Project Report PDF
Project Report PDF
Project Report PDF
Vompolu Sai Tanuj
Table of Contents
1. Project Objective
2. Exploration of dataset
a. Setting up the environment and importing the data
i. Calling out required libraries that will be used in the R
ii.Setting up the working directory
iii. Importing the dataset and reading the dataset in R
b. Variable Identification
c. Univariate Analysis
d. Bi-variate Analysis
e. Outlier Identification
f. Variable Transformation
g. Solutions to the questions asked
h. Conclusion
i. Appendix - A(Source Code)
1. Project Objective:
The major objective of the project is to get a detailed analysis
on the operations of Cold Storage Company after they have
outsourced their storage facility to TMC Company in 2018
for a year and give insights. It involves an analysis of the two
datasets Storage Data for the year 2018 and the Storage
data for March 2018. Along with the analysis, we need to
give answers for the questions asked as part of the project and
infer from the grievances of the customers to check whether
TMC company had a smooth operation or not.
iii. str() – This function prints out the type of variable, number of
elements or levels in that particular variable and print out some
of its variables.
iv. head() – This function gives out the top values of the Data
Frame when arranged in the default order. An additional
argument gives out number of top values to be printed. The
default is 6.
v. tail() – This function gives out the bottom values of the Data
Frame when arranged in the default order. An additional
argument gives out number of bottom values to be printed.
The default is 6.
vi. range() – This function gives out the range of Maximum and
Minimum value for numeric and integer variables.
1) The Data Frame Coldstorage has 360 rows and 4 columns.
2) The first (Season) and second (Month) columns of the Data
Frame contains Character variables with Factors.
3) The last two columns, Date and Temperature are numeric
in value.
4) The default order of the dataset is in ascending order starting
from the earliest date to the latest date, i.e. from January 1st
to December 31st
5) The variable season contains 3 factors, namely Summer,
Winter and Rainy.
6) According to the dataset, the year consists of 120 days of
Summer, 123 days of winter and 122 days of Rainy.
7) Over the year, the temperature ranged from 1.7 to 5.0
8) The number of days has minimum value of 1 and maximum
value of 31.
9) The year taken into consideration is not a leap year since it
has only 365 days.
c. Univariate Analysis:
We have to do analysis for three variables, i.e. Season, Month
and Temperature.
Season and Month are Categorical variables with Factors so
they can be analysed by using table () and Bar Graph.
The Numerical Variable Temperature be analysed using the
Histogram from ggplot2() and summary() function.
1) The February month has 28 days which means the year
taken into consideration in the dataset is not a leap year.
2) The three seasons are Summer, Winter and Rainy.
3) According to the dataset, highest number of days are in the
winter and the least number of days are in the summer.
4) The Mean temperature for the whole year is 2.963.
5) The Median temperature for the whole year is 2.900
6) The Maximum temperature attained is 5.0
7) The Minimum temperature attained is 1.7
8) When a Histogram is plotted for the variable Temperature,
the graph is a Left-Skewed graph with mean as 2.963.
9) The temperatures 5.0 and 1.7 are two extreme values which
appear away from the cluster of temperatures close to the
10) We can see that the distribution of the values on the
graph is a bell-shaped graph. It means the values follow a
Normal Distribution.
d. Bi-Variate Analysis:
The analysis must be done on the Temperature using the two
Categorical variables as factors. This can be achieved using
the Histogram() function from the Lattice library and
qplot(_) function from ggplot2. The code is as follows.
From the means of the three Seasons, we can see that the
Mean temperature for all the seasons were maintained in the
range of 2 to 4 Degrees. The Mean temperature in the
summer is the highest while the Mean temperature in the
winter is the lowest.
The Mean temperature in the Winter is 2.700813, Summer is
3.153333 and Rainy is 3.039344
From the above output, we can infer that the Mean
temperature maintained for the whole year is really close
to the Mean temperature of the Rainy Season (3.039344).
The mean temperature for the whole year is 2.96274.
3. Find Standard Deviation for the full year.
The Standard Deviation can be found out for the
temperature of the whole year using the function sd(_). This
code is as follows:
From the Standard deviation, we can infer that even though
the temperature values deviate by 0.508589 from the mean,
they still stay in the range of 2 to 4 degrees range.
The standard deviation for the temperature for the whole
year is 0.508589.
4. Assume Normal distribution, what is the
probability of temperature having fallen
below 2 degrees C?
To find the probability for this normal distribution, we need
to find the probability distribution for the value according to
the condition given. For finding the probability distribution
for below 2 Degrees, we find the value of the cumulative
probability for that value by using the pnorm(_) function
with the arguments, Value, Mean of the whole year
temperature and Standard Deviation of the whole year.
The code is as below:
As seen in the previous outputs, we can see that only few
values have been below 2 Degrees. This has been made
even clear with the probability distribution.
The probability distribution for the temperature being less
than 2 Degrees 0.02918146
5. Assume Normal distribution, what is the
probability of temperature having gone above
4 degrees C?
To find the probability for this normal distribution, we need
to find the probability distribution for the value according to
the condition given. For finding the probability distribution
for above 4 degrees, we find the cumulative probability
distribution for the value and find the inverse of that
probability since we need right side probability
distribution. For that we find the value using the pnorm()
function and find the inverse by subtracting the answer by 1.
The code is as follows:
As seen in the previous outputs, we can see that only few
values have been above 4 Degrees. This has been made
even clear with the probability distribution as around 2% is
very less.
The probability distribution for the temperature being more
than 4 Degrees 0.02070077
6. What will be the penalty for the AMC
The penalty rates will be the following percentages of the
Annual Maintenance Cost:
i. No Penalty – If the probability of temperatures crossing
the 2-4 degrees range is less than 2.5%.
ii. 10% Penalty – If the probability of temperatures crossing
the 2-4 degrees range is between 2% and 5%
iii. 25% Penalty – If the probability of temperatures crossing
the 2-4 degrees range is more than 5%
So the to calculate the probability of temperatures
crossing the range of 2-4 degrees will be the sum of the
probability of temperatures being below 2 Degrees and
the probability of temperatures being above 4 Degrees.
Since we have calculated both the probabilities,
we just have to add them, and judge the penalty
accordingly. This judgement of the penalty was
done by using if and if else loops. The code is as
Even though most of the Temperature values lied
between 2-4 Degrees, due to the some extreme
values such as 1.7, 5.0, etc., the probability of
crossing the temperature range increased.
The penalty incurred will 10% of AMC since the
probability of the temperature values crossing
the range of 2-4 degrees is 4.988223%.
Problem 2
In the above problem, we must determine whether the cold storage
plant was able to maintain the temperature below 3.9 Degrees so
that the dairy products don’t go sour. But since there have been
complaints from the Clients about the Dairy products getting sour,
we got the need to begin our analysis in the first place. So in the
according to the above scenario, we must assume our Null
Hypothesis (H0) will be that mean of the temperature for the
whole year will be equal to or below 3.9 Degrees. Accordingly our
Alternative Hypothesis (H1) will be the opposite of the Null
Hypothesis which is the mean temperature for the whole year is
more than 3.9.
H0 →µ = 3.9
H1 →µ > 3.9
Relevant Plots:
To get the Z.test graphs, we need to install and import an
additional library called “nhstplot”
zplot = plotztest(Z.stat,Mean.population,SD.population,90,tails = "one",th
eme = "blackandwhite")
zcplot = plotztest(Z.critical,Mean.population,SD.population,90,tails = "one
According to the Z-Test conducted, we saw that Z.Stat
(0.3361899) is greater than Z-Critical (1.281552). Since this
is a right-tailed test if our Z-Stat is less than the Z-Critical
value, we fail to reject (accept) the Null Hypothesis. And we
have to reject the Alternative Hypothesis.
From this, it is safe to say that the mean temperature was
maintained at 3.9 degrees or below 3.9 degrees.
From the Z-test performed, we concluded that Mean
temperature for the whole year was maintained below or
equal to 3.9 degrees.
2.State the Hypothesis, do the calculation
using t-test.
For performing T-Test, we first need to calculate the T-Stat
score. It is given by the formula,
. =
Relevant Plots:
To get the T.test graphs, we need to install and import an
additional library called “nhstplot”
According to the T-Test conducted, we saw that P-Value
(0.1458962) is greater than Alpha Value (0.10). When the P-
Value is less than Alpha Value, we must reject the Null
Hypothesis. But here, P-Value is more than Alpha Value.
Therefore we fail to reject (accept) the Null Hypothesis.
h. Conclusion:
The dataset Cold Storage was compiled with the idea to get
a detailed on the analysis of the operations that are going on
in the Cold Storage. The cold storage’s operations included
storage of Dairy products like Whole or Skimmed Milk,
Sweet Cream, Flavoured Milk Drinks, Whole or Skimmed
Milk, Sweet Cream, Flavoured Milk Drinks, etc. Their
major aim is to keep the Products fresh when they reach the
clients and this is achieved by smooth operation of Cold
Storage to ensure the right temperatures. . From the
analysis, the following inferences were made.
1) The Maximum temperature (5.0) and the minimum
temperature (1.7) were recorded in the month of
September and in the season of Rainy. And also there was
wide spread of temperatures during this period which tells
that the operations were not consistent and had disruptions.
This may be due to the improper maintenance of the
temperature in the cold storage. So the operations could be
improved better in the Rainy season especially at the time
of September.
2) To better improve the operations, there must be Monthly
Maintenance Penalty so that performance of each month
is improved. If Annual is put such as now, the operations
for few months could differ from the standards but the
result wouldn’t affect the whole year’s operations.
3) We proved from Hypothesis Testing that we have been
getting complaints about the food getting sour. This was
due to the problem at the procurement side of the
operations from the where the food got into Cold Storage.
If there was a way to get the Dairy Products checked for
quality before ensuring their entry into Cold Storage, it is
easy to make sure that no food ever gets sour in the Cold
4) The operations in the Cold Storage should also be
flexible enough to maintain its temperatures to support all
kinds of products that can are procured. This ensures that
products maintain their quality no matter how the
procurement is.
5) The Cold Storage equipment should be checked from
time to time because there are inconsistencies in the
performance from season to season which suggests that the
climate outside might be affecting the equipment in the
Cold Storage.
> ### Importing the dataset in consideration and the population dataset
> StorageMarchData = read.csv("K2_Cold_Storage_Mar2018.csv",header = TRUE)
> Coldstorage = read.csv("K2_Cold_Storage_Temp_Data.csv",header = TRUE)
> ### Performing prelimnary tests on dataset
> summary(StorageMarchData)
Season Month Date Temperature
Summer:35 Feb:18 Min. : 1.0 Min. :3.800
Mar:17 1st Qu.: 9.5 1st Qu.:3.900
Median :14.0 Median :3.900
Mean :14.4 Mean :3.974
3rd Qu.:19.5 3rd Qu.:4.100
Max. :28.0 Max. :4.600
> View(StorageMarchData)
> dim(StorageMarchData)
[1] 35 4
> str(StorageMarchData)
'data.frame': 35 obs. of 4 variables:
$ Season : Factor w/ 1 level "Summer": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Month : Factor w/ 2 levels "Feb","Mar": 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
$ Date : int 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ...
$ Temperature: num 4 3.9 3.9 4 3.8 4 4.1 4 3.8 3.9 ...
> attach(StorageMarchData)
The following objects are masked from StorageMarchData (pos = 5):
> ### Finding the requiered parameters for the Z test ####
> Mean.sample = mean(StorageMarchData$Temperature)
> Mean.sample
[1] 3.974286
> Mean.population = mean(Coldstorage$Temperature) ##Taken from the total da
taset where the mean of all the temperatures for the whole year was calcula
> Mean.population
[1] 2.96274
> SD.population = sd(Coldstorage$Temperature)
> SD.population
[1] 0.508589
> Sample.size = nrow(StorageMarchData)
> Sample.size
[1] 35
> Z.value.1 = (Mean.sample - Mean.population)
> Z.value.2 = (SD.population)/(Sample.size)^0.5
> Z.stat = (Mean.sample - Mean.population)/(SD.population)/(Sample.size)^0.
> Z.stat
[1] 0.3361899
> ##Finding the critical value
> Z.critical = qnorm(0.90)
> Z.critical
[1] 1.281552
> ##Decision of rejection or accpetance of the null Hypothesis
> if(Z.stat > Z.critical){
+ "The Null hypothesis is rejected"
+ }else {
+ "The null hypothesis is accepted"
+ }
[1] "The null hypothesis is accepted"
> ### Plotting the graphs for Z-Test ###