CA Risk For Infection NCP

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NCP#3: Risk for infection r/t impaired skin integrity secondary to medial episiotomy.

Assessment: Diagnosis: Objective: Nursing Intervention: Rationale: Evaluation:

Subjective data: Risk for Short term: Communication Short term:
Client verbalized: “naa infection r/t After 3 hours of • Establish rapport. • To gain patient’s trust • Did not manifest
pay mgananggawas impaired nurse-patient Provide reassurance and cooperation. the signs of
ngadugo sa akong skin interactions: and comfort. infection (fever
kinatawo”; “sakit pa e integrity • Not exhibit Safe and Quality and chilling); vital
lihok ang sa akong secondary any signs and Nursing Care: signs within
paadapit” to medial symptoms of • Monitor vital signs normal limits.
episiotomy. infection such especially temperature • A slight elevation in • Listened upon
Objective data: as fever and temperature suggests explanation on the
Method of delivery: chilling. • Note signs/symptoms fever. factor (impaired
NSVD with thick • Identify of fever, pallor and skin integrity) of
meconium staining interventions chills. developing
Episiotomy area is to prevent/ infection.
swollen and reddish in reduce risk of • Perform surgical • To assess if infection is • Was able to
color. infection. handwashing before occurring. verbalize
• Verbalized and after doing understanding of
understanding perineal care on the • To prevent infection to the risk factors.
of individual site of episiotomy. the area and inhibit cross
risk factors. contamination. Long term:
• Do perineal care and • The patient was
Long term: teach the mother on the free from any type
After 2 days of importance of proper of infections.
nursing intervention: perineal cleaning.
• The patient will be • Perineal area should be
free from any type of Health Education cleansed well to prevent
infection. • Explain why the growth of
and how microorganism.
infection is
likely to happen.
• Assist with use
of breathing • To give the client the
techniques idea on the causative
during surgical factors of infection
repair, as formation/process.
appropriate. • Breathing helps direct
• Encourage the attention away from the
use of relaxation discomfort, promotes
techniques such relaxation.
as deep
breathing and
imagery. • May help decrease pain
Collaboration and perception by
Teamwork interrupting the
• Provide optimal conduction of nerve pain
pain relief with impulse.
the physician’s
analgesics and
antibiotics. • Each client has a right to
maximum pain relief.
Medications ordered
PRN should be offered
to the patient whenever
the next dose is
available. Antibiotics
help prevent and fight

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