Peroxide Cure of Rubber
Peroxide Cure of Rubber
Peroxide Cure of Rubber
Cray Valley USA, LLC • Oaklands Corporate Center • 468 Thomas Jones Way, Suite 100 • Exton, PA 19341
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5704 01/10
ABSTRACT Coagents are polyfunctional, multi-unsaturated
This paper is a continuation of work done to enhance organic compounds which readily form free radicals
properties and processes for peroxide cured when exposed to the products of heat or light induced
elastomers. The present work demonstrates how peroxide decomposition. These free radicals are more
polybutadiene resins can be used to enhance stable than those resulting from the decomposition of
properties. The paper also compares these coagents peroxide alone, thus when coagents are added to
with others currently available in the marketplace. For peroxide cured elastomer compounds, they often
example, some coagents work well with certain improve the efficiency of crosslink formation during
peroxides and give poor results with other peroxides. vulcanization. Coagents have been categorized into
Other coagents are useful at low levels but are not two groups: Type I and Type II. During vulcanization,
compatible at high concentrations. Polybutadiene resins Type I coagents undergo hydrogen abstraction,
are compatible over a much higher concentration range producing radicals which lead to chain crosslinking.
and can provide special benefits at these higher They also experience free-radical addition, resulting
concentration levels. in homopolymerization. These two functions give
higher cure states and faster cure rates than does
Work is directed primarily to wire and cable elastomers peroxide vulcanization without coagents. Type I
and explores variation in properties with coagent type. coagents include acrylates, methacrylates,
Also discussed is the relationship of properties such bismaleimides, and vinyl esters. Type II coagents
as compression set, moduli and heat and fluid include allylic compounds and low molecular weight
resistance with the structure of the elastomer and the high vinyl polymers, both of which typically increase
coagents affect on these relationships. cure state without increasing cure rate. When
undergoing hydrogen abstraction, Type II coagents
INTRODUCTION tend to produce more stable radicals than the small,
During the peroxide vulcanization of rubber, peroxides polar radicals produced by Type I coagents. So Type
decompose to produce highly reactive free radicals I coagents tend to be more reactive than Type II
which in turn react with rubber molecules to produce coagents, but they are also more prone to beta scission
crosslinks. One of the strongest interchain bonds in a and radical coupling reactions.3
rubber matrix is formed by peroxide vulcanization. Its
C-C bonds are stronger than sulfur cured C-S-C Research has proven that coagents are very effective
bonds and much stronger than C-SX-C bonds. in generic EPDM and EPM rubber formulations. They
Peroxide vulcanization also allows rubber to be used are widely used in the automotive industry in NBR,
in harsh environments; peroxide cured rubber articles HNBR, EPDM, and EPM under-the-hood
have superior heat and set resistance compared to applications. Coagents have also found a niche in the
rubber articles manufactured via other cure systems. dynamic downhole applications of the mining and
Peroxide vulcanization not only produces stronger, petroleum exploration industries. This paper, however,
better-aging rubber, but also gives the compounder a focuses on the use of coagents in wire and cable (w/c)
wide variety of elastomers with which to work. applications. It is a summary of test results obtained
Saturated elastomers, like EPM, cannot be vulcanized from EP elastomers (EPM and EPDM), EVA, EVM,
by sulfur, due to a lack of double bonds. Use of these and CPE.
saturated elastomers requires the compounder to use
peroxide cure agents. One of the drawbacks to The first elastomers discussed in this study are the EP
peroxide vulcanization is that the same free radicals copolymers and terpolymers. They are extensively
which produce crosslinks can also cause beta scission. used in the w/c industry due to their excellent moisture
Also, in some elastomers peroxide vulcanization is not and weather resistance, combined with very good
highly efficient, so a preponderance of peroxide is electrical properties. EPM is a copolymer of ethylene
required to obtain acceptable properties. Both of these and propylene which, due to its lack of unsaturation
difficulties may be alleviated by addition of coagents in the backbone, can only be peroxide cured.
to the peroxide cure package.1 Incorporation of a diene (such as ethylidene norbornene
or hexadiene) pendant to the backbone of EPM CPE is the final elastomer discussed in this investigation.
produces EPDM. Both of these elastomers are used It is produced by random chlorination of an aqueous
in power transmission cables, portable power cables, solution of high density polyethylene. This chlorination
control cables, and mining cables. They are also used produces a highly saturated polymer with many useful
in many flexible cord, automotive ignition wire, and qualities such as excellent ozone, weather, and heat
appliance wire formulations, as well as in jacketing resistance, which are desirable to the w/c industry.
compounds. Uncured EPM is also used as an electrical CPEs are used in power transmission cables, portable
insulating material in many high voltage power cables. power and control cables, and mining cables.
The second elastomer discussed in this paper is ethylene Coagents from both the Type I and Type II categories
vinyl acetate, a saturated copolymer of ethylene and were milled into these elastomers. The Type I coagents
vinyl acetate (VA). The saturation of this copolymer chosen for study were trimethylolpropane
provides outstanding ozone, weather, and temperature trimethacrylate (TMPTMA) and a scorch retarded
resistance. Varying the VA content of these materials trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (SRTMPTMA).
changes both nomenclature and compound The Type II coagents were represented by triallyl
properties. Ethylene vinyl acetate copolymers with cyanurate (TAC), triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC), high
VA contents less than 40% or greater than 80% are 1,2-vinyl polybutadiene resin (PBD), PBD adducted
thermoplastics and in this paper will be called EVAs. with maleic anhydride functionality (PBD/MA), and
Those with VA contents between 40% and 80% are solid PBD/MA. TMPTMA, TAC, and PBD were
elastomers and will be denoted as EVMs. The higher studied in the EP elastomers, while TAC, PBD, and
the VA content of one of these copolymers, the more SRTMPTMA were tested in EVM. SRTMPTMA,
resistance they have to heat, oil, and solvents. Though TAIC, and PBD/MA were studied in CPE. All of the
this material has exceptional age properties, the polarity coagents tested were shown to be useful compounding
of the VA harms its electrical properties, hence it is not tools, but there are definite toxicity, performance, and
as widely used for insulation by the w/c industry as are cost advantages obtained by the use of PBD based
the EP elastomers. coagents (Table 1).
Volatility Properties of Coagents
EXPERIMENTAL and plastics industries were evaluated. Type I coagents
compounded in the test formulations were
Chemicals trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate (TMPTMA) and a
All ingredients used in this study are commercially scorch retarded trimethylolpropane trimethacrylate
available compounds and are listed in Appendix I. (SRTMPTMA). Type II coagents selected were liquid
Three common wire and cable elastomers were studied high 1,2-vinyl polybutadiene (PBD), liquid and solid
in this investigation: chlorinate polyethylene, ethylene maleinized high 1,2-vinyl polybutadiene (PBD/MA),
propylene rubber, and ethylene vinylacetate (Table 2). triallyl cyanurate (TAC) and triallyl isocyanurate
Five coagents commonly utilized in both the rubber (TAIC).
Polymers Studied
Compound Diene* (%) Ethylene (%) Vinyl Acetate (%) Chlorine (%)
EPDM A 7.9 52 -- --
EPDM B 2.6 52 -- --
EPM A 0.0 68 -- --
WCEPDM 6.0 72 -- --
WCEPM 0.0 65 -- --
EVA --- --- 18 --
EVM --- --- 50 --
CPE --- -- -- 36
* All diene types are ethylidene norborene, except WCEPDM which contains hexadiene
Appendix II lists the appropriate ASTM methods and active dicumyl peroxide dispersion (DCP) with
test equipment used for this study. Test plaques were equivalent phr of Type I coagent trimethylolpropane
cured at various temperatures with two familiar trimethacrylate (TMPTMA) and of the Type II
peroxides: 40% active di-cumyl peroxide dispersion coagents high 1,2-vinyl polybutadiene (PBD) and triallyl
and 40% active t-butylperoxy-diisopropyl benzene cyanurate (TAC).
dispersion. Electrical testing was performed by
independent laboratories. The study proceeded by formulation of model wire
and cable (w/c) compounds varying only in base
A careful log of mill time, temperatures, and elastomer and coagent. The base elastomers
observations was kept on the compounding work. This compounded were EPDM and EPM; these model
allowed for consistent and reliable data to be w/c formulations were denoted as WCEPDM and
generated. The material balances were determined for WCEPM, respectively. The coagents utilized in these
all compounds and found to be satisfactory (>99.5%). two formulations were TMPTMA and PBD. The
following results reveal clear advantages with the use
DISCUSSION AND RESULTS of the nontoxic PBD coagents.
EP Elastomers Rheometry
The first investigations of EP elastomers were Rheometric data for the non-w/c formulations are
performed on the EPDM A, EPDM B, and EPM A presented in Table 4. The most noticeable difference
formulations shown in Table 3. The three elastomers between the coagents in these compounds was their
chosen varied in diene content and ethylene to scorch times. The scorch times of the TMPTMA
propylene ratio. These compounds were cured at formulations were 14-25% lower than those of the
160°C with 8.00 parts per hundred (phr) of 40% three controls.
Table 4
Properties of EP Elastomers
Differences in scorch safety were more apparent in control formulations’ scorch times were reduced more
the w/c formulations (Table 5). For example, both than 40% when compounded with TMPTMA.
Table 5
Properties of W/C EP Elastomers
Physical Properties:
Press cure T90 at 160°°C
Tensile strength (Mpa) 10.7 11.5 11.1 6.5 7.4 6.8
50% modulus (Mpa) 3.9 4.1 4.1 2.3 2.8 2.4
100% modulus (Mpa) 6.5 6.9 7.4 3.5 4.0 3.5
Ultimate elongation (%) 235 195 205 425 390 395
Hardness (shore A, pts.) 86 87 86 79 82 81
Electrical data:
vol. resistivity
at 25°C (E+13 ohm-cm) 4.8 6.7 6.5 4.6 4.5 4.4
dielectric strength
(volts/mil) 275 296 380 299 342 334
The most effective indicator of increased crosslink (ENB) content, causing the highest maximum torque
density among rheometric properties is maximum value. EPDM B and EPM A both contain low amounts
torque. The base elastomer had the largest effect on of ENB, 2.9% and 0.0% respectively, and their
the maximum torque of these compounds. The control compounds’ maximum torques were
maximum torque values for the non-w/c compound’s approximately equivalent. Although EPM does not
controls (no coagent) were 74.1, 62.8, and 62.1 dNm contain any diene in its backbone, the high ethylene
for EPDM A, EPDM B, and EPM A, respectively. content of this elastomer helped its maximum torque
EPDM A contains the highest ethylidene norbornene value to be comparable to the maximum torque value
of EPDM B.
The only other factor affecting this property was the in maximum torque figures in both w/c formulations.
selection of coagent. All the coagents increased the A dramatic 48% increase in maximum torque
maximum torque value of the control compounds, occurred in WCEPM due to the addition of PBD
indicating an increase in crosslink density. The largest (Figure 1). Higher maximum torque values were also
changes in maximum torque values included an 8.3% reported in the WCEPDM formulations – 17% for
increase in EPDM B with the addition of the PBD and the PBD formulation and 10% with the TMPTMA
TAC coagents and a 12.7% increase in EPM A addition. All rheometric data indicated that increased
compounded with the TAC. The compounds modified scorch safety and crosslink density were obtained
with the PBD coagent recorded the largest increases with the utilization of the Type II coagents.
Figure 1
20 Control
15 PBD
UNAGED AND AGED PHYSICAL Comparatively, the non-w/c TAC formulations did not
PROPERTIES age as well as the other coagent modified compounds.
The physical properties indicate that all the coagents For instance in the EPM A compound, the TAC
increased crosslink density since they increased tensile formulation posted changes of -75.2% and -63.0%
moduli and hardness while decreasing ultimate for tensile strength and Eb, respectively. Similar results
elongations (Eb) and tear strength. In the WCEPM occurred with these two properties in EPDM A and
formulation, PBD produced slightly lower Eb and B, with the exception of the Eb in EPDM B, which
higher moduli values than the TMA coagent modified only changed -9.3%. All the other coagent altered
formulation. This is a clear indication that the PBD compounds had changes less than 50% in both tensile
increased peroxide efficiency in comparison to the strength and Eb. Also, all the percent changes for Eb
TMPTMA. were negative, and positive for the moduli, indicating
additional crosslinking. Curing the test samples beyond
As the demand for higher temperature performance their T90s and/or a post cure of these parts would
of elastomers increases, so does the importance of probably increase the heat aged performance of these
accelerated age testing. Table 4 displays the heat aged compounds.
results of all the EP elastomers. Most of the EP
formulations aged very well, which was not surprising
because heat aging is one property where EP
elastomers excel.
ELECTRICALS test period compared to a 0.02% mass change for the
Electrical properties are obviously very important to PBD compound. After 166 hours, the PBD and
w/c compounds. Volume resistivities and dielectric TMPTMA samples averaged 0.14% and 0.18% mass
strengths of the w/c formulations were tested by an change, respectively. It is very interesting to note that
independent laboratory (Table 5). The results suggest the lowest reported mass percent changes for the 70
that volume resistivity and dielectric strength were and 166 hour testing were those of the compounds
inconsistent with respect to each other. For example, based on the ethylene propylene copolymer (EPM)
in the WCEPDM compounds the PBD formulation and not the ethylene propylene terpolymer (EPDM).
posted a higher volume resistivity than did the PBD modified EPMs have been reported by Drake
TMPTMA compound. In contrast, the PBD reported et. al. to perform as well as or in many cases better
lower dielectric strength than did the TMPTMA than EPDMs formulated with or without coagents.2
material. Therefore, it was difficult to draw a concise
conclusion; however, both coagents did improve the COMPRESSION SET
electrical performance compared to the control Although compression set testing is not as important
formulation. In the WCEPM compound, the PBD for many w/c compounds as it is for hose or bridge
compound reported higher values than did the TMA bearing compounds, there are w/c applications where
compound, for both electrical properties tested. compression set properties are important. In addition
to being directly related to crosslink density,
FLUID RESISTANCE compression set testing at elevated temperatures helps
Because water resistance is very important to electrical predict heat aged characteristics of the material.
properties, testing of the w/c compounds were
proceeded by measurements of water resistance. Test The results in Table 4 indicate that in all the EP
samples were immersed in water at 82°C for 70 and formulations, the PBD coagent produced lower
166 hours. The data showed that both coagent compression set figures, with the exception of EPDM
modified w/c masterbatches resisted water penetration A. In the w/c formulations the PBD coagent
more than did the formulations without coagents (Table outperformed the TMPTMA coagent during
5). In WCEPDM, the 70 hour results indicate that the compression set testing (Figure 2). For example, in
PBD modified elastomers had higher resistance to the PBD WCEPDM compound the compression set
water molecules compared to the resistance of the was 50.7% compared to 55.9% for the TMPTMA
control. However, after 166 hours, the TMPTMA compound. Also in the WCEPM tested samples, the
compound reported the highest resistance to water at PBD and TMPTMA compression set values were
elevated temperatures. In the WCEPM formulation 56.9% and 78.9%, respectively. This indicates that
the opposite trend was noticed. The TMPTMA the PBD coagent increased the crosslink density of
samples posted a 0.0% mass change after a 70 hour these systems.
percent set
EVA AND EVM ELASTOMERS The cure times revealed that the TAC material was
The test formulations compounded were based on an the fastest compound to reach its T90 in both the EVA
EVA elastomer containing 18% vinyl acetate (VA) and and EVM compounds. The PBD and SRTMPTMA
an EVM compound with 50% VA content (Table 3). reached their T90s at approximately the same time.
The coagents employed were a scorch retardant These faster cure times demonstrated by the compound
version of TMPTMA (SRTMPTMA), TAC, and formulated with the TAC contradicted the traditional
PBD. These compounds were cured at 180°C for two classification of Type I and Type II coagents. By
additional minutes beyond their 90% cure times (T90). definition, Type I coagents cure faster and scorchier
than Type II coagents. The Type II coagent, TAC,
RHEOMETRY cured faster than the Type I coagent SRTMPTMA.
Rheometric data shows considerable changes in the Also in the EVM formulation, the TAC and PBD
maximum torque values with utilization of these modified compounds had lower scorch times than those
different coagents (Table 6). For the coagent modified of the control compounds, while the Type I coagent,
EVAs and EVMs, the ascending order of maximum SRTMPTMA, had an increased scorch time compared
torque values were TAC, PBD, then SRTMPTMA. to the scorch time of the control compound.
Table 6
Rheometric Properties of EVA and EVM Compounds
Compound phr min. torque dNm max. torque dNm scorch time min. cure time min.
EVA Control - 3.9 38.9 1.3 7.3
PBD 2 6.1 51.4 1.2 6.9
TAC 2 4.1 56.1 1.2 5.8
SRTMPTMA 2 4.3 42.8 1.1 7.1
UNAGED PHYSICAL PROPERTIES formulation compounded with the TAC produced the
The unaged physical property data are shown in Table largest decreases in tear strength and Eb compared to
7. In the EVA formulations, the addition of TAC the control. The PBD coagents clearly outperformed
increased peroxide efficiency more than the other the SRTMPTMA, for the same reasons stated above.
coagents increased it. For example, the EVA The order of performance was not as clear for the
EVM compounds (Figure 3).
Table 7
Unaged Physical Properties of EVA and EVM Compounds
Compound phr tensile tear 50% mod. 100% mod. hrd. A hrd. D
Mpa KN/m Mpa Mpa elong.% pts. pts.
EVA Control - 15.1 63.4 7.0 7.7 525 92 44
PBD 2 12.8 55.7 7.3 7.5 325 93 46
TAC 2 11.3 50.6 7.2 7.8 300 93 45
SRTMPTMA 2 11.3 56.6 7.1 7.4 410 93 46
Figure 3
Ultimate Elongation of EVA/EVM Compounds
300 EVM
In the EVM compounds, data indicated that the compound. A possible theory for this phenomenon
SRTMPTMA did not increase the crosslink density to pertains to the polarities of the EVM and PBD. As the
the same extent as did the PBD and TAC coagents. In VA content increases, so does the compatibility of the
addition, the data suggested that the TAC and PBD PBD with the EVM, due to the inherent polarity
compounds reached approximately equivalent cure contained in the unsatuation of the PBD. With
states. increased compatibility between PBD and EVM, the
high 1,2-vinyl polybutadiene became more efficient in
All the physical properties of these two compounds increasing crosslink density by suppressing unwanted
were equivalent; the largest difference was in the 100% chain terminating reactions such as beta scission and
modulus. The TAC formulation produced a 100% disproportionation.
modulus of 5.8 MPa, compared to a 5.4 MPa 100%
modulus for the PBD compound. Since tensile strength FLUID RESISTANCE
has a “bell-shaped” relationship with crosslink density, The EVA and EVM compounds were tested for water
this property is not considered to be an accurate resistance by immersing all compounds in distilled
measure of crosslink density. water for 166 hours at 82°C (Table 8). The most
distinguishable differences were the small percent
It was noticed that the PBD coagent performed more changes produced by the lower VA materials (EVAS)
efficiently in the EVM formulation than in the EVA relative to the higher VA materials (EVMs). For
example, the EVA control compound reported a approximately 50 percent from the control’s values.
0.64% volume change compared to the EVM control In the EVM compounds, Type II coagent modified
compound’s 7.21% volume change. Although these formulations (PBD and TAC) outperformed the
base elastomers’ formulations varied in additives, VA SRTMA altered formulation (Figure 4). For instance,
and carbon black content were believed to have the Type II coagent systems decreased water absorption
greatest influences on water absorption. 23 percent compared to a 10 percent decrease
produced by the SRTMPTMA additive from the
In the EVA materials, all coagents tested relatively control’s absorption.
equivalent by decreasing water absorption
Table 8
Aged Physical Properties of EVA and EVM Compounds
Figure 4
Fluid Resistance of EVM Compounds
Water 166 hours @ 82C
percent volumn change
was tested at 2.5 phr and 3 phr. These levels reflect scorch and cure times from the times of the control
both the usage ranges found in industry and the product (Table 9). The SRTMPTMA formulations were much
manufacturers’ recommended levels. The coagents scorchier than the other two coagent formulations. The
were milled into a toll manufactured masterbatch. rheometer data also shows the maximum torque values
of the TAIC and SRTMPTMA formulations to be
RHEOMETRY higher than the PBD/MA formulations’ torque values.
Cure schedules must be considered along with physical Maximum torque values are usually good indicators
properties when compounding with coagents. A quick of coagency, but as other properties will demonstrate,
glance at the rheometer data for these compounds they are deceptive indicators of coagency in this
indicates that all of the tested coagents decreased both instance.
Table 9
Rheometric Properties of CPE Compounds
UNAGED PHYSICAL PROPERTIES All three of the tested materials increased tensile
The effects of these coagents on CPE’s physical strength (Table 10). There was a clear trend for these
properties are best compared by the properties of Eb, formulations--the higher the coagent level, the more
modulus, and fluid swell resistance. The better a the formulation’s tensile strength was increased over
coagent performs, the more it will decrease Eb, the control’s. TAIC had the biggest impact on tensile
increase modulus, and improve fluid resistance. Tensile strength. At 2 phr, it gave a larger increase over the
strength is also affected by coagents, but due to its control’s tensile strength than did any of the other
“bell-shaped” curve in relation to crosslink density it is tested coagents. Even at 1 phr it had more influence
not the best indicator of coagency. However, it is still on tensile strength than did SRTMPTMA at both 3
important for a compounder to know what influence phr and 5 phr. The PBD/MA coagent formulations at
an additive will have on tensile strength. 2.5 phr and 3 phr also had a greater influence on tensile
strength than did both of the SRTMPTMA
formulations. So TAIC had more influence on tensile
strength than did PBD/MA which was followed by
Table 10
Unaged Physical Properties of CPE Compounds
An increase in crosslink density usually results in a PBD/MA was also very active in lowering Eb. Both
decrease in Eb. This physical property is one of the SRTMPTMA formulations gave Ebs of 470%. TAIC
primary indicators of how much a coagent has at 2 phr resulted in lower Eb than both of the
increased peroxide efficiency6. The PBD/MA coagent SRTMPTMA formulations, but at 1 phr it was
at 2.5 phr decreased the Eb from that of the control outperformed by the SRTMPTMA formulations. The
more than the other tested coagents decreased Eb. It PBD/MA materials clearly had the greatest effect on
reduced Eb to 250% from the control’s 640%. Solid Eb, followed by TAIC, then SRTMPTMA (Figure 5).
Figure 5.
Control liquid solid TAIC SRTMPTMA
A decrease in Eb, especially when accompanied by MA formulation at 3 phr was the highest obtained by
an increase in tensile strength, will be evidenced by the tested coagents. TAIC gave the next highest moduli
increased modulus strength. Therefore, the coagents and, following the elongation trend, SRTMPTMA had
which decreased elongation the most also gave the the lowest moduli.
most increase in modulus. The PBD/MA formulations
had the highest 100% and 200% moduli. The solid It was observed that the stress-strain profiles of the
PBD/MA formulation broke at 280% elongation, and PBD/MA formulations were very different in shape
the liquid PBD/MA modified compound at 2.5 phr from the curves of the other formulations. The control,
broke at 250% elongation, so they had no 300% SRTMPTMA, and TAIC samples had stress-strain
modulus, but the 300% modulus of the liquid PBD/ curves which were steep for the first 100% elongation
(slope about 2), but tapered off to more gentle slopes 11 and Table 12). Two of the most common indicators
after reaching 100% elongation (slopes from 3/5 to of age resistance used in industry are retention of
1). The PBD/MA compound’s stress-strain profiles tensile strength and retention of elongation. The TAIC
did not taper off until the materials reached 200% formulations had the smallest magnitude changes in
elongation. They maintained slopes of about 5 up to both properties, with changes in tensile strength under
this point and then tapered to slopes of about 2. This 6% and changes in Eb under 15%. PBD/MA and
indicates that PBD/MA modification of CPE SRTMPTMA had comparable aging properties. The
formulations results in mechanical properties which formulations containing SRTMPTMA had tensile
are not obtained by other coagent modified CPE strengths that were 4%-5% higher after aging than they
compounds. were prior to aging. The tensile strengths of the PBD/
MA formulations were 6%-14% higher after aging.
All of the physical properties were measured after Eb changes in the 14%-20% range.
aging the test parts in air at 121°C for 70 hours (Table
Table 11
Aged Physical Properties of CPE Compounds
Table 12
Aged Percent Change of CPE Compounds
ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES TAIC’S, had a VR lower than that of the control. Both
If a coagent enhances a compound’s physical of the other tested coagents produced compounds
properties but destroys its electrical properties, it with VRs greater than the control’s. 3 phr of PBD/
should not be used in the w/c industry. The volume MA yielded the most resistive compound. Its VR was
resistivities (VR) and dielectric strengths (DS) of the 9.4 x 1012 W cm, more than triple the control’s 3.1 x
control compound and the three modified compounds 1012 W cm. The SRTMPTMA formulation’s VR (4.7
which contained 3 phr of coagent were determined. X 1012 W cm) was also higher than that of the control.
Only one of the coagent modified formulations, TAIC at 3 phr had the lowest VR of the group, 2.3 x
1012 W cm.
Table 13
Electrical Properties of CPE Compounds
Compound Phr Vol. Resistivity ASTM D-257 Dielectric Strength ASTM D-149
(ohm-cm) (E+12) (volts/mil)
Control -- 3.1 170
PBD/MA 3.0 9.4 270
TAIC 3.0 2.3 240
SRTMPTMA 3.0 4.7 250
All three of the coagent modified materials increased density increases, the rubber matrix becomes more
DS from the control. The highest DS value belonged tightly knit, promoting greater fluid resistance. Since
to the PBD/MA modified vulcanizate. It was 270 V/ an increase in peroxide efficiency yields a greater
mil, 100 V/mil higher than the 170 V/mil DS of the crosslink density, and since coagents added to
control. The SRTMPTMA and TAIC compounds peroxide cure packages increase peroxide efficiency,
tested at 250 V/mil and 240 V/mil respectively for low fluid swell values are evidence of effective
DS. This information shows PBD/MA to be the best coagency6. CPE is used in many w/c applications, so
coagent for use in compounds which must have good it is vital that compound ingredients decrease water
electrical insulation properties (Figure 7). swell to ensure maintenance of electrical properties.
At 70 hours in 82°C water, the PBD/MA coagents
FLUID RESISTANCE reduced mass swell from 23.4% for the control to
Perhaps the best indicator of how well a coagent 6.5%-7.0% for the PBD/MA formulations (Table 14).
performs is its affect on fluid resistance. As crosslink
Figure 7
Electrical Properties of CPE Compounds
Table 14
Fluid Resistance of CPE Compounds
At 166 hours, PBD/MA reduced mass swell from from 26.6% to 34.6%, again roughly tripling the PBD/
35.4% for the control to 11.0%-12.5% for the PBD/ MA swell values (Figure 6). The volume swell, as
MA formulations. The SRTMPTMA coagents were expected, followed the same trend as the mass swell.
the next best protection against water, reducing the 70 Since the study’s experimental CPE formulation was
hour mass swell to 10.9% at the 3 phr level, and 11.5% not compounded for a specific industrial application,
at the 5 phr level. At 168 hours, the SRTMPTMA the water swell numbers are higher than expected for
modified compounds gave mass swells of 15.2% and industrial use. However, this is not a poor reflection
19.2% (3 phr and 5 phr, respectively). TAIC on the use of coagents in CPE. Because the coagents
formulations were the least water resistant of the decreased the swell from that observed in the control,
coagent formulations. At the 70 hour milestone, 1 phr it can be deduced that they will have a similar impact
TAIC actually increased mass swell to 23.5% while at in formulations compounded for swell reduction. The
2 phr and 3 phr it reduced mass swell to only 19.9% PBD/MA materials can be expected to decrease swell
and 17.4%, respectively. All of these numbers either more than either SRTMAPTM or TAIC will, and
nearly tripled, or more than tripled, the PBD/MA swell SRTMPTMA can be expected to give more
numbers. The TAIC mass swells at 166 hours ranged improvement than will TAIC.
CONCLUSION EVA and EVM elastomers, liquid high 1,2-vinyl
Properties of EP elastomers, EVAS, EVMS, and polybutadiene (PBD) coagents outperformed and
CPEs are greatly improved with the addition of often exceeded the performance of the Type I
coagents in peroxide cured compounds. The reason coagents, trimethylolpropane trimethacrylates, and the
for this improvement is that more C-C bonds are Type II coagent, triallyl cyanurate. The PBD modified
formed during peroxide vulcanization when coagents compounds particularly excelled in heat aged, water
are added than when they are absent. The peroxide resistance, and electrical properties. The reason to use
cured compounds with coagents are superior to sulfur any coagent in a peroxide cured formulation is to
cured compounds in many room temperature and heat increase peroxide efficiency hence increasing crosslink
aged physical properties, fluid resistance, and electrical density. The main advantage of the polymeric PBD
properties. systems is the stability of the PBD radical (Table 15).
With increased radical stability, PBD coagents give
This research compared commonly utilized coagents better properties due to the suppression of competing
primarily in wire and cable formulations. In the EP, reactions like beta scission, disproportionation, and
Table 15
Bond Dissociation Energies of Free Radicals
Solid and liquid maleinized PBD (PBD/MA) were Liquid PBD resins are currently used in geothermal
developed as coagents for CPE elastomers during the and oil well cable compounds because they are among
course of this study. PBD/MA resins have an effect on the few coagents which can adequately perform in
the vulcanization of chloroprene rubber. This is believed these harsh environments. With the utilization of non-
to be due to the chlorine on the rubber backbone toxic PBD coagents, compounders will be able to
interacting with the MA sites on the PBD/MA chain8. produce improved wire and cable jackets, insulators,
There is also an increased amount of conjugation on and connectors by improving cost effectiveness and
the PBD chain, due to maleinization, which can increase physical and electrical properties of peroxide cured
peroxide efficiency. These chemistries are most likely formulations.
responsible for the outstanding coagent properties
obtained from PBD/MA materials in CPE. The stress- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
strain profiles for the PBD/MA formulations were The authors wish to acknowledge valuable
completely different in shape from the curves for the conversations with Don M. Tsou of Miles, Wesley A.
control, TAIC, and SRTMPTMA formulations, Ware of DSM Copolymer and Rick Arhart of
indicating that unique mechanical properties are Dupont. We also wish to express special appreciation
imparted to CPE by PBD/MA. Further study is to Lori Chiovare and Kami Costello for their editorial
underway to determine the mechanisms for this contribution to the composition of this literature.
phenomenon which is clearly a benefit to the CPE
REFERENCES 5. William H. Davis Jr., Raymond L. Laukso Jr.,
1. Michael Fath, “Vulcanization of Elastomers,” Loyd B. Hutchinson and Sandra L. Watson,
Course Notes of Compounding, Processing and “Peroxide-Cured Chlorinated Polyethylene Com-
Testing of Elastomers, American Chemical pounds Having Enhanced Resistance to Ozone-
Soceity, 1994 Induced Creaking,” American Chemical Society,
May 29-June 1, 1990
2. R.E. Drake, J.M. Labriola and J.J. Holliday, “Im-
proving Properties of EPM and EPDM with 6. J.W. Martin, “1,2-Polybutadiene Resin Co-
Coagents, “ American Chemical Society, Chicago, agents for peroxide Cure of Rubber
IL, April 19-22, 1994 Compounds,” Rubber Chemistry and Technology,
Vol. 47, No. 1, American Chemical Society,
3. R.E. Drake, Coagent Bulletin: Introduction, April October 3-6, 1972
27, 1992. Ricon Resins, Inc., Grand Junction,
Colorado 7. Robert C. Keller, “Peroxide Curing of Ethylene-
Prppylene Elastomers,” American Chemical
4. R.E. Drake, J.M. Labriola and J.J. Holliday, “1,2 Society, October 6-9, 1987
Polybutadiene Coagents for Improved Elasto-
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Appendix 1
Chemical Name and Suppliers of the Ingredients
Appendix II
Test Methods and Equipment
Vulcanization Using Oscillating Disk Cure Meter 2084 TechPron Oscillating Disk Rheometer
GCA/Precision CRE 500 Universal
Measurement of Rubber Properties in Tension 412
GCA/Precision CRE 500 Universal
Tear Resistance (Die C) 624
Compression Set Method B 395 Ames 202 Thickness Gauge
Determination of swell in Liquids 471 Ames 202 Thickness Gauge
The Impact Resilience of Rubber
2632 Shore Resiliometer
by Vertical Rebound
GCA/Precision CRE 500 Universal
Deterioration in an Air Oven 573
Durometer Hardness 2240 Rex Durometer model 1600
Standard Temperatures and Atmospheres for
Conditioning and Testing
The information in this bulletin is believed to be accurate, but all recommendations are made without warranty since the conditions of use are beyond Cray Valley Company's
control. The listed properties are illustrative only, and not product specifications. Cray Valley Company disclaims any liability in connection with the use of the information,
and does not warrant against infringement by reason of the use of its products in combination with other material or in any process.