This weekly plan outlines the topics and activities for a precalculus class over four days. Monday focuses on finding real zeros of polynomial functions through exercises identifying rational zeros. Tuesday covers graphs of polynomial functions from linear to higher degree. Wednesday introduces complex numbers, including defining i, performing operations, and exploring square roots of negative numbers. Friday reviews conjugates of complex numbers and includes a quiz on polynomials and complex numbers.
This weekly plan outlines the topics and activities for a precalculus class over four days. Monday focuses on finding real zeros of polynomial functions through exercises identifying rational zeros. Tuesday covers graphs of polynomial functions from linear to higher degree. Wednesday introduces complex numbers, including defining i, performing operations, and exploring square roots of negative numbers. Friday reviews conjugates of complex numbers and includes a quiz on polynomials and complex numbers.
This weekly plan outlines the topics and activities for a precalculus class over four days. Monday focuses on finding real zeros of polynomial functions through exercises identifying rational zeros. Tuesday covers graphs of polynomial functions from linear to higher degree. Wednesday introduces complex numbers, including defining i, performing operations, and exploring square roots of negative numbers. Friday reviews conjugates of complex numbers and includes a quiz on polynomials and complex numbers.
This weekly plan outlines the topics and activities for a precalculus class over four days. Monday focuses on finding real zeros of polynomial functions through exercises identifying rational zeros. Tuesday covers graphs of polynomial functions from linear to higher degree. Wednesday introduces complex numbers, including defining i, performing operations, and exploring square roots of negative numbers. Friday reviews conjugates of complex numbers and includes a quiz on polynomials and complex numbers.
LEARNING DAY TOPIC ACTIVITY MATERIALS ASSESSMENT OBJECTIVES Brainstorming about how can students find the zeros of a polynomial function. Textbook MONDAY Warm-up (find zeros of polynomials). Notebook Find all rational Exercises 4.2: 1-6, 10:30-11:15 Real zeros It is important to pay attention to restrictions Calculator zeros of polynomial 13-15, 23, 25, 27, 39, 11:15-12:00 placed on coefficients of polynomial functions. Ruler function. 41, 42. Discuss with the students the rational zero test. Markers In the whiteboard, solve some problems related to Whiteboard zeros of functions. Participation will be evaluated. Brainstorming and discussion about what is the Recognize the shape graph of linear and quadratic functions. of basic polynomial The emphasis in this lesson will be on higher Textbook TUESDAY Notebook 9:45 – Graphs of functions. degree polynomial function. Calculator Exerciese 4.3: 7-12, 10:30 polynomial Describe the graph Basic polynomial shapes. (students will see the Ruler 19-24. 10:30-11:15 functions of a polynomial pattern when n is odd or even) Markers function. Students will study properties of general Whiteboard polynomial functions.
Introductory discussion about complex numbers.
How can students find the solutions of x^2 = -1? State the properties of the complex numbers and Write complex how can you use them. Textbook WEDNES numbers in standard Students will perform operations of complex Notebook Exercises 4.5: 1, 3, 5, DAY Complex form. numbers. Add, subtract, multiply and divide Calculator 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 8:00-8:45 Numbers Perform arithmetic numbers. Ruler 19. operations on Square roots of negative numbers. Markers complex numbers. Excursion: The Mandelbrot set. Whiteboard In small groups, students will investigate what is a Mandelbrot set. Discussion about conjugation of a complex Textbook Find the conjugate numbers. Notebook FRIDAY Review and of a complex Operations with conjugate solutions. Calculator Ex 4.5: 21, 23, 25, 11:30-12:15 Quiz number. Calculator exploration. Ruler 27, 29, 31, 33, 35. 12:15-1:00 Quiz about polynomials zeros and complex Markers numbers. Whiteboard