Children Language Acquisation
Children Language Acquisation
Children Language Acquisation
2. For each pair of statements below, indicate which one is true and which one is false. For
the true statement, say which theory of language acquisition best accounts for it as well as
which theory is the least suited to explain the statement. Explain your answers:
A Chinese child adopted soon after birth by a Danish family will learn Danish just
like other children growing up in Denmark with Danish parents.
(The statement is true. The appropriate theory for this statement is social interaction
theory. Dalam theori ini, cara anak kecil memperoleh bahasa itu berdasarkan apa
yang dia dengar dari orang dewasa atau orang skitar. In this theory, the way in which
older children and adult talk to infants play a crucial role in how a child acquires
A Chinese child adopted soon after birth by a Danish family will learn Danish more
slowly than other children growing up in Denmark with Danish parents because the
child is genetically predisposed to learn Chinese.
Children say things like foots and both mans before they master the correct forms
feet and both men because they overuse the rule for regular plural formation.
(The statement is true. The suitable theory for this statement is Active Construction
of A Grammar Theory. Dalam teori ini, anak kecil menciptakan grammar mereka
sendiri. This theory, children actually invent the rules of grammar by themselves.)
Children never say things like foots and both mans, because they imitate what adults
say and no adult would say this.
- Grammar
On the other hand, what do the children already demonstrate knowing about English in
order to use it so creatively?
- the child has created and edited his or her own grammar to the point where it
matches an adult’s grammar.
Which theory of language acquisition best accounts for these data? Why?
4. Discuss the effectiveness of the father’s strategy in teaching the child. Also think about what
the father’s and children respective objectives are. Which theory of language acquisition does
this example refute?
- Strategi yang efektif digunakan oleh sang ayah adalah Active Construction of a Grammar.
Karna anak-anak mendengarkan bahasa di sekitar mereka dan menganalisisnya untuk
menentukan suatu pola, mereka menghipotesiskan suatu aturan untuk menjelaskannya. Mereka
menambahkan aturan ini pada tata bahasa mereka yang sedang tumbuh dan menggunakannya
dalam membangun ucapan.