Mini Project - Cold Storage Case Study
Mini Project - Cold Storage Case Study
Mini Project - Cold Storage Case Study
Project Report
Table of Contents
2 Assumptions .................................................................................................................................... 3
4 Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 5
The objective of the report is to explore the cold storage data set (“Cold
Storage Case Study”) in R and generate insights about the data set. This
exploration report will consists of the following:
2. Assumptions
Use this section to install necessary packages and invoke associated libraries.
Having all the packages at the same places increases code readability.
The given dataset is in .csv format. Hence, the command ‘read.csv’ is used for
importing the file.
No need was seen of transforming any variable, few new variables were
created for better understanding of the data, and presenting the results.
4. Conclusion
# Importing data
mydata = read.csv("Cold_Storage_Temp_Data (1).csv", header = TRUE)
#By attaching you can call variables directly (you could avoid using $)
#Analyzing/Summary data
#Exploratory Data Analysis#
# Question 1
#Mean cold storage temperature for Summer, Winter and Rainy Season
#Creating a data frame for same
ATemp = aggregate(Temperature,
#Viewing dataframe
#Calling function
#Question 2
#Overall mean for the full year
#Created a variable to store the mean temperature for full year
meantemp = mean(Temperature)
#Question 3
#Question 4
#probability of temperature having fallen below 2 deg C
probtemp = pnorm(2,
#Question 5
#probability of temperature having gone above 4 deg C
probtemp2 = pnorm(4,
lower.tail = FALSE)
#Question 6
#To calculate penalty for the AMC Company
P = probtemp + probtemp2
**The End**