Low-Power Viterbi Decoder Design For TCM Decoders

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Viterbi Algorithm (VA) decoders are very popular. They are currently used in about one
billion Cell phones. This is probably one of the largest numbers in any application. However, the
largest current consumer of VA processor cycles is probably digital video broadcasting. A recent
estimate at Qualcomm is that approximately 1015 bits per second are now being decoded by the
VA in digital TV sets around the world, every second of every day.


General solutions for Power reduction in VDs could be achieved by reducing the number of
states (for example, reduced-state sequence decoding (RSSD) M-algorithm and T-algorithm) or
by over-scaling the supply voltage. RSSD is in general not as efficient as the M-algorithm and T-
algorithm is more commonly used than M-algorithm in practical applications, because the M-
algorithm requires a sorting process in a feedback loop while T-algorithm only searches for the
optimal path metric (PM), that is, the minimum value or the maximum value of all PMs. T-
algorithm has been shown to be very efficient in reducing the power consumption. However,
searching for the optimal PM in the feedback loop still reduces the decoding speed. To overcome
this drawback, two variations of the T -algorithm have been proposed: the relaxed adaptive VD,
which suggests using an estimated optimal PM, instead of finding the real one each cycle and the
limited-search parallel state VD based on scarce state transition (SST).

The main aim of the viterbi decoder is to reduce the power consumption without
degrading the performance. For the purpose of the low power consumption, We propose a pre-
computation architecture incorporated with T-algorithm for VD, which can effectively reduce the
power consumption without degrading the decoding speed much.



 BMU: branch metrics (BMs) are calculated in the BM unit (BMU) the received symbols.
In a TCM decoder this module is replaced by transition metrics unit (TMU), which is
more complex than the BMU.

 ACSU: BMs are fed into the ACSU that recursively computes the path metrics (PMs)
and outputs decision bits for each possible state transition.

 SMU: The decision bits are stored in and retrieved from the survivor-path memory unit
(SMU) in order to decode the source bits along the final survivor path.

 PMU: The PMs of the current iteration are stored in the PM unit (PMU). T-algorithm
requires extra computation in the ACSU loop for calculating the optimal PM

 The full-trellis VD, the VD with the 2-step pre-computation architecture and one with the
conventional T-algorithm are modeled with Verilog HDL code.

 This is because the former decoder has a much longer critical path and the synthesis tool
took extra measures to improve the clock speed (e.g., using many standard cells with
larger driving strength, duplicating logic and registers to reduce fan-out and load
capacitance, etc.).

 It is clear that the conventional T-algorithm is not suitable for high-speed applications. If
the target throughput is moderately high, the proposed architecture can operate at a lower
supply voltage, which will lead to quadratic power reduction compared to the
conventional scheme (due to much shorter critical path). Thus I next focus on the power
comparison between the full trellis VD and the proposed scheme.


 I review three most relevant works for low-power Viterbi decoder designs. Seki, Kubota,
Mizoguchi and Kato suggested a scarce state transition (SST) scheme to reduce the
switching activity of a Viterbi decoder. The input is pre-decoded by a simple and hence, a
power efficient decoder. The pre-decoded sequence, which is not optimal under a noisy
channel, is reprocessed by a Viterbi decoder to improve performance. The authors
showed that the pre-decoded sequence reduces the switching activity of the Viterbi
decoder thereby reducing power dissipation.

 Kang and Wilson suggested application of existing low-power design methodologies at

different levels. At the architectural level, they suggested partition of major blocks and
memory modules to reduce the power dissipation. They considered Grey coding for
memory addressing, which incurs less switching compared to binary coding.

 Garrett and Stan suggested low-power architecture of the soft- output Viterbi decoder for
turbo codes. They proposed an orthogonal access memory structure, which enables
parallel access of sequentially received data. Use of such a memory structure reduces the
switching activity for read and write of survivor path information.

 All the above works aim to reduce the switching activities of Viterbi decoders, which is
an effective scheme for power reduction.


 The usage of this Viterbi algorithm is found to be advantageous due to its cost
effectiveness in modulated minimize at the same time the functional performance in
some situation would modulate in maintaining the original cost. Emerging linear
functioning of linear pulse distance is due to convenient source sequence.


 The pre-computation architecture that incorporates T-algorithm efficiently reduces the

power consumption of VDs without reducing the decoding speed appreciably. I have also
analyzed the pre-computation algorithm.

 Algorithm is suitable for TCM systems which always employ high-rate convolutional
codes. Finally, I presented a design case. Both the ACSU and SMU are modified to
correctly decode the signal. ASIC synthesis and power estimation results

1. J. He, Z. Wang and H. Liu, “An efficient 4-D 8PSK TCM decoder architecture”, IEEE
Trans. VLSI Syst., vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 808-817, May 2010.

2. J. He, H. Liu, Z. Wang, "A fast ACSU architecture for Viterbi decoder using T-
algorithm," in Proc. 43rd IEEE Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers,
pp. 231-235, Nov. 2009.

3. R. A. Abdallah, and N. R. Shanbhag, “Error-resilient low-power Viterbi decoder

architectures,” IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., vol. 57, No. 12, pp. 4906-4917, Dec. 2009.

4. J. Jin, and C.-Y. Tsui, “Low-power limited-search parallel state Viterbi decoder
implementation based on scarece state transition,” IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst., vol. 15, no.
10, pp.1172-1176, Oct. 2007.

5. F. Sun and T. Zhang, “Low power state-parallel relaxed adaptive Viterbi decoder design
and implementation,” in Proc. IEEE ISCAS, pp. 4811-4814, May, 2006.

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