Reed City Pantry Gives Out Turkeys This Year: Friday

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V voice


LY Evart | Reed City | Hersey | Sears | Chase Thursday, November 21, 2019


Nedra Ball
(right) and her
husband David
Ball (left) pose
with one of the
110 turkeys
FURNITURE handed out on
MATTRESS Tuesday, Nov.
19 outside the
Reed City Food

friday Reed City pantry gives out


100 turkeys this year

By Victoria Martin and 70 turkeys, this is the most the pantry has chase turkeys.
Weekly Voice ever given out, Ball said. “I am really proud of the local businesses

Also new this year, was the early signup for this year,” she said. “They fed a lot of families
EED CITY — To help make the holi-
days a little easier for families in the
turkeys as a way to gauge just how many tur-
keys may be needed, Ball said.
this Thanksgiving.”
Ball said she was excited to help more fami-
STOREWIDE Reed City, Chase and Hersey areas, “In the past, it has been strictly a first-come- lies this year with the turkeys as she has no-
the Reed City food pantry gave away first-serve thing. The list was really for me,” ticed an increase in visits to the pantry.

100 turkeys on Tuesday. she said. “This is my first year running it and “This helps families,” she said. “We have

% With a trailer donated by the Crossroads

Theater Guile, food pantry Director Nedra
Ball handed out turkeys from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
I wanted to see how many people were inter-
ested in getting a turkey. With that informa-
tion, I could figure out just how much needed
been extremely busy at the food pantry these
last few months. There seems to be a grow-
ing need in the area. We will have full shelves
OFF on Tuesday, Nov. 19.
Though 86 of the 100 turkeys were claimed
to be budgeted.”
In the past, the food pantry has had to pay
when we get food from Feeding America and
then by Wednesday, the shelves are almost
FOR prior to the event on Tuesday, the remainder for the turkeys but this year, Ball asked lo- empty.”
50 MONTHS* *
purchases withyour
were available on a first-come-first-serve ba-
sis. Another 10 turkeys were also donated to
cal businesses for a little help. She said she
never expected to get such a heartwarming
With receiving a 12- to 15-pound turkey, Ball
said she hopes that could feed a family for at
On purchases
On with with
your ArtArt
Art VanVan
Van Signature
Signature CardCard
November 15-20, 2019.5050 equal monthly
made November
22-24, 2019.
page forfor
the food pantry the same day as the giveaway. response. least a few days.
“Someone had brought them to the church “I expected to go out and get maybe $500,” “A turkey that size could feed a family for

and asked who might need them, and they said Ball. “I went around and asked for maybe a while. The turkey will be more than just a
were directed to us,” said Ball. “The more tur- $50 per business and many of them gave so meal of two for many of our clients,” she said.
231-306-1120 keys we have, the more families we can feed much more than that. We more than doubled With some turkeys left over, the pantry will

this Thanksgiving.” the money raised, thanks to them.” be continuing to give them away on a first
Though the food pantry gives out turkeys In total, thanks to local Reed City business- come first serve basis on Tuesday, Nov. 19
every year, last year it gave away between 60 es, the pantry was able to raise $1,200 to pur- from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Former astronaut followed his dream to space

By Victoria Martin the Japanese lab up to the Inter- VICTORIA MARTIN |
Weekly Voice national Space Station. He would Weekly Voice
go up again in 2011 as part of the After speak-
REED CITY — Gregory John- team to finish the space station ing about
son is in a pretty exclusive club. and take the ship Endeavor on his career
Johnson, a former astronaut its last trip to space. with NASA
with NASA, visited the Reed When asked what the best as an astro-
City Area District Library to talk part about being in space, John- naut and
about his experience in the space son said seeing the earth was answering
program. “breath taking.” questions,
“You know, there are people “Getting to see the earth not Gregory
like Neil Armstrong and then once, but twice from space was Johnson took
there is me,” he said. “But it is probably the most beautiful a few min-
pretty cool to be in the same club thing I have ever seen,” he said. utes to meet
as him.” “It’s a view that you only see in with some of
Johnson said he wanted to be pictures. And getting to say I the almost
an astronaut from an early age, have seen in it person is really 100 people
after he saw Neil Armstrong kind of cool.” who came to
walk on the moon. On his second flight up to the the Reed City
“It was July 20, 1969,” he said. space station, Johnson said he Area District
“My grandparents woke me got to see Michigan from space Library on
and my siblings up to watch the and his home of Traverse City. Friday, Nov.
lunar landing. (...) I remember “I waited two flights to see 15.
saying ‘Wow, I would love to be that,” he said. “I remember be-
an astronaut one day.’” ing very emotional when I saw
Johnson joined the Air Force Michigan and Traverse City
and became a pilot, a skill that from space.” back when you say that.” Almost 100 people gathered thing like this.”
would later lead him to follow Though he never knew for sure The lesson Johnson aims to inside the library to listen to and Johnson was originally sched-
his childhood dream of becom- where his life would take him, teach the younger generation of meet Johnson on Friday, Nov. 15. uled to visit the library over the
ing an astronaut. Johnson said that the biggest Michigan is that they can do any- “This is the most people we summer as part of the library’s
Pursuing his dream of going to factor in becoming an astronaut thing they want as long as they have ever had inside the library summer reading program, “A
space, Johnson joined NASA’s as- was not limiting himself. never have a “cannot attitude.” at one time,” library Director Universe of Stories,” but was un-
tronaut corps in 1998 but would “One thing I did not do was say “We have so much talent here Tom Burnosky said. “I greatly able to visit due to a scheduling
not take his first trip to space for that I could not do something,” in Michigan,” he said. “It is so underestimated just how many conflict, Burnisky said.
another 10 years. Johnson said. “Because you only important to show (the younger people would be interested in But, with family in the Tra-
In 2008 Johnson had the privi- limit yourself when you deter- generation) that they can do coming, but I wouldn’t say that verse City area, Johnson asked
lege of being the pilot of the mine you cannot do something. whatever they set their minds is a bad thing. It is good to see so if he could still present while he
team taking the first portion of You’re only holding yourself to.” many people interested in some- was in the area.

Mark Moore named Osceola County Undersheriff

REED CITY — Osceola Coun- After a few years with the sher- undersheriff, Moore said he is he feels he is in good hands with
ty’s sheriff has selected his un- iff ’s office, Moore was given the both nervous and excited to be the sheriff.
dersheriff. opportunity in 1999 to be a K9 serving the community in this “Once I learn more, I know I
Ed Williams, who was named handler with the department. He new role. will be fine,” he said. “And with
Sheriff in September, announced was promoted to sergeant in 2004. “I am nervous with the change,” Sheriff Williams taking the time
Monday that he selected Osceola Williams wrote that the county he said, “but I am excited to start to teach me everything I need
County K9 Officer Sgt. Mark “is in good hands,” with Moore’s this new part of my career and to know, he comes with a lot of
Moore as his new undersheriff. 27 years in law enforcement. serve the community in a differ- knowledge, it eases a lot of my
Since graduating from Ferris “Long story short, I went to ent role. (...) I am just trying to fear.”
State University with a Bachelor’s everyone in the department and wrap my head around going from While serving as undersheriff,
in criminal justice, Moore served asked who they thought would be what I have been doing with the Moore will still be seen every now COURTESY PHOTO - OSCEOLA COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE
for three years at the Evart Police good for the job,” Williams said. dogs and being out in the field to and again with his K9 partner Osceola County Sheriff Ed Williams
Department before being hired “And, they all said Mark. So, re- being in the office more.” Chase until Chase retires in an- has officially selected County K9
at the Osceola County Sheriff ’s ally the department chose him.” But, even though nervous to other five or so years, Williams Officer Sgt. Mark Moore to be the new
Office. In starting his new position as start this new chapter, Moore said said. Osceola County Undersheriff.
2 • weekly voice | Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ringing in the season

PHOTO Courtesy of the Reed City Chamber of Commerce

Santa and Mrs. Claus will be visiting Reed City this year for the annual Evergreen Festival Friday, Nov.
29 and Saturday, Nov. 30.

Evergreen Festival is looking

Mike Dunn | Weekly Voice
’Tis the season for sleigh bells and Santa and Christmas carols and giving thanks and gift-giving
and good will toward others. Lisa, one of the smiling bell ringers for the Salvation Army of Big
to light up the holidays
Rapids, which raises money through donations each Christmas season to help families from By Victoria Martinstart of the holiday season. After the tree
Osceola and surrounding counties, was at her station at the entry way of Foster’s Super Market Cadillac News lighting, kids will be able to take their pic-
in Evart over the weekend. All donations are greatly appreciated, as always. tures with Santa and Mrs. Claus and sip
REED CITY — With the holiday season on some hot cocoa and have a few Christ-
just around the corner, Reed City will mas cookies.
once again be hosting the annual Ever- This year, Santa and Mrs. Claus will be
green Festival. portrayed by Michael and Linda Howe.
This year, Reed City will kick off the The couple will be taking over for Jim
celebration with a new lighted parade and Rosalee Donley who have portrayed

Weekly Voice down Upton Street at 7 p.m. on Friday, the famous Christmas duo for the last 10
Nov. 29. years.
During the parade, the parade will not The holiday fun will continue on Sat-
be the only thing lit up, the downtown urday, Nov. 30 with more pictures with
November 21, 2019 • Volume 13, Issue 31 businesses have also been asked to par- Santa at the Depot from 1 to 3 p.m. and
ticipate in spreading the Christmas cheer, cookie decorating.
The Weekly Voice retains the publication rights to all content produced or supplied by the Weekly Voice. Use of said Reed City Chamber of Commerce Direc- As Santa visits Downtown Reed City,
material without the written consent of the Weekly Voice is prohibited. Contents copyrighted; all rights reserved. tor Kim O’Neil said. even more will be going on at Reed City
130 North Mitchell St. P.O. Box 640 Cadillac, MI, 49601-0640 “This year we will be asking busi- High School with the annual craft show.
nesses to decorate their storefronts with The craft show will take place both Fri-
The Weekly Voice is published You can also submit Newsroom: 1-888-330-4144 a Christmas theme,” she said. “When day and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
weekly and covers Chase, information online to people are watching the parade, we want But whether people come out to see San-
Evart, Hersey and Reed City. Advertising representative: to really feel like Christmas time.” ta and the parade or get a little Christmas
Linda Ziska As the parade heads down Upton, it will shopping done, O’Neil said it is all about
We accept submissions of Publisher: Chris Huckle 231-779-4155 or 231-920- lead parade-goers down to the Reed City getting people downtown and getting in
photos, articles and opinion 9486 Depot, where even more Christmas fes- the spirit of Christmas.
at community@weeklyvoice. Classified representative: tivities will take place. “This brings families together across
net or mailed to Weekly Editor: Matt Seward Contact us at (888) 330-4144 Once at the Depot, there will be a tree generations,” she said. “It is a good time
Voice, P.O. Box 640, Cadillac, customerservice@ lighting ceremony to officially mark the for anyone involved.”
MI., 49601.

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Thursday, November 21, 2019 | weekly voice • 3


Spectrum Health offers door. Call 231-465-4775 to Wednesday from 7 to 9 p.m. could benefit from a no- noon Contact Ken at 231-620-
free fall classes make a reservation. The
theatre is located at 249
every month. cost, pain-free vascular
• Friday night: Regular 2504
Bring your instrument, Bingo (weather permit- MARION— Marion Food
REED CITY — Spectrum West Upton. your voice, your dancing Screenings will be in ting). Doors open at 4 p.m. Pantry, 112 N. Clark St.,
Health Reed City Hospital shoes or just your ears and person with an ultrasound Early Birds start at 6 p.m. open 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. the
is sponsoring fall sessions join in the free fun. the jam machine and a certified (License No.A22502) third Wednesday of each
of their Helping the Whole
Christmas Bazaar sessions are located at 207 vascular sonographer. For further information, month or by appointment
You series. BIG RAPIDS — A Christ- N. Main St. Evart. Advance appointments are contact Carolyn at 231-832- Call 231-743-6092
Dealing with Dementia mas Bazaar will be held For more information, required for the screenings 2676. TUSTIN— Augustana
will be the November ses- December 7 and 8 at St. call 231-734-9900. and can be scheduled by Lutheran Church
sion November 21. Denise Mary Parish Center in Big calling 616-391-VASC. Every Monday, 9 a.m. to
Tinkham, a social worker Rapids.
Better Breathers Club noon, for Pine River school
from Reed City Hospital’s The event will be held 9
REDEEM Groups meet forms district residents only
rehabilitation and nursing a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, and weekly Wexford-Osceola BIG RAPIDS — Spec- Contact Katie at 231-768-
center will discuss types 8:30 to 11 a.m. Sunday. A
EVART — Healing is Habitat for Humanity trum Health Big Rapids 4418
of dementia, early signs of lunch will be served 11 a.m.
available through Christ- meeting Hospital is hosting a free LEROY — Rose Lake
dementia and offer tips on to 2 p.m. on Saturday, the
centered, life-transforming support group for people Free Methodist Church
caring for someone with the Knight of Columbus
REDEEM Groups. These REED CITY — The who live with lung disease. Second Tuesday of the
dementia. will be serving a pancake
groups are for anyone Osceola County Commit- The meetings are 2 p.m. month from 3-5 p.m. for all
Space is limited and breakfast Sunday. desiring to deal with life’s tee of the Wexford-Osceola on the third Monday of Osceola County residents
those interested can reg- Items for purchase in-
hurts, habits or hangups Habitat for Humanity each month in the hospi- Contact Vicky at 231-388-
ister at http://spectrum- clude gift baskets, hand-
of any kind (anger, addic- needs your help. The com- tal’s third-floor classroom. 1782 or call made crafts, raffle tickets,
tions, abuse, fear, code- mittee meets every third Caregivers, as well as lung REED CITY— St. Phillip
231-592-4204. jewlry, fresh wreaths and
pendency, etc). The groups Wednesday of the month at disease patients, are wel- Neri Church
centerpieces, baked goods
are guided, conversation- 4 p.m. at the Lake-Osceola come. Every Tuesday from 10
and books. Everyone is
oriented, step-groups State Bank, 217 S. Chestnut The classes will be led a.m. to 5 p.m.
Free Thanksgiving welcome. which use the materials Ave., in Reed City. by Melinda Hutson, a re- Contact Nedra Ball at
dinner and approach of Celebrate We are always look- spiratory therapist in the 231-215-6996.
REED CITY — A 14th an-
nual Thanksgiving dinner
Volunteer tax prepares Recovery .
A group for women and
ing for board members,
volunteers and helpful
cardiac and pulmonary
rehabilitation department,
will be held on November needed a group for men will start suggestions — everyone is and Cassie Tower, lead re-
AARP meeting
28 at the Church of the EVART — Volunteers are at Crossroads Commu- welcome. No appointment spiratory therapist in the REED CITY— AARP No.
First Born, 310 South Hig- needed to learn tax prepa- nity Church of Evart each necessary. For more infor- cardiopulmonary depart- 2418 meets on the second
bee, Reed City, from noon ration to aid seniors and Tuesday at 7 p.m. mation, call 231-775-7561. ment for Big Rapids and Wednesday of every month
until 2 p.m. low-income families that Please send a confiden- Reed City Hospitals. at the United Methodist
All are welcome, this is a will be start on Mondays tial message to Pastor Paul For more information or Church in Reed City.
free traditional Thanksgiv- and Wednesdays in Febru- at (231) 515-2102 for more
Free dinner to register, call 231-592-4204. Potluck lunch (bring
ing dinner. ary through April 15 at the information or to indicate at Reed City church own table service) will
Council on Aging in Evart your interest. A $20 set of REED CITY— There start at noon followed by a
study booklets must be
TOPS weight loss
Best Christmas Pageant on an appointment basis.
The program is sponsored purchased by each partici-
will be a free dinner every
Monday from 5 to 7 p.m. at meeting
program starting at 1 p.m.
Everyone welcome.
Ever by AARP. pant. the Church of the First- REED CITY— TOPS For more information,
REED CITY — The Reed Two weeks of school- born Revival Center, 310 S. weight loss meetings, Reed contact Marylou at 231-832-
City CrossRoads Theatre ing and computers are Higbee. City, Chapter 1682, Monday 4938.
will present “The Best provided. If interested in
Free vascular screenings Donations accepted but weigh-in at 5:30 p.m. and
Christmas Pageant Ever.” volunteering, please call available not necessary. meeting from 6 to 7 p.m. at
Shepherd’s Table
Performances will be 7 231-734-5999. REED CITY — Spectrum St. Paul Lutheran Church.
p.m. Friday, December 6; Health Big Rapids and REED CITY— Church of
2 and 7 p.m. Saturday, De- Reed City Hospitals are
T.O.P.S. meets on the Nazarene, Shepherd’s
cember 7; and 2 p.m. Sun-
Jam sessions offering appointments for Thursdays Al-Anon meeting Table makes a free meal ev-
day, December 8. EVART — Osceola free vascular screenings EVART — T.O.P.S. Weight REED CITY— Al-Anon ery Thursday at 5:30 p.m.,
The show by Barbara League of Arts and Hu- on the fourth Monday of Loss Group meets every meetings will be held on 5300 220th Ave. Donations
Robinson will feature spe- manities (OLAH) holds every month. Thursday at 8:20 a.m. at Mondays at 1 p.m. at St. welcome.
cial arrangements from a jam session the second Individuals must meet Evart United Methodist Philips Church in Reed
Samuel French, Inc. Wednesday from 2:30 two of the following risk Church. City and Tuesdays at 7
Tickets are $10 at the to 5 p.m. and the fourth factors in order to partici- Weigh-in is from 8:30 to p.m., also at the church.
Volunteers needed
pate in the screenings: 9:15 a.m., and the meeting • EVART— Thursdays for Road to Recovery
• 60 years of age or older begins at 9:30 p.m. at 7 p.m. at Sacred Heart REED CITY— Road to
• Diabetes Church in Evart. Recovery is an American
• History of smoking Cancer Society volunteer-
• High cholesterol
Activities at the Reed based program that pro-
• High blood pressure City Senior Center Fish fry at Evart Moose vides transportation for
• Immediate family his- REED CITY— The Se- cancer patients to and
tory of Aortic Aneurysm nior Center, 219 Todd Ave., EVART— A fish fry or from their treatments.
• Immediate family his- has the following activi- shrimp dinner will be held Volunteer drivers trans-
tory of arterial disease ties: on Fridays from 5 to 8 p.m. port patients from their

before age 60 • Wednesday: Fun Bingo at the Evart Moose Lodge, home to cancer treatment
If you have two or more (18 and older) at 12:30 p.m. 8400 U.S. 10 in Evart. centers, doctor visits and
of these conditions, you • Thursday: Euchre at For more information, other cancer-related ap-
SHOPPING? call 231-734-6181. pointments.
The American Cancer
Check Out Society is working with
Bingo at Evart Moose
Polar Seal Vinyl Windows
for Your Home! Add EVART— Evart Moose
Spectrum Health Reed City
Hospital, Susan P. Wheat-

• Energy Efficient • Maintenance Free • Easily Cleaned Lodge will host Bingo each lake Regional Cancer
• FINANCING AVAILABLE • Monday at 8400 U.S. 10. Center to recruit volunteer
“Your Full Service Glass Shop”

Doors open at 4 p.m. Early drivers and coordinators
bird takes place at 6 p.m. from Osceola and its sur-

800-922-GLAS • 231-779-3960 Located next to Arby’s • Cadillac with regular Bingo at 6:30 rounding counties to help
p.m. (License No. A21600). drive cancer patients to
and from their treatment.
All volunteers’ need is a
Free blood pressure
IS YOUR clinics
few hours during the week
and a desire to make a dif-
READY TO to the EVART— Osceola Coun-
ty Commission on Aging
Local community mem-
INTERNET? conversation. is offering free blood pres-
sure clinics for adults 60
years and older. Monthly
blood pressure screenings
bers who are interested
in volunteering for the
Road to Recovery program
should contact the Ameri-
Call: Kevin D. Mist Send your local
Digital Marketing Specialist will be conducted at the can Cancer Society at 1-800-
stories, news, events,
231-779-4127 OCCOA meal sites in Ev- 227-2345.
F R E E C O N S U LTAT I O N and pictures in to art, Marion and Tustin.
Evart’s clinic will be held
the Weekly Voice. on the second Tuesday ev-
Free community dinner
The FREE weekly ery month, 10 a.m. to noon. SEARS— Free commu-
The Evart meal site is lo- nity dinner will be held ev-
paper for Evart, cated at 732 West Seventh ery Saturday night at 5:45
Reed City, Hersey, St. (U.S. 10). p.m. in Brooks Corners

Mugs &
Sears & Chase. Marion and Tustin’s clin- Hall with a contemporary
ics will be held on the third worship at 6:30 p.m. Invite
CN Promotional Products Drinkware
Tuesday each month, 10 a friend.
can supply any customized
promotional items! All available
& Signs
We want to publish YOUR voice! a.m. to noon. The Marion
meal site is at 101 E. Main
with your unique branding. St. The Tustin meal site is
Health specialty clinic
If You Can Think It, We Can Make It!
& Totes
Email: at 213 South Neilson. REED CITY— Urolo-
Cadillac News - Weekly Voice Walk-in clinics. If you gist, John Anema, M.D.
Find A Better Price?
Call Us. We’ll Beat It! 231.779.4143 wish to eat at the meal site, will be offering outpatient
130 N. Mitchell St., call 231-734-5559 at least services at the hospital’s
PO Box 640, Cadillac, MI 49601 a day before to reserve a Specialty Clinic twice a
spot. month.
CALL LINDA He will be consulting
Or call: 1-231-775-6564
AT 231.779.4155 DIRECT Food pantries with patients on the second
Toll Free: 1-888-330-4144 Friday of the month and
OR 231.920.9486 CELL *All material is due Friday at 5PM a week before publication. A food pantry is available performing outpatient sur-
TO ADVERTISE IN THE VOICE to residents in need who gery and other procedures,
live in Osceola County. The including lithotripsy on
following is a list of the dif- the fourth Friday.
ferent locations, hours and The clinic is located at
contact people. 300 N. Patterson Road. Con-
SEARS— Former Orient tact Spectrum Health Reed
Township Hall, next to the City Hospital Specialty
Post Office Clinic at 231-832-7108 for
Your Town. Your PaPer. Your Voice. Every Tuesday, 1 to 4 p.m. more information.
4 • weekly voice | Thursday, November 21, 2019

Obituary Thanksgiving fun facts

Herbert J. Maddern Compiled by Mike Dunn pany had so much extra accounts that there was since there were no forks
It was actually Christo- turkey — 260 tons worth — plenty of other scrump- available. The Wampanoag
EVART — Herbert J. pher Columbus who was that a salesman told them tious food prepared for the Indians had taught the pil-
Madder n of Evart responsible for giving tur- they should package it onto three-day feast, including grims how to cultivate the
passed away Tuesday, keys their name. Probably aluminum trays with other some fine New England land and were invited in ap-
November 19, 2019 at even the contestants on sides like sweet potatoes ... lobster. preciation of their friendli-
Spectrum Health Big Jeopardy would be gobbled and the first frozen TV din- Those who didn’t care ness. Chief Massasoit and
Rapids Hospital. He up that little fun fact. ner was born. for eating lobster weren’t the 90 men with him did
was 87. Yes, Columbus mistak- The convenience of fro- shortchanged, though. not come to the banquet
Mr. Madder n was enly thought these turkeys, zen TV dinners caught on Chicken, rabbit, venison, empty-handed; they killed
born March 23, 1932 in which were indigenous to very quickly with consum- cod, bass, squash, beans, five deer and added that to
Evart To w n s h i p, this continent but were not ers across the country and barley, chestnuts, hickory the feast.
Osceola County, Michi- found in Europe, were rela- spread internationally nuts, onions, leeks, dried Here are some other
gan, to Herbert Edwin tives of the peacock. Why? within a few short years. fruits, maple syrup and interesting Thanksgiving
and Alvina Katherine Because Columbus origi- Hopefully the Swanson honey, radishes, cabbage, facts:
(Rensman) nally thought he landed in salesman received a gener- carrots, eggs, and goat • The consumption of
Maddern. ana (Greg) Blanchard India and he knew that pea- ous bonus from his em- cheese were also part of turkey has been blamed for
He graduat- of Evart, Brian Elder cocks were in abundance ployer. the fare. Wild turkey did in- the annual “Thanksgiving
ed from Ev- of Evart, Darrell (Lori) there. He figured the turkey While it’s uncertain if habit the area but histori- nap” that mysteriously
art High Elder of Evart; his was a member of the pea- turkey was part of the first ans are divided on whether overtakes folks on the
School in ste p-g randchildren, cock family, which makes Thanksgiving celebration, the fowl made it to the table afternoon of the fourth
1950 and was Beth, Nikki, Lorrie, Ka- sense. the popular fowl has be- in 1621 or not. Thursday in November.
a U.S. Navy tie, Daniel, Levi, Sier- So he named them come standard fare for the We do know that the first But, scientists pour water
veteran of ra, C.J., Casey, Kelsey, “tuka,” which is “peacock” annual holiday celebration. Thanksgiving feast was on that assertion. Scien-
the Korean and many step-great in the Tamil language of In the U.S., about 280 mil- organized by Governor tists say that extra glass
War. Herb served as a and step-great-great- India. But, by the way, tur- lion turkeys are sold each William Bradford to thank of wine, the high-calorie
police officer for the g randchildren; his keys are not related to pea- year for Thanksgiving. The God for His bountiful pro- meal or relaxing after a
City of Lansing. He three sisters, Jean Orr cocks. They are actually a average size of the bird is visions. The exact date is busy work schedule is what
married Donna L. (Te- of Jupiter, Florida, type of pheasant. That’s an- 15 pounds with about 70 not known, though it took makes folks drowsy after
bo) Elder at the Sears Mary Miller of Ovid, other factoid that may give percent white meat and 30 place sometime between the Thanksgiving meal.
Church of God on Octo- and Evelyn Moncion of the Jeopardy contestants a percent dark meat. Sept. 21 and Nov. 9, most • President Lincoln is-
ber 12, 1968 and she pre- Evart. fowl time. Turkey today is as much likely in early October. The sued a Thanksgiving Proc-
ceded him in death De- He was preceded in Here’s another piece of a part of Thanksgiving as date of Thanksgiving was lamation on Oct. 3, 1863
cember 23, 2017. Herb death by his parents; trivia revolving around Detroit Lions’ football and probably set by President and officially set aside the
owned and operated his wife, Donna; his the Thanksgiving holiday drum sticks. Even if the Lincoln to correlate with last Thursday of Novem-
Maddern’s Bakery in brother, Ray Maddern in our country that prob- pilgrims and their Native the anchoring of the May- ber as the national day for
Evart, he farmed, more and his wife, Pat; and ably not many people know American guests did not flower at Cape Cod on Nov. Thanksgiving. In the 1940s,
or less his entire life, brothers-in-law, Rich- about: Thanksgiving gave partake of turkey at the 21, 1620. Congress passed a law set-
was a long haul truck- ard Orr, Ronald Miller, birth to the TV dinner. first Thanksgiving meal in Everyone ate with ting the fourth Thursday
er, which he enjoyed Nor m Maney, and It happened like this. In 1621 in Plymouth, Mass., spoons, knives and their of the month as the official
thoroughly, and drove Hank Moncion. 1953, the Swanson Com- we know from historical fingers at the first feast, Thanksgiving date.
bus for the MOISD. He Funeral services hon-
served as Evart Town- oring the life of Her-
ship Supervisor and bert J. Maddern are 1
Assessor for many p.m. Friday, November
years and was a mem- 22, at the Corey Funer-
ber of the South Evart al Home in Evart with
Free Methodist Pastor Mike Dunn and
Church. Herb enjoyed Beth Dake officiating.
vegetable gardening, Visitation is 5 to 8 p.m.
quilting and Caribbean Thursday, November
cruises. 21. Mr. Maddern will be
Herb is survived by laid to rest next to his
his son, Donald (Kathy) wife in Forest Hill Cem-
Maddern of Evart; two etery, Evart, Michigan.
grandsons, Dylan and Memorial contribu-
Dominic Maddern of tions may be directed
Evart; his stepchil- to the South Evart Free
dren, Charlene Ban- Methodist Church or
croft of Reed City, Di- Spectrum Hospice.

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a part of your day.

subsCribe today! 231-775-6565

email, or


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Thursday, November 21, 2019 | weekly voice • 5

Student Athlete
Of the Week
Meet Kaylee Ladd
Evart High School, senior
Sport(s) and positions you play:
Volleyball: Libero
Basketball: Guard and Shooting
What is your pre-game ritual?
A nice nap Subway with Livi and
some good music.
What is your fondest memory partici-
pating in sports in high school?
When my 4X100 team placed first at
the Cadillac News meet.
What’s your favorite class and why?
My favorite class is weight training
because Mrs. Van Buren and I laugh the
whole time together.
What is your favorite pre-game meal?
Subway and a Powerade
What advice would you give younger
students starting out in sports?
It won’t ever get easier if you don’t
push yourself, so always work hard be-
cause, in the end, it will pay off.
Who is your role model and why?
My role model is Gabby Douglas, one
of the best gymnasts in the world. She
has taught me that people can come
from nothing and prove the whole world MIke Dunn | Weekly Voice
wrong if you stay true to yourself and The Evart boys basketball team under the direction of varsity coach Kris Morgan and new JV coach
work hard for what you want to be My plans after high school are to go to Bryan Koopman, and the Wildcat girls varsity team under the guidance of new coach Matt Tiedt and
yours. college and become a surgical tech or a his staff take part in lively practice sessions on Tuesday in the gym. Drills included plenty of running
What are your plans after high school? radiation therapist. and a focus on fundamentals.

Evart Police Department kidnapped because he
owed them money. Officers
• Officers were dis-
patched to assist the Osceo-
online, who friends with
her and then got access
to take a report from a
woman who was claiming
bor’s house.
Saturday, 11/16
Weekly Report responded to the brother’s la County Sheriff ’s Depart- to her bank account. The to have her keys and wallet • Officers were requested
November 11, 2019 to No- address and found that he ment on a possible domes- woman closed all her bank taken. She was intoxicated to perform a well-being
vember 17, 2019 was home. The 29-year-old tic in progress. accounts involved and and the responding officers check on a young man who
• 11-12-2019 Property male stated that he lost his Wednesday, 11/13 blocked any calls from the determined the wallet was was making suicidal com-
Damage Accident — Of- phone the night before and • Officers were requested man. in fact at her house and the ments on social media. He
ficers were called to a car/ didn’t know who would be to assist Evart Police De- • Officers were dispatched keys were left at a neigh- was found to be okay.
deer accident. No injuries using it. partment in regards to
were reported. Monday, 11/11 the larceny of credit cards
• 11-12-2019 Assault — Of- • Officers received a re- where the cards were used
ficers were dispatched to port of road rage from a in Reed City. The officer
an assault complaint. The near accident due to slip- made contact and arrange-
complaint was investigated pery roads, and during an ments for video evidence to
and two subjects were ar- apology attempt one driver be turned over to Evart PD.
rested for assault. threw a punch. The matter Thursday, 11/14
• 11-13-2019 Check Well has been turned over to the • Officers observed a resi-
Being — Officers were Lake County Sheriff ’s De- dence in violation of the
called to check the well- partment where the inci- trash ordinance. Contact
being of a subject. The sub- dent occurred. will be made with the out-
ject was found to be secure • Officers were dis- of-town owner, and they
and denied any additional patched to a verbal dispute will be served a notice.

Sharing Our
services. between a mother and teen- • Officers received a re-
• 11-13-2019 Civil — Of- age daughter. The officer port of a stolen wallet. Up-
ficers were dispatched to calmed the situation and on investigation, the wallet
noise complaint. It was de- referred the matter to the was found to have been left

Best Wishes at
termined to be a civil dis- juvenile’s probation officer. in a friend’s car. It was re-
pute between two subjects. • Officers issued to abate- turned to the owner.
• 11-13-2019 Fraud — Of- ment notices to a couple Friday, 11/15
ficers were called to inves- of residents regarding the • Officers took a report

tigate a credit card fraud. city trash and garbage or- from a woman who stated
The case remains open at dinance. Both situations her bank recommended
this time. were taken care of within a she file a report regard-
• 11-14-2019 Check Well few hours. ing suspicious fraudulent
Being — Officers were dis- Tuesday, 11/12 activity. She met the man We hope your Thanksgiving is filled with fun,
patched to a well-being
check. The subject was friendship, laughter, faith and all of the warmth and

taken to the hospital for a tradition that make it so memorable. May happiness
court-ordered evaluation.
• 11-14-2019 Property surround you on this special day and all season!
Damage Accident — Of- Get ready with this
ficers were dispatched to IS COMING. Special Holiday Publication. Abundant thanks to the neighbors, friends, customers and associates
a one-vehicle accident in-
volving a utility pole. The who have helped make our year so successful and enjoyable. We

vehicle was towed and no value your support,and we wish you all a very happy holiday.
injuries were reported.
The utility company was
informed of the damaged.

• 11-14-2019 Dog at Large
— While on patrol, officers
discovered a dog at large.
The dog was returned to its
your guide to shopping local this
Reed City Police holiday season. Only in the Cadillac News.

Department Weekly FRIdAy, NOveMbeR 22

Report 1

November 10, 2019 to No-

vember 16, 2019
If you see any suspicious
activity, call 911. For a non- W is h e s G r a n te d ! 2019

ay season.
emergency, call 832-3255. shopping local this holid
Your guide to

In Observance
Email tips to policereedc-
The Reed City Police De-
partment would like to re-
mind citizens that the City
Ordinance prohibits over-
of Thanksgiving,
The Cadillac News will be closing at
lt Shop
l Creations Qui
02 • Cardina
night parking on all city 03 • L & J Mea
t Market
Hea rth Quilting
04 • Nor ther
streets from November 15 05 • Friends
06 • Mäske
3PM on Wednesday, November 27th
to April 1 for snow remov- 07 • McBain
Auto Service

08 • Bostick’s
09 • Serendip
& Closed Thursday, November 28th.
Lo Out lets
10 • Hi
Sunday, 11/10 11 • The Swe
et Shop
r’s Closet
12 • Your Siste
• Officers received a 13 • The Ultim
ate Gift
14 • Saturn Gem
well-being request from 15 • The This
16 • Willow
tle Patch
Mer cantile The next edition of the Cadillac News
a woman stating she re-
ceived a Facebook message
will publish Friday, November 29th.
from her brother’s Mes-
senger App. The message
ONly IN THe CAdIllAC NewS.
Our news line is open 24 hours a day at 231-775-NEWS(6397).
stated that he had been
6 • weekly voice | Thursday, November 21, 2019

voice classifieds
DeaDlines: 5:00 PM on FRiDaY
Private Party Classifieds are ads placed by an individual, Small buSinESS
where there is no ongoing commercial or business interest.
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linES vOicE Only cOmbO * linES vOicE Only cOmbO* FAX: (231) 775-8790
8 Lines $8.75 $12.90 *Includes one insertion in Cadillac News/ one insertion in 10 Lines $13.40 $20.00 E-mAils:
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Weekly Voice
130 N. Mitchell St PO Box 640 Cadillac MI 49601 MON-FRI: 8AM-5:30PM | SAT:8-10AM (by email only)

Autos For Sale General Help Wanted Merchandise Under $300 Merchandise Under $300
15ft lighted Christmas tree. $75. Innertherm propane mobile fur-
Call Sharon at (231)667-5000. nace, $300. Call (231)878-2471.

1985 Subaru GL station wagon, J.C. Higgins 12ga auto, ribbed

General Help Wanted for parts. $150. Call (231)378- barrel, ply choke, good condition.
Lost & Found
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LOST: Quiver for crossbow, with Drywall Finisher Wanted 1986 Subaru GL station wagon. Lawn & party gazebo, steel
(3) arrows, lost in area of 220th 2016 Chevrolet Cruze Premi- NMCAA Houghton
Two years experience. $150. Call (231)378-4242. frame, with white canopy, 9ft
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(231)510-5780, leave message. mileage and lots of options. 41 weeks a year, full time ex- 1994 Ford Escort wagon, four Call (231)349-5104.
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Freebies for 78 months at 3.99% on ap- velopment. Supervisory exper- 20# LP Cylinder, w/gas included.
proved credit. Call Dale Eis- ience; build relationships us- $20 or best offer. Call (231)743- Small cream separator. $225.
FREE: (14) Cute little black ing at classic Chevrolet 231- ing a strength based ap- 6124. Call (231)378-4242.
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ber 4th. For details visit: placeable/sharpenable blades,
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belt adapter, great condition, no 4240, South Cadillac.
FREE: (3) Large vinyl bean
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n i c e r e d p a i n t . $ 2 8 5 . C a l l Vintage Mexican child's blue
Male nursing care attendant/ (231)846-3078. chair, hand painted, good condi-
handyman to care for quadri- tion. $20. Call (231)468-2206.
FREE: Red recliner, two living 8 oz. Keurig coffee maker,
room end tables, and a com- plegic male. No experience
necessary. Will train inter- w/new My K Cup, good condi- Weather Tech floor mats, for a
puter armoire/desk in good con- tion. $30. Call (231)920-7063. 2015 Chevy crew cab truck, front
dition, you haul. Call (231)872- ested individuals looking for
2004 Chevrolet Silverado Ext NMCAA Missaukee and back mats, in great condi-
0987, Reed City. part time and weekend help. All season Goodyear Assur- tion. $125. Call or text (989)335-
Cab, 2500 Diesel, 213k miles, Individuals should be motiv- Child Development
GREAT DEAL AT $9,995 plus ance, set of (4), 235/55R18. 5844.
ated, energetic and depend- Preschool Teacher $125. Call (231)577-1375.
fees. Call Dale Eising at able with reliable transporta- 40 weeks per year, full time
FREE: 9 week old kittens, (1) Classic Chevrolet 231-434- Wooden TV table, gray/brown
Black, (1) calico, we also have tion. If you enjoy working with exempt. Valid Michigan Teach- Aluminum walker, $5 or best of- color, 58”L x 18”W x 22”H, (3)
8222. Stick# 11422B. your hands, having variety in ing Certificate with ZA/ZS, or
adult cats, litter trained. Call fer. Call (231)743-6124. drawers, (3) open compartments,
(231)942-6935. your daily responsibility, and bachelorʼs degree in Child De- like new, $100. Call (231)349-
spending time outdoors this is velopment. Supervisory exper- Barnett cross bow C5 Wild Cat, 5104.
a great job opportunity. Please ience; build relationships us- with soft case, & bolts. $250 firm.
call (231)839-2527 or email: ing a strength based ap- Call (231)779-8698.
Swap or Trade proach with children, families,
for an interview. and coworkers. EOE. $18.09- Bissell Quick Steamer, floor SPECIAL SALES
TRADE: New CSI small block $18.63/hr. Depending on Edu- cleaner, never used. $40. Call
Chevy heads, & rebuilt 325 en- cation Level. Respond Decem- (231)920-7063.
Medical Assistant or LPN
gine, trade for nice car or truck. ber 6th. For details visit:
needed for busy family prac- Child's high back solid wood
Call (231)394-1680. 2014 Chevrolet Silverado
tice in Reed City. 2-3 days per bench, painted yellow, very good
Crew LT, 6.5 box, 78k miles, Legals
week. Send resume to: condition. $25. Call (231)468-
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Eising at Classic Chevrolet
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Craftsman Generator, 4200
watt, not used for ten years.
Sell your stuff in the Merchandise Wanted $75. Call (231)824-3644.
Autos For Sale
Voice Claas littlsse ifias $8.ed50!s* WANTED: 4 wheel drive quad, Fisher Price little people music-
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for must be in good working condi-
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tion, up to $1000. Call (231)825-
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2015 Chevrolet Silverado Merchandise Under $300 pair. $30. Call (231)775-2541.
DBL Cab 4x4 Only 77k miles, specialist today
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Cadillac News

Weekend, december 9-10, 2017
ber 28, 2017

You not only get the big weekend edition of the


Veterans museum
75¢ FREE a history lover’s dream
‘Sheriff Joe’ mulls
run for US Senate
Arctic air
Cadillac News but the Weekly Voice and Cadillac
Manton Veterans Memorial
please take one features photos of over Museum Former
ted. 500 area vets, Arizona lawman
Trusted. Local. www.weeklyvoice.n items dating back to Revolutiona
ry War
would seek seat vacated
by Trump foe Sen. Jeff Flake

settles in
The good
on page C1
Area 3 section

on page
The losses are
a4 Area 2

Cadillac News
Thursday, December starting to add up:

News delivered right to your home every Thursday.

WEEKEND, December 9-10, 2017morE prEpS
28, 2017 • Your commu
nity news from er Reed City, Hersey, Sears & Chase.
ovEvart, fifth
The Pistons lost their
straight game, falling to the
lioNS b3

old ‘days’
SportS briEfS b4
GOOD PEOPLE region defending champion Warriors.
B4 | weekend,
ScorEboard b4

december 9-10, 2017

WITH BAD Bitter cold expe

cted Editor: Marc Vieau | sports@cadillacn | (231) 775-NEWS

Traverse City CentralMissa Sports
ugh connecTed.
CREDIT to linger thro cadillac news | TrusTed. local.

Cadillac girls score win over

Trusted. Local. Connected.
arrival of new $1.50
Committee plan
(3-1) with 11 points while
FINANCING By alexanDer
ukee County board rebounds and six steals
while Area 5
Brown and Molly Anderson

had 15 points,

for return of
CadillaC News games."
the Area 4 the first Hannah Emingtonfive steals. eight points apiece. Makayla
FOR EVERYONE! after three losses to start Cadillac led 12-11 after and
considers new policies for

A hiddtonen
blast Area news
cadillac 1 at half- seven assists Knight added seven.
An Arctic season. quarter and trailed 27-22 points,

McBain Days
CADILLAC — ratures plung
- to- Kallie Poulos had 12 • Cadillac won the freshman
"The girls played together on in the
Manton Vet time before turning it steals.
PUSH - PULL - DRAG has sent tempe in Northern TRAVERSE CITY —
Now, each
night and started trusting Kaye third quarter.
three rebounds and three game 49-39.
ing below
and the bitter
cold that's more like it. other," Cadillac coach
The Vikings outscored
TC Cen- Cadillac (1-3 overall,
1-1 BNC)
on Tuesday.
Emma McTaggart paced
purchasing, bidding
Michigan, a strong while
remain into
the Cadillac put together Johns said. "I am proud
of the lead into hosts Manistee the JV game Vikings with 12 points
is likely to to finish and tral 21-12 to take a 43-34 won Livi Meyer
Cadillac Madi Drabik had 11,
UsHer from start •
By Karen Hopper effort way they played.

new year. 58-47 that the fourth quarter. eight. Rules cover use of
packed with
beat Traverse City Central nine and Chesni Birgy
12 42-22.
CadillaC News of minus "They dug deep and found Makenna Bryant paced
Ca- Vikings and look for good prices
A reading Wexford in a Big North Conference
and win that had Baily Little paced the
eight credit cards by staff, but not expected to

Comeback Comets jewe

degrees at
the night. fire to compete dillac with 22 points,

etting splash es- have
basketball contest Friday couple of

rt on Wedn
$1,000 County Airpowas the result items from been missing the first large purchases a bidding process.

by a firem first win for the Vikings
mid- ing It's the For purchases of $500
hose in the day morn
, calm Tuesd
1700s to today
to $5,000, the depart-
dle of the
can be great er, anyway. The
MINIMUM of a frigid ding to Gay-
night, accor Weather 2
By kaRen hoppeR UsheR
CadillaC News
ment head would have
to approve the pur-
In the summ ned in McBain a
TRADE lord Natio
Service meteo
rologist Jeff Top Scores by chris lamphere LAKE CITY — Missaukee
chase, the money would
game last
couple years
hoses to
firemen used street. The
Payments As Low As Zoltowski. on a north
Cadillac sits plateau of
ern boys Hoops
cadillac neWs 4 County commissioners have to be in the budget,
and employees would

$150 mo.
maNtoN are considering new be
Teams of
gan 57 expected to hold an
t around the standing Lower Michi

TC West
ned, tc WESt ucked into the credit card and pur- in-
push a bucke
water cooled
✔ Bankruptcy and the elevat
ski explai
hills, Zoltow ion can help
mcbaiN Nmc 66
corner of Man-
NMC girls rally to 6 chasing rules. formal bidding process
over phone or email.

ton’s Rotary County employees
nearby. of the perfec ratures plum- 45 For purchases of
so it was kind those tempe tc chriStiaN Memorial Park, have been using their
score a big win over
“It was hot, City Councilman
game,” recall
ed ✔ Foreclosures ed a
g that featur games
met. effect cloud
79 Manton
the Area Veter-
7 own credit cards to
$5,000 to $10,000, a for-
things the county needs mal bidding process
While lake
Rangers to face host
are makin cause rEEd city Museum
variety of
✔ Repossession showers can 72 Memorial
Smith. Rober ts and Smith again.
Mayor Joey something like it, and activi
ties, Smith have and snow
to move in
both NEWaygo
is a hidden jewel of as- online and are then re-
would be required, and
the county administra
told there games, he- the needle
plans to do
McBain Days,
it, or
the city’s summ
er celebra-
ly. OVER 100 CARS
In the said.
intermittent it was been chick
He’s been
and even a
en dinners, contest to catch a CadillaC News
File PHoTo
ntial snow y
is pro- hEritagE chr. sembled
history just
to be enjoyed cadillacbynews
Among the biggest news stories
8 Petoskey in imbursed.
Under a proposed
tor would have to ap-
prove the purchase.

tion, has been

held only
has lived in McBa
licopter rides
was a pan- Days
under a new
could soon return tion has been
little substa
for Wexford Count
bEth havEN
gIrLs Hoops the public.MANTON — Stay calm.
in the dispute over Cadillac of 2017 were, clockwise, from
Junction, the Skatetricity fire, top left, the Green Mill Motel invitational today
CadillaC News file
explosion and fire, the court photos
revised policy, de-
partment heads and For purchases greater
three years
Smith greased pig. he remembers, there McBain summer celebra jected
Some light
snow 58Hanging on the and the opening of the new ruling than $10,000, commis-
name. The city’s ittently. In the three years cadillac
WE CAN HELP! this week.
of Rob- by Fri- defense.
themore Wexford County Jail. approved employees

What was the big story of 2017?

held just once. it back is a key part of his At the one and a parade, he said. t in 1-3 inches tc cENtral 47 the museum
of Extendare cadillac news sioners would need
But bring
ing part cake break
fast ed in recen held only interm Doug Smith has lived g it could bring
with anoth
er 2-3 All will be
than 500 pictures of fine.
vet- would be able to have to
and a big photos archiv ed-pole City Councilmanheld just once. But bringin day, he said, nd. Chris- approve the purchase
for the city he said. Cadillac News tanks and a greas most of whom
Northern live
Michigan —county
The good credit cards
erts’ plan office, Joey 51
tc St. fraNciS erans, PETOSKEY and the
to run for
ille, Tenne
years show
dunk McBain, it was of Smith and Mayor of his over the weeketuRn to pAge A2 21 lived tian within rallied to
a 20-milebeat Manton with credit limits of there would
motivation up in Knoxv Smith the part mcbaiN or news is they won. have to be a formal,
Roberts grew up in McBain. He’s be.
contest. tly named back is a key
for the city and a big part For more,
radius of in a Highland Confer-
48-41 $2,000.
news is
but his wife
grew to
in Days used to,” he
CLASSIC il recen
The city councittee to bring back
“a summer Roberts’ plan run for office, Smith said.
mcbaiN Nmc 48Each photo ence girls a story, contest
The not-so-goodCounty
they've got a lottor to work on Administra-
competitive, sealed
what McBa motivation to
stories of to get back CHEVROLET
head of a
comm Tulio Herani Oliveira 41 former
and Friday museumnight.
Google Maps aerial photo.
opened itsGarland told

A2 maNtoN Still, Mantoncommission Under the current pol-
I’m trying for the ” tuRn to pAge
and host mother Tracie Koopman. CometsWar were down
Cadillac News readers can vote Museum is pictured in this

but a lot
“That’s what ts family moved here celebration. curator and TheKorean 63-57 win ers that
For more, Manton Area Veterans Memorial
The half season with a the icy, the board reviews
Corner of M-55 & M-66 digits in the first
online, on Facebook, Twitter
is a little late

Reed City
said. The
Rober he said.
Rick cHARMoli | Weekly Voice
piNE rivEr 54
veteran Neal Bennett
double over Traversestill Citypurchases
West in would purchases greater than

community, stories in the third

ther woman ly shares connection with Brazil

er celebr Just
South of Lake City 34 but took
them all, control need
of theto be work-
small-town was a summ Evart knows the north but they the opening game $2,000. Garland said
www.classicchevyonline CoURTesY PHoTo what Amer- feet to related..Clerk Jessica
McBain Days .com that “signifyquarter.
is of my had to move to another Petoskey Invitational
Nielsen explained that that doesn’t go far, and
“I am soHe

by born to Lu
proud By Rick chaRmoli

Your Town. Your Paper. Your Voice.

1-800-55-4LESS Ginger rEEd city 46 is all about.”
giving uplocationon because of all of weigh in beginning Saturday While ‘It's always
the invoicing system because the board meets
Mattos, NEWaygo 13
making an audio
girls for not record-
CadillaC News
amassed Dec. , weekend paper. just

‘Christmas’ bafour weeks early on Dec. 26

sto- the backitems 9, through happy once a month,
231 Wednesday, it

of Luther, thegame and clawing
personal on credit cards issued
ing withthe the years. To vote, go to https://
By Ben Glick holds her
in it,” NMC
ries of almost everycoach vet- Jason throughout
017 was aexpansion
museum big year for big
Dec. 27. The following
were chosen by the Cadillac
15 stories
the win,
nice to win
to county employees can be burdensome
things like housing and
Weekly Voice son, Makaio eran forTowersa lasting said. “We just said
legacy. stories, 2014 the dueCadil- would make purchases
was started in and forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc furnace grants.

shortly after Main Events Complimen at halftimeting thisthat the game’s lac News and was
News newsroom as the
you, the debated which staff VP91xAcrU7wU7fb51g
ea0- Rangers your first
more transparen
coach Ry- easier to track. t and The topic received

Makaio Mattos
REED CITY — Tracie to overcrowdi
Koop- his birth on impressive They had
not over. of nine
stories should Li-
means “gift madereader,
possibletoby individ-
decide 7gucSVjo2a-5QpitP9cF an Hiller much discussion during
ew, which man was a high school junior Tuesday. Wrestling:
photos are points from six
a variety of feet behind
which make the list. caQ/ knows game.’ Garland also proposed
sion of Matth she left Reed City and Makaio was Manton Invitation- ) line.ualTakewas
and thegroup donations.
biggest. viewform?c=0&w=1 the commissioners’
tmas baby Brazil landed in items related to the mili-
the (three-point town Once the voting has conclud- or vote his team revising the county’s fi-
inthis the Cadillac News’ Facebookvia
UsHer of God.” al. 9 a.m. With
“People thatin nance committee meet-
By Karen Hopper ered a Chris Sao Paulo, Big Rap- in 1986. the first tary andthose U.S. awayconflictsand it’s a five- mind, readers
gen- ed, the top five stories purchasing
Hiller policy.
Still consid 26 arrival, the will have been theextremely has to do Ryan ing Thursday.
CadillaC News Dec. Recalling
familyit more than 30 baby born at Hockey:
from thepoint game. ry
Revolutiona have opportunity to announced in the Dec.
will be or Twitter accounts. Purchases
manton boys under $500
despite his gave the later, Livonia Franklin at erous,” Bennett said. Area 7 a much would Commissioners are
r woman Auxiliary years aftershe was surprised Big Rapids today. seniors really 30-Jan. 1 See be considered

Subscribe today!
to “The re- full
S — A Luthe ids Hospital baby born Hospital after Cadillac. Noon.
War Bennett said they STory on A8 better job basic basketball coach due to vote Tuesday
BIG RAPID a few hours too late t. The first bytoo. how quickly a remark
of Such itemsstepped up andaled the team finished a 1,500-foot Area 6
include and routine.
during the board’s regu-
son a gift baske will get one, interest to the local rotary Christmas of fromquitcently and rebound- Employees n
birthed her baby . year sack, club woodenback. wheelchairThey never onto the west would be lar monthly meeting.
Christmas the new a sleep into
composure.addition He was also childhood ing,
t contains turned a WWII- ” expected to and

‘Getting your house in order’

to be a true Mattos was born four The baske a blanket, a stuffed an- a plane ticket to 2017. the WWIkept era,their
theof the building will
taking care of the ball
be prudent
On Deck side | 775-News
io way, his Brazil’s mostletpopulated city - era Jeep, a chest used by after
led 14-10 friends with museum (6397)
But Maka clothing, bibs,onesies, while brace Manton Labor Day, they hitting free throws.
ture. In that at Spec- a babyshe
s, a knew a word g officerand was up this 28-14 founders Neil Perry
weeks prema 26 imal, a book, ding to Bill Keran barely a high-rankinfirst quarter holding a special event "It's always nice to win
a.m. on Dec. Portuguese. of ’s NMC beout- and John Robbins, who
birth at 3:19 Big Rapids Hospital and a cap,
accor list at Spec- in George Washington
at halftime before
to invite the public
to this your first game," Hiller
trum Healt
h early and tions specia The transition from a army, vintage
scored the Rangers 19-2 in theit out.
uniforms passed away earlier
r, was both communica small check said. "I think our expecta-
Birth ing Cente
trum Healt
h. town to a larges,
in at 7 pound atcity is daunting
from every third branch
quarter Communities hope to encoura
lead 33-30.
In the meantime, Ben-
“It’s a tough loss for tions are pretty high
late. s, Makaio’s
mom, “Makaio weigh
ed enough,
inchesbutlongto do so in a differ- military, and Manton coach Jon Paul
on said he
ge growthopens the with redevelopment program my team knows it can

Call 231-775-6565
Ginger Matto“Christmas sur- s, and was 20 ent county other priceless
Katona said the loss is
artifacts. nett us,” Bennett said. “John
her 12 ounce releas e stated. , and in a different said many of museum to interested
By Ben Glick
a good friend
wasprogram of better than it did tonight.
called him language
birth,” a | 775-News (6397)was a challenge, she Bennett him. CadillaCduring the week The assesses
him my the readi- and Evart "There were a few times
do-job tovisitors

Your community news

have been get News ness mine. I knew submitted
prise.” ame. remembered. the items “I feel it’s my and Sat- of investment its resolu-
to BehindTheN ver-
Re-covered the on Fridays
or develop- we could have put them
According them over theto playand ment whole life.” tion around the
io is the Hawa
iian Koopman, now an English nated tothe girls ready CADILLAC urdays,
veter- —that the museum is
Area communitie in communitie s based on six City submitted same time. Lake away but let them back
families of to do s best its
com, Maka DNR tells Reed City
bridge needs
teacher at Reed City
years game and are adopting I failed
open from noon
policies to 4
to encour-
p.m. practice criteria that include resolution in it. We've got a lot to work
Tulio Herani Oliveira, an exchange passed away. “I thought News reporter November 2017, and Reed
ans whotonight,” heagesaid. personally keeping CadillaC

Two-day forecast
School, remembered an updated City fi-
to be replaced a mo- his home country. Tulio’s mother, student from Brazil, speaks to a group of students Rick cHARMoli | Weekly Voice
veterans museum
in theand economic makingMardi Suhs
contributed this submitted its resolution on and I think our guys
ment when she was at The we were a growth through of the vet- zoning ordinances easy on Dec. 4. after
Carla Oliveira, was also an at Reed City High School about Man- knew a most nally understand that
dinner statewide to “Our focus for community
pagE 2 with her host family. The exchange student at Reed
City High School. started its secondlife in the
half. sistance program.
erans whose military to
as- followstory.
and building permits (6397) | 775-neWseasy development is on downtown this game."
Darsha Day Daily
Albrecht, 49,
erupted in laughter, but
for its warmness and
Koopman remembere
openness, “But then we got a call
Fading ton Area Historical
seum a couple
“I thought Over
played andjoined
we got
the last
pictures line the
year, cities have
walls. getclamphere@cadillacne
in order to build
ning, building and development
a solid plan- Area 8
revitalizatio n, really encouraging Manton led 16-8 after
didn’t know why — evidently and 30-27 at

aig? Advertise with someone

d Carla be- Carla’s husband. the Redevelopment Ready
hopes: redevelopme quarter
Stats: 0
us first

you know!
c of

UPC of
Cadilla not understanding that ing especially friendly He said she Our youthCommunity got the best foundation for investment and nt in the heartmarc
of Vieau
our | cadillac news
halftime. It was 46-39
Baker, 100, . program, a technical
News MAG: 1.00
a joke was in the hospital and news communities,” Michelle
reinvestment. VanPolen during
Code Type: 3075-Cadillac
1 Elnora “She was one of those the goodinitiative
tonight but Christian's KariPark-
A win at
BWA: 0.0030
Customer: Eunice a had been told and she people was very assistance offered Michigan the fourth quarter.
Order #:
ton, Georgi 1.4690
Symbol Width: 1.0200 couldn’t sick,” Koopman behind by the Many against konen,
Northern manager into
of Carroll i, understand it. that you have an instant said. put this Economic
is the girlsMichigan Wilder drives into the paint
communitie s have decid- the of the Redevelop- the
dowsk0.0000 Ethan Ancick paced
Symbol Height:
Manton's Jaden 48-41.
Tampa Bay is
Lewan connec- Developmen beat ment Rangers
& find out how you can start saving today!
3 a Marie
Up Flexo Width:
tion to, and that was Carla was diagnosed and we’re t ed to take part. The Comets Ready program, said. “It’s
Patrici them already Corporation Conference contest.
Send us your draw
sin with Cadillac and
gan, Wiscon She was unable to commu- not ever go- cancer, , a public-privat e, Highland submitted about getting Rangers with 26 points
rthy staff you
Date Run:
77, of Sheboy on, 83, and she passed away its resolution of intent your house
nicate with her host ing to change,” Koopman in a must if the next week.”
ready fornonprofit organization. to work added ninein rebounds.
14 rebounds while Jayden
we have local, trustwo
said. points and four steals. ... and being open
Noreen A. Robins family for March 2016. Towers also commended with the MEDC in February (2-0 overall, 1-0
to business.”
Carla was from draw? in cen-
the first few months,
you like to a city Madelyn Yount paced NMC Crews work onPerry Salani
nMCS students
Lions hope Abby Brown paced Man-For more,
and site
the future
At the Cadil
BeN GliCk | CadillaC News
of Evart and coping tralDo rk. Not long after that, the his team for taking much Turn Tohosts
pageLake City of the Cadillac
Hey kids! Brazil
Bonus:11 points. Dar-Commons farmers market, which
points and
create the perfect ad.
your artwo
grant helps y poppins’
with the new culture called Koop- Highland) a2 was funded with
Cuiaba, a city in the NMC with 16 ton with 14 points and
five helpscored
each from the
enced extreme homesickneWe wantof
she experi- tonearly to
mans received a call
to make the better care of the ball on Tuesday while Manton
Michigan Economic Development
on to help youTwo-day
ies on A4 mail it residents. from the
had 11 rebounds while steals while Jaden Wilder ius Potter added six points Corporation.

ntary it off orexperience organization that organizes on

See obituar
second half. The Comets FREE* ads too!
lin Eleme
can count (3-2, 0-1) is at Pine River
ss. In
present ‘Mar
calls back home she said DropCarla’s ac, MI,

points, eight
playoffs. Get Deaths

Mitchell, Cadill foreign exchange program. the half Lanser had 12 offer rebounds.

Cameron, 9, she begged her
mirrored had 11 points and eight Weeight

17 turnovers in the first

130 N.
Koopman’s as
for it
she on the
adjusted page A8 forecast rebounds and eight steals. Puffer Thursday .
• Merchandise Under $300
Vol. 146 No.
167 parents to be , and to Carla’s son, Tulio Herani all the details. CodebutType:cutUPCTerri thatAnnto seven in the rebounds. Brianna
Friday 49601 the pace of aofsmall (TenHouten) Desiree Ebels had nine
page the town in a
sent back home.
front Oliveira, wanted to be
-4 Swanson,
Version A

| figure all of that climate new culture a foreign MONDAY Customer: second 59, formerlyStats: 0

Livonia Fran
• Merchandise Wanted
“How do 13you ac the snowy
3075-Cadillac News

5 High Cadillof exchange student at Reed

Order #: P36240-002
of Cadillac
High 14 | Low out?” Northern Michigan City Jenifer
P.O. #: MAG: 1.00
Koopman said. High School, and Koopman
OrderedBy: BWA: 0.0030
300 6
inues — which was totally
CadillaConNews Classified
• Swap or Trade
Symbol Width: 1.4690

Snow, cold cont

Polarity: Positive
11885 00 But the hospitality of new for a was Up
Symbol Height: 1.0200
8 her host person from asked to host him. See obituaries
Date Run: 01/07/2003
A4 Flexo Width: 0.0000 Specialist

skates past Cadillac

family eventually won a country where no Specialist

Cadillac News out and “I said yes of course,”

• Freebies
not long after she felt snow falls. Koop-

Heated win like one of man said.

to Da
the family. When Carla returned
to Bra- In January 2017, Tulio • Lost & Found

Stay Up
zil, Koopman and arrived

beat the
Fully immersed in the
Competition gets heated culture remained close. her family in Reed City, following said.
your classified
chili cookoff
in Evart and language, it wasn’t
before Koopman began
long When Koopman’s parents mother’s footsteps
in his
30 years later. Call Jessica or Jenifer 565 or email
cadillac news
* MustGraham
the game,
be placed online
for the FREE ad.
or but il not only traveled to “It’s a good experience.
specialists today 231.775.6 shots but weren't getting
pagE ne Via8 Text
to adapt also thrive. She Brazil in 1997, they
everything she did. It’s
146 No.cadillacn Send us your drawings! CADILLAC — Cadillac
a lot of second chances,"
to your Pho service@
stayed with Carla.
remembered the excitement
ings“When pretty customerVol.
School Clos
Sabina, dropped a 4-1 decision
Alerts sent
neat,” Tulio said.
felt for the first she they saw her after first grade, St ia Franklin in a
he said. "They were really
Thursday, November 21, 2019 | weekly voice • 7

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