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Mastering Tung Acupuncture

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Indications Index

We hope that this comprehensive index will assist you in quickly finding what
you need to make use of this book immediately in your clinic. Please take a
moment to glance over the entirety of the index, familiarizing yourself with the
layout, to make it easier in the future to find what you seek.

We have grouped similar musculoskeletal conditions together, for example, the

section Low back (lumbar, sacrum, sciatica) includes all conditions involving the
lower back, sacrum, tailbone or sciatica, while the section Back and spine disorders
includes all conditions of the upper back and spine, but also ancillary conditions
such as scapular and arm pain that also include the upper back.

For conditions affecting a smaller area, such as wrist, hand or finger pain, those
are listed in their appropriate subsection named, Wrist, hand and finger disorders,
but you will find conditions that include both the arm and hand in the more
global section named, Arm, elbow and forearm disorders. Think, ‘big to small’ for the

Index entries that are bolded/bolded with (commentary) highlight significant

commentary or treatment information, thus this will be often be the best starting
point for that topic. Of note, we offer a Clinical Insight section which links to
some of the more thorough commentary and clinical wisdom covering a wide
variety of interesting topics.

toxic exposure to chemicals........................... 568

toxic exposure to drugs ................................. 568
A Addiction
alcohol intoxication or hangover .......... 497, 536
Abscesses stop smoking ................................................... 503
abscesses .......................................................... 399 withdrawal from psychiatric drugs
bedsores ............................................................. 99 (commentary) ............................................ 511
chronic abscesses .............................................. 99 Allergies
delayed healing of wounds ..................... 99, 196 allergic reactions to toxins ............................. 569
Acute injury, non-healing wounds, surgical or allergies .................................... 140, 142, 449, 456
acupuncture treatment complications bronchitis due to allergies ............................. 549
acupuncture treatment complications cold/flu, sinusitis, allergies ........................... 458
(dizziness after needling) commentary 490 Four Horses and the immune system
acupuncture treatment complications (commentary) ............................................ 455
(dizziness, pain and/or swelling from itchy sinus allergies ........................................ 466
acupuncture or injection) ......................... 489 nasal obstruction due to food allergies........ 267
acute traumatic injury, strains and sprains . 489 Arm, elbow, and forearm disorders
frostbite .............................................................. 99 arm or finger pain or tingling ....................... 382
gangrene ............................................................ 99 arm pain ........................................... 168, 361, 601
internal ulcers ................................................... 99 arm tremors ..................................................... 518
persistent infection ......................................... 100 arm, forearm, or hand spasm................ 161, 163
rabies ........................................................ 471, 569 arm, wrist or dorsum of the hand pain ....... 215
snake, scorpion or centipede bites ............... 569 dorsum of the hand, wrist or arm pain ....... 215
surgical infection ...................................... 99, 399 elbow and arm pain ....................................... 400
elbow and index finger pain ......................... 351
elbow arthritis or inflammation ................... 185 back pain due to arteriosclerosis .................. 578
elbow pain ....................... 127, 330, 348, 365, 474 back pain on both sides ................................. 467
elbow pain, lateral ‘tennis elbow’ 123, 128, 165, back pain, spine or muscle spasm on both
355, 486 sides of the spine ....................................... 148
elbow pain, lateral ‘tennis elbow’ (San Jiao back, neck, and shoulder pain ...................... 114
channel) ...................................................... 485 back, shoulder and hand pain ...................... 488
elbow pain, medial ‘golfer’s elbow’ .... 144, 148, Kidney deficient upper back pain (UB43 area)
174, 177 ....................................................................... 72
forearm or hand cramping ............................ 162 muscle pain along the spine .......................... 137
forearm or hand spasm.................................. 160 pain in back, shoulder, arms, elbow and hands
forearm pain .................................................... 167 ............................................................. 598, 599
Hand Tai Yang channel pain .......................... 73 pain in the upper back, scapula, shoulder,
Hand Tai Yang channel pain (commentary)74 upper extremities, ribs or lower back ..... 135
lymphedema of the arm ................................ 323 scapular and arm pain ................................... 320
pain in back, shoulder, arms, elbow and hands scapular pain ............107, 330, 348, 351, 397, 398
..................................................................... 598 scoliosis .................................................... 317, 441
scapular and arm pain ................................... 320 spinal bone spurs and pain ........................... 286
upper arm muscle pain .................................. 229 spinal degeneration from osteoarthritis and
upper arm pain ....................... 107, 183, 200, 213 osteopororis (commentary) ..................... 195
upper arm pain due to Heart ........................ 488 spinal pain ....................................... 122, 128, 594
upper extremities spasm and pain ............... 188 spinal pain and rigidity ................................. 596
Arthritis spinal pain due to degeneration or injury..... 65
arthritis..................................................... 486, 514 spinal pain due to hormonal imbalance ........ 65
arthritis in the legs .................................. 200, 485 spine and waist pain ...................................... 561
arthritis pain due to kidney issues ............... 552 spine and whole back pain (Urinary Bladder
Bi diseases........................................................ 203 channel) ...................................................... 144
degenerative arthritis ..................................... 123 spine pain ........... 66, 231, 384, 485, 522, 523, 565
elbow arthritis or inflammation ................... 185 spine pain (entire spine) ................................ 431
knee pain (medial) due to bone spurs or spine pain treatment by area (commentary)
degenerative arthritis................................ 355 ..................................................................... 194
knee pain due to rheumatoid arthritis or Heart spine pressure (bleeding the sacrum) ........ 602
deficiency ................................................... 498 thoracic spine and neck tightness................. 361
kneecap arthritis ............................................. 583 thoracic vertebrae dislocated or herniated disc
knees deformed (due to arthritis or bone spur) of the thoracic vertebrae ........................... 194
....................................................................... 60 twisted back .................................................... 314
osteoarthritis ................................................... 103 twisted middle back and waist pain (sudden)
osteoarthritis and bone swelling .................. 132 ..................................................................... 115
rheumatism ............................................. 426, 559 twisted spine ................................................... 547
rheumatoid arthritis .89, 103, 104, 107, 174, 273, twisted upper back ......................................... 304
361, 405, 408 upper and lower back pain ................... 518, 519
rheumatoid arthritis (commentary) .... 177, 407 upper back and neck pain ............................... 65
rheumatoid arthritis affecting the extremities upper back and shoulder pain ...... 118, 132, 405
....................................................................... 73 upper back pain .............................................. 596
rheumatoid arthritis in the hands upper back pain .......180, 282, 286, 315, 365, 450
(commentary) .............................................. 74 upper back pain (UB43 area) ........................ 107
rheumatoid arthritis of the knee................... 492 whole back pain or spasm (commentary) . 293
spinal degeneration from osteoarthritis and whole back spasm .......................................... 317
osteopororis (commentary) ..................... 195 Bleeding
bleeding, contusion and injury ..................... 489
excessive bleeding due to external trauma
B (including tooth extraction) ..................... 272
nonstop bleeding ............................................ 219
Back and spine disorders Blood disorders
ankylosing spondylitis (commentary) ....... 311 anemia .............................................. 163, 365, 430
ankylosing spondylitis spine pain ................. 65 blood diseases ......................................... 320, 441
back and neck pain ................................. 108, 486 excess red blood cells ..................................... 498
back and scapular pain (due to overwork) ... 61 hypercholesterolemia..................................... 361
back pain.......................................... 293, 384, 430
hypercholesterolemia and bleeding
techniques (commentary) ....................... 356
leucopenia, anemia, leukemia, platelet
problems (commentary) .......................... 270 Cancer
low white blood cell count ............................ 431 bladder cancer ................................................. 400
pain due to stagnation or deficiency of blood brain cancer ..................................................... 237
..................................................................... 554 brain tumor (malignant) ................................ 400
whole body pain due to blood deficiency ... 492 breast cancer ............................ 269, 270, 465, 468
whole-body pain due to blood stagnation .. 580 cancer commentary ........................................ 400
Blood pressure disorders chemotherapy (mitigating side-effects) ....... 528
deficient hypertension ........................... 274, 364 chemotherapy (mitigating side-effects)
dizziness, blurred vision and vertigo due to commentary ............................................... 401
hypertension .............................................. 274 chemotherapy and radiation (mitigating
hand and foot pain due to hypertension ..... 201 side-effects) commentary ........................ 527
hypertension ... 129, 132, 196, 197, 213, 236, 249, colon cancer ..................................................... 266
253, 283, 289, 293, 294, 317, 357, 361, 383, detoxification after chemotherapy or
405, 501, 577 radiation treatment .................................. 573
caution (commentary) .............................. 210 female reproductive cancers ......................... 400
hypertension (treatments) ............................ 260 leukemia .................................................. 203, 430
hypertension and hypercholesterolemia ..... 279 liver cancer ........................ 85, 219, 400, 430, 440
hypertension emergency points.................. 578 lung cancer .............................................. 126, 350
Kidney-deficient hypertension (commentary) lung cancer (commentary) ............................ 109
..................................................................... 376 malignancies ..................................................... 99
orthostatic hypotension (commentary) ...... 376 mouth cancer................................................... 185
Body odor or sweating disorders stomach cancer................................................ 400
body odor, especially armpits (commentary) Chest and rib disorders
..................................................................... 205 breast bone pain.............................................. 397
foul body odor ................................................ 569 breast pain and chest pain (commentary) . 465
profuse sweating .................................... 140, 501 chest and rib pain ................................... 140, 451
Bone disorders chest congestion .............................. 160, 187, 188
bone enlargement ............................................. 89 chest contusion ....................... 161, 163, 398, 466
bone inflammation and bone spurs chest cramping, fullness or tightness ... 161, 163
(commentary) ............................................ 349 chest depression ............................................. 253
bone or spinal tuberculosis ........................... 522 chest fullness and distension ........................ 183
bone pain ................................................. 365, 556 chest heaviness, oppression and anxiety.... 191,
bone spur protocol ........................................ 147 280
bone spurs ........ 148, 351, 352, 431, 474, 485, 580 chest oppression ............................. 161, 163, 174
bone spurs (including cervical spurs) chest or abdominal pain ................................ 468
commentary ............................................... 565 chest or back pain due to gas ........................ 547
bone spurs and bone disorders..................... 476 chest pain ................................................. 190, 605
bone spurs anywhere in the body ................ 317 chest pain and fullness................................... 161
bone spurs of the spine .................................. 132 chest pain due to gas ...................... 538, 596, 598
bone steaming ................................................... 89 chest pain due to stray gas (commentary) . 218
bone steaming disorder (commentary) ........ 90 chest pain involving the back ....................... 466
cervical bone spurs ......................... 277, 563, 565 chest pain radiating from the upper back ... 107
enlargement or swelling of multiple joints . 103 chest pressure.................................................. 140
extremity bone enlargement 145, 249, 254, 352, chest tightness ................................................. 364
431 clavicular pain (commentary) ...................... 397
hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy .. 89 clavicular pain, inflammation or injury
knee and heel bone spurs (treatment) ....... 353 (including broken clavicle) ...................... 397
knee bone spurs (commentary) ................... 583 costal pain ........................................................ 398
osteoarthritis ................................................... 103 flank, rib pain or shoulder pain ...................... 56
osteoarthritis and bone swelling .................. 132 intercostal neuralgia ....................................... 356
osteoporosis..................................................... 103 muscular cramping of the chest
pain of all joints ................................................ 66 (commentary) ............................................ 162
painful joints ..................................................... 89 protuberance of the manubrium (due to
soft tissue inflammation due to bone spurs 583 rickets) ........................................................ 471
rib or flank pain .............................................. 605
rib pain ......................115, 160, 161, 321, 356, 467
rib pain due to coughing ............................... 107 Spleen points during pregnancy
right upper quadrant pain (rib pain due to (commentary) ............................................ 375
liver) ............................................................ 430 ST36 and stomach acid (commentary) ....... 342
severe chest oppression with difficulty Strengthening immunity by clearing toxins
breathing .................................................... 162 ..................................................................... 573
swollen and painful ribs ................................ 397 Three Emperors and the Kidney Passing
tight or full chest ............................................. 356 Points (commentary) ................................ 368
Clinical Insights Tonifying yang energy (Dr. Young) ........... 557
Acupressure for IBS and Crohn’s disease Toxin Areas of the body (commentary) ..... 571
(commentary) ............................................ 170 Treating the Heart (commentary) ................. 83
Anger, migraines and Temporomandibular Two Emperors and Three Emperors
Joint Disorder (TMJ)................................ 256 variations (commentary) ......................... 367
Bleeding to treat stagnation of the lower jiao Using powerful points of the thigh and calf
(commentary) ............................................ 385 to build a treatment protocol.................. 295
Bleeding treatments (commentary) ............ 185 Wood (Anger) Points (commentary) ............ 78
Bleeding UB40 Wei Zhong (commentary) 318 Common cold or flu
Calming the spirit and clearing the brain common cold ... 107, 120, 123, 140, 163, 182, 183,
(commentary) ............................................ 531 184
Chest or abdominal congestion common cold (commentary) ........................ 458
(commentary) ............................................ 189 common cold (severe) ............ 549, 578, 590, 605
Clearing abdominal distension and pain common cold and flu ..................................... 449
with Tung’s ST43 (commentary) ........... 264 common cold with fever ................................ 501
Combining Dao Ma patterns for deficient common cold with headache ........ 121, 141, 576
conditions .................................................. 296 common cold with sore throat .............. 142, 187
Correct Tendons for head and neck injuries
(commentary) ............................................ 311
Detoxification, a big-picture view .............. 442 D
Diagnostic signs of Kidney deficiency...... 550
Diagnostic veins on the thenar eminence . 154 Diabetes
Dr. Miriam Lee’s Ten Great Needles blood sugar issues .......................................... 229
Treatment (ML10)..................................... 340 diabetes .... 205, 286, 287, 361, 365, 379, 380, 384,
Ear and Heart/Kidney connection .............. 502 426, 499, 569, 596
Ear, Gallbladder and Urinary Bladder diabetes or diabetic lesions ........................... 382
connections ................................................ 502 diabetic neuropathy (commentary) ............ 377
Excess consumption of sweets .................... 229 Digestive and intestinal disorders
Exhaustion due to liver weakness or toxicity abdominal distension .... 157, 201, 284, 330, 346,
(commentary) ............................................ 432 348, 488, 533, 547
Four Horses and the immune system ........ 455 abdominal distension and pain
Knee pain and Heart (commentary) ........... 408 (commentary) ............................................ 264
Longevity protocol ........................................ 164 abdominal distension, IBS, Crohn’s disease
Master Tung’s Gallbladder points ............. 299 (commentary) ............................................ 278
Microbiome (part one) .................................. 443 abdominal gas and bloating .................. 264, 273
Microbiome (part two).................................. 453 abdominal pain ............................... 124, 451, 607
Moxa for prolapse (commentary) ............... 516 abdominal pain (acute) .................................. 170
Moxa season (commentary........................... 596 abdominal pain or distension ....................... 541
Needle stimulation technique for Dao Ma acid reflux ........................................ 362, 364, 528
patterns....................................................... 296 acid reflux (commentary) ............................. 362
Needling with qi............................................ 296 acid reflux or stomach ulcer (commentary)
Old Doctors Two Old Needles.................... 190 ..................................................................... 377
One-sided musculoskeletal pain anal abscess ....................................................... 99
(commentary) ............................................ 391 anal pain .......................................................... 293
Prefrontal brain and cognitive function .... 510 anal prolapse ................................... 124, 157, 514
Prolapse (commentary) ................................. 158 appendicitis ..................................................... 263
Resolving soreness and pain of the entire bleeding ulcer.................................................. 606
body due to qi deficiency or stagnation bloating after surgery..................................... 276
(commentary) ............................................ 557 bowel diseases (chronic) commentary ....... 265
Shoulder pain and Shen Guan (commentary) burping ............................................................ 263
..................................................................... 374
cholera ...... 185, 201, 315, 330, 348, 501, 525, 604, rectal inflammation ........................................ 170
605, 606 rectal prolapse ......................................... 263, 267
colitis ................................................ 170, 267, 342 roundworms causing pain ............................ 135
constipation ..... 120, 124, 160, 161, 172, 284, 465, stomach acid deficiency ......................... 330, 348
594, 596 stomach disease ...................................... 364, 408
constipation (commentary) .................. 158, 160 stomach disease with vomiting .................... 361
Crohn’s disease 190, 264, 267, 330, 336, 346, 348 stomach pain ........................... 115, 153, 405, 606
diarrhea .... 120, 124, 153, 155, 170, 171, 185, 264, stomach pain (acute) .............................. 351, 578
356, 525, 547, 594 stomach prolapse ............................ 120, 124, 514
diarrhea (acute) commentary ....................... 353 stomach ulcer .......................................... 191, 280
diarrhea (cock’s crow)............ 190, 262, 267, 281 stomachache ............................................ 135, 137
diarrhea (severe) ............................................. 267 stomachache due to anger ............................. 276
diarrhea (wood attacking earth) ..................... 87 twisted intestine or acute hernia
diarrhea with abdominal pain ...................... 254 (commentary) ............................................ 219
digestive diseases (chronic)........................... 356 ulcer .................................................................. 153
dry heaves ............................................... 174, 605 vomiting....................188, 201, 263, 364, 578, 594
dysentery ......................................................... 501 vomiting after eating (including bulimia) ... 361
enteritis ............................ 170, 351, 601, 606, 607 vomiting or dry heaves .................................. 547
gastric hemorrhage......................................... 606 weak digestion or poor appetite................... 123
gastric or duodenal ulcer ................................. 58
gastritis............................................................. 405
gastritis (chronic) ............................................ 590 E
gastroenteritis ..........153, 154, 172, 276, 342, 357
gastroenteritis (acute) ... 170, 174, 185, 190, 315, Ear disorders
316, 317, 356 deaf-mutism .................................................... 466
gastroenteritis with vomiting and diarrhea 174 deafness ........................... 123, 221, 285, 450, 596
gastrointestinal disease .................. 330, 346, 348 deafness or tinnitus ........................................ 466
hemorrhoids ..... 170, 315, 317, 330, 348, 351, 514 deafness or tinnitus (sudden) ....................... 201
hemorrhoids (commentary) ................. 158, 316 deafness, tinnitus and sudden hearing loss
hernia ..............................44, 45, 48, 254, 541, 609 (commentary) ............................................ 390
Hernia Points (commentary) ......................... 44 ear nerve pain ......................................... 140, 466
hiccups ............................................. 188, 547, 594 ear pain ............................ 142, 269, 270, 355, 357
hiccups (commentary)..................................... 81 hearing loss (sudden) ..................................... 466
hiccups (severe relentless) ........................... 553 inner ear pain .................................................. 388
indigestion ....................... 264, 269, 431, 471, 605 otitis media ................................ 56, 134, 140, 450
intestinal bleeding .......................................... 267 otitis media and ear pain (commentary).... 389
intestinal inflammation.......................... 352, 596 otitis media with oozing pus .......................... 99
intestinal inflammation (acute enteritis) .... 201, tinnitus56, 123, 128, 132, 134, 140, 142, 145, 149,
262, 394, 578, 598, 605 221, 273, 285, 450, 474, 596
intestinal pain.......................................... 171, 411 tinnitus (commentary) .................................. 462
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) .... 157, 190, 264, tinnitus and poor hearing.............................. 469
330, 346, 348 tinnitus or deafness ........................................ 148
lower abdominal pain due to water retention Edema............................................ 145, 594, 595, 609
..................................................................... 145 edema differentiation (commentary) ......... 372
nausea (commentary) .................................... 526 edema of the four limbs ................. 132, 380, 426
nausea (dry heaves or wet heaves) .............. 528 floating edema of the legs ............................. 286
nausea and vomiting..... 140, 253, 286, 330, 348, heart and kidney edema ................................ 203
576 heart related edema (commentary) ............. 372
nausea and vomiting due to chemotherapy 525 kidney related edema (commentary) ......... 372
nausea and vomiting due to excessive exercise limb edema ...................................................... 272
..................................................................... 525 lymphedema ................................................... 485
paralytic colon......................... 191, 262, 525, 528 lymphedema as a result of breast cancer
paralytic colon (commentary) .............. 278, 527 surgery ........................................................ 474
paralytic colon after surgery (commentary) peripheral edema............................................ 202
..................................................................... 265 whole body edema ......................................... 426
peptic ulcer .............................................. 254, 411 whole body edema (commentary) .............. 373
poor absorption and digestion, difficult to Exhaustion and fatigue
gain weight ................................................ 120 chronic fatigue syndrome...................... 253, 384
exhaustion and fatigue . 123, 124, 133, 140, 142, glaucoma (commentary) ............................... 225
145, 163, 196, 210, 215, 269, 274, 514, 518, herpes in the eye ............................................. 533
519, 547, 556 herpes in the eye (commentary) .......... 375, 534
exhaustion due to liver weakness or toxicity macular degeneration (commentary) ......... 226
..................................................................... 574 nearsightedness ...................................... 134, 221
exhaustion due to liver weakness or toxicity night blindness.......................................... 92, 221
(commentary) ............................................ 432 optic nerve atrophy ........................................ 229
extreme fatigue ............................................... 489 optic nerve atrophy (commentary) ............. 225
extreme fatigue and related pain.................. 449 photophobia .................................................... 221
general physical weakness ............................ 514 pressure behind the eyeball .......................... 351
qi and blood deficiency.................................. 345 redness of the canthus, soreness and
whole body exhaustion.................................. 201 distension or itching eyes ......................... 115
Extremities (general) redness of the eyes ................. 185, 187, 450, 463
extremity pain ................................................. 556 sore, tired or itchy................................... 114, 273
lack of strength in the four limbs ................. 210 spots before the eyes .............................. 281, 520
pain of the four limbs ..................................... 554 stye ................................................... 123, 128, 501
pain or paralysis of the four limbs ............... 530 tearing eyes sensitive to the wind ................ 221
weakness of the extremities .. 274, 518, 519, 561 trachoma .......................................................... 221
Eye disorders yellowing of the sclera of the eyes (due to
astigmatism ............................. 132, 221, 365, 402 hepatitis) ....................................................... 91
blurred vision .. 145, 163, 170, 277, 281, 289, 405,
520, 532, 533, 547, 556, 596
blurred vision with upper back pain ........... 442 F
Bright Light and Shen Guan (commentary)
..................................................................... 403 Face and jaw disorders
bulging eyeballs due to brain tumor............ 519 Bell’s Palsy . 70, 121, 123, 256, 320, 330, 348, 388,
bulging eyeballs due to brain tumor 390, 450, 469, 501
(commentary) ............................................ 520 Bell’s Palsy (commentary) ............................ 346
bulging eyeballs due to brain tumor or bruxism .................................... 320, 330, 348, 352
hyperthyroidism ....................................... 320
bruxism (commentary) ................................. 353
bulging eyeballs due to thyroid.................... 450 cheekbone pain ....................... 145, 148, 325, 554
cataracts ........................................... 221, 285, 402 deviation of the eyes and mouth .. 469, 563, 565
cataracts (commentary) ................................. 228
eye twitch after Bell’s palsy........................... 469
conjunctivitis .... 114, 221, 242, 281, 450, 468, 501 eyebrow pain due to excessive crying or anger
deviation of the eyeball (strabismus) ... 365, 469 ..................................................................... 351
distending eyes ............................................... 486 facial atrophy .................................................. 469
double vision................................................... 402 facial bone and nasal bone pain ..................... 68
dry or tearing eyes.................................... 76, 228 facial edema..................................... 426, 563, 565
eye diseases ..................................... 329, 347, 375 facial numbness (commentary) ................... 325
eye diseases due to Kidney deficiency ........ 365 facial pain ........................................ 120, 123, 388
eye pain ............................................ 145, 254, 488 facial paralysis .. 71, 123, 133, 197, 256, 320, 330,
corner of the eye .......................................... 44 346, 347, 355, 365, 388, 390, 450, 474, 475,
eye pain due to deficiency ............................. 441 485, 501, 543, 556
eye pain with blurred vision ......................... 430 facial paralysis and numbness .................... 470
eye twitch after Bell’s palsy........................... 469 facial paralysis due to wind .......................... 544
eyelid bags and dark rings around the eyes365 facial paralysis or tics ..................................... 514
eyelid disorders .............................................. 533 facial twitch or tic ....120, 121, 123, 365, 388, 468
eyelid inflammation ....................................... 221 jaw pain............................................ 250, 257, 259
eyelid tic........................................... 145, 148, 485 mandible pain ................................. 250, 257, 554
eyelids (drooping or swollen) ....................... 140 maxillary pain ................................................. 554
eyelids heavy or unable to open .. 142, 263, 267, mumps (parotitis) ..................... 44, 325, 393, 399
279 supraorbital or nose bone pain ..... 221, 274, 364
farsightedness ................................................. 221 supraorbital pain .................... 276, 329, 347, 556
floaters ............................. 140, 142, 378, 402, 403 supraorbital pain (commentary) ................... 68
floaters (commentary) ................................... 279 TMJ .............. 76, 133, 250, 259, 263, 320, 388, 501
Flower Bone One and eye diseases TMJ (commentary) ................................ 256, 390
(commentary) ............................................ 224
glaucoma .. 228, 329, 336, 347, 378, 402, 403, 501
trigeminal neuralgia ...... 120, 123, 133, 134, 145, gallbladder disease ........................................... 69
149, 257, 269, 270, 320, 346, 365, 384, 388, gallbladder inflammation or disease ........... 545
399, 474, 475, 501 gallbladder inflammation or disease,
trigeminal neuralgia (commentary) ... 122, 391 gallstones (commentary) ......................... 444
Fever gallbladder pain and inflammation ............. 486
fever.................................. 107, 109, 120, 501, 606 gallstones ......................................................... 545
high fever ......................................... 123, 578, 581 pain due to gallstones ............................ 116, 134
high fever emergency points ....................... 578 sludge in the gallbladder ............................... 442
typhod fever .................................................... 605 Gout
Fibromyalgia gout .................................................. 104, 330, 348
fibromyalgia (commentary) ......................... 464 gout protocol (commentary) ........................ 339
Flank or waist disorders Gynecological conditions (breast disorders)
Dai Mai pain of the flank and rib ................. 132 breast diseases................................................. 323
flank and waist pain ....................................... 365 breast diseases (including tumor) ................ 320
flank fullness ........................................... 161, 163 breast pain ............................................... 269, 451
navel pain ........................................ 124, 133, 145 breast swelling or distension .................. 70, 356
rib or flank pain .............................................. 605 mastitis ............................................................. 253
sudden flank pain ............................................. 67 premenstrual breast pain......................... 76, 573
waist pain (on both sides of the waist) ........ 145 stops lactation ................................................... 56
Foot and ankle disorders Gynecological conditions (fibroids and tumors)
ankle pain (lateral).......................................... 132 cervical dysplasia ........................................... 247
ankle pain or sprain (commentary) ............ 112 female reproductive cancers ......................... 400
ball of the foot pain ........................................ 514 fibroids and tumors (commentary) ............ 413
ball of the foot pain (commentary)............. 516 ovarian cyst ............................................. 410, 421
cold feet in men (commentary) ................... 427 tipped uterus ......................................... 51, 94, 95
dorsal foot pain ............................................... 254 tipped uterus (commentary) .......................... 54
dorsal foot pain (commentary) .................... 251 uterine cyst .............................................. 411, 421
dorsal foot pain or neuropathy..................... 259 uterine enlargement, fibroids, tumors or
dorsal foot swelling and redness .................. 426 inflammation ............................................. 284
drop foot .................................................. 200, 485 uterine fibroids and tumors ..... 51, 94, 153, 155,
foot numbness and weakness (Master Tung) 249, 253, 285, 381, 411, 419, 421
..................................................................... 215 uterine or ovarian cysts or tumors ............... 107
foot pain ........................................................... 277 Gynecological conditions (general)
hand and foot pain due to hypertension ..... 201 abdominal pain due to reproductive issues.. 51
heel pain ..... 66, 104, 123, 127, 442, 468, 522, 523 birth control pills and regulating
heel pain (severe) ............................................ 392 gynecological hormones (commentary) 412
heel spurs..................304, 317, 350, 353, 474, 485 chronic leucorrhea and cancer (commentary)
hot and cold feet in the elderly (commentary) ....................................................................... 96
..................................................................... 282 controlling Liver fire (commentary)........... 247
inflamed instep ............................................... 426 cyclical symptoms (commentary) ................. 53
instep or sole pain .................................. 200, 357 dark spots on the face (hormonal).................. 56
neuroma (commentary) ................................ 270 edometriosis ...................................................... 94
numbness and pain in the hands and/or feet excessive emotion attacking the uterus 410, 421
..................................................................... 365 hormonal imbalance .............................. 410, 421
numbness of the hands and feet ................... 378 hormonal imbalance causing anger and
numbness of the toes...................................... 217 depression .................................................. 418
pain in the four limbs (hands and feet) ....... 382 hormonal replacement side effects ................ 66
plantar fasciitis ........................................ 304, 314 issues due to Liver qi stagnation .................... 51
sole of the foot pain or heat ........................... 485 leucorrhea .. 51, 157, 205, 206, 245, 253, 286, 410,
toe pain ............................................................ 103 419, 421, 426, 596
toe, ankle, foot or heel pain ........................... 104 Liver qi stagnation in the uterus .................... 51
Liver related reproductive issues
(commentary) .............................................. 54
G ovarian disease ......................................... 51, 601
polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) ............ 51
Gallbladder disorders spinal pain due to hormonal imbalance ........ 65
cholecystitis ..................................................... 117 uterine infection ...................................... 601, 607
cholecystitis (case history) ........................... 446
uterine inflammation .... 245, 253, 411, 421, 597, delayed menses (commentary) .................... 411
607 irregular menses ................... 51, 55, 96, 253, 286
uterine pain and disease ............ 51, 94, 273, 426 irregular menstruation.. 136, 245, 410, 421, 594,
uterine prolapse .............................................. 514 596
uteritis (inflammation of uterus) .................... 95 menorrhagia (heavy or avalanche bleeding)
vaginal inflammation, pain or itching ......... 206 ..................................................... 253, 410, 421
vaginal irritation ............................................. 245 menstrual (cyclical) headaches or migraines51,
vaginal itching ................................................ 411 267
vaginitis ........................................... 251, 260, 411 menstrual bleeding (excessive or scanty) ..... 51,
vulvadynia ...................................................... 205 124
Gynecological conditions (infertility) menstrual cramping (dysmenorrhea)30, 51, 55,
bleeding treatment for infertility 94, 96, 124, 245, 253, 267, 317, 380, 384
(commentary) ............................................ 598 menstrual cramping/dysmenorrhea
blocked fallopian tube ............. 51, 245, 247, 417 (commentary) .............................................. 53
infertility .. 51, 55, 94, 96, 286, 384, 410, 421, 596, menstrual induction ....................... 410, 419, 421
601 menstrual irregularity .............. 94, 124, 217, 381
infertility (commentary) ............................... 416 menstrual pain ................................................ 263
infertility due to hormonal imbalance PMS (premenstrual syndrome) ................ 51, 79
(commentary) .............................................. 96 PMS and Liver qi stagnation ......................... 78
infertility due to stagnation (commentary). 95 premenstrual breast pain......................... 76, 573
Gynecological conditions (labor and delivery) using moxa to stop bleeding (commentary)
afterbirth wind ................................................ 465 ..................................................................... 414
coccyx broken during labor/delivery uterine and menstrual cramps ...................... 304
(commentary) ............................................ 231 Gynecological conditions (pregnancy)
difficult labor................................... 253, 289, 384 gestatational hyperthyroidism ..................... 396
inducing a miscarriage or delivery of a gestational hyperthyroid (commentary) .... 395
stillborn fetus ............................................. 421 hepatitis during pregnancy ........................... 433
labor induction (commentary) .................... 290 miscarriage ............................ 51, 55, 96, 410, 425
labor induction or difficult labor .................. 124 miscarriage after IVF (commentary) .......... 422
postpartum care .............................................. 376 morning sickness ............................................ 407
postpartum fever ............................................ 287 preeclampsia ........................................... 286, 287
postpartum fever and/or pain ..................... 286 preeclampsia (commentary) ........................ 376
postpartum joint pain .................................... 451 pregnancy cautions and treatment
postpartum weakness .................................... 365 (commentary) ............................................ 298
prenatal and postnatal deficiency ................ 381 prenatal and postnatal deficiency ................ 381
retention of a dead fetus ................................ 596 preventing herpes outbreaks during
retention of placenta .............................. 217, 249 pregnancy (treatment) ............................. 360
retention of placenta (commentary) ........... 218 Spleen points during pregnancy
uterine pain following abortion or miscarriage (commentary) ............................................ 375
................................................................. 51, 95 stabilizing pregnancy ............................. 407, 428
vaginal swelling (especially during prolonged stabilizing pregnancy, calming the fetus and
labor) ............................................................. 51 reducing morning sickness (commentary)
Gynecological conditions (menopause) ..................................................................... 427
menopausal hot flashes and night sweats threatened miscarriage (commentary) ....... 418
(commentary) .................................... 130, 375 uterine pain due to abortion ........................... 54
menopausal hot flashes and/or night sweats
..................................... 130, 284, 285, 419, 501
menopausal hot flashes, night sweats, H
irritability and depression........ 51, 76, 79, 94
menopause .......................................... 55, 96, 378 Head (internal disorders)
menopause and regulating hormones apoplexy .......................................................... 188
(commentary) ............................................ 412 brain distension .............................................. 520
Gynecological conditions (menstrual) brain injuries ................................................... 514
amenorrhea .... 55, 94, 96, 124, 245, 253, 597, 601 brain swelling.................................................. 522
amenorrhea (commentary) ........... 288, 412, 564 brain tumor ...... 236, 275, 281, 303, 314, 325, 336
amenorrhea or delayed menses .................... 563 brain tumor (commentary) ................... 237, 400
avalanche bleeding ................................. 136, 413 brain tumor, contusion or injury .................. 320
delayed menses............................................... 410 brain tumors (benign) ............................ 519, 520
cerebellar pain, pressure or tension ............. 600 vertigo 44, 132, 277, 365, 405, 474, 486, 520, 522,
cerebellum or occipital pain .......................... 236 532, 533, 547, 556
cerebellum pain or disease ............................ 311 vertigo with nausea and vomiting ............... 188
cerebral anemia ............................................... 405 Headache and migraines
cerebral palsy .................................................. 514 frontal headache ............................... 67, 132, 263
cerebrovascular disease ................................. 522 frontal headache (acute) ........................ 532, 533
coma . 191, 236, 249, 253, 289, 324, 514, 517, 520, frontal headache (deficient ) commentary 377
536, 563, 565 frontal headache (deficient) . 275, 279, 336, 361,
coma (commentary) ....................................... 291 364
coma (emergency point) ................................ 516 frontal headache (excess)............... 329, 335, 347
coma, fainting and resuscitation .... 76, 188, 204 frontal headache (excess) Dr. Lee’s
concussion ............................................... 236, 311 commentary ............................................... 349
concussion or severe occipital headache ..... 240 frontal headache diagnosis (commentary) 335
cranial nerve pain ........................................... 236 headache .. 120, 123, 140, 182, 184, 196, 221, 236,
cranial swelling ............................................... 325 253, 281, 285, 293, 355, 357, 471, 474, 520,
distended feeling in the head and brain ...... 276 522, 525, 578, 596, 601
dizziness .... 44, 121, 123, 127, 132, 145, 163, 170, headache (acute) ............................................. 535
196, 277, 281, 329, 347, 361, 365, 383, 405, headache (severe) after whiplash injury
426, 474, 486, 514, 520, 522, 532, 533, 547, (commentary) ............................................ 313
556, 596, 600 headache (severe) commentary ................... 239
dizziness (severe) ........................................... 324 headache due to common cold or flu .......... 120
dizziness (sudden).......................................... 578 headache due to Kidney deficiency ............. 145
dizziness and vertigo (commentary) .......... 436 headache due to toxin exposure ................... 265
dizziness due to blood diseases headache with dizziness ................................ 282
(commentary) ............................................ 437 headaches due to blood stagnation .............. 240
dizziness due to blood pressure disorders 249, headaches due to blood stagnation
253 (commentary) ............................................ 238
dizziness due to hypertension ...................... 260 migraine and whole head headache
dizziness due to Kidney deficiency (commentary) ............................................ 483
(commentary) ............................................ 437 migraine headache .....70, 76, 123, 129, 132, 281,
dizziness, blurred vision and vertigo due to 320, 351, 355, 391, 474, 501, 556
hypertension .............................................. 274 migraine headache (commentary) .............. 266
drooling in adults due to brain injury ... 98, 282 migraine headache (severe) commentary .. 257
epilepsy .... 188, 219, 236, 240, 253, 289, 329, 365, migraines (cyclical/hormonal) ....................... 51
442, 448, 471, 485, 514, 530, 563, 565 occipital headache (severe) ........................... 314
epilepsy protocols ......................................... 342 occipital headaches................. 292, 294, 311, 317
fainting ..................................................... 520, 565 occipital or vertex headache (commentary)
head distension ............................................... 514 ..................................................................... 291
head noise ........................................................ 285 Shao Yang one-sided migraine (commentary)
hydrocephalus ........................................ 236, 304 ..................................................................... 389
increased intracranial pressure ..................... 311 Tai Yang area bleeding (commentary) ....... 534
intellectual disability .............................. 514, 517 temple headache/migraine ........................... 272
Mal de Débarquement Syndrome ................ 436 vertex headache .............................................. 292
Meniere’s disease............ 127, 132, 188, 201, 440 vertex, parietal and occipital headaches...... 294
Meniere’s disease (commentary) ........ 191, 436 whole head headache..................................... 276
meningitis 236, 240, 281, 283, 304, 314, 320, 325, Heart disorders
430 acute pain behind the heart........................... 132
occipital pain ............................................. 70, 239 angina................................... 44, 48, 182, 329, 347
pain at the side of the head near Tai Yang angina (commentary) .................................... 218
(Extra Point) ............................................... 263 arteriosclerosis 196, 204, 209, 329, 347, 351, 361,
seizures ............................................................ 293 364, 581
shaking or tremors of the head ..................... 304 arteriosclerosis causing pain and numbness of
shooting pain in the head .............................. 388 the hands and feet ..................................... 580
Three Weights and brain disorders bradycardia ............................................... 82, 137
(commentary) ............................................ 322 cardiac pain ..................................................... 188
transient ischemic attack (TIA) or chest congestion (heart or lung) ................... 187
cerebrovascular accident (CVA).............. 492 chest pain due to angina ................................ 115
chest pain due to angina (commentary) ...... 45
chest pain due to stray gas (commentary) 218, hemiplegia ....... 108, 120, 123, 188, 198, 450, 474,
589 486, 492, 514, 518, 519, 522, 556, 578, 590
chest stuffiness and oppression .............. 48, 171 hemiplegia from stroke (commentary and
circulatory issues ............................................ 590 treatment protocol)................................... 476
coronary heart disease .44, 82, 83, 180, 182, 187, late stage paralysis after stroke..................... 365
191, 204, 274, 329, 345, 347, 351, 355, 361, points on the head for hemiplegia and wind
362, 364, 405, 492, 498, 590 (commentary) ............................................ 512
coronary heart disease (bleeding DT.07) ..... 83 stroke ........................................ 185, 289, 514, 528
coronary heart disease (Master Tung case Hip or groin disorders
history) ....................................................... 362 groin pain .................121, 123, 127, 174, 205, 260
enlarged heart and heart disease.... 82, 583, 585 groin pain (commentary) .............................. 175
Four Flower points and heart disease hip pain ............................................ 123, 137, 321
(commentary) ............................................ 334 hip pain (commentary) ................................. 324
Heart and Kidney yin relationship hip, leg or calf pain ......................................... 206
(commentary) .............................................. 72 inguinal crease pain ....................................... 127
heart attack ................................................ 48, 590 pelvic pain ....................................................... 284
heart attack emergency points (commentary) HIV/AIDS
..................................................................... 217 HIV/AIDS ................................................. 27, 432
heart excess/real chest pain .......................... 345
heart failure, weakness or palpitations ....... 525
heart numbness............................... 329, 347, 352 I
heart numbness (commentary).................... 335
heart numbness and paralysis (slow or Immune and autoimmune disorders
irregular heart rate) ................................... 253 autoimmune and immune disorders ... 140, 449
heart pain (both sides) ................................... 405 autoimmune disorders (commentary) ....... 141
heart rate (irregular) . 44, 48, 49, 82, 83, 249, 252, Insomnia
253, 259 chronic insomnia (commentary) ................. 481
heart rate (rapid) tachycardia 82, 160, 174, 329, insomnia 69, 76, 85, 122, 188, 236, 253, 258, 285,
345, 347, 351, 408 289, 361, 365, 378, 380, 384, 474, 501, 510,
heart rate (slow) .............................................. 260 514, 521, 530, 531, 596
heart rate (slow) and palpitations restless sleeping or night terrors .................. 530
(commentary) ............................................ 250 severe insomnia .............................................. 240
heart rate regulation using Middle Distance
....................................................................... 45
heart weakness.................................................. 72
myocardial infarction ..................................... 185
myocarditis (two-sided heart pain)..... 174, 175,
177, 191, 249, 252, 253, 259, 329, 347
jaundice ............................................ 171, 172, 447
palpitations.... 44, 48, 82, 140, 160, 174, 180, 182,
185, 188, 253, 274, 277, 329, 347, 351, 405, jaundice due to gallbladder disease ............. 202
492, 501, 558, 606 yellowing of the sclera of the eyes (due to
hepatitis) ....................................................... 91
palpitations with a fast pulse ................ 141, 178
palpitations with a slow pulse ...................... 138
pericarditis............................... 329, 347, 351, 405
poor circulation or paresthesia ..................... 405 K
rheumatic heart disease ............. 73, 82, 405, 558
spasms in the heart ......................................... 253 Kidney and urinary disorders
swelling below the heart ....................... 178, 408 bladder prolapse ..................................... 514, 539
weak arms and legs due to Heart deficiency, edema and water retention ........................... 426
excessive cold or overmedication ........... 492 enuresis (bed-wetting) ........... 254, 289, 594, 595
weakness and leg pain in the elderly hematuria (blood in the urine)...... 370, 380, 384
(commentary) ............................................ 406 hematuria due to anger ................................. 538
Heat stroke interstitial cystitis ............. 76, 245, 365, 426, 538
heat stroke ........ 185, 187, 525, 565, 581, 605, 606 interstitial cystitis and painful urination due
heat stroke (commentary)............................. 527 to bladder spasms (commentary) .......... 246
Hemiplegia and stroke kidney and gallbladder pain due to stones. 134
11.10 Wood Fire and stroke (commentary) .. 63 Kidney deficiency ................................... 593, 595
aphasia due to stroke ..................... 200, 492, 522 Kidney deficient joint pain ............................ 547
Kidney deficient night sweats ...... 130, 365, 501
Kidney deficient whole-body pain............... 556 aching pain or soreness of the upper leg ..... 140
kidney failure .................. 288, 365, 373, 569, 593 arthritis in the legs .................................. 200, 485
kidney pain due to deficiency......................... 67 calf injury, pain or spasm ..... 130, 165, 172, 181,
Kidney qi deficiency ...................................... 547 316, 346
kidney related arthritis pain ......................... 552 cold feet and legs in the elderly due to
kidney stone with upper back pain ............. 428 circulatory problems ................................... 64
kidney stones .......................... 116, 215, 538, 593 edema (leg and foot), weakness or varicosities
Kidney yin deficiency .............................. 72, 558 ..................................................................... 365
Kidney yin deficient thirst with dryness of the edema in the legs ............................................ 352
mouth and throat ...................................... 426 edema of the legs (floating) ........................... 286
nephritis ... 132, 145, 215, 286, 361, 365, 380, 384, hip, leg or calf pain ......................................... 206
425, 428, 538, 593, 595, 607 knee (rheumatoid arthritis of the knee) ....... 492
polycystic kidney disease (PKD) knee and heel spurs................................ 330, 348
commentary ............................................... 434 knee and leg swelling .................................... 586
polycystic liver and kidneys.................. 87, 430 knee or ankle pain with flexion .................... 144
proteinuria ........ 215, 286, 361, 379, 380, 384, 426 knee pain ..... 44, 66, 123, 129, 188, 198, 200, 405,
Three Emperors and urinary conditions 555
(commentary) ............................................ 539 knee pain (anterior) .......................................... 73
turbid urine (commentary) .......................... 379 knee pain (back of knee) ........................ 144, 273
urethra pain ............................................. 538, 543 knee pain (commentary)............................... 176
urethralgia ............................................... 369, 379 knee pain (degenerative) ............... 176, 583, 585
urethritis ............................................................ 44 knee pain (medial) .................................... 60, 174
urinary bladder spasms causing frequent knee pain (medial) due to bone spurs or
painful urination ....................................... 426 degenerative arthritis........................ 177, 355
urinary bladder stone .................................... 595 knee pain and heart disease (commentary)
urinary diseases .............................................. 501 ..................................................................... 189
urinary incontinence ...................... 124, 384, 538 knee pain caused by Heart fatigue or
urinary incontinence (commentary) ... 368, 539 overwork ...................................................... 60
urinary stone pain (commentary) ............... 543 knee pain due to rheumatoid arthritis or Heart
urinary stone pain (due to stone stuck in the deficiency ................................................... 498
urethra) ....................................................... 543 knee pain due to spur .................... 350, 353, 474
urinary stones ......................................... 117, 540 knee pain Guiding Point (Fire Master)
urinary tract infection ...................... 76, 249, 569 commentary ....................................... 258, 333
urinary tract infection (commentary) ... 79, 369 knee pain inside the joint, bleeding DT.07
urinary tract infection and anger Three Gold (commentary) ...................... 583
(commentary) ............................................ 250 knee pain or swelling (chronic) .................... 583
urinary tract infection, pain or uremia . 45, 251, knee pain, degenerative (commentary) ....... 61
254, 260 knee pain, medial (commentary) ................ 176
urination (difficulty urinating) ..... 185, 365, 379 kneecap arthritis ............................................. 583
urination (excessive) .............................. 185, 286 kneecap pain ................................................... 260
urination (failure to urinate) ....................... 373 knees deformed (due to arthritis or bone spur)
urination (frequent painful urination due to ....................................................................... 60
urinary spasms) ......................................... 380 leg and foot numbness (commentary) ....... 232
urination (frequent urination) ..... 122, 127, 187, leg and foot weakness, varicosities or edema
365, 379, 380 ..................................................................... 365
urination (nocturia) ................................ 365, 370 leg and lower back pain................................. 317
urination painful (dysuria)... 122, 124, 128, 594, leg numbness .................................................. 467
595 leg pain or weakness .............. 115, 123, 486, 530
urine burning due to anger ................... 117, 539 legs and back numbness ................................ 474
urine retention ................................................ 595 legs cold and painful .............................. 200, 485
lower extremity pain ...................................... 137
lower leg distension and pain, varicosities and
L calf cramps ................................................... 66
lower leg or foot numbness, distension or pain
Leg and knee disorders ..................................................................... 167
achilles tendon pain ............................... 286, 314 lower leg pain ................................. 213, 215, 277
achilles tendon sprain .................................... 304 lower leg pain or spasm ................................ 129
aching pain of the calf .................................... 129 lower leg pain or weakness ........................... 254
lower leg tight, distended or painful ........... 586 ischial nerve pain .................................... 122, 127
lower leg trauma, strain or numbness ......... 450 lower and upper back pain ........................... 518
lower leg, calf and foot pain.......................... 208 lower back and leg pain................................. 317
lower limb numbness or paralysis ............... 561 lower back bulging discs (commentary) ... 231
nerve pain in the lower leg or foot or lateral lower back pain. 67, 114, 120, 123, 129, 132, 140,
sciatica ........................................................ 356 174, 210, 215, 231, 273, 286, 287, 293, 304,
numbness of the legs ...................................... 200 316, 365, 380, 426, 492, 501, 547, 559, 561,
shaky or weak legs ......................................... 441 562, 596
spasms and leg cramps .................................. 304 lower back pain (commentary) ........... 502, 551
swelling in legs and weakness ...................... 379 lower back pain after treatment using a face
swelling of leg and knee ................................ 586 cradle (commentary) ................................ 287
tendon and muscle tension in the lower legs lower back pain due to arteriosclerosis ....... 589
..................................................................... 273 lower back spasm (commentary) ................ 318
thigh pain ........................................ 142, 485, 587 lower to mid-back pain due to gallbladder 442
thigh pain (groin to knee) .............................. 137 lumbar or sacral pain ....................................... 65
thigh pain (medial) ......................................... 174 pain of the lumbar vertebrae (due to coldness)
thigh pain due to lack of blood flow ............ 488 ..................................................................... 594
weakness in the legs of the elderly ..... 199, 200, sciatica ....... 120, 121, 123, 128, 231, 294, 365, 555
545 sciatica (Gallbladder channel, stubborn)
weakness of the legs ............................... 200, 547 commentary ....................................... 168, 586
weakness of the lower legs.................... 201, 210 sciatica (Gallbladder channel)...... 128, 134, 161,
weakness, swelling or pain of the legs due to 273, 357
Heart and Lung ......................................... 405 sciatica (Gallbladder channel) and lower leg
Liver disorders pain (commentary) ................................... 133
cirrhosis. 85, 87, 171, 212, 320, 373, 430, 440, 497 sciatica (Gallbladder channel) due to
dizziness due to hepatitis .............................. 442 arteriosclerosis ........................................... 587
exhaustion due to liver (commentary) ......... 86 sciatica (Urinary Bladder and/or Gallbladder
exhaustion due to Liver deficiency .............. 497 channel) .............................................. 114, 167
hepatitis ..... 85, 171, 172, 213, 430, 440, 447, 569, sciatica (Urinary Bladder channel) ...... 128, 144,
574 148, 174, 316, 518, 519, 559
hepatitis (commentary)................................. 432 sciatica (Urinary Bladder channel)
hepatitis and end-stage cirrhosis commentary ....................................... 146, 294
(commentary) ............................................ 432 sciatica and Ling Gu (commentary) ........... 125
hepatitis and HIV ............................................. 86 sciatica due to qi deficiency .................. 556, 557
hepatomegaly............................ 85, 320, 430, 497 sit bone pain ............................................ 114, 356
liver blood related issues ............................... 321 twisted lower back ................................. 132, 317
liver disease or pain ......................... 85, 253, 322 twisted lower back/acute lumbar sprain
liver or gallbladder weakness ....................... 545 (commentary) ...................................... 68, 551
liver organ disease (serious) commentary... 86 weakness of the lower back and legs ........... 384
liver pain ........... 134, 135, 160, 171, 430, 486, 497 Lung disorders
liver weakness................................................. 471 asthma ...... 107, 120, 123, 142, 153, 155, 163, 181,
pharmaceutical side effects ........................... 430 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 285, 289, 329, 346,
polycystic liver and kidneys.................. 87, 430 347, 350, 351, 355, 357, 402, 450, 465, 517,
Low back (lumbar, sacrum, sciatica) 519, 547, 549, 553
acute lower back pain .... 117, 137, 402, 547, 565 asthma (commentary) ................... 154, 181, 333
acute muscular strain of the lower back and asthma due to arteriosclerosis ...................... 604
waist ............................................................ 161 bronchiectasis .......................................... 182, 549
acute or chronic lower back pain ......... 598, 601 bronchitis .......... 107, 109, 120, 123, 185, 547, 549
back and leg numbness.................................. 474 bronchitis due to allergies ............................. 549
back pain (lateral lumbar Dai Mai) .............. 273 chest congestion .............................................. 187
chronic lumbar pain (commentary) ............ 552 chronic cough .......................................... 182, 465
coccyx/sacral pain.................... 66, 174, 230, 562 chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
coccyx/tailbone injury in the elderly (COPD) ............................................... 107, 549
(commentary) ............................................ 231 cough ......... 107, 163, 184, 187, 188, 285, 402, 553
coccyx/tailbone pain65, 365, 514, 517, 521, 522, cough (acute or chronic) ........................ 123, 450
523 cough (with or without phlegm) .................. 547
coccyx/tailbone pain (commentary).... 177, 231 cough, asthma or bronchitis (commentary)
herniated disc (L5-S1 hinge) commentary 562 ..................................................................... 550
cystic fibrosis ................................................... 549 anger or irritability ......................................... 253
emphysema ..... 120, 123, 153, 185, 187, 329, 347, anxiety ................. 76, 249, 253, 507, 514, 521, 530
351, 547, 549, 553 anxiety (with palpitations) .............................. 49
excess fluid in the chest or lungs .. 329, 347, 351 anxiety and insomnia ............................. 251, 260
Four Horses for asthma, pneumonia and anxiety chest pain ........................................... 218
cough (commentary) ................................ 457 anxiety or depression ..................................... 516
hemoptysis (coughing blood) ............... 182, 285 awaken the brain ........................................... 536
lung disease and deficiency .......... 471, 536, 543 bipolar disorder .............................................. 507
lung tumor....................... 329, 347, 350, 351, 549 calming the mind............................................ 511
pleurisy .................................... 356, 450, 549, 554 depression .......... 76, 188, 253, 507, 514, 521, 530
pleuritis ...................................... 57, 346, 397, 465 depression and mental health disorders ..... 340
pneumonia ...... 107, 109, 120, 123, 153, 155, 185, depression or addiction, with nervous system
187, 450, 549, 553 tension .......................................................... 79
rib pain due to coughing ............................... 107 depression with exhaustion ............................ 79
shortness of breath (dyspnea) ...... 163, 183, 517, disorientation (phlegm masking the orifices)
519, 547, 605 ..................................................................... 405
tuberculosis ..............182, 329, 347, 351, 450, 465 easily startled .................................................... 69
wheezing ................................................. 517, 519 enhance memory............................................ 536
hyperactivity ................................... 518, 519, 530
hysteria ............................................ 530, 545, 565
M irritability ......................................... 188, 369, 507
irritability and anger (commentary)............. 78
Male sexual conditions mania................................................ 132, 293, 530
bleeding treatment for infertility mania with dizziness, nausea and vomiting
(commentary) ............................................ 598 ..................................................................... 274
enlarged prostate ............................................ 365 mental confusion .................... 127, 325, 407, 507
impotence ......... 249, 286, 405, 407, 426, 547, 595 mental confusion (phlegm masking the
impotence and premature ejaculation orifices) ......................................................... 82
(commentary) ............................................ 552 mental disorders ..................................... 563, 565
infertility .......................................................... 601 mental instability and weakness .......... 384, 507
infertility formulas ........................................ 417 mental overstimulation leading to aching and
lower back pain and kidney deficiency from pain ............................................................. 489
sex addiction .............................................. 282 nervousness ..................................................... 520
nocturnal emission ................................. 380, 384 neurosis ............................................ 182, 285, 498
premature ejaculation ..... 72, 381, 384, 426, 547, nightmares and fear ....................................... 484
595 pain induced by anger ..................................... 73
prostate diseases ............................................. 538 palpitations and anxiety ................................ 132
prostate enlargement ..................................... 547 phlegm masking the orifices ......................... 558
prostate enlargement (commentary) .......... 370 phlegm masking the orifices (commentary)74
prostatitis ........................................... 55, 365, 539 phlegm obstructing the Heart (commentary)
prostatitis (commentary) .............................. 371 ....................................................................... 83
scrotal inflammation ........................................ 55 psychiatric ailments (commentary) ............ 323
scrotal itching .................................................. 359 psychological issues due to wind and phlegm
sexual and urinary function (commentary) ..................................................................... 320
..................................................................... 368 psychosis.......................................................... 289
sexual disorders and Kidney (commentary) psychosis (commentary) ............................... 536
..................................................................... 552 PTSD................................................................. 482
sexual dysfunction ................................. 365, 380 schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, etc. ...... 474
spermatorrhea ................................. 249, 286, 384 stress related shaky, weak or numb
testicular pain.................................................. 253 extremities .................................................. 530
testitis ................................................................. 44 Mouth disorders
Mental health conditions abscess, blisters or canker sores .................... 431
ADD, ADHD, Tourette syndrome ............... 431 aphasia ............................................. 477, 479, 514
adult hysteria .................................................... 69 bad breath (halitosis).............................. 361, 569
agitation due to liver disease .......................... 85 bitter taste in the mouth .................................. 85
Alzheimer’s disease................ 325, 357, 438, 514 bleeding gums................................................. 430
Alzheimer’s disease (commentary) ............ 515 canker sores (commentary) .......................... 441
amnesia ............................................................ 285 deviation of the mouth .................................. 468
dry mouth and thirst 72, 259, 285, 287, 345, 365, neck stiffness (cannot turn head side to side)
428, 594, 596 ..................................................................... 145
gingivitis .......................................................... 388 neck stiffness and upper back pain .............. 269
inability to taste .............................................. 277 neck stiffness due to high cholesterol .......... 279
lip or mouth ulcers ......................................... 359 neck stiffness or pain in the nape of the neck
mouth tumors or ulcers ......................... 330, 348 (due to pathogenic wind) ......................... 197
mouth ulcer (commentary)........................... 346 neck, shoulder and/or elbow pain .............. 382
salivation (excess or deficient) ...................... 563 neck, shoulder or upper arm pain (LI channel)
stiff tongue (difficulty speaking) .......... 269, 556 ..................................................................... 355
sudden loss of voice ....................................... 563 Shao Yang neck and shoulder strain or sprain
swelling of the gums .............................. 352, 563 ..................................................................... 388
tonsillitis .......................................................... 187 Tai Yang head and neck pain................ 107, 294
toothache ... 44, 114, 145, 221, 285, 330, 342, 348, Nerve disorders
355, 388, 563, 565 calming the nervous system.......................... 516
toothache (lower teeth) .......................... 120, 123 calming the nervous system (commentary)
toothache at the root of the tooth ................. 132 ..................................................................... 511
Multiple sclerosis joint instability due to nerve damage .......... 211
multiple sclerosis ............................ 140, 142, 450 nerve compression syndrome ....................... 522
multiple sclerosis (commentary) ................ 464 nerve pain ........................................................ 556
Muscular disorders nervous system dysfunction . 514, 518, 519, 561
muscle atrophy ........126, 203, 205, 273, 450, 463 neuralgia .......................................................... 272
muscle atrophy, spasm or weakness ........... 198 paralysis ........................................... 128, 486, 547
severe muscle weakness ............................... 140 quadriplegia .................................................... 492
spasms in the tendon or muscle ................... 317 weakness of the nerves .......... 474, 498, 520, 521
Neuropathy or numbness
neuropathy ...................................... 365, 384, 522
N neuropathy (commentary)............................ 378
numbness of the back and legs ..................... 474
Nasal disorders numbness of the four limbs........................... 426
alcoholic nose .................................................. 536 peripheral neuropathy ................................... 382
peripheral neuropathy due to high blood
enlargement of nasal mucosa........................ 536
nasal atrophy........................................... 450, 456 pressure or stroke ...................................... 578
nasal blockage ................................................. 236 peripheral neuropathy of the foot ................ 259
nasal bone pain ................................................. 67 whole body numbness ................................... 270
nasal congestion................ 76, 199, 236, 536, 541
nasal congestion and pain ............................. 364
nasal dryness ................................................... 466 O
nasal inflammation......................................... 538
nasal obstruction .................................... 530, 536 Obesity and weight loss
nasal obstruction due to food allergies........ 267 obesity .............................. 272, 273, 277, 355, 426
nasal polyps .................................... 450, 466, 541 promoting weight loss (protocol) ......... 279, 503
nosebleed ..................145, 199, 236, 253, 315, 430 One-sided disorders
rhinitis ......... 56, 163, 183, 355, 405, 450, 466, 536 one-sided musculoskeletal pain
rhinitis (chronic) ............................................. 357 (commentary) ............................................ 391
sinusitis ...................................... 56, 450, 465, 466 one-sided pain of the neck, shoulder, elbow,
Neck disorders wrist and heel ............................................ 388
cervical injury or stenosis .............................. 212 one-sided pathology or movable pain . 355, 475
cervical spondylosis ....................................... 474
neck and back pain ........................... 65, 108, 486
neck and shoulder pain ................................. 272 P
neck injury (including whiplash) ......... 140, 277
neck pain.......................... 109, 293, 320, 384, 601 Parkinson’s disease
neck pain ‘fallen pillow syndrome’...... 108, 563 Parkinson’s disease 357, 365, 440, 514, 517, 518,
neck pain ‘fallen pillow syndrome’ 519, 521, 522
(commentary) ............................................ 564 Parkinson’s disease (commentary) ..... 438, 515
neck pain or injury (including whiplash) Pediatric disorders
commentary ............................................... 311 abdominal bloating in children ...................... 80
neck stiffness ................... 132, 148, 160, 324, 474 asthma with high fever .......................... 120, 123
bed-wetting (commentary) .......................... 374 poison oak/poison ivy........................... 569, 574
childhood diseases due to wind ................... 576 psoriasis (commentary) ................................ 460
continuous drooling ......................................... 97 psoriasis/eczema ...................... 79, 450, 467, 574
fever, asthma or pneumonia (commentary) scabies .............................................................. 569
..................................................................... 121 scleroderma ..................................................... 450
high fever in children ..................................... 576 scleroderma (commentary) .......................... 462
infantile convulsions .............. 253, 289, 565, 576 shingles (herpes zoster) .. 99, 100, 355, 357, 467,
infantile malnutrition ..................................... 155 501, 570
infantile rigidity after surgery ...................... 321 shingles (herpes zoster) commentary ........ 570
motion sickness....................................... 191, 525 skin diseases on the arms ...................... 163, 167
motion sickness (commentary) ................... 528 skin diseases on the hands ........................ 57, 76
night twitching................................................ 431 skin diseases on the neck ............................... 199
nocturnal distress or startled easily ..... 530, 545 skin diseases on the palms and feet (cracked
nocturnal distress/crying (comments).......... 69 and bleeding) ..................................... 185, 318
pneumonia, cough, asthma, or lung problems tinea (skin fungus) .......................................... 450
(commentary) ............................................ 109 urticaria (hives) ............................................... 467
Polio whole-body itching from poisoning ............ 569
polio.......................................... 200, 212, 269, 321 Spasms, tremors and wind related disorders
any wind-related conditions ......... 439, 474, 521
convulsions (commentary) ........................... 601
S spasms (urinary) causing frequent painful
urination ..................................................... 380
Scarlet fever spasms and leg cramps .................................. 304
scarlet fever ............................................. 581, 605 spasms and pain of the upper extremities .. 188
scarlet fever (commentary)............................ 582 spasms and the bleeding of LU5
Sexually transmitted diseases (commentary) ............................................ 337
gonorrhea ........................ 380, 384, 426, 497, 569 spasms anywhere in the body (Correct
herpes (oral, anal and genital) .............. 355, 359 Tendons) commentary............................. 310
Shock spasms in the heart ......................................... 253
shock ................................................................ 520 spasms in the tendon or muscle ................... 317
Shoulder disorders spasms of the arm, forearm, or hand ... 161, 163
acromium pain ................................ 199, 397, 398 spasms of the chest (commentary).............. 162
anterior shoulder pain ........................... 269, 338 spasms of the finger ....................................... 185
arm cannot be brought behind the back spasms of the forearm or hand ..................... 160
(commentary) ............................................ 395 spasms of the lower back .............................. 318
deltoid pain ..................................................... 338 spasms of the lower leg ................................. 129
frozen shoulder . 73, 118, 123, 127, 140, 185, 187, spasms or convulsions ........................... 514, 601
198, 229, 330, 348, 351, 365 spasms, pain or injury of the calf 165, 172, 181,
frozen shoulder protocol (commentary) .... 336 316, 346
inability to lift the arm ............. 73, 338, 394, 399 spasms, weakness or muscle atrophy .......... 198
shoulder and back pain ................................. 394 tremors ..................................... 365, 516, 517, 519
shoulder and upper arm pain ....................... 554 tremors (commentary)................................... 515
shoulder pain ...........107, 140, 180, 199, 361, 556 tremors of the extremities...................... 514, 518
shoulder pain or numbness .......................... 365 tremors or shaking of the head ..................... 304
Skin disorders whole back pain or spasm (commentary) . 293
acne...................... 56, 450, 459, 467, 541, 542, 590 whole back spasm (muscles on both sides of
boils and infections .................. 99, 317, 590, 606 the spine) ............................................ 148, 317
boils due to toxic heat (commentary) ......... 591 Spleen disorders
facial pigment changes .................................. 501 spleen inflammation or hardening................. 80
Four Horses and skin diseases (commentary) spleen organ issues......................................... 321
..................................................................... 459 splenomegaly .................... 81, 202, 269, 320, 430
itching and irritability due to itching Stagnation and chronic diseases
(commentary) ............................................ 151 chronic diseases due to excess or stagnation
itching and wind (commentary) ................. 482 ..................................................................... 317
itching skin, hives or rashes ... 76, 140, 142, 196,
399, 405, 450, 471, 474, 486, 501
itching skin, hives or rashes (commentary)
............................................................. 459, 466
whole body pain ..................................... 474, 486
T whole body pain due to blood deficiency ... 492
whole body weakness ............ 201, 236, 518, 519
Throat disorders Wrist, hand and finger disorders
benign laryngeal tumor ................................. 426 deformity or swelling of the bones of the
chronic dry mouth with sore throat ............. 287 hands........................................... 330, 348, 351
chronic sore throat (commentary) ............... 259 finger numbness ............................... 44, 249, 280
difficulty swallowing ..................................... 525 finger or arm pain or tingling ....................... 382
fish bone stuck in the throat .................... 58, 393 finger or hand pain or numbness ................. 254
growth in the throat ............................... 393, 396 finger pain ....................................................... 103
hoarseness, inflammation and swelling of the finger spasm .................................................... 185
throat ........................................................... 493 finger weakness .............................................. 229
itching throat ................................................... 604 finger, palm or thumb pain ........................... 104
laryngitis ........... 186, 187, 201, 393, 399, 426, 501 hand and foot pain due to hypertension ..... 201
loss of voice ..................... 153, 285, 493, 525, 527 hand and wrist weakness or pain ................ 272
pharyngitis .............................. 393, 399, 493, 501 hand or finger bone pain or inflammation.. 153
plum pit qi sensation in the throat ....... 253, 394 hand or forearm cramping ............................ 162
scrofula (lymph nodes swollen in the neck) 325 hand or forearm spasm.................................. 160
sore or swollen throat .................................... 393 hand pain with difficulty opening and closing
sore throat 140, 153, 154, 155, 185, 284, 289, 426, the hands .................................................... 109
556, 604 hand, forearm, or arm spasm................ 161, 163
sore throat (chronic) ............................... 254, 285 handgrip weak ................................................ 165
sore throat (severe) and bleeding Nine Moths hands difficult to open or close or difficulty
(commentary) ............................................ 604 extending the fingers ................................ 107
throat abscess .................................................. 393 hands hot or swollen ...................................... 400
throat pain ....................................................... 514 index finger and elbow pain ......................... 351
throat tumor .................................................... 501 index finger pain ............................ 242, 330, 348
tonsillitis ... 185, 320, 394, 396, 399, 493, 501, 604 middle or ring finger pain ............................. 269
vocal cord polyps ........................................... 501 numbness and pain in the hands and/or feet
Thyroid disorders ..................................................................... 365
enlarged thyroid (goiter) 325, 394, 450, 468, 493 numbness of the hands .................................. 277
enlarged thyroid (goiter) commentary....... 395 numbness of the hands and feet ................... 378
Graves’ disease ............................................... 320 numbness of the hands or arms.................... 486
hyperthyroidism ............. 320, 394, 396, 450, 467 pain in back, shoulder, arms, elbow and hands
hyperthyroidism (commentary) .......... 395, 458 ..................................................................... 598
hyperthyroidism and hypothyrodism pain in the four limbs (hands and feet) ....... 382
(commentary) ............................................ 324 palm pain reaching to the fingers................. 180
thyroiditis ........................................ 394, 493, 604 palms sweaty .................................................... 76
rheumatoid arthritis in the hands
(commentary) .............................................. 74
V skin disease on the hands ................................ 76
tendinitis, tenosynovitis ................................ 103
Vascular disorders thenar eminence pain ............. 107, 109, 153, 243
varicose veins .................................................... 65 thumb pain (commentary) ........................... 243
varicose veins (commentary) ......................... 66 thumb pain (metacarpal) commentary ...... 155
varicosities ....................................................... 379 trigger finger ................................................... 104
vascular disease .............................................. 489 trigger finger (commentary) ........................ 270
wrist pain (carpal tunnel) ...................... 185, 187
wrist pain or carpal tunnel (commentary) 149
W wrist sprain (radial side) ............................... 114

Whole body disorders

whole body ache and multiple joint pain
(especially fingers and toes)..................... 405
whole body aching after exercise ................. 489
whole body joint and bone pain or numbness
..................................................................... 273
whole body numbness ........................... 269, 270

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