Ug I, III&Vsem Timetable Nov2019
Ug I, III&Vsem Timetable Nov2019
Ug I, III&Vsem Timetable Nov2019
B.A. General, B.Com. (General/Computers/ Com. Applications) /B. Sc. /B. Sc. (Vocational)/B. B. A, Oriental Language I-Semester Examinations- Nov-Dec, 2019
Date & Day B. A. General (General/ Computers/ B. B. A. Oriental Language
B.Sc. / B. Sc. (Vocational)
Computer Applications)
Second Languages
Chemistry –I
Political Science Statistics ----
Financial Accounting-I
(Understanding Political Theory) (Descriptive Statistics and Probability) Principles of Management
Electronics (Circuit Analysis)
Business Organization
Economics Botany (Microbial Diversity of Lower Plants)
30.11.2019 and Management Basics of Marketing ----
(Micro Economics) Physics(Mechanics)
Public Administration
(Basics of Public Administration) Zoology(Animal Diversity-Invertebrates)
Modern Languages English Biochemistry (Chemistry of Bimolecular)
03.12.2019 (Introduction to English Language and Foreign Trade Mathematics (Differential Integral Calculus) Business Economics ----
Modern Languages Telugu Adunika
Geology (Physical Geology & Crystallography)
Appl. Nutrition & Pub. Health
Fundamentals of (Nutritional Biochemistry-I) ----
(History of Indian from Earliest Times to
05.12.2019 Information Computer Science (Programming in C) ----
c.700 CE)
Technology Biotechnology ( Cell Biology & Genetics)
Computer Applications (Voc)
(Fundamental of Computers )
Computer Applications (General)
(Programming in C)
Computer Applications
07.12.2019 ---- Computer Applications (Voc) ----
(Programming in C)
(Programming Methodology (C Language)) ----
Microbiology (Introductory Microbiology)
1. The candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch should not be examined and if any candidate is found not eligible at the later stage his/her registration will be
cancelled for this exam. Any omission or clash may be intimated to the Controller of Examinations, MGU, immediately on the receipt of the Time Table.
2. Cell Phones and programmable calculators are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall.
3. The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examination Hall rests with the candidate. Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to Cancellation
of Result.
4. The candidates have to carry the college identity card along with their Hall Ticket during the Examination.
Controller of Examinations
B. A. (General) / B.Com. (General/Computers/Com. Applications)/B.Sc. (General/Vocational)/ B.B.A. III-Semester Examinations, Nov-Dec, 2019
TIME TABLE Time: 9.00 to 12.00 pm
Date & Day B.A.(General) (General/ Computers/ B.Sc./B.Sc. (Vocational) B.B.A
Computer Applications)
History - III B.Com (General) (Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology)
1. (History of India (1526-1857 CE) (Entrepreneurial Applied Nutrition & Public Health-III
Office Management Development & (Food Science)
(Accounting and Office Management –I) Business Ethics) Computer Science-III _____
04.12.2019 B.Com (Computer ( Data Structures)
/Computer Biotechnology-III
Applications) ( Biological Chemistry)
(Programming with C) Computer Applications (Voc)
(Object Oriented Programming in C++)
Computer Applications(General)
(Relational Database Management Systems)
Computer Applications (General) Computer Applications (Voc) _____
(Relational Database Management Systems) _____ (Multimedia of Internet Applications)
(Microbial Physiology & Enzymology)
1. The candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch should not be examined and if any candidate is found not eligible at the later stage his/her registration will be
cancelled for this exam. Any omission or clash may be intimated to the Controller of Examinations, MGU, immediately on the receipt of the Time Table.
2. Cell Phones and programmable calculators are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall.
3. The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examination Hall rests with the candidate. Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to Cancellation
of Result.
4. The candidates have to carry the college identity card along with their Hall Ticket during the Examination.
Controller of Examinations
B. A. (General) / B.Com. (General/Computers/Com. Application)/B.Sc. (General / Vocational) V-Semester Examinations, Nov-Dec -2019
Date & Day B. A. (General) (General/ Computers/ B.Sc./B.Sc. (Vocational) B.B.A
Computer Applications)
SEC Mathematics: Laplace Transforms/ Chemistry of
Practice of General
20.11.2019 Archives and Museums/ Interview Cosmetics and Perfumes.
Insurance Human Values and Ethics
Skills and Ethics Bio-Sciences: Mushroom Cultivation Technology/
Chemistry of Cosmetics and perfumes.
GE Mathematics: Archives and Museums/ Interview GE
GE Introduction to Indian
Practice of General Insurance Skills and Ethics/ Practice of General Insurance/ Basics of Quality Management
22.11.2019 Laplace Transforms/ Chemistry of Mushroom Cultivation Technology
Cosmetics and Perfumes/
Mushroom Cultivation Bio-Sciences: Practice of General Insurance/ Archives
Technology and Museums/ Interview Skills and Ethics/ Laplace
Political Science-V Cost Accounting Chemistry-V
25.11.2019 (Indian Political Thought) Statistics-V (Applied Statistics-I) Management Science
Electronics-V (Digital Electronics)
Business Law Chemistry-(Elective)
Political Science (Elective) (Instrumental Methods of Analysis/ International Business
(International Relations/ Industrial Chemistry and Catalysis)
Government & Politics in Statistics-VI
Telangana – I) (SQC and LPP/Bio-Statistics-I/Actuarial Statistics-I)
Electronics-VI (Elective-I)
(8055 Microprocessor and Applications/
Electronic Instrumentation)
29.11.2019 Economics-V Banking Theory & Practice Botany-V (Cell Biology and Genetics)
(Indian Economy) Physics-V (Electromagnetism) Fundamentals of Technology Management
Economics-VI (Elective) Botany-VI (Elective-I) Financial Institutions and Markets(F)
02.12 .2019 (Economics of Development and For B.Com (Gen): Auditing (Ecology and Biodiversity/Horticulture) Marketing of Services(M)
Planning/ For B.Com (Comp./ Comp Physics-VI (Elective-I) Leadership and Change Management(HR)
Financial Institutions & Markets/ App): (Solid State Physics/
Agricultural Economics) (Excel Foundation) Quantum Mechanics and Applications)
04.12.2019 Public Administration-V For B.Com (Gen.) : (Physiology and Biochemistry)
(Human Resources Management) (Computerized Accounting) Bio Chemistry –V Investment Management(F)
Modern Language English (Physiology and Clinical Biochemistry) Retail Management(M)
( American Literature) For B.Com Mathematics-V Industrial Relations(HR)
Modern Language Telugu (Computers/Comp. App.): (Linear Algebra)
(Vyakaranam –Chandassu- (Computerized Accounting/
Alamkaralu) Business Analytics)
History (Elective) Geology-VI (Hydrogeology /Environmental
(History of Telangana (From Geology)
Earliest Times to 1724 Cen.)/ Applied Nutrition & Public Health- VI (Elective)
Islamic History and Culture (From (Food Safety & Quality Control/Food Preservation) -------
------- Computer Application(Vocational)
Earliest Times to the Fall of
11.12.2019 (Electronic Commerce)
Umayyad’s /History of USA Computer Science-VI (Elective)
(1776-1991 C.E) ) (Operating Systems/Software Engineering)
Office Management Biotechnology (Elective)
(Front Office Management-I) (Plant Biotechnology /Medical Biotechnology)
1. The candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch should not be examined and if any candidate is found not eligible at the later stage his/her registration will be
cancelled for this exam. Any omission or clash may be intimated to the Controller of Examinations, MGU, immediately on the receipt of the Time Table.
2. Cell Phones and programmable calculators are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall.
3. The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examination Hall rests with the candidate. Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to Cancellation
of Result.
4. The candidates have to carry the college identity card along with their Hall Ticket during the Examination.
Controller of Examinations