A User Programmable Battery Charging Sys PDF
A User Programmable Battery Charging Sys PDF
A User Programmable Battery Charging Sys PDF
A Thesis
Approved by:
May 2013
portable, stationary or motive applications, these batteries go hand in hand with battery
charging systems. With energy harvesting being targeted in this day and age, high
energy density and longer lasting batteries with efficient charging systems are being
application may be, rechargeable batteries, which deliver power to a load or system,
systems must perform this replenishment by using very fast and efficient methods to
extend battery life and to increase periods between charges. In this regard, they have to
battery powered systems. This is to reduce the cost of using different battery chargers for
different types of battery powered applications and also to provide the convenience of
This thesis proposes a user programmable charging system that can charge a Lithium ion
battery from three different input sources, i.e. a wall outlet, a universal serial bus (USB)
and an energy harvesting system. The proposed charging system consists of three main
building blocks, i.e. a pulse charger, a step down DC to DC converter and a switching
network system, to extend the number of applications it can be used for. The switching
network system is to allow charging of a battery via an energy harvesting system, while
the step down converter is used to provide an initial supply voltage to kick start the
energy harvesting system. The pulse charger enables the battery to be charged from a
wall outlet or a USB network. It can also be reconfigured to charge a Nickel Metal
Experimental results verify the concept of the proposed charging system. The pulse
charge a Li-ion battery and a Nickel Metal Hydride battery, respectively. The step down
converter has a maximum efficiency of 90% at an input voltage of 3V and the charging
I would like to thank my committee chair and advisor, Dr. Sanchez-Sinencio for his
committee members, Dr. Palermo, Dr. Shi and Dr. Walker, for serving on my defense
committee. I also express my gratitude to Dr. Zenon Medina-Cetina for taking time off
his busy schedule to substitute for one of my committee members on the day of my
I would also like to express thanks to Dake Tuli and Benjamin Sarpong of Texas
Instruments for their support during my years at Texas A & M University. I also extend
provided a means to fabricate my design through their educational program. Thanks also
goes to my friends, research colleagues and the department faculty and staff for making
Finally, my gratitude goes to my parents and brother for their encouragement, patience,
AC Alternating current
DC Direct current
ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................................ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .............................................................................................. iv
NOMENCLATURE ........................................................................................................... v
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1
Figure 7 Comparison of battery chemistries in terms of energy density and weight. ... 23
Figure 18 Charging system with DC-DC converter and switching network. ................. 43
Figure 19 Flow chart showing the operation of the battery charging system. ................ 46
Figure 20 Proposed block diagram of phase locked battery charger. ............................. 48
Figure 42 Trickle current, ITC, versus resistance, RTC. ................................................ 82
Figure 59 Linear regulator (LDO) and switch inductor converter (buck). .................... 109
Figure 61 Operation of switched capacitor converter during different clock phases. ... 112
Figure 63 Operation of switched capacitor converter with Vbatt=3V at no load. .......... 117
Figure 64 Converter’s output voltage variation with load current. ............................... 118
Figure 65 Converter output variation with varying battery voltage. ............................. 119
Figure 67 Flow chart showing conceptual idea of switching network system.............. 122
Figure 73 Micrograph of user programmable battery charging system IC. .................. 129
Figure 75 Test bench to verify operation of proposed pulse charger. ........................... 131
Figure 76 Test result verifying operation of proposed pulse charger in normal mode. 132
Figure 77 Trickle mode charging of Li-ion cell using reconfigured pulse charger. ..... 133
Figure 78 Constant current charging using reconfigured pulse charger. ...................... 134
Figure 80 Control signal for clock phases and output voltage ripple of converter. ...... 135
Figure 81 Converter's output with a 3V input and increased output capacitance. ........ 136
Figure 82 Output voltage variation versus input voltage variation. .............................. 136
Figure 85 Operation of switching network for supercapacitor and battery < 3V. ........ 139
Figure 86 Operating signals of switching network system. .......................................... 140
Table 3 Design parameters depending on multi cell or single cell applications ............ 36
Table 11 Pulse charger pin descriptions and maximum ratings ..................................... 100
Most systems, from automobiles to smart phones, are powered by energy storage
devices. Energy storage device usage ranges from emergency power to portable devices,
which provide the convenience of movement without the impediment of wires. Energy
storage devices, such as batteries, have proved to be an important factor in the increase
and release of smart and high performance battery powered devices on the market today.
With smart computing and portable electronic devices blooming in the global market,
consumers are pushing for extended battery power usage and longer lasting batteries to
manufacturers (OEM) are therefore investing in smart battery chargers and battery
management systems (BMS) and are also looking for new and more efficient ways to
make consumers happy in that regard. Battery chargers and BMS continue to be very
important in battery powered systems since once the energy is depleted from the battery,
it has to be replenished for continuous use, and therefore the market for chargers and
BMS will continue to grow as long as there is an increase in demand for rechargeable
batteries. According to a recent report by Global Industry Analysts Inc. (GIA), the global
consumer batteries market is going to reach $55.4 billion by 2017 [1] and this is being
fueled by the rising popularity of portable electronic devices such as smart phones and
In this day and age, where the world is moving towards green, renewable and sustainable
energy, energy storage devices are needed in the area of energy harvesting. Renewable
energy, which is environmentally friendly, can effectively be stored without any
environmental hazards for a time frame ranging from a few seconds to several months
and reused almost immediately. Renewable energy does not provide a steady stream of
power and hence, energy storage is needed for uninterrupted service. Whether macro
energy harvesting to feed into the grid or micro energy harvesting for portable
applications, the next fifty or more years is going see a lot of investment in renewable
energy, and there is therefore going to be a demand for better harvesting techniques and
energy storage devices. The advancement of smart power management systems will help
support the development of new energy storage technologies. Macro or micro energy
harvesting systems will definitely include a charger to replenish any energy lost from the
storage device.
Whatever the system may be, from energy harvesting to electric vehicles, battery
powered devices go hand in hand with battery chargers and BMS. There is a need to
therefore design efficient, smart and intelligent battery chargers for such systems. These
chargers should incorporate safety mechanisms to ensure safety of the consumer and
also prevent harm to the battery and prolong its life. The state, remaining capacity and
life cycle of a battery depends on the quality of charger used to charge it and therefore,
the selection of the appropriate battery charger for a specific battery is of great
importance when it comes to OEMs. This is to ensure that the life cycle of the battery is
A typical battery charging system for portable applications is shown in Fig. 1, which
takes power from an input source and replaces the energy depleted from the battery.
Traditionally, batteries are recharged from a wall adapter. With recent improvements in
technology, batteries can be recharged from a Universal Serial Bus (USB) or from an
Input Voltage
Transformerless power supply
Class X2 Cap
Wall adapter
transformer Battery
charger +
Step up
harvester Step down
From a wall outlet, i.e. AC mains, a device known as a wall adapter is used to provide
the right input voltage for the battery charger. The standard voltage obtained from the
wall outlet is 110Vrms and cannot be directly used to charge a battery. This voltage is
stepped down using a transformer, rectified and regulated to achieve a good input
voltage ideal for the charging system. Another method to step down the mains voltage is
by using a reactance, which does not only drop the mains voltage but also limits the
inrush line current. This method is known as transformerless power supply [2]. It uses a
resistor and class X2 capacitor, which could have a voltage rating in the order of
kilovolts [3], to drop the mains voltage to smaller voltage which is then rectified for use
in portable applications. Though the transformerless power supply consumes much less
space and is cheaper than step down transformers, it is not used often because of their
non-isolation properties from the mains, which could lead to potential safety concerns.
The input voltage to the charger can also be provided by connecting it to a USB network.
The USB network consists of a USB socket and a USB cable [4]. The socket consists of
four pins and the cable is constructed using four 20 or 28 American wire gauge (AWG)
wires [5]. The USB socket pins include two inner pins for data transfer and two outer
pins for power supply. These two outer pins provide the charging voltage and current to
the battery charger. Likewise, the USB cable has two wires for power supply and two
wires for data transfer. The construction of the standard USB network provides a clean
and good voltage for a charging system in portable battery powered applications. The
USB outputs a voltage ranging from 4.75V to 5V, allowing a maximum charging current
of 0.5A [6].
Using an energy harvester source requires some type of step up or step down circuit
depending on the available power the harvester is able to produce. The step up or step
down circuit is needed to be able to achieve the right input voltage for the charging
system. Energy harvesters, such as solar cells, can output a high or low voltage
depending on the environmental conditions. In cases where the harvester produces a high
voltage, which cannot be applied directly to the charging system, a step down circuit,
such as a buck converter, is used to reduce the voltage to an ideal value. When the
harvester output voltage is low, such as the output power derived from radio frequency
emissions, a step up circuit, such as a boost converter or a charge pump, is needed to up-
convert the voltage to a value which is suitable to charge the battery. In some cases, the
Many battery charging systems use the wall outlet, USB or a combination of the two as
input sources. Energy harvesting systems incorporating chargers make use of only
energy harvesters as their input sources. Many battery chargers do not use a combination
of the three input sources. Also, they do not provide flexibility to users to change the
configuration of the chargers to meet a specific need, i.e. to charge different types of
batteries. In this thesis, the charging system designed seeks to combine all three inputs,
depending on which one is available. It also provides the user with options to change the
configuration of the charger to meet a specific need, i.e. the charger can be reconfigured
from its original design to behave like another type of charger. This can be a pulse
charger, a constant current charger or a trickle charger. This is done to increase the
number of applications which can use this system. The benefits of combining different
input sources is to extend battery power usage and enable charging under different
conditions, such as in applications where a wall outlet is not available, or to make use of
to do this, additional blocks are designed to support the battery charger: a step down DC
to DC converter to serve as a power supply for an energy harvesting system (EHS), and
a switching network system to enable the charging of the battery from all available input
sources. The conceptual idea for this proposed battery charging system is illustrated in
Fig. 2.
Step Down
Pulse Charger Converter
Constant current
Trickle charger
When it comes to the load, the charging system designed is used to charge a battery
powering a sensor, preferably a humidity sensor. The system seeks to combine two
energy storage elements, i.e. battery and a supercapacitor, to meet the demands of the
load, i.e. sensor. A supercapacitor is utilized for short term peak power demand and a
battery for constant power demand. The main idea is to increase the life cycle of the
The main objective of this thesis is to design a battery charging system capable of
supporting USB, AC-DC and energy harvesting applications. The charging system will
consist of a battery charger, a step down DC-DC converter and a switching network
system to extend the number of input voltage sources that can be used. The main
challenge in designing such systems is ensuring the battery charge method is ideal for
whatever type of battery used, and then ensuring that the charge profile includes
measures to prevent any potential harm to a user and extending the life cycle of the
battery. A charging system incorporating safety measures and good charging profile is
Section 2 first introduces energy storage elements and energy harvesting, delving into
the different types of batteries, charge methods, battery chargers and energy harvesters.
Section 3 begins by discussing previous works in literature, and then a detailed design
procedure of the proposed charger. The conceptual idea and a description of the block
diagram are given. Transistor level design of each block is discussed in more detail and
then the section concludes with schematic simulation results to prove the design follows
the ideal charge profile of the battery used and the safety mechanisms employed in the
design work.
Section 4 introduces the two additional blocks, i.e. the step down DC to DC converter
and the switching network system. Different types of step down DC to DC converters
are described and the reason behind why a particular topology is chosen over others is
given. The design procedure of the converter is discussed and the simulation results to
prove the designed circuit works at various load conditions is presented. The detailed
process flow of how the switching network work is presented and the transistor level
implementation introduced. The section concludes with simulation results which prove
that the proposed switching network system enables charging of the battery from an
Section 5 takes a look at experimental results showing how the designed system will
work under real life conditions. Comparison is made with previous works reported in
In section 6, conclusions are drawn from the results obtained and proposed
Most systems are powered by energy storage devices and most times these devices need
cost. Likewise, energy harvesting goes hand in hand with energy storage and that implies
the use of energy storage devices such as batteries and supercapacitors. This section
looks at the different applications that make use of batteries, the battery, different battery
chemistries, battery charging and an introduction to energy harvesting. The section will
conclude with an overview of the entire charging system which includes the charger,
switching network system and step down DC to DC converter designed in this thesis.
Energy storage is basically the storage of energy in a device for later use. The uses of
this stored energy can be for emergency purposes, portable applications or for reliability
reasons. There are many forms of energy storage such as mechanical, thermal, chemical
and electrical [7]-[10]. For this thesis, electrical and electrochemical forms of energy
storage will be examined. Some major examples of energy storage devices of this form
are fuel cells, batteries and capacitors [10]. Fuel cells are generally not for portable
involving hydrogen and oxygen. A battery converts its internal stored chemical energy
into electrical energy while a capacitor stores energy in its electric field [12]. Batteries
2.2 Applications of batteries
The usage of energy storage devices, such as batteries, can be found everywhere, from
smart phones to smart grids [10], [13]-[15]. In this regard, battery usage can be
categorized into three major applications [15]-[17]: portable, stationary and motive. Fig.
Stationary Portable
applications applications
2.2.1 Portable applications
computers, digital cameras and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA). These applications are
fuelling the increase in the global market demand for consumer batteries. The medical
industry is another area where batteries are used often. This industry is making vast
advances in the area of using efficient and long lasting batteries in wearable medical
devices and portable medical equipment. For portable applications in the military [18],
the ground soldier ensemble is a typical example where the soldier has a wearable
computer, wireless transceivers, a head mounted display and a thermal weapon scope,
which all contain batteries. These enable the soldier to have decreased reaction time and
These include standby power plants, which make use of maintenance free batteries, to
power electrical and electronic appliances in case of a power outage. With more and
more people moving towards cloud computing, there is a need for data storage servers to
have uninterruptible power supply to prevent any loss of data. This implies the need for
backup power supplied by batteries in case of a major power outage. The smart grid is
also an emerging area in the use of batteries for stationary applications [9]. Renewable
energy does not constantly provide a steady stream of power, so grid storage batteries
are needed to provide uninterruptible power to consumers. The smart grid maintains and
controls the electrical grid to ensure that it is balanced and reliable when connected to
energy harvesters. The smart grid includes energy storage, smart meters and efficient
distributed generation.
The electric vehicle is one major area in this type of application. Car manufacturers are
investing a lot in longer lasting and efficient batteries for electric vehicles as the world
moves towards green energy [19]-[20]. Electric vehicles are not only limited to cars but
include electric motorcycles, boats and airplanes. Marine transport [21]-[22] is also
another major area that makes use of batteries for on board lighting and motor start-up.
vehicles (UAV) and unmanned ground vehicles (UGV) [23] enables the military to
Having reviewed some applications involving the use of batteries, the battery as an
energy storage device has to be defined. A battery is a collection of two or more electric
cells, which stores energy for later use. An electric cell is a device, which converts a
chemical reaction into electrical energy. A typical electric cell contains a cathode
(negative side), an anode (positive side) and the electrolyte. This is illustrated in Fig. 4.
- Electron
- +
- +
- -
Electrical symbol
Chemical representation of
an electric cell
When a load completes a connection between the anode and the cathode of a battery as
shown in Fig. 4, electrons are produced at the anode due to a chemical reaction between
the anode material and the electrolyte. These electrons are then absorbed via a similar
chemical reaction at the cathode. This process of electron flow is known as electricity.
A battery can be simply modeled as a voltage source in series with a resistance as seen in
Fig. 5. The resistance is due to the resistivity of electrodes and electrolyte [24]. The
resistance causes an internal voltage drop when the battery is delivering power to a load,
which causes the current and voltage available to the load to be reduced. Battery internal
resistance can increase due to aging or discharge. The values of the internal resistance
vary from milliohms to a few ohms. A battery with a high internal resistance has a lower
output current capability, while a battery with a lower internal resistance ensures that a
high current can be delivered when needed [25]. The relationship between the effective
battery voltage, VB, the ideal battery voltage and the internal resistance, r is shown in
equation 1.
Battery capacity: The available electrical charge stored in a battery for transfer
3000mAh. This means that the battery can deliver 3000mA current for one hour.
Energy density: This is the energy storage efficiency of a battery, mostly
expressed in Watts-hours per Kilogram (Wh/Kg) [27]. It can also refer to the
Depth of discharge (DOD): This is the amount of energy expended from the
the DOD specification of a 1000mAh battery is given as 10%, then only 10% of
the battery capacity can be used by the load, i.e. 100mA can be drawn by the load
in an hour.
Life cycle: This term explains how long a battery can undergo charging and
the DOD. A high DOD reduces the life cycle of the battery, while a low DOD
increases the number of life cycles a battery can have. Fig. 6 illustrates this
Dependence of battery life vs DOD
Number of cycles
any load. A battery gradually loses its capacity when it is not even connected to a
load over time. This is caused by the electrochemical reactions within the cell,
L91 Lithium battery [26] has a shelf life of 15 years which indicates that the
battery will lose its capacity completely over a period of 15years due to self-
temporarily loses its full capacity after discharging and charging below its full
capacity over time. For instance, if a Nickel based battery is always discharged to
70% of its capacity, when it comes to a time when the battery has to be
discharged below the 70% mark, the battery cannot go below that mark since it
C-rate: This term is used to describe the rated current capacity of a battery. For
discharge 1.5A to a load in one hour or it can be recharged with 1.5A in one
Specific power: This is the ratio of the power output of a battery to its unit
weight. It mostly has to do with how much current the battery can provide. A
battery with a high specific power means it can deliver a large current due to its
secondary battery is also a collection of electric cells that can be charged can be once
depleted. This is because the electrochemical reactions in the secondary battery are
Primary batteries have the advantages of being inexpensive and lasting longer at smaller
or intermittent current demand since they have high energy density. Primary batteries
also have a low self-discharge rate which means longer storage without extensive
reduction in capacity. For example, the Energizer L91 [26], which is a primary battery,
has a shelf life of 15years which indicates that even after a few years of no usage, the
battery still has adequate capacity to provide power when needed. This is due to its low
self-discharge rate.
However, they have the disadvantage of having a high internal resistance meaning it
cannot perform well with high current demand applications. Although the initial cost is
low, frequent replacement makes it expensive since it has to be discarded once the
energy is depleted.
Secondary batteries carry the advantage of performing well under high current demand
batteries meaning they cannot be stored for long periods without periodic recharging.
Though the cost of using secondary batteries is lower in the long term compared to
primary batteries, the initial cost is high, which arises from the cost of the batteries and
There are various battery chemistries when it comes to primary and secondary batteries.
Zinc Carbon and Alkaline are some examples of primary battery chemistries. Nickel
based, Lithium based and Lead acid are some types of secondary battery chemistries.
Table 1 Different battery chemistries
There are two types of nickel based batteries, i.e. nickel metal hydride (NiMH) and
nickel cadmium (NiCd). These types of batteries make use of nickel hydroxide as the
NiMH batteries are gradually replacing NiCd batteries due to NiCd having lesser
capacity or energy density and, being environmentally unfriendly. They are also more
Nickel based batteries have been popular over the years and are found in a number of
devices, such as power tools, toothbrushes, two way radios and recently, electric
vehicles. They have the advantages of operating over a wide temperature range,
performing well under harsh conditions, having rapid and simple charging and the ability
to be deeply discharged to almost empty without being affected. However, they are
prone to memory effect and high self-discharge rate and thus Lithium ion batteries are
Due to its low cost and dependable service under rugged conditions, lead acid batteries
account for about half of the demand of rechargeable batteries [30]. They are usually
used in automobiles and standby power applications. Lead acid batteries are made up of
lead dioxide as the anode, lead as the cathode and sulfuric acid as the electrolyte. There
are different varieties of lead acid batteries. Some are sealed lead acid (SLA), deep
cycle, lead antimony and lead calcium. SLA is designed in such a way to prevent loss of
electrolyte through evaporation and hence, they are maintenance free, while deep cycle
batteries are designed to be completely discharged before recharge. Lead antimony and
lead calcium batteries have electrodes which have been modified with antimony and
Lead acid batteries have the advantages of being low cost, having no memory effect and
low self-discharge rate and working well under rugged conditions. The drawbacks of
lead acid batteries are their inability to be charged quickly, its heaviness and bulkiness,
and the necessity of having proper storage in order to prevent sulfation (the formation of
crystalline sulfur due to loss of moisture from the electrolyte), which increases its
20 Lithium based batteries
The number of battery powered applications using lithium based batteries has been
growing over the years. Mobile computing, plug in hybrid electric vehicles and military
applications are some major market shares in the lithium based batteries market. This is
because these batteries have a high energy density, are light weighted and have a low
self-discharge rate. Though lithium is the lightest of all metals, it is very unstable and
In lithium based batteries, the anode is usually made of carbon, the cathode is a metal
oxide and the electrolyte is lithium salt. The anode and cathode in lithium based batteries
lithium based batteries are lithium-ion (Li-ion) and lithium ion polymer which has a
solid electrolyte. These two types may have different types of metal oxide cathodes.
Lithium cobalt oxide, lithium titanate, lithium manganese oxide, lithium nickel oxide
and lithium iron phosphate are some types of cathodes used in Li-ion batteries. The
energy density and nominal voltage vary with these different chemistries. Li-ion
batteries come primarily in four basic formats, i.e. cylindrical (small and large), pouch
and prismatic [31]. Small cylindrical cells are enclosed in a metal cylinder while large
cylindrical cells are enclosed in a hard plastic or metal case. Prismatic cells are enclosed
in a semi hard plastic case while pouch cells are enclosed in a soft foil bag.
Li-ion batteries have the advantages of having a high energy and power density, no
memory effect, a low self-discharge rate and low weight. Even though Li-ion batteries
are largely used in many battery powered applications, they have some shortcomings
overcharged. These shortcomings are far outweighed by the advantages and hence its
forecasts a compound annual growth rate of 13.64% for the global lithium battery
market in the next three years [32]. Global Information Inc. also predicts the revenue for
Li-ion batteries in the transportation industry is set to grow by 700% by 2017, from $2
billion in 2011 to $14.6 billion by 2017. This is primarily driven by plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles and battery electric vehicles [33]. The Li-ion battery is becoming an
optimum choice for manufacturers of battery powered products; hence this thesis will
focus on charging a standard Li-ion battery. Fig. 7 shows the energy densities versus
battery weight of different battery chemistries. The figure shows that the Li-ion battery
has high energy density at a lighter weight compared to other chemistries and hence, its
Diminishing size
Lithium based
200 NiCd
Light weight
Energy density(Wh/Kg)
Rechargeable batteries go hand in hand with good quality chargers and with the global
market for secondary batteries surging, the research and development of better quality
and efficient chargers is not going to end anytime soon. Once charge is depleted from a
reactions, a process called recharging. The cycle life and performance of a battery
depends on how efficient and quality its charger is. Bad charging techniques destroy
A battery charger has three key functions, i.e. charging, optimizing the charge rate and
termination, or knowing when to stop charging [34]. The charging process detects the
voltage across the battery, then starts charging and keeps charging till a specified value
is reached after which charging is terminated [35]. Different battery types have different
charging profiles which gives rise to the different types of charging modes. Fig. 8
Battery charger
Charger circuits
Optimization circuits
Termination circuits
Depending on the size, type and capacity of a battery, there are different modes of
charging. No single mode is ideal for all types of battery. Also, some battery chargers
may combine two or three different modes to suit the charging profile of the battery.
Trickle charge mode: This is when a small and constant current is used to
charge the battery. This form of charging is sometimes used when the battery is
deeply discharged and needs some form of preconditioning before the main
charge cycle. A Li-ion battery for example, uses trickle charge for
is fully charged, trickle charge may be used to sustain its full capacity. Fig. 9
Time (sec)
Constant voltage charge mode: This is when the battery is charged at a constant
voltage. Current is sourced into the battery during this mode of charging and it
varies to ensure that the battery voltage remains constant. This form of charging
is used for lead acid batteries. Fig. 10 shows the constant voltage charge profile.
Input voltage
Time (sec)
Constant current charge mode: In this mode, the current used to charge the
battery is kept constant. When the battery reaches full capacity, the current does
not decrease but remains constant and if charging is not terminated, it can lead to
normally used for NiCd and NiMH batteries. Fig. 11 shows the constant current
charge profile.
Pulse charge mode: In this mode, a pulse current or voltage is applied to the
battery. This pulse current or voltage has relaxation periods during which the
battery has low impedance. This low impedance allows the next charge pulse to
gassing, thereby increasing the power transfer [36]. Pulse charge can be used for
lead acid or Li-ion battery. When a discharge pulse is applied during the
The Li-ion battery is the battery used in this thesis considering the fact that it is the most
earlier, its light weight, high energy density and low self-discharge rate makes it the
perfect battery for mobile and computing applications. As the charge is depleted from
the Li-ion battery, it has to be recharged so as to regain its full capacity. This is done
using a Li-ion battery charger. The Li-ion battery has stringent charging requirements in
order to prevent over-current and over-voltage. Over-voltage can damage the battery or
reduce its cycle life, while over-current can lead to overheating, which can potentially
There are different types of chargers specifically designed for Li-ion batteries which
have complex charging algorithms to meet the charging profile of the battery. A typical
Charge/discharge profile of a typical Li-ion
0 100
State of charge (%)
Most Li-ion battery chargers combine three charging modes, i.e. trickle charge mode,
constant current mode and constant voltage mode, to ensure that the Li-ion battery is not
susceptible to overvoltage which could damage it. Using only one mode of charging for
Li-ion batteries could lead to potential safety issues due to its stringent charging
phase Constant current phase Constant voltage phase
Cell voltage
Charging current
Charge time
Trickle charge phase is used when the battery is deeply discharged and needs
conditioning. A small current usually ranging from 0.025 to 0.1 of the full charge current
(Istart) is used. If the battery is in a deeply discharged state and a high current is used for
charging, it can damage the battery. This is because in this state, the rate at which
electrochemical reactions take place is slower than the rate at which current is fed into
the battery, hence the need for preconditioning. The preconditioning period takes a
longer time than any of the other modes. Most 4.1V/4.2V rated Li-ion battery powered
systems are designed such that the battery voltage does not fall below 2.3V as seen in
Fig. 13. The battery management system of the charger ensures that the charger operates
in such a way to prevent the battery from going into trickle charge mode, thereby
ensuring the battery voltage does not fall below 2.3V. When the voltage of the battery is
above a predefined value, a constant current (from 50% to 100% of the full battery
charge current, which is indicated on the battery datasheet), Icharge, is used to charge the
battery. The constant current phase is much shorter compared to the trickle phase.
However, charging with higher currents does not reduce the charging time, but instead
causes the battery voltage to increase rapidly leading to over-voltage problems [37]. As
the battery approaches full voltage (Vfull), the constant current phase ends and the
constant voltage phase begins. During this phase, the charging current reduces as the
battery approaches Vfull and charging is terminated when a minimum current is reached
(IEOC). This type of charging profile is known as the constant current-constant voltage
Li-ion battery chargers can be distinguished into three main categories, i.e. linear
chargers, switch mode chargers and pulse chargers. Linear and switch mode chargers
uses the CC-CV method of charging while pulse charging involves feeding current
pulses into the battery. The different categories of chargers are used in specific
applications depending on cost, simplicity and efficiency. For example, for low power
applications such as energy harvesting, switch mode chargers are used because of their
linear regulating element, which can be a resistor or a transistor. This regulating element
drops the regulator input voltage to a precise output voltage. The difference between the
linear regulator and the linear charger is that the charger has added circuitry for battery
Linear chargers are simple and less expensive compared to the other chargers. However,
there is constant current continuously flowing through the regulating element, Tp, which
causes a lot of heat dissipation, resulting in the linear charger being inefficient. Fig. 15
_ +
+ Tp DC
C -
R1 +
Linear charger Switch mode charger
Switch mode charges are similar to the switch mode power supplies (SMPS). SMPS
usually have their output voltages regulated through a feedback system and controlling a
series of switches at some frequency depending on the system operation. These power
supplies make use of DC-DC converters such as buck, boost or buck-boost depending on
the input voltage. The difference between the switch mode chargers and the SMPS is
that the charger incorporates a series of complex circuitry to regulate charging and
Switch mode chargers are more efficient than linear chargers since the switches are not
always on, hence dissipating less heat and consuming less power. However, they are
very complex and costly compared to the linear charger. Fig. 15 shows the concept of
Pulse chargers use the pulse charge mode for charging. This involves a pass transistor
between the input and output which switches on and off, pulsing current into the battery
to charge it. Pulse chargers may contain added circuitry to control the pulse width and
Pulse chargers are less complex compared to switch mode chargers and more efficient
compared to linear chargers. Pulse chargers require a carefully controlled current limited
input voltage. Since this requirement is stringent, there is an increase in cost associated
Figure 16 Pulse charger concept.
Table 2 summarizes the pros and cons of each Li-ion battery charger.
Before designing a Li-ion battery charger, there are some system parameters that need to
be considered. Some parameters such as input voltage, output voltage regulation, charge
termination method [37], cell protection, cell balancing and charge control are very
important considerations.
Input voltage is an important criterion when it comes to battery charger design. It
enables the designer to select a topology suitable for charging. If the input voltage is
higher than the battery voltage, it is important to select a charger topology that will step
down and regulate the output voltage to a precise value. In such instances, a pulse/linear
charger or switch mode using a buck converter can be used. When the input voltage is
lower than the battery voltage, a step up converter will be needed to bring up the voltage
to meet specification.
Output voltage regulation is another parameter to consider. If the output voltage is not
set right, the battery can either be in under-voltage mode, reducing battery capacity or
can be in over-voltage mode, raising safety concerns. The output voltage has to be set
Charge termination methods differ according to what the designer feels best for the
it can lead to potential safety concerns and reduced life cycle of the battery. Charge
charging should be used according to the state of the battery. When the battery is deeply
important to be monitoring the state of the battery in order to use the appropriate method
for charging.
Cell protection is a very important parameter when it comes to designing battery
chargers. This is to prevent potential danger to the consumer or the device. Additional
Cell balancing is done if the charger is going to be used to charge multiple cells. This is
to ensure that charge is equalized over all the cells and no cell is being undercharged or
overcharged. It further increases the life cycle of the batteries and ensures efficiency
Table 3 summarizes the design considerations based on whether the charger is charging
Design considerations
Number Input Output Charge Charge Cell Cell
of cells voltage voltage termination control protection balancing
Single yes yes yes yes yes no
Multi yes yes yes yes yes yes
Energy harvesting [38] is simply taking energy from the environment and converting it
into electrical energy for daily use. Environmental harvesting [39] is said to be green
since it does not contribute to environmental pollution when being harnessed.
Environmental harvesting systems such as hydro power plants, wind mills and solar
farms have been around for a long time. The output power of these large scale energy
harvesters [40] are huge and are fed directly into the electric grid system to be
distributed to consumers. Small scale energy harvesters [39]-[41] which are still
emerging in today’s market produce very little output power and are usually used for
low powered portable applications such as sensors. Micro energy harvesting [40] seeks
to reduce maintenance cost in the frequent replacement of batteries, reduce pollution and
enable the long term powering of devices in places that are not easily accessible. The
most popular sources for micro energy harvesters include solar, thermal, vibration and
radio frequency emissions [39]. The energy available from harvesting radio frequency
emissions is an order of magnitude less than the other three energy harvesters [40]. All
these energy harvesters need some form of power conditioning for it to be able to
This is the most popular type [42]-[44] of energy harvesting and can either be obtained
from indoor lighting or the sun [45]. Solar energy harvesting is done using solar cells or
photovoltaic cells which convert light energy into electrical energy. Depending on
factors such as the intensity of the light, size and number of the solar cells, the output
The most popular solar powered device is the solar calculator. There are emerging
markets for solar powered devices such as battery chargers. An example is the Voltaic
amp solar charger, which is designed to charge smart phones, tables, digital cameras and
GPS [46].
This involves the use of thermoelectric generators to produce electrical energy when
called the Seebeck effect [38]-[39], [47]-[48]. The Seebeck effect is observed when a
conductors are maintained at different temperatures [48]. In instances where light is not
generators can produce some adequate amount of power for low powered applications.
difference. This problem can be solved by increasing the number of generators but the
drawback is that it becomes inefficient because more power is lost across the increased
resistance. Recently, integrated circuits have been designed to boost the output power
from these thermoelectric generators, which could open the market for wearable devices
that make use of body heat. A good example is Seiko Thermic, a wristwatch powered by
2.5.3 Vibration energy harvesting
This is the conversion of kinetic energy of vibrating surfaces into electrical energy. Not
all vibrating surfaces can be used to produce electrical energy. To be able to convert
vibrations into electrical energy, the vibrations should have a resonant frequency.
Electricity produced from vibration energy is alternating and must be rectified in order to
be used for portable applications. Examples of converters which convert vibrations into
electricity based on the movement of a magnet coil, while electrostatic transducers are
based on the movement of the plates of a capacitor, which varies capacitance producing
varying voltage.
There are commercial products, which make use of vibration energy today even though
there are still challenges being faced in this industry. The Nike smart shoe is a typical
example, where the speed and number of steps a person takes are wirelessly linked to a
phone or some kind of application. The vibrations from movement are converted into
electrical energy to power the sensors in the shoes. Also, the nPower PEG (personal
energy generator), which can be placed in anything that moves, can harvest enough
Table 4 summarizes different energy sources and their estimated harvested power.
Table 4 Energy sources and their estimated harvested power
complement each other in systems where both are present. The supercapacitor differs
electrodes [51]. A supercapacitor has its two electrodes immersed in an electrolyte with
a separator between the electrodes [52]. The electrodes have much higher surface area
and decreased distance between them, hence having much higher capacitance and energy
than the conventional capacitors [53]. Fig. 17 shows the conventional capacitor versus
modeled to the first order as a conventional capacitor but due the porous material used to
make its electrodes, it exhibits a behavior closely related to transmission lines [54].
anode cathode anode cathode
+ - + - + -- + -
+ + -
+ - + - + - + -
+ - + - + -- + -
+ + -
+ - + - + - + -
+ - + -
load dielectric load
Rp L R1 R2 Rn
Rp C1 C2 Cn
A battery can store more energy than a capacitor, i.e. high energy density, but it cannot
deliver it quickly, i.e. low power density, hence supercapacitors are ideal for applications
such as sensors where short peak current pulses are needed. Supercapacitors have the
advantage of having the ability to be charged rapidly and hence they are ideal for energy
harvesting applications. They also have a longer shelf life and can perform well under
batteries. They can undergo many charge and discharge cycles without affecting their
capacity because energy is stored in their electric field compared to a battery which
stores energy based on a chemical reaction. Despite these wonderful characteristics, they
cannot replace batteries since they have high self-discharge rates and are expensive. This
can be explained by comparing the equivalent circuit of the battery, shown in Fig. 5, to
that of the supercapacitor (Fig. 17). The resistance, Rp, is negligible in the battery but
present in the supercapacitor, and is responsible for high leakage current between the
A battery cannot deliver short term peak currents to a load, while a supercapacitor
cannot meet the demands of long term peak current. This is because a supercapacitor
stores energy in its electric field and not due to chemical reactions and hence can deliver
allows peak current pulses to be delivered to a load whenever needed and at the same
time sustaining longer term load power demand. This ensures the battery runs longer,
safer and at reduced output impedance, which prevents unwanted transients [53]. These
two energy storage elements will therefore complement each other in the charging
The main aim of this thesis is to design a battery charging system, which can be used
with an energy harvesting systems, USB applications and wall adapters and also
should be able to support sensors in remote locations, i.e. ensuring that battery life lasts
longer. Typical voltages for sensors to be used as load for this charging system range
from 2.7V to 5.5V, hence a Li-ion coin or prismatic cell with voltages of 3V or 4.2V
respectively will be the target cell to be charged. The charging system seeks to add
system. These additional blocks are a step down DC to DC converter and a switching
network system to enable the charging of the battery from an energy harvesting system.
A block diagram of the charging system is shown in Fig. 18. The energy harvesting
system (EHS) is treated as a black box providing a certain output current and voltage in
USB _ battery
Energy Switching
harvesting EHS output network
A pulse charger is chosen due to its simplicity, faster charging and less power
consumption. The pulse charger will take its input either from a current limited wall
adapter or from a USB. It will then charge the battery to its full voltage and monitor
system parameters such as input and battery voltage, charge current and temperature to
The step down DC-DC converter is needed to down convert the battery voltage to an
ideal voltage suitable to be used as supply for the energy harvesting system. Energy
harvesters provide output voltages that are very low, i.e. microvolts or millivolts. These
small voltages are then boosted by charge pump circuits or boost converters to a higher
voltage, which can then be used to power an electronic circuit. These booster circuits
junction transistors (BJT) which need a relatively higher voltage for operation. The low
voltages produced by the harvesters are not enough to power up the CMOS transistors or
BJTs, therefore an initial battery voltage is needed to kick start the system. The step
down DC-DC converter is necessary to achieve this initial voltage for startup. The
converter can also produce a voltage which might be needed somewhere in a larger
To prevent reduced efficiency, the switching network system is designed to bypass the
pulse charger and enable battery charging directly from an EHS. It also enables the
supercapacitor being charged by the energy harvesting system to deliver short term peak
current to a load when needed without affecting the battery, thereby enabling both the
battery and supercapacitor to complement each other. This block ensures that the EHS
and the pulse charger operate independently from each other and each can be used as a
standalone device.
When the charging system recognizes that an input voltage, i.e. USB or wall adapter is
present, it prevents the battery from being charged from the energy harvesting system.
The battery is then charged to a certain voltage which can support the EHS. This is
achieved by stepping the battery voltage down. This voltage serves as power supply to
power up the EHS to charge the supercapacitor. When the supercapacitor voltage is high
enough to support the load and the wall adapter and USB inputs to the pulse charger are
not available, the switching network system turns on to charge the battery from the
energy harvesting system. When both battery and supercapacitor voltages are good, the
switching network system has the option to operate in such a way as to use the
supercapacitor for peak load currents and the battery for constant load demand. The
Input voltage Energy harvesting
system connected
Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Charge
Start charging
Yes Yes
No No
Battery Supercapacitor
Yes voltage good
voltage good
Yes Yes
Start switching
Supply load
Stop charging mechanism
Figure 19 Flow chart showing the operation of the battery charging system.
The type of battery charger designed in this thesis is the pulse charger. It is chosen over
the switch mode and linear chargers because of its lower power consumption and
simplicity. Pulse charging can be applied to both nickel based batteries and Li-ion
batteries. This thesis looks at both NiMH and Li-ion batteries. Tests performed by [55]
transfer rate and lowers charge time by getting rid of the constant voltage charging
the battery, increasing internal resistance and voltage drop, thereby preventing the full
voltage of the battery from being reached. In pulse charging, the period between pulses
allows the chemical reactions in the battery to stabilize before charging begins, enabling
the electrochemical reactions to keep pace with the rate of electrical energy input [34].
Pulse charging seems to be an effective method for increasing the life cycle of a battery
and achieving a higher discharge capacity [55]. This makes it an ideal choice for the
application in this thesis. This section introduces some previous works and commercially
available pulse chargers, the conceptual idea of the proposed pulse charger, a description
of the block level diagram, a detailed transistor level design and finally presents
Published works making use of the pulse charging strategy to charge Li-ion batteries
include the phase locked battery charger proposed in [56] which uses a phase-locked
loop (PLL) to charge a 4.2V, 600mAh Li-ion battery. The phase locked battery charger
makes use of the inherent properties of a PLL, such as auto locking, auto tracking and
high accuracy, to charge the battery. A PLL consists of a phase comparator, a low pass
filter and a voltage controlled oscillator. The battery is incorporated in the low pass filter
in order to construct a fast, safe and cheap battery charge system. In this published work,
the charging process consists of three phases: a constant current charge phase where an
upper bound current is used to charge the battery, a variable current charge phase where
a decreasing current is used for charging and a float charge phase where a small current
is used to maintain the battery at a preset voltage. In this work, the 600mAh Li-ion
battery is able to charge to 4.2V in 150 minutes proving that though the designed circuit
is simple, it can provide a suitable charge current, making the PLL a perfect battery
charge circuit topology [56]. Fig. 20 shows the block diagram of the proposed phase
A variable frequency pulse charge system (VFPCS) is presented in [57] that can
This work seems to overcome the trial and error method used in commercial battery
pulse charge systems to determine the optimal frequency of the pulse charges. The
VFPCS can determine what optimal pulse charge frequency is needed during charging
and supply that optimal charge pulse to increase charge speed. The VFPCS is
voltage regulator, transistors and a sensing resistor serve as a variable frequency pulse
the standard constant voltage-constant current (CC-CV) charging, proving that the
VFPCS can provide pulses with an optimal frequency to charge a battery at a reduced
charge time [57]. Fig. 21 shows the implementation of the proposed VFPCS.
Figure 21 Implementation of VFPCS.
A duty varied voltage pulse-charge strategy (DVVPCS) is proposed in [58] to detect and
dynamically track the suitable duty of the charge pulse to improve battery charge
performance. Commercial battery pulse charge systems use a trial and error method
which might not be suitable. The DVVPS therefore detects the suitable charge pulse-
charge duty and supplies that suitable charge pulse to the battery to decrease charge time
and improve efficiency. The DVVPCS consists of a controller, a duty varied pulse
converters. The controller and ADC are implemented using a microprocessor to detect
the charging modes of the battery. The average current sensor is implemented using an
operational amplifier, a current sensing resistor and a capacitor to detect the average
generated by the DVPG, is obtained to increase battery charging speed and efficiency.
Experimental results proved that the charge speed of the DVVPCS is improved by 14%
compared to the standard CC-CV method. The results indicate that the DVVPCS can
actually provide charging pulses with suitable pulse-charge duty for Li-ion battery to
obtain fast-charge process. Fig. 22 shows the block diagram of the proposed DVVPCS.
Commercial pulse chargers for portable applications on the market today include the
standalone pulse charger with an integrated metal oxide semiconductor field effect
transistor (MOSFET) for single cell Li-ion batteries. It is ideal for cell phones and
battery detection and a programmable charge termination. The charge current is set by
the wall adapter. It has a trickle charge mode which activates when the battery is below
2.45V. The charger goes into a full charge mode when the battery goes above this
voltage. When the battery approaches the programmed float voltage, the MOSFET
begins switching with a gradually decreasing duty cycle and termination is achieved by a
programmable timer [59]. Fig. 23 shows the block diagram of the LTC4052.
Figure 23 LTC4052.
LTC1730 is a complete pulse charger for single cell Li-ion batteries. It can charge a
completely discharged cell by allowing the current limited input power source to provide
charge current to the battery through the internal MOSFET. It has the ability to either
charge a 4.1V or 4.2V battery by setting the SEL pin. Its trickle charge mode will only
activate when the battery voltage is less than 2.45V, after which full charge mode
operation starts. This is when the internal MOSFET is turned on. It also has over-current
protection, thermal shutdown and a programmable charge termination timer [60]. Fig. 24
Figure 24 LTC1730.
MAX1879 is a single cell Li-ion battery charger which uses pulse charging strategy to
minimize power consumption. It combines the efficiency of switch mode chargers and
low power consumption of linear chargers. The IC monitors voltage and temperature
continuously and has a preset charger time out function. It can automatically shut down
when it detects that input power has been removed to minimize the current drain of the
battery. It also has the ability to charge deeply discharged cells and restart charging at
4V. It can be used in many handheld devices, such as cell phones, digital cameras and
Figure 25 MAX1879.
Table 5 summarizes a comparison of the previous works and commercial pulse chargers
discussed above.
Table 5 Comparison of previous works
3.2 Conceptual idea of proposed pulse charger
The main idea behind this work is to make the pulse charger completely versatile. [56]-
[58] propose pulse chargers which reduce charging time. It does not address the issue of
a deeply discharged Li-ion battery and also it is discretely implemented. The proposed
pulse charger designed in this thesis not only addresses fast charging but also provides a
pre-conditioning phase for deeply discharged cells. [59]- [61] are commercial pulse
chargers with provision for deeply discharged cells and have important safety
mechanisms in place to protect both the user and the battery. However, these chargers
can only be used as pulse chargers and does not have the versatility of the pulse charger
designed in this thesis. The proposed pulse charger can be used as a standalone pulse
charger, a constant current charger or a trickle mode charger. It also seems to provide the
user with full programmability options. The trickle current, for example, in [56] - [58] is
preset during design and cannot be changed by the user. The charger designed in this
thesis provides an option to the user to set the value of the trickle current. The full
charge current is set by the current limited wall adapter, similar to that in [59] - [61]. Fig.
User set
block Trickle mode
User set
Most pulse chargers have a control loop that controls the current pulses and that loop is
not accessible to users. They use a form of empiricism to determine the duty cycle. The
proposed pulse charger seeks to give control of the period and frequency of the current
pulses to the user of the device. The charge current, overvoltage set point, over
temperature set point, pre-charge current, power good set point and current limiting can
all be user set. This is to enable a wider range of Li-ion coin, prismatic and cylindrical
cells with different nominal voltages to be charged and possibly nickel based batteries.
The proposed pulse charger is set to charge a maximum of 3.3V rated battery. This is
because the maximum voltage rating of transistors used in the design is limited to 3.6V.
To prevent permanent damage or device failure, the proposed pulse charger must limit
its input voltage to 3.6V. Specifications of the 3.3V/2.3Ah/7.6Wh OlevinPower Li-ion
single cell battery (A123) [62] is used to set design parameters in this thesis.
connected,current, Disconnect charging
temperature & input cycle
voltage ok
Vbatt< Fast charge
Precharge No No setpoint<Vbatt<full No Vbatt>full charge Yes Stop charging cycle
Fast charge
setpoint charge
Start trickle charge Start fast charge Start slow charge M1 off
phase phase phase
Disable trickle
Enable trickle current source, M1 on, current All unneeded
current source, M1 on, current pulses at 25% comparators
M1 off pulses at 75% duty cycle off
duty cycle
When the input is connected, i.e. a current limited wall adapter, the input current, voltage
and current temperature of the device is checked to ensure that they are all within the
safe operating range (SOR). If these parameters are within the SOR and a battery is
detected, the charger is given the green light to proceed with charging. These parameters
are continuously checked throughout the entire charging process and when any of the
parameters fall outside the SOR, the charger is instantly disconnected to prevent any
When charging commences, the battery voltage is determined to see which charging
phase is appropriate. If the battery voltage is less than the user set pre-charge voltage, the
trickle charge phase is initiated. During this phase, the main power switch, M1 is off.
This is to allow an internal current source to pre-charge the battery to a voltage set by the
user. The current for pre-charging is also user set and this portion of the device can be
Once the battery voltage is above the set pre-charge point, the current source for pre-
charging is turned off and M1 becomes operational. If the battery voltage is above the
set pre-charge voltage, the charger determines whether the battery voltage is above the
fast charge voltage set point or below. If it is below, the charger proceeds with charging
with a higher duty cycle. During this phase, the input current is pulsed at 75% duty cycle
into the battery. This ensures a faster charge time and at the same time enables
electrochemical reactions to keep pace with the input of electrical energy. When the
battery voltage approaches full charge, i.e. above the fast charge set point, the input
current is pulsed at 25% duty cycle to ensure that maximum capacity is achieved and
battery charge efficiency is increased. The user can decide on the frequency of the pulses
by providing a clock with a desired frequency. This clock pin can be manipulated to
Termination occurs when the battery voltage crosses the full charge set point, which is
also user set. When termination occurs, M1 and all unneeded comparators are turned off
The block diagram of the proposed pulse charger based on the flow chart is shown in
Fig. 28. In Fig.28, the pulse charger is in normal mode and has three charging phases,
i.e. pre-charge, fast charge and slow charge. The pre-charge phase includes the current
source, IT, and the comparator, TC. The fast and slow charge phase is controlled by the
FC comparator and a series of logic circuits in the decision block of the charger.
decision block to ensure the battery is not overcharged. M1 is the main power transistor
which switches on and off to pulse the input charge current into the battery. M2 is a
fractional size of M1 and in combination with M3, comparator C1 and error amplifier C2
form the current limiting branch. The current limit is set by connecting a resistor to the
RLIM pin. The PG comparator ensures that the input voltage is always good enough for
charging while the temperature sense block ensures that the circuit does not operate
under high temperature conditions which can cause device failure. Table 6 shows the
This section seeks to describe the building blocks of the pulse charger in more detail.
The basic building blocks, including the comparator, which is part of every decision
making block and the duty cycle generator, which forms the core of the fast charging
phase of the charging process, are discussed. Secondary building blocks, such as the
trickle and fast charging blocks, are also discussed in more detail. Circuits such as the
current limiting and over temperature blocks which ensure protection and safety during
operation of the pulse charger are also presented. Simulation results showing the
The main basic circuit, which must have good properties due to its frequent use in the
charger, is the comparator. The comparator is used at every stage of the charging process
and also in the protection schemes. It is necessary to ensure that the designed comparator
achieves low power consumption. The duty cycle generator is another basic block for the
charger. It is used in the fast charging phase to ensure a smooth transition from one
phase to another.
Comparators are circuits that output either a low or high signal depending on the two
Vout VOH
ℎ𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠 𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑𝑜𝑤 = ( 𝑂𝐻 𝑂𝐿 )
𝑅2 + 𝑅1
Fig. 30 shows an open loop comparator with two analog input signals, V+ and V-, and a
V+ < V- ; Vout = VOL
V+ +
Vout VOH V+ > V- ; Vout = VOH
V- -
If V+ is greater than V-, the comparator outputs a high voltage, VOH, and when V- is
greater than V+, the comparator outputs a low voltage, VOL. In this project, the
comparators are used in decision circuits to ensure smooth transition from one charging
phase to another. The comparator can therefore be seen as a single-bit analog to digital
One important feature needed in the comparator is hysteresis. Hysteresis is the difference
between input signals at which the comparator outputs stays at either a high or low
voltage depending on its value before it entered the hysteresis window. The window of
hysteresis is shown in Fig. 31. The figure also shows an analog input signal
superimposed with noise and as it crosses the reference voltage, multiple transitions are
triggered at the output of the comparator. If a comparator is designed with hysteresis, the
output signal retains its value in the hysteresis window, VTH-VTL, even if the signal
crosses the reference voltage many times. The output of the comparator will change once
the input signal crosses one of the thresholds, i.e. VTH or VTL. Hysteresis ensures that a
noisy signal does not cause these undesirable multiple transitions between states when
the input signal is at the switching threshold, hence providing some form of filtering.
VTH- Upper threshold voltage
VTL- Lower threshold voltage
VTH-VTL = hysteresis window
Input signal
Vref Vref
Output signal
In this thesis, the comparator designed is shown in Fig. 32. It is composed of a single
stage operational amplifier with low offset and enough gain, a CMOS Schmitt trigger to
provide hysteresis and a latch to provide stability and a sample and hold function [63].
Vis Vo
low power consumption, a gain greater than 40dB and a low offset voltage. To improve
matching in the current mirrors (MP1, MP2, MN3 and MN4), long length devices are
used. MP6 and MN5 implement the enable/disable function. If the input signal to MP6 is
low, the transistor turns on and shuts off the current mirror load (MP1 and MP2).
Likewise, if the input signal to MN5 is high, it turns on and shuts off the current mirror
(MN3 and MN4). This function ensures the comparator is turned off at a time it is not
needed in order to reduce power consumption in the entire pulse charger. Another
inversion region.
In the subthreshold region, the MOSFET gate is held below the threshold voltage and
Diffusion current is the flow of current from the source to the drain of the transistor
while drift current is the flow of current controlled by a voltage applied to the gate of the
transistor. Equation 2 shows that the drain current, Ids, in the subthreshold region is
independent of the drain to source voltage, Vds if Vds is greater than the thermal voltage,
moderate gain, low noise and low power consumption can be achieve in this area of
(𝑒 )( 𝑒 )
where 𝑅 .
where Kf is a fitting parameter, f is frequency, T is temperature, Cox is gate oxide
MN1 and MN2 are designed in sub threshold with an inversion level of one. This is
because higher inversion level means smaller area and higher speed, but higher power
operation is slow, hence an inversion level optimizing area, speed and power conversion
is appropriate. This can be inferred from Fig. 33 which shows that at the higher inversion
region, transistor sizes are small, i.e. small area, but there is a large consumption of
power and higher speed. At smaller inversion region, power consumption is low while
area is large and speed is smaller due to a smaller bandwidth of operation. Between the
inversion levels of 0.1 and 10 where there is just a slight change in power consumption;
a smaller area with better bandwidth operation can be picked. Fig. 33 shows that a good
inversion level can be chosen at the intersection of the normalized power consumption,
plot of various transistor parameters vrs inversion level
normalized ft
normalized silicon area
normalized power consumption
normalized ft, power and area
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
inversion level,(iF)
With a gain of 40dB, Ids of 1uA, the gm of the transistors can be calculated by following
𝑛 √ 𝑖
𝐿 √ 𝑖
After obtaining the initial dimensions of the transistors, the circuit is adjusted to achieve
a good gain at low power consumption. The final transistor dimensions are shown in
table 7. The gain and phase margin plot is shown in Fig. 34.
Figure 34 Gain and phase plot of amplifier stage in comparator.
The CMOS Schmitt trigger, shown in Fig. 32, is added to introduce hysteresis into the
followers providing some form of positive feedback where they feedback the output
voltage, Vo to node B and A respectively [63]. When the input, Vis, to the CMOS
Schmitt trigger is low, transistors MP3, MP4 and MN8 are on operating in the triode
region, while MN6, MN7 and MP5 are off and Vo is equal to the supply voltage. As Vis
increases to a value above the threshold voltage, MN7 begins to turn on. At this point,
both MN7 and MN8 are on and form a biasing network to bias MN6. The condition of
the P transistors does not change. The voltage at node A, VA begins to decrease. When
Vis reaches the upper threshold voltage, VTH, MN6 turns on fully and transition starts
with Vo starting to go low. MP4 and MP3 start to turn off when MP5 turns on, further
reducing Vo due to the source follower operation. The cycle then repeats itself when the
input goes low again [63], [67]. The hysteresis at the output of the latch is shown in Fig.
VOH and VOL is the maximum and minimum output voltage respectively. VOH and VOL
are dependent on saturation levels of the amplifier. VHI is the input voltage at which
output switches from VOH to VOL and VLI is the input voltage at which the output
switches from VOL to VOH. VHW is the hysteresis window. To determine the VOH, VOL,
At the time when the output is switching from high to low, MN7 and MN8 are in
where β is the transconductance parameter of the transistors if .
The current through MN7 and MN8 is the same and both are in saturation.
[ (√ )]
To determine VLI, just before the output switches again, MP3 and MP5 are in saturation.
If ,
Similarly, the current through MP3 and MP5 is the same and both are in saturation.
( √ )
For a VLI of 1.45V, VHI of 1.55V and a VHW of 100mV, using equations 12 and 17, the
The transistor dimensions of the Schmitt trigger are shown in table 8. Fig. 36 shows that
Figure 36 Hysteresis window of designed comparator.
In many pulse chargers, users do not have access to the switching frequency of the main
power switch. The duty cycle and frequency of the charge pulses are normally obtained
through a trial and error method [57]. This can cause the main switch to be on for longer
periods than needed and might contribute to extra power consumption or even
overcharging. There is no clear literature to specify the optimum duty cycle for pulse
chargers. Most internal regulation loops are similar to a pulse width modulation (PWM)
or pulse frequency modulation (PFM) system, which varies the pulse width or
frequency, respectively, with respect to the battery voltage to achieve a fully charged
A study by [69] indicated that better charging response is obtained when lower
frequencies are used for pulse charging. In [70], it was suggested that charging at low
frequencies is faster than charging at high frequencies. It also suggests that higher duty
cycle pulses are more efficient in charging batteries than lower duty cycle. A higher duty
cycle will result in faster charging but will cause the battery to be prone to overcharging
and overvoltage conditions, while a lower duty cycle will result in longer charge time
but good battery charge efficiency. It is therefore normal to conclude that the best duty
cycle is 50%. This conclusion is unacceptable since the electrolyte concentration differs
at different times during charging [58]. Thus, it is necessary to provide a method where
faster charging can be achieved and at the same time achieve a good battery charging
charging phase is divided into two parts: one part to provide a fast charging time using a
higher duty cycle and the other part using a lower duty cycle to enable better battery
duty cycle of 0.7 or higher is appropriate for the initial stage of charging which then
reduces as full charge is approached. The duty cycle for faster charge is set at 0.75 while
that for better charge efficiency is set at 0.25. This can be generated using a duty cycle
generator. A conceptual idea of the duty cycle generator (DCG) is presented in Fig. 37.
Voltage detector
To provide versatility, giving the user access to the frequency at which the switch is
pulsed and also providing options to use the pulse charger as other type of chargers, a
duty cycle generator is designed and added to the proposed pulse charger. The duty cycle
generator uses flip flops. A flip flop is a memory device that is controlled by a clock
signal. It stores only one bit of data. A positive edge triggered D flip flop operates by
changing state at the positive or rising edge of the clock input. If the data bit, D, is high
when a clock pulse is applied, the output, Q, is also high, i.e. the flip flop sets. Likewise,
if D is low when the clock pulse is applied, Q goes low and the flip flop resets. The set
and reset, also known as clear, inputs take precedence over the clock input, i.e. the flip
flop will only operate if both set and clear are high. Fig. 38 shows the timing diagram
Data D
Q out Clock Data Clock out out
0 0 1
Clock out 1 1 0
CLR Q out
Truth table
D flip flop
The duty cycle generator circuit, shown in Fig. 39, consists of two positive edge
triggered D flip flops. The first flip flop divides the frequency of the clock by two at
node A, while the second flip flop serves as a modulo two divider using the divided
clock from the first flip flop at its clock input [71]. The NAND gates will then generate
the waveforms with 25% and 75% duty cycle. Fig. 40 shows the waveforms at node A,
B, C and D. The proposed pulse charger clock input frequency should be less than 1
KHz since charging at lower frequencies shows some superiority to higher frequencies
A 25% duty cycle
B 75% duty cycle
Figure 40 Waveforms of duty cycle generator.
Deeply discharged cells have reduced capacity and hence many battery management
systems have protection circuits in place to prevent cells from attaining a deep discharge
state. However, there are times when a cell might be deeply discharged and will have to
be charged to its full capacity. If the Li-ion battery is in a deeply discharged state and a
high current is initially used for charging, the battery could become damaged so
typically, a small current, about ten percent of full charge current, is used to charge the
battery until a moderate voltage is reached after which full charge current, 1C, can be
The trickle charging phase is included in the design primarily for the preconditioning of
deeply discharged Li-ion cells. From table 6, a maximum of 20mA can be supported
during this phase. The trickle charge phase is shown in Fig. 41 and is only enabled
during normal mode if the following conditions exist: die temperature is below 85oC
(Tdie), input voltage is present (PG) and at a good level (the input voltage ranges from
3.3V to 3.6V), the battery is not in overvoltage state (OV) and the battery voltage is less
than a predefined threshold, VTS, which can be set by the user. VTS is also the minimum
voltage below which the battery becomes deeply discharged. Recommended V TS for the
Since the trickle charge phase had to be enabled by the factors mentioned above, the
NOR gate can be used for implementation. Equation 18 shows that the trickle charge
phase will only be enabled (PMOS enable) if all inputs are low and will immediately be
𝑖 𝑒 𝑂
Trickle current enable
Li-ion battery +
The current source, ITC, is designed to have large output impedance and sized to handle
at most 25mA. Long channel length devices are used to reduce the effects of mismatch.
( )
If VTS is 2V,
The current into the Li-ion battery can be varied from 5mA to 20mA by changing the
resistance of the potentiometer, RTC. The trickle currents and its corresponding
resistance can be obtained from table 9. The error in current using commercial resistor
values is less than 5%. Fig. 42 shows the characterization of trickle current source IT
1.5KΩ 20mA
2.2KΩ 15mA
3.9KΩ 10mA
10KΩ 5mA
TC_out, the battery voltage, Vbatt and then the trickle current. Modeling the battery as a
10mF capacitor in series with a 100mΩ resistor, the trickle current is set to 10mA and
VTS is 2V. From the figure, when Vbatt is less than 2V, the input power is good, PG, and
the battery is not in overvoltage, OV, the trickle charging phase is active and the battery
is charged with a 10mA current. Immediately, the battery voltage exceeds VTS, at point
3.3.3 Design of fast charging phase
Pulse charging decreases battery charge time at the same time increasing the life cycle of
batteries. It provides rest periods during which the battery electrolyte’s ions has the
[57]. This phase seeks to combine fast charging with increased battery charging
efficiency by using a large duty cycle, 0.75, initially to decrease charge time and a small
The process begins when the Li-ion battery reaches VTS. Charging at large current is
done during this phase. The fast charging phase is divided into two stages, i.e. charging
at 0.75D and charging at 0.25D. These two different duty cycles are generated using the
duty cycle generator (DCG) discussed. For this phase to be triggered, the battery should
not be in overvoltage state. Also, the die temperature, the temperature of the Li-ion
battery, the input voltage (PG) and input current (Iin) must all be within specifications. If
any of these parameters fall outside the specified range, the fast charging phase will not
be enabled. This is to protect the IC and the battery from damage. The designed pulse
charger has a maximum allowable charge current of 500mA during the fast charging
Once the fast charging phase is enabled, the battery voltage is determined. If the voltage
lies between VTS and VN, where VN is nominal voltage and can also be user set, the duty
cycle generator provides pulses at 0.75D to drive the PMOS switch, M1, which then
pulses the charge current from the input adapter into the battery at 0.75D. The output of
the SW comparator serves as the select signal for the multiplexer. Depending on whether
the battery voltage is below VN or not, 0.75D or 0.25D is selected to drive M1. Chemical
reactions in the battery are stabilized during rest periods allowing electrochemical
reactions to keep pace with the rate of input of electrical energy input [34]. This
increases power transfer rate and lowers charge time [55]. When the battery is
approaching full charge, i.e. above VN, M1 is driven at 0.25D, hence pulsing charge
current at 0.25D into the battery. The lower duty cycle is to ensure full charge is reached
without causing overvoltage concerns and also achieve better battery charging
efficiency. As long as the battery voltage is between VN and OV, the battery is charged
at 0.25D. In the case of the OlevinPower 3.3V Li-ion single cell battery, VN is 2.8V and
OV is 3.3V. VN is set by R3 and R4 by using equation 20. VTS and VN can be changed to
( )
If VN is 2.8V,
The operation of the fast charge phase can be summarized using equations 21-23. The
output of the DCG will pass to drive M1 as long as the mux_enable signal is high,
pulsing at 0.75D or 0.25D depending on the voltage of the battery, determined by the
output of comparator SW (SWout). The fast charging phase block diagram is shown in
Fig. 44.
( ) 𝑂
25% EN
Clock MUX M1
OV- Overvoltage Vref R3
PG- power good SW
Tdie-Die temperature
TS-external temperature sense
Fig. 45 shows the operation of the fast charging phase. Before, Vbatt reaches VTS, the
trickle charging phase is in operation. Once, Vbatt reaches VTS, point A in the figure, the
pulse charger switches to the fast charging phase, where a charge current of 125mA is
pulsed into the battery at 0.75D. The signal to the gate of the PMOS switch, M1, is
out_mux. When Vbatt reaches VN, point B, the charge current is pulsed at 0.25D and the
battery gradually approaches full charge. The OV signal goes high, point C, when the
battery attains full charge. This turns M1 and all unneeded comparators off. Input power,
PG, and die temperature, Temp, must be within specifications during this charging
The designed pulse charger includes protection schemes to ensure safe operation within
specified limits. It is very important to charge the battery within the specified limits and
at the same time ensuring the battery temperature is also within a safe operating region.
These protection schemes are external and internal temperature sense circuitry and
overvoltage and overcurrent protection. These circuits ensure that both the Li-ion battery
and IC are protected from abnormal conditions that can cause battery and circuit failure.
Fig. 46 shows the safe mode operating region of the battery and the circuit.
Vmax I_chargemax
Voltage (V)
0 45 85
Temperature (oC)
Temperature wise, the Li-ion battery must be charged within the safe operating
temperatures of 0oC to 45oC [72]. Also, the internal operating temperature of the IC, i.e.
die temperature, must not exceed the specification of 85oC. Overvoltage and overcurrent
protection ensures that the battery voltage and charging current respectively does not
exceed their specified limits. Fig. 22 also shows the danger region where the battery and
IC are most likely to fail when they operate outside the designed specifications.
88 Overcurrent protection
To prevent damage in case of the charge current exceeding a set threshold, a current
limiting block is added to the design. This block serves as an overcurrent protection
circuit. The overcurrent threshold is set by the R_LIM resistor which tries to limit the
charge current through M1 in case the charge current tries to exceed the preset threshold.
A M1
X M3 B
The current limiting circuit is shown in Fig. 47. The circuit consists of a current sensing
FET, M2, which is connected to M1 to mirror the charging current. M1 is 1500 times
M2. R_LIM is used to set the limiting current through M3 and M2, thereby setting the
overcurrent threshold. When the current through M1 is greater than 1500 times the
current through M2, the comparator, C1, comparing the nodes A and B outputs a signal
to the decision circuit to turn M1 off. This always ensures the charge current through M1
is below the preset threshold. The amplifier, C2, is used to force the voltage at node X to
be equal to VREF, hence the limiting current, I_LIM , is set by using equation 24. This
Since M1 must handle a maximum current of 500mA. It has to be sized as such with
| |
( )
( ) ( )
C2 is shown in Fig. 48. The one stage amplifier has a better gain than the regular single
stage amplifier comprising of a differential pair and current mirror load. This is because
the current mirror used as load for the differential pair has its output impedance boosted
by the current amplifier which consists of MP5, MP6, MN2 and MN3. The amplifier has
two feedback loops, i.e. a negative loop that decreases the impedance at node x and a
positive loop that increases the impedance, Z at node y. By including the current
hence the one stage amplifier can provide a relatively large gain of AcgmZ. This
𝑜𝑡 𝑒 𝑖𝑛
( )
The transistor dimensions are shown in table 10.
Transistor (W/L)µm
MP1 (4/2)*4
MP2 (4/2)*4
MP3 (4/2)*4
MP4 (4/2)*4
MP5 (4/2)*1
MP6 (4/2)*1
MN1 (2/1.5)*2
MN2 (2/1.5)*2
MN3 (2/1.5)*2
MN4 (4/1.5)*2
MN5 (4/1.5)*2
Thermal protection includes internal and external temperature sense circuitry. The
internal temperature sense circuitry monitors the die temperature of the IC to prevent it
from exceeding the predetermined limit of 85oC. This is to prevent the die temperature
from rising to a point where the IC can become damaged. When die temperature
increases, leakage currents increase which can cause the circuit to fail. Extreme
RT2 Vbe
Fig. 49 shows the temperature sense circuitry. The circuit consists of a bipolar NPN
transistor, Qn, whose base-to-emitter voltage, Vbe, has a negative temperature coefficient.
The resistors, RT1 and RT2, set the voltage at the base of Qn such that at a particular
temperature, Qn turns on and pulls the output, O/P, to ground. In normal operation, Qn is
off and O/P is pulled high through Rp. O/P can be used as a logic signal to either turn the
IC off or on. Using equations 27 and 28, RT1 and RT2 are preset to set the base voltage of
where Ic is the collector current, Is is the reverse saturation current and is the
To set the temperature at which the IC shuts off, i.e. 85oC, the Vbe of Qn at that
| | ( ) |
shuts off the IC, | is base emitter voltage at room temperature which is 0.6V and
At room temperature, Vbe is 0.6V, which implies at 85oC, Vbe will be equal to 0.484V.
Based on this voltage, RT1 and RT2 can be determined by using equation 29 when Vref is
Fig. 50 shows the output signal of the circuit across temperature. The signal goes low as
the temperature approaches 85oC. This signal is fed into the decision block of the pulse
Figure 50 Output signal of temperature sense circuit.
External temperature sense ensures that the battery temperature is within safe operating
limits during charging. A pin is provided so that the user can connect a battery
temperature sense circuitry if needed. This external temperature sense circuitry senses
the ambient temperature, ensuring that any factor that might cause rise in battery
temperature such as internal battery fault or ambient temperature does not cause harm to
the battery. In cases where the battery is exposed to high temperatures, this serves as a
protection scheme to prevent the battery from charging when its electrolyte is too cold to
charge without damage or too hot to safely charge [74]. Thermistors can be used to serve
as external temperature sense circuits. They are temperature sensitive resistors which can
coefficient (NTC). They convert sensed temperatures to voltage signals which can be
used to control the charger, i.e. to turn it off or on depending on battery condition.
95 Overvoltage protection
Overvoltage leads to overcharging which can lead to reduced life cycle of batteries.
Overcharging can also lead to thermal runaway. Battery thermal runaway is the rapid
which can lead to fire or explosion. Heat generation during overcharge is almost
proportional to charging current [75]. This occurs due to increase in gases produced
during overcharge reactions in the battery [75] – [76]. Therefore, there must be measures
in place to prevent this from happening. In this design, the overvoltage protection circuit
serves two purposes, i.e. battery charge termination and overvoltage protection. Most
pulse charger designs use timers to terminate charge [59] – [61]. One problem with this
is that if the timers are not correctly programmed, overcharging can occur which can
accelerate the failure rate of the battery. To prevent this, battery charge termination and
overcharge are incorporated in the overvoltage protection block. Fig. 51 presents the
conceptual idea.
Vbatt sense
block Charge termination
VIN charge
The comparator, OV, shown in Fig. 52 will monitor the output voltage of the battery and
once the threshold is reached, sends a signal to M1 to shut it off. Signals are also sent to
unneeded comparators and circuits to shut off in order to reduce power consumption.
Li-ion battery
ROV2 Vref
The overvoltage threshold is set by resistors ROV1 and ROV2 by using equation 30. Based
on the specifications of OlevinPower 3.3V Li-ion single cell battery, the overvoltage
( )
A detailed block diagram of the designed pulse charger with the relevant pins is shown
in Fig. 53. The use of each pin is shown in table 11. All the charging phases are
combined and simulation results are presented. The pulse charger can be operated as a
M2 OV_set
FC_set FC FC_out
PG_set TC_out
TEMP_ext TP_set
Table 11 Pulse charger pin descriptions and maximum ratings
Fig. 54 shows the configuration of the pulse charger in normal mode. The 3.3V
OlevinPower Li-ion single cell battery specifications are used to set the parameters for
the pulse charger during simulation. The input voltage, overvoltage, fast charge and
trickle charge thresholds are set at 3.6V, 3.3V, 2.8V and 2V respectively. The charge
current is set to 155mA and a clock frequency of 1 KHz is used during simulation. The
Li-ion battery is modeled as a 100mF capacitor in series with a 100mΩ resistance. The
2.67MΩ 6.2KΩ
FC_set FC_out
Fig. 55 shows the charging of the battery going through all the charge phases. When the
battery is less than 2V, it is trickled charged with a current of 11mA. When it reaches
this voltage, point B, the charge current, 155mA, from the current limited wall adapter is
pulsed into it at 0.75D. After, the nominal voltage is reached, 2.8V, the duty cycle
changes to 0.25 to allow increase in battery charge efficiency. It is noticed that fast
charging occurs between point B and C. The user can change the nominal voltage to suit
a fast charge application if needed. Battery charging is terminated when the battery
Fig. 56 shows the relevant signals of the pulse charger during operation. It is seen that up
to point A, the Trickle_EN signal is high. This shows that the battery is in a deeply
discharged state. At point B, FC_out goes high to switch to a lower duty cycle. M1_gate
shows the driving signals which enable the switch to pulse current into the battery. From
point A to B, the pulses are at 0.75D and from point B to C, they are at 0.25D. Charge
termination occurs at point C when the OV signal goes high. This means the battery has
attained full charge. During this whole charging process, the PG signal is high and it is
constantly monitored. This shows that the input voltage is suitable for charging.
To setup the pulse charger to work as a trickle charger the FC_EN pin and TC_out pins
are connected to ground. The CLK pin is connected to VIN. In this configuration, the
fast charge phase is off, which means M1 will not be turned on at any time. To prove the
concept works, the battery was modeled as a 100µF capacitor in series with a 10mΩ
resistor. OV was set to 3V with an input of 3.3V. The trickle current was set at 5mA.
Figure 57 Operation of pulse charger as trickle charger.
In trickle charger operation mode, the signal at M1_gate is equal to VIN, which ensures
M1 is never on. As long as the battery voltage is less than 3V, the charge current is set to
5mA and the battery is charged till it reaches point B. At this point, full charge is
attained, the Trickle_EN goes low to turn off the internal current source, IT. OV goes
Constant current charging can be used for NiMH batteries. This configuration extends
the functionality of the pulse charger to charge another type of battery apart from the Li-
ion. To configure the pulse charger to work as a constant current charger, the
Trickle_EN and FC_out are connected to ground, while the TC_out and CLK pins are
connected to VIN. These connections force the trickle charging phase to be non-
operational and M1 to be always on during charging. To prove the concept works, the
battery is still modeled as a 100µF capacitor in series with a 10mΩ resistor. OV was set
to 3V with an input of 3.3V. The constant current was set at 155mA. Fig. 58 shows the
Fig. 58 shows the relevant signals of the pulse charger when operating as a constant
current charger. M1_gate signal shows that the main switch is on until full charge is
current mode of operation. At point A, the charger senses the battery voltage and begins
charging with a constant current of 155mA which reduces as full charge is approached.
At point B, battery has reached full charge, OV goes high and charging is terminated. It
is noticed that the trickle phase is off during the entire charging process.
For the system to support energy harvesting applications, additional blocks have to be
designed. These blocks are the step down DC-DC converter and a switching network
system. The step down converter serves as a DC supply for the energy harvesting system
(EHS) while the switching system creates a path for the battery to be charged from the
EHS. The switching network system also provides an option for the battery and the
supercapacitor to complement each other in supplying power to the load. These two
blocks together with the pulse charger form the battery charging system. This section
looks at the different types of DC-DC step down converters, the reason why a particular
topology is chosen, a detailed design procedure of the converter and simulation results
showing the operation of the converter. The flow chart detailing the operation of the
switching network system and the transistor level design is discussed. Finally, simulation
results are presented. The EHS is considered to be a black box, providing a certain
output current and voltage, and requiring a certain DC supply voltage. The specifications
Parameter Specification
Supply voltage /current 1.8V/10mAmax
Output voltage/current 3.3V/200µAmax
4.1 Step down DC-DC converter
Energy harvesting systems with no start up circuit need an initial DC supply to kick start
the system [77]. This is because the voltage harvested, by the energy harvesters, is very
small and is not able to power up the CMOS circuits in the system. Hence, an initial DC
voltage is needed to kick start the CMOS circuits into operation. This initial DC supply
is provided by a battery but in most cases, the battery voltage is too high for the
operation of the system and needs to be reduced to a level which can be used by the
EHS. The circuit that performs this step down function is known as a step down DC-DC
converter. Step down DC-DC converters are used in almost any portable electronic
device. They are required because different sub circuits in devices may require different
voltage levels for operation. During circuit operation, the battery voltage is likely to
diminish, hence to allow constant operation of sub circuits during diminishing battery
voltage level, step DC-DC converters provide output voltage regulation, which allows
the supply voltage to remain constant under different load conditions and varying battery
The main types of step down DC-DC converters are linear regulators, switched inductor
and switched capacitor converters [78]. Linear regulators, e.g. low-dropout (LDO)
regulator, are very popular due to its simplicity and low cost. However, they are
inefficient because the power transistor, Tp, used to drop the input voltage, Vin, to the
required level, Vo, is always on and at high load currents, heat dissipation is high and
hence, power consumption goes up. The LDO is shown in Fig. 59.
Vref _ Ts
Tp C
Buck converter
Switched inductor converters, such as buck converters, offer high efficiency at increased
cost and complexity. Increased cost is due to additional external components, i.e.
inductors and capacitors, which take up board space, and complexity due to the control
loop needed to achieve good output voltage regulation. The main switch, Ts, is not
always on, but switching constantly depending on output voltage levels to ensure
Switched capacitor converters combine the benefits of linear regulators and switched
capacitor converter consists of a series of switch networks and capacitors, which can be
connected in different configurations, to obtain different output voltages from one input
Table 13 shows the comparison between the different step down converters in terms of
area and power. For the purposes of in this thesis, a switched capacitor converter is
For smaller board space due to few external components, lower power consumption due
to the switching action of the converter and low current application, the switched
capacitor converter is chosen over the other step down DC-DC converters. It combines
the benefits of the switched inductor converter and the linear regulator, making it an
ideal choice for the step down function in this project. There are also no magnetic
The switched capacitor converter can be designed to have different gain configurations
[79] – [80]. Based on the supply voltage specification for the energy harvesting system,
the switched capacitor circuit should be able to step the battery voltage down from 3V or
3.3V to 1.8V. To do this, the converter makes use of two flying capacitors, C1 and C2,
which is used to store and transfer energy to the output capacitor, C out. By detecting the
output voltage, the control loop in Fig 60 is able to generate pulses at Ø1 and Ø2 to
Ø1 Ø2 Control
C1 Cout
Ø2 Ø1
In Fig.61, at the end of Ø2, the flying capacitors, C1 and C2, are connected in series
together, and in parallel with Cout. During Ø1, they are connected in parallel, and in
series with Cout. These series-parallel configurations are made possible by the control
loop which controls the different clock phases, i.e. Ø1 and Ø2.
Vo Vo
Vbatt C1 Cout Cp Cout
At Ø1
C1 Cout Cs Cout
C2 At Ø2
nT nT+T/2 nT+T
The analysis of this switched capacitor converter based on charge conservation [78] is
At the end of Ø2, i.e. time nT, capacitors Cs and Cout have the following charge
𝑛 𝑛
𝑛 𝑛
(𝑛 ) (𝑛 )
(𝑛 ) ( (𝑛 ))
The theory of the law of charge conservation states if two capacitors are connected
together, the total charge on the parallel combination is equal to the sum of the original
charge on the capacitors [81]. Based on this theory, using equations 31 to 34,
(𝑛 ) (𝑛 ) 𝑛 𝑛
(𝑛 ) ( (𝑛 )) 𝑛 𝑛
(𝑛 ) 𝑛
(𝑛 ) 𝑛
(𝑛 ) 𝑛
𝑛 (𝑛 ) (𝑛 ) 𝑛
𝑛 𝑛
( ) ( )
If ( )
and 𝑛 ( )
, then
𝑛 𝑛 𝑛
At nT+2T,
𝑛 𝑛 𝑛
𝑛 𝑛( 𝑛 𝑛 ) 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛
At nT+3T,
𝑛 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛
𝑛 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛 𝑛
𝑛 ( ) 𝑛 𝑛
where 𝑛 ( )
Hence as ,
𝑛 ( )
( )
( )
( ( ) )
Then, if
This efficiency is maximized when the battery is at 2.7V for an output voltage of 1.8V.
If the battery voltage is more than 2.7V, the efficiency of the converter reduces and the
output voltage is obtained with an error. For the purposes in this thesis, the battery
nominal voltage cannot exceed 3V and hence at that voltage, the converter can output a
Fig. 62 shows the transistor level implementation of the switched capacitor converter
with a gain of 2/3. There are two 1µF flying capacitors and seven switches, five of which
are PMOS and the other two, NMOS. During Ø1, P1, P2, P4 and P5 are on and N1, N2
and P3 are off. The vice versa occurs during Ø2. This switching action of these
combinations of switches, which are driven by control signals, Ø1 and Ø2, produce an
Ø1 Ø2
P1 P3
Cout Rs1
Vbatt C1 +
P4 Rs2 Vref Clock
Both the NMOS and PMOS switches are designed to have low on resistance (ron) in
order to reduce voltage drop and improve efficiency during operation. Equation 45
| |
( )
Ø1 and Ø2 are generated by the control loop, which consists of an output voltage
comparator and a resistor feedback network. The resistors detect the voltage level of the
output and the comparator outputs a high or low logic signal depending on whether the
detected output voltage is less than or equal to 1.8V. The output of the comparator is
combined with a clock signal using a NOR gate to produce a signal to control the non-
To determine the values of the resistors, Rs1 and Rs2, the following equation is used,
( )
If Vo is 1.8V,
Fig. 63 shows the operation of the switched capacitor circuit at no load conditions.
It is seen from Fig. 63, that with a clock frequency of 1MHz, the control signal to the
non-overlapping clock generator is continuously pulsing until the output reaches 1.8V
for a battery voltage of 3V at no load conditions. Cout gradually charges during this
Fig. 64 shows the variation of the output voltage with load current. As load current
increases, the converter’s output voltage drops, indicating that it is able to source a load
current less than 30mA. Since the application is for low load currents, this does not pose
a problem because the output voltage remains constant when operating under the
Fig. 65 shows the variation of the output voltage of the converter under varying battery
voltage. As voltage decreases, the output voltage also decreases. The converter’s output
voltage will remain stable as long as the battery voltage is above 2.7V.
The efficiency of the converter is shown in Fig. 66. As load current increases, the
converter’s efficiency starts decreasing. This is because the converter cannot support the
current demand, i.e. above 20mA, and the output voltage drops, causing efficiency to
also decrease.
Efficiency vs load current
Efficiency (%)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Load Current(mA)
The current sourcing capability of the EHS is not enough to meet the power
requirements of the pulse charger. The specifications of the EHS, shown in table 12,
indicate that, it can provide a maximum of 200µA at the output. The pulse charger needs
at least 1mA to operate. To prevent reduced efficiency, the switching network system is
designed to bypass the pulse charger and enable battery charging directly from an EHS.
It also has the option to enable the supercapacitor, being charged by the EHS, to deliver
short term peak current to a load when needed without affecting the battery, thereby
enabling both the battery and supercapacitor to complement each other. This block
ensures that the EHS and the pulse charger operate independently from each other and
load whenever needed and at the same time sustain long term load power demand. The
supercapacitor is the main power supply to the load while the battery serves as a backup.
When AC/DC input or USB is not available, the battery can be charged from the EHS
and when the supercapacitor is not able to support the load, the battery can provide
power to the load. This switching network being part of the battery charging system
provides options to make the system adaptable to load and input power conditions.
The switching network will only be connected to the battery when AC/DC input or USB
is not available. When the block determines that these inputs are not available, the EHS
is connected to battery to charge it but it they are available, the EHS is connected to the
or battery to be connected to the load. The flow chart summarizing the operation of the
EHS present
Yes Yes
Vsc>OV Vbatt<OV
EHS charge
No Supply load
EHS charge
The conceptual block diagram of the switching network is presented in Fig. 68. The
Voltage detector
EHS charge
consumption since the battery serves as its supply voltage. This is to ensure minimal
current drain from the battery to the comparator. The comparator is clocked at a
frequency of 1MHz.
Static latch
serves as a memory to hold the values for a whole clock period. The static latch also
serves as an interface to convert the analog signals into digital ones since connecting the
analog outputs directly can cause the system to be unstable [82]. The regenerative latch
(MN5, MN6, MP3, MP4 and MN7) amplifies the analog signals to full rails while the
preamplifier stage (MN1, MN2, MP1 and MP2) amplifies the input signal to improve the
The differential pair transistors, MN1 and MN2, are sized for minimum noise, mismatch
reduction and moderate gain. To reduce parasitics, the transistors sizes used for the
regenerative latch are kept minimum. The gain, Avp, for the preamplifier stage and that
To size the pre-amplifier based on low average power consumption, if=1 is chosen and
( )
𝐿 √ 𝑖
The dimensions of the transistors used in the comparator are presented in table 14.
Table 14 Clocked comparator transistor dimensions
Transistor W/L(µm)
MN1 (4/2)*2
MN2 (4/2)*2
MN3 (4/2)*4
MN4 (4/2)*4
MN5 (4/0.4)*1
MN6 (4/0.4)*1
MN7 (4/0.4)*1
MP1 (4/2)*6
MP2 (4/2)*6
MP3 (4/0.4)*1
MP4 (4/0.4)*1
Fig. 70 shows the output of the clocked comparator. As the signal crosses the reference
voltage, the output logic switches between one and zero depending on whether the signal
The switching network block enables switching between input charging source and the
two storage elements depending on input source availability and load conditions. The
Vref -
C +
A + Rb1
Super Rsc1 B batt
Cap -
Rsc2 Rb2
+ -
From Fig. 71, switch A is turned on, when the supercapacitor voltage is below a set
threshold, e.g. 3V, to allow the supercapacitor to be charged. When the battery is not
fully charged, but the supercapacitor is, switch C turns on to allow the battery to be
charged from the EHS. This depends on whether the AC/DC input is available or not
(PG input), if it is not available, charging from the EHS will proceed or vice versa.
Signal B serves to connect the supercapacitor or battery to the load based on which
storage element is ideal for the particular application. The comparators are included to
prevent overcharging of the battery and the supercapacitor. Sizing of the switches are
If ron<1Ω, then gds < 1Ω-1. Therefore, for a Vin=3.3V and gds<10Ω-1,
( )
To determine the values of the resistors, Rsc1, Rsc2, Rb1 and Rb2, the following equation is
( )
If Vbatt,sc is 3V,
It should be noted that the EHS operates independently of the pulse charger as long as
Fig. 72 shows the operation of the switching network system when the pulse charger is
off. The priority of the EHS is to charge the supercapacitor to 3V. During this period,
switch A (SW_A) is on and all other switches are off. When the supercapacitor is fully
charged and the system detects that the battery voltage is below the overvoltage
threshold, the EHS proceeds to charge the battery, turning on switch C (SW_C). Once
the supercapacitor voltage falls below 3V, the EHS goes back to charging it. This is seen
by observing the switching action of switch A. The system is designed in such a way that
none of the switches are on at the same time to isolate each power source to provide
This section seeks to provide results from the designed IC operating under real life
conditions. The IC was designed using the IBM 0.18µm process with the area of the die
being 4mm2. It was packaged using an open cavity 8mm by 8mm Quad Flat No-Lead
(QFN). The experimental results of the proposed pulse charger indicating proof of
concept, the step down DC-DC converter and the switching network system are
presented. Comparison of previous works versus the proposed pulse charger in this
networK Pulse charger
Fig. 74 shows the instruments used in the testing and measurement of the proposed
looks like.
Voltage source
Signal generator
battery charging
Since pulse charging is applicable to NiMH, Li-ion and Lead acid batteries. To prove the
proposed pulse charger works in normal mode, it is used to charge a 2500mAh NiMH
battery. A current limited input voltage source of 3.3V/300mA is used as the source. A
clock signal of 1KHz is used. The schematic of the test bench used to verify the
120KΩ 6.2KΩ 2500mAh NiMH
FC_set FC_out
CLK oscilloscope
PG_set TC_out
Trickle_set 67KΩ
TEMP_ext TP_set
Fig. 76 shows the charging of the 2500mAh NiMH battery using the proposed pulse
charger with the above setup. It took about 85 minutes to attain a nominal voltage of
Pulse charging a NiMH
battery voltage (V)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
charge time (min)
Figure 76 Test result verifying operation of proposed pulse charger in normal mode.
To verify that the pulse charger can be reconfigured to operate as a trickle charger, it was
used to charge a 3V Panasonic Li-ion coin cell. It can be observed from Fig. 77 that,
operating in trickle charge mode takes a very long time for the battery to attain full
capacity. In this case, the Li-ion coin cell took about 400 minutes to attain a maximum
Trickle charging
battery voltage (V)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Figure 77 Trickle mode charging of Li-ion cell using reconfigured pulse charger.
The pulse charger is reconfigured to operate as a constant current charger and used to
charge a 2000mAh NiMH rechargeable battery to its nominal voltage of 2.5V when the
constant current was set to 300mA, which is about 15% of the required full charge
current. It is noticed from Fig. 78 that to charge to the nominal voltage of 2.5V, it took
about 220 minutes. More current could have been used to charge the NiMH but with
maximum constraints on the allowable charge current to prevent damage to the IC, the
Constant current charging
battery voltage (V)
0 50 100 150 200 250
charge time (min)
The schematic of the test bench used to verify operation of the switched capacitor
converter is shown in Fig. 79. The converter is tested for output variation during input
voltage variation and efficiency. The resistors, 50KΩ and 100KΩ, are what sets the
output voltage to 1.8V. The values can be changed to obtain a different output. The
output and flying capacitors are set to 1µF. A 1MHz clock signal is used.
+ 50KΩ 1µF
- Out_set
C1+ 100KΩ
1µF capacitors are used for the flying capacitors and output capacitors. The smaller the
output capacitance, the larger the output voltage ripples, as seen in Fig. 80. Increased
Figure 80 Control signal for clock phases and output voltage ripple of converter.
Figure 81 Converter's output with a 3V input and increased output capacitance.
Output voltage
0.5 Experimental
2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3
Battery voltage
Fig. 82 shows the variation of the output voltage as input voltage varies. Experimental
results are very similar to simulated results. Fig. 83 shows the efficiency of the
converter. As load current increases, the efficiency decreases, but since the converter is
for low current application, it operation will be about 90% efficient at an input voltage of
Efficiency (%)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Load current (mA)
To test the operation of the switches in the switch network system, a schematic of the
test bench used is shown in Fig. 84. The maximum voltages of the battery and
supercapacitor (SC) are to 3V. This is done by setting the resistances to 150KΩ and
100KΩ. A current limited input voltage source of 3.3V/200µA is used to characterize the
EHS. The supercapacitor is set to 10µF while the battery is emulated using a 300µF
capacitor. SW_A is the switch between the EHS input and supercapacitor, SW_B is the
switch between the supercapacitor and battery, which only turns on when there is a load
present, and SW_C is the switch between the EHS input and battery.
EHS input
3.3V/200µA -
SC_connect 100KΩ
150KΩ 10µF
Control signals to switching newtork
Switch C
Switch A
3.5 Switch B
Control signals (V)
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Time (sec) x 10
Figure 85 Operation of switching network for supercapacitor and battery < 3V.
Fig. 85 shows the operating signals to the switches during operation of the switching
network system. The EHS is charges the supercapacitor intermittently, each time to 3V
and switches to charge the battery (SW_C) until it attains a voltage of 3V. After this
happens, the EHS is connected constantly to the supercapacitor (SW_A). The signals to
the switches are slewed, mainly because of the large input capacitances of the switches.
Signal B is high mainly because there is no load attached to the system. Fig. 86 presents
Figure 86 Operating signals of switching network system.
The proposed charging system in this thesis varies in comparison with previous works
[56] - [60]. In [56] - [58] in table 15, a pre-charge phase is not indicated in the design.
This is because an assumption was made that the battery will not go into a pre-charge
state. [59] - [60] have a pre-charge phase but it is not user programmable. In the
proposed charging system designed in this thesis, this phase can be programmed by an
external resistor to provide a maximum current of 20mA. Options to charge the battery
from a USB network, wall adapter or an EHS provides flexibility, compared to the other
previous works which can charge a battery from either a wall adapter or USB.
Table 15 Comparison of proposed charger with previous works
User No No No No Yes
Also, [56] - [58] were implemented using software or discrete electronic components
and pulses voltage into the battery. This work is implemented on silicon and pulses
charge current into the battery similar to what is in [59] - [60]. With [56] - [58] charging
a 4.2V battery, a supply voltage of 5V was used. In this work, the maximum battery
voltage is 3.3V and hence, the input voltage range is limited to a maximum 3.6V to
prevent oxide damage. Also, in all the previous works listed above, the modulation types
are all predefined and the system designed for a Li-ion battery. The user does not have
control over it to change charge profile while in this work, the user has control of all
thresholds and the control of the charging algorithm. The system designed in this thesis,
as compared to the previous work is completely versatile. It has been verified that it can
charger to serves as an overnight charger and possible for a battery to be charged via an
The design of a user programmable battery charging system has been presented in this
thesis. The performance of this charging system has been verified through simulation
and further proved through experimental results. The concept of the pulse charger
step down DC-DC converter can provide a stable output voltage for low current
applications, at voltages above the nominal battery voltage, with high efficiency values.
The switching network system further increases the number of applications in which the
charging system can be used, by proving the concept that a battery can be charged via an
In summary, this proposed charging system could easily be used in many applications,
ensuring low cost and convenience. Not purchasing different types of chargers for
different applications can reduce cost and ensure that, at any time and place, a battery
could be charged using a wall outlet, USB or an energy harvesting system depending on
which one is available. This provides convenience for users. Further research on this
charging system should focus on making the pulse charger adaptable to various
should also be looked at. More emphasis should be placed on expanding the application
of the switching network system to account for battery undervoltage and varying load
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