Basic Electronics Engineering
Basic Electronics Engineering
Basic Electronics Engineering
LAB NO. 13
To identify the different features of MultiSIM software.
To demonstrate simulation of different electronic circuits in MultiSIM.
PC with Windows XP/2007, Operating System.
MultiSIM Software installed.
Multisim is the schematic capture and simulation application of National Instruments
Circuit Design Suite, a suite of EDA (Electronics Design Automation) tools that assists you in
carrying out the major steps in the circuit design flow. Multisim is designed for schematic entry,
simulation, and feeding to downstage steps, such as PCB layout.
The following toolbars are available in Multisim:
Standard Toolbar ● Main Toolbar
Simulation Toolbar ● View Toolbar
Components Toolbar ● Virtual Toolbar
Graphic Annotation Toolbar ● Instruments Toolbar
Note If the above toolbars are not visible, select View»Toolbars » <toolbar name>.
Figure 13.1: The most important components in MultiSIM
1. Open/Create Schematic
A blank schematic Circuit 1 is automatically created. To create a new schematic click on
File – New – Schematic Capture. To save the schematic click on File /Save As. To open an
existing file click on File/ Open in the toolbar.
2. Place Components
To Place Components click on Place/Components. On the Select Component Window
click on Group to select the components needed for the circuit. Click OK to place the component
on the schematic.
For example to select resistors and the DC source shown in Figure 3 click on Place/
Components. In Group select Basic scroll down to Resistors and select the value of the resistor
needed to construct the circuit, for this example select 1k. To place DC source click on Sources
in Group and select DC Source. As shown in Figure 13.2 and Figure 13.3 above respectively.
Figure 13.4: DC Sources and Resistors
3. Virtual Components:
Components can also be place on the circuit using Virtual components. Click on View –
Toolbars and select the toolbar needed for the circuit as shown in figure 13.5.
8. Simulation:
To simulate the completed circuit Click on Simulate/Run or F5.This feature can also be
accessed from the toolbar as shown in the Figure 13.11 below.
Analyzing Components:
Multisim offers multiple ways to analyze the circuit using virtual instruments. Some of
the basic instruments needed for this lab are described below.
1) Multimeter:
Use the Multimeter to measure AC or DC voltage or current, and resistance or decibel
loss between two nodes in a circuit. To use the Multimeter click on the Multimeter button in the
Instruments toolbar and click to place its icon on the workspace. Double-click on the icon to
open the instrument face, which is used to enter settings and view measurements.
Figure 13.12: Multimeter
To measure Voltage place multimeter in Parallel with the component (Resistor, Voltage
etc). To measure Current place the multimeter in series with the component. Refer the Figure
13.13 and 13.14 below.
2) Wattmeter:
The wattmeter measures power. It is used to measure the magnitude of the active power,
that is, the product of the voltage difference and the current flowing through the current terminals
in a circuit.
To use the instrument, click on the Wattmeter button in the Instruments toolbar and click
to place its icon on the workspace. The icon is used to wire the Wattmeter to the circuit. Double-
click on the icon to open the instrument face, which is used to enter settings and view
measurements. Refer Figure 13.16 for more details.
Figure 13.16: Wattmeter Connection
3) Ammeter:
The ammeter offers advantages over the multimeter for measuring current in a circuit. It takes up
less space in a circuit and you can rotate its terminals to suit your layout. Always connect the
ammeter in series with the load. To place Ammeter click on View--- Toolbar --- Select
Measurement Components. See Figure 13.17 on how to use the Ammeter.
1. Construct the Half wave Rectifier, Full Wave Center tapped rectifier or Full Wave
Bridge rectifier in the MultiSIM. Observe the input and output using Oscilloscope.
Note: Attach the screenshots of above Tasks with your Handout (Pick a Text Box and
Write your name as well as roll number on the every task).