Zakharov Et Al.,1997 Bor-Stand Engl

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Russian Geology Geologiya

and Geophysics i Geofizika

Vol. J8. No. 5. pp. 965-993, 1997 UDC 551.795+551.76(571.11.5)



V. A. Zakharov, Yu. 1. Bogomolov, V. 1. l1'ina, A. G. Konstantinov, N. I. Kurushin, N. K. Lebedeva,

S. V. Meledina, B. L. Nikitenko, E. S. Sobolev, and B. N. Shurygin
Institute of Geology, Siberian Branch ofthe RAS, Universitetskii pr. 3, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia

We otTer a boreal zonal standard scale providing an etTective panboreal correlation and
current geological dating of Mesozoic boreal sediments. The need for establishment of a
boreal standard is brought about by the fact that most boreal stratigraphic sections cannot
be correlated directly, zone by zone, with Mesozoic type sections located in Western Europe.
The standard section of boreal Mesozoic represents the most complete sequence of mollusk
(mainly ammonite) zones known in the territory of the boreal realm. It is compiled from
fragments of zonal sequences established in more than 30 Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous
sections of Northern Eurasia, North America, and Greenland. The boreal standard of the
Triassic system comprises 36 ammonoid zones and 2 bivalve zones; Jurassic, 70 ammonite
zones; Cretaceous, 37 ammonite zones, subzones, and beds, 6 bivalve zones, and 11 belemnite
zones and subzones. Siberia and Northeastern Asia provide stratigraphic sections, many of
which are the best in the boreal realm regarding their stratigraphic completeness and
detailed zonal subdivision. They include the type section of the Olenekian and one of the
most complete boreal sections of the Induan stage. Infrazonal scales are constructed for
both Induan and Olenekian stages as well as for the Middle Anisian and Upper Anisian.
Sequences of ammonite zones from Hettangian, Sinemurian, Toarcian, and Upper Pliens-
bachian sections, located in Northeastern Asia, as well as the Lower Oxfordian substage
from North Siberia and Kimmeridgian stage of the Subpolar Urals are chosen as boreal
standards. The ammonite zonal scale of the Upper Volgian substage in the north of Siberia
is more complete than that of the Gorodishche type section on the Volga. The most complete
and continuous successions of ammonite zones in boreal Berriasian and Valanginian are
established in North Siberia. They are adopted asa composite boreal standard. Studies of
the North-Siberian Upper Cretaceous sections in a stratigraphic range from the Upper
Cenomanian to the SantonianiCampanian boundary revealed analogs of all East- and
West-European inoceramid zones. In addition to ammonoid zones for all the Mesozoic
systems in Siberia and Northeastern Asia we used the same sections to compile independent
parallel zonal scales on parastratigraphic groups of fauna and Dora. We also compiled an
almost "through" scale, based on bivalves, and some of its intervals entered the boreal
standard (Upper Jurassic, Upper Cretaceous). We otTer a zonation on nautiloids for the
entire Triassic and zonations on conodonts and foraminifers for some other intervals. A set
of scales were developed for the Jurassic interval: on belemnites, foraminifers, ostracods,
dinocysts, spores, and pollen. The Cretaceous was characterized with dinocyst and forami-
nifer scales. Taken together, these scales may ensure close correlations, mainly regional.
However, many of them, like the zonal bivalve-based scale, allow direct panboreal and even
boreal-peritethyan correlations for the Upper Triassic, Lower Liassic, Upper Jurassic,
Neocomian, and Upper Cretaceous. The proposed boreal Mesozoic standard should be
improved. This is particularly true for a greater part of the zonal scale of the Cretaceous
system. Nevertheless, even in its present version it may be used to improve panboreal and
boreal-tethyan correlations, as well as for current stratigraphic studies of boreal sections in
particular regions.
Zonal standard, boreal Mesozoic, Siberia, Northeastern Asia, ammonoidea; bivalves, foraminifers,

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Russian Geology
and Geophysics Vol. 38, No. 5

The last edition of the International Stratigraphic Code does not regard zone as a geochronological
straton [1]. Stage is adopted as the smallest geochronological unit. This approach is hardly a step forward.
Biostratigraphic zonal scales rest on phyletic ground and provide a tool for the most detailed chro-
nostratigraphic constructions. Zones are elementary correlation units. Nothing but zonal correlations allow us
to judge the stratigraphic volume of stages in various provinces and their relationships with the
type of sections.
From the very beginning the stratigraphy of the boreal Mesozoic of Siberia was manipulated with zone
as a stratigraphic unit for practical purpose. Emphasis was placed on zones and stages of the international
scale at the sacrifice of the Jurassic and Neocomian lithostratigraphy best supported with zonal scales. However,
just the preferential orientation to zone allowed development of the ammonite scale for the Siberian Jurassic
and Neocomian in almost as great detail as the West-European scale and as fast as for 20 years [2]. Bad
mistakes in developing the West-Siberian petroleum province were avoided owing to previous studies in zonal
biostratigraphy of East Siberia. As shown by drilling, Jurassic and Cretaceous beds in West Siberia contain
the same sequences of faunistic and floristic complexes as in northern Siberia. This imparts more importance
to the parallel scales on parastratigraphic groups of fauna and flora, developed for the north of West Siberia
and for the Subpolar Urals, and shows that their potential has not been exhausted yet.
The modern line in the biostratigraphy of boreal deposits involves development of panboreal zonal
correlation. The ultimate goal of these investigations is in agreement with current problems of the International
Commission on Stratigraphy, involved with the refinement of the global stratigraphic scale by means of
establishment of global stratotype sections and points, both within and beyond the type localities of stages [3,
4]. In this case stage remains a universal chronostratigraphic unit and maintains its nomenclature over the
globe. The geography and nomenclature of a biostratigraphic zone, even orthofaunistic, is limited [5]. This
can be exemplified by difficulties in zonal boreal-tethyan correlation of Mesozoic beds: few of 200 ammonite
zones established in sections of boreal Mesozoic deposits can be directly correlated with tethyan zones.
Obviously the ammonite tethyan standard cannot be efficiently applied to current stratigraphic examinations
of particular sections of boreal deposits. Just for this reason students of boreal deposits use as a standard a
sequence of boreal rather than tethyan biostratigraphic zones. The boreal zonal standard has been in actual
use for many Mesozoic stages for a long time. This paper is the first to present a complete and continuous
orthozonal scale from the bottom of the Triassic to the roof of the Maastrichtian.


Division of fossils into ortho- and parastratigraphic, proposed by O. Shindevolf and reflecting their
importance for stratigraphic purposes determined two types of scales: top-priority (based on ortho-groups of
fossils) and autonomous, or parallel (based on para-groups) [7, 8]. It should be emphasized that this
classification is conventional, since some scales of either group are known to be inverted. For instance, the
inoceram zonal scale of the Upper Cretaceous, once considered top-priority in a global scale, is now replaced
by the ammonite-based scale in areas of occurrence of tethyan deposits, but remains top-priority in boreal
and peritethyan deposits. The Paleozoic provides another example: the conodont scale competes with the
graptolite and cephalopod scales in a number of stratigraphic ranges, but is regarded as autonomous in the
Triassic, where the priority is held by ammonoid zonal scale. More examples can be given, if necessary.
Autonomous zonal scales (AZS) can be classifted, according to their nature in two groups: (1)
phylostratigraphic or, rather, evolutionary-migrational, and (2) ecostratigraphic, or facies-migrational. The
former type AZS's are similar to top-priority zonal scales (PZS). Nearly all types of zones established with
the use of orthostratigraphic taxa are observed for parastratigraphic fossil groups. Sections in which PZS's had
been established were preferentially used in the development of AZS's in Siberia. This allowed a more effective
use of parazones for correlation and determination of the geological age of deposits. However, establishment
of parazones and their boundaries was done independently of orthozones and their boundaries. Match or
mismatch of the boundaries of ortho- and parazones cannot be assessed unambiguously from the practical
point of view. AZS's are used in stratigraphy in the same way as PZS's. Methods of interregional and interfacies
correlation with the use of AZS's rest on fundamental stratigraphic principles: homotaxy and chronotaxy [9].


The need for a boreal zonal standard arises from the fact that the boreal type sections cannot be correlated

Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38, No. 5


Flg.L Location map of type sections of the boreal zonal standard. 1-4 - northeastern Russia:
1 - Omolon Massif and Alazei Plateau (Rhaetian Stage, zone Tosapecten efimovae: Kedon R.,
near the mouth of the Omkuchan R. [32]); Hettangian Stage: left bank of Kedon [31];
Sinemurian Stage: Kedon and Vizualnaya Rivers [31]; Upper Pliensbachian: Brodnaya, Bulun,
and Russkaya Rivers [31]; Toarcian Stage: Lower Toarcian: Levyi Kedon R. [31]; Upper
Toarcian: Levyi Kedon R. (Saturn Stream) [79]; Bajocian Stage: Lower Bajocian: Sededema
basin, Alazei Plateau, Anadyr R. [31], 2 - Yana-Indigirka intertluve (Norian Stage, zone
Monotisochotica - Adycha R., Yana basin) [32],3 - Near-Okhotsk region (Aalenian Stage -
Viliga basin) [31], 4 - Chukchi Peninsula (Lower Pliensbachian - upper reaches of the
Bol'shoi Anyui R.) [31],5-8 - northern Siberia: 5 - Lena-Olenek interfluve (Olenek Stage -
lower reaches of the Olenek) [19], 6 - Anabar-Khatanga interfluve (Berriasian Stage -
Nordvik Peninsula. shore of the Laptev Sea) [30,121],7 - Eastern Taimyr (Lower Oxfordian,
the Chernokhrebetnaya R., northeastern Taimyr) [31],8 - Kheta basin (Valanginian Stage,
Boyarka R., Kheta basin, northern East Siberia) [26, 46], Subpolar Urals (Kimmeridgian
Stage, Lopsiya R., Severnaya Sos'va basin) [87,108],10 - East-European Plain (uppermost
zone of the Callovian - Volga basin, near Saratov) [47], Volgian Stage - Gorodishche
Village, near Ulyanovsk, on Volga) [88]; Lower Hauterivian Substage - Kresty Village, near
Yaroslavl; Upper Hauterivian Substage - Volga, near Saratov [131]; Barremian, Aptian,
Albian, Cenomanian, Turonian, Coniacian, Santonian, Campanian, Maastrichtian Stages,
southeastern West-Siberian Plain [75],11 - Scotland (Middle Oxfordian and Upper Oxford-
ian, islands of Skye and Shtaffin) [85, 86], 12 - Eastern Greenland (Induan Stage, zone
Ophiceras commune) [71]; Upper Bathonian and Callovian, Northeastern Greenland [40, 81,
82]. 13 - Arctic Canada (Induan Stage, zones Otoceras concavum and Otoceras boreale - Axel
Heiberg Island) [48]; Induan Stage, zones Proplychites candidus and Vavilovites sverdrupi -
Ellesmere Island) [48]. 14 - Western Canada (Anisian, Ladinian, Carnian, and Norian
Stages - British Columbia) [48, 71]; Carnian Stage, zones Austrotrachiceras obesum and
Sirenites nanseni - British Columbia [48]; Norian Stage, to the zone Monotis ochotica -
British Columbia [48]; Bathonian Stage, Lower and Middle Bathonian - Porcupine and
Northern Yukon Rivers [83]. 15 - southwestern USA (Carnian Stage, zone Trachyceras
desatoyense - New Pass Range, Nevada [71]; Carnian Stage, zones Tropites dil/.eri and Tropites
welleri - California [71]; Carnian Stage, zone Klamatiles macrolobatus - Shoshone Mts,
Nevada [71]).

Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38, No. 5

directly with those of the west-tethyan (Mediterranean) type, where stratotypes of most Mesozoic stages are
located. The standard boreal zonal scale is compiled on the same principles as the tethyan, It is combined from
zone sequences of either entire stages or, sometimes, of their fragments, most completely appearing in specific
(type) sections within the region of occurrence of boreal deposits (Fig. 1). Hence, the synthetic scale of the boreal
standard demonstrates the most complete sequence of biostratons of the zonal level, known in the boreal region
(Figs. 2-4). In some ranges it also contains fragments of zonal scales constructed on sections of the intermediate
boreal-tethyan type (regions of a paleobiogeographical ecotone). Occurrence of boreal deposits is limited in the
south, as a rule, by a latitude of SCf N. The chief objective of the standard boreal zonal scale is to enable a direct
panboreal correlation in the region of occurrence of boreal-type deposits. The standard boreal scale is located in
stratigraphic schemes between the tethyan standard and the regional (provincial) scale. So it serves as a link in
practical determinations of geological ages of boreal-type deposits.


The severe requirements for a special zonal scale for the boreal type deposits does not mean that those
who investigate boreal deposits should work for this scale only. The unified scale of geological time is of
common interest for all stratigraphers around the world. Therefore zonal boreal-tethyan correlation is a vital
problem of boreal stratigraphy.
Regions with mixed fauna associations play key roles for detailed north - south correlation. Zonal
complexes in these regions contain natives of both boreal and tethyan seas. Therefore they can be used as a
link in boreal-tethyan correlations. This makes the boreal zonal standard even more important as a
geochronological reference for the boreal type deposits. The region of the paleobiogeographical ecotone - a
space with mixed boreal-tethyan fauna associations - is located now between 45 and 55° N [10, 11].
A direct zone-by-zone correlation of boreal, subtethyan, and tethyan sections can be done by comparing
zone sequences, characterized by a considerable similarity of the associations and retain index species, as well
as by comparing individual zones. This can be exemplified by sequences of ammonite zones of the Lower
Induan, Lower Olenekian, Hettangian, Upper Pliensbachian, Lower Oxfordian, Upper Kimmeridgian, as well
as by inoceram zones of the Upper Cenomanian, Turonian, and Santonian (Figs. 2-4). The zones
Neoprotrachyceras seimkanense (Upper Triassic, Lower Carnian) and Cardioceras cordatum (Upper Jurassic,
Oxfordian) provide brilliant examples of direct boreal-tethyan correlation between individual zones. Boreal
and peritethyan sections of the Jurassic and Cretaceous can be directly correlated using inoceramid and Buchia
However, considerable stratigraphic ranges on the Mesozoic boreal zonal scale are not correlated directly
with the international geochronological standard. Examples are the Volgian Stage and the boreal Berriasian.
Of 24 ammonite zones and subzones recognized within these stages only one level, at the bottom of the Volgian,
can be directly correlated with type sections in Western Europe. Boreal-tethyan correlation of the Rhaetian,
Lower Pliensbachian, Upper Toarcian, Aalenian, Bajocian, and most Cretaceous stages presents notable
difficulties. A significant homotaxy of the ammonite assemblages should be taken into account when performing
zone-by-zone correlation of the listed stages. The time discrepancy between the boundaries of equally named
stages may reach one or two ammonite zones. The chief concern of students of boreal deposits in the nearest
future is to make boreal-tethyan correlations more accurate.


The development .of the Mesozoic zonal scale in Siberia, as in Europe, started with the Jurassic system.
The first biostratigraphic scale for Jurassic deposits in the north of East Siberia was proposed in
V. 1. Bodylevskii and D. D. Kiparisova's communication at the 27th session of the International Geological
Congress, Moscow, 1987. This scale was far from perfect, but it demonstrated potentialities of the
evolutionary paleontological method in development of chronostratigraphy of the boreal Mesozoic: the
sequence of zones was established "at a desk", but all these zones were confirmed thereafter by field
stratigraphic studies.
V. N. Saks was the first to question the validity of application of the general (international) stratigraphic
scale to the subdivision of Siberian Jurassic deposits [12]. He demonstrated that, in spite of the boreal fauna
being provincial in some time ranges, the Jurassic fauna of Arctic and Siberia, on the one hand, and of Europe,
on the other, had in common a sufficient quantity of genera and species. So all the stages - from the
Hettangian to Kimmeridgian, as well as the boreal Volgian - could be reliably established in the Jurassic

Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38, No. 5

system of Siberia. In the same year in 1968 V. N. Saks and N. I. Shul'gina proposed a stage and zonal subdivision
of the Cretaceous system of Siberia (13]. The staging of the Cretaceous system in Siberia according to the
International Geochronological Scale was not as reliable as that of the Jurassic, because many stratigraphic
ranges lacked orthostratigraphic mollusk groups: ammonites, bivalves, or belemnites.
The first biostratigraphic schemes of the Triassic were reported by Kiparisova [14, 15], Kiparisova and
Popov [16], and Popov [17]. These schemes were based on L. Spaeth's concept of genozones for the boreal
Triassic [18]. Zonal scales for particular stages of the Siberian Triassic appeared later (19-24]. Tuchkov was
the first to reveal the sequence of zones Otapiria ussuriensis-Monotis ochotica in Norian deposits [25].
Stage and zonal scales of the Mesozoic in Siberia suffered from many drawbacks.
The Upper Induan is one of the least clear stratigraphic ranges in the Lower Triassic. One zone,
Vavilovites spp., characterized by species of the only genus Vavilovites, was recognized within the stage.
Interpretation of the Vavilovites sequences in sections was rather contradictory. To draw the boundary between
the Lower and Upper Olenek substages is also difficult, because stages of the ammonoid faunas had not been
sufficiently studied, and correlations of this stratigraphic range were tentative. The chief unsolved problems
in the biostratigraphy of the Middle Triassic were: correlation of upper horizons of the Anisian, ambiguity of
the boundary between the Anisian and Ladinian Stages in boreal regions, imperfection of the zonal scale of
the Ladinian Stage, need for search for zonal levels of correlation. The correlation of the zonal scale of the
boreal Upper Triassic remained tentative, and all but few Siberian zones were compared on the basis of their
stratigraphic location.
Concerning the Jurassic system, detailed biostratigraphy of the Lower Jurassic and Middle Jurassic
presented some difficulties. There were so many gaps (see the chart in [12]) that some individual stages, like
Domerian (Lotharingian), Aalenian, and Bajocian could not be established at all, and other stages were
established by fragments of ammonite zones. Only Upper Jurassic stages, except the Upper Volgian, were
established by zone sequences more or less convincingly. Many Cretaceous stages (Hauterivian, Albian,
Campanian, Maastrichtian) were established by findings of few taxa. These findings were of boreal origin, and
it was difficult to correlate the stages with West-European standards, located in regions of tethyan deposits.
Recognition of the Barremian, Aptian, and Cenomanian was not supported by findings of marine fauna. Even
the Berriasian (established in the north of Siberia as an individual stage for the first time in the USSR) and
Valanginian had no zonal level providing a direct correlation between sections of Siberia and Western Europe,
in spite of the fact that they were the richest in fauna and were subdivided into ammonite zones (13, 26]. Later
several Valanginian levels were found, thus permitting the volume of the Valanginian in the north of East
Siberia to be established through sections of Lower Saxony (Germany) [27, 28].
Development of zonal scales of the Mesozoic and improvement of staging were greatly contributed by
combined stratigraphic studies carried out in the 1960-70s. Research teams from institutes of the Ministry of
Geology (Research Institute of Arctic Geology and All-Union Geological Survey Institute, Leningrad; Siberian
Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics, and Raw Materials, Novosibirsk; West-Siberian Institute of Oil
Geology, Tyumen') and of the Siberian Division of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Institute of Geology and
Geophysics, Novosibirsk; Geological Institute of the Yakutsk Branch) investigated reference sections in the
northeast (East Upper Yana region, basin of the Yana, Omolon Massif, North Near-Okhotsk region) and
north of East Siberia (basins of the Kheta, Khatanga, Anabar, Olenek, Lena Rivers; the Taimyr Peninsula;
coast of the Laptev Sea); in West Siberia (Subpolar Urals, basin of the Severnaya Sos'va R). At this stage
emphasis was placed on the description of reference sections, zonal scales of individual stages, panboreal and
boreal-tethyan correlation. The Triassic and Jurassic systems and the Neocomian Stage were studied most
comprehensively [29-33]. Studies on zonal stratigraphy of the Jurassic and Neocomian of the boreal belt were
reported in the late 1970s [2, 32]. The parallel zonal scale on bivalves for all series of the Jurassic and
Neocomian appeared in zonation charts for the first time. The state of the biostratigraphy and paleontology
of the Siberian Mesozoic in the early 1980s is described in [34].
At the end of the 1980s the zonal scale of the Siberian Jurassic contained 61 ammonite-based and 33
bivalve-based levels. Also, a sequence of beds with spores and pollen was traced within the Jurassic in both
marine and continental deposits in various regions of Siberia [35-37]. The ammonite scale of the Lower Jurassic
was refined considerably. Its zonation allowed reliable establishment of all, but the Pliensbachian, stages of
the standard scale, and the Toarcian was approximated to the type section. Bivalve zones and beds were traced
not only in the north, but also in the northeast of Asia. The Middle Jurassic ammonite zonation was developed
in more detail than before, but less than the boreal standard (37-40]. The parallel inoceramid scale, comprising
10 biostratons, allowed correlation of marine boreal deposits throughout Asia [37]. By the end of the 1980s
the sequence of Upper Jurassic zones was the most complete in all the system. This was the most detailed

Xl I) !& Zonal scales of Triassic of Northern Siberia and northeastern Russia
s ,! Standard Boreal standard
On Ammonoldea On Nautlloldea On Blvalvla ~Cl
Cl) Cl)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

..•• ~~
'a: Choristoceras marshi ·4 Tosapecten Campt. nanus
Grypoceras bytschkovl
!4 Tosapecten efimovae
efimovae T. efimovae
~ Rhabdoceras suessl M. sUbclrcularls
Ij Monotis ochotica
Scale on Ammonoldea
ochotlca M. zabalkallca
undeveloped M. plnensis
Hlmavatitescolumblanus Yakutlonautllus kavalerovae scutlformls
Hlmavatltes columblanus M.daonellaeformls
.. -0 + .. Otapirla Iotaplria annulate
.. z0 :E +
Cyrtopleurltes blcrenatus
Juvavites macnus
Drepanites rutherfordi
Juvavitesmagnus -------------
ussuriensls O. ussurlensls
~ Malavltes oaulckel + MalaVlles dawsom
Plnacoceras verchoJanlcum Proclydonaulilus selmkanensls
Indigirensis Haloblakawadal
In ~tiltinn"e'''''' kerri . It.. "i

Anatropitesspp. beds Zittellhalobla Z. kudleyl
.. KJamathites macrolobatus Sirenitesyakutensis
Proclydona utilus asperella Z. omkutchanica
p ~'Sa:
Tropites welleri Tropiteswellerl pseudoselmkanensls
\0 1%
c3 :::l
Tropitesdillerl Tropltesdlllerl
+ Yakutoslrenites pentastichus Zittellhalobla subfallax

~ :u
Sirenltes spp. beds
+ ..
.. Sirenitesnansenl
Austrotrachyceras obesum Neoprotrachyceras selmkanense
Cosmonautllus gonlatites
polaris Zlttellhalobla popawl
Trachyceras aonoldes
Trachyceras aon
Trachyceras desatoyense
"Protrachyceras" omkutchanicum
Stolleyltes tenuls
C. polaris Zittellhalobla talajaensls
Zlttellhalobia zlttell
Proclydonautllus anianlensls
Nathorstltes Ilndstroeml
+ .. Frankltessutherlandl
Nathorstites mcconnelll Daonella subarctlca
+ Maclearnoceras maclearnl Nathorstltes maclearnl

01-0 ~
Protrachyceras archelaus + Meglnocerasmeglnae
Jndiglriteskrugi Gryponautllus kegalensls
10 .. Tsvetkovites neraensls
-~ + Tuchodlceras poseldon Tsvetkovltes constantls Bakevellla ladinlca

L. I Eoprotrachyceras cunona
Nevaditesreltzl +: EODrotrachvceras matutlnum
Eonathorstites oleshkol

F. nevadanus Paranautllus Daonella dubla
-" 10+01 nevadanus Arctonaulilus smlthl

Aplococerasavisianum P. dzeginense egorovl
~ + Eogymnotoceras deleeni
Daonella americana
Paraceratites trinodosus
.. Gymnotoceras
P. asseretol Bakevellia arctica .~
1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8
Balatonites balatonicus • t% Arctohunga rites Arctohungarites C. gastroplanus
• .g<;)
• Anagymnot. ismldicum
•~ kharaulakhensis kharaulakhensis A.laevigatus
Arctonautilus mlgayl ~~
:0 • A. triformis lHr
•• ~
"0 Czekanowskites
~ Nlcomedltes osmani • Czekanowskltes decipiens
decipiens ... ~
A. ventroplana
Bakevellia arctica

-- ~
III Taimyrites immutabilis Lenotropites caurus
~ 'jjj

Lenotropites solitarus L. solitarus
"0 c(
...o Grambergia S. mirabile Arctonautilus Ijubovae
J- - - - - - - - - --_ Stenopopanoceras mirabile taimyrensis K. evolutus
...I Aegelceras urga
•~ K.? arkhipovi
Olenekltes spiniplicatus
- Olenekites spiniplicatus Olenekites spinlplicatus
P. efimovae
Phaedrysmocheilus Involutus
Phaedrysmocheilus nestori
...... Claraia aranea ./

Parasibirltes "Streblopteria"
Parasibirites grambergi : Parasibirites grambergi grambergi P. mixtus
•~ P. kolymensis

c :~~ P. egorovi Phaedrysmocheilus evolutus

III i Nordophiceras Nordophiceras Peribositria
:¥ l Nordophiceras contrarium P. tuberculatus
contrarium contrarium sibirica
c ::» B.lenaense
.!! "Streblopterla"
0 •• ~J B. apostolicum newelli
•• ~J
Bajarunia euomphala BaJarunia euomphala B. planorbis Phaedrysmocheilus omatus
.. ... Anawasatchites tardus •• + Anawasatchltes tardus
B. eiekltensls
Anawasatchltes tardus Trematoceras I T. boreale Claraia occidentalis
Gl boreale I P. pulchrum
Leplskltes kolymensis Leplskites kolymensls Leplskites kolymensis
•• Hedenstroemia hedenstroemi
Peribositria mimer
~ H. hedenstroeml Hedenstroemia hedenstroeml A. errabunda
0 Kingltes korostelevi
Prionolobus rotundatus Vavilovites V. umbonatus
-' Vavllovites sverdrupi
i + .. turgidus I V. subtriangularis No Nautiloidea

~ Gyronltes frequens
·~ + ..
Proptychltes candidus
Bukkenites strigatus
Vavilovites sverdrupl
No diposits
Wordioceras decipiens

- ...
Ophlceras tibeticum
+~ Ophiceras commune
Tompophiceras morpheos

...I Otoceras woodwardl
101 Otoceras bore ale
Tompophiceras pascoi
Otoceras bore ale
Tomponautilus setoryml

.... ,
Otoceras concavum
i i i i

Otoceras concavum
i i i i
" iL ... i i i i ,,

Fig. Z. Zonal stratigraphy of the Triassic System of Siberia and northeastern Russia. Location of zones of the boreal standard is shown with filling: UJ
1 - northern Siberia, 2 - East Greenland, 3 - southwestern USA, 4 - East-European Plain, 5 - northeastern Russia, 6 - Canada, 7
Subpolar Urals, 8 - Scotland. ~
Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38. No. 5

scale, allowing direct correlation of the Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian with the West-European type sections
at a number of stratigraphic levels. The Volgian stage of Siberia was closely correlated with the type section
on the Volga (Gorodishche Village) [31, 41, 42].
Only in the lower part of the Neocomian the zonal stratigraphy of the Cretaceous system was nearly as
close as that of the Jurassic. The "middle" Jurassic had not been zoned at all because of the absence of marine
deposits from Siberia. Stages of the "middle" Jurassic - Upper Hauterivian, Barremian, Aptian, Albian, and
Cenomanian - were established mainly by palynological evidence and rare findings of Jurassic foraminifers
in core samples [43]. The zonal stratigraphy of the marine Upper Jurassic had changed little since the late
1950s. Occasional ammonite findings were not enough to construct a zonal scale according to this mollusk
group. Only two important zones, at the boundary of the Turonian and Coniacian, had appeared in the
inoceram scale by the end of the 1970s [44].
Since the last generalizations the work on refinement and improvement of zonal stratigraphic scales of
Siberia on various fauna and flora groups has been in progress. Emphasis has been placed on stratigraphic
ranges, in which the morphogenetic potential of orthostratigraphic groups has not been exhausted. In doing
so, zonal ammonite scales of the Ladinian, Berriasian, and Valanginian have been developed in much more
detail by establishing subzones. The zonal ammonite scale of the East-Siberian Bathonian has been approached
to the boreal standard [45-47]. During the last 15 years autonomous (parallel) zonal scales have been
developed: on bivalves for the Triassic, Lower and Middle Jurassic, Upper Cretaceous; on belemnites for the
Jurassic and Neocomian: on foraminifers for all systems of the Mesozoic; on conodonts and Nautiloidea for
the Triassic; on dinocysts for the Jurassic and Cretaceous; on spores and pollen for the Lower Jurassic and
Middle Jurassic. New data concerning zonal scales of the boreal Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous of Siberia,
obtained for the last 15 years is reported here.


Triassic deposits are widespread in the north of East Siberia and northeast of Asia. The bulk of them
comprises terrigenous siltstone-mudstone rocks of marine origin. They formed in basins inhabited generally
by similar faunas. For this reason, in spite of the fact that the sections are spaced far apart from west to east,
a unified scheme of detailed stratigraphy is adopted for this region. The sections are extremely complete and
abundantly supplied with organic remains, including an orthostratigraphic group, Ammonoidea. The absence
of stratigraphic condensation, common in the Tethys, allows us to establish a real sequence of faunas and to
develop detailed zonal and infrazonal scales of the boreal Triassic, as detailed as those of the best investigated
regions of the world.
The boreal standard. Comparison of regional zonal scales of the boreal Triassic indicates that the best
of them is ammonoid scale of Canada, developed on sections of British Columbia and containing mixed
boreal-tethyan complexes[48]. At some zonal levels it ensures a direct boreal-tethyan correlation of the Triassic.
Dagis and Tozer were the first to propose the boreal standard based on these sections [49]. We follow this
standard with next to no changes. The Olenekian stage is an exception; its sequence of ammonite zones is
adopted as the boreal standard as it appears in the type section in the lower reaches of the Olenek R. in
northern Siberia (Figs. 1, 2) [50].
In the last decade progress has been made in improvement and refinement of the ammonoid zonal scale
of the Lower and Middle Triassic of northeast Asia. Evidence from most complete sections in several key
regions in the north of Central Siberia, the upper reaches of the Yana R., the midstream of the Kolyma and
the Okhotsk coast, including monographs on Ammonoidea, has allowed development of close zonal and
infrazonal scales of the Lower Triassic [50], Middle and Upper Anisian Substages [51, 52], and Ladinian Stage
[53]. Several books have been dedicated to paleontological justification of zonal scales [54-57]. The ammonoid
scale of the Lower and' Middle Triassic comprises 43 biostratons and is the closest to the boreal
paleogeographic region and even to some time ranges: the Induan, Olenekian, Lower Anisian. The
biostratigraphy of the Upper Triassic is much poorer; it has not enjoyed considerable upgrading during the
last 15-20 years, because all the Late Triassic fauna groups are poorly studied. Ammonoidea are still abundant
and diverse in the Carnian and Lower Norian, but become rare and occasional in younger deposits. For this
reason the zonal scale of the Middle-Upper Norian and Rhaetian is based on bivalves. Fourteen biostratons
are recognized now within the Upper Triassic, mainly on Bivalvia.
Parallel scales. A set of autonomous (parallel) biostratigraphic scales of bivalves [58-62], conodonts [18],
nautiloids [63, 64], and foraminifers [65, 66] have been developed on Siberian sections. This provides additional
correlation opportunities to the Triassic biostratigraphy of Siberia. In some ranges the autonomous zonal scales

Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38, No. 5

of nautiloids and bivalves are no less detailed than the ammonoid scale. So they are of great importance for
both intra- and interregional correlations, and even for boreal-tethyan ones at some stratigraphic levels.
The nautiloid scale was first developed in the early 1990s [63, 64]. It comprises 19 biostratons (Fig. 2).
The scale is based on stages of development of particular nautiloid taxa. For example, zonation of the Upper
Olenekian is based on the evolution of the genus Phaedrysmocheilus and zonation of the Anisian, on
Arctonautilus. The Carnian stage was subdivided into zones on the basis of evolution of the genera
Proclydonautilus and Cosmonautilus. The stratigraphic volume of the nautiloid zones corresponds to the ranges
of occurrence of index species. Nautiloid zones can be determined as biozones of species. The zones are
generally of wide geographical occurrence and in most cases provides a detailed correlation throughout
North-Asian Russia. Broader correlations are now hampered because of a poor knowledge of nautiloid faunas
beyond Siberia and considerable paleobiogeographic differentiation of nautiloids at low and high latitudes,
existing in the Triassic. In some biostratigraphic ranges (subzones Paranautilus smithi and Proclydonautilus
goniatitus), however, boreal-tethyan correlations can be done.
The autonomous zonal scale of the boreal Triassic on bivalves is based on developmental stages of mainly
pelagic groups and those closest to them in evolution rates: halobiids, posidoniids, monotides, pectinids, and
others. This scale has been developed for the Lower Triassic and Middle Triassic on sections in the north of
Middle Siberia, where 15 biostratons have been established (Fig. 2) [60,61,67]. General trends in phylogenesis
of the genus Daonella have been outlined, allowing establishment of seven Daonella zones in the Upper Anisian
and Ladinian. The scale for the Upper Triassic has been developed on sections of Northeastern Asia [58, 59,
68]. It has been developed more closely over the past few years; its nomenclature has been modified [57, 62].
Now the scale comprises 19 biostratons: zones, subzones, and beds. The entire autonomous scale on bivalves
comprises 32 biostratons and is inferior in details only to the ammonoid scale. Further progress in detailed
biostratigraphy of the Triassic on bivalves centers around the revision of pelagic posidoniids and halobiids and
some rapidly evolving benthic groups: monotides and pectinids.
The panboreal correlation of the Triassic presents no serious difficulties owing to weakly pronounced
provincial specificity of the fauna within the boreal region. Correlation of the Siberian Triassic scale with those
of other boreal regions have been considered in several papers [49, 50, 56, 69, 70].
The zone concavum in Siberia matches the zone of the same name in Arctic Canada. The zone boreale
in Arctic Canada, Greenland, and Spitzbergen contains a species in common, Tompophiceras ex gr. pascoei.
This zone is correlated with two zones in Siberia, boreale and pascoei. Representatives of the genus Ophiceras
appear in the zone morpheos, justifying the correlation of this zone with the Canadian zone commune.
Comparison of upper zones of the Lower Induan in Siberia, Spitzbergen, and Canada is based on common
genera and the species Wordieoceras and Bukkenites. Correlations ofthe Upper Induan present more problems.
Analogs of the Canadian zone candidus are absent from Siberia. In western parts of the boreal region the
overlying zone sverdrupi is likely to correspond to three zones of the Upper Induan in Siberia, for the terminal
subzone of this zone, Kingites discoidalis, established by Tozer [71], seems to be coeval with the zone Kingites
korostelevi in Siberia. The panboreal zonal correlation of the Lower Olenek substage is beyond question due
to cosmopolitan ammonoid taxa, but the Siberian zone hedenstroemi has been established only in one locality
of Arctic Canada [49]. The most advanced and detailed scale of the Upper Olenekian in Siberia comprises
four zones and nine subzones. On the contrary, only analogs of the subzone kolymensis and zone spiniplicatus
are found in Canada, and analogs of the zone spiniplicatus alone in Spitzbergen.
Lower Anisian deposits are zoned most closely in the north of Siberia, where they comprise five
biostratons. They are also known in Spitzbergen and Eastern Greenland, but there are no analogs of the oldest
beds with Karangatites of the Siberian Anisian. The zones mulieri and caurus of Canada, taken together,
correspond to two upper subzones of the zone taimyrensis and the zone caurus of Siberia, since they have the
species Lenotropites caurus and the genus Stenopopanoceras in common. The zone caurus of Spitzbergen is
correlated in a similar way. Beds with Stenopopanoceras, Groenlandites, and Pearylandites in Eastern Greenland
[72] seem to correspond to the upper part of the zone taimyrensis. It is difficult to correlate boreal Middle
Anisian deposits, because Siberian Ammonoidea are too specific. One zone Frechites laqueatus is recognized
in the Upper Anisian of Spitzbergen [73]. It corresponds in its ammonoid complex to the zone chischa of
British Columbia, beds with Frechites laqueatus of Arctic Canada, and the subzone sublaqueatus of the Siberian
zone nevadanus. The zone rotellijorme and two lower subzones of the zone nevadanus correspond to the zone
deleeni of British Columbia and the upper part of beds with Anagymnotoceras,Hollandiies, and Gymnotoceras
of Spitzbergen.
Correlation of the Ladinian stage of boreal regions is based on evolutionary sequence of genera, species,
and close forms of Natgorstitides. The panboreal correlation of the Upper Triassic presents considerable

Russian Geology
and Geophysics Vol. 38. No. 5

difficulties and is arbitrary even at the level of substages. In Spitzbergen only bottom beds of the Carnian
(zone zitteli or zone tenuis) [69, 74] and Norian (beds with Pterosirenites) stages are characterized with
Ammonoidea. They are correlated with Siberian zones tenuis and verchojanicum, respectively. The Carnian of
the Arctic Canada contains the zone nanseni and analogs of the zone welleri of British Columbia; the Norian
contains only some parts of the zone columbianus [71].
Parallel scales are of great use for panboreal correlation of Triassic deposits. Zones and beds with bivalves
can be easily correlated. This correlation is the most reliable in the north of Central Siberia, in East Siberia,
northeastern Russia, and on the New Siberian Islands. Some Siberian bivalve biostratons are recognized in the
Franz Joseph Land, Spitzbergen, East Greenland, and, most clearly, in Arctic Canada. They can also be traced
in some regions of Tethys.
Lower Triassic zones on bivalves occur in the boreal region, and some of them even go beyond it. The
zone errabunda is well correlated with the Induan stage in the northeast of Asia, as well as in Spitzbergen,
Eastern Greenland, and Primorye owing to wide occurrence of the index species. Zones of the Olenekian
Stage - mimer, occidentalis, sibirica, and aranea - are clearly traceable within the area of occurrence of
boreal deposits; the zone occidentalis has been recognized in inner regions of the USA (states of Nevada and
Idaho). Age analogs of the zones mimer and occidentalis have been established in some regions at the low
latitudes (Timor, the Himalayas) [61, 62].
Middle Triassic zones are confined to the boreal region. The Lower-Middle Anisian zone arctica is
traceable only in shelf facies of the north of Middle and East Siberia. The Upper Anisian Daonella zones
americana and dubia are noticed in numerous regions of Northeastern Asia, in Spitzbergen, Arctic Canada,
and in the west of North America [57]. Owing to the index species, Daonella complexes established in the
Ladinian are clearly traceable mainly in the northeast of Asia and, to a lesser extent, in the Franz Joseph
Land, Spitzbergen, and Arctic Canada.
The Upper Triassic Halobia zones are not only reliably correlated in northeastern Russia, but also go
beyond it. The zone zitteli is recognized in Spitzbergen, the Alps, and, maybe, on Timor. The zones talajaensis,
subfallax, asperella, indigirensis, and others, or their age analogs, are traceable in Primorye, on the Pacific coast
of North America, in Japan, Crimea, Malaysia, and so on [59]. The zones ussuriensis, scutifonnis, and ochotica
have the largest areal occurrence and are traceable in regions of boreal-type deposits on their index species.
The zone scutiformis can also be correlated with the lower part of the local Warepan stage in New Zealand.
Analogs of Monotis zones are established in numerous regions of Tethys on wide occurrence of vicarious
species of genera Eomonotis and Monotis. The Rhaetian zone efimovae with two subzones is well correlated
only in the north of Siberia and in northeastern Russia [32].
The boreal-tetbyan correlation of the Triassic deposits seems to be the most successful in the boreal
Mesozoic. The tethyan scale and the Siberian scale, the closest in the region of occurrence of boreal deposits,
are linked through the scale of the Triassic of North America, whose Pacific areas were an ecotone region in
the Triassic and were characterized by mixed complexes of tethyan and boreal genera and species of
ammonoids. The Siberian and Canadian scales are fairly precisely correlated at the zonal level with respect
to the presence of the same genera and species of ammonoids for the bulk of the Lower Triassic and Middle
Triassic, excluding the Upper Induan and Middle Anisian [49]. A more detailed correlation does not yet seem
possible, since most of the subzones of the Canadian scale have been recognized from distribution of
ammonoids of tethyan groups in sections [71]. A direct correlation of boreal and tethyan scales of the Triassic
can be done only in some ranges, probably corresponding to eustatic sea rises, accompanied by equalization
of faunas of various biochores (Fig. 2). In the Lower Triassic such ranges are Otoceras beds, the zones Lepiskites
kolymensis and Anawasatchites tardus; in the Upper Triassic the zone Monotis ochotica and, somewhat
arbitrarily, the zone Neoprotrachyceras seimkanense. Comparison of the zonal scale of the Carnian, Lower
Norian, lower Middle Norian, and Rhaetian of the boreal and tethyan regions is hampered by enhanced
geographical differentiation and endemic occurrence of ammonoids in the Late Triassic. So the boreal-tethyan
correlation of the Upper Triassic appears arbitrary even at the level of substages.
Boreal-tethyan zonal correlations can be done with respect not only to ammonoids, but also to bivalves.
The zones mimer, occidentalis, zitteli, and others are found both in regions of occurrence of boreal deposits
and in many peritethyan and tethyan regions [61]. Some of them (scutifonnis, ochotica) occur even in the Notal
region (New Zealand). Halobia zones, widely occurring in the northeast of Asia, are quite reliably correlated
with zones in central Western Europe (the Alps), in North America, Japan, and so on [59]. Phylozones of
monotides of the Norian occur most widely and can be easily traced throughout the globe [57].

Russian Geology
and Geophysics Vo/. 38, No. 5


Of all Mesozoic systems Jurassic deposits are the most widespread in Siberia. Being typical boreal marine
sediments, they have essentially terrigenous composition. Pure carbonate rocks are almost absent. All sections
of the Jurassic system in the vast expanses of Siberia are classified in two groups. The first, the western group,
presents thin (hundreds and thousands of meters) rocks of various origin of the platform and near-platform
type. It is located west of the Yana upper reaches. The second, the eastern group, consists of thick (thousands
and tens of thousands of meters) terrigenous-voIcanogenous rocks, mainly of marine origin, of the
subgeosyncline and geosyncline type. It is located east of the Yana upper reaches [31, 37]. Deposits of marine
origin are generally rich in diverse macro- and microfossils. Owing to this fact, close biostratigraphic scales
on ammonites, belemnites, bivalves, foraminifers, and dinocysts have been developed during the last 30 years.
The boreal standard is a combined zonal ammonite scale, reflecting taxonomic peculiarities of the boreal
paleobiochore divisions in the Jurassic (of the provincial rank in the Early Jurassic and regional starting from
the Middle Jurassic, the intraregional biogeographic differentiation tending to increase). The boreal standard
includes also zones from sections in areas with mixed boreal and tethyan ammonoids. Paleobiogeographic
ecotone associations are the most important for comparison of sequences of typical boreal ammonite zones
with standard ammonite sequences, located in Western Europe. The presence of zones with taxa varying in
biogeographic origin within the unified scale excludes chronological gaps when boreal sedimentation is
reconstructed throughout the Jurassic.
Tbe boreal zonal standard of the Hettangian, Sinemurian, Pliensbachian, Toarcian, Aalenian, and Lower
Bajocian is based primarily on sections of Northeastern Asia (Fig. 1). The zonal ammonite scale constructed
there is the most detailed for deposits of the boreal type. It also provides a standard for northern Central
Siberia, since the North-Siberian zonal ammonite scale matches it almost perfectly [75, 76]. We substitute the
North-Siberian zone Dactylioceras commune for the northeastern zone D. athleticum in the boreal standard of
the Lower Toarcian, because it is directly correlated with the European standard [77] (Fig. 3). Two scales,
based on the evolution of the genus Pseudolioceras and differing only in zone nomenclature have been proposed
for the Upper Toarcian [78, 79]. We include V. G. Knyazev's zonal scheme, developed on sections of both
West Siberia and northeastern Russia, into the boreal standard of the Upper Toarcian, in spite of some
controversial points: poor choice of Pseudolioceras compactile as a zone index species and abandoned validity
of the species P. rosenkrantzi, An advantage of the chosen zonal scale is its good alignment with parallel scales
on parastratigraphic groups developed in the same sections.
Ammonite sequences of the Aalenian and Lower Bajocian in northern East Siberia and northeastern
Russia are the most complete in areas of boreal deposits [75, 76]. So they are proposed as standard ones with
a minor change in nomenclature in the Upper Aalenian: substitution of Pseudolioceras whiteavesi for one of
the index species [80] (Figs. 1, 3). A zonal ammonite sequence constructed on sections of Eastern Greenland
was chosen as the boreal standard for the Upper Bajocian, Upper Bathonian, and Callovian [81, 82], and a
sequence on sections of Northern Yukon and Western Canada for the Lower and Middle Batbonian [83]
(Figs. 1, 3).
The most detailed zonal scale constructed on sections in Eastern Taimyr and the Anabar R. in East
Siberia [84] is proposed as the boreal zonal standard for the Lower Oxfordian (Figs. 1, 3). The boreal zonal
standard for the Middle Oxfordian and Upper Oxfordian, previously constructed on sections in Scotland
(Fig. 1), represents the evolution of Cardioceratidae ammonites. The same zonal sequence has been established
in East Greenland [85, 86] (Fig. 3).
The Kimmeridgian boreal zonal standard comprises the most complete ammonite scale established in a
single section on the Lopsiya R. on the eastern slope of the Subpolar Urals [87]. The type sections of the
Volgian Stage are located in the East-European Plain in the Volga basin (Fig. 1). The most prominent and
complete sequences of Lower- and Middle-Volgian ammonite assemblages in the boreal region have been
established near Gorodishche Village, not far from the city of Ulyanovsk; sequences of the Upper Volgian
substage have been found near Kashpir Village, not far from Syzran, the Samara Region [88]. They are chosen
for the zonal standard of the terminal stage of the boreal Jurassic (Fig. 3).
The parallel scales are based on various parastratigraphic groups. The scales are related to each other
and to the Siberian ammonite zonal standard (Fig. 3). Scales of polytaxon zones on bivalves, foraminifers,
ostracods, dinocysts, and others are important for zonation and current correlation of Jurassic deposits within
individual paleobasins. The scales involve zones of joint occurrence, reil-zones, ecozones, sets of parallel
phylozones, and so on [8, 89-92}. Actually determination of the volumes of Zones involves elucidation of the
sequence and combination of events of various nature: chorological (penetration of migrants), ecosystemic

Russian Geology
and Geophysics Vol. 38, No. 5


Of all Mesozoic systems Jurassic deposits are the most widespread in Siberia. Being typical boreal marine
sediments, they have essentially terrigenous composition. Pure carbonate rocks are almost absent. All sections
of the Jurassic system in the vast expanses of Siberia are classified in two groups. The first, the western group,
presents thin (hundreds and thousands of meters) rocks of various origin of the platform and near-platform
type. It is located west of the Yana upper reaches. The second, the eastern group, consists of thick (thousands
and tens of thousands of meters) terrigenous-volcanogenous rocks, mainly of marine origin, of the
subgeosyncline and geosyncline type. It is located east of the Yana upper reaches [31, 37]. Deposits of marine
origin are generally rich in diverse macro- and microfossils. Owing to this fact, close biostratigraphic scales
on ammonites, belemnites, bivalves, foraminifers, and dinocysts have been developed during the last 30 years.
The boreal standard is a combined zonal ammonite scale, reflecting taxonomic peculiarities of the boreal
paleobiochore divisions in the Jurassic (of the provincial rank in the Early Jurassic and regional starting from
the Middle Jurassic, the intraregional biogeographic differentiation tending to increase). The boreal standard
includes also zones from sections in areas with mixed boreal and tethyan ammonoids. Paleobiogeographic
ecotone associations are the most important for comparison of sequences of typical boreal ammonite zones
with standard ammonite sequences, located in Western Europe. The presence of zones with taxa varying in
biogeographic origin within the unified scale excludes chronological gaps when boreal sedimentation is
reconstructed throughout the Jurassic.
The boreal zonal standard of the Hettangian, Sinemurian, Pliensbachian, Toarcian, Aalenian, and Lower
Bajocian is based primarily on sections of Northeastern Asia (Fig. 1). The zonal ammonite scale constructed
there is the most detailed for deposits of the boreal type. It also provides a standard for northern Central
Siberia, since the North-Siberian zonal ammonite scale matches it almost perfectly [75, 76]. We substitute the
North-Siberian zone Dactylioceras commune for the northeastern zone D. athleticum in the boreal standard of
the Lower Toarcian, because it is directly correlated with the European standard [77] (Fig. 3). Two scales,
based on the evolution of the genus Pseudolioceras and differing only in zone nomenclature have been proposed
for the Upper Toarcian [78, 79]. We include V. G. Knyazev's zonal scheme, developed on sections of both
West Siberia and northeastern Russia, into the boreal standard of the Upper Toarcian, in spite of some
controversial points: poor choice of Pseudolioceras compactile as a zone index species and abandoned validity
of the species P. rosenkrantzi. An advantage of the chosen zonal scale is its good alignment with parallel scales
on parastratigraphic groups developed in the same sections.
Ammonite sequences of the Aalenian and Lower Bajocian in northern East Siberia and northeastern
Russia are the most complete in areas of boreal deposits [75, 76]. So they are proposed as standard ones with
a minor change in nomenclature in the Upper Aalenian: substitution of Pseudolioceras whiteavesi for one of
the index species [80] (Figs. 1, 3). A zonal ammonite sequence constructed on sections of Eastern Greenland
was chosen as the boreal standard for the Upper Bajocian, Upper Bathonian, and Callovian [81, 82], and a
sequence on sections of Northern Yukon and Western Canada for the Lower and Middle Bathonian [83]
(Figs. 1, 3).
The most detailed zonal scale constructed on sections in Eastern Taimyr and the Anabar R. in East
Siberia [84] is proposed as the boreal zonal standard for the Lower Oxfordian (Figs. 1, 3). The boreal zonal
standard for the Middle Oxfordian and Upper Oxfordian, previously constructed on sections in Scotland
(Fig. 1), represents the evolution of Cardioceratidae ammonites. The same zonal sequence has been established
in East Greenland [85, 86] (Fig. 3).
The Kimmeridgian boreal zonal standard comprises the most complete ammonite scale established in a
single section on the Lopsiya R. on the eastern slope of the Subpolar Urals [87]. The type sections of the
Volgian Stage are located in the East-European Plain in the Volga basin (Fig. 1). The most prominent and
complete sequences of Lower- and Middle- Volgian ammonite assemblages in the boreal region have been
established near Gorodishche Village, not far from the city of Ulyanovsk; sequences of the Upper Volgian
substage have been found near Kashpir Village, not far from Syzran, the Samara Region [88]. They are chosen
for the zonal standard of the terminal stage of the boreal Jurassic (Fig. 3).
The parallel scales are based on various parastratigraphic groups. The scales are related to each other
and to the Siberian ammonite zonal standard (Fig. 3). Scales of polytaxon zones on bivalves, foraminifers,
ostracods, dinocysts, and others are important for zonation and current correlation of Jurassic deposits within
individual paleobasins. The scales involve zones of joint occurrence, teil-zones, ecozones, sets of parallel
phylozones, and so on [8, 89-92]. Actually determination of the volumes of zones involves elucidation of the
sequence and combination of events of various nature: chorological (penetration of migrants), ecosystemic

Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38, No. 5

(rearrangement of associations, change of dominants, acme of a particular taxon or form), phylogenetic

(autochthonous emergence of a novel taxon). Hence, in long-distance interregional correlations zonal scales
on benthos may be regarded as "bioevent" scales. In these scales reference ranges are characterized by unique
sequences of combined results of mutually independent biological events varying in nature: phylogenetic,
chorological, and ecosystemic [90, 92J. Zones of narrow and wide ranges with different features of assemblages
from different facies are established simultaneously. There is much evidence for circumboreal occurrence of
individual reference levels on paragroups. Some of the biostratons established in Siberia can be clearly
recognized in Jurassic sections of Western Europe, Canada, Alaska, and so on [93J.
The Lower-Middle Jurassic and Upper Jurassic differ in the nature of their bivalve zones. The Upper
Jurassic scale consists of phylozones, which have been established on phylogenetic stages of eurybiontic genera
and species of the family Buchiidae, autochtonously developing in the boreal basin (Fig. 3) [94, 95]. The scale
comprises 10 Buchia zones. The circumboreal occurrence of most index species of Buchia allows direct
panboreal and sometimes boreal-peritethyan correlations. In the boreal Lower and Middle Jurassic there are
no bivalves of autochthonously developing euryfacies groups except for inocerams. The scales on bivalves for
the Lower and Middle Jurassic are composed of polytaxon zones of various types. Thirty biostratons of zonal
rank and beds with bivalves are established in the Lower-Middle Jurassic scale. They allow recognition of up
to 26 stratons differing in facies settings (Fig. 3) [8, 89, 90].
The scales on foraminifers and ostracods are constructed on the same principles as the Lower-Middle
Jurassic scale on bivalves [90, 96, 97]. In the Lower-Middle Jurassic range they contain 31 zones on foraminifera
and 15 zones on ostracods, allowing recognition of up to 22 and 14 stratons respectively in sections differing
in facies settings. The Upper Jurassic zones on foraminifers, first developed for unexposed territories of West
Siberia [98], have been considerably modified by now on sections in the margins of West Siberia, and there
are as many as 14 of them (Fig. 3).
Belemnites is one of the most widespread and well-preserved groups of fossils in Jurassic deposits. They
are distributed unevenly both within the section and over the area. Being abundant in the Toarcian, they
decrease in number in the Aalenian, are rare in the Bajocian and widespread in the Bathonian, Callovian, and
Upper Jurassic. The Lower- and Middle-Jurassic scales on belemnites are composed of complex zones and
comprise 11 biostratons. The Upper Jurassic scales comprise six biostratons, established mainly on
developmental stages of two genera: Pachyteuthis and Cylindroteuthis [99, 100J.
The pollen stratigraphic scale of the Siberian Jurassic is developed in key sections of the margins of the
Siberian Plate, where the Jurassic is well characterized by complexes of various mollusks and microfauna [91,
101-103J. Pollen zones and spore-and-pollen beds are established in this scale mainly as acme zones of one
or several characteristic species with regard to the appearance, disappearance, and evolutionary level of specific
taxa (Fig. 3). The sequence of the Lower- and Middle-Jurassic pollen zones is the most reliable; it comprises
10 biostratons, some of which, such as pollen zone 6, are excellent references within Asian Russia [91, 101J.
Here we propose an improved version of this scale.
The scale on dinocysts is still under development for most stratigraphic ranges, because dinocysts are
unevenly distributed over the Siberian Jurassic. First dinocysts appear in the upper Pliensbachian. They are
abundant in the Toarcian and disappear almost entirely from the Aalenian. The subsequent rise in abundance
of dinocysts and their expansion to northern paleobasins of Russia falls on the Callovian. Biostratons on
dinocysts (dinozones) have been established in the Siberian regional scale on appearance of new taxa, acme
zones, ranges of common occurrence and levels of disappearance of particular characteristic species [91, 101,
104]. A sequence of two dinozones with five subzones has been established in the north of Siberia in the upper
Pliensbachian and in the Toarcian. In the same area six biostratons ranked as dinocyst beds have been
established in the Callovian and Upper Jurassic. Their boundaries are most precisely established and verified
with ammonites in the Lower Callovian and Upper Volgian (Fig. 3). The Toarcian sequences of dinocyst
assemblages match very well with those of sections in the north of England, northwest of Germany, in
Spitzbergen and Arctic Canada [91, 103]. Boreal dinocyst biostratons are traceable only in Arctic regions of
Europe and North America [103, 104]. It is worth mentioning that beds with Crussolia dalei and
Paragonyaulacysta retifragmata of the Lower Callovian are reliably correlated with the coeval biostraton of the
Pechora basin, whose assemblages contain both boreal and boreal-atlantic dinocyst species.
The panboreal correlation of Jurassic deposits is done mainly by means of ammonite zones, though some
reference levels on paragroups - bivalves and foraminifers (Middle Jurassic) [93] and Buchia (Upper Jurassic)
have also been established. Correlations of ammonite scales of North Siberia, Northeastern Asia, Spitzbergen,
East Greenland, northern Canada, and northern Alaska are the most reliable. A number of ammonite zones
of the Lower Jurassic provide not only panboreal, but even boreal-tethyan zonal correlation. For example,

Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38, No. 5

zones of the Hettangian (Psiloceras planorbis, Alsatites liasicus, Schlotheimia angulata), Upper Pliensbachian
(Amaltheus stokesi, A. margaritatus), Lower Toarcian (Harpoceras [alciferum, Dactylioceras commune,
Zugodactylites monestieri) are directly correlated. Zones of the Upper Toarcian, Aalenian, and Lower Bajocian
have their own nomenclature in the boreal standard because of a significant difference in the composition of
zonal ammonite assemblages as compared with the standard. Their correlation with zones of the European
standard is done through intermediate sections in North America, whose zonal assemblages contain both boreal
and peritethyan ammonite taxa.
A satisfactory correlation is obtained for zones of the Upper Bajocian, Bathonian, and Lower Callovian
within the regions of occurrence of boreal deposits (East Greenland, Spitzbergen, and North America).
However, the correlation with the European ammonite standard is somewhat arbitrary. One of the reference
levels for correlation is the zone Boreiocephalites borealis at the bottom of the boreal Upper Bajocian. It is
correlatable through the zone Megasphaeroceras rotundum of Southern Alaska with the lower zone of the
Upper Bajocian of the standard. Another reference is provided by Siberian Lower Callovian zones Cadoceras
falsum and C. anabarense. Owing to related species of Cadoceras in zonal complexes they are well correlated
with Eastern Greenland zones C. calyx and C. apertum. These zones, in turn, correspond to the lower zone of
the Callovian in the English standard [83]. Notice that both Siberian zones are no less reliably correlated with
the lower zone of the standard through sections in the Pechora basin, too [105].
The standard-oriented zone-by-zone panboreal correlation can be done for the Middle Callovian and
Upper Callovian, the upper Lower Oxfordian, the Middle Oxfordian, and, to a lesser extent, Upper Oxfordian
and Kimmeridgian (Fig. 3). The possibility of panboreal zone-by-zone correlation of this stratigraphic range
has been considered in several studies in West Siberia and East Siberia and on the East-European Plain [47,
84, 87, 106-111]. Reliable panboreal zone-by-zone correlation on ammonites within West Siberia [112] and
East Siberia [87, 113], East Greenland [114, 115], and Canada [116] have been reported for the Volgian Stage.
Buchia zones provided a less detailed panboreal correlation of the Volgian and direct boreal-peritethyan
correlation of the Tithonian [94, 95, 117-121].
The boreal-tethyan or, rather, boreal-peritethyan correlation of Jurassic deposits presents few difficulties.
The reason is that most type sections of Jurassic stages are located within the occurrence of peritethyan
deposits. Some stages and substages of the Lower Jurassic (Hettangian, Sinemurian, Upper Pliensbachian,
Lower Toarcian) and Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian, Kimmeridgian) in the boreal zonal scale have the same
nomenclature of many ammonite zones as the West-European standard. Zones of Middle Jurassic stages of
the boreal standard are reasonably correlated with zonal sequences of West-European key sections through
sections with mixed ammonite assemblages or by comparison of scales on parastratigraphic fossil groups. The
zone-by-zone correlation of the Volgian and Tithonian still presents a problem. Of a dozen of Tithonian zones
and nearly the same quantity of Volgian ones only one horizon, with Gravesia, ensures direct correlation of
the lowermost zone (Hybonoticeras hybonotum) of the Tithonian, border Kimmeridgian-Portlandian beds and
the bottom zone (Ilowaiskya klimovi) of the Volgian Stage. Versions of correlations of other zones of the
Volgian Stage with zones of the Tithonian, assuming correlation of the top of the Tithonian with the bottom
of the Upper Volgian Substage are open to debate [108, 122].

Deposits of Cretaceous age occupy over one third of Siberia. They contain both marine and, much more,
continental formations. The marine Lower Cretaceous (the lower Neocomian) is the most widespread. The
Berriasian and Valanginian Stages are related to the Upper Jurassic, especially to the Volgian Stage, in origin
and occurrence. The Upper Hauterivian, Barremian, Aptian, Albian, and Cenomanian are formed mainly by
non-marine sediments. The marine Upper Cretaceous is confmed mainly to the West-Siberian Plain, where it
is overlain by much younger deposits [43].
The boreal standard of the Cretaceous System has been developed by now to the least extent because
of the lack of specialized investigations and to some unfavorable conditions in the north of the Siberian and
Russian Platforms, as well as in the whole circumboreal region. This is especially true with regard to the upper
and middle Cretaceous. As mentioned above, the middle part of the Cretaceous is represented in Siberia
mainly by continental facies, and the Upper Cretaceous is either overlain by Cenozoic deposits or strongly
distorted by glaciers moving southwards in the Quaternary time. Cretaceous sections on the Russian Platform
contain many stratigraphic gaps (see Fig. 6 in [123]). The best biostratigraphic scales have been developed for
the boreal Berriasian and Valanginian on sections of North Siberia (Fig. 1). The most complete sequences of
ammonite zones known in the region of occurrence of boreal deposits have been established for the Berriasian

Russian Geolo~
and Geophysics VoL 38, No. 5

III Q) Middle and Upper

= .c=,Q)
.5 =C'll Standard
m rn~ standard On Ammonites

"Durangites" -~ ••••• Craspedites ehetae

'- -~
Craspedites nodiger
••••• Craspedites taimyrensis
Craspedites subditus ••••• .!!! ::iuocrasoeones on ,"a
0) l-
-~ IS
C C-
a. Paraulaeosphinctes -~
C- ••••• ID

••••• :; Craspedites okensis

:::) transitorius -~ g- Kashpurites fulgens •••••
-~ ••••• d Virgatosphinctes exoticus
.- Mierocantoeeras
I- i-
Paracrasp. opressus ••••• EpiJaugeitesvogulieus I,E.varia-
••••• biflS
ponti CIS Epivirgatites nikitini ••••• Laugeites groenlandieus
-"0 Semiformiceras falluxi
0) "-
~ .- - ••••• Taimyrosphinctes exeentricus
"0 Virgatites virgatus •••••
0 .-
"0 ~
"0 ••••• Dorsoplanites maximus

s: ~
~ ~ 0)
- ~
Dorsoplanites •••• Dorsoplanites i10vaiskii

- semiforme ~
panderi ••••• Pavlovia iatriensis
Danubsohmcles palatinum
•• Pectinatites pectinatus
.- 3= usseneeras oarvmcoosurn
Franconrt"" vimineu« 0 '- pseudoscythica •••••
-- > 0~ 1I0vaiskyasokolovi ••••• Subdichotomoceras
I- 0
Dorsoplanrtoides lriplicatus
....I Usselieeras tagmersheimense
r- - ....I
•••• Eosphinctoeeras
Hybonoticeras hybonotiUm 1I0vaiskya ktimovi
'- Aulaeostephanus Aulacostephanus
•• Oxydiscytes
C I- autissiodorensis autissiodorensis ••••• taimyrensis
0) •••••
.- a.a. Aulacostephanus
~. ~
eudoxus •••••

......... .
Cl) 0)
Aulacost:tr hanus ••••• AUlaCO~'iP~anus
.-"... muta "is $
acan cus •••••
m liS

;. • ••••• •r!
0) Rasenia Rasenia Rasenia

;. r! •••••
cyrnodoce QI.- borealis QI- borealis
E 0)
:.~. ::l~ ••••• ::l~
. -
E 0 .Qo
8~ ••••• 8~ .Qo

••;. -cE Pictonia ••••• Pictonia
Q. ~ baylei involuta ••••• -cE involuta
••• •••••
Ringsteadia •• I::: Amoeboceras rosenkrantzi ••••• A. ex gr. rosenkrantzi beds
0) pseudocordata :. ~II Arnoeboeeras regulare ••••• f-o----------
Amoeboeeras regulare
::;) a.
a. •••••
Decipia declpiens •• iiii: Amoeboceras serratum Arnoeboceras serratum
•• lOll
C :::)
Perisphinetes cautisnigrae ~ Arnoeboeeras glosense Amoeboceras glosense
•• ~II •••••
.- 0)
•• 11
tenuiserratum •••••
•• = •••••
"... "~"0 Perisphinetes .:l
11 Cardioeeras
0 •• 11
E Cardioceras cordatum •••• •••••

m Cardioceras percaelatum ••••;. Cardioeeras percaelatum •••
Cardioeeras cordatiUm
Cardioeeras cordatum
Cardioeeras percaelatum
0 Cardioceras bukowskii •••••
:. •••••
••••• I
0 Cardioceras
3= ;. ••••• Cardioceras

gloriosum gloriosum Cardioeeras
0 Vertumniceras ;. ••••• praecordatum
mariae ;. ••••
~. Cardioeeras obliteratum ••••
•• C.obliteratum. C.scarburgense
... -- •••••
-- Quenstedtoceras ••••• Eboracieeras
a. lamberti lamberti ••••• subordinarum
c :::)a. ••••• -----------
Peltoceras athleta

» Peltoceras athleta

"C >
coronatum N coronatum •••••
.- -CIS ~
Kosrnoceras jason ><')<
Kosrnoceras jason
••••• Rondiceras milaschevici

••••• & Erymnoeeras beds

••••• -----------
:E (J '- Sigaloeeras calloviense X Sigaloceras calloviense ••••• Cadoceras
Cadoceras nordenskioelde ••• emelianzevi
~ Maerocephalites herveyi ~ Cadoceras aeertum ••••• -----------
Proplanulites koenigi
_ ~!oc~,!s !n!.b~re~se__
....I X adoceras caivx .=.=. Cadoceras. falsum

and Geophysics VoL38,No.5

Jurassic zonal scales of Northern Siberia and northeastern Russia

On Bivalve! On Foraminifers
On Belemnites On Dinocysts
(b-zones) (f-zones)

Lagonibelus gustomesovi Buchia unschensis

Ammodiscus veteranus, borealis,
Buchia Evolutinella volossatovi Tubotuberella
Cylindroteuthis obliqua rhombiformis
100_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Buchia .!!! Dorothia tortuosa
Tubot\ber. apatela,
ii III Pareodin. ceratophora
0 -------------
Tristix taimyrensis
::s 1------------
l!CIl J!
"'-------------- .s0
Sigmomorphina taimyrica

Pachyteuthis russiensis


E --------------
u -------------- ~
ftl djabakensis
o ....e Kutsevella

_... ---------------

mosquensis :; ?
1------------- ! ----------------
Cylindroteuthis Q.
septentrionalis 0:
Buchia ex gr. .!i
::s Pseudolamarklna
tenuistriata E' Iopsiensis
Pachyteuthis obesa 's

Pachyteuthis ingens,
Cylindroteuthis oweni Buchia
cuspidata Haplophragmoides (1)

------------- 1------------
Scriniocassis dictyota,
Recurvoicles disputabilis Namoceratopsis pellucida
Praebuchia 1-------------,... 1-----------
Ammodiscus thornsi,
Tolypammina svetlanae ?

1-------------- ------------ Clathroctenocystis asaphum,
Crussolia sp.

Trochammina oxfordiana

. . ------------r-
Conorboides taimyrensis ?
Ammobaculites igrirnensis ~

? s: Ungulina deliciolae .5i
o E
P. anabarensis

~ Dorothia insperata
o -----------
Crussolia dalei,
Recurvoicles ~ Paragonyaulacysta
singularis Kuts. memorabilis,
I Gr. leskevitschi
Guttul. tatarensis retifragmata

Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38, No. 5

Substage Standard Boreal Lower and Middle
~ standard On Ammonites
~ Clydoniceras discus X)< •••• L 9t~~i'!.s 18~a~e.Ee~s__
C Cadoceras variabile
Oxyceritesorbis 1\ ••••
ca Upper Procerites hodsoni ~. Ardicoceras (7) cranocephaloide ------------
•••• Ardicoceras (7) cranooephaloide
•••• ------------

s: Middle
Proceritesprogracilis ~
Arcticoceras ishmae
Arcticoceras har1andi
•••• Arcticocerasishmae
•••• ------------
Arcticoceras har1andi
m Lower
A. tenuiplicatus
Parkinsonia parkinsoni
'" +

. ArctoceDnalites trarm
AretoceDnalltes amundsenl
Arctocephalites porcupinensis
Arctocephalites spathi
Cranocephalites pompeckji
•••• ~7a!!~Ilt~ !."!>~II~_
•••• ocephaliles . greenlandlCUS
•••• Ardocephalites arcticus
•••• I Oxycerites jugatus
•••• ICranocephalites car1sbergensis
c Upper
Garantiana garantiana ·x Cranocephalites indistinctus •••• Cranocephalites gracilis
·x •••• Boreiocephaltes borealis
- ca
.- Strenoceras niortense
• Boreiocephaltes borealis

~ ~
e Stephanoceras Chondroeeras cf. marshalli Chondroceras cf. marshalli

0 humriesianum beds beds

Lower Otoites
Witchella laeviuscula
HVDenioeeras tllSC! es
Arkelloceras tozeri
Ps. (T.) fastigatus
Ps. (T.)fastigatus
:~ ~.~
.- Upper
(Tugurites) :'If, Pseudolioceras (Tugurites)
whiteavesi. P.(T.) tugurensis
C Ludwigia .I-r: whiteavesi
ca murchisonae .'rr:
c -rr:
~ GJ -~ Pseudolioceras ·'~r Pseudolioceras
ca -« Lower

Pseudolioceras beyrichi
I ·fJ
Pseudolioceras beyrichi
-rr: Pseudolioceras
-~ Pseudolioceras Pseudolioceras
Upper Grammoceras
-I-r: wurttenbergeri wurttenbergeri
Haugia variabilis -
.~.~ Pseudolioceras compactile .~.~ Pseudolioceras compactile
Porpoceras spinatum

Zugodactylites monestieri

Zugodactylites monestieri
-~ !,~r
0 Lower Daetylioceras commune !I fJ Daetylioceras commune
- ..J
-.f Harpoceras falciferum !M Harpocerasfalciferum
falciferum - .J Eleaanticeras eleaantulum I !. fJ Eleaanticeras eleaantulum I
Dactvlioc. tenuicostatum
7r liltoniceras propinquum .J~rr liltoniceras propinquum

~ ~
Cl) Pleuroceras Amaltheus Amaltheus
C spinatum viligaensis viligaensis
_ ..J
Amaltheus Amaltheus :.~ Amaltheus
~ .s:::.
o Upper margaritatus -~
_ .J
margaritatus ~•.r. margaritatus
.c ~'.J
Amaltheus -r: Amaltheus ~•.r', Amaltheus
0 enc: stokesi
stokesi ~:.rr stokesi
Prodact. davoei
Tranoehvl. ibex
? ?
.J Lower
Uotonia iamesoni - - -POi'vmoroh1i'es - - - - -Polvmoroti'iies - - -

~ ~
to.: Echioceras ralicostatum
~ Oxynotic:eras oxvnotum Angulaticeras colymicum Angulaticeras colymicum
E eroeeras omusurn

GJ Caenisites tumeri Coroniceras Coroniceras
en Lower Amioceras semicostatum
Arietites bucklandi ;BB siverti
Arietites ibratus 0
Arietites hbratus

Schlotheimia angulata
Psiloceras planorbis
SChlotheimia angulata
Psiloceras planorbis
Schlotheimia angulata
- - "p!!02!':!s.l?1'W°Lbi~ -
Primasiloceras orimulum

Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38, No. 5

Jurassic zonal scales of Northern Siberia and northeastern Russia

On Belemnites 00 Bivalves (b-zooes) On ForamiRifen(f-zones) On Ostracods onl>loo- l"a~o-
(o-zones) ~ cysts zones
Praebuchia anabarensis Trochammina rostovzevi Camptocythere micra
Pachyteuthis 10b
CIl Retroceramus
:s! .l!!
P. tschemyschevi 0
vagt ftl
0 ftl ? 1 10
Cyl. confessa E
0 Retroceramus Globulina
i" 10a
c: bulunensis praecircumphlua CIl
'5 ~ Retroceramus polaris
~:E c: It:i
0 ftl scrobiculatafonnis
P. manifestal '0 iii E ~ ~
-gi 0
c: Retroceramus B
retrosus ·C
Dentalina nordvikiana
~ Camptocythere 9c
o :c
·iii arangastachiensis
Lenticulina incurvare,
Retroceramus porrectus "ii Marginul. pseudoclara
s: .l!!
Paramegateuthis Retroceramus c1inatus "l2. Lingulonod.
Globulina oolithica,
praearangaslachienSii ? 9
parabajosicus ~ c:
I Solemya strigata ii: nobilissirna ::I

sptnulosa f--
--------- ~c:
Retroceramus lucifer Ammodiscus
ftl c: Camptocythere
ftl Retroceramus ·E rcE praespinulosa

Lenticulina nordvikensis I E
E Retroceramus
oC( Astacolus zwetkovi ~

--------- elegans

verneuilinoides III
:--- kelymiarensis syndascoensis iii
e! 1.---------- -- -... --
~ 7b
ECIl Camptocythere ES
motorschunensis 0-
Arctotis ....!~
~fij :! aff. occalata
U.!2l marchaensis l~ .i 2'
c!3 Cl
Astacolus ~
---------- ~.E i"~
",2 ::,;z
Pseudomytiloides rnardlaensis praefoliaceus, - Camptocythere
licri P.etJT1eIfes
ci. -7a
Meleagrinella Lenticulina multa
1: occalata .9
Clastoteuthis ftl
faminaestriata ..,fc §~
III .!l!e
Nannobelus pavlovi Dacryomya inflata, Camp. mandelstami "·Ill
Tancredia bicarinata Ammobaculites lobus,
Trochammina kisselrnani
I Trachycythere

1--------- Recurvoides
"B 5 ,5b
Tancredia 1/1111
m z
t 5a
kuznetsovi :232 Anmarginulina ~Q. ~
I--- .8g 1-. -~
arctica ..!!! Nanacythere 4
t/l c:.- Anmarginulina .c costata
incertus 8:&
....~i- gerkei ~
:I:CIl Tr. Iapidosa, Fr.dUbiella
..!!! Velataviligaensis
? Harpaxex gr. spinosus
Ammodiscus siliceus
I Ogmoconcha

Otapiri~ Iimaefonnis I Trochammina inusitata,

Turritelella volubilis
Iongula ?
Pseudomytiloides Trochammina
sinuosus sublapidosa
rpseudomytiloideS sinuosus buurensis 1

Russian Geology
and Geophysics Vol. 38, No. 5

Fig. 3. Zonal stratigraphy of the Jurassic System of Siberia and northeastern Russia. Designations as in Fig. 2.
Palynozones and beds: 1 - Dipterella oblatinoides, Allsporites pergrandis, Camptotriletes cerbriformis, Dipteri-
daceae, Quadraeculina anellaeformis; 2 - Cycadopites medius, C. spp., Stereisporites infragranulatus, Polycingul-
atisporites triangularis, Quadraeculina anellaeformis, Protopicea cerina; 3 - Cycadopites spp., Uvaesporites
argentaeformis, Dipterella oblatinoides, Paleoconiferus asaccatus; 4 - Stereisporites spp., Uvaesporites argen-
taeformis, Cycadopites dilucidus; 5 - Tripartina variabilis; Sa - Osmundacidites, Cycadopites dilucidus,
Stereisporites, Quadraeculina limbata; 5b - Cyathidites minor, Obtusisporis junctus,Dipteridaceae,Marattisporites
scabratus; 6 - Cyathidites, Dipteridaceae, Marattisporites scabratus, Klukisporites variegatus, Classopollis; 7 -
Piceapollenites variabiliformis, Cyathidites minor, Osmundacidites spp., Dipteridaceae, Marattisporites scabratus; 8
Cyathidites minor, Osmundacidites jurassicus, Piceapollenites variabilijormis, Sterisporites s pp.,
Sciadopityspollenites multiverrucosus; 9 - Neoraistrickia rotundijonnis, Lycopodiumsporites intortivallus,
Dicksonia densa, Pinus divulgata; 9a - Cyathidites minor, C. coniopteroides, Osmundacidites spp.,
Lycopodiumsporites spp., Leiotriletes adiantiforrnis; 9b - Cyathidites australis, Microlepidites crassirimosis,
Hemitelia parva, Neoraistrickia truncata, N. spp., Podocarpidites rousei, Monolites couperi; 9c - Neoraistrickia
spp., Lycopodiumsporites spp., Osmundacidites spp., Stereisporites, Cyathidites minor,Alisporites bisaccus; 10 -
Lophotriletes torosus, Gleichenidites, Quadraeculina limbata, Sciadopityspollenites macroverrucosus; lOa -
Cyathidites sp p., Piceapollenites spp., Gleichenidites, Quadraeculina limbata, Sciadopityspollenites
macroverrucosus, Marattisporites scabratus, Classopollis; lOb - Perotrilites zonatoides, Leiotriletes pailescens,
Osmundacidites spp., Perinopollenites elatoides.

in a section on the Nordvik Peninsula, at the coast of the Laptev Sea [124, 125]; for the Valanginian, in the
basin of the Boyarka R. [46, 126]. These sequences are proposed as standards for the Berriasian and
Valanginian in the Mesozoic boreal zonal scale [127, 128] (Fig. 4).
Continuous sections of the marine boreal Hauterivian have been found neither in Siberia nor on the
Russian Platform. Therefore the standard sequence of ammonite zones we have proposed is a combination of
a number of sections on the Russian Platform. The Lower Hauterivian zonal sequence is based on sections
near the village of Krest, not far from Yaroslavl (Fig. 1). Even though it is a glacial erratic rock mass, it is
the only locality where the most complete known sequence of beds with boreal ammonites of the lower
Hauterivian (Homolsomites bojarkensis and Pavlovites polyptychoides) is observed (Fig. 4) [129, 130]. The
lacking Hauterivian zones Speetoniceras versicolor (Lower substage) and Simbirskites decheni (Upper substage)
are chosen from sections at the Volga River near Ulyanovsk and Saratov [131]. It should be emphasized that
the temporal relations of these beds with Pavlovites and Speetoniceras are still under question [132, 133].
The sequence of mollusk zones constructed mainly on sections in the southeast of the West-European
Plain has been adopted as a boreal standard for the upper part of the Lower and the entire Upper Cretaceous
[75J. This standard, however, lacks some zones on ammonites, for example, in the Barremian and, partly in
the Lower Aptian. There are also many gaps in the ammonite sequences of the Aptian and Albian, making
the standard vulnerable to criticism. The belemnite zonal standard of the Santonian, Campanian, and
Maastrichtian does not ensure reliable correlation with Arctic sections (Fig. 4).
Parallel scales for the Lower and Upper Cretaceous have been developed on bivalves (Buchia and
inocerams) and dinocysts (Fig. 4). Scales on foraminifers and belemnites (only for the lower Neocomian) are
still under development.
The Neocomian scale on bivalves is based on the evolution of a single genus Buchia and is typically
phylozonal [95]. The scale has been developed on the same sections as the ammonite scales for the Berriasian
and Valanginian (Fig. 1). Owing to the circumboreal occurrence ofthe vast majority of index species for Buchia
zones and penetration of some important species of Buchia into peritethyan regions the scale provides direct
panboreal and even boreal-tethyan correlations at some levels.
The inoceram zonal scale of the Upper Cretaceous was constructed by Khomentovsky on sections of the
Ust'-Yenisei Depression [134-137]. The scale covers a stratigraphic range from the top of the Cenomanian to
the bottom of the Campanian and comprises 10 inoceram zones (Fig. 4). This scale is categorized as
evolutionary-migrational. Most of them are of panboreal occurrence, and some penetrate directly into tethyan
regions of Western Europe [138].
The Neocomian scale on dinocysts is based on studies of this microplankton group done by N. K.
Lebedeva on a section at the Yatriya R. (Subpolar Urals, see Fig. 4). This scale covers a wider stratigraphic
range than the previous sequence of beds with dinocysts (Fig. 2 in [139]). Correlation of the proposed scale

" §
Q) Cretaceous Z 0 n a I scales o f Northern Siberia
.l'.! Tethian Boreal

en Ui
standard standard On Ammonites On Bivalves On Dinocysts f~
1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8
... N.kazimiroviensisl Sph. ~ Cerodinium sp.A
c. Neobelemnitella
c. binkhorsti
;:) Belemnltella iUnlor
~ Belemnella fastigata
Belemnella sumensls
Formea chylra- Palaeocystodinium sp.

.c G> Belemnella cimbrlca ~ ~i!

.... ~
-"' ~ ~
U c.
... B. sumensis P. srcllJ~er-
Belemnella lanceolata Operculodinium centrocarpum -
~ ~ 0
o .!!
2 B.pseudoobt. ubaghsl
.... cm .clll
No Inocerams
Cerodinium diebelli
"' ..J
:E g ~ ~ lJ:g Belemnella Iicharewl
.!! B. lanceolata .... <C-
.!! 1:%
!! Bostrlchoceras polyplocum -~ Belemnitella langel "'------------
Chatangella niiga


i~ ...~
H. marrotl
Delawarella campaniensis
-- ---------- Belemnltella mucronata
Gonioteuthls quadrata gracilis r-------------
-- 1-----------

j Placentlceras bldorsatum
- f-----------
G. quadrata quadrata
"I ---------
--------- -------------
Sph. palootensiformis beds
lsabelldinium spp.

~ .=.J
Placentl- E. austriacum Actlnocamax laevigatus
c. 1i Alterbidinlum daveyi
Sphenoceramus patootensis
~ ceras ? Gonioteuthis granulata ~
c. en
polyopsls Tex. gallieus
P. serratomarginatus
Sphenoceramus cardissoides "::sc:
Sphenoceramus cardissoides Chatangella chetiensis
"'u ~ Gauthiericeras margae - Volvlceramus Involutus
Inoceramus (Haenleinia)
Cannlngla macroreticulata

M Peronlceras trldorsatum

I -
I. (I.) schulglnae Jangodaensls ------------

Forresteria (Harleltes)
SUbprtonoceras neptuni ~
Inoceramus schloenbachl

Inoceramus costellatus
J Volvlceramus sublnvolutus

Volvlceramus lnaequlvalvls
Splnidlnlum sverdruplanum

Chatangiella spectabilis
~ R. deverianum 'C
Cyclonephellum vannophorum
c: R. ornatisslmum .2l ~
"'.!! Romanlceras kallesi ~ ....J_
Inoceramus lamarckl Inoceramus (Inoceramus) Chatangiella vlctoroensis
0'- "" 0 -- lamarckl
... :E K. turoniensis
:s ...
l- Q) Mammites nodosoldes
- Mytiloldes lablatus
------------ -------------
Inoceramus (Mytlloceramus) Chlamydophorella nyel
Cl Witinoceras coloradoensis --
-- Praeaclinocamax

"'c ... Neocardioceras Juddi

nlenus trianauius Euridlnlum saxonlense
S ~ Metolcoceras gesllnlanum Sclponoceras gracile Inoceramus plctus
Calycoceras guerangeri
- Eucalycoceras pentagonum Geiselodinium cenomanicum .....

1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8
a §'
A.jukesbrownei 1-- A.jukesbrownei ~~
r Turrllites acutus
1'3. CS"
.. .! j
Acanthoceras T.acutus
rhotomagense rT.costatus
-- Turrilites coslalus


IR S.. Mantelliceras dixonl I!!Q.

;:) C

QI ~ r
Mantelllceras M,saxbil . - Mantelllceras
-c Nonmarlne deposits Nonmarlne deposits
.... mantelli Ica~cltaensl( I-
1- __________
:~ Stollczkala dlspar 1-1- Stoliczkala dispar
I~ Mortoniceras lnflatum to-

Dlpoloceras crlstatum

Hoplitesdentatus I- ~----------
A. Intermedius beds
e .-
EUhoplites lautus
I- Hoplitesdentatus
l- _ _ _ _ _ 7- - - - -
...QI Palaeoperldinlum cretaceum
Sonneratia dutempleana 1-1- Arcthoplltes jachromensls Arcthoplltes sp.
0 beds
.... Leymeriella tardefurcata I-po.
Hypacanlhoplites Jacobi ------------- -------------
Hypacanthoplites Jacobl
- po. ----------
~ i
-... 1-----------
Parahoplltes melchlor
Nonmarlne deposits

"Cl Tropaeum boverbankl I- ?
II c 1-1-
:le ! Deshayesites welssi Deshayesltes deshayesl
I~ Roloboceras hambrovl
J Ancyloceras matheronl Deshayesltes welssl
Deshayesiles consobrlnus I- I-~ - - - - - - - - - -
Pseudocrloceras coquandi ~
Nonmarine deposits Nonmarine deposits

Prodeshayesltes sp. ...
Colchldltessp, I-po. ~----------
Heteroceras astler! I-

,!! ~ Hemlhoplites feraudi
"Emerlceras" barremense -I- Oxytoma jaslkowi
~ ...
Moulonlceras sp, ....
ID Pulchellia compressissima
Spitldiscus hugil r-- -~
1 2 3 4
Pseudothurmannia -
5 6 7 8
" §
anaulicostata - ~c;)
15 Balearnites balearnis - Simbirskites decheni Nonmarlne deposits
Nonmarlne deposits
Nonmarine deposits '[s
SUbsaynella sayni -- ------------- ------------ f-------------
'C -
Cruasiceras cruasense
:I: ; Lyticocerasnodosoplicatum - Speetonlceras verslcolor
Speetoniceras versicolor Canningia amerlcana -
Gardodinium trabeculosum
0 Buchia crasslcollis
..J Crloceratites loryl

Acanthodiscus radiatus i- ,..---------- --------------

Pavlovites polyptycholdes
Homolsomites bolarkensls Homolsomites bojarkensis
Techenites callidlscus •
••••• Selandiles
~ Himantoceras trinodosum
•• Dichotomites Dlchotomites Dichotomites Dichotomites Dlngodinium cervlculum


bidichotomus bidlcholomoldes
bidichotomus bidicholomoides
Buchia sublaevis
::J Saynoceras verrucosum IriplodiDlychus
III Thurmanniceras
• Polyplychiles Polyplychiles
'c campylotoxum ••
Slberites 'hA;'n!
Slberites beanl
.. !.~
ramuHcosla Muderongla simplex -

~ ..9; Thurmannlceras Euryptychites astleriptychus Euryptychltes astlerlptychus Buchia keyserlingl Cribroperidinlum muderongensis
~ ••••
~ •••• Euryptychites quadrifidus Euryptychites quadrifidus
Thurmanniceras otopeta ••••
•••• Neotollia klimovskiensls Neotollla klimovskiensis
Buchla inflata
ToHla tolll Tollla tolli
Dingodinium albertil -
alpiHensis Ambonosphaera delicata
•••• Bojarkla mesezhnikowl
I::J.. Fauriella
•••• Surites
Malboslceras Suriles
Bojarkla mesezhnlkowl
Buchla tolmatschowl .~
Sur~es Buchla jasikovl
num ••••
• • subQuadratus subquadralus .Il!
iii Dalmaslceras ••••
.!!!.. QI dalmasi •••• praeanaloaus
:a lirnovella Berriasella •••• Hectoroceras BoreaHtes

Buchia okensls

~ :2 occitanlca privasensis •••• kochl constans kochl conslans Paragonyaulacysta borealls

~ Tlrnovella •••• Hectoroceras Hectorooeras
subalpina •••• kochi kochi
.. Pseudosubpl. •••• Chela~es Chelailes
~ Berrlasella arandis ••
•••• Chetaltes s1blricus Chetaltes s1biricus Buchla unschensis
e jacobl Bernasella •• slbirlcus PraeloHia slblrlcus PraeloHia
..J jacobl •••• mayncl mayncl
J. T. U Durangites spp. ••••
•• Chetaites chetae Chetaltes chetae ,~...
Fig. 4. Zonal stratigraphy of the Cretaceous System of Siberia and northeastern Russia (The symbols follow Fig. 2). ~
Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38. No. S

with dinocyst scales of Northern Europe and Arctic Canada has revealed elements of boreal and tethyan algae
in Yatriya complexes, making it even more important for panboreal correlation. The Upper Cretaceous dinocyst
scale is based on sections of the Usr'-Yenisei Depression [134, 135]. The combined section of marine deposits
comprises a total of 13 dinocyst-based scales [91J. They are mainly of combined justification: their index species
are chosen either by domination or just by appearance in associations. The current state of the development
of dinocyst scales imposes regional confinements on their correlation potential, though there are some levels
where panboreal correlation is possible (the Cenomanian/Turonian and SantonianlCampanian boundaries and
some others) [140, 141].
Zones and beds with belemnites are established on succession of assemblages of species belonging to
various genera. They pertain to the category of multifossil range biozones. Five zones and beds with belemnites
have been established within a range from the Upper Volgian Substage to the bottom of the Hauterivian on
sections of the north of East Siberia [142].
The latest version of the foraminifer scale for the Upper Cretaceous of West Siberia has been proposed
by Podobina [143]. Beds with foraminifers in the Lower Neocomian have been established by Bulynnikova
[144] as well as by Bokova and Ivanova [145J.
Panboreal correlation of Cretaceous sections presents no difficulties for marine deposits. Quite reliable
direct zonal correlations of Berriasian, Valanginian, and, partly, Hauterivian have been done with the use of
ammonite and Buchia zones. Some ammonite zones (Praetollia maynci, Hectoroceras kochi) allow a direct
correlation between sections in East Siberia and West Siberia, the Subpolar Urals, in the Pechora basin, in
England, Northeastern Greenland, and on Arctic islands [26, 30, 94, 114, 120, 146-154].
No consideration is given here to the correlation of boreal deposits of the middle Cretaceous: Barremian,
Aptian, Albian, and Lower Cenomanian, since the bulk of the Siberian territory is devoid of marine deposits
of this age.
Problems of detailed correlation of the boreal Upper Cretaceous are discussed here in terms of zonal
scales on inocerams and dinocysts (Fig. 4). The inoceram scale allows direct correlation between sections of
the Upper Cretaceous of Siberia and the Russian Platform at the level of substages, since these regions have
zones in common: Inoceramus (Inoceramus) pictus in the Upper Cenomanian; 1. (Mytiloceramus) labiatus; L
(1.) lamarcki in the Turonian; Sphenoceramus cardissoides and Sph. patootensis in the Santonian. Zonal
inoceram complexes of the Coniacian stage also contain species occurring in sections of both Siberia and the
Russian Platform, allowing reliable correlation of deposits of this age. The three lowermost inoceram zones
(Upper Cenomanian-Middle Turonian) are correlated directly with Upper Cretaceous sections of Western
Europe and Eastern Europe, too; the others are reasonably correlated via sections on the Russian Platform
[141, 155-157]. The species Sphenoceramus patootensiformis, occurring in Western Europe at the top of the
Santonian and bottom of the Campanian, has been found in bordering Santonian-Campanian beds of East
Siberia. Hence, these levels can be directly correlated [141]. Inocerams have not been found in stratigraphically
higher stages of Siberia, the Campanian and Maastrichtian, and this hampers correlation of the deposits with
the adjacent regions.
The dinocyst scale allows an interregional correlation between North Siberia, Great Britain, North
America (Eastern Canada) at the CenomanianJTuronian border and between North Siberia, North America
(New Jersey and, probably, Eastern Canada), and Great Britain at the SantonianlCampanian border [141J.
The boreal-tethyan correlation is done through intermediate peritethyan regions. However, no level of
direct correlation between the boreal Berriasian and the West-Mediterranean standard has yet been
established. The most suitable for boreal-tethyan correlation of the Berriasian are sections in Northern
California (USA) [158J and in Primorye (Russia) [159]. Both regions contain tethyan ammonites together with
boreal Buchia, allowing direct correlation of these sections with the boreal standard [120]. Preference should
be given to North-American sections, because stratigraphically they are much more complete than those of
Primorye; the sequence of Buchia zones recognized there is complete and contiguous [160]. Versions of
correlation through sections of Primorye are not adequately justified and cannot be adopted unconditionally
The boreal standard of the Valanginian quite reliably correlates with the tethyan standard through sections
of Lower Saxony, Germany. Four reference levels have been established: at the bottom and in the middle part
of the Lower Valanginian, at the bottom and in the middle part of the Upper Valanginian. They allow zonal
correlation of the boreal standard of the Valanginian with the hypostratotype in the Voconian Depression,
France [46, 149, 162-164]. Location of the boundary between the Valanginian and Hauterivian is under
question, since the occurrence of the ZOne Homolsomites bojarkensis at the bottom of the boreal Hauterivian

Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38. No. 5

is still unproved [165]. The uncertainty of the location of this zone prevents it from being correlated with
Homolsomites beds in Northern California, where they are placed into the Upper Valanginian [158J.
We leave beyond consideration boreal-tethyan correlation of a large part of the Lower Cretaceous and
Cenomanian because of the absence of marine deposits of this age in Siberia. The potential of the inoceram
zone scale in boreal-tethyan correlation of Upper Cretaceous deposits was discussed on considering problems
of panboreal correlation.


The boreal zonal standard proposed in this paper will likely be an issue of much controversy. We ourselves
see many vulnerable points in it. They are most evident in the priority scale of the Cretaceous system, which,
on the one hand, has gaps in zone sequences; on the other hand, it combines biostratons of phylogenetically
different groups of mollusks: ammonite zones are mixed there with bivalve and belemnite zones. The reason
is that ammonites are poor in diversity and abundance in Cretaceous boreal deposits over a significant
stratigraphic range from Barremian to Maastrichtian. In the vast expanses of Northern Eurasia current
stratigraphic tasks are solved mainly by means of widespread parastratigraphic groups of fauna and flora. The
same is true for the Upper Triassic. The only way to make the priority scale of the Norian and Rhaetian
closer, enabling also correlation of deposits of this age over the enormous northeast of Asia is to go from
ammonoid- to bivalve-based zones.
Some important ammonoid findings can be made within the mentioned stratigraphic ranges in the nearest
future, but they will hardly improve the situation. We have no grounds to expect that the ammonite standard
will soon be used in the most Cretaceous arid in final stages of the Triassic. Obviously, these ranges demand
refinement of zonal scales based on parastratigraphic groups of mollusks and on microfossils. To oppose
priority and autonomous zonal scales would be unreasonable. While the priority scales form the most detailed
chronostratigraphic framework, the zonal scales, speaking in terms of genetics, "transcribe the temporal trait
of the priority scale and translate it in the space", enabling the temporal tagging of sedimentary deposits
lacking fossils of ortho-groups. Examples of greater significance of an autonomous zonal scale as compared
with a priority one during current geological studies can be provided by Middle and Upper Jurassic and
Neocomian deposits on either side of the Northern Pacific, The most detailed geochronology is based there
on a Buchia zonal scale, because ammonite fossils are extremely scarce in these rocks. The importance of
autonomous scales for deposits of the boreal Mesozoic was proven long ago by studies of core samples. Since
experts on parastratigraphic groups sometimes have to solve stratigraphic problems by themselves for some
reasons, every autonomous scale should have a boreal zonal standard of its own.
Hence, the boreal zonal standard of the Mesozoic will be a system of combined parallel zonal scales on
various flora and fauna groups, in which the priority scale should bear the principal geochronological


The present biostratigraphic review illustrates progress in development of zonal scales of the Boreal
Mesozoic of Siberia and the northeast of Russia during the last 15 years. Along with refinement of the
ammonoid scale, autonomous (parallel) scales on parastratigraphic groups of fossils - bivalves, belemnites,
nautiloids, foraminifers, ostracods, conodonts, dinocysts, spores, pollen - have been developed and refined,
A pioneering attempt to construct a boreal zonal standard based mainly on ammonoids was made. The need
for a boreal standard stems from the fact that tethyan ammonoid zonal sequences cannot be directly invoked
to date geological beds within the vast expanses of the Northern Hemisphere where deposits of the boreal
type occur. The set of parallel zonal scales proposed in this paper allows the most reliable circumboreal
correlation of marine Mesozoic deposits. Since tethyan and sometimes global zones (e.g., Psiloceras planorbis)
are included into boreal sequences at some stratigraphic levels, these reference levels offer a good means for
global zonal correlations.
The most important innovations in the proposed combined zonal standard of the boreal Mesozoic are:
(1) a closer ammonoid scale containing new zones in various stages; (2) newly developed parallel zonal scales
on parastratigraphic groups: nautiloids and bivalves in the Triassic; bivalves, foraminifera, ostracods and
dinocysts in the Jurassic; dinocysts in the Cretaceous; (3) a novel version of the standard zonal sequence for
the Lower Triassic; (4) newly proposed standard scales on mollusks for the boreal Jurassic and Cretaceous.
The authors are grateful to N. V. Sennikov for his critical review. The preparation of the article was

Russian Geology
and Geophysics VoL 38, No. 5

supported by grants 97-05-65265, 97-05-65298, 97-05-65290, 97-05-66080 from the Russian Foundation for Basic


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