AI ML Workshop

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About the Department (NIRF) 2019. The institute offers B.Tech, M.

Dual Degree and Ph.D. programs in various disciplines
The Department of Computer Science and Engi-
of Engineering, Humanities and Sciences.
neering at the National Institute of Technology Hamir-
pur was established in 1989. The mission of the De- The Institute provides Undergraduate, Postgradu-
partment is to impart high quality graduate and un- ate and Doctorate programs in Engineering, basic Sci-
dergraduate education and carry out leading edge re- ences & Humanities; fostering the spirit of national in- DST Sponsored Three days Workshop
search in various disciplines of Computer Science & En- tegration among the students, a close interaction with on
industry and a strong emphasis on research, both basic
gineering. The Department offers B.Tech, M.Tech and “Advances in Artificial Intelligence
and applied. For more detail please visit:
Dual-Degree programs. The Department also offers and Machine Learning”
Ph.D. programs on Cloud Computing, Machine Learn-
10th to 12th August 2019
ing, Computer Vision, Network Security, Wireless Sen-
Chief Patron
sor Networks and various other domains of Computer Important Dates
Science. The Department is actively involved in orga- Prof. Chandra Shakher
• Application Notification: July 10, 2019.
nizing various technical events, expert talks and work- (Chief Patron, BOG)
shops for all round development of its students and • Last Date for Application: August 05, 2019 Patron
faculty members. The Three Days National level work- Prof. Vinod Yadava
• Commencement of Workshop: August 10,2019
shop on “Advances in Artificial Intelligence & Machine (Director, NITH)
Learning (AI-ML 2K19)” is primarily sponsored by the Chairperson
Contact details
Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical System (ICPS) divi- Dr. Kamlesh Dutta
sion of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Dr. Basant Subba (HoD, Dept. of CSE, NITH)
Govt. of India. AI-ML 2019 Coordinator Coordinators
Assistant Professor Dr. Basant Subba
About Institution Dept. of CSE, NIT Hamirpur Dr. Prakash Choudhary
The National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
Mobile: +91 9085371389
(NITH) is an institute of National importance. The
institute came into existence in 1986 as Regional En-
gineering College, Hamirpur in Hamirpur, Himachal Dr. Prakash Choudhary
Pradesh, India. It was a joint enterprise of the Gov- AI-ML 2019 Coordinator
ernment of India and the Government of Himachal Assistant Professor
Pradesh. On 26th June 2002, the institute was Dept. of CSE, NIT Hamirpur
awarded the status of deemed university and upgraded Organized by
Department of Computer Science & Engineering
into a National Institute of Technology. NIT Hamir- Mobile: +91 9982114196
National Institute of Technology Hamirpur
pur was ranked 60 in the Engineering domain in
H. P. , Hamirpur - 177005
MHRD’s National Institutional Ranking Framework
About the AI-ML Workshop Machine Learning technologies for various domains • Participants should bring their own laptops.
such as Network Security, Computer Vision, Speech
The Department of Computer Science and En- • Travelling allowance of upto Rs. 2500 per partici-
Processing etc. The hands on session of the worshop
gineering at the National Institute of Technology pant for attending the workshop.
will cover the following topics:
Hamirpur is organizing a three days National level
workshop on “Advances on Artificial Intelligence How to Reach
and Machine learning” (AI-ML workshop) from • Application of AI & ML tools to build and
Road Link The campus is situated at Anu in
10th - 12th August 2019. The workshop is tech- evaluate predictors.
Hamirpur district of Himachal Pradesh and is 3 Kms
nically supported and sponsored by ICPS divison • Application of ML algorithms like Logistic
from main bus stand of Hamirpur on (NH-70). The
of Department of Science and Technology (DST), Regression, k-Nearest neighbours, SVMs,
city of Hamirpur is well connected with the rest of the
Govt. of India. Distinguished academicians, faculty Decision Trees, Neural Networks, Ensemble
country by road. Hamirpur is at a distance of about
members, research scholars, undergradute and gradu- methods etc. to search for patterns in data.
480 Kms from Delhi.
ate students are invited to participate in the workshop. • Data cleaning and preprocessing.
• Dimensionality reduction techniques
Rail Link Nearest broad gauge train head is at
namely PCA and auto-encoder
The workshop will cover both introductory as Una (Himachal Pradesh), at a distance of 80 Kms
• Application of CNNs for computer vision
well as advance topics on Artificial Intelligence & Ma- from Hamirpur. Una is well linked to all parts of
chine learnine and discuss their appications across wide India and journey is of nine hours from Old Delhi
• Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
range of domains. Eminent speakers from academia Railway Station. Taxi/Bus services are available from
and Auto Encoders
and industries will deliver keynote lectures in the work- Hamirpur to Una. To find details about train ser-
• Modeling and deployment of AI and ML
shop. The workshop will also have practical demon- vice from different cities towards Una, visit http:
based applications in real time
stration and hands on sessions on live Machine Learn- //
ing projects for the participants. More details about
the workshop can be obtained using the following URL: Nearest Airport
General Information
• Maximum Number of participants allowed: 50 • Gaggal (Dharamshala) about 85 Kms from Hamir-
(First Come First Serve basis) pur.
• Registration Fee: Nil • Chandigarh about 220 Kms from Hamirpur.
The primariry objective of the AI-ML workshop is
to provide participants with understandings of various • Free accommodation in the campus hostels.
methodologies, techniques and tools related to Artifi- How To Apply
• Free breakfast, lunch, evening snacks & dinner will
cial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The AI-ML
be provided to the participants during the work- Interested candidates can apply by filling the google
workshop will bring together experts from various do-
shop. form available in the link given below: https://
mains to explore the current state of the art applica-
tions in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, • Rs 1000 as caution money for the registration (*re-
approaches for developing Artificial Intelligence and fundable after the workshop)

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