Anritsu Site Master S331a Specifications Spec Sheet 6c34

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Anritsu Site Master S331A Specs

Provided by

Site Master ™

Transmission Line and Antenna Analyzer

5 MHz - 20 GHz

Improve Quality and Reduce Maintenance Expense

With Frequency Domain Reflectometry and Spectrum Analysis

Anritsu’s Site Master cable and

antenna analyzer performs return
loss/SWR and fault identification in
Cellular, PCS/DCS, paging, WLAN/
WPBX and other communication
system applications. Designed to
withstand the rigors of field use, Site
Master provides easy-to-use, accurate,
repeatable performance in lightweight,
battery-operated units covering the
5 MHz to 20 GHz range.
Used widely in installation, deployment
and periodic maintenance of cellular
communication sites, Site Master is
the preferred choice of many network

Site Master’s menu driven interface
requires little training and simplifies the Reporting software for PC use is Accurate, Repeatable
field engineers and technicians task of Windows 95/98, NT workstation Measurements
site-to-site deployment and mainte- compatible and supports long alpha-
nance by identifying, recording and numeric file names for descriptive data Utilizing vector error correction, Site
solving problems without sacrificing labeling. The software can store an Master delivers accurate, reliable and
measurement accuracy. Users are unlimited number of data traces for repeatable return loss/SWR and fault
able to store ten test setups and up to comparison to historical performance. location measurements. Site Master’s
200 measurement traces in nonvolatile Data traces can be easily and quickly high immunity to interference allows
memory. A notebook computer can be downloaded from the Site Master to users to conduct measurements of an
used with the RS-232 interface for a PC database with a single menu active site without the loss of accuracy.
automated control and data collection selection or a printer via an RS-232
in the field. serial cable for analysis. Rugged and Reliable
Designed specifically for field environ-
ments, Site Master withstands harsh
environments and rough handling.
Built-in energy conservation combined
with a rechargeable battery pack
allows users to extend battery life
beyond an eight hour work day. Site
Master can also be operated from a
12.5 Vdc source such as an AC-DC
adapter or automotive cigarette lighter
adapter, which also simultaneously
charges the battery.


Site Master Software Tools provides a data base to compare maintenance interval performance to site
commissioning data. The Distance-To-Fault display pinpoints problem areas before they degenerate into
failures. In the graph above, a loosened connector changes the return loss characteristic from 38 dB to
33 dB (< 0.05 SWR increase). It meets SWR specifications, but is indicative of a probable loose weather
seal which will eventually allow water intrusion.

Cost Savings and FDR Technique TDRs are unable to evaluate antenna
Quality Improvement quality. Since FDR technique uses an
Frequency Domain Reflectometry, RF sweep, antennas are tested at their
Wireless market competition requires (FDR), and Time Domain correct operating frequency. Site
operators to reduce per site mainte- Reflectometry, (TDR), have similar Master sweeps the antenna accurately
nance expense. Site Master’s acronyms, and both techniques are with Distance-To-Fault, by compensat-
Frequency Domain Reflectometry used to test transmission lines. ing for the RF insertion losses in the
(FDR) techniques break away from But, that’s where the similarities end. cable. Thus, tower climbing is rarely
the traditional fix-after-failure mainte- TDRs are not sensitive to RF necessary.
nance process by finding small, hard problems: the stimulus is a DC pulse,
to identify problems before major Site Master’s sweep signal can pass
not RF. Thus, TDRs are primarily used through quarter-wave lightning
failures occur. after antenna system failures – a Fix- arrestors – providing an accurate
Site Master’s approach to preventive After-Failure maintenance philosophy. display of the subsequent transmission
maintenance pays for itself quickly. The Failure Prevention approach line’s characteristics. DC pulses from a
A poorly installed weather seal will inherent to FDR techniques saves the TDR can’t “see” beyond band limiting
corrode connectors and, if undetected, expense of trouble shooting time and devices such as filters, quarter-wave
will eventually damage expensive cable replacement. FDR techniques lightning arrestors, or duplexers.
coaxial cable. Only Site Master has enhance quality because the system
the sensitivity to identify the connector isn’t allowed to degrade into a failure.
problem before the cable is damaged. Deficient connectors, lightning
Distance-To-Fault provides the arrestors, cables, jumpers, or
clearest indication of trouble areas antennas are replaced before call
(screen display on page 2). quality is compromised.
Where antenna system performance
remains stable, Site Master’s excellent
repeatability shows a nearly identical
Distance-To-Fault (DTF) display.
Climbing to the antenna becomes
unnecessary; Site Master verifies
antenna characteristics from
ground level.

Weather degrades antenna systems.

Regular maintenance using Frequency
Domain Reflectometry dramatically
improves harsh weather survival.


Return Loss and SWR Distance-To-Fault

Site Master’s RF sweep display plots The Distance-To-Fault system is built
either SWR or Return Loss versus into all the Site Master Models as a
frequency. This display is used to standard feature. Return loss (SWR)
ensure conformance to engineering measurement data is processed with
specifications. Measurement easily a specialized Fast Fourier
toggles between SWR or return loss Transform. The resulting data
using the standard conversion formula. indicates return loss (SWR) versus
Return Loss = – 20 log ( VSWR
VSWR +1 )
The algorithm mathematics are
identical to the “time domain”
Distance-To-Fault pinpoints the location and
software in vector network analyzers.
reflection amplitude of transmission line
However, the operational controls and
menus are simplified specifically for
transmission line and antenna tests.
A single softkey selection on the
main menu activates the DTF mode.

Cable Loss
The insertion loss performance of
installed cables can be verified
without access to the opposite end.
This single ended measurement
The quality of calibration components requires only that the opposite end of
can be spot checked on-site by the cable be open or short circuited.
comparing two precision loads in this
frequency domain display. (Handy if Cable loss can be checked without
someone drops a component acciden- disconnecting the antenna or
tally). After calibrating with the open, climbing the tower. The out of band
short and the 42 dB precision load, characteristic of most antennas is
connect another precision load. The approximately an open circuit.
return loss (SWR) trace should be Simply calibrate Site Master below
better than 42 dB (1.016). the antenna’s frequency range and
connect to the transmis-
Verify cable insertion loss from ground level.
RF Wattmeter sion line input. The
cable loss measure-
Power Monitor ment is valid for
The optional RF Wattmeter features comparison measurements when tests are made
precision, high return loss (low SWR) at the same input connection. If the
detectors. This excellent impedance antenna or other line component is
match drastically reduces the disconnected, always duplicate these
largest component of disconnections to ensure comparable
power measurement error, results.
mismatch uncertainty.
Display formats include
absolute power (dBm or
Watts) and relative power
Single detector range exceeds
(dBr or %). Built-in Auto- –50 to +20 dBm. The standard
Averaging automatically detector frequency range of
reduces the effects of noise. 5 to 3,000 MHz can be
Zeroing control allows extended to 20 GHz.
optimum measurement
accuracy at low power levels.


New, higher performance antenna

systems obsolete traditional installa- TRANS PORT
tion and maintenance procedures. SITE
Performance enhancing design trends MASTER
such as high sector-to-sector isolation, REFL PORT
tower mounted amplifiers and
duplexed antennas add new Amplifier Gain Test Measurement.
complexities to installation test.
Most TMAs omit Tx-to-Rx bypass
Two-port Site Master models simplify switching due to Tx-Rx isolation
performance verification techniques. requirements.
The S200 series includes a second
test port for isolation, gain TMA, consists of duplexers and LNAs
and insertion loss measurements. (low noise amplifiers), improves
Measuring antenna isolation during receive side signal strength and reduces
the number of antennas. The duplexer
Isolation periodic maintenance intervals
separates Tx and Rx signals from a
conveniently verifies antenna position
Improving isolation between antenna after harsh weather. If the antenna has single antenna feed and minimizes
sectors can reduce cell-to-cell RF been moved from the installed unwanted interference into the LNA.
interference and improve system mounting angle, the change in side The LNA boosts signal-to-noise ratio
capacity. Site Master’s high dynamic lobe and back lobe coupling by adding gain to reduce system noise
range ensures that antenna isolation magnitudes between the antennas figure. Performance improvement is
is accurately measured - including the causes a clear performance change. maximized when the LNA is physically
extremely high, >90 dB, isolation close to the antenna. Thus, mounting
ranges required at RF-RF repeater sites. Tx-Rx isolation of duplexers and is usually at the top of the tower.
High interference immunity reduces filters is easily tested with Site
Master’s >90 dB dynamic range. The system is easily tested during
the effects of ambient RF signals.
Filters are easily aligned and verified installation - when someone is at the
to manufacturer’s specifications. top of the tower to interchange cable
connections. Once the weather seals
Site Master automatically applies are in place, test signals must be
ANTENNA averaging when measuring low signal coupled into the antenna. Site Master
levels such as during Tx-Rx isolation is designed to perform both installation
tests or during antenna isolation path and maintenance tests from
TRANS PORT ISOLATION calibration, which can include 60 to ground level.
2-PORT 80 dB of insertion loss between
MASTER sectorized antennas.
Gain 2-PORT
Accurately measure antenna isolation with The S251A/S251B, with SITE
Site Master’s high dynamic range. output power selectable at LNA TEST
+6 dBm or –30 dBm and
optional built-in Bias Tee,
provides two-port insertion gain Site Master’s high dynamic range enables LNA
measurement of Tower Mounted measurements at ground level.
Amplifiers (TMA) without the need of
an external supply through the PDU Site Masters’ industry leading high
(Power Distribution Unit) and an RF interference immunity allows test
external attenuator. Thus, simplifying signal injection between antennas
the technicians task of amplifier verifi- with a minimum of interference
cation. induced distortion.

Accurate and Repeatable The calibration components include
two offset shorts, 1/8 and 3/8
The Site Master S800 series, is the wavelength, and a precision load.
most accurate and convenient tool The two offset shorts eliminates the
available for field installation, verifica- reference error suffered by scalar
tion, troubleshooting and repair of systems when only a single waveguide
microwave systems. Difficult test short is used to determine the 0.0 dB
specifications are easy to verify. The reflection reference level.
S800 series improves quality and
reduces maintenance expenses by Site Master’s innovative flange
providing vector corrected calibration design mates to square, rectangular
and a convenient user interface. These or circular flanges. For a given
new microwave Site Master models waveguide size, only one calibration
test waveguide and coaxial cables set is required.
more conveniently than laboratory- Site Master’s waveguide calibration
sized scalar analyzers or microwave components are built with precision
test sets. alignment pins which mate to the
companion coaxial to waveguide
Vector Error Correction adapters. Proper alignment of
Vector error correction within the waveguide is fast and convenient.
S800 series improves the quality
and convenience of measurements Waveguide Dispersion
compared to traditional scalar Vector error correction also improves
techniques. Accuracy and repeatability the quality of Distance-To-Fault data.
account for errors such as test port Not only is the reflection magnitude
match and source match errors. more accurate, but also the waveguide
Vector correction allows the test port dispersion correction for fault distance
to achieve the highest commercial (different frequencies propagate at
directivity to 50 dB (frequency range different speeds) is more accurate and
dependent) using relatively small repeatable. The post-vector corrected
calibration components. data accounts for the non-dispersive
length of coaxial cable preceding the
Waveguide Calibration input of the waveguide under test.
The test port interface to the Scalar based systems suffer reflection
waveguide under test is a small magnitude errors (a failure looks better
coaxial-to-waveguide adapter rather than actual) and length inaccuracies in
than a bulky precision coupler. proportion to the relative lengths of the
coaxial input cable and waveguide
under test.
Calibration components mate directly to a variety
of commercial and standard military flanges -
eliminating the necessity of bulky, precision
1/8 λ WAVEGUIDE SHORT waveguide couplers. A few examples of waveguide
TEST adapters are 35UA187N, 35UM40N, and 35UM58.

Vector Correction Avoids Bulky Waveguide Coupler

Site Master Models S114B, and S332B add spectrum Field and Maintenance
analysis capability to the standard cable and antenna
analyzer. Ideal for field maintenance, the Site Master S114B, S332B
simplifies the task of going site-to-site identifying, recording
Now technicians and field engineers can identify and and solving problems. Moreover, these tasks can
solve RF system problems like coverage, interference, be completed in a fraction of the time required to haul
antenna alignment, in-band interference from unwanted bench-top or “portable” equipment to the field.
sources, and other path related signal problems.
Precision calibration, synthesizer-based design and built-in
measurement functions allow for easy verification of system
Signal Mapping compliance. User-frequency menu functions, high sensitivity,
Ideal for site surveys and other signal mapping applications, and excellent repeatability pinpoint the smallest RF signal
the Site Master Models S114B, and S332B can optimize levels. Harmonics, Occupied Bandwidth, and potential
placement of antennas and access points in a WLAN interference can be measured before small problems
or WPBX network. Identification of potential in-band grow into big, costly, time-consuming headaches and
interference as well as transmitted signal quality can be unwanted site down time.
easily performed as the installer moves about the
installation site. RF Interference
Identifying the RF Interference problems can be very
difficult. Site Master’s low noise floor (greater than
–90 dBm) make small signals easily detectable.

Site Master
Models S113B S114B S251A S251B S331A S331B S332B S400A S810A S818A S820A
Range (MHz) 5-1200 5-1200 625-2500 625-2500 25-3300 25-3300 25-3300 25-4000 3.3-10.5 GHz 3.3-18 GHz 3.3-20 GHz
Accuracy 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75

Resolution kHz 10 10 100 10 100 100 100 100 1 MHz 1 MHz 1 MHz

Markers 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Point (Max.) 517 517 130 517 130 517 517 130 130 130 130

Sweep Rate
ms/point 40 40 25 40 40 40 40 40 70 70 70

Immunity +10 +10 +10 +10 –15 –5 –5 –15 –10 –10 –10
Trans. Trans.
+30 dBc +30 dBc

Configurations 10 10 4 10 9 10 10 9 6 6 6

Data Storage
Alpha Numeric Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Time/Date Stamp Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Numeric Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Locations (Max.) 200 200 50 200 40 200 200 40 70 70 70

Characteristics * * * * * * * * * * *
(Transmission) 625-2500 625-2500
Analysis 0.1-1200 0.1-3000

*All Anritsu Site Master models include Return Loss, SWR, Cable Loss, and Distance-To-Fault.

Site Master
Applications S113B S114B S251A S251B S331A S331B S332B S400A S810A S818A S820A
HF Comms • •
Broadcast • • • • • •
Paging • • • • • • • •
Local Loop • • • • • • • • • • •
SMR/ESMR • • • • • • • •
Cellular • • • • • • • •
GPS • • • • • •
GSM 1800
GSM/PCS 1900 • • • • • •
ISM • • • • • • • • • • •
WLAN/NII/Hyperlan • • • • • • •
Avionics • • • • • • • • • • •
µWave Pt-Pt • • •


PC Software Tools
Site Master Software Tools is a
Windows® program for cable and
antenna analysis and will run on any
computer with Windows 95, 98 or NT.
Test data can be analyzed and
compared to historical performance.
Up to 200 Site Master trace memory
locations can be down loaded with a
single menu selection.
Return Loss data can be converted
to Distance-To-Fault (DTF) and S11
information. DTF can be displayed as
return loss versus distance, VSWR
versus distance or milliRho versus
distance. This allows problem connec-
tors, adapter interfaces or cable and
waveguide damage to be identified
easily. S11 vector magnitude and
phase data is displayed on a Smith
Chart, allowing components to be Analysis displays include MilliRho (mρ) reflection coefficient data format or S11 Smith Chart. The on-
impedance matched or optimum screen measurement calculator now also includes Transmitted power percentage. Print outs support
system performance. multiple plots per page.

The use of historical data reduces Software Tools database. Maintenance Site Master data traces are transferred
maintenance costs. During the site technicians recall the “Signature” to an automated PC database with a
commissioning process, the antenna characteristics during periodic mainte- single menu selection.
system’s return loss (SWR), nance verification. The Windows based
Gain/Insertion Loss and Distance-To- “drag-n-drop” capability speeds
Fault “Signature” characteristics are fault identification.
down-loaded into the Site Master

Create new database files or

add to an existing database.
Site Master Software Tools
quickly stores antenna
system test data to a single
relational database file.

SSB Phase Noise
SPECIFICATIONS (1 GHz) @ 30 kHz Offset: ≤74 dBc/Hz
Note: All specifications apply when calibrated at Spurious Responses
ambient temperature after a five minute warm up. Input Related: ≤–45 dBc
Return Loss Residual Responses: ≤–80 dBm
Range: 0.00 to 54.00 dB Amplitude
Resolution: 0.01 dB Measurement Range: –90 dBm to +20 dBm
SWR Dynamic Range: ≥60 dB
Range: 1.00 to 65.00
Resolution: 0.01 Maximum
Safe Input Level: +20 dBm max. measurement
Distance-To-Fault safe input
Vertical Range: +27 dBm max. input (damage)
Return Loss: 0.00 to 54.00 dB +27 dBm Peak Pulse Power
SWR : 1.00 to 65.00 +50 Vdc The protective softcase is designed to hold calibra-
Horizontal Range:
Range: 0 to (# of data pts. x Resolution) to Displayed Average: tion components. Velcro adjustments on the
a maximum of 1000 m (3281 ft.), # of data Noise Level: ≤–90 dBm (400 kHz span) shoulder strap allow convenient, one hand
pts. = 129, 256, 516 Display Range: 2 to 15 dB/div. In 1 dB steps. operation.
Horizontal Resolution, Rectangular Windowing: Ten divisions displayed.
For Coax, RF Input VSWR: 2.0:1 Typical Worst Case Accuracy Calculation (dB)
Resolution (meter) = Amplitude Accuracy: ±1.5 dB Accuracy = ± [ 0.04 + 20 log (1+10 –Ε∆/20)]
1.5 x 108 (νp / ∆ Frequency) Total Level Accuracy: ±2 dB where Ε∆ = Directivity - Measured Return Loss
Where: νp is the cable’s relative
The quality of the precision load used for calibration
propagation velocity.
∆ Frequency is the stop frequency minus
GENERAL determines traceable directivity performance.
Precision loads can be verified using a vector
the start frequency (in Hz).
RS-232: 9 pin D-sub, three wire serial network analyzer calibrated with either sliding
For Waveguide, load or TRL.
Electromagnetic Compatibility:
Resolution (meter) =
Meets European Community Requirements Cable Loss Accuracy
1.5 x 108 ( 1-(FC / F1)2 ) for CE marking. Accuracy: <±1.0 dB typical, after
∆ Frequency Temperature: calibration for insertion losses of <4.0 dB.
Where: FC is the waveguide’s cutoff Operating: –0°C to 50°C Assumes cable return loss >26 dB.
frequency (in Hz). Storage: –20°C to 75°C Accuracy is improved using ripple averaging. Set
F1 is the start frequency (in Hz). the frequency sweep such that 5 to 6 ripple cycles
Operation at temperatures to –10.0°C
∆ Frequency is the stop frequency minus are visible. Calibrate the Site Master and place
is normal. However, please note that the LCD
the star frequency (in Hz). markers at an adjacent peak and valley. Sum the
display will fade at low temperature extremes.
Gain/Insertion Loss marker values and divide by two. For cable loss
Range: –120 to +100 dB greater than 4.0 dB, see formula in technical notes.
Site Master A Series, 1.36 kgs.
Resolution: 0.1 dB Repeatability: <± 0.05 dB, typical
(3.0 lbs.) nominal
Wattmeter (RF Power Monitor) Option Cable Loss is determined by measuring one end of
Site Master B Series, 1.81 kgs.
Display Range: –80.0 to +80.0 dBm the cable and disconnecting the opposite end from
(4.0 lbs.) nominal
10.0 pW to 100.0 kW any antennas or other devices. This open circuit
Detector Range –50.0 to +20.0 dBm Size :
condition return loss is measured and divided by
10.0 µW to 100.0 mW A Series: 20.3 x 17.8 x 5.72 cm
two. This test is excellent for trouble shooting or
Offset Range: 0.0 to +60.0 dB (8 x 7 x 2.25 in.)
verifying previously installed cables. For best
Resolution: 0.1 dB B Series: 25.4 x 17.8 x 6.10 cm results comparing measurements to historic data,
0.1 x W (10 x 7 x 2.4 in.) always disconnect the opposite cable end at the
Transmission Line Loss (one-port) same position and avoid simultaneous tests of
Range: 0.00 to 20.00 dB MEASUREMENT ACCURACY multiple cable or connector types.
Resolution: 0.01 dB
Distance-To-Fault Accuracy:
Test Port Connector Return Loss and SWR
The Fast Fourier Transform which calculates
Precision N female Accuracy: < ± 0.9 dB, < ± 0.03 SWR typical the DTF display provides an exact indication of
Maximum Input Without Damage worst case. Assumes measurement of a 22 dB electrical length. This relates to physical length
N(f) Test Ports: +20 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vdc return loss device with precision calibration through knowledge of the cable’s propagation
RF Power Detector: +20 dBm, 50 Ω, +50 Vdc components after 5 minute warm up. Accuracy velocity, νp :
improves when measuring devices with poorer
d = ( c * n * νp ) / ( 2 * ∆f )
return loss.
SPECTRUM ANALYZER Distance is displayed according to the accuracy of νp.
In the equation above, c is the speed of light,
Frequency Precision 7/16 Components: ≥45 dB
n the number of ripples in the frequency domain
Frequency Range: 100 kHz to 1.2 GHz, S114B N Components: display and ∆f is frequency sweep range. Cable
100 kHz to 3.0 GHz, S332B SM/PL, SM/PNFL, 4.0 GHz: ≥42dB manufactures specify the νp of cables. When this
Frequency Reference: Aging: ±1 ppm/yr. 28N50A, 18.0 GHz: ≥40 dB specification is not available, the νp value is easily
Accuracy: ±2 ppm Precision Waveguide Load: determined by measuring a known length of cable.
Frequency Span: 0 Hz (zero span) ≥45 dB (frequency range dependent) Non-phase stable cables will cause small
100 kHz to 1.2 GHz, S114B measurement errors because bending of the
(Directivity is the largest source of return loss
100 kHz to 3.0 GHz, S332B cable changes the physical length of the cable’s
measurement uncertainty.)
Sweep Time: 0.5 sec. center conductor and outer ground shield. The
Open, Short and Load components used during
Resolution Bandwidth calibration create a phase “reference plane” from
(–3dB width): 10 kHz, 30 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 MHz which Site Master bases the vector error correction
Video Bandwidth (Range –3dB): formulas. The physical length of the cable is
3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz and 300 kHz allowed to change as it flexes, the phase
relationship of the calibrated reference plane
position and the actual cable end position also
changes - creating errors.
Panel connections include a 9 pin D-sub RS-232,
precision test port connector, DC power input,
and an optional RF detector connection for the
Wattmeter operation.

Precision Waveguide Calibration Components
Part Number Description Freq Range Waveguide Type Compatible Flanges
xxUM40 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, Metric 3.30 to 4.90 GHz WR229, WG11A PDR40
xxUM48 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, Metric 3.95 to 5.85 GHz WR187, WG12 CAR48, PAR48, UAR48, PDR48
xxUM58 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, Metric 4.90 to 7.05 GHz WR159, WG13 CAR58, PAR58, UAR58, PDR58
xxUM70 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, Metric 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14 CAR70, PAR70, UAR 70, PDR70
xxUM84 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, Metric 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15 CBR84, UBR84, PBR84, PDR84
xxUM100 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, Metric 8.20 to 12.40 GHz WR90, WG16 CBR100, UBR100, PBR100, PDR100
xxUM120 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, Metric 10.00 to 15.00 GHz WR75, WG17 CBR120, UBR120, PBR120, PDR120
xxUM140 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, Metric 12.40 to 18.00 GHz WR62, WG18 CBR140, UBR140, PBR140, PDR140
xxUM220 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, Metric 17.00 to 26.50 GHz WR42, WG20 CBR220, UBR220, PBR220, PDR220
xxUA229 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, US 3.30 to 4.90 GHz WR229, WG11A CPR229F, CPR229G, UG-1350/U, UG-1351/U,
UG-1726/U, UG-1727/U
xxUA187 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, US 3.95 to 5.85 GHz WR187, WG12 CPR187F, CPR187G, UG-1352/U, UG-1353/U,
UG-1728/U, UG-1729/U, UG-148/U, UG-149A/U
xxUA159 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, US 4.90 to 7.05 GHz WR159, WG13 CPR159F, CPR159G, UG-1354/U, UG-1355/U,
UG-1730/U, UG-1731/U
xxUA137 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, US 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14 CPR137F, CPR137G, UG-1356/U, UG-1357/U,
UG-1732/U, UG-1733/U, UG-343B/U, UG-344/U,
UG-440B/U, UG-441/U
xxUA112 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, US 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15 CPR112F, CPR112G, UG-1358/U, UG-1359/U,
UG-1734/U, UG-1735/U, UG-52B/U, UG-51/U,
UG-137B/U, UG-138/U
xxUA90 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, US” 8.20 to 12.40 GHz WR90, WG16 CPR90F, CPR90G, UG-1360/U, UG-1361/U,
UG-1736/U, UG-1737/U, UG-40B/U, UG-39/U,
UG-135/U, UG-136B/U
xxUA75 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, US 10.00 to 15.00 GHz WR75, WG17 WR75
xxUA62 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, US 12.40 to 18.00 GHz WR62, WG18 UG-541A/U, UG-419/U, UG-1665/U, UG1666/U
xxUA42 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, US 17.00 to 26.50 GHz WR42, WG20 UG-596A/U, UG-595/U, UG-597/U, UG-598A/U
xxCMR229 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, CMR 3.30 to 4.90 GHz WR229, WG11A CMR229
xxCMR187 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, CMR 3.95 to 5.85 GHz WR187, WG12 CMR187, UG1475/U, UG1480/U
xxCMR159 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, CMR 4.90 to 7.05 GHz WR159, WG13 CMR159
xxCMR137 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, CMR 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14 CMR137, UG1476/U, UG1481/U
xxCMR112 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, CMR 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15 CMR112, UG1477/U, UG1482/U
xxCMR90 1/8, 3/8 λ Offset Short and Load, CMR 8.2 to 12.4 GHz WR90, WG16 CMR90, UG1478/U, UG1483/U
xxUER40 1/8, 3/8 λ Short and Load, UER 3.30 to 4.90 GHz WR229, WG11A UER40
xxUER48 1/8, 3/8 λ Short and Load, UER 3.95 to 5.85 GHz WR187, WG12 UER48
xxUER58 1/8, 3/8 λ Short and Load, UER 4.90 to 7.05 GHz WR159, WG13 UER58
xxUER70 1/8, 3/8 λ Short and Load, UER 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14 UER70
xxUER84 1/8, 3/8 λ Short and Load, UER 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15 UER84
xxUER100 1/8, 3/8 λ Short and Load, UER 8.2 to 12.4 GHz WR90, WG16 UER100
Note: Part Number Ordering Information Prefix (xx) - 23 for 1/8 λ Offset Short
- 24 for 3/8 λ Offset Short
- 26 for Precision Waveguide Load

Precision Waveguide-to-Coaxial Adapters

35UM40N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), Metric 3.30 to 4.90 GHz WR229, WG11A PDR40
35UM48N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), Metric 3.95 to 5.85 GHz WR187, WG12 CAR48, PAR48, UAR48, PDR48
35UM58N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), Metric 4.90 to 7.05 GHz WR159, WG13 CAR58, PAR58, UAR58, PDR58
35UM70N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), Metric 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14 CAR70, PAR70, UAR 70, PDR70
35UM84N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), Metric 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15 CBR84, UBR84, PBR84, PDR84
35UM100N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), Metric 8.20 to 12.40 GHz WR90, WG16 CBR100, UBR100, PBR100, PDR100
35UM120N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), Metric 10.00 to 15.00 GHz WR75, WG17 CBR120, UBR120, PBR120, PDR120
35UM140N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), Metric 12.40 to 18.00 GHz WR62, WG18 CBR140, UBR140, PBR140, PDR140
35UM220K Coaxial Adapter, K(m), Metric 17.00 to 26.50 GHz WR42, WG20 CBR220, UBR220, PBR220, PDR220
35UA229N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), US 3.30 to 4.90 GHz WR229, WG11A CPR229F, CPR229G, UG-1350/U, UG-1351/U,
UG-1726/U, UG-1727/U
35UA187N Coaxial Adapter, N(m),US 3.95 to 5.85 GHz WR187, WG12 CPR187F, CPR187G, UG-1352/U, UG-1353/U,
UG-1728/U, UG-1729/U, UG-148/U, UG-149A/U
35UA159N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), US 4.90 to 7.05 GHz WR159, WG13 CPR159F, CPR159G, UG-1354/U, UG-1355/U,
UG-1730/U, UG-1731/U
35UA137N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), US 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14 CPR137F, CPR137G, UG-1356/U, UG-1357/U,
UG-1732/U, UG-1733/U, UG-343B/U, UG-344/U,
UG-440B/U, UG-441/U
35UA112N Coaxial Adapter, N(m),US 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15 CPR112F, CPR112G, UG-1358/U, UG-1359/U,
UG-1734/U, UG-1735/U, UG-52B/U, UG-51/U,
UG-137B/U, UG-138/U
35UA90N Coaxial Adapter, N(m),US 8.20 to 12.40 GHz WR90, WG16 CPR90F, CPR90G, UG-1360/U, UG-1361/U,
UG-1736/U, UG-1737/U, UG-40B/U, UG-39/U,
UG-135/U, UG-136B/U
35UA75N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), US 10.00 to 15.00 GHz WR75, WG17 WR75
35UA62N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), US 12.40 to 18.00 GHz WR62, WG18 UG-541A/U, UG-419/U, UG-1665/U, UG1666/U
35UA42K Coaxial Adapter, K(m), US 17.00 to 26.50 GHz WR42, WG20 UG-596A/U, UG-595/U, UG-597/U, UG-598A/U
35CMR229N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), CMR 3.30 to 4.90 GHz WR229, WG11A CMR229
35CMR187N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), CMR 3.95 to 5.85 GHz WR187, WG12 CMR187, UG1475/U, UG1480/U
35CMR159N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), CMR 4.90 to 7.05 GHz WR159, WG13 CMR159
35CMR137N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), CMR 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14 CMR137, UG1476/U, UG1481/U
35CMR112N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), CMR 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15 CMR112, UG1477/U, UG1482/U
35CMR90N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), CMR 8.2 to 12.4 GHz WR90, WG16 CMR90, UG1478/U, UG1483/U
35UER40N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), UER 3.30 to 4.90 GHz WR229, WG11A UER40
35UER48N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), UER 3.95 to 5.85 GHz WR187, WG12 UER48
35UER58N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), UER 4.90 to 7.05 GHz WR159, WG13 UER58
35UER70N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), UER 5.85 to 8.20 GHz WR137, WG14 UER70
35UER84N Coaxial Adapter, N(m), UER 7.05 to 10.00 GHz WR112, WG15 UER84
35UER100N Coaxial Adapter, N(m) UER 8.2 to 12.4 GHz WR90, WG16 UER100

Model S113B (5 MHz to 1200 MHz), Built in DTF 34RSN50 Precision Ruggedized WSMA(m) to N(m) Adapter, 20 GHz
Model S114B (5 MHz to 1200 MHz), Built in DTF, Spectrum Analysis K220B Precision K(m)-K(m) Adapter, 40 GHz
Model S251A (625 MHz to 2500 MHz), Built in DTF K222B Precision K(f)-K(f) Adapter, 40 GHz
Model S251B (625 MHz to 2500 MHz), Built in DTF 510-90 Adapter 7/16(f) to N(m), 3.5 GHz
Model S331A (25 MHz to 3300 MHz), Built in DTF 510-91 Adapter 7/16(f) to N(f), 3.5 GHz
Model S331B (25 MHz to 3300 MHz), Built in DTF 510-92 Adapter 7/16(m) to N(m), 3.5 GHz
Model S332B (25 MHz to 3300 MHz), Built in DTF, Spectrum Analysis 510-93 Adapter 7/16(m) to N(f), 3.5 GHz
Model S400A (25 MHz to 4000 MHz), Built in DTF 510-97 Adapter 7/16 DIN(f) to 7/16 DIN (f), 3.5 GHz
Model S810A (3.3 GHz to 10.5 GHz), Built in DTF D41955 Spare Soft Carrying Case
Model S818A (3.3 GHz to 18.0 GHz), Built in DTF 48258 Spare Soft Carrying Case for S113B, S114B, S321B, and S332B
Model S820A (3.3 GHz to 20.0 GHz), Built in DTF 40-115 Spare AC/DC Adapter
806-62 Spare Automotive Cigarette Lighter/12 Volts DC adapter
Standard Accessories Includes 800-441 Spare Serial Interface Cable
User’s Guide 760-215A Transit Cases for Anritsu Site Master
Soft Carrying Case 760-213 Transit Case for S800 Series Site Master
AC-DC Adapter 2300-347 Anritsu Site Master Software Tools
Automotive Cigarette Lighter/12 Volt DC Adapter 10580-00029 Anritsu Site Master S113B, S331B Maintenance Manual
One Year Warranty 10580-00044 Anritsu Site Master S114B, S332B Maintenance Manual
CD ROM containing Fault Location (DTF), 10580-00035 Anritsu Site Master S113B, S114B, S331B, S332B
Smith Chart and Software Management Tools Programming Manual
Serial Interface Cable 10580-00020 Anritsu Site Master S251A User’s Guide
Rechargeable Battery, NiMH (S113B, S114B, S251B, S331B and S332B Only) 10580-00028 Anritsu Site Master S113B, S114B, S331B, S332B User’s Guide
10580-00019 Anritsu Site Master S235A Maintenance Manual
Optional Accessories 10580-00017 Anritsu Site Master S330A, S331A User’s Guide
10580-00016 Anritsu Site Master S235A User’s Guide
Option 5 RF Watt Meter Power Monitor (RF Detector not included)
10580-00032 Anritsu Site Master S251B User’s Guide
5400-71N50 RF Detector, N(m), 50 Ohm, 1 to 3000 MHz
10580-00033 Anritsu Site Master S251B Maintenance Manual
42N50A-30 Attenuator, 30 dB, 50 Watt, Bi-directional,
10580-00043 Anritsu Site Master S251B Programming Manual
DC to 18 GHz, N(m) to N(f)
10580-00014 Anritsu Site Master S810A, S818A User’s Guide
560-7N50B RF Detector, N(m), 50 Ohm, 10 MHz to 20 GHz
10580-00030 Anritsu Site Master S820A User’s Guide
560-7K50 RF Detector, K(m), 50 Ohm, 10 MHz to 40 GHz
10580-00031 Anritsu Site Master S820A Maintenance Manual
560-7VA50 RF Detector, V(m), 50 Ohm, 10 MHz to 50 GHz
10580-00008 Anritsu Site Master Maintenance Manual, one port
IN50C 5W Limiter, N(m)-N(f), 18 GHz
633-27 Rechargeable Battery, NiMH (B Series only)
22N50 Precision N(m) Short/Open, 18 GHz
2000-1029 Battery Charger, NiMH with Universal Power Supply
22NF50 Precision N(f) Short/Open, 18 GHz
2000-1030 Portable Antenna, 50 Ohm, SMA(m), 1.71-1.88 GHz
22K50 Precision K(m) Short/Open, 40 GHz
22KF50 Precision K(f) Short/Open, 40 GHz 2000-1031 Portable Antenna, 50 Ohm, SMA (m), 1.85-1.99 GHz
28K50 Precision Termination, DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ohm, K(m) 2000-1032 Portable Antenna, 50 Ohm, SMA (m), 2.4-2.5 GHz
28KF50 Precision Termination, DC to 40 GHz, 50 Ohm, K(f) 2000-1034 Portable Antenna, 50 Ohm, SMA (m), 806-869 MHz
42N50-20 5W Attenuator, N(m) to N(f), 18 GHz 2000-1035 Portable Antenna, 50 Ohm, SMA (m), 902-960 MHz
SM/STS Standard N(m) Short, 3.5 GHz
SM/PL Precision N(m) Load, 42 dB, 4.0 GHz
SM/PLNF Precision N(f) Load, 42 dB, 4.0 GHz 2000-766 HP DeskJet Printer
28N50-2 Precision N(m) Load, 40 dB, 18 GHz Includes: Interface Cable, Black Print Cartridge, and US
28NF50-2 Precision N(f) Load, 40 dB, 18 GHz Power Cable
2000-767 Precision Open/Short/Load, 7/16 (m), 3.5 GHz 2000-753 Spare Serial-to-Parallel Converter Cable
2000-768 Precision Open/Short/Load, 7/16 (f), 3.5 GHz 2000-661 Black Print Cartridge
15NN50-1.5A Test Port Cable Armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(m), 3.5 GHz 2000-662 Rechargeable Battery for DeskJet Printer
15NN50-3.0A Test Port Cable Armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(m), 3.5 GHz 2000-663 Power Cable (Europe) for DeskJet Printer
15NN50-5.0A Test Port Cable Armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(m), 3.5 GHz 2000-664 Power Cable (Australia) for DeskJet Printer
15NNF50-1.5A Test Port Cable Armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(f), 3.5 GHz 2000-665 Power Cable (U.K.) for DeskJet Printer
15NNF50-3.0A Test Port Cable Armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 3.5 GHz 2000-667 Power Cable (So. Africa) for DeskJet Printer
15NNF50-5.0A Test Port Cable Armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 3.5 GHz 2000-1008 Seiko DPU-414-30B Thermal Printer (120VAC)
15ND50-1.5A Test Port Cable Armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to 7/16 DIN(m), 3.5 GHz Includes: Internal Battery, Thermal Printer Paper,
15NDF50-1.5A Test Port Cable Armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to 7/16 DIN(f), 3.5 GHz Serial Cable, U.S. Power Cable
15NNF50-1.5B Test Port Cable Armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(f), 20 GHz 2000-761 Seiko DPU-414-30B Thermal Printer (220VAC)
15NNF50-1.5C Test Port Cable Armored, 1.5 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz Includes: Internal Battery, Thermal Printer Paper,
15NNF50-3.0C Test Port Cable Armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz Serial Cable, Euro Power Cable
15NNF50-3.0C Test Port Cable Armored, 3.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz 2000-1002 Spare Serial 9 pin (male) to 9 pin (female) cable
15NNF50-5.0C Test Port Cable Armored, 5.0 meter, N(m) to N(f), 6 GHz (for Seiko DPU-414-30B)
15KKF50-1.5B Test Port Cable Armored, 1.5 meter, K(m) to K(f), 20 GHz 2000-755 Five (5) rolls of Thermal Paper
510-96 Adapter 7/16 DIN (m) to 7/16 DIN (m), 3.5 GHz
800-109 Detector Extender Cable, 7.6 m (25 ft.)
800-110 Detector Extender Cable,15.2 m (50 ft.)
800-111 Detector Extender Cable, 30.5 m (100 ft.)
800-112 Detector Extender Cable, 61 m (200 ft.)
1091-26 Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ohm, N(m) to SMA(m)
1091-27 Adapter, DC to 18 GHz, 50 Ohm, N(m) to SMA(f)
1091-80 Adapter N(f) to SMA(m), 18 GHz
1091-81 Adapter N(f) to SMA(f), 18 GHz
1091-172 Adapter, DC to 1.3 GHz, 50 Ohm, N(m) to BNC(f)
34NN50A Precision N(m) to N(m) Adapter, 18 GHz
34NFNF50 Precision N(f) to N(f) Adapter, 18 GHz
34RKNF50 Precision Ruggedized K(m) to N(f) Adapter, 20 GHz
Compatible printers include battery powered Seiko models
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
(pictured) and Deskjet models. A serial (null modem) cable
All trademarks are registered trademarks of their respective companies. is required for the serial printers. A serial to parallel interface
cable is required for the Deskjet parallel printers.

Sales Centers: Sales Centers:

United States (800) ANRITSU Europe 44 (01582) 433200
Canada (800) ANRITSU Microwave Measurements Division • 490 Jarvis Drive • Morgan Hill, CA 95037-2809 Japan 81 (03) 3446-1111
South America 55 (21) 286-9141 • FAX (408) 778-0239 Asia-Pacific 65-2822400
Printed in USA 11410-00225
April 2000; Rev: C DS Site Master / GIP-E
Data subject to change without notice

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