Where We Live

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3. Where we live
He has, wants
 Supermarket : Supermarket
 Library : Perpustakaan
 Park : Taman
 Movie theater : Bioskop
 Shopping mall : Pusat perbelanjaan
 Museum : Museum

 How do you get to the supermarket :
Dapatkah kamu menunjukkan bagaimana mau ke
 Turn left at the corner, then go straight : Belok
kiri paling ujung, lalu lurus
 The supermarket is behind the school :
Supermarket berada di belakang sekolah

 Turn left : Belok kiri

 Turn right : Belok kanan
 Behind : Di belakang
 Opposite : Di sebrang
 Near : Dekat
 Beside : Di samping

 Hospital : Rumah sakit

 Airport : Bandara
 Bookstore : Toko buku
 Station : Stasiun
 Arcade :
 Video store : Toko video
 I
 You have, want
 They
 We

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