Final Exam Coverage 10-18-2019 PDF
Final Exam Coverage 10-18-2019 PDF
Final Exam Coverage 10-18-2019 PDF
G. Warranties
Title 7, Sec. 67-76, PD 612 as amended by RA 10607; De Leon, pages 221-237
1. Definition
2. Distinguished from representations
3. Kinds of warranty – Sec. 67
4. Time to which warranty relates – Sec. 68
(a) Past, present or future
(b) Affirmative or promissory
5. Language – Sec. 69
6. Where express warranty contained – Sec. 70
7. Express warranty – Sec. 71
8. Warranty of facts or omissions – Sec. 72
9. When breach of warranty does not avoid policy- Sec. 73
10. Effect of violation of material warranty – Sec. 74
11. Immaterial provision in policy – Sec. 75
12. Breach of warranty without fraud – Sec. 76
13. Conditions; distinguished from warranties
14. Exceptions; distinguished from warranties and conditions
15. Effect warranties, conditions and exceptions
See: American Home Insurance v. Tantuco Enterprises, 366 SCRA 740 (2011)
Ang Giok v. Springfield Fire & Mutual Insurance, 56 Phil. 375 (1931)
Qua Chee Gan v. Law Union and Rock Insurance, 98 Phil 85 (1955)
Pioneer Insurance v. Yap, 61 SCRA 426 (1974)
Prudential Guarantee v. Trans Asia Shipping, 491 SCRA 411 (2006)
H. Premium
Title 8, Sec. 77-84, PD 612 as amended by RA 10607; De Leon, pages 238-276
I. Loss
Title 9, Sec. 85-89, PD 612 as amended by RA 10607, De Leon, pages 277-297
1. Claim defined
2. Loss defined; scope of loss; see also Art. 1189, Civil Code
3. Transfer of claim after loss occurs – Section 85, IC
4. Liability of insurer for loss – Section 86, IC
- Proximate cause; extent of loss; burden of proof; proximate cause
5. Extension of the principle of proximate cause – Section 87, IC
6. Where proximate cause is an excepted peril – Section 88, IC
7. Liability of insurer for loss due to willful act; due to negligence– Section 89, IC
November 3, 2019
K. Double insurance
Title 11, Sec. 95-96, PD 612 as amended by RA 10607, De Leon, pages 298-305
1. Double insurance defined – Sec. 93, IC
- Requisites, distinguished from over-insurance; binding effect of stipulation against;
purpose of prohibition
2. Payment of claim where there is over-insurance by double insurance – Sec. 94, IC
See: Sta. Ana v. Commercial Union Assurance, 55 Phil. 329 (1930)
Union Manufacturing v. Phi’ Guaranty, 47 SCRA 271 (1972)
Pioneer Insurance v. Yap, 61 SCRA 426 (1974
Geagonia v. Court of Appeals, 241 SCRA 152 (1995)
Pacific Banking Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 168 SCRA 1 (1968)
L. Reinsurance
Title 12, Sections 97-100, PD 612 as amended by RA 10607; De Leon, pages 306-316
A. Marine Insurance
Title 1, Sec. 101-168, PD 612 as amended by RA 10607; De Leon, 317-391
B. Fire insurance
Title 2, Sections 169-175, PD 612 as amended by RA 10607, IC; De Leon, pages 392 – 405
See: Philippine Home Assurance v. Court of Appeals, 257 SCRA 468 (1996)
Bachrach v. British American Assurance, 17 Phil. 35 (1910)
Tan Chuco v. Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance, 14 Phil. 346 (1909)
Malayan Insurance v. Cruz-Arnaldo, 154 SCRA 672 (1987)
C. Casualty Insurance
Title 3, Sec. 176, PD 612 as amended by RA 10607; De Leon, pp. 406 – 420
1. Definition
2. Two general divisions of casualty insurance
3. Liability insurance
a) Definition
b) Insurable liability
c) Insurrable interest in liability insurance
d) When payable
e) When does injured party have the right to sue the insurer directly?
f) Basis and extent of insurer’s liability
g) Accident and health insurance
Review: Guingon v. Del Monte, 20 SCRA 1043 (1967)
De la Cruz v. Capital Insurance, 17 SCRA 559 (1966)
Pan Malayan v. Court of Appeals, 184 SCRA 54 (1990)
Sun Insurance v. Court of Appeals, 211 SCRA 554 (1990)
Biagtan v. Insular Life, 144 SCRA 58 (1972)
Calanoc v. Court of Appeals, 98 Phil. 79 (1955)
Phil Am Care Health Systems v. Court of Appeals, 379 SCRA 356 (2002)
D. Suretyship
Title 4, Sections 177-180; De Leon, pp. 421 – 431
See: Philippine Pryce Assurance v. Court of Appeals, 230 SCRA 164 (1994)
AFP General Insurance v. Molina, 556 SCRA 630 (2008)
Reparations Com. v. Universal Deep Sea Fishing 83 SCRA 764 (1978)
Arranz v. Manila Fidelity, 101 Phil. 272 (1957)
Capital Insurance v. Ronquillo Trading, 123 SCRA 526 (1983)
E. Life Insurance
Title 5, Sections 181-186, PD No. 612 as amended by RA No. 10607
1. Definition; nature
a) Sec. 181; Sec. 182
b) Parties involved
c) Distinguished from fire and marine (property) insurance
d) Kinds: ordinary life; term; endowment;
e) Scope
f) Annuity
2 Liability of insurer in case of suicide – Sec. 183
3 Right of insured to assign life insurance policy – Sec. 184
4 Measure of indemnity – Sec. 186
5 Other provisions pertinent to life insurance
a) Grace period for payment of premium – Sec. 227(a)
b) Cash surrender value – Sec. 227(f),(g),(h)
c) Reinstatement – Sec. 227(j)
d) Industrial life insurance – Sec. 229; Sec. 230
F. Microinsurance
Title 6, Sections 187-188, PD No. 612 as amended by RA No. 10607
1. Definition; nature – Sec. 187
2. Engagement in Microinsurance – Sec. 188
FINAL EXAM – November 24, 2019