Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Reviewer

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 Thermophiles

Prokaryotic and (extremely high temp)

o Halophiles – salt environment
Eukaryotic Cells (found in Dead Sea)
o Methanogens (produce
Legend: o Thermoacidophiles
* - Additional Info (or for Q&A) - Archaea and Bacteria are prokaryotic
abc – Main Point organisms
abc – Term - Eukarya are eukaryotic organisms
abc – Important - All cells are made up of/contain:
I. Introduction o Cytoplasm
1. Cell Theory o Cell Membrane
- all living things are made up of cells o Ribosomes
- late 20th Century, Carl Woese defined
3 domains of life: II. Prokaryotic Cells
a. Archaea 1. Definition/Characteristics
o Single-celled organisms - “pro”- Before; “karyon”- kernel
o Live in extreme environments (nucleus)
o Extremophiles – extreme o “before nucleus”, refers to
environment (deep sea prehistoric origins
hydrothermal vents) - unicellular organisms
 Thermophiles - lacks a nucleus and membrane-bound
(extremely high temp) organelles
o Halophiles – salt environment - Bacteria and Archaea
(found in Dead Sea) - morphology
o Methanogens (produce - 0.1 – 5.0 micrometers in diameter,
methane) generally smaller than eukaryotes
o Thermoacidophiles (extreme 2. Unique Characteristics
temperatures and acidity) - Nucleoid
o DNA -floats in the cytoplasms,
b. Bacteria condenses in the region called
o Single-celled organisms nucleoid
o Most abundant prokaryote o Chromosomes are circular,
o Parasitic organisms haploid (unpaired)
o * Classified into: - Plasmids
 Gram Positive o Contains extrachromosomal
 Gram Negative DNA, not part of chromosome
c. Eukarya o Small, circular double-
o Consists of: Animals, Plants, stranded DNA molecules
Fungi, Protists o Has advantageous traits that
- Classifications are based on are important to survival of
differences of cell membranes and organism
rRNA  Antibiotic resistance
- Ribosomes
o 70s ribosomes(smaller size)
o Extremophiles – extreme envi o found in cytoplasm
(deep sea hydrothermal vents)
o archaeal and bacterial that encloses photosynthetic
ribosomes have same size, pigment
different proteins and rRNA  Green chlorophyll
 Bacteriochlorophyll
- Inclusions o Cynabacteria (structure)
o Cytoplasmic structures  Thylakoids
o Stores glycogen, starches, o Photosynthetic Bacteria
carbon (energy) (structure)
o * Volutin / Metachromatic  Chromatophores,
Granules lamaellae, chlorosomes
 Stores polymerized
inorganic phosphate - Cell Wall -most bacteria have cell
 Metabolism, formation walls
of biofilms o Additional protective layer
o Helps maintain shape (cell
o * Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) morphology)
 Used as a source of o Prevents dehydration
biodegradable o Differ in composition from
polymers for eukaryotic cell walls
bioplastics  Bacterial –
- Endospores peptidoglycan
o Structure that protect the  Archaeal –
bacterial genome in a dormant Polysaccahrides and
state proteins
o * Sporulation – process of o Bacteria is classified by its cell
making endospores wall composition
o * Germination  Gram staining;
- Plasma Membrane developed by Hans
o Selective-permeability Christian Gram
o Bacterial cell - Capsule
 Ester-linked o Located outside cell wall
Phospholipids o Organized, sticky layer of
 *Fatty acids polysaccharide and protein
linked to - * Glycocalyses
Glycerol o Allows cells to adhere to
o Archaeal Cell Membrane surfaces]aiding formation of
 Ether-linked biofilms
phospholipids - * S-Structures
 *Isoprene o S-layer, another type of cell
are linked to envelope structure
glycerol o Made up of structural
- Photosynthetic Membrane Structures proteins, glycoproteins
o Some bacteria have - Flagellum
membrane structures that o Locomotion
enable photosynthesis - Pili
 Cyanobacteria o Transmits DNA in the form of
 Photosynthetic plasmids or composite
bacteria molecules
o * Structure consists of o Used in conjugation
infolding of plasma membrane - Fimbriae
o Enables attachment to  Located in nucleus
surfaces and other cells  Site of ribosomal
synthesis; first stages
of ribosome assembly
o * Some eukaryotic cells have
2 nuclei
3. Processes  Protozoans of genus
- Reproduction Paramecium
o Asexual reproduction  Small
o Binary Fission nucleus/micronucleus-
 Does not offer Genetic reproduction
Diversity or  Large
recombination nucleus/macronucleus-
cellular metabolism
o Some fungi transiently form
cells with 2 nuclei
 Heterokaryotic cells
 Coenocytes – cells
whose nuclei divide,
cytoplasm doesn’t
III. Eukaryotic Cells o *Nuclear Membrane
1. Definition/Characteristics  2 distinct lipid bilayers
- “eu”- true, “karyon”- kernel/nucleus  nuclear pores
o refers to having a nucleus o Nuclear Lamina
- unicellular or multicellular organisms  Meshwork of
- Has a membrane-bound nucleus intermediate filaments
- Has membrane bound organelles  “cytoskeleton of
o “Little organs” nucleus”
- Protists, Fungi, Animals, Plants  Located inside nuclear
- Morphology membrane
- 10.0 – 100.0 micrometers in diameter, - Ribosomes
generally larger than prokaryotes o Eukaryotic cells contain 80s
2. Unique Characteristics ribosomes
- Nucleus  Found in rough ER and
o Surrounded by a complex cytoplasm
nuclear membrane o 70s ribosomes in
o Houses the DNA genome mitochondria/chloroplasts
o Controls all activities of the - Endomembrane System
cell o Series of membranous
o Role in reproduction and tubules, sacs, flattened disks
heredity o Synthesize cell components
o DNA is organized into o Transport materials around
multiple linear chromosomes cell
 Highly organized o Consists of ER, golgi
 Condensed to fit in apparatus, lysosomes,
nucleus vesicles
a. Wrapping DNA
around proteins
called histones
o * Nucleolus
ribosomes, metabolic

o * Endoplasmic Reticulum - Plasma Membrane

 Interconnected array of o Structurally similar to ones
tubules and cisternae found in prokaryotic cells
 Single lipid bilayer o Eukaryotic membranes
 Smooth ER contain:
- lipid biosynthesis,  Sterols
carbohydrate -Alters membrane
metabolism; no fluidity
ribosomes  Glycoproteins &
 Rough ER – Glycolipids
ribosomes(80s)  recognizes other cells,
attached; synthesize infectious particles
proteins - Cell wall
o * Golgi Apparatus o Fungi, algae, plants, some
 Processes proteins and protists
lipids o Extracellular matrix
 Addition of sugar  Animals, protozoans
molecules  Structural support
 Produces glycoproteins  Mediates cellular
or glycolipids signaling
o * Lysosomes - Flagella
 Contain digestive o Eukaryotic flagella is
enzymes structurally distinct from
 Endocytosis - break prokaryotic flagella, but
down smaller particles serve same purpose
 Phagocytosis – break (locomotion)
down large particles, - Cilia
cells o Structurally similar to
- Cytoskeleton prokaryotic flagella, but
o Composed of: shorter
 Microtubules o Used for feeding,
 Microfilaments locomotion, movement of
 Intermediate filaments extracellular particle
o Structural support, network 3. Processes
of transport - Processes related to Plasma
- Centrosomes membrane
o Microtubule-organizing - Active transport
centers o Substances transported
o Forms mitotic spindle for across cell membrane
mitosis o Uses ATP (energy) to
- Mitochondria energize protein carriers
o Site of cellular respiration o Substances move from area
o Has outer and inner of lower concentration to
membrane area of higher concentration
o Mitochondrial matrix – - Endocytosis
contains DNA, 70s
o Substance enters cell w/o
passing through cell

- Exocytosis
o Exiting of materials from
o Cellular waste, hormones,
mucus, other cell products
- Passive transport
o Does not require energy
o Substances move from area
of higher concentration to
area of lower concentration
- Osmosis
o Diffusion and movement of
- Simple diffusion
o Molecules diffuse w/o aid of
transport proteins (oxygen, o Meiosis
carbon dioxide)  Sex cells
- Facilitated diffusion
o Molecules are transported
across plasma membrane by
membrane proteins

- Reproduction
o Mitosis
 First observed by
Walther Flemming

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