NCP Ward # 4
NCP Ward # 4
NCP Ward # 4
Cues/ Evidences Nursing Diagnosis Outcome Criteria Nursing Intervention Rationale Evaluation
SUBJECTIVE: Risk for Infection After 4 hours of • Provide wound care • Providing wound care as needed is After 8 hours of
“ Dile pako r/t to post nursing interventions, as needed. essential for preventing infection, nursing
kabalo unsaon operative incision patient will be able promoting healing, detecting interventions, the
pag dressing sa to: • Perform hand complications early, ensuring patient patient was able to:
tinahian” as • Identify the hygiene prior to comfort, and facilitating rehabilitation
verbalized risk factors arranging the following surgical procedures. • Identify the
that are supplies at the risk factors
OBJECTIVE: present bedside and after • Hand hygiene is necessary during that are
BP: 90/60 mmHg wound care. wound care to prevent infection and present
Temp: 37.1 c • Have partial cross-contamination.
O2sat: 98% understandin • Keep a sterile • Have partial
PR: 98 bpm g about dressing technique • A sterile technique reduces the risk of understanding
RR: 21 cpm infection during wound care. infection in impaired tissue integrity. about
control This involves the use of a sterile infection
• Premedicate for procedure field, sterile gloves, sterile control
• Be free from dressing changes as supplies, dressing, and sterile
any signs and necessary. instruments. • Be free from
symptoms of any signs and
relation • Cleanse the client’s • Manipulation of deep or extensive cuts symptoms of
infection wound using the or injuries may be painful. If the client relation
appropriate experiences pain during dressing infection
cleansing solutions. changes, it should be managed with the
administration of pain medication
• Educate the patient before the scheduled dressing change.
and family members
about signs and • It facilitates early detection and
symptoms of intervention, improves compliance
infection with postoperative care instructions,
reduces anxiety, and ultimately
contributes to better outcomes for
patients undergoing surgery.