Class 11 Geo ch-1 Notes
Class 11 Geo ch-1 Notes
Class 11 Geo ch-1 Notes
Till now we have studied geography as a part of social
Now we will study geography as a separate discipline of
earth sciences . Geography is the one of the necessary
earth science subject to understand the earth surface .
It study about the earth’s natural and human
environment and interaction between them.
Geography study about the entire earth surface as a
system of human and natural environment. Every
phenomena occur over space and changes have taken
place over time in this way geography is the study of
space and time .
In modern era geography is the subdiscipline of earth
science . Many of us think geography as only making
and drawing maps .Cartography is only a subdiscipline
of geography it is not the whole geography.
Geography is not the study of whole earth . It is a common
misconception that geography is the study of whole earth.
Geography is only concerned about the earth surface and the
Other internal study lie in the domain off GEOLOGY.
At vertical study above the earth surface it is only concerned
about up to two layers of atmosphere (a) Troposphere (b)
stratosphere. Above these two layers the studies lie in the
domain of Atmospheric sciences and space science.
BUT geography also studies about the other celestial bodies
that influence the earth surface in any way like gravity of the
moon and the sun. Magnetic effect of sun’s atmosphere on the
earth atmosphere.
If we look at the historical events world over , each one of them can be
interpreted geographically.
Every geographical phenomenon undergoes change through time and can be
explained temporally .
It is possible to convert time in terms of space and space in terms of time .
For example it can be said that place A is 1500 km from place B or alternately ,
it can also be said that place A is two hours away .
It is for this reason , time is an integral part of geographical studies as the
fourth dimension.
Branches of Geography
1. physical Geography
(a) Geomorphology is devoted to the study of landforms , their
evolution and related processes.
(b) Climatology is the study of structure of atmosphere and elements
of weather and climates and climatic types and regions .
(c) Hydrology studies the realm of water over the surface of the
earth including oceans, lakes, rivers , and other water bodies and its
effect on different life forms including human life and their activities .
(d) soil Geography is devoted to study the processes of soil formation
,soil types, their fertility status , distribution and use .
2. Human geography
(a) Social/Cultural Geography studies the society and its spatial
dynamics as well as cultural elements contributed by the society .
(b)Population and Settlement Geography .It studies population
growth, distribution, density, sex ratio, migration and occupational
structure etc. Settlement geography studies the characteristics of
rural and urban settlements.
(c) Economic Geography studies economic activities of people
including agriculture ,industry ,tourism, trade, and transport,
infrastructure and services, etc .
(d) Historical Geography studies the historical processes through
which the space gets organised.
(e) Political Geography looks at the space from the angle of political
events and studies boundaries , space , relations between
neighbouring political units .
3. Biogeography
The interface between physical and human geography has lead to
the development of biogeography.
(a) Plant Geography is the studies of spatial pattern of natural
vegetation in their habitats.
(b) Zoo Geography studies the spatial patterns and
geographic characteristics of animals and their habitats.
(c) Ecology /Ecosystem deals with the scientific study of the
habitats .
(d) Environmental Geography studies land degradation
,pollution and concerns for conservation .
2. Regional planning
Comprising country/rural and town/ urban studies
3.Regional Development
4. Regional Analysis
There are two aspects which are common to every discipline ,these are :
(1) Philosophy
(a) Geographical thought
(b) Land and Human Interaction /Human Ecology
(2) Methods and techniques
(a) Cartography including computer cartography
(b)Quantitative Techniques/Statistical Techniques
(c)Field survey methods
(d) Geoinformatics comprising techniques such as Remote sensing , GIS , GPS,