10 Chapter 1
10 Chapter 1
10 Chapter 1
Schumm (1965). But real credit goes to Dury (1952), who firstly
presented morephological analysis in a systematic forms. Some important
techniques employed in the analysis of erosion surfaces are average slope
(Wentworth, 1990), relative relief (Smith, 1935), dissection index (Dov
Nil*, 1957), generalized contours (Miller, 1964), hypsometric and
altimetic curves (Clarke, 1967). In India, morphometric evalution of
landforms has been attempted for Rajmahal Highlands, the neighborhood
of Almora and Mirzapur upland firstly by Singh, R.L. (1967), which was
followed by Singh, K.N. (1968), Asthana.(1968), Kharkwal (1970), Pal
(1972), Kumar (1979), Rai (1980), and others.
It is noted that several gemorphologists have delineated the
regional landforms units on the basis of physiography and natural regions
while a few other have demarcated the natural regions of North America
on the basis of physiography, Fenneman (1974), Goerge (1914), Linton
(1951) and others, including Demortonne, have also used the
physiographicmethod. Schumm (1956), King. L.C. (1962), Longwell and
Flint (1962), and Holmes (1965), etc., have given new dimensions to the
study of landforms, King has contributed a lot to the ■geomorphological
studies of the tropical lands of South and Central Africa, Brazil and
Australia. Geomorphological study has recently gained much popularity
in several countries of the world, more particularly USA, Canada,
Germany, France, Hungary, USSR Australia, UK, New Zealand, etc. A
vast literature relating to the study of landforms has been coming out
every day through different Journals published in different parts of the
Craig, R.G. & J.L. Craft, eds. (1982) : 'Applied Geomorphology'. Allen
and Unwin, London
Dent. D.&A. Young. (1981): 'Soil Survey and Land Evaluation'. Allen &
Unwin, London
Douglas, I. (1967) : Man, vegetation and sediment yields of rivers,
Nature, London, 215: 925-8
Dubey, R.S. (1968) : The study of erosion surfaces in the Rewa plateau.
M.P., Selected Papers, I (Physical Geography), Nat.
Comm. Geog. Kolkata : 35-42
Dov Nir. (1957) : The ratio of relative relief and absolute altitudes of Mt.
Carmel : A contribution to the problem of relief analysis
and relief classification. Geog. Rev., 47 : 564-569
Dury, G.H. (1952) : 'Map Interpretation' Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd.,
Gregory. K.J. & D.E., Walling, (eds) (1979) : 'Man and Environmental
Processess. Folkestone, Dawsan
Irer, H.S. & T.R., Srinivasan, (1977): Land resource inventories for
integrated landuse planning with special reference to
catchment of Pohru river in J&K State. Photonirvachak,
Journal of Indian Society Photo Interpretation. 5(2): 71-80
King, L.C. (1962) : 'The Morphology of the Earth, 'Oliver and Boyd,
Miller, A.A. (1964) : 'The Skin of Earth.'Methuen & Co. Ltd. London :
Sen. H.W. & S.A. Schumm. (1981) : 'Methods for Assessment of Stream
Related Hazards to Highways and Bridges? Federal
Highway Administration Report, FHWA/RD-801/160:l-86
Schumm, S.A. & R.J. Chorley. (1983) : Geomorphic Conti^ls on^ftQ
Singh S.B. (1978) : Landform and settlements of Simla and its enviorns.
Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, B.H.U. Varanasi
Wadia. D.N. (1939) : 'Geology of India'. Second Edition Mac Millan &
Co. New York