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Hardware Implementation of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms using FPGA:

A Hands-On Approach
(Under the KARYASHALA Scheme - A SERB initiative)
Jointly Organized by
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering & Department of Computer Applications
National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli
05th – 11th December 2022

About The Institute:

National Institute of Technology (formerly known as Regional Engineering College) Tiruchirappalli is one among the premier Institutions of
India and is well known for its high standards in teaching and research. It offers 10 undergraduate and 23 postgraduate programs in disciplines
spanning engineering, science, architecture, and management. It has been declared as an Institute of National Importance by the Government
of India under NIT Act. NIT Tiruchirappalli retained its No. 1 position among all NITs, 6th year in a row in the “India Rankings 2021” re-
leased by NIRF. The Institute has signed MoUs with various Industries and Institutions both in India as well as in abroad to promote collabora-
tive research and consultancy.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering:
The Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) Department was established in the year 1968. The department offers Undergraduate
(UG), Postgraduate (PG), M.S. (By Research) and Ph.D. degree programs that provide students with the knowledge and tools they need to
succeed in the Electronics and Communication Engineering. Research in the department focuses on high-impact various disciplines: Commu-
nication systems, Wireless networks, Signal and Image Processing, RF MEMS and MIC, Microwave antennas, Optical communication and
Photonics, VLSI technologies.
Department of Computer Applications (CA)
The Department of Computer Applications is one of the pioneering departments of the institution that offers Information Technology courses
including MCA, M.Sc. Computer Science, and M. Tech. Data Analytics. It is dedicated to the mission of inculcating value-based, socially
committed professionalism to the cause of overall development of students and society.
About the Programme:
Machine learning has emerged to be a key approach to solving complex cognition and learning problems. Deep neural networks, i n particular,
have become pervasive due to their successes across a variety of applications, including computer vision, speech recognition, natural language
processing, etc. While machine learning algorithms deliver impressive accuracy on many deployment scenarios, the complexity of the algo-
rithms also poses a unique computational challenge to state-of-the-art hardware design. To this end, this workshop is designed to help students
come up to speed on various aspects of hardware for machine learning, including basics of deep learning, deep learning frameworks, hardware
accelerators, co-optimization of algorithms and hardware, training and inference, support for state-of-the-art deep learning networks.
Focus Areas:
 Machine Learning and its Applications  Parallel Processing Concepts & Optimization of Algorithms on
 Basics of FPGA Programming & ML Algorithms on FPGA FPGA
 Deep Learning and its Applications  Network on Chip, Signal Processing on FPGA
 Basic Deep Learning Algorithms on FPGA Image Processing Algorithms on FPGA
 Computing Convolutionals & Reducing Complexity, Hardware Accelerator for Machine Learning
 Computationally Efficient Deep Networks on FPGA Hardware Design Flow, Software Design Flow using Vitis

Target Audience: Research scholar s, PG Students

Resource Persons: The course faculty includes r esour ce persons fr om IITs, NITs, Cor eel and Xilinx.
The number of participants is restricted to 25.
Timing: 09.30 AM - 12.30 PM & 02.00 PM - 5.00 PM
There is no Registration Fee, TA will be given as per government norms, Free Food & Accommodation

How to apply:
1. The applicant should fill the online form to apply using the link :
2. The applicants must produce a letter of authentication from their Supervisor/HoD/Head of Institute indicating their association with institute
and “No Objection Certificate (NOC)” for allowing their student to undergo karyashala, if selected.
The last date to apply is 10th November 2022.

Dr. Varun P. Gopi, Assistant Professor Grade-I Dr. G. Lakshminarayanan, Professor
Department of ECE, NIT Tiruchirappalli Department of ECE, NIT Tiruchirappalli
Dr. G. R. Gangadharan, Associate Professor
Department of Computer Applications, NIT Tiruchirappalli
Address for Communication:
Coordinator, Karyashala High end workshop, Department of ECE, NIT Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu –620015, Mob: 9633641477, Email: kar-

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