Eocene Larger Benthic Foraminifera

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Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84

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Research paper

Eocene larger benthic foraminifera (alveolinids, nummulitids, and

orthophragmines) from the eastern Alborz region (NE Iran):
Taxonomy and biostratigraphy implications
Mehdi Hadi a , György Less b , Mohammad Vahidinia a,∗
Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran
University of Miskolc, Department of Geology and Mineral Resources, 3515 Miskolc-Egyetemváros, Hungary

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Shallow marine Eocene successions are described and illustrated with major focus on the systematics
Bartonian and biostratigraphic interpretation of larger benthic foraminifera in two stratigraphic sections (Mojen
Eastern Alborz & Kalateh) of the Ziarat Formation from the eastern Alborz zone (Iran). Based on the larger benthic
foraminifera assemblages, six shallow benthic zones (SBZ8-SBZ10 and SBZ16?-SBZ17-SBZ18b) during
Larger benthic foraminifera
the middle Ilerdian-early Cuisian and Late Lutetian?-Bartonian interval are identified for the first time.
Systematic paleontology The Mojen section is mainly composed of Alveolina horizons as index markers, such as Alveolina decipiens
(Schwager), A. tumida (Hottinger), A. ilerdensis (Hottinger), A. sp. cf. A. ilerdensis, A. laxa (Hottinger), A. citrea
(Drobne), A. trempina (Hottinger), A. fornasinii (Checchia-Rispoli), A. canavarii (Checchia-Rispoli), A. cf.
canavarii and A. aff. cayrazensis, which are consistent with the SBZ8 to SBZ10 interval, whilst the exact
age of the top of the interval was not distinctly recognizable. The studied interval of the Kalateh section
was assigned to the SBZ16?-SBZ17-SBZ18b with identifications of larger hyaline-lamellar foraminifera
represented by Nummulites cf. deshayesi, N. lyelli (D’Archiac & Haime), Orbitoclypeus zitteli (Checchia-
Rispoli) and Asterocyclina stella stella (Gümbel).
Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.

1. Introduction 2015, 2019a,b; Mosaddegh et al., 2017). Investigations of LBF major

groups (alveolinids, nummulitids & orthophragminids) suggest
Large benthic foraminifera (LBF) are the main biogenic compo- twenty shallow water benthic foraminiferal biozones (SBZ1-20) for
nents occurring in the Eocene shallow-water carbonate successions Paleocene-Eocene of the Tethys (Serra-Kiel et al., 1998) and the
from the eastern Alborz zone. The LBF thrived in three main aforementioned zonation scheme has been extensively utilized in
groups, consisting of nummulitids (Nummulites, Assilina and Oper- more than 400 articles published so far. During the Early-Middle
culina), orthophragminids (Discocyclinidae and Orbitoclypeidae), Eocene, the LBF (Alveolina, Nummulites and orthophragminids)
and alveolinids (Alveolina) as a powerful tool for biostratigraphic were one of the most important sediment contributors in the
interpretations in the Tethys realm. The most complete studies on shallow-water carbonates of the eastern Alborz zone. In fact, data
LBF from different Eocene shallow-water sections of Iran were car- of the LBF assemblages from the Eocene deposits in eastern Alborz
ried out by Rahaghi (1978, 1980, 1983) and Rahaghi and Schaub within the central Tethys is still unknown and enigmatic. On the
(1976) during the 1970s and 1980s. In the last decade, except for other hand, our discoveries on these assemblages can help to better
the detailed study by Hottinger (2007) from the Jahrum Forma- understand the correlations between the eastern and western part
tion of Shiraz area, only few studies have been performed on the of the Tethyan Ocean. Our study carried out on the LBF assemblages
Eocene LBF (such as alveolinids and nummulitids) with a more pre- provides new information on their ages, which are comparable
cise stratigraphic data from different regions of Iran (e.g., Hadi et al., with shallow benthic zones (SBZ) proposed by Serra-Kiel et al.
(1998). The main objective of this case study is to analyse for the
first time the systematics and biostratigraphy distributions of the
Eocene LBF from the eastern Alborz region and to compare this
∗ Corresponding author.
data with known occurrences from other parts of the Tethyan
E-mail addresses: mehdi hadi s@yahoo.com (M. Hadi), foldlgy@uni-miskolc.hu
(G. Less), vahidinia@ferdowsi.um.ac.ir (M. Vahidinia). region.

0035-1598/Published by Elsevier Masson SAS.
66 M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84

Fig. 1. Tethys mountain ranges (simplified from Okay, 1989 and Özcan et al., 2015) and location of studied region in eastern Alborz zone (a). Modified sketch map of Iran
showing geologic provinces (adapted from Stöcklin, 1968 and Aghanabati, 2004) (b). Simplified geological map from eastern Alborz region (after General geological map of
Iran, 1:250000 from Sharabi, 1990) (c).

2. Geological setting and stratigraphy 3000 m thick successions, dominated by shale, sandstone, tuffa-
ceous sandstone, and gypsum. In general, the latter, i.e. the Karaj
The Iranian plateau has been subdivided into eight sedimentary- Fm., is divided into five members in type sections (Dedual, 1967;
structural provinces (Fig. 1a). These provinces are: (1) Alborz, (2) Stöcklin, 1972), including (1) the Kandavan Black Shale; (2) the
Central Iran, (3) Zagros, (4) Kopeh Dagh, (5) Lut, (6) Sanandaj- upper Tuff, mostly green tuff with intercalation of tuffaceous shale,
Sirjan, (7) Urumieh- Dokhtar (Sahand-Bazman) magmatic arc, and tuffaceous sandstone, and calcareous shale; (3) the Astara (Asara)
(8) Makran, each of which having experienced distinct tectonic and Shale, calcareous shale with subordinate beds of tuff and tuffaceous
sedimentary histories (Stöcklin, 1968; Aghanabati, 2004) (Fig. 1a). shale; (4) the middle Tuff, thick bedded glass and ash tuffs; and
The Alborz range in northern Iran (approximately 600 km long and (5) the lower Shale, greyish-black calcareous and siliceous shale
100 km wide) is part of the largest mountain belt of the Alpine with lava near the base. Fajan is closely associated, and in some
Himalayan Belt and is situated between the Caspian Sea in the places overlapped with nummulite-bearing reef-type limestones
north and the Iranian Plateau in the south (Fig. 1a and b). It extends of the Eocene Ziarat Fm. According to Stöcklin and Eftekhar-Nezhad
westward into the Pontides Arc (Turkey) and the Lesser Caucasus (1969), wherever the Fajan and Ziarat Formations are absent,
(Armenia) (Asiabanha and Foden, 2012). In fact, the Alborz zone is Eocene volcano-sedimentary rocks of the Karaj Fm. uncomfortably
an active zone with a general E-W trend, formed by the Gondwana overlie the older strata. Also, according to our present understand-
and Eurasia collision after closure of the Paleotethys Ocean (Sengör ing, in some places, the Karaj Fm. is unconformably overlain by thick
and Burke, 1978). This zone has evolved by the Cimmerian and sequences of the Neogene deposits in eastern Alborz zone, whilst
Alpine orogenies during Triassic to the present day (Alavi, 1996) the Ziarat Fm. (in this area and the current study) is composed of
and consists of Western, Central, and Eastern parts. Two strati- different lithostratigraphic units as mentioned above with episodes
graphic sections from eastern Alborz zone have been studied in of biogenic and non-biogenic deposits in variable thickness, related
Mojen and Kalateh sections (Figs. 1c and 2a–e). to local effects of tectonic activity.
A generalized stratigraphic setting for the southern flank of The Alborz region is situated 200–500 km to the north of the
Alborz comprises three Formations (Fm., Fig. 2f): (1) Fajan Fm. Neo-Tethyan suture in the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone (Rezaeian,
(Paleocene-Early Eocene) characterized by conglomerates and 2009) and was located in the back arc active margin further south,
red sandstones; (2) Ziarat Fm. (Early and Middle Eocene) com- where Neo-Tethys ocean crust was being subducted towards the
posed of foraminiferal limestones with abundant larger benthic north (Berberian and King, 1981) (Fig. 3a). During the Middle
foraminifera, silty marl, calcareous marl and sandy limestone; (3) Eocene, the high rates of extension and magmatism throughout
Karaj Fm. (Middle Eocene) marked by the deposition of more than the Alborz region attributed to rollback and subducting slab as a
M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84 67

Fig. 2. Outcrop view of the Fajan Fm., Ziarat Fm. and Karaj Fm. in the Mojen section (a). Close-up view of the middle part of the Mojen section (b). Panoramic view of the
Ziarat Fm. and Karaj Fm. in the Kalateh section (c). Close-up view of the Alveolina tests in the Mojen section (d). Close-up view of the Nummulites tests in the Kalateh section
(e). Lithostratigraphy of the Eocene successions in the Alborz zone (modified after Aghanabati, 2004) (f).

result of the northward movement and closure of the Neo-Tethyan nummulitids and orthophragminids) and coralline red algal assem-
between Arabian-plate and Alborz region (Vincent et al., 2005), and blages.
mainly composed of the Karaj Fm., including turbidites and tuffs Mojen section: The Mojen section is ∼45-m thick composed of
units, where we only can find the modest outcrops of the Ziarat Fm foraminiferal limestones and located approximately 4.5 km north-
of this timespan. Therefore, the Fm. of the Karaj basin is related to west of Mojen village, which is about 45 km west of Shahroud city.
the NE subduction of the Neo-Tethyan oceanic lithosphere beneath It is situated in the Gorgan 1/250,000 quadrangle (sheet-7855;
the southern margin of Eurasia (e.g. Vincent et al., 2005). In addi- after Sharabi, 1990) (coordinates: 36◦ 29 53 N; 54◦ 35 43 E).
tion, the paleogeographic situation of the Alborz region during the The basal part consists of yellow to grey, medium-bedded cal-
Middle Eocene is displayed in Fig. 3b. careous sandstone. The middle part is composed of light grey to
grey, medium-thick bedded sandy limestone with abundant and
3. Description of sections diverse, well-preserved, middle Ilerdian to early Cuisian Alveolina
species, whereas the uppermost part is dominated by medium-
The Eocene shallow marine successions are as “Ziarat Fm.” in bedded limestone. They lie unconformably on the Fajan Fm. and are
two stratigraphic sections (Mojen & Kalateh) of the eastern Alborz conformably overlain by the Karaj Fm. This unit is characterized by
zone, which were substantially constituted by LBF (alveolinids, abundant LBF including Alveolina and nummulitids with five typical
68 M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84

Fig. 3. Plate tectonic profile, showing the Neo-Tethyan subduction along with the magmatism and extension from the Alborz area (after Vicent et al., 2005) (a). Schematic
paleogeographic map of west-central Neo-Tethyan realm during the Middle Eocene (modified after Meulenkamp & Sissingh, 2003), and the Alborz region is located in a
yellow box between CTI and SCD (b).

microfacies, containing terrigenous peloidal wackstone-packstone, 4. Material and method

sandy peloidal Alveolina floatstone, sandy Alveolina packstone-
rudstone, macroid-nummulitid rudstone, and bioclast grainstone The Eocene LBF (alveolinids, nummulitids, and orthophrag-
(locally wackstone) (Plate 1). mines) were sampled from two sections of the Ziarat Fm. in eastern
Kalateh section: The Kalateh section is ∼25-m thick Middle Alborz zone for the present study: Mojen: MJ and Kalateh: KT.
Eocene nummulitic and coralline red algal limestone, which was A total of 55 rock samples were collected out of these sections
located about 5 km northwest of Kalateh village. It is present and we prepared about 218 thin sections from these samples.
40 km northwest of Damghan city and about 60 km southwest- For systematic studies on the LBF, some 144 free-specimens were
ern of the Mojen section. It is situated in the Gorgan 1/250,000 collected. The thin sections (6 cm × 10 cm, 2.5 cm × 7.5 cm, and
quadrangle (sheet-7855; after Sharabi, 1990) (coordinates: 36◦ 2.5 cm × 2.5 cm) were studied and digitally photographed under
22 46 N; 59◦ 23 54 E). This outcrop is generally charac- transmitted-light (Olympus BX51) and binocular microscopes.
terized by grey to brown bedded limestones, containing a rich Determinations of the Eocene LBF are mainly based on taxo-
coralline red algae and Nummulites assemblage, however the upper nomic descriptions given by Hottinger (1960, 1974), Drobne (1977),
part is rarely marly limestone with abundant Nummulites and Schaub (1981), Loeblich and Tappan (1988), Less (1987), Sirel and
orthophragminids. The Bartonian stage of the Kalateh section is Acar (2008) and Özcan et al. (2010). The Shallow Benthic Zones
characterized by five microfacies as coral-rhodolith packstone- (SBZ) were determined according to the species ranges proposed
rudstone, rhodolith-Nummulites rudstone, Nummulites rudstone, by Serra-Kiel et al. (1998). Likewise, with the exception of three
crustose coralline algal bindstone, and Nummulites-rhodolith- main groups of LBF, which are discussed in the systematic sec-
orthophragminid rudstone ((Plate 1). On the other hand, the Ziarat tion, a rather diverse assemblage of other benthic foraminifera
Fm. is exposed along the deposits from the Karaj Fm., with modest has also been recognized, including Operculina sp., Discocyclina sp.,
outcrops of the shallow marine succession under effect of the local Gyroidinella magna, Carpenteria sp., Caudriella sp., Rotalia sp., Mili-
tectonic activity. The lower boundary of this shallow marine unit olids and Acervulinids. The material is housed in the collection at
is not observed but it is overlain by marly siltstone and silty sand- the Ferdowsi University by M. Hadi.
stone sediments of the Karaj Fm. The detailed stratigraphy of the
Eocene shallow marine carbonates in the Kalateh section has not 5. Systematic palaeontology
been described with greater details so far. In addition, the LBF con-
tent is not similar to the other outcrops of the Ziarat Fm. throughout Order: Foraminiferida Eichwald, 1830
the Alborz region. Family Alveolinidae Ehrenberg, 1839
M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84 69

Plate 1. 1: Terrigenous peloidal wackstone-packstone, Mojen section, sample MJ1, middle Ilerdian?. 2: sandy peloidal Alveolina (Al) floatstone, Mojen section, sample MJ5,
middle Ilerdian?. 3-4: sandy Alveolina (Al) packstone-rudstone, Mojen section, sample MJ7, middle Ilerdian. 5-6: macroid-nummulitid rudstone, note Nummulites (Num),
oysters (Oys), fragments of echinods (Ech), Mojen section, sample MJ22, late Ilerdian- early Cuisian. 7: bioclast grainstone, Mojen section, sample MJ33, early Cuisian?. 8:
coral-rhodolith packstone-rudstone, showing corals (Co), rhodoliths (Rh), Bryozoans (Bry), Kalateh section, sample KT1, late Lutetian?. 9-11: rhodolith-Nummulites rudstone,
note Nummulites (Num), rhodoliths (Rh), Bryozoans (Bry), Discocyclina sp. (Di), Carpenteria sp. (Ca), Caudriella sp. (Cau), Kalateh section, sample KT6-7, Bartonian. 12:
Nummulites rudstone, Kalateh section, sample KT12, Bartonian. 13-14: crustose coralline algal bindstone, note Lithothamnion coralline algae (Li), Kalateh section, sample
KT16-17, Bartonian. 15: Nummulites-rhodolith orthophragminids rudstone, Kalateh section, sample KT20.

Genus Alveolina d’Orbigny, 1826 last whorls of the senile stage, the axial thickening of the basal layer
Alveolina decipiens Schwager, 1883 becomes equal to the height of chamberlets in both axial an equato-
Fig. 4a rial sectors. The chamberlets are small, circular in the inner whorls,
Alveolina decipiens Schwager, 1883, pl. III (XXIV), Fig. 1.- and then size of the chamberlets gradually increases in the adult
Hottinger, 1960, pl. 8, Figs. 1–8, text-figs. 66, 70g.- Sirel, 1976, pl. VI, and senile stages, respectively.
Figs. 2–5.- Hottinger, 1974, pl. 97.- Drobne, 1977, p. 35, pl. 5, Figs. Remark: It is distinguished from A. ilerdensis in test shape, lesser
20–21, text-fig. 17.- Rahaghi, 1983, pl. 24, Figs. 8-9; pl. 29, Figs. 1- elongation index.
3.- Vecchio et al., 2007, p. 32, pl. 1. Figs. 12-13.- Özgen-Erdem et al., Range: A. decipiens is found in the upper part of the middle
2007, p. 919, text-fig. 7 d. Ilerdian (SBZ8) of the Mojen section. This species was reported in
Number of specimens examined: 3 the middle Ilerdian (SBZ7-SBZ8) by Hottinger (1960), whereas the
Description: the test is small, oval and slightly elongated stratigraphic range of A. decipiens is shown in the SBZ7 to SBZ9
with axial diameter of 3.8–4.4 mm and equatorial diameter of by Serra-Kiel et al. (1998). Also, Drobne (1977) reported the occur-
2.2–2.6 mm (Table 1). The index of elongation is 1.7 at 8th rence of A. decipiens in the A. moussoulensis and A. corbarica biozones
whorl (see Table 1). The spherical proloculus has a diameter of of the middle Ilerdian (SBZ7-SBZ8) of the western Tethyan region.
200–270 ␮m (Table 1), which is followed by two tightly-coiled In addition, this species is observed in the lower part in the middle
spherical whorls. In the following 3 ovoid whorls are coiled loosely Ilerdian (SBZ7) of the Gheynarjeh section and the upper part of the
at the axial region with an increase in the basal layer thickening, so middle Ilerdian (SBZ8) to late Ilerdian (SBZ9) of the Chenesht sec-
that the maximum thickness reaches to three times than the height tion from the western Alborz zone and eastern Iran (Birjand area),
of the chamberlets in the adult stage. In the elongated ovoid three respectively (see Hadi et al., 2019b).
70 M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84

Fig. 4. Axial sections of megalospheric Alveolina specimens from Mojen section (Eastern Alborz zone). Alveolina decipensis Schwageri, sample A2 (a). Alveolina tumida Hottinger,
sample A4 (b). Alveolina laxa Hottinger, sample A21 (c). Alveolina ilerdensis Hottinger, sample A7, A12 & A14 (d–f). Alveolina citrea Drobne, sample A22, A23 & A30 (g–i).
Alveolina trempina Hottinger, sample A37 (j).

Alveolina tumida Hottinger, 1960 the chamberlets in the adult stage. The last 4–5 whorls of the senile
Fig. 4b stage are coiled tightly and the thickness of the basal layer becomes
Alveolina tumida Hottinger, 1960, p. 139, text-fig. 71 b.- Drobne, thinner and stays constant till the last whorl. The chamberlets are
1977, pl. 7, Figs. 4–6.- Gietl, 1998, pl. 4, Fig. 7.- Hadi et al., 2015, pl. small and circular in the early stages and their size increase gradu-
2, Fig. b.- Hadi et al., 2016, p. 226, text-fig. 9d. ally from the first to the last whorl.
Number of specimens examined: 2 Remark: This species resembles A. decipiens in the size of the
Description: The test is small-sized, elongated oval with proloculus and the relative growth stages, but it differs from the
rounded and truncated poles. The axial diameter is 4.3 mm, equa- latter in test shape and greater development of basal layer in the
torial diameter is 2.3 mm and index of elongation is 1.8 at the 8th axial region.
whorl (Table 1). The proloculus cannot be clearly delimited, but it Range: A. tumida is observed in the upper part of the middle
seems to have an internal diameter of about 220 ␮m (see Table 1) Ilerdian (SBZ8) of the Mojen section. This species is described for
and was followed by coiling of the first 1–2 subspherical whorls in the first time by Hottinger (1960) in the SBZ7 (or A. moussoulensis
the nepionic stage. In the following three elongated ovoid whorls, zone), whilst the biostratigraphic range of this species has been
the thickness of the basal layer increases in the axial sector, so that recognized in the SBZ6 to SBZ7 of Serra-Kiel et al. (1998). However,
the maximum thickening reaches four times greater than height of Drobne (1977) defined the appearance of A. tumida in the middle
M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84 71

Table 1
Most important characteristics of biometric parameters on the Alveolina species and their zones from the Mojen section.

Taxon Proloculus in ␮m Diameter axial of Diameter Index of Test-morphology Stage SBZ zone
test (mm) equatorial of test elongation

A. decipiens 200–270 3.8–4.4 2.2–2.6 1.7 Ovoidal-slightly Middle Ilerdian 8

A. tumida 220 4.3 2.3 1.8 Elongated ovoidal Middle Ilerdian 8
A. laxa 215 4.9 3.3 1.2 Inflated-ovoidal Middle Ilerdian 8
A. ilerdensis 210–280 6–6.2 2.9–3 2 Elongated ovoidal- Middle Ilerdian- 8–9
subcylindrical late Ilerdian
A. citrea 220–240 4.6–6.5 3–4 1.6 Elongated ovoidal- Middle Ilerdian- 8–9
subcylindrical late Ilerdian
A. trempina 260 6 2.8 2.1 Elongated- slightly Late Ilerdian 9
A. aff. cayrazensis – 11.7–14 4.9–5.1 2.3–2.7 Subcylindrical- Late Ilerdian 9
(B-form) cylindrical
A. sp. cf. A. 260–290 4.4–5.7 2.6–3.1 1.6–1.8 Elongated ovoidal- Late Ilerdian 9
ilerdensis (A & subcylindrical and
B-form) slightly inflated
11.4 5 2.2
A. fornasinii 380–520 2.2–3.7 1.7–2.3 1.3–1.7 Ovoidal Late Ilerdian - early 9–10
A. canavarii 350–420 3.4–3.7 1.9–2.1 1.8 Subcylindrical Late Ilerdian - early 9–10
A. cf. canavarii 335–350 2.3–4.3 1.3–2 1.8 Subcylindrical Early Cuisian 10

Ilerdian (SBZ7-8) in the western Tethyan region. This species was in Turkey (see Sirel and Acar, 2008). Furthermore, this species
also found in the lower part of the middle Ilerdian (SBZ7) from the is found in the upper part of the middle Ilerdian (SBZ8) in the
Gheynarjeh and Baghdareh sections from the western Alborz zone Gheynarjeh and Baghdareh sections from the western Alborz zone
(Hadi et al., 2015). (Hadi et al., 2015).

Alveolina laxa Hottinger, 1960 Alveolina ilerdensis Hottinger, 1960

Fig. 4c Fig. 4d–f
Alveolina laxa Hottinger, 1960, pl. 8, Fig. 1, text-figs. 68f, g.- Alveolina ilerdensis Hottinger, 1960, p. 119–121, pl. 7, Figs.
Hottinger, 1974, pl. 57; pl. 58, Fig. 4.- Sirel, 1976, pl. 4, Fig. 11.- 14–20, text-fig. 64.- Hottinger, 1974, pl. 79, 80.- Sirel, 1976, pl. V,
Drobne, 1977, p. 35, 36; pl. 6, Figs. 1–4, text-figs. 18.- Hottinger and Figs. 10–13.- Rahaghi, 1978, pl. 8, Fig. 1.- Acar, 1995, pl. 18, Figs.
Drobne, 1988, pl. 1.- Özgen-Erdem et al., 2007, p. 919, text-fig. 7e, 5–7.- Özgen-Erdem et al., 2007, p. 919, text-fig. 6h.
8a.- Sirel and Acar, 2008, pl. 10, Figs. 9–10.- Drobne et al., 2011., p. Number of specimens examined: 5
747, pl. 1.- Hadi et al., 2015, pl. 1, Fig. c.- Hadi et al., 2016, p. 226, Description: The test is elongated oval, subcylindrical in shape
text-fig. 9a. with rounded to pointed poles and an axial diameter of 6–6.2 mm,
Number of specimens examined: 2 equatorial diameter 2.9–3 mm with index of elongation 2 (Table 1).
Description: The test is inflated-oval with a medium size and The proloculus is spherical (210–280 ␮m in diameter) (see Table 1),
axial diameter of 4.9 mm, and equatorial diameter of 3.3 mm sometimes with double to triplet forms, which is followed by 1–2
(Table 1). The index of elongation is 1.2 (Table 1). The proloculus is irregular whorls in the nepionic stage. The following 4–5 elongated
unclear, about 215 ␮m (Table 1), and is followed by one subspheri- whorls of the adult stage are coiled loosely, so that the axial thick-
cal whorl that is loosely and irregularly coiled in the nepionic stage. ening of the basal layer is 4–5 times bigger than the height of the
In the following 3 ovoid whorls, the axial thickening of the basal chamberlets at the polar region. In this period, the thickness of the
layer increases and reaches 3–5 times bigger than the height of basal layer is thicker in the axial as opposed to the equatorial sector.
the chamberlets. The axial thickening of the basal layer decreases In the last 3–4 whorls of the senile stage, axial thickness of the basal
in the 5 whorls of the senile stage, so that it is almost equal to layer decreases and stays constant till the last whorl. The secondary
the chamberlets height in both axial and equatorial sectors. In this passages in the basal layer appear in the axial region. The chamber-
period, the poles are slightly depressed. The size of the chamberlets lets are small, circular in the inner whorls, and become larger and
increases gradually from inner to the outer whorls. The small and upright oval in the outer whorls.
circular chamberlets are arranged closely in the inner whorls, but Remark: This species differs from A. sakaryensis in having
they become larger and upright oval in the outer whorls. smaller proloculus and larger index of elongation.
Remark: A. laxa differs from A. citrea in having more flattened Range: This species is observed in the middle to late Ilerdian
oval test, smaller index of elongation and the arrangement of the (SBZ8-SBZ9) from the Mojen section. Likewise, A. ilerdensis was
growth stages. reported into the upper part of SBZ8 to lower part of SBZ10 in
Range: A. laxa is observed in the upper part of the middle the peri-Mediterranean region by Hottinger (1960, 1974) and
Ilerdian (SBZ8) in the Mojen section. However, this species is Serra-Kiel et al. (1998). It is found only in the upper part of the
described in the middle Ilerdian (SBZ7-SBZ8) levels of the western middle Ilerdian (SBZ8) of the Saribayir and Kislatepe sections in
Tethyan region (Europe, Turkey) (e.g. Hottinger, 1960; Serra-Kiel Turkey (see Özgen-Erdem et al., 2007). Moreover, some authors
et al., 1988; Özgen-Erdem et al., 2007; Drobne et al., 2011). (Sirel, 1976; Acar, 1995; Özgen, 1998) reported the presence of
Hottinger (1974) noticed the presence of A. laxa in the Alveolina A. ilerdensis in the middle Ilerdian (SBZ7-SBZ8), whereas, Rahaghi
ellipsoidalis to A. corbarica zone and also Drobne (1977) described (1978) only described the occurrence of this species in the Ilerdian
it from the lower part of the A. moussoulensis zone. Nevertheless, it stage from the Sistan area (Iran). Also, it occurs in the upper part of
is shown in the middle Ilerdian (SBZ7-SBZ8) of the Sakraya section the middle Ilerdian (SBZ8) of the Baghdareh section in the western
72 M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84

Fig. 5. Axial sections of microspheric Alveolina specimens from Mojen section (Eastern Alborz zone). Alveolina trempina Hottinger, sample A38 (a). Alveolina aff. cayrazensis,
sample A54 & A55 (b and c).

Alborz zone (see Hadi et al., 2019b). region. Maximum axial thickening of the basal layer is four times
greater than height of the chamberlets. Then, the thickness of the
basal layer decreases gradually towards the last whorl, so that in
Alveolina citrea Drobne, 1977
the last 4–5 whorls of the senile period, the chamberlets become
Fig. 4g–i
large with upright oval form. On the contrary, the chamberlets are
Alveolina citrea Drobne, 1977, p. 36–38, pl. 6, Figs. 5–9, text-
small and circular in the inner whorls. One supplementary cham-
figs. 19a–c.- Acar, 1995, pl. 21, Figs. 1–4.- Özgen-Erdem et al., 2007,
berlet is visible in the basal layer at the axial region of the adult
p. 919, text-fig. 8b.- Sirel and Acar, 2008, pl. 31, Figs. 4–6.
Number of specimens examined: 4
Remark: It is distinguished from A. laxa in the test shape and a
Description: The test is medium-sized, elongated oval to
greater number of tightly coiled whorls in the senile stage.
subcylindrical with truncated poles. The axial diameter ranges
Range: A. citrea is found in the upper part of the middle Ilerdian
4.6–6.5 mm and equatorial diameter is 3–4 mm (Table 1). The index
to late Ilerdian (SBZ8-SBZ9) of the Mojen section. This species was
of elongation is 1.6 (Table 1). The proloculus is spherical and some-
reported from the SBZ7 by some authors (Drobne, 1977; Serra-Kiel
times triplet with diameter of 220–240 ␮m (see Table 1), which
et al., 1998; Özgen-Erdem et al., 2007) in the peri-Mediterranean
is followed by the first 1–2 subspherical whorls of the nepionic
region. Also, the stratigraphic range of A. citrea has been recog-
stage, which are coiled loosely. In the flosculinized stage, the 3–4
nized as SBZ8-SBZ9 of the Polatli (central Turkey) (see Sirel and
whorls are coiled loosely in comparison with early whorls showing
Acar, 2008). It is identified in the middle Ilerdian (SBZ8) of the
an increase in the basal layer thickening, particularly at the axial
M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84 73

Fig. 6. Axial sections of megalospheric and microspheric Alveolina specimens from Mojen section (Eastern Alborz zone). Alveolina sp. cf. A. ilerdensis, sample A46, A47, A48
& A50 (a–d). Alveolina fornasinii Checchia-Rispoli, sample MJ19-20 (e–h). Alveolina canavarii Checchia-Rispoli, sample MJ20 & MJ26 (i–l). Alveolina cf. canavarii, sample MJ26
(m and n).

Gheynarjeh section from the western Alborz zone (see Hadi et al., sections) (Table 1). Therefore, the index of elongation is almost
2019b). 2.1 at the 11th whorl (Table 1). The spherical proloculus is small
with diameter of 260 ␮m (see Table 1), which is followed by 2–3
whorls which are tightly coiled in the nepionic stage. In the fol-
Alveolina trempina Hottinger, 1960
lowing 5–6 elongated ovoid whorls are shown with an increase
Figs. 4j and 5a
of the basal layer thickness in compression with the first whorls
Alveolina trempina Hottinger, 1960, pl. 2, Figs. 17–19, text-figs.
in the middle parts (or adult stage) of the axial region. In the last
35a and b.- Hottinger, 1974, pl. 36.- Rahaghi, 1978, p. 96, pl. 7, Fig.
3–4 whorls of the senile stage, the axial thickening of the basal
1.- Özgen-Erdem et al., 2007, p. 915, text-fig. 5 h.- Sirel and Acar,
layer becomes slightly thinner and stays constant up to the last
2008, pl. 39, Figs. 1–3.
whorl. The chamberlets size gradually increases from the inner to
Number of specimens examined: 2
the outer whorls. The microspheric test has large size, elongated
Description: The megalospheric test has an elongated form and
with truncated and slightly rounded poles and an axial diameter
is slightly fusiform with rounded poles and axial diameter of 6 mm
of 13.3 mm and equatorial diameter of 4.3 mm; and the index of
and equatorial diameter of 2.8 mm (These biometrical measure-
elongation is 3.1. It seems the first 3–4 whorls of the nepionic stage
ments may be underestimating because of slightly oblique axial
are not visible, and then followed by 9–10 elongated whorls that
74 M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84

Fig. 7. Equatorial and axial sections of both megalospheric and microspheric form Nummulites cf. deshayesi from Kalateh section (Eastern Alborz zone): a–m: microspheric
form, sample N2, N3, N18-N23, N33-N34 and N47; a–f: equatorial sections; g–h: external view; i–m: axial sections; n–x: megalospheric form, sample N10-N12 & N14-N16
and N29-N30; n–q: equatorial sections; r–t: external views; u–x: axial sections.

are coiled loosely and irregularly with an increase in the basal layer reported in the Ilerdian sediments of the Khorasan area (Northeast
thickening at the axial region as opposed to the equatorial direction Iran) by Rahaghi (1978). In addition, Sirel and Acar (2008) have
of the flosculinized stage. The supplementary and secondary pas- shown the occurrence of A. trempina in the SBZ9 from Turkey, even
sages are few in the axial region of the basal layer at the adult stage. if some young forms of them were found in the upper part of the
The senile stage is composed of tightly-coiled 3 whorls so that the middle Ilerdian (SBZ8).
height of the chamberlets is almost equal to the thickness of basal
layer. The intercalary chamberlets are present, particularly in the
Alveolina aff. cayrazensis
equatorial region. The chamberlets are small, dense and circular in
Fig. 5b and c
the inner whorls, then they become large and upright oval in the
Number of specimens examined: 2
outer whorls.
Description: The microspheric test has a large size, and is
Remark: The megalospheric and microspheric forms of A. tremp-
subcylindrical to cylindrical with rounded poles. The axial diam-
ina assigned here are based on some biometric and morphology
eter of the test ranges from 11.7–14 mm, and equatorial diameter
characteristics that were described by Hottinger (1960).
from 4.9–5.1 mm, and the index of elongation varies from 2.3–2.7
Range: A. trempina is known in the late Ilerdian (SBZ9) of
(Table 1). Meanwhile, these biometrical measurements may be
the Mojen section, so that the stratigraphic distribution of this
underestimated because of slightly oblique axial sections. The small
species corresponds to published works by some authors in the
microsphere is not clearly observable, which is followed by 5–6
peri-Mediterranean region (Hottinger, 1960; Hottinger, 1974;
slightly elongated ovoid whorls in the nepionic stage. It seems that
Serra-Kiel et al., 1998; Özgen-Erdem et al., 2007). Moreover, it was
M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84 75

Table 2
Measurements of N. cf. deshayesi and N. lyelli megalospheric (A-form) and microspheric (B-form) generations from the Kalateh section and comparison with other authors.

Characters Nummulites cf. deshayesi Nummulites deshayesi (after Nummulites deshayesi (after
(present work) Schaub, 1981) Nadaf et al., 2018)

Diameter (D) 4.1–6 3.5–6.5 –
Thickness (T) 2–3 2–3 –
Steps of coiling lax to tight –
Number of whorls per radius 3/1.3–1.8; 5/2.1–2.2; 6/2.1–2.6 4/1.7; 5/2.3; 7–8/2.8 –
in mm
Diameter (D) 11.6–24 15–22 6.5–16
Thickness (T) 3–8 5–8 2–3.5
Steps of coiling lax to tight lax to tight tight to lax
Number of whorls per radius 6/1.8–2.5; 9/3–4.2; 12/4.7–6.5; 27/9.5–10; 29/10–11 10/2.2–3.1; 14/3.8–4.1;
in mm 16/7.1–9.2; 19/9.7–10.6; 19/5.7–6.7
20/11.6; 22/11.3–12
Size of protoconch (␮m) 500–660 – –

Characters Nummulites lyelli Nummulites lyelli Nummulites lyelli

(present work) (after Schaub, 1981) (after Boukhary & Kamal, 2003)

Diameter (D) 4.5–5.2 5–7.5 4–7.7
Thickness (T) 2–3.8 2–3 1.16–3.6
Steps of coiling lax to tight Lax, sometimes tight near the Very lax to tight
Number of whorls per radius 3/1.6–1.9; 4/1.9–2.1; 5/3.4–3.7; 6/3.1–3.8; 7/4 3/2–2.6; 4/2–2.; 5/2.7–3.3;
in mm 5/2.2–2.4 6/3.4–3.6; 7/3.8
Diameter (D) 39–71 20–55 41.1–60
Thickness (T) 4–9 3–6.5 4.7–8.5
Steps of coiling tight to lax tight to lax tight to lax
Number of whorls per radius 6/2–2.3; 9/3–3.6; 41/18.5; 43/18; 44/23; 50/25 23/8.7–9.2;
in mm 12/4.7–6.2; 16/5.4–6.8; 27/10.5–11.9; 29/11.6–14.5;
19/7.2–10.5; 25/11.3–12.7; 31/12.5–16; 32/12.9–15.4;
30/14.9–16.5; 36/18.5–20.4; 36/14.9–18.9; 42/18–21.9;
38/18.7; 41/23.9; 49/25.9 44/19–21.9; 49/20.3–25.4;
50/20.5–25.7; 55/25.9
Size of protoconch (␮m) 820–1027 1000–1500 1050–1550

nepionic whorls are tightly coiled, and then the adult stage is com- (see Table 1), which is followed by 1–2 spherical whorls in the nepi-
posed of 7–8 loose whorls with an increase in the axial thickening of onic stage. The following 4–6 elongated and somewhat fusiform
the basal layer. The thickness of the basal layer of the flosculinized whorls of the adult stage are coiled loosely with truncated poles.
whorls is 3.5–4.5 times greater than the height of the chamberlets. In this period, the thickness of the basal layer is two or three times
In the last 4–5 whorls of the senile stage, the axial thickening of thicker than the height of chamberlets at axial region. In the last 3
the basal layer becomes thinner and stays constant up to the last whorls of the senile stage, the basal layer becomes thinner in com-
whorl. The chamberlets are arranged closely, they are circular in parison to the adult stage and whorls are slightly depressed in the
the nepionic stage, and afterward become upright oval in the outer axial sector. The chamberlets are small, circular in the early stage,
whorls. The intercalary chamberlets are present in the equatorial and they are robust and oval to upright oval in the last stages. The
region of the outer whorls. large microspheric test has cylindrical form with an axial diam-
Remark: This specimen has close similarities with A. cayrazensis eter of 11.4 mm and equatorial diameter of 5 mm, and the index
in the test shape and levels of the growth stages. However, our of elongation is 2.2. The microsphere and streptospiral coils are
specimen is poorly preserved. unknown; afterwards the nepionic stage is composed of 2 spher-
Range: this specimen is found in the late Ilerdian (SBZ9) of ical whorls, which are coiled tightly, and then, it is followed by 6
the Mojen section. A. cayrazensis was introduced for the first elongated whorls with small chamberlets. The following 5–6 elon-
time by Dizer (1964) and then, the occurrence of this species was gated whorls are coiled loosely with an increase in the basal layer
recognized in the middle Cuisian (SBZ11) age by some authors thickening in comparison with nepionic stage at the axial region of
(Sirel and Gündüz, 1976; Sirel and Acar, 2008) in Turkey. Also, the adult stage. In this period, the axial thickening of the basal layer
the stratigraphic range of A. cayrazensis was reported in the Early is thicker in accordance with the basal layer of equatorial sector
Lutetian (SBZ13) (Serra-Kiel et al., 1998). and the whorls are coiled slightly irregularly with small supple-
mentary passages. The last 6–7 whorls in the senile stage are coiled
tightly along with slightly depressed poles. The axial thickening of
Alveolina sp. cf. Alveolina ilerdensis
the basal layer becomes thinner and stays constant up to the last
Fig. 6a–d
whorl. The heights of the chamberlets are equal to the basal layer
Number of specimens examined: 5
thickness in the axial region, and are higher in the equatorial spirals.
Description: The megalospheric test is medium sized, elongated
The small chamberlets are dense and circular in the nepionic stage,
ovoid to subcylindrical and is slightly inflated with rounded poles.
and then their size of them increases dramatically in the adult and
The axial diameter ranges from 4.4–5.7 mm and equatorial diam-
senile stages. They become upright oval in the outer whorls of the
eter is 2.6–3.1 mm (Table 1). The index of elongation is 1.6–1.8
late ontogeny. The intercalary chamberlets are present in both of
(Table 1). The spherical proloculus has a diameter of 260–290 ␮m
76 M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84

Fig. 8. Equatorial and axial sections of both megalospheric and microspheric form Nummulites lyelli D’Archiac & Haime from Kalateh section (Eastern Alborz zone): a–f:
microspheric form, sample N51, N59 and N60-62; a–c: equatorial sections; d–f: axial sections; g–l: megalospheric form, sample N49, N54 and N55; g–i: equatorial sections;
j–l: external views.

the axial and equatorial regions. Also, a few secondary passages are Alveolina fornasinii Checchia-Rispoli, 1909
visible in the axial zone. Fig. 6e–h
Remark: The specimens illustrated in Fig. 6a–c resemble dis- Alveolina fornasinii Checchia-Rispoli, 1909, p. 62, pl. III (I), Fig. 3.-
tinctly to the megalospheric form of A. ilerdensis Hottinger, 1974 Hottinger, 1960, pl. 6, Figs. 1–4, text-fig. 60a.- Scotto di Carlo, 1966,
(pls. 79–80), but these specimens have some differences in their pl. III, Figs. 5–7; pl. IV, Figs. l–4; pl, V, Figs. 1–6; pl. VI, Figs. 1–3;
characters in having test shape with less index of elongation and pl. VII, Fig. 1.- Hottinger, 1974, pl. 69, Figs. 1–4, pl. 70, Figs. 1–4.-
inflated in both axial and equatorial sectors, so that they are rep- Drobne, 1977, pl. 5, Figs. 7–8, text-fig. 14d.- Hottinger and Drobne,
resentative of forms more flatter than A. ilerdensis. Moreover, they 1988, pl. 1.- Papazzoni et al., 2017, p. 12, Fig. 5c.
are showing depressing and fusiform whorls in the axial region, Number of specimens examined: 6
the same as A. multicanalifera Drobne (1977, pl.11, fig. 13), but they Description: The test is small sized ovoid with rounded poles.
differ from the latter in having inflated test and looser coiled early The axial diameter ranges between 2.2–3.7 mm and equatorial
whorls. Also, our specimens occurred at the older stratigraphic level diameter between 1.7–2.3 mm (Table 1). The index of elongation is
than the topotypes of Drobne. In addition, the megalospheric spec- 1.3 to 1.7 (Table 1). The subspherical proloculus has a diameter of
imens differ from A. cylindrata Hottinger in having test shape with 380–520 ␮m (see Table 1), which is followed by the first 2–3 whorls
more elongated form of the arrangement of growth stage whorls in which are tightly coiled with small chamberlets that are arranged
the nepionic stage. closely in the nepionic stage. The following 4–6 ovoid whorls are
Range: These specimens are defined in the late Ilerdian (SBZ9) coiled loosely with an increase of the basal layer thickening in the
of the Mojen section. axial region as opposed to the equatorial spiral at the adult and
M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84 77

Fig. 9. Equatorial sections of Orbitoclypeus zitteli Checchia-Rispoli from Kalateh section (Eastern Alborz zone): a–k: megalospheric form, sample O3-O7, O11, O24 & O25;
a–h: equatorial sections; i–k: external views.

senile stages. The size of the chamberlets is a bit smaller in the

nepionic in comparison to the adult and senile stages. Alveolina canavarii Checchia-Rispoli, 1905
Remark: This species is easily distinguished based on the fig- Fig. 6i–l
ures of Scotto di Carlo (1966), although, the first appearance of Alveolina canavarii Checchia-Rispoli, 1905, pl.12, Figs. 19–21,
A. fornasinii in the Mojen section occurs in the older beds than the 25.- Hottinger, 1960, pl. 8, Figs. 15–18, text-figs. 21e, 22g, 68a–d,
specimens of Scotto di Carlo. 69.- Dizer, 1964, pl.1, Figs. 15–19; pl. 2, Figs. 1–5, text-fig. 2.-
Range: A. fornasinii is found in the late Ilerdian (SBZ9) to early Hottinger, 1974, pl. 59, pl. 60, Fig. 3.- Sirel and Gündüz, 1976, s.
Cuisian (SBZ10) of the Mojen section. This species was reported 41, lev. XIV, sek. 7–15; lev. 15, sek. 1–3, l0.- Drobne, 1977, p. 39, pl.
in the early-middle Cuisian (SBZ10-SBZ11) by Hottinger (1960, 6, Figs. 12–14.- Hottinger and Drobne, 1988, pl. 2.- Özgen-Erdem
1974) and Scotto di Carlo (1966), but Drobne (1977) attributed et al., 2007, p. 921, text-figs. 8c and d.- Sirel and Acar, 2008, pl. 57,
this species to the late Ilerdian (SBZ9). However, Serra-Kiel et al. Figs 1–6; pl. 58, Figs. 1–3.- Drobne et al., 2011, p. 749, pl. 2.- Hadi
(1998) have shown the presence of A. fornasinii in SBZ9-SBZ10, et al., 2015, pl. 2, Fig. f.
whilst the biostratigraphic range of this species has been recog- Number of specimens examined: 4
nized in the middle Cuisian (SBZ11) from Italy by Papazzoni et al. Description: The test of this species is small, subcylindrical with
(2017). Furthermore, Hottinger & Drobne (1988) have shown the truncated and rounded poles. The axial diameter ranges between
distribution range of A. fornasinii within SBZ9. 3.4–3.7 mm and equatorial diameter between 1.9–2.1 mm with
78 M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84

Table 3
Numerical characteristics in the equatorial section from the A-forms of tow studied orthophragminids taxa and comparison with Orbitoclypeus aff. O. varians that was a
synonomy of O. zitteli (Özcan et al., 2006), Orbitoclypeus zitteli (After Özcan et al., 2010), Asterocyclina stella stella (After Özcan et al., 2006) and Asterocyclina stella stella (After
Özcan et al., 2010) of the Kalateh section.

Characters Orbitoclypeus zitteli Orbitoclypeus zitteli (after Orbitoclypeus zitteli (After

(present work) Özcan et al., 2006) Özcan et al., 2010)

Outer cross-diameter of
Protoconch (p) in ␮m 180–250 145–345 150–400
Deuteroconch (d) in ␮m 380–540 360–705 400–750
Adauxiliary chamberlets
Number (N) 40–50 39–60 40–60
Width (W) 25–40 25–65 30–50
Height (H) 40–50 40–70 50–75
Equatorial chamberlets
Annuli/0.5 mm (n) 11–12 8–12 7–12
Width (w) 20–35 25–40 25–45
Height (h) 30–45 40–80 60–90

Characters Asterocyclina stella stella Asterocyclina stella Asterocyclina stella

(present work) stella (After Özcan et al., 2006) stella (After Özcan et al., 2010)

Outer cross-diameter of
Protoconch (p) in ␮m 85–100 90–125 115–170
Deuteroconch (d) in ␮m 155–200 155–195 185–250
Adauxiliary chamberlets
Number (N) – 8–11 –
Width (W) 20 25–30 –
Height (H) 29 50–55 –
Equatorial chamberlets
Annuli/0.5 mm (n) – 15–16 –
Width (w) 12–20 25–40 –
Height (h) 20–37 35–40 –

index of elongation of 1.8 (Table 1). The spherical proloculus is and 1.3–2 mm, respectively. The index of elongation is 1.8. The
sometimes double with diameter between 350–420 ␮m (Table 1), spherical proloculus has a diameter of 335–350 ␮m, which is fol-
which is followed by 5 ovoid to slightly elongated whorls of the lowed by tightly coiled 1–2 whorls of the nepionic stage (Table 1).
nepionic and adult stages that are coiled loosely, so that the axial In the flosculinized stage, the basal layer is thickness for 3–4
thickening of the basal layer is almost 4.5 times greater than the elongated-ovoid whorls at the axial region. The maximum of the
height of the chamberlets. The axial thickening of the basal layer basal layer thickening is almost 5–6 times greater than the height
decreases in the last whorl at the senile stage. The chamberlets of the chamberlets in the adult period. In the last 2–3 whorls of
are small and circular in the early whorls, and then they become the senile stage, the thickening of the basal layer becomes thinner
slightly larger and oval form in the outer whorls. and stays constant up to the last whorl. The size of the chamberlets
Remark: Some specimens illustrated in Fig. 6i and j and l resem- increases gradually from the beginning to the end. They are circular
ble the specimens of Sirel and Acar (2008, pl. 57, figs. 2–3, 6). In in the early period, and then become oval in the last whorls.
addition, the specimen illustrated in Fig. 6k is identical to A. aff. Remark: this specimen is distinguished from the Ilerdian species
canavarii (Rahaghi, 1978, p1. 11, fig. 1) in the test shape, size of A. rotundata Hottinger in having smaller size and index of elonga-
the test, and the diameter of the proloculus. However, we think, tion, the arrangement of growth whorls in the nepionic stage, and
the small sized tests described as A. canavarii may belong to the larger proloculus. It differs from A. canavarii in possessing small
younger specimens in the Mojen section. test and proloculus. Although the topotypes of A. canavarii samantai
Range: A. canavarii is described from the late Ilerdian (SBZ9) and Sirel and Acar (2008, pl. 61, figs. 1–4) have a range of 250–500 ␮m,
early Cuisian (SBZ10) of the Mojen section. However, this species the test shape, size, and development of basal layer, especially in the
was reported in SBZ10 of the peri-Mediterranean region (see equatorial sector is strongly different. This specimen has a growth
Drobne, 1977; Hottinger and Drobne, 1988; Serra-Kiel et al., 1998; pattern, which resembles A. aff. canavarii (Hottinger, 1960, pl. 8, fig.
Drobne et al., 2011), whereas, the occurrence of this species was 20) and A. canavarii (Drobne, 1977, pl. 6, fig. 12), but it differs from
defined in the early-middle Cuisian (SBZ10-SBZ11) by Hottinger the latter in having small test, and also less thickness of the basal
(1960, 1974). Also, some authors (Özgen-Erdem et al., 2007; Hadi layer in the equatorial sector, and eventually larger proloculus in
et al., 2015) have shown the first appearance of this species in the comparison to A. aff. canavarii of Hottinger from Iran. In addition,
late Ilerdian (SBZ9) with the coeval fauna from the easternmost this specimen closely resembles the holotype of the A. anatolica
region in western Tethys (Turkey and Iran). Sirel and Acar (2008) Sirel and Acar, but it differs from our specimens in having delicate
described the occurrence of A. canavarii in the early to middle internal structure and developed flosculinized stage.
Cuisian (SBZ10-SBZ11) of the Belendiz section in Turkey. Range: this specimen is described in the early Cuisian (SBZ10)
of the Mojen section.
Alveolina cf. canavarii
Family Nummulitidae Blainville, 1827
Fig. 6m and n
Genus Nummulites Lamarck, 1801
Number of specimens examined: 2
Nummulites cf. deshayesi
Description: the test has a small size, and is subcylindrical with
Fig. 7a–x
rounded poles. The axial and equatorial diameters are 2.3–4.3 mm
Number of specimens examined: 37
M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84 79

Fig. 10. Equatorial sections of Asterocyclina stella stella Gümbel from Kalateh section (Eastern Alborz zone): a–i: megalospheric form, sample O15, O16, O20, O32; a–e:
equatorial sections; f–i: external views.

Description: The megalospheric generation has a lenticular filaments; however, they are not easily recognizable. The septa
form and truncated margin with a diameter of 4.1–6 mm and are curved and inclined, that they are slightly wrinkled where
thickness of 2–3 mm (Table 2). The granules are coarse and spread the whorls are more or less irregular, especially in the middle
over the whole test, whilst the septal fillaments are not clearly rec- and outer portions. The marginal cord is thick in the overall
ognizable, although it seems to be thin and slightly radial around growth stages, even in the last whorls with decreasing ratio of
the margin. The steps of coiling are lax in the early whorls with the chamberlets height. The chamberlets are isometric in the
isometric chamberlets and then become tighter at the last whorls, early whorls and then become rectangular in the middle part.
where the length of the chambers are 1.5–2 times their height. Afterwards they become almost 1.5–2.5 times longer than high in
The marginal cord is relatively thick through the whole whorls the outer whorls. Number of whorls per radius is: 6 whorls in a
of the test. The septa are straight in the early whorls and become radius of 1.8–2.5 mm, 9 whorls in a radius of 3–4.2 mm, 12 whorls
slightly inclined to be curved in the outer portions. Number of in a radius of 4.7–6.5 mm, 16 whorls in a radius of 7.1–9.2 mm,
whorls per radius is: 3 whorls in a radius of 1.3 mm to 1.8 mm, 5 19 whorls in a radius of 9.7–10.6 mm, 20 whorls in a radius of
whorls in a radius of 2.1 mm to 2.2 mm, and 6 whorls in a radius 11.6 mm, and 22 whorls in a radius of 11.3–12 mm (Table 2).
of 2.1 mm to 2.6 mm (Table 2). The proloculus diameter ranges Remark: our specimens are not exactly similar to
between 500–660 ␮m (Table 2). The microspheric generation has N. deshayesi based on some biometric and morphology char-
a medium-sized, flattened to semi-lenticular form and truncated acteristics; however, they show less development of the
margin with diameter ranges of 11.5–24 mm, and thickness, which tripartition structure in accordance with forms belong-
ranges from 3–8 mm (Table 2). The granules are fine and scattered ing to the N. perforatus-group during the Late Lutetian to
on the whole surface, especially between or on the flexural septal Bartonian.
80 M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84

Fig. 11. Stratigraphic distribution of larger foraminiferal species and other fossil groups in the Mojen section, eastern Alborz zone.

Range: This form was found in the Late Lutetian? (SBZ16?) and comparison to the nepionic stage. The chamberlets are subrectan-
Bartonian (SBZ17-SBZ18b) of the Kalateh section. gular and higher than long throughout in the growth stages except
for the senile whorls. The number of whorls per radius is: 3 whorls
Nummulites lyelli D’Archiac & Haime, 1853 in a radius of 1.6 mm to 1.9 mm, 4 whorls in a radius of 1.9 mm
Fig. 8a–l to 2.1 mm and 5 whorls in a radius of 2.2 mm to 2.4 mm (Table 2).
Nummulites lyelli D’Archiac and Haime, 1853, p. 95, pl. III, Figs. The proloculus has a diameter between 820–1027 ␮m (Table 2). The
1a–b, 2 (non pl. II, Figs. 9 and 10).- Schaub, 1981, pl. 38, Figs. 8–20.- microspheric generation has a large-sized, discoidal and saddle-like
Boukhary and Kamal, 2003, pl. 2, Figs. 1–16; pl. 3, Figs. 1–10; pl. form with diameter ranges of 39–71 mm and thickness between
4b, Figs. 13–24. Boukhary et al., 2010, pl. II, Figs. 1–19; pl. III, Figs. 4–9 mm (Table 2). The ornamentations are not obviously rec-
1–29.- Less et al., 2011, p. 829, text-fig. 38a–e.- Less and Özcan, ognized on the test surface, but the equatorial sections of the
2012, p. 136, text-fig. 7c.- Afify et al., 2016, pl. 1, Figs. 29–30. saddle-like forms are shown in falciform septal filaments with
Number of specimens examined: 25 small granules over and between them. The spire is tight to lax,
Description: The megalospheric generation has a lenticular to even if in the last tighter whorls in accordance with decrease in the
inflated lenticular form with truncated margin and the diameter marginal cord thickness. The marginal cord is thick and irregular
of 4.5–5.2 mm, and thickness of 2–3.8 mm (Table 2). The granules with the thickness, which varies from 1/2 to 1/3 of the chamber
are rarely arranged near the periphery and between the septal height; however, it is sometimes equal to the height of them. The
filaments, especially in the larger tests. The septal filaments are septa are inclined and slightly curved in the early whorls, and then
sinuous on the centeral portion and then they become radial or become arched in the outer whorls. They are sometimes wrinkled
curved towards the margin. Steps of coiling are lax to tight with that may be caused by undulating of the test. The chamberlets are
thick marginal cord all over the growth levels. The septa are arched subrectangular in the nepionic stage, whereas they are quadrate
in the early whorls and sometimes become less arched in the and somewhat slightly longer than high in the last whorls. The
tight portion, where the chamberlets are more or less quadrate in number of whorls per radius is: 6 whorls in a radius of 2–2.3 mm, 9
M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84 81

Fig. 12. Stratigraphic distribution of larger foraminiferal species and other fossil groups in the Kalateh section, eastern Alborz zone.

whorls in a radius of 3–3.6 mm, 12 whorls in a radius of 4.7–6.2 mm, deuteroconch with a diameter that ranges between 180–250 ␮m
16 whorls in a radius of 5.4–6.8 mm, 19 whorls in a radius of and 380–540 ␮m, respectively (Table 3). The embryon is sub-
7.2–10.5 mm, 25 whorls in a radius of 11.3–12.7 mm, 30 whorls in stantially centri- to excentrilepidine, and rarely eulepidine.
a radius of 14.9–16.5 mm, 36 whorls in a radius of 18.5–20.4 mm, The “varians” type of adauxiliary chamberlets are numerous
38 whorls in a radius of 18.7 mm, 41 whorls in a radius of 23.9 mm, (n = 40–50), moderately wide (25–40 ␮m), and high (40–50 ␮m)
and finally 49 whorls in a radius of 25.9 mm (Table 2). (Table 3). Also, the equatorial chamberlets are narrow to mod-
Remark: The megalospheric forms of some of our specimens erately wide (20–35 ␮m) (Table 3) and low to slightly high
differ from N. lyelli (Schaub, 1981; Boukhary and Kamal, 2003) (30–45 ␮m, n = 11–12) (Table 3) that are arranged into circular
in having smaller proloculus, although the morphotype of this annuli without or rarely undulated with “varians”- type growth
species with a smaller diameter of the proloculus was described by pattern, whilst the annuli in distal margins are rather undulating.
Boukhary et al. (2010) from the Eocene beds in the Citadel section Remark: This species resembles O. varians (see Less, 1987) by
(Egypt). some features, most important being the types of the embryon,
Range: N. lyelli is defined from the Bartonian (SBZ17-18b) in growth pattern, adauxiliary chamberlets, and their number, but it
the Kalateh section. This species was reported from the SBZ17 differs from the latter in having larger embryon size. O. zitteli was
by some authors (Schaub, 1981; Serra-Kiel et al., 1998; Boukhary distinguished from the unusual forms with much larger embryons
and Kamal, 2003; Boukhary et al., 2010; Afify et al., 2016) in and regular annuli as Orbitoclypeus aff. O. varians (Özcan et al., 2006)
the peri-Mediterranean region, whilst Less et al. (2011) showed for the first time by Özcan et al. (2010) in the eastern Turkey.
the range of this species within SBZ18b from the Akören section Range: O.zitteli is known from the Bartonian (SBZ17-SBZ18b;
(Turkey). OZ12-OZ14) in the Kalateh section. Based on some data results
from the western Tethys (SW France, Sicily and Turkey) the
stratigraphical range of this species is the latest Lutetian (SBZ16;
Family Orbitoclypeidae Brönnimann, 1946
OZ12) to the earliest Priabonian (SBZ19A; OZ14) (see Özcan et al.,
Genus Orbitoclypeus Silvestri, 1907
2010; Less et al., 2011; Less and Özcan, 2012). Also, recently,
Orbitoclypeus zitteli (Checchia-Rispoli, 1908)
İsmail-Lattrache et al. (2013), have shown the occurrence of this
Fig. 9a–k
species in the early Bartonian (SBZ17; OZ12) in Tunisia.
Orbitoides (Orthopragmina) zitteli Checchia-Rispoli, 1908, p. 7,
14. Özcan et al., 2010, p. 62, text-figs. 29f–h.-Less and Özcan, 2012,
p. 138, text-fig. 10d.- Ben İsmail-Lattrache et al., 2013, pl. 2, Figs. 6 Genus Asterocyclina Gümbel, 1870
and 8. Asterocyclina stella stella (Gümbel, 1861)
Number of specimens examined: 30 Fig. 10a-i
Description: The test has a large size (5.5–9 mm), flattened and Hymenocyclus stella Gümbel, l861, p. 653. - Less, 1987, pl. XLII,
unribbed form with a “marthae” type rosette. The granules are Figs. 7–10, text-fig. 32c; (with synonymy)- Özcan et al., 2006, pl. 4,
coarse (80–140 ␮m) and scattered on the whole surface of the Figs. 4–6.- Özcan et al., 2010, text-figs. 29 u–w.- Less et al., 2011, p.
test. The large megalospheric test is composed of protoconch and 823, text-figs. 35i–j.
82 M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84

Fig. 13. Stratigraphic distributions of the Eocene Alveolina, Nummulites and orthophragminids from the eastern Alborz zone.

Number of specimens examined: 15 coincided with SBZ8 to SBZ10 (Fig. 13). The alveolinids are rep-
Description: The test has a medium sized (4–6.5 mm), star resented by Alveolina decipiens Schwager, A. tumida Hottinger,
shaped form with 5 thick ribs and rarely with 6 rays, with or without A. ilerdensis Hottinger, A. sp. cf. A. ilerdensis, A. laxa Hottinger, A. cit-
interray areas and “marthae” type rosette. The granules are more rea Drobne, A. trempina Hottinger, A. fornasinii Checchia-Rispoli,
concentrated on the umbonal and rays regions with larger sizes A. canavarii Checchia-Rispoli, A. cf. canavarii, A. aff. cayrazen-
(80–125 ␮m) than the interray areas. The megalospheric embryon sis, which were described as cosmopolitan species by Drobne
is semi-iso- to nephrolepidine, which is characterized by small pro- et al. (2011). Among them, as mentioned above, the presence of
toconch and deuteroconch with a diameter of about 85–100 ␮m A. cayrazensis was only reported in Turkey so far (for more details
and 155–200 ␮m, respectively (Table 3). The adauxiliary cham- see, Sirel and Acar, 2008). Our findings of the eastern Alborz alve-
berlets were not obviously recognizable, although it seems they olinid assemblages suggest a greater distribution and settlement
are moderately narrow (20 ␮m) and low (29 ␮m) (Table 3), which of these species under comparable paleoenvironmental condi-
can be representative of “varians” type; also, the equatorial cham- tions with numerous studies of the stratigraphic sections from
berlets arranged with average of width (12–20 ␮m) and low the peri-Mediterranean region, such as localities in Turkey (e.g.
(20–37 ␮m) (Table 3) into annuli with “strophiolata” type growth Özgen-Erdem et al., 2007; Sirel and Acar, 2008), Italy (Vecchio
pattern. However, the growth patterns of the annuli are poorly et al., 2007), and a vast area, the so-called Adriatic carbonate plat-
preserved. form (Drobne, 1977, Drobne et al., 2011). Also, the present study
Remark: this species is very similar to A. stellata based on provides a more precise stratigraphic frame based on perforate
some morphological characteristics that only differ in the adaux- hyaline foraminifera, such as Nummulites cf. deshayesi, N. lyelli
iliary chamberlets type. Furthermore, there are close similarities (D’Archiac and Haime), Asterocyclina stella stella (Gümbel), and
between our specimens and A. stella stella with dmean more than Orbitoclypeus zitteli (Checchia-Rispoli) during the Late Lutetian?-
150 ␮m. The subspecific subdivisions of the Asterocyclina stella lin- Bartonian (SBZ16? and SBZ17-SBZ18b) (Fig. 13). However, the
eage has a rather complicated history that can be followed in lack of identification of index zonal markers within the Num-
Less (1987), Less (1998), Özcan et al. (2006), Less and Kovács mulites accumulations (N. cf. deshayesi) does not permit a high
(2009), and finally in Özcan et al. (2010). In this last paper A. stella resolution biostratigraphy in recognizing the SBZ16, whereas the
is subdivided into the following two chronosubspecies: A. stella presence of Nummulites lyelli provides an age for their studied inter-
praestella (dmean < 150 ␮m) and A. stella stella (dmean > 150 ␮m). val as Bartonian (SBZ 17-SBZ18b). As a result, the stratigraphic
Based on our measurements the Kalateh forms belong to A. stella range of these taxa in other published works (e.g. Boukhary and
stella. Kamal, 2003; Boukhary et al., 2010) is considered as the last mem-
Range: This subspecies is identified from the Bartonian (SBZ17- ber of the Nummulites lyelli subgroup extends into SBZ17 of the
SBZ18b; OZ12) in the Kalateh section. However, the distribution Early Bartonian sediments of west-central Tethys, especially in
range of this subspecies was reported from the Late Lutetian north Egypt, Libya and Italy (e.g. Schaub, 1981; Bouckary et al.,
(SBZ14) to Late Bartonian-(SBZ18; OZ9-OZ13) of the Mediterranean 2010), whilst Özcan et al. (2006, 2010) and Less et al. (2011)
(Less, 1998; Serra-Kiel et al., 1998) whilst, Özcan et al. (2006) reported N. lyelli together with O. zitteli into SBZ18b from the
showed the latest occurrence of A. stella stella into the SBZ19 (OZ15). Turkey. Therefore, the occurrence of A. stella stella and O. zitteli
among high abundances of N. lyelli can be reliable data for the
6. Discussion and conclusion Bartonian stratigraphy attribution and a clearly indicates SBZ17
to SBZ18b.
For the first time, the study of Ilerdian-Cuisian and Late
Lutetian?- Bartonian LBF, based on systematics of alveolinids, num-
mulitids and orthophraminids from the eastern Alborz region Disclosure of interest
(Mojen and Kalateh sections) gives new insights in order to extend
the biostratigraphic distribution of their species and correlation This study represents part of the PhD thesis by M.H., and
with the shallow benthic zones (SBZ), introduced by Serra-Kiel supported by the Geology Department, Ferdowsi University of
et al. (1998) (Figs. 11 and 12). At the beginning, we have focused Mashhad. We would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for
on alveolinid assemblages for which the diversity and abundances their comments, which helped to improve the manuscript. Thanks
M. Hadi, G. Less and M. Vahidinia / Revue de micropaléontologie 63 (2019) 65–84 83

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