Lab 4 Logic Gate (Lab Report)
Lab 4 Logic Gate (Lab Report)
Lab 4 Logic Gate (Lab Report)
1. Using LEDs, switches and +5 Volts power supply verify the truth table of one of the
Hex Inverters of the TTL SN74LS04 IC. Fill the beneath associated truth table.
Inputs Output
Use H for High, and L for Low to fill the above table
Inputs Output
Use H for High, and L for Low to fill the above table
The exclusive-OR operation is a combinational function that is more complex than the
fundamental AND, OR and Invert operations. Fig. 1 and 2 show two possible
implementations of the exclusive-OR circuit. Use the definition of the basic gates to develop
the truth table for an exclusive-OR. Build the circuit in Fig. 1 and experimentally verify the
truth table. Repeat these steps for the circuit in Fig. 2.
Inputs Output
Use 1 for High, and 0 for Low to fill the above table
Use 1 for High, and 0 for Low to fill the above table