campbon cement contains a large proportion of magnesia,
t f:l t~. amounting in five samples to between 16 and 28 per cent. ; and the
A r~port was r:ead upon the results of the conference at Munich, swelling of the cement was naturally attributed to this cause.
th. o?J ect of w!nch was to decide upon uniform methods of testing This was confirmed by the action of sound cements mixed with
hm lclmg-matenals. At this conference a number of resolutio calcin,ed magnesia, which swelled under water in proportion to the
w er e passe~ with reference to the testing of cement, limes a:~ qp.antity of magnesia in the mixture. The large quantity of
other matenals. ' magnesia contained in the rocks from which this cement is manu-
A lo~g discussion ensued upon the revision of the standard rules factured does not wholly combine with the silica in the rocks ;
~or t es.tmg cement. Several important alterations were made, and and this magnesia, having been calcined during the burning, is
m then ame?ded form these rules were adopted. gradually h ydrated, and swells. The hydration depends upon the
The quest;on of aclu]~erat.ed cement played an important part in degree and the duration of the burning. The cement might last
t he. proceeclmgs, and It wa~ stat~d that the export trade in if mixed with little water, and in a perfectly dry locality; but
German cem~nt to. ~ustraha, wluch had become considerable, when mixed with plenty of water, and in a moist atmosphere, it
had been serwu~ly lllJUrecl through the shipment to that country swells rapidly, and is certain to dislocate any work in which it is
of a larg;e quantity of cerpent of very inferior quality.
_Dr. Bohm~ gave the result~ of some experiments made to ascer- • used.
L. V. H .
t~m the resrstance to abrasiOn offered by twenty-eight different
lnnd~ of cement. The samples were pressed upon a cast-iron disk
rotatr~g at the rate o~ twenty-two revolutions a minute, a weighed
On the Chai~ge of the Elastia Limit and St~·enr;th of Iron and
guantrty of emery bemg supplied at fixed intervals. Steel, by Drawing Out, by Heating and Cooling, and by
Of soven~y-nine. cement~ tested according to the standard rules
at tho Bm}-m testmg statiOn in 1883-4, sixty-seven had a tensile npetition of Loading.
Htrongth of !n01·e than 213 lbs. per square inch (15 kilograms per By J . BAUSCHINGER.
R~ 11 111'? c ntrmctre ), forty wer.e above 284 lbs. per square inch
(2 0 lo l ~grams per. squar e centimetre), and one above 427 lbs. per (Mittheilungen aus dem Mechanischen Technischen Laboratorium der k. Hochschule
in l\'li.inchen, 1886, p. 1-115.)
squ:uo lli Ch (i!O lnlograms per square centimetre).
W.F.R. Of this extremely elaborate Paper containing a mass of experi-
mental r esearches, only a summary of the principal conclusions
Fctil~t1'6S in va1·io~ts rVo1 ·ks, owinr; to the employment of Magnesian can be given. Starting from. the fact th at loading a bar b eyond
Cements. By J,. J )u H AN D-U r.AYl~ and - DEBRA.Y. the elastic limit raises the elastic· limit for a subsequent l oad, a
fact observed first by Uchatius and himself, the Author procoo<lH
(_\nnales des Ponts ct Chau ssccs, Gth seri es, vol. xi., 188 5, p. 845, 1 plate.) to investigate this phenomenon more closely. His conclusions tLro
the following : -
Tho employment of a kind of Portland cement made in some (1.) By drawing out a bar of Bessemer steel, that is, by ] on,tlin ~
new works a~ Ca:np?on (Loiro-Inf6rieure) was authorized in 1876 it beyond its breaking-clown point, its elastic limit risoH, not on'ly
for constructiOn In ~resJ: water, or out of water, in consequence of during the time the ·load actf', but during a Test after unlontli11 g.
some tests made wrth 1t at the Port of St. Nazaire, and in the

This action asserts itself even beyond the load with which the biu limit. of ;v~ich is zero, a~d. the upper limit is near the ori g; i11111
was stretched. elast1c hm1t, several m1lhon changes of load will n oL Citll liO
.(2.) T~e breaking;-clown point is immediately raised to the load fracture.
w1th .whlCh a bar lf:l drawn out. Rostino· after unloadin()' the . (~3.) By often ~epe~ted loadings between zero and an upp01·
b rea.k mg;;l o;vr~. po .mt n.f:! . s abov:o tlw maximumb b'
load previously lnmt of stress, whlCh IS near or above the orio·inal elastic limit
a;pphocl. I h1 s m crcaf.ll', tiL tll s nr:nblo aft er some days, lasts perhaps this is raised so much the more the greater th~ number of repeti~
for mont hs. tions, but without passing a certain limit.
(3.) Th laf! l;ic limi t ifl, by dntwin n- out, lowered often to zero · (14.) Repeated strainings between zero and an upper limit,
so t hat if i llllllClli 1tt ly afLcr draw ing 7>ut ::mel unloading, the mea~ which raise the elastic limit up to the upper limit of stress,
suromm1Ls m·o agn,i11 t1 tkou, oi.t hcr thoro is no clastic limit or a do not cause fi:acture. But if the upper limit of stress is above
lowot (1 on . But rcs Li ng after th o clrn·w in <r out and unlo~clin()' that to which the elastic limit can be raised, a limited number of
t~o ol lts l;~c limi.t rises again , and roaches, aft~· some clays, the lo~ Tepetitions must cause fracture.
w1th wlnch tho bar was drawn out, ancl will, aft er a sufficiently (15.) 'l'he limits of stress, when a bar is subjected to alternate
long time, be raised above this limit. equal t ension and compression, ought not to exceed the natural
( 4.) Similarly to the elastic limit, the modulus of elasticity is elastic limit.
lowered by drawing out. But it rises during a rest afterwards. w.c.u.
After some years it is higher than its ori()'inal value.
(5.) By extension with loads above th~ elastic limit, but below
the breaking-clown point, the elastic limit is raised. If the load
approaches the breaking-clown point, the elastic limit reaches a Specifications joT the Strength of Iron Bridges.
maximum, and by overstepping the breaking-down point it is
lowered. · By J. 1\L WILSON, M. Am. Soc. C.E., M. Inst. C.E.
(6.) Powerful vibrations, in cold conditions of the bar lower the
elastic limit raised by drawing out, and a subsequent periocl of (Transactions of the American Society of Civil Eng ineers, 1886, p. 389.)
rest. The breaking-down point is also lqwerecl but not much. .
The Author describes the t erms of a g eneral specification which
(7.) For ingot-iron, heating and cooling at 350° C. if the coolin '" he h as now adopted as a standard for all bridges on the Penn-
is rapid, ~ncl. at. 450° 9· if t~e cooling is .slower, sensibly infiuenc~ sylvania railroad, ancl whose provisions may be classified under
the. elastlC hm1t and breakmg-clown pomt. For weld-iron, this
actwn occurs at 400° C. whether the cooling is mpicl or slow. the following heads :-
1st. The external fOTces to be provided for-includin()' prescribed
(8.) The a?tion of heating above those temperatures, and quick
or slow coolmg afterwards, always lowers the elastic limit and values of the rolling-load, wind-pressure, and centrifugal force
breaking-down points. ( on curved viaducts).
(9.) By loads in t ension or compression above the elastic limit 2nd. The basis on which the stresses resulting from these forces
the elastic limit in compression or tension respectively is lowered: should be calculated.
3rd. The allowed working unit-stress-this is not a constant,
and so much more, the more the elastic limit is exceeded. For a
comparatively small excess over the elastic limit by a stress of one but is to be computed by a certain modification of the Launhardt-
kind, t he elast ic limit for the opposite stress is lowered to zero. W eyrauch method, and to be further reduced in long struts by
If a so-lowered elastic limit is raised by stress of a similar kind
applying a formula akin to that of Professor Rankine.
and th en oxceeclocl, t h e cl~stic limit for opposite stresses is in turn 4th. 'l'he required quality of the material, as t ested for tensile
l owcrocl to zero, or almost t o zero. Time in these cases has litt:e strength, elastic limit, ultimate extension, and behaviour under
influence. colcl bending; and the required quality of workmanship as
(10.) By gradually increasing stresses varying from tension t o indicated by gen eral stipulations.
compression, t he clastic limits for opposite stresses are first lowered, 5th. C01·tain prescribed details of construction connected witu
when those stresses cxccctl t ho original elastic limit. the bridge-floor, cross-ties, wheel-guards, &c.; and some rules for
( 11.) If the elastic limit for t ension or compression is lowered
t he dimensions of secondary bracing, plate-webs, stiffenon;
by loads in compression or t ension, which exceed the orio·inal riveting, &c, '
In view of the increasing requirements of the traffic, the str SflC\1::1
elastic lin;tit, it can be ra~sed by gradually :;tPJ?lied loads changing
from tenswn to compressiOn , but only to a lnmt below the orio·inal clue to rolling-load are taken at the maximum value r esulti n p; from
elastic limit. o three supposed cases; each track is supposed to be travcrHod J,y tt
( 12.) If a bar is strained by repeated tensions, the lower train of cars weighing 3000 lbs. per foot lineal, the t rain H 111 ,vill g-

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