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Experiment No. 1 Preparation of Electrical Circuits Simulations Using Multisim Electronics Workbench and Introduction To Lab Equipment's

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Experiment No.

Preparation of Electrical Circuits Simulations Using Multisim Electronics
Workbench and Introduction to Lab Equipment’s

 Preparation of Electrical Circuits using Multisim
 Introduction to Lab Equipments

Multisim Electronics Workbench (VIRTUAL INSTRUMENTATION), Function Generator,
Oscilloscope, DMM etc

Go to Start Programs Multisim and click on Multisim. This will open the main window as
shown in Figure 1. In Figure 1 important toolbars and menu are labeled. In addition to toolbars
shown in Figure 1, there may be other toolbars appearing on your screen concentrate on the
labeled items in Figure 1 at this time. You can always open and close a toolbar from Main Menu.
For example if you want to open or close (select/unselect) the Design Toolbar, select Vie w
Toolbars Design. If any toolbar is not appearing on your screen then use the above procedure
to bring the toolbar. Most of the analysis can be performed turning on-off the simulate switch. If
the Simulation Switch shown in Figure 1 is not appearing on your screen then select Vie w
Show Simulate Switch in the Main Menu. This will open the Simulation Switch.

Figure 1: Main Window of Multisim Simulation Software

Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab Manual Page 1

We will now try to learn about Multisim simulation techniques by solving a simple example.

Build the circuit shown in Figure 2 using Multisim Electronics Workbench.


1. Place a Battery (DC Source)

a. Bring a dc source in the Multisim workspace:

Open the Multisim program if it is not open. In the Component Toolbar, select Sources
icon (refer to Figure 1 to find the Component Toolbar). This will open another window with
several types of dc sources and other components as shown below in Figure 3. Click on “DC
Voltage Source” in this new window.

Now bring your cursor in the workspace area and notice the change in the shape of cursor to

Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab Manual

Click at any point in the workspace. This will put the voltage source as

b. Change the value and name of voltage source:

Double click on the voltage source that you just placed in the workspace, a new window
with the name Batte ry will appear, as shown in Figure 4. Select Value in the Battery menu, if it
is not already selected. Change the value from 12 to 30. Keep the unit as Volts in this menu.
Now select Label in this menu and change the Reference ID to Vs. Click on OK.

2. Place a Resistor:

a. Bring a resistor in the Multisim workspace:

In the Component toolbar, select Basic icon as shown. This will open another window
with several basic components as shown below in Figure 5.

Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab Manual

Click on “Resistor”, this will open the Browser-Basic window, as shown in Figure 6. Scroll
through the Component List, select 30kohm, and click OK. The cursor shape will change again.
Click in the workspace and this will put the resistor as,
Tip: To make your scroll through the Browser‟s Component List faster, simply type the first
few characters of the component‟s name. For example, type 30k to move directly to the area of
30kΩ list.

Figure 6: Setup window for Resistor values

b. Change the name of resistor:

Double click on the resistor, a new window with the name Resistor will open as shown
in below Figure 7. Select Label from the menu of this window. Change the Reference ID to R1
(if it is not) and press OK. This will change the name of the resistor to R1.

Figure 7: Battery Window for Label of Resistor

d. Add other resistor R2

Place resistor R2 of value 20k in the workspace through the same procedure.

Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab Manual

e. Rotate the resistor:
Select resistor „R2 ‟ and press Ctrl-R to rotate the resistor or select Edit90 Clockwise
from the Main Menu. This will make the resistor vertical. Labels and values of all the
components can be dragged individually. Drag the label „R2 ‟ and value „20kohm‟ individually to
put them at a proper place.
3. Place Ground:
In the Component Toolbar, select Sources icon. Now click on Ground icon in the new
window as shown in Figure 8. Click in the workspace to put the Ground symbol as

STEP B: Connecting the Components

1. Arrange the components properly:
Arrange the components according to the circuit given in Figure 2. You can select and
drag the component to any place in the workspace. Select the components and drag them one by
one to proper places as shown in Figure 9.

2. Show Grid in the workspace:

You may show grid for ease of drawing the connections. Select View Grid Visible in
the Main Menu if it is not visible.

Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab Manual

3. Connect DC Voltage Source “Vs” to “R1 ”:
Bring the cursor close to upper pin of “Vs”; cursor shape will change to a plus sign. Click
and move a little upward. A wire appears, attached to the cursor. Click again at a small distance
above the “Vs” source. Notice that the line will change direction. Control the flow of the wire by
clicking on points as you drag. Each click fixes the wire to that point as shown in Figure 10. In
this way, when the cursor reaches the pin of R1 click again, this will connect “Vs” to “R1 ” in a
nice manner. Notice that a node number is automatically given.

4. Connect “R 1 ” to “R 2 ”:
In the same way connect R1 to R2 through the same procedure.

5. Making use of Junction to connect Ground:

In the similar manner connect ground with Vs and R2 . Notice that a small black circle
appears just above the ground, this is called junction. When 2 or more components are connected
at one point, a junction is created. A junction can also be placed manually by pressing Ctrl+J or
selecting Edit Place Junction. This can be used to control the connection points manually.
Also notice the ground node is automatically given node number 0. Do not alter it. This
completes the connection and the complete circuit is shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Complete Circuit in Multisim

Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab Manual

6. Wire Path:

Wire paths can be modified using drag points. Click on a wire. A number of drag points
will appear on the wire as shown in Figure 12. Click any of these and drag to modify the shape.
You can also add or remove drag points to give you even more control over the wire shape. To
add or remove drag points, press CTRL and click on the location where you want the drag point
added or removed.

STEP C: Placing Multi-meter or Voltmeter in parallel to measure voltage.

1. To connect a Multi-meter:
a. Select ViewToolbarInstruments. The Instruments toolbar will open as shown in
Figure 13.

b. Click on Multi-meter icon. Now click in the workspace to place the Multimeter. Drag it
and place it near resistor R1 as shown in Figure 14. Make a connection from „+‟ terminal of
Multi- meter to the left pin of R1 and from „–‟ terminal to right pin of R1 . Note that reversal of +
and – terminals will give opposite readings.

Figure 14: Multi-meter connection for voltage measurement

Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab Manual

c. Set the Multimeter to measure DC voltage:

Double click on Multimeter to open the properties window shown in Figure 15. Select „V‟ to
measure voltage. Select the DC wave shape. (Notice that the meter can also measure current „A‟
and resistance „‟. It can measure AC as well as DC values. Leave the window open for viewing
the measurements.

STEP D: Placing a Multimeter or Ammeter in series to measure current.

1. Place a second Multimeter in the workspace as we did in Step C. Remove the connection
between R1 and R2 . Connect the „+‟ terminal of the Multimeter towards R1 and the „-„
terminal towards R2 as shown in Figure 16.
2. Set the Multimeter to measure current:
Double click on this multimeter and select „A‟ in the multimeter properties window. Set
the wave shape to DC. If current flows from 3 to zero, the meter will read positive.

Figure 16: Multimeter connection for current measurement

Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab Manual

STEP E: Simulate the circuit.
1. Save the file.
Select FileSave
2. Show the Simulate Switch, on the workspace.
Select ViewSimulate Switch.
3. If the properties window is not open, double click the multi- meters. Click to „1‟ positio n
(ON) of the simulation switch to start simulation. Results will appear in the properties
window of Multi- meter. Compare your result with those in Figure 17 and show them to
your instructor.

Figure 17: Simulation result

Construct the circuit and measure the voltage drop across each resistor.
And fill the table.



Electronics Devices and Circuits Lab Manual

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