Mahatma Gandhi University, NALGONDA-508 254

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NALGONDA-508 254
B.A., /B.Com/B. Sc. / B.B.A. Semester-III Regular Examinations Dec-2022/Jan- 2023
TIME TABLE Timings: 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm
Date B.A.(General) B.B.A B.Com. B.Sc.
23.12.2022 General English

27.12.2022 Second Language

Chemistry (Chemistry-III)
Political Science (Indian Human Resource Statistics (Statistical Methods
29.12.2022 Political Thought) Management
Advanced Accounting
& Estimation)
Electronics (Analog Circuits)
Botany (Plant Anatomy &
Dairy Science (Dairy Cattle
Marketing Research
Economics (Statistics for Nutrition)
31.12.2022 Economics)
BBA( CA): Business Statistics-I
Physics (Electromagnetic
(Relational Database
Management System)
Data Science (Data
Engineering with Python)
B.Com (General):
Financial Institutions Zoology (Animal Physiology
and Markets & Animal Behavior)
History (History of India
Financial B.Com (CA): Mathematics (Real Analysis)
03.01.2023 (1526-1857 CE) Management Relational Database Biochemistry (Bioenergetics,
Management System Biological Oxidation and
B.Com (B.A.): Data Enzymology)
Analytics Modelling
Public Administration: Applied Nutrition & Public
(Union Administration) Health (Food Science &
English (ML): (Elements of Technology)
Drama) Microbiology (Food &
Telugu (ML) (Telugu Environmental
Saahitya Charithra-Prachina Microbiology)
Yugam) ------- ------- Biotechnology (Molecular
Geography: Human Biology & Recombinant
05.01.2023 Geography DNA Technology)
Sociology: Social Issues, Geology (Petrology)
Policies & Development Computer Science (Data
Mass Communication & Structure Using C++)
Journalism: (Reporting and Computer Applications
Edited for Print Media) (Relational Database
Computer Applications: Management Systems)
(Relational Database
Management Systems)

1. The candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch should not be examined and if any candidate is found not
eligible at the later stage his/her registration will be cancelled for this exam.
2. Any omission or clash may be intimated to the Controller of Examinations, MGU, immediately on the receipt of the Time Table.
3. Cell Phones and programmable calculators are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall.
4. The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examination Hall rests with the candidate.
Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to Cancellation of Result.
5. The candidates have to carry the college identity card along with their Hall Ticket during the Examination.

Controller of Examinations
NALGONDA-508 254
B. A. / B.Com. /B.Sc. /B.B.A. Semester-V Regular Examinations, Dec-2022/Jan- 2023
TIME TABLE Timings: 09.00 AM To 12.00 Noon
Date B.A. B.B.A B.Com. B.Sc.
23.12.2022 General English
27.12.2022 Second Language
Political Science Financial Markets & Cost Accounting/ Chemistry (Spectroscopy &
(International Services (F)/ Brand Financial Planning & Chromatography/ Metallurgy Dyes &
Relations/Government & Management Performance/ Catalysis)
Politics in Telangana) (M)/Organization International Financial Statistics (Applied Statistics-I/
29.12.2022 Development (HR) Reporting-I Analytical Statistic)
Electronics (Digital Electronics &
Microprocessor/ Electronic
Economics (Agricultural Analysis of Investment in Computerized Botany (Biodiversity & Conservation/
Economics/ Public Financial Assets (F)/ Retail Accounting/ Financial Economic Botany/ Seed Technology))
Economics/ Economics of Management(M)/ Decision Making-I/ Physics (Modern Physics/
Environment) Performance Appraisal & International Tax & Computational Physics)
31.12.2022 Counselling (HR) Regulation Data Science (Natural Language
Processing/No SQL Data Bases)
Dairy Science ( Technology of Dairy
Products-I/Dairy Chemistry)
History (History of the Insurance Services (F) B.Com(Gen): Auditing / Zoology - (Physiological Chemistry
Modern World (From 1453 Customer Relationship Advanced Corporate and Endocrinology/Laboratory
CE to 1964 CE)/ Tourism Management (M)/ Accounting / Financial Animals Maintenance and
and Culture) Compensation Management Applications/ Immunology and
Management (HR) B.Com(CA): Management Animal Biotechnology)
Information Systems / E- Mathematics (Linear Algebra)
03.01.2023 Commerce / Mobile Biochemistry (Physiology, Nutrition
Applications and Clinical Biochemistry/Cell
B.Com(BA): Advanced Biology, Genetics and Microbiology)
Data Visualization /
Advanced Corporate
Accounting / Financial
Public Administration Applied Nutrition & Public Health
(Human Resource (Clinical Dietetics/Food Safety and
Management/ Rural Quality Control)
Governance) Microbiology (Molecular Biology &
English-ML (American Microbial Genetics/ Microbial Omics)
Literature) Biotechnology (Plant
Telugu -ML (Vyakaranam - ------ ------ Biotechnology/Medical
Chandassu-Alankaralu) Biotechnology)
Geography: (Principles of Geology (Stratigraphy, Indian
05.01.2023 Remote Sensing/Geography Geology and Paleontology/
of India) Environmental Geology)
Sociology (Social Computer Science (Programming in
Anthropology) Java)
Mass Communication & Computer Applications-(Gen)
Journalism ( Media and (Programming in Java)
Computer Applications (
Programming in Java)
Basics of Biotechnology/ B.Com(Gen): Business Basics of Biotechnology/
Fundamentals of Food and Economics Fundamentals of Food and Nutrition/
Nutrition/ Chemistry of B.Com ( CA & BA ): Preventive Medicine/ Indian
07.01.2023 Cosmetics, Food Processing,
Business Economics/ Constitution & Administration/
Drugs and Pharmaceuticals/ Advanced Aspects of Politics of Development/ Telangana
Preventive Medicine Income Tax Economy
1. The candidates whose forms are rejected by the Examination Branch will not be allowed for examination and if any candidate is
found not eligible at the later stage his / her registration will be cancelled for this exam.
2. Any omission or clash may be intimated to the Controller of Examinations, MGU, immediately on the receipt of the Time Table.
3. Cell Phones and any other electronic gadgets are strictly not allowed into the Examination Hall.
4. The responsibility of obtaining correct question paper from the Invigilator at the Examination Hall rests with the candidate.
Answering a wrong Question paper may lead to Cancellation of Result.
5. The candidates have to carry the college identity card along with their Hall Ticket during the Examination.

Controller of Examinations

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