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Design and Optimization of a Low DC Offset in Implanted System for ENG Recording Based on Velocity Selectivity
An Implementation of hardware systems using VSR has been
presented in [15], this system implemented in Austria
Microsystems 0.8 m process . Fig.2 shows that the general
structure of the system which is consists from two parts, the
first part called the electrode unit (EU) which is a mixed
analogue/digital signal acquisition system. The second part
connected with first part by wires which is called the
monitoring unit (MU), both of them are fabricated in 0.8 m
CMOS. Finally, the MU provides the wireless data to
external signal processor.
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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-8, August 2015
that lies at the heart of this investigation requires easy
flexibility of design suggesting the use of FPGA.
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Design and Optimization of a Low DC Offset in Implanted System for ENG Recording Based on Velocity Selectivity
small (ineffective) value of DC offset within the range of a data samples should be supplied in a serial processing;
10 bit signed number (Fig .7 (c)). The DC offset remover will therefore the parallel processing could be transformed to
satisfy our goal of optimizing the memory size for each serial processing necessary.
channel to 6 bits for our application. Clearly, the benefit may
be more or less for applications.
Serial processing DC offset remover could be easy
implemented with multiplexer and subtraction; the serial
implementation needs only one multiplexer and one
subtraction to implement 10-bit serial DC offset removal
circuit for our application.
This technique demonstrates the strategy of signal
processing techniques which could be used effectively in a
practical application, it demonstrates possibly to create a
high-performance circuit that is able to combine samples
directly from ADC using low complexity hardware.
Moreover, the results show how the DC offset value can
affected hardware size. The DC offset remover requires a 10
bits subtraction and multiplexer and even the smallest FPGA
(Field-programmable gate array) can support more than 10
channels. The size of memories required to store the sample
values could easily be supported by block RAMs
(Random-Access Memory) on board the FPGA.
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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS)
ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-2, Issue-8, August 2015
board. Indeed, the flexibility of the FPGA allowed
reconfiguring and generating multi- prototype
implementations designs using only one FPGA board. This
advantage of choosing FPGA for implementation target is
saving the efforts, time and cost during prototype design.
Also, generation multi- prototypes for both approaches
provide a wide selection options to have fair comparison
among these implementation methods without needing to
Fig.10. DSP Unit without DC offset removal redesign the system each time because it is easy to upload
them and running at any time. In fact, this FPGA future
cannot be easy offer with alternative technologies.
Moreover, the cost itself is very reasonable and efficient for
producing a prototype task.
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Design and Optimization of a Low DC Offset in Implanted System for ENG Recording Based on Velocity Selectivity
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