CleanMiddleEast SpecialSupplement CarWash CarCare2015
CleanMiddleEast SpecialSupplement CarWash CarCare2015
CleanMiddleEast SpecialSupplement CarWash CarCare2015
entry in the region. From 2 – 4 November,
regional and international players from the car Diary
wash and car care industry will be in Dubai
to witness and experience the best-in-class
products, solutions and technologies being exhibited at the show 11 Viewpoint
from around the globe. Over 2000 visitors from 14 countries have
already registered to attend the show.
The Gulf Car Wash – Car Care Expo has 30 exhibitors from 12 Cover Story
around the globe who will be showcasing some of the latest
products and innovations in the car washing industry. Again, the
one-day Conference has an impressive line-up of speakers. The
best thing about attending an event of this nature is that you
16 Interview
will surely get the opportunity to meet, network and benefit from
numerous business opportunities.
18 Windshield
This edition of car wash and car care supplement of Clean Middle Rock Chip
East magazine is going to press just before MECTW, so has special
information on the event and exhibitors at the show, plus some
very interesting features on rail maintenance, water recycling Show Preview
technologies, windshield rock chip repair and much more. Enjoy
reading this special edition and don’t miss the opportunity to attend 20 Focus
the brand new car wash and car care show in Dubai this November!
Swaliha Shanavas
22 22 Show Preview
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Imdaad awards fleet maintenance contract to Emirates Transport
UAE Ministry of Environment and Water, Emirates Transport discuss implementation of UAE
Green Growth Strategy
The UAE Ministry
of Environment and
Water (MoEW) had
recently received at its
headquarters in Dubai
a delegation from
Emirates Transport
to activate a new
MoU between the two
parties. The session
included discussion
and follow-up on the
implementation of the Emirates Transport Department; Eng. Essa Al included Adel Moussa
UAE Green Growth can contribute to the Hashmi, Director of Green Hussein, Assistant Director
Strategy which aims Ministry’s initiatives on Development Department; - Sites Management
to drive sustainable the air quality index and Ahmed Al-Bairaq, Assistant Centre; Saif Al Naqbi,
development in line sustainable treatment Expert; and Tomo Mashiba, Acting Director - Corporate
with UAE Vision 2021 of total generated Specialist – Sustainability Communications; and
and support the waste. The latter can Policies represented the Romy Mansoor,
national indicators support the Ministry’s Ministry. The Emirates Specialist – Quality
of the Ministry’s efforts to reduce Transport delegation Control and Assurance.
operational and waste production and
strategic plan. enhance the quality of
air by improving and
The two parties implementing the best
discussed practices in the use of
various stages of its vehicles and buses.
implementation of the
Strategy in accordance Emirates Transport
with the suggestions agreed to shift to green
issued by the Emirates fuel from gasoline
Green Growth Council. or diesel in order to
In addition, they reduce gas emissions
deliberated about and improve air quality.
the establishment The discussion also
of a committee to elaborated on the need
implement related to adopt initiatives
initiatives such as aimed at encouraging
the National Energy recycling and waste
Efficiency and reduction across its
Conservation Program, UAE-wide workshops
Integrated Waste and stations.
Management, and
Sustainable Transport Engineer Yousef Al-
System as per a fixed Ahmad Al Rayssi,
time line. Director of Waste
Furthermore, both Department and Acting
parties discussed Director, Government
the ways in which Communication OCTOBER 2015 | CLEAN MIDDLE EAST - CAR WASH & CAR CARE SUPPLEMENT 7
Advertiser’s Content
+M/Suttner’s engineering injector is available in the nozzle 175 Foam&Clean is compatible
team always aims at size of 1,2 - 2,8 mm. The dosing with ST-164 where the type of
researching, developing is adjusted by one of the 8 nozzle chemical is selected.
and testing new solutions in inserts which are included in
order to steadily make car the consignment. Due to ST-175’s changeable air
washing more effective. injector nozzles the lance can be
The change-over lance ST- driven with all pressure washers
Designed for the cleaning of 175 Foam&Clean is the ideal with flow rates from 5 to 25 l/
cars in professional car washing accessory for Suttner’s foam min. Nozzles with integrated jet
with two chemical stages like injector line. The innovative former are required.
foaming, rinsing and waxing, the change-over technology allows
all new ST-164 easyfoam two to direct the full flow into either Partnered with Suttner’s patented
chemical injector with by pass one or the other outlet pipe just “Low Trigger Force” (“LTF”) spray
is introduced into the Middle by turning the hand wheel at guns the user benefits from very
East car wash market. The the inlet. In one position of the easy handling even in case of
foam device is a combination hand wheel the flow is directed long high pressure applications.
made out of stainless steel through a ST-75 foam head for The “LTF” system guarantees
and special high performance foaming. After changing over the 40% reduced trigger force and
plastics. The addition of one out full flow is directed through the 90% reduced holding force in
of two connected chemicals is other pipe and a regular spray comparison to usual market
determined by positioning the nozzle for rinsing. guns.
New Product
Dr.Islam Mouaffaq Al Sibai
application process initiates polymers dissolve the dirt particles
aterless car wash the cross chain polymer linking on contact, lifting them from the
technology is a process that results in paint surface to protect from
technique used to wash an extremely shiny, highly scratching. Gently wipe off the dirt
a vehicle without the use of water. protective glaze finish. All this residue with a wet micro-fiber cloth.
This technique uses a product happens very rapidly due to the Then, buff the surface with a second
that contains many different balance of ingredients within the micro-fiber towel; it will result in a
ingredients, including wetting product itself. beautiful shiny finish and a highly
agents, lubricants and protectants. protective glaze making it harder for
The detergents and wetting agents The application process does not environmental fallout, hard water
in the product combine to soften involve high pressure or extensive spots and any other foreign debris
and emulsify surface grime, while rubbing. The application process to stick to it.
a specific blend of fluids and also does not require “soaking” –
lubricants attach a microscopic using a high volume of product. The technology of the waterless
layer of protectant to the surface. When used in compliance with its products has a 10 year history in
The protectant is often an “directions for use”, the vehicle the U.S. and has been thoroughly
extremely rare (and expensive) will shine and water will bead tested to make sure that it doesn’t
substance which provides a on it. The waterless car wash scratch the car paint. Did you
bonded layer of protection against products provide the ability to clean know? Washing your car using the
any remaining abrasive not broken without using soaps, buckets and traditional water/sponge method
down by the detergents and water hoses. can create “swirl marks” or spider
wetting agents. web like scratches on your car’s
According to the EPA, the average paint. In addition, the waterless
The protectant often contains person will waste 440 liters of water car wash products are safe for the
extensive cross linked polymers, while cleaning their car in their environment and safe for the people
which make it extremely effective driveway. The average stand-alone who use it. Further, it will not cause
as a car wax or glaze. The product “car wash” will use over 150 liters of any eye or skin rash, or breathing
often contains a complex mixture water per car. This is a lot of soapy disorder. You can safely clean your
of cleaning elements along with grey/contaminated water going car in a closed indoor area (garage)
the glaze ingredients. With proper down the storm drain and into the anytime, anywhere!
application, the product lifts dirt environment. It only takes 60-120
from the vehicle by emulsification. milliliters of the waterless car wash The author is the Managing
The product surrounds dirt to clean your car. Director of EvoWash. OCTOBER 2015 | CLEAN MIDDLE EAST - CAR WASH & CAR CARE SUPPLEMENT 11
So how many Metro trains/trams are in
operation at present? There are a total
of 79 Metro trains including 61 of them
operating on the ‘Red Line’ and 18 on the
‘Green Line’. And under the Dubai Tram
service there are 11 trams currently in
operation, says Abdulmohsin Ibrahim
Younis, Chief Executive Officer, Rail
Agency, RTA, Dubai.
ost of you might have The cleaning of Dubai Metro trains and
travelled by train at one time Trams are being managed by Serco,
or another. And the residents There are while the maintenance of Dubai Metro
of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as stringent trains is done by Serco and Dubai
well as those visiting the country might Trams are managed by Alstom, the
have had a taste of the Dubai Metro cleaning and CEO explains.
experience, or even travelled by the maintenance
more recently introduced Dubai Tram. Cleaning schedule
But have you ever wondered as to how schedules There are stringent cleaning and
this large fleet of gleaming and super for the met- maintenance schedules for the
clean trains and trams are cleaned metro train and tram, and there are
and maintained in the best possible ro train and critical aspects that help maintain the
condition all year round? Performing tram, and assets in perfect condition. One can
routine and periodical maintenance imagine the infrastructure facilities
on trains is an intricate and time there are and the amount of water required in
consuming process and the Chief critical as- maintaining this huge fleet, as well as
Executive Officer of the Rail Agency the difficulties involved as cleaning can
explain to us how they manage to do it. pects that be undertaken only at night when the
The challenge is to ensure that travel by help maintain metro service is stopped and the trains
metro not only serves its purpose, but move to the main Depot. The facility
also provides commuters a pleasant the assets in is equipped with advanced technology
experience. Thus stringent measures perfect condi- and equipment required for efficient
and quality standards are in place to cleaning and maintenance of the
ensure this objective is achieved. tion. trains/trams. OCTOBER 2015 | CLEAN MIDDLE EAST - CAR WASH & CAR CARE SUPPLEMENT 13
“The internal cleaning of the trains is challenges. But, of course, one has
being done at every terminal station to work through these challenges
during the revenue hours and then at and ensure the trains are in perfect
night after revenue hours, while the condition at all times.
deep internal cleaning is being done
every 3 months. External cleaning of “The key challenge is that window
the trains is done every 3rd day and of time available to do all cleaning
depends on the condition of assets,” and maintenance activities within a
says Younis. Washing is being done short frame of time, and it is normally
depending on train exterior conditions at night after the operation hours,”
as well. Considering that this region Younis comments. To overcome these
is prone to dust, sand storms, etc,
it sometimes becomes essential to
clean them immediately based on the The facility uses eco-friendly washing procedures; a
prevailing conditions. major portion of the water used is recycled. In gen-
Water recycling eral, all the trains are washed through Automatic
The facility uses eco-friendly washing train wash machine every third day, which utilises
procedures as a major portion of the
water used is recycled. In general, all the
80% of the recycled water for each train wash.
trains are washed through Automatic
train wash machine every 3rd day, challenges, he says, the Operation and
which utilises 80% of the recycled water Maintenance for Dubai Metro trains
for each train wash. “The Train Wash are being managed by Serco adopting
Plant system which is custom designed world class standards and practices
to cater include oscillating piping as well as stringent quality procedures.
machines for pressurised water spray Similarly, the same operator (Serco) is
and allowing uniform distribution on all being used for all cleaning activities,
parts of the equipment to be washed in and maintenance is being done by
a controlled manner,” notes the CEO. Alstom for Dubai Trams.
Periodic maintenance and safety
The Rail Maintenance Department’s
primary responsibility is to monitor,
supervise, and audit all maintenance
activities on Metro/Tram assets
(including the track) to ensure achieving
high reliability and performance. OCTOBER 2015 | CLEAN MIDDLE EAST - CAR WASH & CAR CARE SUPPLEMENT 15
Tell us about the car lubricants various reasons, one of which is the ENOC, today, owns and
industry. availability of raw material, which operates the biggest lubricants
The UAE produces close to 1.5 comes from Europe, South East manufacturing plant in the Middle
million metric tonnes of finished Asia and Saudi Arabia. Hence, UAE East & Africa, which is located in
lubricants are produced here in has become a hub for meeting both Fujairah. We commissioned this
a year, and we only use close to technology partners and suppliers. plant 5 years ago and it is currently
200,000 metric tonnes, while we running at near full capacity.
export around 1.3 million metric How is ENOC positioned in this We are now looking at the next
tonnes from the UAE. The UAE has market? 10 years - our strategy and the
the biggest business in the region, With the aspiration to become a directive from the management
and our destinations usually cover truly international brand in both is that in order to push ENOC to
a lot of sales in Africa, South East production and marketing, ENOC become a truly international brand
Asia, the Middle East, GCC and today offers a full solution for the in overseas markets, we need
CIS subcontinent. industry from product development to also excel in our production
to production, marketing, sales and strategy. Hence, we have adopted
The importance of this business distribution. We have a full cycle and a production strategy of owning
also ensures that most of the a dedicated team that looks after and operating our own plants not
manufacturing plants in the UAE aftersales services and take care of only in the UAE but in overseas
are operating at a decent capacity; all customer support requirements. markets as well. The near future
they are probably crossing the will see the execution of
70 per cent mark in terms of the ENOC started 15 years ago, and this strategy.
utilisation of capacity, which is we have covered a lot of distance
considered to be very high. We say in terms of our reach. We have But, to start with, if you are not
this because the complexity and covered 60 countries in 15 years – strong in your home country, it
production will basically specify which no company has achieved, in is difficult to do so somewhere
the adequacy or right utilisation for our opinion. We have a combination else. So, having utilised our first
these plants. Moreover, this is not of production and sales in plant well, we have realised that
only production; it is also service. these countries, mostly through we need a backup plant for our
It means that customers will come distribution. Today ENOC is the business in the UAE. We have lots
to the UAE to select a regional fastest growing company in of clients that we would like to
manufacturer. This happens for the Middle East. continue to serve.
Tell us about the manufacturing Tell us about your products. How used in various applications, the
facility you have recently started does sustainability play a role business will definitely grow much
The first plant we commissioned here? faster, in the sense that we will
five years ago has a capacity Our philosophy and product offering be able to tell our clients what is
of 250,000 metric tonnes. Our is a bit different from other players safe for them. Unfortunately, this
most recent plant is a smaller in the market. Our philosophy is awareness is still not there. And that
facility that was commissioned based on complete knowledge permits other companies to use
on June 1, 2015. When it comes of our clients. Since we operate and promote low quality, recycled,
to technology, the utilities that we in 60 countries we have tailor- unapproved and unsafe ingredients.
have here are very much in line made products to suit different This is a problem and we as ENOC
with international standards. We environments, different applications have initiated talks to combat and
have a full-fledged automated and so on. We use virgin base oils, basically protect our industry in the
blending system, six filling lines best-in-class in the industry and UAE from counterfeit, low-quality
in the plant, base oil and additive approved additive packages for our or obsolete products. We try to put
tanks facilities along with a well- business. Our network includes controls on both production and
equipped laboratory to look after well-known international suppliers. marketing of lubricants in the UAE
the quality management and so we are also protecting the good
quality checks. Moreover, we have What makes a difference in ENOC reputation that this industry has in
a logistics team that takes care is its SKUs – around 870 compared the UAE.
of loading, unloading, dispatching to others that may have just 300-
and all other requirements. 400. We also initiated the first Do you have any consumer
low-emission products in the targeted programmes to build
Do you have sustainability region that are tailored for use in awareness?
practices within the high tech engines. Apart from this We make the consumer aware
manufacturing facility? market, there is great demand for through presentations in the
We try to adopt the green drive in these products in South East Asia international markets. Moreover,
everything we do. For example, like Singapore, Malaysia, etc., and we have around 3,000 hours of
we try to use energy conserving also in Central Europe, CIS. UAE training that we offer to consumers
tools – through even the bulbs is always ahead of the game in and distributors. We try to focus on
used in the factory, by converting environmental protection with eco- transfer of knowledge from ENOC
diesel forklifts into electric ones, friendly products. to the consumers. In our awareness
etc. It’s not an easy task when it programmes we place a lot of
comes to manufacturing because What are the challenges in the emphasis on green products and
of the amount of power we lubricants industry? quality. I hope that with time the
require to do this, but we try to do Consumer awareness is a big consumers will become aware.
as much as we can to contribute challenge. If consumer awareness
in this initiative. is high regarding products to be What plans does ENOC have for the
Our future plan is to ensure
that ENOC stands as a truly
international brand in line with all
the known brands in the world.
Moreover, we aim to reach every
consumer. We want consumers
to see the value that we present,
and the difference we offer from all
other similar players. Our marketing
slogan is to touch the world and we
would love to be there at one point
in time. Our limit is not just the
60 countries we are present in
but to grow much beyond that
not just selling lubricants but also
Windshield Rock Chip Repair
When we really get honest with ourselves are we getting what we are
aiming for? Are we really getting an edge over the competition? Are
we really peaking the interest of our clients? Are we instilling loyalty
with our clients by providing something of value? Are we really doing
anything that is financially meaningful to our businesses?
Here are a few of the things we looked at to see if the windshield repair service was a fit for our carwash:
• How many cars had windshield damage? - 1/7 cars had windshield damage
• How easy was it to learn? - 1 day of training and a technician could be proficient at small chip repair
• What was the cost of the service? - Roughly $1/repair product
• What was the cost to the customer? - No cost with insurance coverage or $50 for chip repair
• Did people need/want the service? - People needed their chips repaired, but many people didn’t know the small
chips could be fixed before the windshield cracks out.
• How long did a repair take? - Since the service only took 15 minutes, the windshield could be repaired while the
inside of the car was cleaned.
Windshield repair is not a fad in the industry. It is a proven, lasting and substantially profitable service that is
constantly in high-demand from the general public. In 2011 we did $500,000 in chip repair out of our 5 wash
locations. That might seem crazy, but it’s true and when wash operators do it right, they can really make an
impact on their business with glass repair. As long as there are cars, roads and road construction we will
have rock chips to repair and customers to serve.
Tips to Start:
1. Decide whether windshield repair fits for you and your customer:
Average capture rate for windshield repair at a Full or Flex Service carwash is between 4% to 5% (using a
daily car count of 200 cars and an average price of $50, that’s nearly $500 extra a day or $12,500 a month).
2. Purchase quality equipment with integrated training. Focus on your core competency at the wash and
your glass techs should have all tools they need to succeed. Just like the wash tunnel equipment, the price
for systems can vary, as does quality and support, so be sure to team up with a windshield repair equipment
company with all tools you need to scale and recertify your technicians on the ROLAGS/NWRA standards.
3. Commit. Whether you have a full time repair technician or just a sign on the wand of bay instructing
customer to “text for a repair”. Commit to your customer through education, marketing, consistency and
even a free wash with repair if you’d like. Who wouldn’t give up a dollar of wash costs for a $50 dollar sale?
Commit to your staff through financial incentives, competitions and accountability. If you can help the sales
force have a mindset of “If I don’t offer chip repair service, I’m doing the customer a disservice because all
chips break,” it will be easier to help them seek for breaks and offer the service.
Repairs will still be visible, but the break will not “run” out and turn into a crack that requires replacement.
Windshield repair worked for our wash and can work in just about any wash environment with a little
guidance and focus on helping the customer. Start looking for rock chips driving through your washes.
Ask a few customers if they would like it if you offered the repair service. It’s not hard. We did it. You can.
Research your options, there are resources out there to help you build a stronger brand and add profit to
eclaiming or reusing water in carwash and options to achieve the are trying to accomplish has an
the carwash industry often water quality goals. impact on the approach to the
gets bad press because of process and design.
misconceptions in the technology Keep these points in mind as you
and the process. The most read through this article: The Water
common complaint from wash • Look at the recovery and re-use Carwash Process Water is unique
owners and their customers is the of carwash water as a “process”. in that it will be different in each
quality of the water. Typical reclaim There are different technologies location. Generally what is in the
systems include underground that will be applied depending on water is similar in all Professional
settling tanks and either an the conditions of the feed water washes, how much of each is the
automatic backwashing filter or a and the quality of the process water problem. Environmental differences,
Centrifugal separator system. In desired. owner’s preference to soaps/
centrifugal separation, centrifugal • Each carwash is “different”. conditioners, and feed water quality
force is used to separate solids Many factors go into the design of a are some of the reasons they are
from the liquid stream. Separators solution that works for each wash. different. An improperly installed or
are often used together with a filter Factors to consider in the design lack of maintenance of the settling
as a pre treatment to remove larger other than the feed conditions tank system further erodes the
particles from the water stream. or quality of water desired may quality of the water to reclaim.
Automatic Backwashing Filters be space constraints, chemicals
are designed for applications that used, process flow, flow rates and The Process
need a constant quality of water; pressures to name a few. Understanding the design of the
delivering this style of filtration will • In some cases other carwash reclaim process helps
ensure that the quality of water technologies exist that can be to know the wash equipment and
will remain constant no matter applied to certain water quality how it operates. Differences in the
what type of particles are passed problems. For the purpose of this wash equipment and the quality of
through the filter. article we have limited them to the water that can be used in each step
equipment discussed below. of the wash will help in designing
These systems were designed to • Don’t be intimidated! The re-use a balanced and efficient system.
reduce total suspended solids. The and reclaim of water may seem In addition, you will also want to
treated water is then re-used in the difficult, however the process consider other uses of the water
initial wash cycles in the process is simple. at the carwash. Chemical mixing,
with no harm to the cars being irrigation, and facility maintenance
washed or downstream equipment. Know the problem can have an impact on options
The water however is still visibly Know the problem. Identify what in the design and use for the
dirty and contains oils/ detergents/ you want to achieve with your reclaimed water.
dissolved solids and other reclaim process. Maybe you have
contaminants making the water usage restrictions or discharge The filtration process to reclaim
unusable or undesirable in the rest issues, or rising water and carwash water starts at the floor
of the wash process. sewage costs. Maybe you drains or drainage system prior to
are not happy with the water the settling tanks. This is where
The truth is most process water can quality, or you have downstream large debris is captured and
be treated and re-used. It’s knowing equipment maintenance issues. removed prior to discharge to the
what is “in” the water and how to The importance here is that underground settling tanks. These
get it out. Different technologies there are different levels of water tanks rely on gravity and naturally
exist for reclaiming and re-using treatment depending on the occurring biological activity and
process water. This article will help usage or discharge. Whatever the improve the water to be reclaimed.
in understanding reclaim water in a reasons, understanding what you Proper tank maintenance goes
a long way to achieving the best underlying difference being that the from a carwash is the expectation
results in recovering and reusing separator relies on specific gravity from the system. This is important
water at a carwash. It helps to to remove particles from the reclaim in determining the technologies
regulate what is going into the rest stream while the other system uses to apply. Another important note
of the reclaim process and should a filter to remove the particles. When to review is the quantity and
be periodically pumped to maintain using a separator, some larger ingredients of the soaps, detergents,
performance. lighter particles may pass through and protectants used in the wash.
the system while the filter would All this adds to the water to be
Volumes can be written about the catch all particles 25 microns or treated. The benefits of reclaiming
design on the drainage and tanks, larger. These are the two most water range from the reduction
but we will leave that for another popular methods of recovering of fresh water required into the
discussion and jump to the process water in the vehicle wash industry. carwash, cost of water and sewer,
and equipment used in reclaiming and perception about the wash
water. The design of the reclaim Conclusion and water quality. Environmentally,
process can be decided based on As mentioned earlier, there are you play an important part in con-
customer preference on the water other technologies that can be serving water for future generations.
quality at each application of the applied in treating the water in the
carwash. Depending on these Carwash Process. The equipment Stan Royal is a principal of Con-
factors, appropriate technologies described above best illustrates the Serv Manufacturing. Located in
applied in the proper sequence will technologies required to take the Lakeland, Florida, the company
be needed to meet the criteria. leaps in water quality desired. These has been developing leading-edge
technologies have been around for water reclaim and reuse technology
The Technologies years and have proven effective for over 30 years. Concentrating on
There are many technologies that in treating many types of process the car wash industry, the company
can be applied in the recovery and water. Since locations and feed has pioneered durable and cost
re-use of carwash water. Each water characteristics differ, so does effective equipment for the reuse
technology has pros and cons to the process flow and equipment of car wash water. The principals
their use and some can even be used to treat the water from Wash of Con-Serv Manufacturing Dwight
applied at different stages in the to Wash. Royal and Stan Royal have been
process. committed to assembling superior
Starting down the road to Reclaim solutions for the water problems of
A brief overview of some of the and Re-use of the process water the car wash industry.
equipment (technology) applied
in the carwash water reclaim Typical Tank Dimensions
process follows. Other choices Notes for SUCTION LINES: For all standard filtration systems we strongly recommend two SCH 80 PVC 2" pipe fittings. Lines should
be approximately 16" off the tank floor and plumbed to the recovery unit using the most direct route and avoiding as many 90 degree
in technologies exist, and can be turns as possible. Pipe fittings should be cleaned and secured together using only the SCH 80 PVC recommended cleaner and
adhesive. Use the standard stub up drawing to have the pipe protrude through the slab at the appropriate position on the recovery
addressed in the design. equipment. (See plumbing Stub Up)
- Automatic Backwashing Filters
or Particle Separators – Used to
reduce suspended solids in the
water, Automatic backwashing
systems typically remove solids
down to 25 microns and can be
used in the initial stages of the
wash. Washes have traditionally
used this water for presoak, tire,
undercarriage and high pressure
functions. Although the sediment
has been reduced in size down
to 25 microns the appearance
of the water is a darker grey. * Note for THREE INCH (3") OPTION EQUIPMENT: For all optional high volume systems
with 3" plumbing, be sure to substitute three inch (3") SCH 80 suction lines for the two
Separator systems will clean the standard 2" lines that are normally shown in most filtration drawings. We STRONGLY
water to the 50-75 micron range recommend 3" option equipment to be used in applications where demand for reclaimed
water is going to be above 70 GPM.
allowing the water to be used in the
above mentioned functions. The OCTOBER 2015 | CLEAN MIDDLE EAST - CAR WASH & CAR CARE SUPPLEMENT 21
Show Preview
BKF Carwash ( Booth : CW 117 )
BKF Carwash specialises in vehicle cleaning systems, with particular emphasis on
self-serve washing. The company manufactures self-service carwashes and has
successfully implemented the idea of professional self-service carwash solution to
several new markets like Russia, Belarus, Baltic Countries and others. The company will
exhibit its four stand self-service carwash. OCTOBER 2015 | CLEAN MIDDLE EAST - CAR WASH & CAR CARE SUPPLEMENT 23
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Leuco S.p.a. ( Booth : CW 76 )
Hawk is a Leuco S.p.A. brand that is well known for its high quality high-pressure
plunger pumps and accessories for industrial pressure washing and technology. Hawk
pumps and accessories are used in a variety of applications: Pressure washers (hot
and cold water) to clean motor vehicles, industrial machinery, boats, aircrafts, etc; Fixed
installations, equipment and fixtures, car wash tunnels, drive-through wash systems,
self-service car wash bays, etc. The company will be displaying their range of pumps
and pressure regulating valves at the exhibition. OCTOBER 2015 | CLEAN MIDDLE EAST - CAR WASH & CAR CARE SUPPLEMENT 25
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Handling with care
Supporting Associations
Maharashtra Societies
Welfare Association
Maharashtra State
Road Transport Corporation
Made in Germany
50 years of full experience
A spa for
your car!
Our bypass
- more performance
- more durability
- more ergonomics
More performance, more durability, more ergonomics – not only the product,
our engineering team always aims at searching for, but basically the combination of the unit, equipment and its
developing and testing new solutions in order to steadily user.
make high pressure cleaning more effective. Benefit from our high quality accessories and spare parts
One thing for sure – that‘s quite a tough task! Therefore, „Made in Germany“!
scores of prototypes are produced at Suttner every year.
They are extensively tried out in our test rooms and also in You can rely on us. We are aware of your requirements –
practice before going into series. after all, it is precisely in these that we perceive the key to
Components and accessories for the cleaning industry our success.
„Made in Germany“ definitely setting a standard
have been developed at our production site nearby
Bielefeld for 50 years now.
Our philosophy is comprehensive and our maxim the
„perfect setup“: our production is based on the careful
utilization of resources and sustainability.
When having a new technology the most important thing is